School Workforce Census 2014 Jim Haywood: Product Manager for Statutory Returns Ruth Vincent:...

School Workforce Census 2014 Jim Haywood: Product Manager for Statutory Returns Ruth Vincent: Business Analyst Using the SIMS Detail Reports to Explain the Content of the DfE Summary Report Version 1.0

Transcript of School Workforce Census 2014 Jim Haywood: Product Manager for Statutory Returns Ruth Vincent:...

School Workforce Census 2014

Jim Haywood: Product Manager for Statutory Returns

Ruth Vincent: Business Analyst

Using the SIMS Detail Reports to Explain the Content of the DfE Summary Report

Version 1.0


Both the DfE Summary Report and the SIMS Detail Reports are created by applying transformation files to the XML Return file, or to put it another way, all these reports get their fundamental data from the same XML Return file, which can then be passed to the DfE via upload to COLLECT.

COLLECT also provides reports on upload of the XML Return file, but it does not make use of transformation files..

The DfE Summary Report attempts to summaries the information found in the XML file, while the SIMS Detail Reports makes the information available at a granular level, e.g. for each member of staff or each contract.


DfE Summary ReportTable A: Staff Records and Contracts

Table A: Staff Records and ContractsDfE DescriptionTotal number of staff records for the school.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Staff Basic Details


Table A: Staff Records and ContractsDfE Description

Total number of staff records for the school which have one or more corresponding contract records with end date not present or on or after census reference date.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

The number of staff with one or more records with End Date displayed as

dash or on after the 06/11/2014


Table A: Staff Records and ContractsDfE Description

Total number of staff records for the school which have one or more corresponding contract records, regardless of end date.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details


Table A: Staff Records and ContractsDfE Description

Total number of staff records for the school which have two or more corresponding contract records, regardless of end date.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of staff with two or more records


Table A: Staff Records and ContractsDfE Description

Total number of staff records for the school which have three or more corresponding contract records, regardless of end date.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of staff with three or more records


Table A: Staff Records and ContractsDfE Description

Total number of staff records for the school where Contract/Agreement record not present.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Area Details

Number of staff where all Contract and Service agreement fields are

shown as X


DfE Summary ReportTable B: Missing Staff Details

Table B: Missing Staff DetailsDfE DescriptionTotal number of staff records for the school.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Staff Basic Details


Table B: Missing Staff DetailsDfE DescriptionTotal number of staff records for the school where there is no corresponding NI Number.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Staff Basic Details

Number of staff where NI Number is

shown as dash


Table B: Missing Staff DetailsDfE DescriptionTotal number of staff records for the school where there is no corresponding Birth Date.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Staff Basic Details

Number of staff where DOB is shown as dash


Table B: Missing Staff DetailsDfE DescriptionTotal number of staff records for the school where there is no corresponding Ethnic Code.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Staff Basic Details

Number of staff where Ethnicity is

shown as dash


Table B: Missing Staff DetailsDfE DescriptionTotal number of staff records for the school where there is no corresponding Qualified Teacher Status indicator.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Staff Professional Details

Number of staff where QT Status is

shown as dash


Table B: Missing Staff DetailsDfE DescriptionTotal number of staff records for the school where there is no corresponding Higher Level Teaching Assistant Status indicator.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Staff Professional Details

Number of staff where HLTA Status is shown as dash


DfE Summary ReportTable C: Missing Contract Data

Table C: Missing Contract DataDfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of records displayed


Table C: Missing Contract DataDfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with no associated role record.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of records with Role shown as



Table C: Missing Contract DataDfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of records with End Date shown as dash

or on or after the 06/11/2014


Table C: Missing Contract DataDfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date, which have no associated pay record at either role or post level.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details and Workforce Member Payment Details

Records where Scale, Region Spine, Spine Point, Base Pay, Safeguarded Salary are all shown as dashes, but

excluding those shown in the Workforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Dates report as have an

End Date earlier than 06/11/2014


Table C: Missing Contract DataDfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date, which have no associated hours record at either role or post level.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details and Workforce Member Payment Details

Records where Daily Rate are shown as dash, but excluding those shown in

the Workforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Dates report as have an End Date earlier

than 06/11/2014


DfE Summary ReportTable D: QT and HLTA status of staff in regular service as at Census Reference Date

