· science new series....


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ABBOT, C. G., Pyrheliometry, 609Acidosis, Catalase in, W. E. BURGE, 347ADAMS, F. D., Chemical Analyses of Igneous Rocks,

H. S. Washington, 368ADA:MS, J., Recording Temperature, 539ADAMS, R., Maniufacture of Organic Chemicals, 225Aeronautics, 37Age and Area Hypothesis. E. F. ANDREWS, 142; J.

C. WILLIS, 626Agricultural, Education and Research, W. H. Jon-

DAN, 125; Instruction, H. NESS, 240Agriculture, French, 232Alaska Fishery and Fur Products, 557ALLEN, E. W., Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Setion M-

Agriculture, 444ALWAY, F. J., "RRawness" of Subsoils, 196American Association for the Advancemient of Sci-

ence, Address of the President, 1, 27; Pitts-burgh Meeting, 48; Addresses of the Vice-presi-dents, Section B, 51; Section D, 75; Section G,101; Section M, 123; Sectioni F, 151; Section I,201; Section E, 323a; Report of the Treasurer,199; of the Permanent Secretary, 200; the Com-nmittee oni Policy, L. 0. HOWARD, 443; Botany,A. F. BLA&KESLEE, 99; Zoology, H. V. NEAL, 247;Agriculture, E. W. ALLEN, 444 ; Geology andGeography, R. T. CHAIMBERLIN, 467, 492; Balti-more Meeting, 482; Engineerilng, A. H. BLAN.CH-ARD, 543; Physics, G. W. STEWART, 569

Anatomy, Comparative, Scott on, E. C. JEFFR{EY,343; Canons of, W. P. THOmPSONx, 517; ofWoody Plants, H. S. CONTARD, E. C. JEFFREY, 316

ANDREWS, E. F., Age and Area Hypothesis, 142Animal Census of Two City Lots, G. N. WOLCOITT

371Anltaretic Ice Cap, K. F. MATHER, 218Ainti-Vivisectionists and the Red Cross, WV. W.KEEN, 175

Antiquity of Man, W. H. HOLMIES, 561Arber, E. A., Mesozoic Floras, E. W. BERRY, 518ARONOVITCH B., and F. H. PIKE, Otic Labyrinthand Attitude of the Head, 519

Artichoke, Jerusalem, L. 0. HOWARD, 344Astigmatism and Coma, C. W. WOODWORTH, 459Astronomical Day, W. S. EICIIELBERGER, 23Atomic Weights, and X-Rays, C. W. KANOLT, 123;

G. L. WENDT, 442Audibility, Areas of, W. J. FIsHER, 417; of Sound,

461Aurora, Borealis, C. W. TOMLINSON; C. M. SMITH,

291; J. STEBBINS, J. E. SMITH, G. H. BRETNALL,314; and Magn1etic Stornm, 359; F. P. WHITMAN,393

Auroral Convergent, L. D. BURLING, 460

B. Coli Index, W. F. WELLS, 46; W. D. CAIRNS,239

B., E. W., Cyrille Grand 'Eury, 62Babcock, E. B., and R. E. Clausen, Genetics and

Agriculture, A. H. STURTEVANT, 641Bacteria, Evolution of, R. E. BUCHANAN) 320; I. J.

KLIGLER, 589BAILEY, C. H., Extracts of Wheat Flour, 645BAILEY, L. H., Indigen and Cultigen, 306BAKER, F. C., Garden Pest, 391BANCROFT, W. D., Nature of Solutions, H. C. Jones,

145Barbour, T., aind L. Stejneger, N. A. Amphibians

anid Reptiles, A. G. RUTIIVEN, 440Barite in Georgia, W. A. NELSON, 71BARKER, L. F., Theodore Caldwell Janeway, 273Barnard, F. P., Casting-Counter and Counting-

Board, D. E. SMITH, 144BATIIER, F. A., Systematists and Genieral Biologists,

345BAUER, L. A., Observationis on Solar Eclipse, 486BEEBE, W.> Costa Rican Natural History, A. S., and

