School Strategic Plan for Collingwood English Language School 2015 … · 2015-04-30 · 4. Utilise...

1 School Strategic Plan for Collingwood English Language School 2015-2018 Endorsements Endorsement by School Principal Signed………………………………………. Name Laima Novackis Date 23/3/2015 Endorsement by School Council Signed………………………………………. Name Trish Jelbart Date 23/3/2015 School Council President’s endorsement represents endorsement of School Strategic Plan by School Council Endorsement by the delegate of the Secretary Signed………………………………………. Name…………………………………………. Date…

Transcript of School Strategic Plan for Collingwood English Language School 2015 … · 2015-04-30 · 4. Utilise...

Page 1: School Strategic Plan for Collingwood English Language School 2015 … · 2015-04-30 · 4. Utilise Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) for school-based data monitoring and student tracking


School Strategic Plan for Collingwood English Language School 2015-2018


Endorsement by School Principal


Name Laima Novackis

Date 23/3/2015

Endorsement by School Council


Name Trish Jelbart

Date 23/3/2015

School Council President’s endorsement represents endorsement of School Strategic Plan by School Council

Endorsement by the delegate of the Secretary




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Page 3: School Strategic Plan for Collingwood English Language School 2015 … · 2015-04-30 · 4. Utilise Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) for school-based data monitoring and student tracking


School Profile Purpose

Collingwood English Language School (CELS) is a major provider of the New Arrivals Program in the North Western Victoria Region. It is a combined primary and secondary school, which provides full time, intensive English courses for newly-arrived migrants and refugees prior to their enrolment in a mainstream school or further education. The main aim of the school’s program is to provide a cooperative and supportive learning and working environment to enable students to develop the language and skills they require to move successfully into mainstream schooling and to participate within the community. A secondary aim is to introduce students to Australian society and culture.

Values Our school community:

values a positive, harmonious, respectful, safe and engaging learning and working environment promotes respect for diversity and values the richness of cultures promotes the development of self-confidence develops active, critical and responsible learners encourages the full potential of students and staff promotes good communication, cooperation and decision making cares for the environment

Environmental Context Collingwood English Language School has two campuses, one in Collingwood established as a school in 1989

(previously two language centres, Victoria Park and Collingwood) the other at Broadmeadows which was established in 2013. The Collingwood Campus is centrally located in Cambridge Street, Collingwood approximately one kilometre north east of the city centre; the Broadmeadows Campus is in Johnstone St Broadmeadows, and is part of the Dimboola Hub, sharing the oval with Broadmeadows Valley Primary School and Hume Central (Dimboola Rd Campus).

Each campus is well serviced by public transport, catering for new arrivals in the inner city area and from the Northern and Eastern suburbs at the Collingwood Campus, and new arrivals from the Northern suburbs at the Broadmeadows campus. The school's target enrolment at the Collingwood campus is 91 secondary students and 39 primary students, and 26 secondary and 39 primary children at the Broadmeadows campus.

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CELS provides off campus [“Outpost”] programs in primary schools with high numbers of new arrivals as the need arises. Changes in settlement patterns affect the provision and content of these programs. Outposting is provided in a single school or for a cluster of schools. Currently there are two Outpost programs operating at Preston North East and Thomastown Primary Schools with 26 students in each program.

An extension of the Outpost program, a visiting teacher program, is provided to isolated primary age new arrivals in the northern region program to increase the access for newly-arrived primary students who are unable to attend an Outpost or base program. Further support is provided by an Outreach worker who is based in the school and provides support to newly arrived students and their teachers in the North Western Victorian Region.

The period of enrolment for students varies from 6-12 months depending on individual student needs and pressures from student waiting lists. Students enrol at any time there are vacancies and exit at the end of a term. Enrolments may vary from term to term and to a large extent reflect fluctuations in the number of new arrivals and their settlement patterns in Melbourne.

Most students are permanent residents, although the school can take some enrolments from students holding temporary visas. The school has been accredited as a provider for overseas fee paying students. The student demographic is continually changing with variations in the geographical, cultural and prior schooling background of students. Students come from all over the world with over 30 countries represented during the last three years. The highest proportion of students in the past 10 years has been from Mainland China followed by Vietnam. However with the establishment of the Broadmeadows campus and changing immigration patterns in recent years there have also been significant numbers of students from Iraq, Iran, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Africa. The school caters for the needs of the increasing numbers of refugee children whose schooling has been interrupted, or, in some cases who have never been to school, who have been in refugee camps and detention centres prior to their enrolment and who present with high levels of trauma and significant welfare needs, has provided staff with additional challenges.

