School-Wide Positive Behavior Support: Year 2 Team Training Day 1 Donna Morelli Cynthia Zingler...

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Big Idea the universal systemWe often assume the universal system is in place everywhere –But what about the classroom? –How is PBIS being used in the classroom to prevent at risk behaviors? –By fortifying the universal, we can reduce need for secondary interventions

Transcript of School-Wide Positive Behavior Support: Year 2 Team Training Day 1 Donna Morelli Cynthia Zingler...

School-Wide Positive Behavior Support: Year 2 Team Training Day 1 Donna Morelli Cynthia Zingler Education Specialists Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports Trainers Objectives Evaluating your current practices Discuss SW-PBIS and Bullying Identify actions for your school-wide team to improve the quality of classroom management throughout the school (strengthening your Tier 1) Big Idea the universal systemWe often assume the universal system is in place everywhere But what about the classroom? How is PBIS being used in the classroom to prevent at risk behaviors? By fortifying the universal, we can reduce need for secondary interventions Sharing Each team will have 5-7 minutes to share a success that they have had with PBIS. Ex. Video Recognition System Lesson Plans Parent/Community Involvement Team Implementation Checklist Evaluating PBIS Efforts Complete the handout provided as a team. You may utilize your SET as a reference to complete this. Be prepared to discuss with the group. Action Plan Based on the Team Implementation Checklist and Evaluating your PBIS Efforts what does your team need to do? SWPBIS look at bullying behavior Good things about Bullying efforts Increased problem awareness More emphasis on prevention More curriculum development & research Greater focus on all students Bullying Issues Labeling kids Generic intervention responses Limited examination of mechanism Over-emphasis on student responsibility for change Non-data based intervention decisions Too much attention on student, not enough on recipients SWPBIS Logic! Successful individual student behavior support is linked to host environments or school climates that are effective, efficient, relevant, durable, salable, & logical for ALL students (Zins & Ponti, 1990) SWPBIS is Framework for enhancing adoption & implementation of Continuum of evidence- based interventions to achieve Academically & behaviorally important outcomes for All students All about implementation IMPLEMENTATION W/ FIDELITY CONTINUUM OF EVIDENCE-BASED INTERVENTIONS CONTENT EXPERTISE & FLUENCY PREVENTION & EARLY INTERVENTION CONTINUOUS PROGRESS MONITORING UNIVERSAL SCREENING DATA-BASED DECISION MAKING & PROBLEM SOLVING Reducing Bullying OUR BEHAVIORAL PERSPECTIVE Do Learning history Context or environment Context manipulation Data-based decision making Teach effective, efficient, relevant social skills 1 Remove triggers of problem behavior 2 Add triggers for social skills 3 Remove consequences that maintain problem behavior 4 Add consequences that maintain social skills 5 Prevention SYSTEMS BULLY BEHAVIOR PRACTICES DATA Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Student Behavior OUTCOMES Supporting Social Competence & Academic Achievement Supporting Decision Making Integrated Elements What do we have in place? What are you already doing to prevent bullying behaviors in your school? What is bullying? Remember Label behavior, not people So, say, bully behavior Bullying Behavior Verbal/physical aggression, intimidation, harassment, teasing, manipulation An Act Concerning the Strengthening of School Bullying Laws Public Act As of July 1, 2011, bullying is defined as the repeated use by one or more students of a written, verbal, or electronic communication, such as cyber bullying, or a physical act or gesture directed at another student in the same school district that: Handout 4 An Act Concerning the Strengthening of School Bullying Laws Public Act (A) Causes physical or emotional harm to the student or damage to the students property, (B) places the student in reasonable fear of harm to himself or herself, or of damage to his or her property, (C) creates a hostile environment at school for such student (a hostile environment is a situation in which bullying among students is sufficiently severe or pervasive as to alter the conditions of the school climate), (D) infringes on the rights of the student at school, or (E) substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school. Why do bully behavior? Get/obtain E.g., stuff, things, attention, status, money, activity, attention, etc. Escape/avoid E.g., samebut less likely Victim attention Bystander attention Self-delivered praise Tangible access Why is why important? Teach effective, efficient, relevant alt. SS Remove triggers of BB Add triggers for alt. SS Remove conseq. that maintain BB Add conseq. that maintain SS PREVENTION De-emphasis on adding consequence for problem behavior Implement SW-PBIS continuum w/ fidelity Review SW data at least monthly Step 1 Modify implementation plan based on data Implement modifications w/ fidelity Step 2 Monitor implementation fidelity Monitor student progress & responsiveness Modify as indicated by data Step 3 Is Behavior an Issue? Aggression-fighting & disrespect K-6 Problem Behavior ODR Disrespect 6-9 Problem Behavior ODR Disrespect + tardy, skip, truant 9-12 Problem Behavior ODR Office Discipline Referrals Definition Kid-Teacher-Administrator interaction Underestimation of actual behavior Improving usefulness & value Clear, mutually exclusive, exhaustive definitions Distinction between office v. classroom managed Continuum of behavior support Positive school-wide foundations W/in school comparisons Quick Look at Your Data What is the top behavior of concern in your school to date? What is the location that the greatest number of referrals are generated from? ACTION PLAN Three basic strategies.if you do nuthin else. Label student Exclude student Blame family Punish student Assign restitution Ask for apology Teach targeted social skills Reward social skills Teach all Individualize for non-responsive behavior Invest in positive school-wide climate Doesnt WorkWorks Stop-Walk-Talk Talk-Walk- Squawk Whatever & Walk 1. Teach common strategy to all MUST.. Be easy & do-able by all Be contextually relevant Result in early disengagement Increase predictability Be pre-emptive Be teachable Be brief 2. Precorrect Analyze problem setting Describe problem behavior Identify triggers & function Identify acceptable alternative behavior Modify setting to prevent Check-in w/ student to remind of desired behavior Before Monitor Remind Reinforce Redirect During Correct Reinforce approximations Reteach Remind After Before-During-After What do we as a team need to do to support staff in the pre-correction process? What materials are needed? What instruction is needed? ACTION PLAN Move Scan Interact positively Model expectations Reward appropriate behavior Remind & precorrect 3. Actively Supervise Name______________________________Date_____________ Setting Hallway Entrance Cafeteria Playground Other_______________ Time Start_________ Time End _________ Tally each Positive Student ContactsTotal # Ratio of Positives to Negatives: _____: 1 Tally each Negative Student ContactsTotal # Non-Classroom Management: Self-Assessment 1.Did I have at least 4 positive for 1 negative student contacts? Yes No 2. Did I move throughout the area I was supervising? Yes No 3. Did I frequently scan the area I was supervising? Yes No 4. Did I positively interact with most of the students in the area? Yes No 5. Did I handle most minor rule violations quickly and quietly? Yes No 6. Did I follow school procedures for handling major rule violations? Yes No 7. Do I know our school-wide expectations (positively stated rules)? Yes No 8. Did I positively acknowledge at least 5 different students for displaying our school-wide expectations? Yes No Overall active supervision score: 7-8 yes = Super Supervision 5-6 yes = So-So Supervision