P. P. Calvert, 222BENEDICT, R. C., The Yellow Clothes Moth, 392BENTON, J. R., Drawings on Lantern Slides, 489Bergen, Joseph Young, E. H. HALL, 14, 144BERRY, E. V., Mesozoic Floras, E. A. Arber, 518;

Planits, Seeds and Currents, H. B. Guppy, 612BEyAN, A. D., Medical Irofession and the War,

597Biological Research, G. R. LA RUE, 381Biologists, General, and Systematists, F. A.BATHER, 343

Biology, Experimental, Federation of Amer. Soc.for, 295

Birth Rate, Declining, L. I. DUBLIN, 201BLAKESLEE, A. F., Amer. Assoc. for Adv. of Sei.,

Section G, 99BLANICHARD, A. H., Amer. Assoc. for the Adv. of

Sci., Section D, 543Botainical Abstracts, 558Botany in America, C. STUART GAGER 101Bread, Whole-Wheat, R. A. DUTCHER, 228BRETNALL, G. H., Aurora of March 7, 1918, 315British, Museum and the War, 165; Government,

Reconstructioni Commissions of, 338; Civil Serv-ice Estimiates for Scieniee and Education, 454

BROOKS, C. F., Meteorology and Climatology, 565Brown, Anmos Peaslee, 37BRYAN, M. K., Marking Microscope Slides, 171BUCHANAN, R. E., Evolution of Bacteria, 320BUM STEAD, H. A., Theoretical Physics, 51BURGE, W. E., Catalase in Acidosis, 347BURLING, L. D., Tranislations, 367; The Auroral

Convergent, 460; Lantern Slides, 639

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Buzzards, Turkey, Albino, H. C. OBERHOLSER, 517

CAIRNS, W. D., Math. Assoc. of Amer., 124; B.Coli Index, 239

CALDWELL) J. S., and C. A. MAGOON, Pectin, 592Calendar, A Common-Sense, H. C. WARREN, 375;Reform of the, T. G. DABNEY, 439; A New, W.J. SPILLMAN, 488; The World 's, T. G. DABNEY,538

Calvert, A. S., and P. P., Costa Rican Natural His-tory, W. BEEBE, 222

CARD, T. A., and J. R. SLONAKER, Albino Rat, 223CASEY, T. L., Desmognathus Fuscus, 610Castle, W. E., H. S. Jennings, 0. Riddle, Hered-

ity, G. N. COLLINS, 345Catalogue, International, of Scientifie Literature,

582Celloidin-Paraffin Methods, M. B. CHuRcH, 640Celluloid Cover Glasses, F. A. VARRELMAN, 539CHAMBERLIN, R. T., Aimier. Assoc. for Adv. of Sci.,

Section E-Geology and Geography, 467, 492CHAPMAN, R. N., Protection of Wheat-Flour Sub-

stitutes, 579Chemical, Soc. Amer., Boston Meeting, 25, 73;

Trade, British, 134; Literature, M. E. SPARKS,377; C. J. WEST, 623; Biological Industries, S.W. PARR, 399

Chemicals, Organic, Manufacture of, R. ADAMS,225; for Research, R. A. GORTNER, 590

Chemistry, Colloid, Nomenclature in, A. W.TIIOMAS, 10; arid the War, 187; at Yale, 413

Chemists, War Service for, 234CHURCH, M. B., Celloidin-Paraffin Methods, 640Clausen, R. E., and( E. B. Babcock, Genetics and

Agriculture, A. H. STURTEVANT, 641COCKERELL, T. D. A., Genera of Fishes, D. S. Jor-

dan and B. W. Evermann, 195; InvertebratePaleontology, 319

COLE, F. N., Amer. Math. Soc., 100, 324, 520COLLINS, G. N., Heredity, H. S. Jennings, 0. Rid-

dle, W. E. Castle, 345Comet and Gravitational Repulsion, F. E. NIPHER,

70CONARD, H. A., Anatomy of Woody Plants, 316Concentration Cell, F. SANFORD, 438Condenser, Wet, E. KARRER, and H. S. NEWCOMER,