Data interpretation from student and parent surveys for accountability purposes may be problematic due to the short stay of newly arrived students and parents/guardians. Also unlike mainstream settings where students may stay in the school for 7 years, the cohort of students changes significantly each term impacting on data interpretation. Similarly 20% of teaching staff are off site 4 days per week, impacting on Staff Survey interpretation.

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Service Standards CELS has a holistic approach to student learning and development and is committed to building on what students

know, taking account of different learning styles and rates of learning. The school promotes a safe, stimulating and harmonious learning environment to encourage all students to achieve their full potential. Regular feedback is provided to students, and students are actively involved in reflecting on their learning. Individual needs are provided for through quality planning. Each term students are provided with a Student Information session which provides an induction program with interpreters where needed. This is always followed up by a planned Emergency Evacuation drill. The syllabus is regularly evaluated, with professional learning highly valued. The Annual Implementation Plan has a strong professional learning focus based around the goals and Key Improvement Strategies of the School Strategic Plan. The school fosters close links with parents and guardians and the broader school community creating a welcoming, vibrant and stimulating learning environment. The School Council is strongly committed to the school’s students and families and is comprised of community members and nominees from agencies that support new arrivals in Australia. The School actively supports newly arrived students and their families in the settlement process with a number of Multicultural Education Aides employed and interpreters/translations utilised where possible. Student welfare and transition support is integral to the program, and there are opportunities each term for parents and guardians to learn more about the CELS program and schooling in Australia through parent information sessions, the school newsletter and handbook. Parent Teacher reporting afternoons and informal meetings. Positive parenting is fostered and parents/guardian are actively involved in supporting the school in promoting respectful student behaviour.

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Strategic Direction

Goals Targets Key Improvement Strategies


To improve student achievement

levels in English Acquisition focussing on Speaking and Listening, Reading and Writing

To equip students with transferrable language and learning skills to achieve positive outcomes in relevant AusVELS domains

Maintain or Improve on Student

Attitudes to School Survey means, using 2013 as a benchmark, for Teaching and Learning variables. In 2013 these were: o Teacher Effectiveness

(2013: 4.7, years 5-6) o Stimulating Learning

(2013:4.38 , years 5-6) o Teacher Effectiveness

(2013: 4.45 years 7-12) o Stimulating Learning (2013:

4.04, years 7-12) Ensure 80% of students achieve

at least two levels growth over their stay in the program based on the AusVELS EAL Continuum.

1. Develop and implement a new

CELS Secondary Entry Test in English which will assist in determining academic risk on Entry and Exit.

2. Develop and maintain a school

based data monitoring and student tracking system.

3. Formalise a shared whole-school quality pedagogical model informed by professional learning including Powerful Learning using explicit reading teaching strategies.

4. Utilise Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) for school-based data monitoring and student tracking for students considered ‘at risk’ of not achieving two levels growth per stay.

5. Continue to investigate and implement an on-entry and on-exit Primary Maths Test.

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6. Continue to improve the Primary

Mathematics Program and continue to improve Secondary Science Program including timetabling.

7. Continue to develop and implement a staff professional learning and induction program which focuses on building teacher skills including using High Reliability Teaching Literacy Procedures and classroom observations, at CELS, NAP and mainstream.

8. Build leadership skills and knowledge through relevant professional learning e.g. Bastow programs and McREL

9. Integrate ICT in all relevant school Teaching and Learning programs through targeted professional learning and program review, with a focus on the use of ICT.

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To maximise student transition

opportunities and achievement into, through and out of Collingwood English Language School with a particular emphasis on students with disrupted schooling

To ensure a welcoming, vibrant and stimulating learning environment for all members of the Collingwood English Language School educational community.

Maintain or improve on 2013

benchmarks of the student the Attitudes to School Survey in relation to the domains Student Motivation (2013: 4.75, years 5-6) and (2013: 4.53, years 7-12), Teacher Empathy (2013: 4.57, years 5-6) and (2013: 4.52, years 7-12) Connectedness (2013: 4.60, years 5-6) and (2013: 4.44, years 7-12) .

Maintain or improve on the Secondary Science 2013 benchmark of 70% and the Primary social adjustment 2013 benchmark of 85% for mainstream schools’ surveys that show that students are Coping or Coping Well with their entry into the mainstream.