Table D: QT and HLTA status of staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of staff records for the school with Qualified Teacher Status = 1 or `True’ and one or more corresponding contract records with end date not present or on or after census reference date.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details and Workforce Member Staff Professional Details

Number of records with QT Status displayed as Yes, where one or more Contract/Service Agreement records for that the member of staff, in the Workforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details report, has an End

Date of dash or and End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table D: QT and HLTA status of staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of staff records for the school with Qualified Teacher Status = 0 or `False’ and one or more corresponding contract records with end date not present or on or after census reference date.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details and Workforce Member Staff Professional Details

Number of records with QT Status displayed as No, where one or more Contract/Service Agreement records for that the member of staff, in the Workforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details report, has an End

Date of dash or and End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table D: QT and HLTA status of staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of staff records for the school with Qualified Teacher Status is null or blank and one or more corresponding contract records with end date not present or on or after census reference date.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details and Workforce Member Staff Professional Details

Number of records with QT Status displayed as dash, where one or more Contract/Service Agreement records for that the member of staff, in the Workforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details report, has an End

Date of dash or and End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table D: QT and HLTA status of staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of staff records for the school with Higher Level Teaching Assistant Status = 1 or `True’ and one or more corresponding contract records with end date not present or on or after census reference date.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details and Workforce Member Staff Professional Details

Number of records with HLTA Status displayed as Yes, where one or more Contract/Service Agreement records for that the member of staff, in the Workforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details report, has an End

Date of dash or and End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table D: QT and HLTA status of staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of staff records for the school with Higher Level Teaching Assistant Status = 0 or `False’ and one or more corresponding contract records with end date not present or on or after census reference date.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details and Workforce Member Staff Professional Details

Number of records with HLTA Status displayed as No, where one or more Contract/Service Agreement records for that the member of staff, in the Workforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details report, has an End

Date of dash or and End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table D: QT and HLTA status of staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of staff records for the school with Higher Level Teaching Assistant Status is null or blank and one or more corresponding contract records with end date not present or on or after census reference date.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details and Workforce Member Staff Professional Details

Number of records with HLTA Status displayed as dash, where one or more Contract/Service Agreement records for that the member of staff, in the Workforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details report, has an End

Date of dash or and End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


DfE Summary ReportTable E: Ethnicity of staff in regular serviceas at Census Reference Date

Table E: Ethnicity of staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionEthnic Code

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details and Workforce Member Staff Basic Details

Any Ethnicity represented in one or more instances in the Ethnicity column where one or more Contract/Service

Agreement records for that member of staff, in the Workforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details report, has an End Date of dash or an End Date on or

after the 06/11/2014.


Table E: Ethnicity of staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of staff records for the school for each code provided in the associated E1 field where the staff record has one or more corresponding contract records with end date not present or on or after census reference date.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details and Workforce Member Staff Basic Details

Number of instance for each ethnicity in the Ethnicity column, where one or more Contract/Service Agreement

records for that member of staff, in the Workforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details report, has

an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table E: Ethnicity of staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of staff records for the school for each code provided in the associated E1 field where the staff record has one or more corresponding contract records with end date not present or on or after census reference date.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details and Workforce Member Staff Basic Details

Number of instance of dash in the Ethnicity column, where one or more Contract/Service Agreement records for that

member of staff, in the Workforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details report, has an End

Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table E: Ethnicity of staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionSum of all staff records included in E2 fields

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details and Workforce Member Staff Basic Details

Number of records, where one or more Contract/Service Agreement records for that member of staff, in the

Workforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details report, has an End Date of dash or an End Date on or

after the 06/11/2014.