24Continental Uplift, Post-Glacial, H. L. FAIRCHIILD,

615Corn Disease, G. N. HOFFER, and J. R. HOLBERT,246

Courtesy, Professional, E. B. HART, 220; E. V. MC-COLLULM, and N. SIMlhMONDS, 241; H. STEENBOCK,535; E. V. MCCOLLIUM, 556

Crampton, H. E., The Genus Partula, J. T. NICH-OLS, 71

CURTIS, W. C., Value of Zoology, 571Cycadeoid Wood Structure, G. E. WIELAND, 141

Dabney, T. G., Reform of the Calendar, 439, 538Darboux, G., G6omftrie Analytique, G. A. MILLER,

393DAVIS, B. M., Amer. Soc. of Naturalists, 149DAWSON, P. M., University Ideals, 547DECKER, C. E., Bryozoan Slides, 365Deglaciation and Climate, M. MANSON, 487Delta Growth, Desert, C. KEYES, 193


Desmognathus Fuscus, H. H. WILDER, 390; L.STEJNEGER, 587; T. L. CASEY, 610

Discussion and Correspondence, 22, 43, 70, 93, 119141, 170, 191, 218, 239, 267, 291, 313, 343, 364,389, 416, 438, 459, 486, f 16, 535, 561, 587, 609,636

DIXON, R. B., American Indian, C. Wissler, 461DUBLIN, L. I., The Declining Birth Rate, 201DUCE, J. T., The Erosion of Cafion Bottoms, 450DUNLAP, K., Inoculation, 418DUTCHER, R. A., Whole-Wheat Bread, 228Dyestuffs, United States, 89

Earth, Desiccation of the, C. F. von HERRMANN 417EATON, H. N., A Flood in Oriskany Creek, 119Eclipse, Solar, L. A. BAUER, 486Edison Medal, 531EIcHELBERGER, W. S., Astronomical Day, 23Electrode, Rectifier, H. B. LEMON, 170Electrometry, E. H. KENNARD, 271EMERSON, P., and J. B. S. NORTON, Insects and

Greenhouse Plants, 44Endemic Species, H. DE VRIES, 629Engineer Reserve Corps Enlistment, 16Enigineering, Needs, H. M. HOWE, 75; Steam, 359Engineers, Mechanical, British, 308Enzyme Actioni, K. G. FALK, 423Erosion of Cafion Bottoms, J. T. DUCE, 450Ethnology, American, and Dr. Fewkes, 162EvERMANN, B. W., and D. S. JORDAN, Genera of

Fishes, 195

Fair Exhibits, Labelling of, H. I. SMITH, 603F IRCHILD, H. L., Post-glacial Continental Uplift,

615FALK,7K. G., Enzyme Action, 423Farm Products of the United States, 213Fellowships, Industrial, of the Mellon Institute,

E. R. WEIDLEIN, 447Fisher, W. J., College Physics, Teaching, 182;

Areas of Audibility, 417Fisher, W. K., The Hopkins Marine Station, 410Fisheries Conference, 137FLEXNER, S., Dr. Franklin Paine Mall, 249Flower, National, A. A. HANSEN, 365; K. D.

SHARP, 611Pluoreseence of Sodium Vapor, H. L. HOWES, 96Food, Commission, Interallied, 456; Alligators as,

A. M. REESE, 640Forests, National, 557Fossil Man at Vero, Florida, 0. P. HAY, 370FROST, E. B., Spectroscopic Investigation, 416

Gage, S. H., The Microscope, M. F. GUYER, 23GAGER, C. STUART, Botany in America, 101Geological, Excursion, N. Eng. Intercollegiate, 39;

Society of London, Medals, 583Geology in Educatioin, R. D. SALISBURY, 325Glacial Period, Pleistocene, G. F. WRIGHT, 364Glass, Optical, in the United States, 632Godlee, R. J., Lord Lister, W. W. KEEN, 563GOODALE, H. D., Winter Egg Production, 542GOODSPEED, A. W., Amer. Philos. Soc., 617GOODSPEED, T. H., and H. M. HALL, EmergencySupply of Rubber, 452

GORTm'ER, PR. A., Tea Drinking, 269; AnthocyaninPigmenits, M. Wheldale, 418; Organic Chemicalsfor Research, 590

Grain Crops, A. C. SALMON, 173

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Grand 'Eury, Cyrille, E. W. B., 62GREENE, C. W., The Federation of Amer. Soc. for

Exper. Biol.; Amer. Physiol. Soc., 295GUDGER, E. W., Albino Turkey Buzzards, 315; N.

