School of Computing Science and Engineering Department of ... · C Programing, C++ Programing...

School of Computing Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering Document Reference Revision No. / Date Prepared By Approved By SUN/SOCSE/BTECH/CSE/2019 R1 / 23 October 2019 B. Tech Computer Science and Engineering Semester – V CIA: Continuous Internal Assessment L: Theory Lecture T: Tutorial P: Practical TH: Theory Exam. #: Internship for 15 days. *: Oral Examination UC: University Core PC: Programme Core PE: Programme Elective CIA Weightage Description CIA 1 10% Home Assignment CIA 2 20% Mid-Term Exam (MTE) CIA 3 10% Seminar Presentation CIA 4 10% Research Based Activity TOTAL 50% Note: YCS514 - After 4 th Semester Student Must complete – Maximum of Three weeks - Student must submit a Report. Sr. No. Core Course Code Course Name Teaching Scheme (Hrs./Week) Examination Scheme Total Marks L T P C Formative Assessment CIA Summative Assessment ESE Course Lab Course Lab 1 PC YCS501 Introduction to Python 3 1 0 4 50 -- 50 -- 100 2 PC YCS502 Advanced Operating System 3 -- 0 3 50 -- 50 -- 100 3 PC YCS503 Interactive Web Application Development 3 -- 0 3 50 -- 50 -- 100 4 PC YCS504 Server Side Scripting Languages 3 -- 0 3 50 -- 50 -- 100 5 PC YCS511 Python Program Lab -- -- 4 2 -- 25 -- 25 50 7 PC YCS512 Server Side Scripting Languages Lab -- -- 4 2 -- 25 -- 25 50 8 PC YCS513 Seminars and Technical Communications -- -- 2 1 -- 50 -- -- 50 9 UC YCS514 Industry Internship -- 2 -- 2 -- 50 -- -- 50 10 UC YFF501/ YFG502 Foreign Language (French II / German II) 2 -- -- 2 50 -- 50 -- 100 TOTAL 14 03 10 22 250 150 250 50 700

Transcript of School of Computing Science and Engineering Department of ... · C Programing, C++ Programing...

Page 1: School of Computing Science and Engineering Department of ... · C Programing, C++ Programing Objectives: The course will enables students to:- 1 Understands programing fundamentals

School of Computing Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering

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SUN/SOCSE/BTECH/CSE/2019 R1 / 23 October 2019

B. Tech Computer Science and Engineering Semester – V

CIA: Continuous Internal Assessment

L: Theory Lecture

T: Tutorial

P: Practical

TH: Theory Exam.

#: Internship for 15 days.

*: Oral Examination

UC: University Core

PC: Programme Core

PE: Programme Elective

CIA Weightage Description

CIA 1 10% Home Assignment

CIA 2 20% Mid-Term Exam (MTE)

CIA 3 10% Seminar Presentation

CIA 4 10% Research Based Activity



YCS514 - After 4th Semester Student Must complete – Maximum of Three weeks - Student must submit a Report.

Sr. No.

Core Course

Code Course Name

Teaching Scheme


Examination Scheme

Total Marks








Course Lab Course Lab

1 PC YCS501 Introduction to Python 3 1 0 4 50 -- 50 -- 100

2 PC YCS502 Advanced Operating System 3 -- 0 3 50 -- 50 -- 100

3 PC YCS503 Interactive Web Application

Development 3 -- 0 3 50 -- 50 -- 100

4 PC YCS504 Server Side Scripting Languages 3 -- 0 3 50 -- 50 -- 100

5 PC YCS511 Python Program Lab -- -- 4 2 -- 25 -- 25 50

7 PC YCS512 Server Side Scripting Languages

Lab -- -- 4 2 -- 25 -- 25 50

8 PC YCS513 Seminars and Technical

Communications -- -- 2 1 -- 50 -- -- 50

9 UC YCS514 Industry Internship -- 2 -- 2 -- 50 -- -- 50

10 UC YFF501/


Foreign Language (French II /

German II) 2 -- -- 2 50 -- 50 -- 100

TOTAL 14 03 10 22 250 150 250 50 700

Page 2: School of Computing Science and Engineering Department of ... · C Programing, C++ Programing Objectives: The course will enables students to:- 1 Understands programing fundamentals

School of Computing Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering

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Year: Third Year Semester – V Course: Introduction to Python Course Code: YCS501

Teaching Scheme

(Hrs. /Week) Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

End Semester Examination Total

L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Theory Lab 3 - - 3 10 20 10 10 -- 50 -- 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) - 03 Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) – 00 Hrs.

Prerequisites: C Programing, C++ Programing

Objectives: The course will enables students to:-

1 Understands programing fundamentals

2 Know basics of python

3 Understand use of python library for complex problem solving

Unit No

Details Hours


Module 1: Introduction to Python What is Python, Where is it used, Pros and Cons, Python Version 2, Version 3,

Python Installing on Windows & on Linux and Mac OS


Module 2:Data Types & Operators Numerics ( int, complex and float ), Boolean ( and, or , not ), Strings, List, Tuples,

Dictionaries,Relational Operators ( or Comparisons ) >, >= <,<=, !, !=, is not,

Datetime(), Calendar(),Collections(), Heapq. s.replace(), s.find(), s.split(), s.alpha()

and more …



Module 1: Files, Directories, Regular Expressions & Flow Controls Path(), Stat(), Filecmp(), Glob(), Shutil(),. replace (), sub(), search(), Pattern

matching. if, then,else, while, If, elif, for loop, Iterators, range.


Module 2:Functions, Python OS Module functions, Parallel Processing and spawning processes Creating Isolated Environment- Virtualenv(), Creating

processes using fork(), and exec(),Listing current working directory, current OS,

Listing files in directories, and other os functions Syntax, Calling functions,

Returning from functions, Pass by Reference and Value, Functions arguments.



Module 1: Exception Handling, Object Oriented Programming & Standard and other Libraries Try, except, else: Try, finally, Raising exceptions. Instantiating Classes, Serialising

Python Objects.


Module 2: Data Compression and Archiving ( zip, gzip, bz2, zipfile). 4

4 Module 1: Web development, Network Programming & Extending and Embedding Python in


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other programming languages HTTP web services ( http.client() ). Introduction to Socket Module and Functions (


bind, listen, accept, send/recv ),

Module 2: Sample Client and Server Examples. Creating extensions withand

without third party tools. 3


Module 1: Python in IoT , Scientific and DB programming in Python ( installation and beginnersamples ), numpy ( Installation and Use cases ) and Pandas: Data Processing module Raspberry, Paho-mqtt. Mysqldb( Installation, Use cases ), Opencv ( Installation,

GUI Featuresand Videos ), MatPlotlib ( Includes installation, Examples of 2D

plots, Colors, Text,Introduction to APIs ).


Module 2: Pandas - Overview, setup, Data Structures, Indexing and Selected

data,Reshaping Data, Grouping. 4

Outcomes: On completion of the course, student will be able to–

1 Understands programing fundamentals

2 Know basics of python

3 Understand use of python library for complex problem solving

Text Books

Programing with python (IBM ICE Publication)

Reference Book

IPython :


Extending and Embedding Python :

Places where we can get free data:

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School of Computing Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering

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Year: Third Year Semester – V Course: Advanced Operating Systems Course Code: YCS502

Teaching Scheme

(Hrs. /Week) Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

End Semester Examination Total

L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Theory Lab 3 -- - 3 10 20 10 10 -- 50 -- 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -3Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) –00 Hrs.

Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Operating Systems

Objectives: Students are able to:-

1 To understand the concepts of distributed systems.

2 To get an insight into the various issues and solutions in distributed operating systems.

3 To learn about mobile and real-time operating systems.

4 To gain knowledge on the design concepts of mainframe operating systems.

Unit No

Details Hours


Module 1:Overview synchronization mechanisms, Clock synchronization, Event

ordering, Mutual exclusion, Deadlock, Election algorithms, desirable features of

good global scheduling algorithms


Module 2:Processes and threads, process deadlocks, process management and

scheduling, memory management : partitioning, paging, segmentation , virtual

memory, device and file management.



Module 1: System Architecture Types, Issues in Distributed Operating Systems:

Naming, Scalability, Security, Client-Server Model, Process Synchronization,

Global Knowledge, etc. RPC, Message Passing. Absence of Global Lock, Absence

of Shared Memory.


