School/Team Name Regional Science Olympiad 2013 …wakker/ScienceOlympiadTests/Forensics/...Starting...

Forensics Event School/Team Name Regional Science Olympiad 2013 Team Member (s) UWM Starting Time Finish Time Score /100 Rank Case Background Tangled Up with Pascal, the number one Best in Breed, Bernese Mountain Dog in the country was stolen from his hotel room in the The Carlton Hotel on Madison Avenue in New York. He was staying at the hotel with his breeder getting ready for the Annual Westminster Dog Show being held at Madison Square Garden next weekend. Suspicion immediately fell on four people. Iris Love , the owner of the Pekingese named Malarkey, who was last year’s Best in Show winner. Secondly, Gigi , the nationally renowned dog groomer to the rich and famous. The third suspect is another Bernese Mountain dog owner, Bert Bernard and the last suspect is the chairman of the Westminster show, Tom Bradley. Evidence The police evidence technicians arrived at The Carlton Hotel in the afternoon and collected several pieces of evidence. A partial fingerprint was found on the door to the room (Station 1) and sent to the lab for comparison with the suspects. A sample of the ink from a “ransom note” was sent to the lab for identification (Station 2). A white powder was collected from the dog cage, where Pascal was possibly drugged before being stolen. (Station 3). Hair and fibers were found all over the room. (Station 4) Investigators found several a set of blood drops were found in the sink (from an apparent dog bite wound) which was sent to the lab to be blood typed.(Station 5).

Transcript of School/Team Name Regional Science Olympiad 2013 …wakker/ScienceOlympiadTests/Forensics/...Starting...

Forensics Event School/Team Name Regional Science Olympiad 2013 Team Member (s) UWM Starting Time Finish Time Score /100 Rank Case Background Tangled Up with Pascal, the number one Best in Breed, Bernese Mountain Dog in the country was stolen from his hotel room in the The Carlton Hotel on Madison Avenue in New York. He was staying at the hotel with his breeder getting ready for the Annual Westminster Dog Show being held at Madison Square Garden next weekend. Suspicion immediately fell on four people. Iris Love, the owner of the Pekingese named Malarkey, who was last year’s Best in Show winner. Secondly, Gigi, the nationally renowned dog groomer to the rich and famous. The third suspect is another Bernese Mountain dog owner, Bert Bernard and the last suspect is the chairman of the Westminster show, Tom Bradley. Evidence The police evidence technicians arrived at The Carlton Hotel in the afternoon and collected several pieces of evidence. A partial fingerprint was found on the door to the room (Station 1) and sent to the lab for comparison with the suspects. A sample of the ink from a “ransom note” was sent to the lab for identification (Station 2). A white powder was collected from the dog cage, where Pascal was possibly drugged before being stolen. (Station 3). Hair and fibers were found all over the room. (Station 4) Investigators found several a set of blood drops were found in the sink (from an apparent dog bite wound) which was sent to the lab to be blood typed.(Station 5).

Possible Suspects The investigators have identified the following suspects. Iris Love: Fingerprint: Gigi : Fingerprint: Bert Bernard: Fingerprint: Thomas Bradley : Fingerprint:

He owns the number 2 reserve Bernese Mountain dog. He is well known in the dog world for his homemade baked dog cookies. Has blood type B- and uses a Papermate black pen with an Rf value of the fastest moving molecule of .68 . Wears a nylon sports jacket in the ring and is bald and owns a brown, black and white dog.

Supervisor of the Westminster Dog Show for the last 10 years but wants to give up his post to manage Church hill Downs. Has high blood pressure. Has blood type AB+ and uses a Liquid Flair black pen with an Rf value of the fastest moving molecule of 0.80 . Wears a polyester suit and has a grey hair and owns horses.

The 2012 Best in Show winner, with her Pekingnese and is hoping to win this year with a sibling. She has recently sprained her ankle and is treating it with Epsom salt soaks. Has blood type O- and uses a EF Felt Tip black pen with an Rf value of the fastest moving molecule of 1.00 . Wears a wool skirt in the show ring and has a black hair and light brown dogs .

A nationally known dog groomer, she is well known for seeking out the best dogs for Hollywood movie stars. She has been fighting an ant problem at her shop and is currently in a temporary facility due to the pesticide exposure. Has blood type A + and uses a Visa Vis black pen with an Rf value of the fastest moving molecule of .96 . Wears a cotton apron while grooming and has a blonde hair and a cat.

