Science 7 Review

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  • 7/29/2019 Science 7 Review


    Science Unit A Exam Study Guide 10/26/2010 7:20:00 PM

    Test on Thursday, October 28, 2010

    ECOSYSTEM An ecosystem is any place that has abiotic andbiotic factors interacting with each other.

    BIOTIC Biotic factors are living organisms.

    ABIOTIC Abiotic factors are non-living organisms.

    SPECIES Living things of the same kind that are able toreproduce and their young can reproduce.

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    POPULATION When there is more than one organism of aspecies living together at the same time.

    COMMUNITY When different species live together andinteract in one place.5 Basic Needs of ALL Living Things:1.Water2. Food3. Suitable Living Conditions4. Oxygen5. Energy

    SYMBIOSIS When living things living closely together is calledsymbiosis (symbiotic relationships).

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    1.Commensalism This is a relationship inwhich one species in the relationships benefitsand the other species is not benefited orharmed.2. Mutualism - This is a relationship inwhich both species in the relationship benefit.3. Parasitism This is a relationship inwhich one species in the relationship benefitswhile the other species is harmed.

    ADAPTATION Is how organisms respond to their environment.

    CONSUMER Is an organism that has to seek or kill otherliving things for food.1.Carnivores = are animals that eat otheranimals.

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    2. Herbivores = are animals that eatproducers only for food.3. Omnivores = are animals that eat bothother animals and plants.

    PRODUCER Is an organism that uses sunlight energy tomake its own food.

    PHOTOSYNTHESIS Is the process which plants use light energy,carbon dioxide, and water to make their food.Plants need 2 raw materials to make their ownfood: Water and Carbon DioxideEquation:Light Energy + Carbon Dioxide + Water= Food (sugar or glucose) + Oxygen

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    Photosynthesis is important because the sugaror glucose can be used by us and other animals.Also, photosynthesis provides oxygen so we canbreathe.

    CELLUAR RESPIRATION Is the process responsible for this release ofenergy. It occurs within the cells of all livingthings. It combines food and oxygen to producecarbon dioxide, water, and energy. Animals andplants under go the process of celluarrespiration.Equation:Food (sugar or glucose) + Oxygen = CarbonDioxide + Water + Energy


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    It is like a sentence showing energy beingtransferred from one thing to another as it isbeing eaten. The arrows show the flow ofenergy. Food webs are many food chains linkedtogether into one thing. Food webs are morebetter than food chains because they show morepossibilities of an organism being linked orinteracting with other living things.

    MATTER We are all made up of matter. The arrow thatgoes all around in a circle is showing thatmatter gets recycled. Decomposers break downthe dead waste and the smaller particles ofmatter (nutrients) are now going to be used byother plants.


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    Because of the heat from the sun waterevaporates from a liquid to a water vapour fromwater bodies. Factories, people and animals(when inhale, exhale, and perspire), and plantsmay give off water vapour as well into theatmosphere. Then the water vapour condensesinto clouds. When the clouds get heavy enoughthe vapour will return to the Earth asprecipitation such as rain, sleet, snow or hail.

    CARBON CYCLE People and animals give off carbon dioxidethrough celluar respiration. Then the plantstake in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere andwater. Photosynthesis then makes thesesubstances into sugar and oxygen. Factories andvehicles add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

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    Decomposers add other forms of carbon to thesoil and water.

    CHLOROPHYLL A substance in plants that absorbs light energyfrom the sun.

    SCAVENGER Consumers that feed off the remains of livingthings that are killed by other consumers.

    ENERGY USAGE 10% of the total energy in an organism ispassed onto another organism after it has beencomsumed. The other 90% is given off as heat.


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    Is the accidental of planned introduction of anon-native species into a ecosystem.

    COMPETITION When more than one organism tries to reach forthe same goal.

    PREDATION Is when another animal kills and eats anotheranimal for food to survive.

    WEATHER Weather may affect an ecosystem. Twoexamples would be: a)Poor weather mightinhibit growth of plants. b)natural disasters cankill/damage plants and animals in a community.


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    Are a species that enters a community that hasno growth until this species comes. Insuccession the first pioneer species that usuallyarrives is the lichen. The lichen would breakdown the rocks into soil so other species cancome.

    SUCCESSION The predictable pattern of change in ecosystemsis called succession.Primary Succession:

    An area that has been destroyed and hasno growth due to the lack of soil (e.g.volcanic islands)

    Secondary Succession:A community that had been destroyed ordisturbed by natural occurrences of human

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    activities. There is no growth here ( field).