Module 2:Lamports's Logical Clocks, ChandyLamport's Algorithm, Termination

Detection, Distributed Mutual Exclusion, Non Token Based Algorithms,


TokenBasedAlgorithm, Comparative performance Analysis



Module 1: Distributed File Systems, Design Issues, Google File System, Hadoop

Distributed File System, Features of global scheduling algorithm. 3

Module 2: Task assignment approach Synchronous and Asynchronous Check

Pointing and Recovery, Fault Tolerance. 3


Module 1: Architecture of Shared Memory systems ,Design and implementation

Issues Algorithms for Implementing Distributed Shared Memory ,Consistency



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Module 2: Page based distributed shared memory ,Object based distributed shared

memory, Replacement strategy, Thrashing. Synchronization: Clock




Module 1: Introduction, good features of DFS, File models, File accessing

models, File sharing semantics. 4

Module 2: File caching scheme, File replication, Fault tolerance, Atomic

transactions and design principles. 4

Outcomes: At the end of this course students will be able to:-

1 To analyze task assignment and message passing.

2 Synthesize the fault tolerance in computer systems.

Text Books

1. Andrew S Tanenbaum, “ Distributed Operating Systems “ , Pearson Education India, 2001.

2. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin and Greg Gagne, Operating System Concepts. New

Delhi: Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 2009

3. MukeshSinghal, and NiranjanShivratri, Distributed operating system. New Delhi: TMH, 2001

4. William Stallings, Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles. New Delhi: Pearson


Reference Book

1. Distributed Operating Systems concepts and design - P.K.Sinha(PHI).

2. Advanced Operating System – Singhal

3. Distributed Systems concepts and design-G.Coulouris,J.Dollimore& T. Kindberg

4. Modern Operating System - A.S. Tanenbaum(PHI).

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School of Computing Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering

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Year: Third Year Semester – V

Course: Interactive Web Application Development Course Code: YCS503


Scheme (Hrs. /Week)

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) End Semester Examination Total

L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Theory Lab 3 -- 0 3 10 20 10 10 -- 50 -- 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -03Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) - 00Hrs. Prerequisites: Basics of Java Programming


1 The behavior of a web page can be programmed using JavaScript which is increasingly being

the technology of choice for web developers. This course aims to teach students with a

foundation in web technologies how to create rich, interactive web applications using

Javascript, AJAX and JSON.

2 Students will learn web application design, development and testing skills. On completion of

this course the learner should be able to design and implement a variety of interactive web


Unit No

Details Hours


Module 1:Introduction to Scripting Languages&Javascript Introduction to Scripting Languages, Advantages and disadvantages of scripting


Server side and client side scripting, Glue Languages. Overview of popular web

scripting languages.


Module 2:Introduction to JavaScript. Client side and Server side usage of JavaScript. 4


Module 1:Learning Javascript Javascript data types, variables, operators, expressions, statements, functions.

Objects, arrays, date, math, error handling, flow control, loops. Document Object

Model - creating nodes, namespace, DOM and HTML, DOM and CSS.


Module 2:Event handling, Event types. Lexical evaluation, this scope, hoisting, FIF.

Introduction to Functional programming. 4


Module 1jQuery JS Library

Introduction to jQuery, accessing the jQuery library, Selecting Page elements,

Adding content to a page, Setting and reading tag attributes,



Module 2:Reading, Setting and Removing HTML Attributes, Acting on selected elements,

adding pull quotes, responding to events. 4

4 Module 1:Windows, Frames and Overlay in JavaScript 3

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Window object, dialogs, Controlling windows. Form handling, form fields, form

validation. UI elements,

Module 2Browser management, Media management. User defined HTML attributes. 3


Module 1:AJAX & JSON Introduction to AJAX: XMLHttp, AJAX request and response, Events, Database;

Introduction to JSON: Syntax, Http, Files; Sessions, templates. Relational

databases, Object Relational Mapping. Deferred Objects, Promise Objects,

Asynchronous programming.


Module 2:How to debug Asynchronous running code. Cover topics like Timeouts, try

catch and finally, Web sockets 3


1 Design websites using appropriate security principles, focusing specifically on the

vulnerabilities inherent in common web implementations.

2 Incorporate best practices in navigation, usability and written content to design websites that

give users easy access to the information they seek.

3 Conceptualize and plan an internet-based business that applies appropriate business models and

web technologies

Text Books

3. JavaScript and JQuery Interactive Front-End Web Development, Jon Duckett. Wiley 2014.

Reference Book

1. Learning Web App Development, SemmyPurewal. O’Reilly 2014.

2. JavaScript &JQueryThe Missing Manual, David Sawyer McFarland. O’Reilly 2014.

3. HTML 5 Black Book, Covers CSS 3, JavaScript, XML, XHTML, AJAX, PHP and jQuery, Kogent

Solutions. Dreamtech Press, 2011.

4. Speaking Javascript, Dr Axel Rauschmayer. O’Reilly 2014.

5. JavaScript: The Complete Reference, Thomas Powell, Fritz Schneider. McGraw Hill 2004.

6. Introduction to JavaScript Object Notation: A To The Point Guide to JSON, Linsay Bassett. O’Reilly 2015

7. Ajax Black Book, Kogent Solutions. Dreamtech Press, 2008.

8. The World of Scripting Languages, David Barron. Wiley India Pvt Ltd., 2000.

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School of Computing Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering

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Year: Third Year Semester – V

Course: Server Side Scripting Languages Course Code: YCS504


Scheme (Hrs. /Week)

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) End Semester Examination Total

L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Theory Lab 3 -- - 3 10 20 10 10 -- 50 -- 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -3Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) – 0 Hrs. Prerequisites: some existing C-like language (one of C, C++, Java, or C#,

Objectives: Students are able to:-

1 Server side scripting is used in web application development which involves writing scripts

on the web server. This web server will be producing customized responses for the clients

request in the website.

2 Server side scripting can be done using different scripting languages. In this course, the

students will be learning about two different and popular scripting languages – Python and

Ruby on Rail

3 Basic concepts: scripts and scripting, scripting versus programming, scriptable objects and

componentware, Ajax.

Unit No

Details Hours


Module 1: Introduction to Server-side Scripting Languages Server-side Scripting, Different Scripting Languages, Web services, Web

application frameworks – MVC,


Module 2 General purpose frameworks – e.g., Django, RoR; Discussion forums,

Wikis, Weblogs, Content management system (CMS) 4


Module 1Introduction to Python How to set up the environment, Lexical conventions and Syntax, Variables, Data

Types, Operators, Statements and Expressions


Module 2:, Decision making, Loops, Strings, Tuples, Lists, Dictionary,

Recursion, Date and Time, Functions, Modules – math, random; Files I/O,




Module 1: CGI and GUI Programming in Python Classes and Objects, Classes and Functions, Classes and Methods, Regular

Expressions, CGI Programming,


Module 2 Database Access Networking, Sending Email, Multithreading, XML Processing,

GUI Programming, Extending and Embedding Python 4

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4 Module 1:Introduction to Ruby on Rails MVC Architecture, How to install, Framework, Request and Response,


Module 2: Directory structure, Features, Basic Rails Application 4

Module 1: Advanced Rails Applications

Setting up the database, Active records, Migrations, Controllers, Routes,


Module 2: Views, Layouts, Scaffolding, AJAX, Uploading files, sending Email 4


1 Analyse and model requirements and constraints for the purpose of designing and

implementing software systems .

2 Evaluate and compare designs of such systems on the basis of specific requirements and


Text Books

1. Core Python Programming, by Wesley J. Chun, Prentice Hall.

2. Professional Ruby on Rails by Noel Rappin, Wiley India Pvt Ltd

Reference Book

1. Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, by Allen Downey, O’Reilly, Green

Tea Press

2. Python: Essential Reference, David M. Beazley

3. Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science By John M. Zelle, Franklin ,

Beedle and Associates

4. Learn Ruby on Rails: Book one By Daniel Kehoe.

5. Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Web Development with Rails , Addison-Wesley.

6. Professional Ruby By Michael Hartl

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School of Computing Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering

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Year: Third Year Semester – V

Course: Python Program Lab Course Code: YCS511

Teaching Scheme

(Hrs. /Week) Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

End Semester Examination



Lab Theory Lab

0 0 4 2 -- -- -- -- 25 0 25 50

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -00 Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) – 03 Hrs. Prerequisites: Basic Networking Skills and python programming.


1 Students will be learning about two different and popular scripting languages – Python and

Ruby on Rail

Guidelines for Assessment Term Work assessment shall be conducted for the Project, Tutorials and Seminar. Term work is

continuous assessment based on work done, submission of work in the form of report/journal, timely

completion, attendance, and understanding. It should be assessed by subject teacher of the institute. At

the end of the semester, the final grade for a Term Work shall be assigned based on the performance

of the student and is to be submitted to the University.

1. The experiments from the regular practical syllabus will be performed (15 Marks).

2. The regular attendance of students during the syllabus practical course will be monitored and marks

will be given accordingly (5 Marks).

3. Good Laboratory Practices (5 Marks)

Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction

Practical/Oral/Presentation shall be conducted and assessed jointly by internal and external examiners.