C. Acad. of Sci., 647GUNTHORP, H., Lantern Slides, 364Guppy, H. B., Plants, Seeds and Currents, E. W.BERRY, 612

GUYER, M. F., Microscope, S. H. Gage, 23; Valueof Zoology, 477

HAAS, A. R. C., and W. J. V. OSTERHOUT, Photo-synthesis, 420

HALL, E. H., Joseph Bergen Young, 14, 144HALL, H. M., and T. H. GOODSPEED, Emergency

Supply of Rubber, 452; Walnut Pollen and HayFever, 516

Halo, Brilliant, 0. C. LESTER, 170HANSEN, A. A., National Floral Emblem, 365Harris, Rollin Arthur, 162HART E. B., Professional Courtesy, 220Harvard College Observatory, 335Hay Fever and Walnut Pollen, H. M. HALI, 516HAY, 0. P., Fossil Man at Vero, Florida, 370Health, Public, Lectures, 434Heat, The Flow of,IC. HERING, 313HERING, C. Flow of Heat, 313; Herinig 's Contri-

butions to Physiological Optics, 439HERRMANN, C. F. von, Desiccation of the Earth, 417HESS, W. N., PhotogeInie Organs, 143HOFFER, G. N., and J. R. HOLBERT, Corn Disease,

246HOLBERT, J. R., and G. N. HIOPPER, Corn Disease,

246Hollingworth, H. L., and A. T. Poffeinberger, Ap-

plied Psychology, J. B. MINER, 270HOLLISTER, N., Domestication of the Llama, 461HOLMES, W. H., The Antiquity of Man, 561Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University,W. K. FISHER, 410

HOWARD, L. O., Pittsburgh Meeting of Amer.Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci., 48; Committe on Pol-icy, 443; Suiggestion to Morphologists, 93;Jerusalem Artichoke, 344; Zoology aind HumanWelfare, 349

HOWE, H. M., Needls of Engineering, 75HOWEs, H. L., Fluorescence of Sodium Vapor, 96HUGHES, H., Solution Tension and Inductivity, 636HUHN, R. von, Performance and Program, 642HURLIN, R. G., Preparation of Skeletons, 29

Ideals, University, P. M. DAWSON, 547Indian Ruin, Prehistoric Pueblo, 309Inidigen and Cultigen, L. H. BAILEY, 306Infections, Food-borne, E. 0. JORDAN, 80Inheritance of Egg Production, 543Inoculation, K. DUNLAP, 418; Anti-typhoid, 481Insects and Greenhouse Plants, P. EMERSON, an(1

J. B. S. NORTON, 44Iron Ore in 1917, 136

Janeway, Theodore Caldwell, 433; L. F. BARKER,273

JEFFREY, E. C., Anatomy of Woody Plants, D. H.S., 96, 316; Scott on Comparative Anatomy, 343

JENKS, A. E., Culture and Ethnology, R. H. Lowie,489

Jennings, H. S., 0. Riddle, W. E. Castle, Heredity,G. N. COLLINS, 345


Jones, H. C., Solutions, W. D. BANCROFT, 145Jordan, D. S., and B. W. Evermann, Genera of

Fishes, T. D. A COCKERELL, 195JORDAN, E. O., Food-bornie Infections, 80JORDAN, W. H., Agricultural Education and Re-

search, 125

KANOLT, C. W., Atomic Weights and X-Rays, 123KARRER, E., and H. S. NEWCOMER, A Wet Con-

denser, 24KEEN, W. W., Anti-Vivisectionists and Red Cross,

175; Lord Lister, R. J. Godlee, 563Keen, W. W., on Medical Research, H. A. KELLY,

419KELLY, H. A., Dr. Keen on Medical Research, 419KENNARD, E. H., Electrometry, 271KEYES, C., Desert Delta Growth, 193KEYSER, C. J., Organization of Thought, A. N.