Exceed state means and maintain or improve on CELS 2013 benchmarks for the Parent Opinion Survey means for Stimulating Learning (2013: 6.10) and Learning Focus (2013: 5.77) and General Satisfaction (2013: 6.34)

1. Investigate and trial an

orientation program built into the transition program for students who will find the transition process difficult.

2. Develop strategies to maximise the number of student exit transition surveys returned by mainstream schools.

3. Provide strategies that improve Secondary student transitions with regard to Science and further pathways education.

4. Review and refine the school

Mission, Vision and Values statement involving the entire Collingwood English Language School community.

5. Improve parent engagement by reviewing how parents/guardians are involved in the school and develop strategies for furthering family connectedness.

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To ensure that Student Wellbeing

levels are enhanced by the provision of a safe, secure, welcoming and motivational school environment

To reduce the risk factor for each

student considered ‘at high risk’ from high to at least medium.

Maintain or improve on 2013 benchmarks for the Student Attitudes to School Survey data in the Wellbeing domain in the primary and secondary sections particularly in the area of Student Safety (2013: 4.40, years 5-6) and (2013: 4.20, years 7-12).

Reduce overall student absence rates based on 2013 benchmarks by 10% over the Strategic Plan (2013: 14.5 days).

Specifically reduce student absence rates based on 2013 benchmarks by 20% over the Strategic Plan for years Prep (2013: 19.28) and 9 (2013: 19.62) .

1. Consistent with the Student

Performance domain a ‘risk rating’ be given to all students on entry with a review on exit and a quantifiable improvement scale to be developed as well as a target over the period of the Strategic Plan, liaising with other language schools.

2. Review the whole school Wellbeing Program in view of Kids Matters, the DEECD Resilience Program and the e Smart program and other relevant programs in order for consistent program delivery across the school

3. Ongoing staff professional learning with regard to student risk factors and wellbeing strategies to address concerns.

4. Implement a breakfast program and food technology programs to promote good food choices.

5. Review school timetabling with regard to student wellbeing.

6. Continue to focus on improved

student attendance and follow up processes for absence

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To maximise physical, fiscal and

human resource provision in order to improve student transitions and English acquisition

Focus on improving on Parent

and Community Involvement in the new DEECD staff opinion surveys (2014: 58%).

1. Resource a whole school

staff professional learning program based on the new Strategic Plan Goals and building future leadership capacity through the Annual Implementation Plans.

2. Through the School

programs and budgeting process develop an annual Buildings and Grounds plan for both campuses with a particular focus on the Broadmeadows campus.

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School Strategic Plan 2015- 2018: Indicative Planner

Key Improvement Strategies Actions Achievement Milestone


1. Develop and implement a new CELS Secondary Entry Test in English which will assist in determining academic risk on Entry and Exit.

2. Develop and maintain a school based data monitoring and student tracking system.

3. Formalise a shared whole-school quality

pedagogical model informed by professional learning including Powerful Learning using explicit reading teaching strategies.

4. Utilise Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) for

school-based data monitoring and student tracking for students considered ‘at risk’ of not achieving two levels growth per stay.

5. Continue to investigate and implement an

on-entry and on-exit Primary Maths Test.

6. Continue to improve the Primary Mathematics Program and continue to improve Secondary Science Program including timetabling.

Year 1 Develop a new CELS Secondary Entry Test including working with new arrivals Curriculum Coordinators

Develop a new CELS Primary Entry Test in MATHS which will assist in determining academic risk on Entry and Exit, involving the Primary Maths Initiative Coordinator and relevant personnel.

Continue to undertake ESTEME professional learning and take up ESTEME student learning opportunities

Provide professional learning on effective group work to provide for differentiated learning

On enrolment determine which students could be ‘at risk’ of not achieving two levels of growth over their stay in the program, and monitor and track these students holistically.

Continue to improve the Primary Mathematics Program though professional learning involving the Primary Maths Initiative Coordinator and relevant personnel.

New secondary entry test developed.

New Primary MATHS entry test developed.

Esteme learning opportunities taken up by teachers and for students

Professional learning on effective group work to provide for differentiated learning provided.

Students ‘at risk’ of not achieving two levels of growth over their stay in the program, and monitored and tracked

Professional learning on Maths undertaken by Primary Maths Initiative Coordinator and shared with staff

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7. Continue to develop and implement a staff

professional learning and induction program which focuses on building teacher skills including using High Reliability Teaching Literacy Procedures and classroom observations, at CELS, NAP and mainstream.

