Science Mrs. Korintus Room 206. Introduction The following information will help you succeed in...

Science Mrs. Korintus Room 206

Transcript of Science Mrs. Korintus Room 206. Introduction The following information will help you succeed in...


Mrs. Korintus

Room 206


The following information will help you succeed in science class this year.


This interactive science course is designed to provide a basic understanding of several fields of science, including chemistry, sound and light, water and the atmosphere and technology.

Course Description

Through a variety of approaches including research, observations, laboratory activities and technology, students use the scientific method to develop the process skills necessary to help them develop as 21st century learners.

Course Description

The textbook can be accessed online at:

Class Rules

Be on time. Please be in your assigned seat and ready to work when the bell rings.

Be prepared for class every day. In order to be prepared for class, you must have your covered textbook, science notebook, planner, homework, and at least one pen or pencil.

Class Rules

Calculators will be used periodically. I will let you know when you should plan to bring them to class.

Class Rules

Respect all people, animals and property in the science lab. Please do not handle any displays, models, or other objects in the classroom without first asking permission.

Class Rules

Because this is a science classroom, food or drink is prohibited. Absolutely no chewing gum is allowed in the classroom.

Daily Routine

When you come into the classroom, read the daily objectives so you will be familiar with the day’s activities.

Take out any homework assignments; they will be corrected and/or collected.

Daily Routine

If necessary, sharpen your pencil before the bell rings.

Daily Routine

There will be an Inquiry Warm-Up activity to do each day when you come into the room. Please be prepared to work on these activities in your group.

Daily Routine

Copy the homework assignment into your organizer/planner or notebook.

The homework will be posted on School Wires everyday.

Daily Routine

If you are absent for any reason such as illness, band, or G&T, check for missed Warm-Ups, class work and homework assignments when you return to the classroom.

Daily Routine

It is your responsibility to make up missed work. Check for missed work in the appropriate Day-of-the-week tray.

Put make-up work in the Make-up work tray.

Lab Safety

Prior to participating in any laboratory activities or experiments, you must sign and return with a parent’s signature the district’s lab safety contract. In addition, all students must pass the district’s lab safety test. Failure to return the contract or pass the test will disqualify any student from participating in labs.

Lab Safety

Chewing gum, food, or drinks of any kind are strictly prohibited in the science lab.

Lab Safety

All lab safety rules and directions must be followed at all times. Failure to do so will result in the issuance of a lab safety ticket.


You will need a science notebook, preferably a 100-page spiral or composition notebook.

2-pocket folder calculator Highlighters, red pen, markers, and colored

pencils will be used frequently. I have these in class.


Please do not use your science notebook for any other class.

Do Not tear pages out of your notebook. Homework that will be collected should be

done on a separate sheet of paper (I have some in class)


Your notebook will be your most important tool in this class. PUT YOUR NAME ON YOUR NOTEBOOK.

Your notebook will be graded, and there will be notebook tests from time to time.


Remember to DATE each entry in your notebook. Much of your success in this class will depend on how well you keep your notebook organized.


We will be using several textbooks throughout the semester. Please put your name in the book you are assigned.

Textbooks will remain in the classroom.

And Finally…

I am available for help during lunch and after school. Let me know the day before, or in the morning during homeroom, that you would like extra help.

And finally…

Remember to check the AMS SchoolWires for homework assignments and information on projects.