DfE Summary ReportTable F: Disability status of staff in regular service as at Census Reference Date

Table F: Disability status of staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of staff records for the school where Disability = `YES’ and where the staff record has one or more corresponding contract records with end date not present or on or after census reference date.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details and Workforce Member Staff Basic Details

Number of records with “Yes” displayed in the Disability column, where one or more Contract/Service Agreement

records for that member of staff, in the Workforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details report, has

an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table F: Disability status of staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of staff records for the school where Disability = `NO’ and where the staff record has one or more corresponding contract records with end date not present or on or after census reference date.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details and Workforce Member Staff Basic Details

Number of records with “No” displayed in the Disability column, where one or more Contract/Service Agreement

records for that member of staff, in the Workforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details report, has

an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table F: Disability status of staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of staff records for the school where Disability = `REFU’ and where the staff record has one or more corresponding contract records with end date not present or on or after census reference date.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details and Workforce Member Staff Basic Details

Number of records with “Refused” displayed in the Disability column, where one or more Contract/Service

Agreement records for that member of staff, in the Workforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details report, has an End Date of dash or an End Date on or

after the 06/11/2014.


Table F: Disability status of staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of staff records for the school where Disability is null or blank and where the staff record has one or more corresponding contract records with end date not present or on or after census reference date.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details and Workforce Member Staff Basic Details

Number of records with dash displayed in the Disability column, where one or more Contract/Service Agreement

records for that member of staff, in the Workforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details report, has

an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table F: Disability status of staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of staff included in F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details and Workforce Member Staff Basic Details

Number of records, where one or more Contract/Service Agreement records for that member of staff, in the

Workforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details report, has an End Date of dash or an End Date on or

after the 06/11/2014.


DfE Summary ReportTable G: All current staff in regular service as at Census Reference Date

Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `HDT’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of staff with one or more records with “Head Teacher” displayed in the Post column

and an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionFTE Total for contract records in the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `HDT’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

The sum of the Hours Per Week divided by FTE Hours for records with “Head Teacher” displayed in the Post column and an End Date of dash or

an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `EXH’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of staff with one or more records with “Executive Head Teacher” displayed in the Post

column and an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionFTE Total for contract records in the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `EXH’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

The sum of the Hours Per Week divided by FTE Hours for records with “Executive Head Teacher” displayed in the Post column and an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `DHT’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of staff with one or more records with “Deputy Head Teacher” displayed in the Post

column and an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionFTE Total for contract records in the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `DHT’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

The sum of the Hours Per Week divided by FTE Hours for records with “Deputy Head Teacher”

displayed in the Post column and an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `AHT’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of staff with one or more records with “Assistant Head Teacher” displayed in the Post

column and an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionFTE Total for contract records in the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `AHT’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

The sum of the Hours Per Week divided by FTE Hours for records with “Assistant Head Teacher” displayed in the Post column and an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `TCH’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of staff with one or more records with “Classroom Teacher” displayed in the Post

column and an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionFTE Total for contract records in the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `TCH’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

The sum of the Hours Per Week divided by FTE Hours for records with “Class Room Teacher”

displayed in the Post column and an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `AST

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of staff with one or more records with “Classroom Teacher , upper pay range”

displayed in the Post column and an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionFTE Total for contract records in the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `AST’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

The sum of the Hours Per Week divided by FTE Hours for records with “Classroom Teacher, upper pay range” displayed in the Post column and an End Date of dash

or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `EXL’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of staff with one or more records with “Classroom Teacher, main pay range” displayed in the Post column and an End Date of dash or

an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionFTE Total for contract records in the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `EXL’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

The sum of the Hours Per Week divided by FTE Hours for records with “Classroom Teacher, main pay range” displayed in the Post column and an End Date of dash

or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `TAS’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of staff with one or more records with “Teaching Assistant” displayed in the Post

column and an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionFTE Total for contract records in the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `TAS’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

The sum of the Hours Per Week divided by FTE Hours for records with “Teaching Assistant”

displayed in the Post column and an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `SUP’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of staff with one or more records with “Leading Practitioner” displayed in the Post

column and an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionFTE Total for contract records in the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `SUP’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

The sum of the Hours Per Week divided by FTE Hours for records with “Leading Practitioner”

displayed in the Post column and an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `AVT’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of staff with one or more records with “Teaching Assistant” displayed in the Post

column and an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionFTE Total for contract records in the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `AVT’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

The sum of the Hours Per Week divided by FTE Hours for records with “Teaching Assistant”

displayed in the Post column and an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `AVT’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of staff with one or more records with “Support Staff” displayed in the Post column and an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after

the 06/11/2014


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionFTE Total for contract records in the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Post = `AVT’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