The performance in the Practical/Oral/Presentation examination shall be assessed by at least a pair of

examiners appointed as examiners by the University. The examiners will prepare the mark/grade sheet

in the format as specified by the University, authenticate and seal it. Sealed envelope shall be

submitted to the head of the department or authorized person.

1. One experiment from the regular practical syllabus will be conducted. (Total 15 Marks).

2. Complete laboratory journal/records (05 Marks).

3. Viva-voce (05 Marks).

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Operating System recommended : Programming tools recommended:

Suggested List of Laboratory Assignments

Group A (Compulsory Assignments) 1. To Write a Python program to compute the GCD of two numbers.

2. To Write a Python program to find the square root of a number

3. To Write a Python program to find the exponentiation (Power of a number)

4. To write a Python program to find the maximum of a list of numbers.

5. To write a python program to search an element in an array using Linear search technique.

6. To write a Python program to search an element in a list of elements using Binary search


7. To write a Python program to sort the elements using selection sort.

8. To write a Python program to sort the elements using insertion sort .

9. To write a Python program to sort elements using merge sort method.

10. To Write a Python program to find the first n prime numbers.

11. To write a Python program to multiply two matrices.

12. To write a Python program to take command line arguments(word count)

13. To write a Python program to find the most frequent words in a text read from a file

14. To write a Python program to simulate elliptical orbits in pygame.

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School of Computing Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering

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Year: Third Year Semester – V

Course Server Side Scripting languages Lab Course Code: YCS512

Teaching Scheme

(Hrs. /Week) Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

End Semester Examination



Lab Theory Lab

0 0 4 2 -- -- -- -- 25 0 25 50

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -00 Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) – 03 Hrs.

Prerequisites: Basic Networking Skills and python programming.


1 Students will be learning about two different and popular scripting languages – Python and

Ruby on Rail

Guidelines for Assessment Term Work assessment shall be conducted for the Project, Tutorials and Seminar. Term work is

continuous assessment based on work done, submission of work in the form of report/journal,

timely completion, attendance, and understanding. It should be assessed by subject teacher of the

institute. At the end of the semester, the final grade for a Term Work shall be assigned based on the

performance of the student and is to be submitted to the University.

1. The experiments from the regular practical syllabus will be performed (15 Marks).

2. The regular attendance of students during the syllabus practical course will be monitored and

marks will be given accordingly (5 Marks).

3. Good Laboratory Practices (5 Marks)

Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction

Practical/Oral/Presentation shall be conducted and assessed jointly by internal and external

examiners. The performance in the Practical/Oral/Presentation examination shall be assessed by at

least a pair of examiners appointed as examiners by the University. The examiners will prepare the

mark/grade sheet in the format as specified by the University, authenticate and seal it. Sealed

envelope shall be submitted to the head of the department or authorized person.

1. One experiment from the regular practical syllabus will be conducted. (Total 15 Marks).

2. Complete laboratory journal/records (05 Marks).

3. Viva-voce (05 Marks). Operating System recommended : Programming tools recommended:

Suggested List of Laboratory Assignments

Group A (Compulsory Assignments)

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1. Write a python program to perform the following:

• Add two numbers

• Calculate the area of a cube

• Check is the number is even, odd, prime

• Print Fibonacci series

2. Write a python program to perform following:

• Display Calendar

• Shuffle a deck of cards.

• Sort different words in alphabetic order.

• Count the occurrences of a letter, vowels, etc in a given sentence

3. Write a python program to merge mails

4. Write a python program to find the resolution of an image

5. Write a python program to find the hash of file

6. Write a python game – where 2 dice has to be rolled. When doubles are rolled, then display

how many times it took to roll the double.

7. Write a python game to guess colors. Player can guess a color, and if the random color

picked is same, then the player gets 5 points.

8. Create a simple rail application

9. Manage data using a database in a rail application

10. Create controllers and views – ruby on rails

11. Develop applications using rails scaffolding

12. Send and receive mails using ruby on rails

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Year: Third Year Semester – V Course: Seminars And Technical Communications Course Code: YCS513

Teaching Scheme

(Hrs. /Week) Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

End Semester Examination Total

L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Theory Lab -- -- 2 1 -- -- -- -- 50 -- -- 50

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -03 Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) – 00 Hrs.

Objectives: Students are able to:-

1 To expose students to the 'real' working environment and get acquainted with the

organization structure, business operations and administrative functions.

2 To set the stage for future recruitment by potential employers.

Unit No

Details Hours


Course (catalog) description: As a part of the B. Tech Curriculum, SEMINAR is

a Practical course, in which the students of CSE are trained for presentation


Course Guidelines: Grading: The Course is graded based on: Presentation : 50% Student’s reports : 20% PPT presentation : 25% Attendance : 05%


Presentation will take place in the weekly class. The presentation is evaluation by

your class in charge.

Report must be submitted during presentation. The report evaluation is done by

your class in charge.

A Viva voce comprising a comprehensive questions based on your presentation.

Etiquette : Dress properly

Behave well

Portray good image as a university student

Be punctual

Observe work ethics

Concern for safety

Be professional

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Outcomes: On completion of the course, student will be able to–

1 An ability to work in actual working environment.

2 An ability to utilize technical resources.

3 An ability to write technical documents and give oral presentations related to the work


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Year: Third Year Semester – V Course: Industry Internship Course Code: YCS514

Teaching Scheme

(Hrs. /Week) Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

End Semester Examination Total

L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Theory Lab -- 2 -- 2 -- -- -- -- 50 -- -- 50

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -00 Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) – 00 Hrs.

Objectives: Students are able to:-

1 To expose students to the 'real' working environment and get acquainted with the

organization structure, business operations and administrative functions.

2 To set the stage for future recruitment by potential employers.

Unit No

Details Hours


Course (catalog) description: As a part of the B. Tech Curriculum, Industry Internship is a Practical course, in which the students of CSE are trained for

technical skills.


The Course is graded based on:

Presentation : 50%

Student’s reports : 50%

Employers Expectations: Source of highly motivated pre professionals.

Students bring new perspectives to old problems.

Visibility of your organization is increased on campus.

Quality candidates for temporary or seasonal positions and projects.

Freedom for professional staff to pursue more creative projects.

Flexible, cost effective work force not requiring a long term employer


Proven, cost effective way to recruit and evaluate potential employees.

Your image in the community is enhanced as you contribute your expertise to the

educational enterprise

Outcomes: On completion of the course, student will be able to–

1 An ability to work in actual working environment.

2 An ability to utilize technical resources.

3 An ability to write technical documents and give oral presentations related to the work


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Please respond to the following questions regarding your internship experience.

The purpose of this form is to provide opportunity for an honest appraisal of the internship site

and supervisor.

Organization: ___________________________________________


Location: ___________________________________

Supervisor: _________________________________

1. Please rate the following aspects of your internship placement on the basis of this scale:

(0) No Observation, (1) Poor, (2) Fair, (3) Good, (4) Excellent

• Work experience relates to my career goals

• Adequacy of employer supervision

• Helpfulness of supervisor

• Acceptance by fellow workers

• Opportunity to use my training

• Opportunity to develop my human relations skills

• Provided levels of responsibility consistent with my ability and growth

• Opportunity to develop my communication skills

• Opportunity to develop my creativity

• Cooperativeness of fellow workers

• Opportunity to problem solve

• Opportunity to develop critical thinking skills

• Provided orientation to the organization

• Attempt to offer feedback on my progress and abilities

• Effort to make it a learning experience for me

Feel free to explain any of your responses to the above criteria here (use other side if


2. Would you work for this supervisor again? ___ Yes ___ No ___ Uncertain

3. Would you work for this organization again? ___ Yes ___ No


4. Would you recommend this organization to other students? ___ Yes ___ No ___ Uncertain

Why or why not?

5. Your Name: _________________________________________ Date: ______________

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Year: Third Year Semester – V Course: French II Course Code: YFF501

Teaching Scheme

(Hrs. /Week) Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

End Semester Examination Total

L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Theory Lab 2 - - 2 10 20 10 10 -- 50 -- 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) - 03 Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) – 00 Hrs.

Objectives: The course will enables students to:-

1 To enable the students to read and inform timing to make an appointment dialogue.

2 To enable the students to learn about French cuisine, food items. Dialogue making at


3 To enable the students to draft mail, accept or reject the invitation of formal or informal


4 To enable aspirant to communicate the past events with help of passecomposee [simple

perfect tense].

5 To enable the students to talk/write about events that have happened – the introduction of

the perfect tense.

Unit No

Details Hours


Module 1: Agenda making in French , making an appointment

Grammar : aller ,and reflexive verbs regular, irregular [se lever,se laver etc] 4

Module 2: Prepositions: a ,dans ,chez ,a cote de usage in the sentence.