Whitehead, 171; Text-books on Mathematics, 539KIMBALL, A. L., Laws of Physical Science, E. F.

Northrup, 120Kingsley, J. S., Comparative Anatomy, H. V. NEAL,

221KLIGLER, I. J., Evolution of Bacteria, 589KROEBER, A. L., Plains Indianis, C. Wissler and

others, 241KuNz, G. F., Minerals of Japan, T. Wada, 45Kymograph, A Slow-speed, E. L. PORTER, 519

Laboratory, The Ohio Lake, 481LA RUE, G. R., Biological Research, 381Laws, F. A., Electrical Measurements, A. deF.

PALM1\ER, 591Leeithin, C. J. WEST, 389Lectures on Agriculture, 340LEMON, H. B., Rectifier Electrode, 170LESTER, 0. C., Brilliant Halo, 170LILLIE, R. S., Permeability of Eggs, 147Llama, Domestication of the, P. A. MEANS, 268; N.

HOLLISTER, 461LONGWELL, S. E., and A. D. MEAD, Peripheral Ner-

vous System, 395Lowie, R. H., Culture and Ethnology, A. E.JENKS, 489

LYMIAN, G. R., War Work, and American Botanists,279; aild Plant Pathologists, 210

MAcARTHUR, C. G., Selective Permeability, 567MCCOLLUM, E. V., and N. SImMIONDS, Professional

Courtesy, 241; and H. STEENBOCK, 535MCCLINTOCK, J. A., Peanuts and Sclerotium Rolfsii,

72MCINNES, W., Manganiese in Alberta, 71MAGATH, T. B., Zoologists and the BNA, 192MAGOON, C. A., and J. S. CALDWELL, A NewMethod for obtaining Pectiln, 592

Mall, Dr. Franklin Paine, S. FLEXNER, 249; F. R.SABIN, 254

Manganese in Alberta, W. MCINNEs, 71MANSON, M., Deglaciation and Climate, 487MARVIN, C. F., Thermometric Nomenclature, 267Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. and the McKay Be-

quest, 310Mathematical, Soc., Amer., F. N. COLE, 100, 324,

520; Assoc. of Amer., W. D. CAIRNS, 124Mathematics, Text-books on, C. J. KEYSER, 539MATHER, K. F., The Antarctic Ice Cap, 218MEANS, P. A., Domestication of the Llama, 268

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MEAD, A. D., and S. E. LONGWELL, Peripheral Ner-vous System, 395

Medical, Work, Univ. of Cincinnati, 39; Board ofCouncil of National Defense, 86, 339; Researchin France, 115, 384; Training Camps, 137;School, Yale, 213; Students, English, 360; Ter-minology, 434; Assoc., Amer., and the War, 455;Volunteer, Reserve Corps, 510; Professioin, Or-ganization of, A. D. BEVAN, 597; Soc., Amer.,Chicago Meeting, 630

METCALF, M. M., Tree Parasites and Cyanide ofPotassium, 344

Meteorology and Climatology, C. F. BROOKS, 565MILLER, G. A., Officers of Scienitific Societies, 191;

Principes de G6om6trie Analytique, G. Darboux,393

Millikan, R. S., The Electron, H. A. W., 44MINER, J. B., Applied Psychology, H. L. Holling-

worth, and A. T. Poffenberger, 270Minerals and Derivatives, 385Miniing in Alaska in 1917, 115Moisture Results, H. A. NOYES, 293Morphologists, Suggestion to, L. 0. HOWARD, 93MORSE, M. W., Status of Physiology, 354Moth, The Yellow Clothes, R. C. BENEDICT, 392MUNROE, C. E., Audibility of Sound, 461MURLIN, J. R., Nutrition in the Army, 495Museum, Welsh, Natural History Collection for,

164; of the Univ. of Pa., 337; National, Tungs-ten Ores in, 412

Mutation, Mass, H. de VRIES, 465

National, Acad., Proceedings, E. B. WILSON, 121,244; Annual Meeting, 419

Naturalists, Amer. Soc. of, B. M. DAVIS, 149Naval Observatory, 16, 383NEAL, H. V., Comparative Anatomy, J. S. KINGS-

ley, 221; Amer. Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci., Sec-tion F, 247