The sum of the Hours Per Week divided by FTE Hours for records with “Support Staff” displayed in the Post column and an End Date of dash or

an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of individual staff members included in G2, G4, G6, G8, G10, G12, G14, G16, G18, G20

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

The sum of the totals for each of the posts listed above


Table G: All current staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of individual staff members included in G1, G3, G5, G7, G9, G11,G13, G15, G17, G19

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of staff with one or more records with without dash displayed in the Post column and

an End Date of dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014


DfE Summary ReportTable H: Types of Contract and Agreements open for staff in regular service as at Census Reference Date

Table H: Types of Contract and Agreements ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Contract/Agreement Type = `PRM’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of records with a Contract/Service Agreement Type of “Permanent” AND an End Date displayed as dash or an End Date on or

after the 06/11/2014.


Table H: Types of Contract and Agreements ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Contract/Agreement Type = `FXT’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of records with a Contract/Service Agreement Type of “Fixed Term” AND an End Date displayed as dash or an End Date on or

after the 06/11/2014.


Table H: Types of Contract and Agreements ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Contract/Agreement Type = `TMP’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of records with a Contract/Service Agreement Type of “Temporary” AND an End Date displayed as dash or an End Date on or

after the 06/11/2014.


Table H: Types of Contract and Agreements ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Contract/Agreement Type = `SLA’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of records with a Contract/Service Agreement Type of Service Agreement with LA AND an End Date displayed as dash or an End

Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table H: Types of Contract and Agreements ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Contract/Agreement Type = `SAG’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of records with a Contract/Service Agreement Type of “Service Agreement with

Agency” AND an End Date displayed as dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table H: Types of Contract and Agreements ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date AND where Contract/Agreement Type = `SOT’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of records with a Contract/Service Agreement Type of “Service Agreement with

Other Source” AND an End Date displayed as dash or an End Date on or after the 06/11/2014.


Table H: Types of Contract and Agreements ...DfE DescriptionTotal number of staff records included in H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6: ie total number of staff records for the school which have one or more corresponding contract records with end date not present or on or after census reference date.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of records with an End Date displayed as dash or an End Date on or

after the 06/11/2014.


DfE Summary ReportTable I: Number of open contracts as at Census Reference Date paid by daily rates

Table I: Number of open contracts as at Census Reference Date ... DfE DescriptionTotal number of contract records for the school with end date not present or on or after census reference date where Post is not equal to `AVT’, `SUP’ or `TAS’; and Daily Rate = `Y’

Detail ReportAlthough the Workforce Member Payment Details report includes a Daily Rate column, this report is not a reliable source for calculating the total shown in the Summary Report. This is because this Detail report filters out Teaching Assistants and Support Staff who only have service agreements .


DfE Summary ReportTable J: Current Support Staff in regular service as at Census Reference Date

Table J: Current Support Staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionRole Identifier where Role is linked to a Post = `TAS’, `AVT’ or `SUP’. Use a separate J1 field, for each role included. All Roles for which there are staff in regular service on Census Reference Date should be included.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

List each Role that has one or more records with a Post

of “Teacher Assistant”, “Advisory Teacher” or

“Support Staff”, where End Date is displayed as dash or an End Date on or after the



Table J: Current Support Staff in regular service ...DfE DescriptionFor each Role Identifier provided in J1 i.e. for each role included in a J1 field, there should be a total number of staff for the school who have at least one Role Identifier equal to J1 where that Role Identifier is associated with a contract record with end date not present or on or after census reference date and Post = `TAS’,`AVT’ or `SUP’.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

For each Role, count the number of staff that have a

record with that Role and a Post of “Teacher Assistant”, “Advisory

Teacher” or “Support Staff”, where End Date is displayed as dash or an End Date on or after

the 06/11/2014.