Vocabularyrelated to places . 4


Module 1: 1.Talk about free time activities

2. Excursion to paris and french vacation culture


Module 2:Grammar Faire verb

General question with wh /interrogative adjectives [quel/quelle].

Writing skills draft inviation about excursion./ dialogue: telephonic conversion

about picnic avenues in france.



Module 1 : Explorer l'inconnu [explore well known places]

Transportation mode, talk about payment, currency etc. 4

Module 2: Dialogue making

1. At airport 4


Module 1: Dialogue making

Reservation of hotel rooms


Module 2: 3

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Dialogue making

Ticket purchase at metro station.


Module 1: Vocabulary

Parts of house, describe my house, different housing pattern, furniture and interior 4

Module 2: Grammar

Irreguler adjectives. Preposition usage, past tense 4

Internal Assessment: CIA1 : Students Will Shoot A Short Film / Introduction For Video Conference

CIA2A Receptive Task: Reading Skills And Mock Test With French Accent Mark Writing Task.

CIA2B: Productive Task: Write About My Collegue/My Friend/Family Memberetc.

CIA3: Picture Description In French

CIA4: The Students Will Research Into French Food /Wine Culture Options In Regional Zone And

Make A Presentation On The Topicin The Format Of Their Choice.

Text Books

1. Saison methode de francais a1

2. Alter ego a1

3. apprenons le francais [2,3,4,]

4. Tricolor 2,3

All books are available by goyalsaabdelhi , oxford publication, DIDIER PUBLICATION FOR delf

/dalf exam preparation

Reference Book

All the audio available on

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Year: Third Year Semester – V Course: German II Course Code: YFG502

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.

/Week) Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

End Semester Examination Total

L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Theory Lab 2 - - 2 10 20 10 10 -- 50 -- 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) - 03 Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) – 00 Hrs.

Objectives: The course will enables students to:-

1 To enable the students to read and tell the time (formally and informally) and make an


2 To enable the students to order food and drink in a restaurant, understand information about

events in the city

3 To enable the students to talk/write about their learning preferences – when, how, with what


4 To enable the students to talk/write about their dwelling- house/apartment

5 To enable the students to talk/write about events that have happened – the introduction of the

perfect tense

Unit No

Details Hours



Speech intentions:

1. Understand and state clock timings

2. Fix appointments

3. Speak about the family

4. Arrange a meeting or a date

5. Apologies for being late

6. Make an appointment on the phone


Module 2: Vocabulary:

1. Clock timings, daily routine

2. Fix appointments



Module 1: Grammar:

1. timings with prepositions like am, um ,von.... Bis

2. Possessive pronouns ( mein, dein)

3. Modal auxilaries in a sentence ( können, müssen and wollen Telephone

conversation, listening comprehension; Revision of self-introduction



Speech intentions


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Speech intentions

1. Arrange an appointment

2. Understand a manual 3.Understand simple letters/emails and answer


4.Speak about learning languages

5. Find information in texts

6. Understand dialogues and make dialogues


Module 2:


1. work routine

2. Telephone

3. letter formalities

4. language learning


1. Prepositions with the Dative case

2. Articles in the Dative case



Module 1:GutenAppetit! (Enjoy your meal)


Speech intentions Speech intentions

1. Understand ads about apartments . Understand ads about apartments

2. Describe an apartment 2. Describe an appartment 3. Draw and explain an apartment

plan 3. Draw and explain an appartment plan 4. Answer an invitation to a house-

warming party with a letter 4. Answer an invitation to a house-

warming party with a letter 5. Express your likes and dislikes

about houses 5. Express your likes and dislikes about

houses 6. Speak about various types of

houses 6. Speak about various types of houses 7. Write a text about an apartment

and the furniture


Module 2:


1. Apartment


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2. Rooms and space

3. Furniture and white goods

4. Colours Types of houses


1. Adjectives with the verb to be

( sein) + very (sehr)/ too (zu)

2. Changing prepositions with dative Pronounciation

1. s and sch

Write about your house/ apartment


Module 1: Introduction to the perfect tense: how to say what has happened in the

past! Brief introduction to the forms of the past participles and the helping verbs. 4

Module 2: Write what one did on the previous day. 4

Outcomes: CIA 1A: Listening comprehension on time announcements,

CIA 1B: Student makes a recording about his/her family and draws

a family tree

CIA 2A: Internal test

CIA 2B: Internal test

CIA 3: Students make out an invitation to their birthday party

CIA 4: The students will research on a topic of housing in the city: new complexes that are coming up

in the city or modern vs traditional houses in Nashik or something similar

Text Books

1. Netzwerk A1

2. Tangram A1

3. Studio D A1

4. Moment Mal A1

5. Themen 1

All books are published by Goyalsaab Delhi

a. We will be using Netzwerk A1 as the base for teaching.

Reference Book german150 Wegnach Deutschland!

Deutschtrainer A1 – Learning App from Google Store

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B. Tech Computer Science and Engineering

Semester – VI

CIA: Continuous Internal Assessment

L: Theory Lecture

T: Tutorial

P: Practical

TH: Theory Exam.

#: Internship for 15 days.

*: Oral Examination

UC: University Core

PC: Programme Core

PE: Programme Elective

CIA Weightage Description

CIA 1 10% Home Assignment

CIA 2 20% Mid-Term Exam (MTE)

CIA 3 10% Seminar Presentation

CIA 4 10% Research Based Activity


Sr. No.

Core Course

Code Course Name

Teaching Scheme


Examination Scheme

Total Marks








Course Lab Course Lab

1 PC YCS601 Design and Analysis of Algorithm 3 1 -- 4 50 -- 50 -- 100

2 PC YCS602 Software Engineering 3 -- -- 3 50 -- 50 -- 100

3 PC YCS603 System Programming 3 -- -- 3 50 -- 50 -- 100

4 PC YCS604 Cloud Computing 3 -- -- 3 50 -- 50 -- 100

5 PC YCSO__ Open Elective I 3 -- -- 3 50 -- 50 -- 100

6 PC YCS611 System Programming Lab -- -- 4 2 -- 25 -- 25 50

7 PC YCS612 Design and Analysis of Algorithm

Lab -- -- 4 2 -- 25 -- 25 50

8 UC YCS613 Seminars And Technical

Communications -- -- 2 1 -- 50 -- 50

9 PC YCS614 Employability Skills -- -- 1 1 -- 50 -- -- 50

TOTAL 15 01 11 22 250 150 250 50 700

Open Elective I:

1. Computer Network (YCSO01)

2. E-Commerce (YCSO02)


$ : Probable MOOC and SWAYAM Courses ( Software Engineering)

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Year: Third Year Semester – VI Course: Design and Analysis of Algorithms Course Code: YCS601

Teaching Scheme

(Hrs. /Week) Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

End Semester Examination Total

L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Theory Lab 3 - - 3 10 20 10 10 -- 50 -- 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) - 03 Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) – 00 Hrs.

Prerequisites: Data Structures, Discrete Mathematics and Logic

Objectives: The course will enables students to:-

1 Analyze the asymptotic performance of algorithms.

2 Write rigorous correctness proofs for algorithms.

3 Demonstrate a familiarity with major algorithms and data structures.

4 Apply important algorithmic design paradigms and methods of analysis.

5 Synthesize efficient algorithms in common engineering design situations.

Unit No

Details Hours


Module 1: Algorithm, Psuedo code for expressing algorithms, performance

Analysis-Space complexity, Time complexity, 4

Module 2: Asymptotic Notation- Big oh notation, Omega notation, Theta notation

and Little oh notation, probabilistic analysis, Amortized analysis. 4

2 Module 1: Divide and conquer: General method, applications-Binary search 4

Module 2:Divide and conquer: Quick sort, Merge sort 3


Module 1 : Greedy method: General method, applications-Job sequencing with

deadlines, knapsack problem. 4

Module 2:Greedy method:Spanning trees, Minimum cost spanning trees, Single

source shortest path problem. 4


Module 1: Dynamic Programming: General Method, Applications-Matrix chain

multiplication, Optimal binary search tree, 4

Module 2: Dynamic Programming: 0/1 Knapsack problem, All pairs shortest path

problem, Travelling salesman problem, Reliability design. 3


Module 1: Backtracking: General method, Applications-N Queen problem, Sum

of subsets problem, Graph coloring, Hamiltonian cycles. 4

Module 2: Branch and Bound: General method, Applications- Travelling sales

person problem, LC Branch and bound solution, FIFO Branch and Bound




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At the end of the course, student will be able to–

1 Analyze worst-case running times of algorithms using asymptotic analysis.

2 Describe the divide-and-conquer paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design

situation calls for it.

3 Describe the dynamic-programming paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design

situation calls for it.