8. Build leadership skills and knowledge

through relevant professional learning e.g. Bastow programs and McREL

9. Integrate ICT in all relevant school

Teaching and Learning programs through targeted professional learning and program review, with a focus on the use of ICT.

Continue to provide opportunities for

peer observation and further refine observation tools.

Review induction and the provision of mentoring for new staff and staff in new roles.

Provide opportunities for staff to share John Munro’s High Reliability Teaching Literacy Procedures and undertake classroom observations including CELS, NAP and mainstream.

Provide opportunities for new staff to

access professional learning on John Munro’s High Reliability Teaching Literacy Procedures

Further professional learning and mentoring will be provided across the curriculum including effective literacy strategies across the school as many of our students have low levels of literacy

Continue to provide opportunities for

professional learning and sharing around the effective use of ICT including iPads in the EAL classroom.

Continue to focus on the use of explicit

learning intentions and success criteria across the program to have consistency in instructional practice across the program.

Opportunities for peer observation taken up and observation tools further refined

Induction program reviewed

Opportunities for staff to learn about

and share John Munro’s High Reliability Teaching Literacy Procedures and undertake classroom observations including CELS, NAP and mainstream provided.

Improved literacy strategies for teachers unfamiliar with the literacy program.

Increase in the number of teachers sharing ipad and ICT strategies through school professional learning forums.

Induction provided for staff new to

the program on use of explicit learning intentions and success criteria

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Improve video conferencing to improve

communication and professional learning across the program.

Investigate and encourage further leadership professional learning through Bastow and McRell.

Improved video conferencing across campuses

Improved staff leadership skills.

Year 2 Trial and review the new CELS Secondary Entry Test

Trial and review the CELS Primary

Entry Test in MATHS Review the Secondary Science

Program including timetabling. On enrolment determine which

students could be ‘at risk’ of not achieving two levels of growth over their stay in the program, and monitor and track these students holistically.

Further professional learning and

mentoring will be provided across the curriculum including effective literacy strategies across the school as many of our students have low levels of literacy

Provide further professional learning on reading strategies and latest research on reading.

The new CELS Secondary Entry Test implemented

The CELS Primary Entry Test in MATHS implemented

Science program reviewed

All students ‘at risk’ of not achieving two levels of growth over their stay in the program have been monitored , tracked and have progressed on the VELS EAL continuum during their stay in the program.

Improved literacy strategies for teachers unfamiliar with the literacy program.

Professional learning on reading

strategies provided

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Continue to undertake ESTEME professional learning and take up ESTEME student learning opportunities

Continue to improve the Primary

Mathematics Program though professional learning involving the Primary Maths Initiative Coordinator and relevant personnel.

Continue to develop and implement a staff professional learning and induction program which focuses on building teacher skills using John Munro’s High Reliability Teaching Literacy Procedures, classroom including CELS, NAP and observations.

Utilise video conferencing to improve

communication and professional learning across the program.

Develop a whole-school

Instructional Model including Powerful Learning using explicit reading teaching strategies in order to have consistent, high quality, differentiated instruction in all classrooms and a consistent

approach across the program in terms of planning, assessment and reporting

Esteme learning opportunities taken up

by teachers and for students

Professional learning on Maths undertaken by Primary Maths Initiative Coordinator and shared with staff

Opportunities for staff to learn about and

share John Munro’s High Reliability Teaching Literacy Procedures and undertake classroom observations including CELS, NAP and mainstream provided.

Improved video conferencing across the program

A whole-school Instructional Model developed.

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Year 3 Trial whole school quality pedagogical model

On enrolment determine which students

could be ‘at risk’ of not achieving two levels of growth over their stay in the program, and monitor and track these students holistically.

Continue to develop and implement a

staff professional learning and induction program which focuses on building teacher skills using John Munro’s High Reliability Teaching Literacy Procedures, classroom including CELS, NAP and observations

Continue to undertake ESTEME professional learning and take up ESTEME student learning opportunities

Develop a revised Secondary Science Program and provide professional learning to support its implementation.

Continue to improve the Primary Mathematics Program though professional learning involving the Primary Maths Initiative Coordinator and relevant personnel.

The shared, whole school quality pedagogical model trialled,

All students ‘at risk’ of not achieving two

levels of growth over their stay in the program have been monitored , tracked and have progressed on the VELS EAL continuum during their stay in the program.

Opportunities for staff to learn about and

share John Munro’s High Reliability Teaching Literacy Procedures and undertake classroom observations including CELS, NAP and mainstream provided.