Testing the Evidence: Go to each lab station and complete the investigation. You have 45 minutes to complete all the tests and write up your final report. Remember that the blood and qualitative analysis takes the longest, so you’re your time wisely. There should only be one team per station. Station 1 - Fingerprint Analysis ( 10 points)

a. Use the fingerprints provided by each suspect and those found the door to the hotel room:

Which suspect most likely left this print? (2 points)

b. Identify and name the 3 ridge characteristics circled on this suspect print. (3 points) c. If a latent fingerprint needed to be lifted using Ninhydrin, what does it react with in the print to turn it purple? (1 points) d. Identify the general fingerprint classification of each of the suspect prints.(1 point each) Iris Love Gigi Bert Bernard Thomas Bradley

Station 2 – Chromatography (15 points) Directions: Analyze this chromatogram. This was ink taken from the “ransom note”. It ran for 5 minutes using water as a solvent

a. How many different size molecules does the ink from the crime scene note have? (2 points) b. What is the Rf value of the fastest moving molecule from the ink found at the crime scene? (3 points) c. Which suspect’s pen most likely was used to write the ransom note? (2 points) d. What does Rf stand for? (3 points) e. Using this mass spectrum of an element, How many isotope (s) does this element have? (2 points) What is the identity of this element? (3 points)

Station 3 – Qualitative Analysis (20 points) Directions: Use your lab equipment and the chemicals provided to determine the name of the white powder found by the cage. The samples were taken from each suspects hotel room.(2 points a question) Possible white powders are: sodium acetate, sodium chloride, sodium hydrogen carbonate, sodium carbonate, lithium chloride, potassium chloride, calcium nitrate, calcium sulfate, calcium carbonate, corn starch, glucose, sucrose, magnesium sulfate, boric acid and ammonium chloride. USE small amounts of the powders (size of a q-tip head) and mix in a microwell plate- the results for the many of the tests has been given to you already You could use this table to organize your test results: (you don’t have to do all the tests, just suggestions) Test performed !

Benedicts Conductivity Solubility In Water

HCl NaOH Lugols Flame Test


Powder #1 (Lois Love)

No reaction

Weak conductor

soluble NR Does not dissolve


Powder #2 (Gigi)

No reaction

Weak Conductor

soluble NR dissolves Yellow

Powder #3

(Bert Bernard)

Red brown on heating

Very weak conductor

Not soluble

NR lumpy Blue black

Powder #4

(Thomas Bradley)

Turns green

Conducts well

soluble NR dissolves Yellow

Powder #5 (crime scene)

No reaction

Weak conductor

soluble NR dissolves yellow

(2 points each) a. What is the identity of powder #1 found with Lois Love? b. On what basis did you make the ID of powder #1? c. What is the identity of powder #2 found in Gigi’s Room? d. On what basis did you make the ID of powder #2? e. What is the identity of powder #3 found in Bert Bernards room? f. On what basis did you make the ID of powder #3? g. What is the identity of powder #4 found with Thomas Bradley? h. On what basis did you make the ID of powder #4? i. What is the identity of powder #5 found in the dog cage at the crime scene? j. On what basis did you make the ID of powder #5?

Station 4- Fiber and Hair Analysis (Polymers Test) (20 points) Hair: Use the images provided (colored ones at the station), fill in the data table. Hairs found in hotel room Medulla Index

( 1 pt each) Identity (human, dog, cat, bat or horse) ( 1 pt each)

What suspect(s) could have left this? ( 1 pt each)




What type of scale pattern is this (1 point) What is the inner canal of the hair shaft called?(1 point)

Fiber: (use 1 thread, the tweezers and a candle for the tests) Flame Test Results

( 1 pt each) Identity (cotton, wool, silk, linen, nylon, polyester) ( 1 pt each)

What suspect(s) could have left this? ( 1 pt each)

A Fiber in hall


Fiber in hall


Crime scene fiber

Station 5 – Blood Analysis (5 points) a. Use the blood typing kit and anti-A and anti-B and anti Rh serums to blood type the blood found on the broken glass at the scene. Use 2-3 drops of blood and 2-3 drops of the anti-serums and Rh factor to check for agglutination (clotting) Type of Blood (3 points) b. Which suspect(s) most likely left this blood? (2 points)

Analysis of the Crime (30 points) Determine who the culprit(s) of the crime were by analyzing all of the evidence. For each piece of evidence include who is a suspect(s) and who is eliminated and the reasoning for each. Don’t forget to explain the identity of the white powder from dog cage and the pen that wrote the “ransom note” with evidence gained in your experiments.(20 points) Describe 2 possible sources of error in your analysis and describe 2 other forensic techniques/tests that could be applied to verify your results.(10 points)

Forensics Event Science Oympiad UWM 20131a. Gigi 2pt

Whorl 1pt1b Top -ridge ending Middle- bifurcation Bottom - spur 3 pts

1c. amino acid/protein 2pt1d whorl whorl loop arch 4pt

2a 4 2 pts2b 0,96 3 pt2c Gigi 2pts2 d rate of flow 3 pts2e 5 2pts

Zirconium 3 pts3a magnesium sulfate 2pt3b soluble, boils off water,etc conducts 2pt3c boric acid 2pt3d pH=4,green flame 2pt3e corn starch 2pt3f lugols- blue black benedicts-red when heated 2pt3g potassium chloride 2pt3h purple flame, conducts, dissolves 2pt3i boric acid 2pt3j pH=4,green flame 2pt

4a >1/2 cat Gigi 3 pt

4b ~7/8 DOG any of them 3 pts4c absent human blonde Gigi 3 pts

4 imbricate 1ptmedulla 1 pt

5a A+ 3 pts5b Gigi 2pt

Analysis:Suspect-Gigi Rf match, blood match Need to Explain why 20 pts

Fingerprint match Boric acid- white powder -antEliminated- Bert, Thomas, Iris

Errors- describe other tests- describe 10 pt

Answer Key