4 Describe the greedy paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for it.

Text Books

1. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Ellis Horowitz, SatrajSahni and Rajasekharam,

Universities Press.

2. Design and Analysis of Algorithms , S Sridhar, Oxford

3. Design and Analysis of Algorithms, ParagHimanshu Dave, HimansuBAlachandra Dave,

2ed,Pearson Education.

Reference Book

1. Design and Analysis of algorithms, Aho, Ullman and Hopcroft,Pearson education.

2. Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, AnanyLevitin, PEA

3. Introduction to Algorithms, second edition, T.H.Cormen, C.E.Leiserson, R.L.Rivest and

C.Stein,PHI Pvt. Ltd.

4. Algorithm Design, Foundation, Analysis and internet Examples, Michel T Goodrich, Roberto

Tamassia, Wiley

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Year: Third Year Semester – VI Course: Software Engineering Course Code: YCS602

Teaching Scheme

(Hrs. /Week) Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

End Semester Examination Total

L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Theory Lab 3 - - 3 10 20 10 10 -- 50 -- 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) - 03 Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) – 00 Hrs.

Prerequisites: System Programing, Operating System

Objectives: The course will enables students to:-

1 To understanding of software process models such as waterfall and evolutionary models.

2 To understanding of software requirements and SRS document.

3 To understanding of different software architectural styles.

4 To understanding of software testing approaches such as unit testing and integration testing.

5 To understanding on quality control and how to ensure good quality software.

Unit No

Details Hours


Module 1: Introduction What is Software Engineering. Software Development

Life-cycle 4

Module 2: Requirements analysis, software design, coding, testing, maintenance,

etc. 4


Module 1: Software Requirements Specification Waterfall model, prototyping,

interactive enhancement, spiral model. Role of Management in software

development. Role of metrics and measurement. Software Requirement



Module 2: Problem analysis, requirement specification, validation, metrics,

monitoring and control. 3


Module 1 : System Design Problem partitioning, abstraction, top-down and

bottom-up design, Structured approach. Functional versus object-oriented



Module 2: design specification and verification metrics, monitoring and control. 4


Module 1: Coding Top-down and bottom-up, structured programming,

information hiding, programming style, and internal documentation 4

Module 2: Verification, Metrics, monitoring and control. 3

5 Module 1: Testing Levels of testing functional testing, structural testing, test plane 4

Module 2: test cases specification, reliability assessment. 4


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At the end of the course, student will be able to–

1 Ability to identify the minimum requirements for the development of application.

2 Ability to develop, maintain, efficient, reliable and cost effective software solutions

3 Ability to critically thinking and evaluate assumptions and arguments.

Text Books

1. Software engineering, Roger S Pressman, sixth edition, McGraw Hill International Edition.

2. Software engineering New Approach, R. RajeswaraRao and others. First edition, BSP

Publications, International Edition.

Reference Book

1. Software Engineering, Ian Sommerville, seventh edition, Pearson education.

2. Software Engineering, A Precise Approach, PankajJalote, Wiley India, 2010.

3. Software Engineering : A Primer, Waman S Jawadekar, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008

4. Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Rajib Mall, PHI,2005

Software Engineering, Principles and Practices, Deepak Jain, Oxford University Press.

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Year: Third Year Semester –IV

Course: System Programming Course Code: TYCS402

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.

/Week) Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

End Semester Examination Total

L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 Lab Theory Lab 3 1 0 4 20 20 10 -- 50 -- 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) - 03 Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) – 00 Hrs.

Perquisites: Fundamentals of Data structures, Theory of Computation

Objectives: The course will enables students to:-

1 To study and understand different system software like Assembler, Macro-processor and

Loaders / Linkers.

2 To design and develop useful system software.

3 To study and understand compiler design.

4 To understand semantic analysis and storage allocation in compilation process.

5 To understand different code generation techniques

Unit No

Details Hours


INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING AND ASSEMBLERS Module 1: Introduction:Need of System Software, Components of System

Software, Language Processing Activities, Fundamentals of Language Processing.


Module 2: Assemblers:Elements of Assembly Language Programming, A simple

Assembly Scheme, Pass structure of Assemblers, Design of Two Pass Assembler,

Single pass assembler.



MACROPROCESSORS, LOADERS AND LINKERS Module 1: Macro Processor:Macro Definition and call, Macro Expansion, Nested

Macro Calls and definition, Advanced Macro Facilities, Design of two-pass Macro



Module 2: Loaders:Loader Schemes, Compile and Go, General Loader Scheme,

Absolute Loader Scheme, Subroutine Linkages, Relocation and linking concepts,

Selfrelocating programs, Relocating Loaders, Direct Linking

Loaders, Overlay Structure.



INTRODUCTION TO COMPILERS Module 1: Phase structure of Compiler and entire compilation process.

Module 2: Lexical Analyzer: The Role of the Lexical Analyzer, Input Buffering. Specification of Tokens,

Recognition of Tokens, Design of Lexical Analyzer using UniformSymbol Table,

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Lexical Errors.LEX: LEX Specification, Generation of Lexical Analyzer by LEX


PARSERS: Module 1: Role of parsers, Classification of Parsers: Top down parsers-recursive

descent parser and predictiveparser.


Module 2: Bottom up Parsers –ShiftReduce:SLR, CLR and LALRparsers. Error

Detection and Recovery in Parser. YACC specification and Automaticconstruction

of Parser (YACC



SEMANTIC ANALYSIS AND STORAGE ALLOCATION Module 1: Need, Syntax Directed Translation, Syntax Directed Definitions,

Translation of assignment Statements, iterative statements, Boolean expressions,

conditional statements, Type Checking and Type conversion.


Intermediate Code Formats:

Module 2: Postfix notation, Parse and syntax tress, Three address code, Quadrples

and triples. Storage Allocation:Storage organization and allocation strategies.

Code Generation, Code Optimization


Outcomes: On completion of the course, student will be able to–

1 To learn independently modern software development tools and createsnovel solutions for

language processing applications.

2 To design and implement assemblers and macro processors.

3 To use tool LEX for generation of Lexical Analyzer.

4 To use YACC tool for generation of syntax analyzer.

5 To generate output for all the phases of compiler

Text Books

1. D. M. Dhamdhere, Systems Programming and Operating Systems, Tata McGraw-Hill, ISBN

13:978-0-07-463579-7, Second Revised Edition.

2. Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Compilers Principles, Techniques and Tools ,

Addison Wesley , ISBN: 981–235–885 -4, Low Price Edition.

3. J. J. Donovan , Systems Programming, McGraw –Hill , ISBN 13:978-0-07-460482-3, Indian

Edition. Reference Book

1. Leland L. Beck, “System Software An introduction to Systems Programming”, Pearson Education,

ISBN13: 9788177585551.

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Year: Third Year Semester – VI Course: Cloud Computing Course Code: TYCSO01



(Hrs. /Week)

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) End Semester

Examination Total



Lab Theory Lab

3 0 0 3 10 20 10 10 -- 50 -- 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -3Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) - 0Hrs.


Basic information of cloud


Students are able to:-

1 The student will learn about the cloud environment, building software systems and

components that scale to millions of users in modern internet, cloud concepts capabilities

across the various cloud service models including Iaas,Paas, Saas, and developing cloud

based software applications on top of cloud platforms.

2 To learn how to use Cloud Services.

3 To implement Virtualization


No Details Hours


Module 1:Fundamentals of Cloud Computing: Cloud Computing Basics – History of

Cloud Computing, Characteristics of Cloud Computing, Need for Cloud computing,

Advantages and Possible Disadvantages of cloud computing,


Module 2: Cloud Deployment Models – Public, Private, Hybrid, Community, Other

deployment Models. Evolving Data Center into Private Cloud, Datacenter Components,

Extracting Business value in Cloud Computing – Cloud Security, Cloud Scalability, Time

to Market, Distribution over the Internet, Cloud Computing Case Studies.



Module 1 :Cloud Delivery Models: Introduction to Cloud Services, Infrastructure as a

Service (IaaS) – Overview, Virtualization, Container, Pricing Models, Service Level

Agreements, Migrating to the Cloud, IaaS Networking options, Virtual Private Cloud(VPC),

IaaS Storage – File and Object storage, Data Protection, IaaS security, Benefits, Risks and

Examples of IaaS. Platform as a Service (PaaS) – Overview, IaaSvsPaaS, PaaS Examples,

benefits and risks.