Esteme learning opportunities taken up

by teachers and for students Revised Secondary Science Program Primary maths program and resources


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Year 4 On enrolment determine which students

could be ‘at risk’ of not achieving two levels of growth over their stay in the program, and monitor and track these students holistically.

Review progress of School Strategic

Plan (SSP).

All students ‘at risk’ of not achieving two

levels of growth over their stay in the program have been monitored, tracked and have progressed on the VELS EAL continuum during their stay in the program.

Student Attitudes to School Survey means, using 2013 as a benchmark, for Teaching and Learning variables maintained or improved on.

80% of students have achieved at least two levels growth over their stay in the program based on the AusVELS EAL Continuum

Self-Evaluation completed and new

School Strategic Plan developed.

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1. Investigate and trial an orientation program built into the transition program for students who will find the transition process difficult.

2. Develop strategies to maximise the number of student exit transition surveys returned by mainstream schools

3. Provide strategies that improve Secondary student transitions with regard to Science and further pathways education.

4. Review and refine the school Vision , Values and objectives statement involving the entire Collingwood English Language School community

Year 1 Review the parent engagement

program Investigate and trial an orientation

program built into the transition program for students who will find the transition process difficult.

Investigate which aspect of science

students find difficult in mainstream and provide further teaching within these areas

Mainstream observations and

support for students who have exited and are at medium to high risk

Brainstorm strategies to maximise

the number of student exit transition surveys returned by mainstream schools eg changing format to a survey monkey or providing surveys digitally and emailing it directly to the EAL coordinator or making it web based.

Parent engagement program reviewed

New orientation transition program

trialled for students who will find the transition process difficult.

Units of science learning refined and

developed to better prepare secondary students for science

At least one mainstream in school follow up for students who have exited and are at medium to high risk

Improved return of teacher follow up

surveys relative to 2013

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Year 2 Review and refine the school Vision , Values and objectives statement involving the whole CELS community

Mainstream observations and support for students who have exited and are at medium to high risk

Implement new parent engagement


Implement the new orientation program built into the transition program for students who will find the transition process difficult.

Provide professional learning to EAL

mainstream providers and the NAP

School Vision , Values and objectives statement reviewed

New parent engagement program


At least one mainstream in school

follow up for students who have exited and are at medium to high risk

New orientation program for

transition for students implemented

Professional learning opportunities offered for EAL networks and the NAP

Year 3 Mainstream observations and support for students who have exited and are at medium to high risk

Review the new orientation program built

into the transition program for students who will find the transition process difficult.

Provide professional learning to EAL mainstream providers and the NAP.

At least one mainstream in school follow up for students who have exited and are at medium to high risk

New orientation program for

transition for students reviewed

Professional learning opportunities offered for EAL networks and the NAP

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Year 4 Mainstream observations and support

for students who have exited and are at medium to high risk

Provide professional learning to EAL mainstream providers and the NAP

Review Family Maths program

Review progress of SSP. .

Maintain or improve on 2013 benchmarks

of the student the Attitudes to School Survey in relation to the domains Student Motivation (2013: 4.75, years 5-6) and (2013: 4.53, years 7-12), Teacher Empathy (2013: 4.57, years 5-6) and (2013: 4.52, years 7-12) Connectedness (2013: 4.60, years 5-6) and (2013: 4.44, years 7-12) .

Maintain or improve on the Secondary Science 2013 benchmark of 70% and the Primary social adjustment 2013 benchmark of 85% for mainstream schools’ surveys that show that students are Coping or Coping Well with their entry into the mainstream.

Exceed state means and maintain or improve on CELS 2013 benchmarks for the Parent Opinion Survey means for Stimulating Learning (2013: 6.10) and Learning Focus (2013: 5.77) and General Satisfaction (2013: 6.34)

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1. Consistent with the Student Performance

domain a ‘risk rating’ be given to all students on entry with a review on exit and a quantifiable improvement scale to be developed as well as a target over the period of the Strategic Plan, liaising with other language schools.

2. Review the whole school Wellbeing Program in view of Kids Matters, the DEECD Resilience Program and the e Smart program and other relevant programs in order for consistent program delivery across the school

3. Ongoing staff professional learning with

regard to student risk factors and wellbeing strategies to address concerns.

4. Implement a breakfast program and food technology programs to promote good food choices.

5. Review school timetabling with regard to

student wellbeing.

6. Continue to focus on improved student attendance and follow up processes for absence

Year 1 Overall Student Well-being Coordinator to make links and visit other language schools to gather relevant well-being tools and information.