NELSON, N. C., Pleistocene at Vero, Florida, 394NELSON, W. A., Barite in Georgia. 71Nervous System, G. H. PARKER, 151; Peripheral,

S. E. LONGWELL, and A. D. MEAD, 395NESS, H., Agricultural Inistruietion, 240NEWCOMER, H. S., and E. KARRER, Wet Condenser,

24Nezara Viridula of Pecan, W. F. TURNER, 490NICHOLS, J. T., The Genus Partula, H. E. Cramp-

ton, 71NIPHER, F. E., Comet and Gravitational Repulsion,

70Nomenclature, Internationial Scientific, 529Northrup, E. F., Laws of Physical Science, A. L.KIMBALL, 120

NORTHRUP, Z., Soil Solution, 638N. C. Acad. of Sci., E. W. GUDGER, 647NORTON, J. B. S., andl P. EMERSON, IInsects and

Greenhouse Plants, 44NOYES, H. A., Moisture Results, 293Nutrition in the Army, J. R. MURLIN, 495

OBERHOLSER, H. C., Albino Turkey Buzzards, 517Oriskany Creek, Flood of, H. N. EATON, 119Ornithology, Field Work in, 63OSTERHOUT, W. J. V. and A. R. C. HAAS, Phloto-

synthesis, 420Otic Labyrinth and Attitude of the Head, B.ARONOVITCH and F. H. PIKE, 519


OTIS, C. H., Stainiing Technique and MicroscopicalSlides, 219

Paleontology, Iinvertebrate, T. D. A. COCKERELL,319

PALAIER, A. deF., Electrical Measurements, F. A.Laws, 591

PAMMEL, L. H., Botany of Plant Crops, W. W.Robbins, 194

Parasites and Cyanide of Potassium, M. M. MET-CALF, 344

Paris, The Bombardment of, 412PARKER, G. H., The Nervous System, 151PARR, S. W., Chemical Industries, 399PARSHLEY, H. M., The Hemiptera of America, 292PARSONTS, C. L., Iceland Spar in Montana, 508Peanuts and Selerotium Rolfsii, J. A. MCCLIN-

TOCK, 72Pectin, obtaining, C. A. MAGOON, and J. S. CALD-

WELL, 592Permeability of Eggs, R. S. LILLIE, 147; Selective,

C. G. MAcARTHUR, 567Pest, Garden, F. C. BAKER, 391Petroleum Geologists, 287Pharmiacol. and Exper. Med., Amer. Soc. for, 272Philos. Soc. Amer., General Meeting, 310; A. W.

GOODSPEED, 617Photogenic Organs, W. N. HESS, 143Photosynthesis, W. J. V. OSTERHOUT, and A. R. C.

IIAAS 420Physicians for the Army and Navy Service, 386Physics, Theoretical, H. A. Bu-MSTEAD, 51; Teach-

ing, W. J. FISIER, 182Physiographic Desuriptiouns, J. L. RICH, 43Physiol. Soc., Amer., 296; Optics, Hering 's Con-

tributions to, C. HERING, 439Physiology, Status of, M. W. MOORE, 354PICKERINGG, E. C., Research Grants of Amer. Assoc.

Adv. Sci., 435PIKE, F. H., anid B. ARoNOVITCH, Otic Labyrinthand Attitude of Head, 519

Plant Pathologists, War Elmergency Board of, G.R. LY-m'N, 210

Platinum Industry, 262Pleistocene at Vero, Florida, N. C. NELSON, 394Poffenberger, A. T., and H. L. Hollingworth, Ap-

plied Psychology, J. B. MINER, 270PORTER, E. L., A Slow-speed Kyinograph, 519Precipitation, Rhythmic, J. STANSFIELD, 70Prizes offered by the American Fisheries Soc., 583Program and Performanee, R. von HIJHN, 642Psychology, Applied, 530Piiblic Health in Russia, 163Pyrhelionmetry, C. G. ABBOT, 609

Ramsay Memorial Fund, 185Rat, Albino, J. R. SLONAKER, and T. A. CARD, 223;