Module 2:Software as a Service (SaaS) – Introducing SaaS, SaaS Examples – Office 365,

Google G Suite, , Evaluating SaaS – user and vendor perspective, Impact of

SaaS, Benefits and risks of SaaS. Other Services on Cloud, Cloud Delivery Models Considerations


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Module 1 :Cloud Platforms: Introducing Cloud Platforms, Evaluating cloud

platforms, Cloud Platform technologies – Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure,

Google Cloud Platform,, Impact of Cloud platforms. Private Cloud

Platforms – Introducing Private clouds – Microsoft Azure stack, Open stack, AWS

Greengrass, Impact of Private clouds


Module 2: Cloud Migration : Delivering Business Processes from the Cloud: Business

process examples, Broad Approaches to Migrating into the Cloud, The Seven-Step Model

of Migration into a Cloud, Efficient Steps for migrating to cloud., Risks: Measuring and

assessment of risks, Company concerns Risk Mitigation methodology for Cloud

computing, Case Studies



Module 1 :Cloud Computing - Challenges, Risk and Mitigation: Cloud Storage,

Application performance, Data Integration, Security. Ensuring Successful Cloud 5

Module 2: Adoption: Designing a Cloud Proof of Concept, Vendor roles and

capabilities, moving to the Cloud. Impact of Cloud on IT Service Management.

Risks and Consequences of Cloud Computing – Legal Issues, Compliance Issues,

Privacy and Security.



Module 1 :Managing the Cloud – Managing and Securing Cloud Services,

Virtualization and the Cloud, Managing Desktops and devices on the cloud, SOA and

Cloud computing, Managing the Cloud environment,


Module 2: Planning for the Cloud – Economic Cost Model and Leveraging the Cloud,

Cloud computing resources, Cloud Dos and Don’ts.



1 The student will learn about the cloud environment, building software systems and

components that scale to millions of users in modern internet, cloud concepts capabilities

across the various cloud service models including Iaas,Paas, Saas, and developing cloud

based software applications on top of cloud platforms.

2 Able to learn how to use Cloud Services.

3 Able to implement Virtualization

Text Books

1. Kirk Hausman, Susan L. Cook, TelmoSampaio, “ CLOUD ESSENTIALS CompTIA® Authorized

Courseware for Exam CLO-001”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2013

2. Judith Hurwitz , Robin Bloor , Marcia Kaufman , Fern Halper, “Cloud Computing for Dummies”,

Wiley Publishing Inc., 2010

Reference Book


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Year: Third Year Semester – VI Course: Web Technology Course Code: 17YCSO01

Teaching Scheme

(Hrs. /Week) Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

End Semester Examination Total

L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Theory Lab 3 - - 3 10 20 10 10 -- 50 -- 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) - 03 Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) – 00 Hrs.

Prerequisites: Discrete Mathematics, FLAT

Objectives: Students are able to:-

1 Introduce the fundamental problems of machine learning.

2 Provide understanding of techniques, mathematical concepts, and algorithms used in

machine learning to facilitate further study in this area.

3 Provide pointers into the literature and exercise a project based on literature search and one

or more research papers.

Unit No

Details Hours


Module 1: Introduction - What is Web Engineering? Web Development History,

Motivation, Categories of Web Applications, Web Applications Characteristics.

Evolution and Need for Web Engineering, Web Engineering Models, Software

Engineering v/s Web Engineering World Wide Web: Introduction to TCP/IP and

WAP, DNS, Email, TelNet, HTTP and FTP.


Module 2:Introduction to Browser and search engines, Search fundamentals,

Search strategies, Directories search engines and Meta search engines, Working of

the search engines , Miscellaneous Web Browser details, Introduction to Web

Servers: Features of web servers, caching, case study-IIS, Apache, Configuring

web servers.



Module 1: The role of the Information Architect, Collaboration and

Communication, Organizing Information, Organizational Challenges, Organizing

Web sites parameters and Intranets Creating Cohesive Websites: Conceptual

Overview Website Development, Website Design issues, Conceptual Design,

High-Level Design, Indexing the Right Stuff, Grouping Content. Architectural

Page Mockups, Design Sketches, Navigation Systems.


Module 2:Searching Systems Good & bad web design, Process of Web

Publishing. Phases of Web Site development, enhancing your web-site, submission

of website to search engines Web security issues, security audit of websites, Web

effort estimation, Productivity, Measurement, Quality usability and reliability.

Requirements Engineering for Web Applications: Introduction, Fundamentals,

Requirement Source, Type, Notations Tools.


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Module 1: Introduction HTML: HTML and DHTML, HTML Basic Concepts,

Static and dynamic HTML, Structure of HTML documents, HTML Elements,

Linking in HTML, Anchor Attributes, Image Maps, Meta Information, Image

Preliminaries, Layouts, Backgrounds, Colors and Text, Fonts, Tables, Frames and

layers, Audio and Video Support with HTML Database integration, CSS,

Positioning withStyle sheets, Forms Control, Form. Elements. Difference between



Module 2:. Applying Styles, values, selectors, class, ids, inheritance, layout,

backgrounds, borders, margin, padding, lists, fonts, text formatting, positioning,

Dynamic HTML, DHTML with CSS.



Module 1: Introduction to JavaScript: Introduction to Scripting, Difference

between Java and JavaScript, JavaScript Characteristics, JavaScript and Common

Programming Concepts


Module 2:Introduction, Benefits Of Using PHP, MySQL, Server/Client

Environment, Development Concept: How PHP Script Work, PHP Syntax, Embed

PHP In HTML/HTML In PHP, PHP Data Types, Variable In PHP, Operator in

PHP, Control Structure, Looping Structure, Function, File Inclusion: Include()/

Require(), Array, String Function: chr()/ strlen()/ strpos()/strcmp(), State

Management : Cookies, Session management.



Module 1:Working with PHP My Admin: Types Data Type, Creating Database &

Tables, Dropping Database & Tables, Adding Fields, Selecting Table MySQL

Function in PHP : Database Connections, Managing Database Connections,

Performing Queries, Closing Connection.


Module 2:The J2EE and its multitier architecture, The enterprise application, Java

Servlet and CGI, A simple servlet, life cycle of servlet, anatomy of servlet,

javax.servlet package, Generic servlet, Http Servlet, reading data from client,

HTTP request headers, sending data to client, HTTP response header, cookies,

session management.


Outcomes: On completion of the course, student will –

1 Provide understanding of the limitations of various machine learning algorithms and the

way to evaluate performance of machine learning algorithms.

Text Books

1. Steven M. Schafer, “HTML, XHTML and CSS”, Fourth Edition by, Wiley India Edition. ISBN:

978- 81-265-1635-3.

2. Ivan Bayross, ”Web Enabled Commercial Application Development Using HTML, JavaScript,

DHTML and PHP”, 4th Edition, BPB Publications.

3. Jason Hunter, “Java Servlet Programming”, 2nd Edition, O'reilly Publications.

Reference Book

1. Roger S. Pressman, David Lowe, “Web Engineering”, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publication, 2007

2. Jim Keogh, “J2EE: The Complete Reference”, 1st Edition , Tata McGraw Hill Pulishing

Company, ISBN: 978-0-07-052912-0

3. Professional WordPress: Design and Development by Brad Williams, David Damstra, Hal Stern,

Wrox publications

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4. Ralpha Moseley, M.T. Savaliya, “Developing Web Applications”, Wiley, 2nd Edition, ISBN :

978- 81-265-3867-6

5. Web Technologies Black Book: HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Java, JSP, XML and AJAX by Kogent

Learning Solutions Inc.

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Year: Third Year Semester – VI Course: E-Commerce Course Code:YCSO02

Teaching Scheme

(Hrs. /Week) Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

End Semester Examination


L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Theory Lab

3 -- -- 3 10 20 10 10 -- 50 -- 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -3 Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) : 00 Hrs.

Prerequisites: Professional Ethics

Objectives: Students are able to:-

1 Understand the e business concepts.

2 Understand e-business models and infrastructure.

3 Understand hoe e-business concepts are applied to different fields like education, banking

tourism and so on.

4 Inspire students with various online business ideas.


No Details Hours


Module 1: Introduction to E-business. 3

Module 2: Making Functional Areas E-Business Enabled : Value chain and supply chain,

inter and intra organizational business processes, ERP. 4


Module 1Making Functional Areas E-Business Enabled : E-Procurement 4

Module 2Making Functional Areas E-Business Enabled : E-marketing, E-Selling, E-

Supply Chain Management 4

3 Module 1: Technologies for E-Business: Internet and Web based system 4

Module 2Technologies for E-Business: Security and payment systems. 4


Module 1: Technologies for E-Business: Supply chain integration technologies (EDI,

RFID, Sensors, IoT, GPS, GIS). 4

Module 2: Technologies for E-Business: Supply chain integration technologies (Web

services and cloud) 3


Module 1Decision Support in E-Business: Web analytics, Decision Support in E-Business:

Customer behavior modeling 4

Module 2: Decision Support in E-Business: Auctions, Decision Support in E-Business:

Recommender systems 4

Outcomes: On completion of the course, student will be able to–

1 Able to distinguish between e-commerce and e-business.

2 Understand e-marketplaces.

3 Students are able to state various requirements for starting an online business.

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4 Students will be able to work in groups in order to design a new online business idea.