Develop an Individual Well-being Plan format for high risk students developed based on the Welfare Checklist and relevant tools from other language schools, including a quantifiable improvement scale

Review absence procedures and

implement a revised procedure, including follow up phone calls at the end of the first session to parents/guardians of absent students where possible

Provide Foundation house PD.

Review the delivery of student safety programs with SRC input including the further development of the eSmart program towards eSmart accreditation

Implement buddy program across sectors

Investigate breakfast programs and funding for these and implement new breakfast program

An Individual Well-being Plan format for high risk students developed based on the Welfare Checklist and relevant tools from other language schools, including a quantifiable improvement scale

Reduced overall student absence rates

based on 2013 benchmarks by 5%

Reduced student absence rates based on 2013 benchmarks by 5% for years Prep (2013: 19.26) and 9 (2013: 22.71)

Foundation house PD provided.

The 2013 benchmarks Student Attitudes to School Survey data in the Wellbeing domain in the primary and secondary sections particularly in the area of Student Safety (2013: 4.40, years 5-6) and (2013: 4.20, years 7-12) maintain or improved on.

New breakfast program implemented

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Year 2 Focus on the implementation of the eSMART program by teaching staff to improve student learning

Professional learning on Kids Matters

Review Whole school Wellbeing Program

Implement new absence procedures

Individual Well-being Plans implemented and monitored by Wellbeing coordinators and data analysed and the risk factor for each student considered ‘at high risk’ reduced from high to at least medium..

Maintain or improve on 2013 benchmarks Student Attitudes to School Survey data in the Wellbeing domain in the primary and secondary sections particularly in the area of Student Safety (2013: 4.40, years 5-6) and (2013: 4.20, years 7-12).

Whole school Wellbeing Program reviewed

Reduced overall student absence rates based on 2013 benchmarks by 6% (2013: 14.5 days)

Reduced student absence rates based on 2013 benchmarks by 10% for years Prep (2013: 19.28) and 9 (2013: 19.62).

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Year 3

Continue to Implement new absence procedures

Implement whole school revised

Wellbeing Program

Review breakfast program

Reduced overall student absence

rates based on 2013 benchmarks by 8% (2013: 14.5 days)

Reduced student absence rates

based on 2013 benchmarks by 15% for years Prep (2013: 19.28) and 9 (2013: 19.62)

Revised Whole school Wellbeing Program implemented

2013 benchmarks Student Attitudes

to School Survey data in the Wellbeing domain in the primary and secondary sections particularly in the area of Student Safety (2013: 4.40, years 5-6) and (2013: 4.20, years 7-12) maintained or improved on

Breakfast program reviewed

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Year 4

Review new absence procedures

Review progress of SSP.

Individual Well-being Plans implemented and monitored by Wellbeing coordinators and data over the SSP analysed.

2013 benchmarks Student Attitudes to School Survey data in the Wellbeing domain in the primary and secondary sections particularly in the area of Student Safety (2013: 4.40, years 5-6) and (2013: 4.20, years 7-12) maintained or improved on

Reduced overall student absence rates based on 2013 benchmarks by 10% over the Strategic Plan (2013: 14.5 days)

Reduced student absence rates based on 2013 benchmarks by 20% over the Strategic Plan for years Prep (2013: 19.28) and 9 (2013: 19.62) .

Self- Evaluation completed and new School Strategic Plan developed.

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1. Resource a whole school staff professional learning program based on the new Strategic Plan (SSP) Goals and building future leadership capacity through the Annual Implementation Plans.

2. Through the School programs and budgeting process develop an annual Buildings and Grounds plan for both campuses with a particular focus on the Broadmeadows campus.

Year 1 Provide professional learning on SSP.

Resource School programs through the program budgeting process informed by SSP and Annual Implementation Plan (AIP).

Professional learning on SSP provided.

Through the program budgeting process the SSP and AIP have been effectively resourced and the budget.

Year 2 Resource School programs through the program budgeting process informed by SSP and AIP.

Through the program budgeting process the SSP and AIP have been effectively resourced and the budget.

Year 3 Resource School programs through the program budgeting process informed by SSP and AIP.

Through the program budgeting process the SSP and AIP have been effectively resourced and the budget.

Year 4 Review progress of SSP. Complete Self Evaluation and develop

new SSP.

Through the program budgeting process the SSP and AIP have been effectively resourced and the budget

Self-Evaluation completed and new School Strategic Plan developed.