Breeding of, J. R. SLONAKER, 594READ, B. E., Sudan III., 562REESE, A. M., Alligators as Food, 640Registration, Birth and Death, 581Research, Scientific and Industrial, 262; Informa-

tion Committee, 288; Council, National, 511Resources, Natural, in Illinois 89RICH, J. L., Physiographie Descriptions, 43Riddle, 0., H. S. Jennings, W. E. Castle, Heredity,

G. N. COLLINs, 345Robbins, W. W., Botany of Plant Crops, L. H.PAMMEL, 194

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Royal Society Medallists, 15Rubber, Emergency Supply of, H. M. HALL, and

T. H. GOODSPEED, 452RUTHVEN, A. G., N. A. Amphibians and Reptiles,

L. Stejneger and T. Barbour, 440

S., D. H., Anatomy of Woody Plants, E. C. Jeffrey,96

SABIN, F. R., Franklin Paine Mall, 254SALISBURY, R. D., Geology in Education, 325SALMON, A. C., Winter-killing of grain, 173SANFORD, F., A Reverse Concentration Cell, 438SARTON, G., History of Science, C. Siniger, 316Scientific Events, 15, 37, 63, 86, 115, 134, 162, 185,

213, 232, 262, 285, 308, 337, 359, 383, 412, 433,454, 481, 509, 529, 557, 581, 604, 630; Notes andNews, 17, 41, 66, 90, 117, 138, 166, 187, 216, 235,264, 289, 311, 340, 362, 386, 414, 436, 456, 483,512, 531, 558, 585, 607, 633; Books, 23, 44, 71,94, 120, 144, 171, 194, 221, 241 270, 292, 316345, 368, 39 3, 418, 440, 461, 489, 518, 5239, 563,591, 612, 641; Laboratories, Destruction of, 40;Societies, Officers of, G. A. MILLER, 191; Publica-tion, Coordination of, 604

Shaler Memorial Expedition, 233SHARP, K. D., Our National Flower, 611Signal Corps, Photographers for the, 263Silliman Lectures, 482SIMMONDS, N., and E. V. MCCOLLUM, Professional

Courtesy, 241Singer, C., History of Science, G. SARTON, 316Skeletons, Preparation of, R. G. HURLIN, 22Slides, Marking Microscope, M. K. BRYAN, 171;

Microscopical, and Staining Technique, C. HT.OTIS, 219; Lantern H. GUNTHORP, 364; J. R.BENTON, 489; L. D. BURLING, 639; Bryozoan, C.E. DECKER, 365

SLONAKER, J. R., Albino Rat, 594, and T. A. CARD,223

S-MITH, C. M., The Aurora Borealis, 291SMITH, D. E., Casting-counter and Counting-board,

F. P. Barnard, 144SMITH, H. T., Labelling of Exhibits, 603SMITH, H. M., Zoology and Human Welfare, 299SMITH, J. E., The Aurora of March 7, 1918, 31.4SNYDER, H., Coniservation of Wheat, 429SolIution, Tension andl Induetivity, H. HUGHES,

636; Soil, Z. NORTHRUP, 638Spar, Iceland, C. L. PARSONS, 508SPARKS, M. E., Chemical Literature 377Special Articles 24, 46. 72, 96, 123, 147 173 196

223, 246, 271, 293, 320, 347, 371, 395, 420, 442,465, 490, 519, 542, 5671 592, 615, 642

Spectroscopic, Investigation, E. B. FROST, 416SPILLMAN, W. J., A New Calendar, 488Staining Teehnique. P. A. WEST 22Standard Time at Sea, 286STANSPIELD, J., Rhvthmic Precipitation, 70Statistics, Vital, of England and Wales, 605STEBBINS, J., The Aurora of March 7, 1918, 314STEENBOCK, HT., Vitamines and Nutrition, 119:and E. V. MCCOLLUAr, Professional Courtesy, 535

STEJNEGER, L., Desmognathus Fuscus, 587Stejneger, L., and T. Barbour, N. A. Amphibiansand Reptiles, A. G. RUTHVEN, 440

STEPHENSON, J. N., Translations, 488STEWART, G. W., Amer. Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci.,