5 Students will be able to analyze and present successful e-business stories.

Text Books

Electronic Commerce: A managerial perspective, Turban, Prentice Hall Publ. 2008

Reference Book

Electronic Business and Electronic Commerce Management, 2nd

edition, Dave Chaffey, Prentice Hall, 2006.

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Year: Third Year Semester – VI Course: Business Intelligence Course Code: 17YCSO03

Teaching Scheme

(Hrs. /Week)

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) End Semester Examination



Lab Theory


3 0 0 3 10 20 10 10 - 50 - 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -3Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) - 0Hrs.

Prerequisites: Database Management System.

Objectives: Students are able to:-

1 This course focuses on how to design and build a Business Intelligence solution.

2 Students will also learn how to design and build a data warehouse within the context of student

BI projects.

3 Students can develop their own projects within collaborative teams or be assigned an existing

data source to develop a project.

4 To ensure success during the implementation phase, students will plan for and gather business

requirements, as well as design the data warehouse in order to develop an effective BI plan.

Unit No

Details Hou



Module 1: Introduction to Data, Information, and Knowledge, Design and

implementation aspect of OLTP, Introduction toBusiness Intelligence and

Business Models, Design and implementation aspect of OLAP/Data Warehouse,

BI Definitions & Concepts,


Module 2:Business Applications of BI, Role of DW in BI, BI system

components, Components of Data Warehouse Architectures.



Module 1:Star schema, Snow flake schema, and Fact Constellation schema,

Grain of dimensional model, transactions,


Module 2:Recurring Snapshots, Accumulating Snapshots, Dimensions (SCD

types, conformed dimensions)Clickstream Source Data (Google Analytics as a

Clickstream Data Source), Facts (additive, semi-additive, non-additive),

Hierarchy in dimensions, parent child relationships, Many-Many Dimensional

relationship, Multi Valued Dimensions and Dimension Attributes.


3 Module 1:Data Quality, Data profiling, Data enrichment, data duplication, ETL

Architecture and what is ETL, Extraction concept and Change data capture,


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Module 2:Transformation concept, lookups, time lag, formats, consistency,

Loading concept, Initial and Incremental loading, late arriving facts, What is

Staging, Data marts, Cubes, Scheduling and dependency matrix.



Module 1:Metadata Layer, Presentation Layer, Data Layer, Use of different

layers and overall Reporting architecture, Various report elements such as

Charts, Tables,


Module 2:prompts Data aggregation: Table based, Materialized views, Query

rewrite, OLAP, MOLAP, Dashboards, Ad-hoc reports, interactivity in analysis

(drill down, drill up), Security: report level, data level (row, column),Scheduling



Module 1:Analytics concepts and use in Business Intelligence, Exploratory and

statistical techniques:- Cluster analysis, Data visualization, Predictive analysis

Regression, Time series,


Module 2:Data Mining :- Hierarchical clustering, Decision tree Text analytics :-

Text mining, In-Memory Analytics and In-DB Analytics, Case study: Google




1 Design and implement OLTP, OLAP and Warehouse concepts.

2 Design and develop Data Warehouse using Various Schemas & Dimensional


3 Use the ETL concepts, tools and techniques to perform Extraction, Transformation, and

Loading of data.

4 Report the usable data by using various reporting concepts, techniques/tools, and use

charts, tables for reporting in BI.

5 Use Analytics concepts like data mining, Exploratory and statistical techniques for

predictive analysis in Business Intelligence

Text Books

1. ReemaThareja, “Data Warehouse”, Publisher: Oxford University Press.

2. Jiawei Han, MichelineKamber, Jian Pei “Data Mining: concepts and techniques”, 2nd Edition,

Publisher: Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann.

3. Ralph Kimball, Margy Ross, “The Data Warehouse Toolkit”, 3rd edition, Publisher: Wiley

Reference Book

1. William Inmon, “Building the Data Warehouse”, Wiley publication 4 th edition.

2. Efrem G. Mallach, “Decision Support And Data Warehouse Systems”, 1st Edition Publisher:

Tata McGraw-Hill Education,. ISBN-10: 0072899816.

3. Efraim Turban, Ramesh Sharda, DursunDelen, David King, “Business Intelligence”, ISBN-10:

013610066X Publisher: Prentice Hall.ISBN-13: 9780136100669.

4. Dorian Pyle, “Business Modeling and Data Mining”, Elsevier Publication MK.

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Year: Third Year Semester – VI

Course: Data Mining Course Code: 17YCSO04

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.

/Week) Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

End Semester Examination Total

L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Theory Lab 3 -- -- 3 10 20 10 10 -- 50 -- 100

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) - 03 Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) – 00 Hrs.

Prerequisites: Data Base Management System.

Objectives: The course will enables students to:-

1 To introduce students to the basic concepts and techniques of Data Mining.

2 To develop skills of using recent data mining software for solving practical problems

3 To gain experience of doing independent study and research

Unit No

Details Hours


Module 1: What is data mining, Related technologies - Machine Learning, DBMS,

OLAP, Statistics, Data Mining Goals, and Stages of the Data Mining Process. 4

Module 2: Data Mining Techniques, Knowledge Representation Methods,

Applications, Example: weather data. 4


Module 1: Types of Data in Cluster Analysis ,A Categorization of Major

Clustering Methods,

Partitioning Methods ,Hierarchical methods, Density Based Methods ,Grid Based

Methods, Model Based Clustering Methods, Clustering High, Dimensional

Data ,Constraint ,Based Cluster Analysis ,Outlier Analysis.


Module 2:Model Based Clustering Methods, Clustering High, Dimensional Data

,Constraint ,Based Cluster Analysis ,Outlier Analysis. 3

3 Module 1:Data Warehouse and DBMS, Multidimensional data model. 4

Module 2: OLAP operations, Example: loan data set. 4


Module 1: Issues Regarding Classification and Prediction, Classification by

Decision Tree Introduction, Bayesian Classification Rule Based Classification. 4

Module 2: Classification by Back propagation ,Support Vector Machines,

Associative Classification ,Lazy Learners ,Other Classification Methods . 3


Module 1: Multidimensional Analysis and Descriptive Mining of Complex Data

Objects. 4

Module 2: Spatial Data Mining, Multimedia Data Mining ,Text Mining ,Mining

the World Wide Web. 4

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Outcomes: On completion of the course, student will be able to–

1 Understand the data warehouse and OLAP operations.

2 Analyse different classification techniques.

Text Books

1. Jiawei Han and MichelineKamber “Data Mining Concepts and Techniques” Second Edition,

2. Alex Berson and Stephen J. Smith “Data Warehousing, Data Mining & OLAP”, Tata McGraw

3. Hill Edition, Tenth Reprint 2007.

4. K.P. Soman, ShyamDiwakar and V. Ajay “Insight into Data mining Theory and Practice”, Easter Economy

Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2006.

Reference Book 1. G. K. Gupta “Introduction to Data Mining with Case Studies”, Easter Economy Edition, Prentice Hall of India,


2. Pang Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach and Vipin Kumar “Introduction to Data Mining”, Pearson Education,


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Year: Third Year Semester – VI

Course: System Programming Lab Course Code: YCS611

Teaching Scheme

(Hrs. /Week) Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

End Semester Examination



Lab Theory


0 0 4 2 -- -- -- -- 25 0 25 50

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -00 Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) – 03 Hrs.

Prerequisites: LINUX terminal session and commands, LINUX File and directory system, networking using the

built in system calls


1 Students will learn java script features, object models, form handling and basics of AJAX.

Guidelines for Assessment Term Work assessment shall be conducted for the Project, Tutorials and Seminar. Term work is

continuous assessment based on work done, submission of work in the form of report/journal,

timely completion, attendance, and understanding. It should be assessed by subject teacher of the

institute. At the end of the semester, the final grade for a Term Work shall be assigned based on the

performance of the student and is to be submitted to the University.

1. The experiments from the regular practical syllabus will be performed (15 Marks).

2. The regular attendance of students during the syllabus practical course will be monitored and

marks will be given accordingly (5 Marks).

3. Good Laboratory Practices (5 Marks)

Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction

Practical/Oral/Presentation shall be conducted and assessed jointly by internal and external

examiners. The performance in the Practical/Oral/Presentation examination shall be assessed by at

least a pair of examiners appointed as examiners by the University. The examiners will prepare the

mark/grade sheet in the format as specified by the University, authenticate and seal it. Sealed

envelope shall be submitted to the head of the department or authorized person.

