Science Introduction


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Page 1: Science Introduction

Science Introduction

What is Science?Grades 5-8

Created by Seth Hubler

Page 2: Science Introduction

What is Science?

• Science is an organized method of studying things and subjects, and answering questions.

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What is Science?

• 1.) There are FOUR specific branches of Science…..

• A.) Chemistry- Chemistry is the study of the elements and how they behave

• B.) Physics- Physics is the study of energy, matter and motion

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What is Science?

• C.) Earth Science- Earth Science is the study of the Planet Earth and how it works. It is also the study of the universe and how it works.

• D.) Life Science Life Science is the study of many things…..

• A. Genetics- study of traits of humans and how they are passed on

• B. Ecology- study of organisms and the relationship they have with our environment

• C. Botany- study of plants around us• D. Zoology- study of living animals

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What is Science

• 2.) There is a method that we call the Scientific Method.

• A. Identify the Problem• B. Gather Information• C. Make a hypothesis• D. Test your hypothesis• E. Analyze your results• F. Draw a conclusion

• EXTRA: A hypothesis is an educate guess.

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What is Science

• A way to remember the Scientific Method is…..

I got more then anyone deserves.I gave Matt two apple dips.I gave Mary ten diagram answers.


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What is Science?

• 3.) PARTS OF AN EXPEIREMENT….• A. Control- something that will stay

the same throughout the experiment and will be used to compare

• B. Variable- something that can or will change in a Scientific Experiment

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What is Science?

• 4.) Theory and Law• A. Theory- a part of an experiment

that is an explanation from observations and tests

• * A theory can explain ones hypothesis

• * A theory can change in an experiment

• * EXAMPLE- Theory of Evolution

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What is Science?

• B. Law- a statement that is usually always true in Science. It explains how things work in nature. They seem to be true and right all of the time.

• EXAMPLES- • *Law of Gravity• *Isaac Newton’s Law of Motion.