Section B, 569

STURTEVANT, A. H., Geiietics and Agriculture, R.E. Clausen and E. B. Babcock, 641

Subsoils, "Rawness" of, F. J. ALWAY, 196Sudan III., B. E. READ, 562

Tea Drinking, R. A. GORTNER, 269Temperature, Reeording, J. ADAMS, 539Thermometric Nomenclature, C. F. MARVIN, 267THOMAS, A. W., Colloid Chemistry, 10THOMPSON, W. P., Comparative Anatomy, 517THOMPSON, W. S., Rural Sociology, P. L. Vogt, 24Tin in Virginia, 529TOMLINSON, C. W., The Aurora Borealis, 291TORREY, H. B., Value of Zoology, 471Translations, L. D. BURLING, 367; J. N. STEPHEN-

SON, 488Trench Fever, 632Turkey Buzzards, Albino, E. W. GUDGER, 315TURNEER, W. F.. Nezara Viridula of Pecan, 490

University and Educational News, 22, 42, 69, 92,118, 141, 170, 191, 218, 238, 266, 290, 312, 342,363, 389, 416, 438, 458, 486, 515, 535, 561, 587,608

Van Duzee, E. P., Hemiptera, H. M. PARSHLEY,292

VAN HISE, C. R., The World War 1, 27VARRELMIAN, F. A., Celluloid Cover Glasses, 539Vital Statistics, English, 285Vitamines and Nutrition, HI. STEENBOCK, 119Vogt, P. L., Rural Sociology, W. S. THOMPSON, 24VRIES, H. de, Mutation, 465; Endemic Species, 629

W.,H. A.? The Electron, R. S. Millikan, 44WVada, T., Minerals of Japan, G. F. KUNZ, 45War, The World, C. R. VAN HISE, 1, 27WARD, H. B., Zoology and Human Welfare, 299,

.302WARREN, H. C., A Common-sense Calendar, 375War-time Service of UTniv. of Calif., 64; Depart-ment Committee, 186; Organization of the Na-tional Research Council, 214; Work, and Amer-ican Botanists, G. R. L-YMAN, 279; of U. S. Coastand Geodetic Survey, 361; of Civil Engineers,606; of Mining Engineers, 606; Inventions, 509

Washington, TH. S., Chemical Analyses of IgneousRocks, F. D. ADAMS, 368

WETDLEIN, E. R., Industrial Fellowships, 447WELLS, W. F., B. Coli Index, 46WENDT, G. L., Identitv of Atomic, Weights, 442WEST, C. J., Lecithin, 389; Biological Chemical

Literature, 623WFST, P. A., Staining Technique. 22Wheat, Conservation of, HT. SNYDER, 429; Flour,

Suhstitutes, F. N. CAPTPMAN, 579; Extracts of,C. H. BAILEY, 645

Wheldale, M.. Anthocyanin Pigments, R. A.GORTNER, 418

Whitehead, A. N., Organization of Thought, C. J.KEYSER, 171

WHITMrAN, P. P., The Aurora, 393WTELAND. G. E., Cycadeoid Wood Structure, 141WTLDER, H. H.. Desmognathus FUscUs, 390Wilder, H. TH., Desmognathus Fuscus, T. L. CASEY,

610WILLIS, J. C., Age and Area HTypothesis, 626


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WILSON, E. B., Proceedings of the Nat. Acad. of WRIGHT, G. F., Pleistocene Glacial Period, 364Sci,, 121, 244

Wissler, C., and others, The Plains Indians, A. L.KROEBER, 241; The American Indian, R. B. Zoological Society, New York,, 64DIxON, 461 Zoologists and the BNA, T. B. MAGATH, 192

WOLCOTT, G. N., Animal Census of Two City Lots, Zoology Value of, to Humanity H. B. WARD, 302,371 349; Individual H. B. Toaasw, 471; Utilitari

WOLCOTT, R. H., Esthetical and Recreational Values M. P. GUYER, 477; Esthetical anct Recreational,of Zoological Science, 521 R. H. WOLCOTT, 521; Spiritual, W. C. CIURTIS,

WOODWORTH, C. W., Astigmatism and Coma, 459 571