DfE Summary ReportTable K: Number of third party support staff in school on Census Reference Date

Table K: Number of third party support staff ...DfE DescriptionCategory of Agency/TP Support staff

Census ApplicationAgency / Third Party support staff on Census Day Panel


This information is as entered in the Agency /

Third Party support Staff on Census Day panel of the Census application

DfE Summary ReportTable L: Sickness absence for the previous academic year

Table L: Sickness absence for the previous academic yearDfE DescriptionTotal number of staff for the school where Absence Category `SIC’ is recorded for an individual (one or more times) in the previous academic year prior to Census Reference Date i.e. only count each staff member once whether they have one or more absence episodes.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Number of staff with one or more instances

of records with an Absence Category of



Table L: Sickness absence for the previous academic yearDfE DescriptionTotal number of Working Days Lost (400202) for staff for the school

NB: Working Days Lost is only required for Absence category (400205) `SIC’

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Sum of totals in the Working Days

Lost column


DfE Summary ReportTable M: Types of absence (other than sickness) taken during the previous academic yearCategory of absence Number of staff with absences

Table M: Sickness absence for the previous academic yearDfE DescriptionAbsence Category, other than ‘SIC’, recorded in previous academic year prior to Census Reference Date i.e. one M1 field for each Category included.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

Lists each Absence Category included one

or more times in the Detail Report but

excluding Sickness


Table M: Sickness absence for the previous academic yearDfE DescriptionAbsence Category, other than ‘SIC’, recorded in previous academic year prior to Census Reference Date i.e. one M1 field for each Category included.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details

In the Detail Report, count the number of

staff that have had the Absence Category one or more times.


DfE Summary ReportTable N: Number of regular teachers and teachingassistants delivering the curriculum by NC year group

Table N: Number of regular teachers and teaching assistantsDfE DescriptionTable N is to be completed by Secondary, Middle deemed Secondary schools and all through schools only that have electronic timetabling systems that interface with their MIS. Each Subject Code included (i.e. by use of N1 fields) will require the inclusion of and association with headcount fields (N2 and N3). This combination of fields should be provided for each NC Year Group in the timetable, i.e. for each NC Year Group there will be one or more N1 fields; with one or more of fields N2, N3 associated.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details and Workforce Member Curriculum Details

We suggest copying the Workforce Member Curriculum Details report and then sorting by Subject, Year Group Taught and NI Number.

Then using the Workforce Member Contact/Service Agreement Details report, count the teachers and TAs for each year

group and subject.


DfE Summary ReportTable O: Number of hours spent by teachers and teaching assistants delivering the curriculum by NC year group

Table O: Number of hours spent by teachers and teaching assistants ... DfE DescriptionTable O is to be completed by Secondary and Middle deemed Secondary schools only who have electronic timetabling systems that interface with their MIS. Each Subject included (i.e. by use of O1 fields) will require the inclusion and association of Hours fields (O2 and O3). This combination of fields should be provided for each NC Year Group in the timetable, i.e. for each NC Year Group there will be one or more O1 fields; with one or more of fields O2, O3 associated.

Detail ReportWorkforce Member Contract/Service Agreement Details and Workforce Member Curriculum Details

We suggest copying the Workforce Member Curriculum Details report and then sorting by Subject, Year Group Taught and NI Number.

Then using the Workforce Member Contact/Service Agreement Details report, count the hours for teachers and TAs for

each year group and subject.


DfE Summary ReportTable P: Vacancies as at Census Reference Date

Table P: Vacancies as at Census Reference DateDfE DescriptionFor Table P, each Vacancy Post included should have fields P1-P5 associated with it i.e. there should be one or more sets of fields P1-P5 (inclusive) unless there are no Vacancy Posts to report.

Census PanelVacancies on Census Day

This information is as entered in the Vacancies on Census

Day panel of the Census application


DfE Summary ReportTable Q: Number of occasional teachers in school on Census Reference Date

Table Q: Number of occasional teachers in school on Census ...DfE DescriptionQ1. Total number of staff for the school categorised as Occasional QTS

Q2. Total number of staff members for the school categorised as Occasional NOTQTS

Q3. Total number of staff members for the school categorised as Occasional NOTKNWN

Q4. Total number of staff in fields Q1, Q2 and Q3 i.e. sum of Q1-Q3 inclusive

Census PanelOccasional Teachers on Census Day


This information is as entered in the Occasional Teachers on Census Day

panel of the Census application

Thank you for your time