1. One experiment from the regular practical syllabus will be conducted. (Total 15 Marks).

2. Complete laboratory journal/records (05 Marks).

3. Viva-voce (05 Marks). Operating System recommended : Programming tools recommended:

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Suggested List of Laboratory Assignments

Group A (Compulsory Assignments) 1. Write a C program to implement Lexical Analyzer for simple arithmetic operation.

2. Design of pass 1 of two pass assembler for pseudo machine code

3. Design of pass 2 of two pass assembler for pseudo machine code

4. Design of a MACRO PASS-I

5. Design of a MACRO PASS-II

6. Write a program to check balance parenthesis of a given program

7. Write a program to create a file

8. Design Lex program to

a) program to write text in a file

b) Program to read and display it

c) Program to count number of words

d) Program to count number of characters

e) Program to count number of lines.

9. Implementation of single pass assembler on a limited set of instructions

10. Write a program to create symbol table for a given assembly language program

11. Design Lex program for to generate token of given input.

12. Design Lex & Yacc program to validate type and syntax of variable declaration in Java.

13. Design Lex & Yacc program to recognize simple and compound sentences given in input


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Year: Third Year Semester – VI

Course: Design and Analysis of Algorithm Lab Course Code: YCS612

Teaching Scheme

(Hrs. /Week) Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

End Semester Examination



Lab Theory


0 0 4 2 -- -- -- -- 25 0 25 50

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -00 Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) – 03 Hrs.

Prerequisites: Data structure


1 This course covers the basic concepts of different data structures which are the basic

building blocks of Programming and problem solving

Guidelines for Assessment Term Work assessment shall be conducted for the Project, Tutorials and Seminar. Term work is

continuous assessment based on work done, submission of work in the form of report/journal,

timely completion, attendance, and understanding. It should be assessed by subject teacher of the

institute. At the end of the semester, the final grade for a Term Work shall be assigned based on the

performance of the student and is to be submitted to the University.

1. The experiments from the regular practical syllabus will be performed (15 Marks).

2. The regular attendance of students during the syllabus practical course will be monitored and

marks will be given accordingly (5 Marks).

3. Good Laboratory Practices (5 Marks)

Guidelines for Laboratory Conduction

Practical/Oral/Presentation shall be conducted and assessed jointly by internal and external

examiners. The performance in the Practical/Oral/Presentation examination shall be assessed by at

least a pair of examiners appointed as examiners by the University. The examiners will prepare the

mark/grade sheet in the format as specified by the University, authenticate and seal it. Sealed

envelope shall be submitted to the head of the department or authorized person.

1. One experiment from the regular practical syllabus will be conducted. (Total 15 Marks).

2. Complete laboratory journal/records (05 Marks).

3. Viva-voce (05 Marks). Operating System recommended: Programming tools recommended:

Suggested List of Laboratory Assignments

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Group A (Compulsory Assignments) 1. Implement 0/1 Knapsack problem using Dynamic Programming.

2. To sort the elements using quick sort.

3. write a program to to sort the elements using merge sort.

4. Write a program to implement booth’s multiplication.

5. From a given vertex in a weighted connected graph, find shortest paths to other vertices

using Dijkstra's algorithm.

6. Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given undirected graph using Kruskal's algorithm.

7. Print all the nodes reachable from a given starting node in a digraph using BFS method.

8. Check whether a given graph is connected or not using DFS method.

9. Implement any scheme to find the optimal solution for the Traveling Salesperson problem

and then solve the same problem instance using any approximation algorithm and determine

the error in the approximation.

10. Find Minimum Cost Spanning Tree of a given undirected graph using Prim’s algorithm.

11. Implement All-Pairs Shortest Paths Problem using Floyd's algorithm. Parallelize this

algorithm, implement it using OpenMP and determine the speed-up achieved.

12. Implement N Queen's problem using Back Tracking.

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Year: Third Year Semester – VI Course: Seminars And Technical Communications Course Code: YCS613

Teaching Scheme

(Hrs. /Week) Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

End Semester Examination Total

L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Theory Lab -- -- 2 1 -- -- -- -- 50 -- -- 50

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -03 Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) – 00 Hrs.

Objectives: Students are able to:-

1 To expose students to the 'real' working environment and get acquainted with the

organization structure, business operations and administrative functions.

2 To set the stage for future recruitment by potential employers.

Unit No

Details Hours


Course (catalog) description: As a part of the B. Tech Curriculum, SEMINAR is

a Practical course, in which the students of CSE are trained for presentation


Course Guidelines: Grading: The Course is graded based on: Presentation : 50% Student’s reports : 20% PPT presentation : 25% Attendance : 05%


Presentation will take place in the weekly class. The presentation is evaluation by

your class in charge.

Report must be submitted during presentation. The report evaluation is done by

your class in charge.

A Viva voce comprising a comprehensive questions based on your presentation.

Etiquette : Dress properly

Behave well

Portray good image as a university student

Be punctual

Observe work ethics

Concern for safety

Be professional

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Outcomes: On completion of the course, student will be able to–

1 An ability to work in actual working environment.

2 An ability to utilize technical resources.

3 An ability to write technical documents and give oral presentations related to the work


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Year: Third Year Semester – VI

Course: Employability Skills Course Code: YCS614

Teaching Scheme

(Hrs. /Week) Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

End Semester Examination Total

L T P C CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 CIA-4 Lab Theory Lab 0 - 2 1 -- 25

Max. Time, End Semester Exam (Theory) -00 Hrs. End Semester Exam (Lab) – 03 Hrs. Prerequisites: This subject does not have any prerequisite.


1 To be qualified for employment and to work in a corporate sector demands not only the

technical knowledge and experience but interpersonal skills like speaking skills, professional

etiquettes and so on.

2 In this course, students will be taught how to develop these skills and apply them in our

everyday interactions with people, both in our personal and professional lives.

Unit No

Details Hours


Module 1: Speaking skills Group Discussions; Importance of Group Discussions; Difference between Group

Discussion, Panel Discussion and Debate;

Format of GD as used in national level recruitment boards, Rules, ambience and

normal practices,


Module 2:Dos and Don’ts in Group Discussions, Traits Evaluated in GDs 3


Module 1:Etiquette and Mannerism Introduction; Professional etiquette– Etiquette at meetings, Dining, Involuntary

Awkward Actions;


Module 2:Technology Etiquette – Phone, Email, Social Media, Video

Conferencing, Web interview 3


Module 1: Professional Presentations Nature of Oral Presentation; Planning a Presentation, ,


Module 2Preparing the Presentation;

Delivering the Presentation 3


Module 1: Resume & Job Application Introduction; What is a Resume; What is a Curriculum Vitae; What is a scannable



Module 2:How to develop an impressive resume; Different formats of Resume;

Job application or cover letter 3

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Module 1:Job Interviews Definition of interview; Background information; Types of interviews;

Preparatory steps for Job interviews;


Module 2:Interview Skill tips; Changes in the interview process, Frequently asked

questions during interviews 2

Group A (Compulsory Assignments)

Sl. No.

Particulars Purpose

01 Laws of Remembering To provide tips to students to help themremember information

better thus enhancing our speaking and presentation skills

02 Laws of Forgetting To provide students with factors that often influence why we

forget things.

03 Fantasy Career To serve as an icebreaker activity and provide anopportunity for

students to share informationabout themselves with one another

04 Building Blocks To enhance the students in building their interpersonal skills

05 Resume Building To build a well- written resume that would lead in getting the

student the right interviews

06 Crafting Connections To know how to connect people to each other is an important

professional etiquette. This game is about business networking

and making connections

07 Obnoxious Guest This game helps students in knowing how to handle different

kinds of people with the right etiquette and mannerisms

08 Having an Audience To understand the importance of professional presentations and

explain how to manage stage fright and anxiety

09 Drafting a Covering


To identify the importance of format and language in letter


10 The Hidden Mystery To enhance the students in their questioning skills. Helps build

the students’ art of probing.

11 The Awful Interviewer To help the students in facing stressful interviews

12 Stages of an Interview To guide the students in preparing for the pre, mid and post stages

of an interview

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13 Group Discussions To enhance the students in their speaking and decision making


14 Mock Interviews Gear the students for their campus placements

Outcomes: 1 To help students explore their values and career choices through individual skill assessments

2 To make realistic employment choices and to identify the steps necessary to achieve a goal

4 To develop and practice the self-management skills for the work site

Text Books

Objective English: 3rd

Edition, Edgar Thorpe and Showick Thorpe, Pearson Publishers, 2010 print.

Reference Book

1. Presentation skills. The essential guide for students, Patsy McCarthy& Caroline Hatcher, Sage

publications, 2002.

2. Soft Skills – An integrated approach to Maximise Personality, Gajendra Singh

Chauhan&Sangeeta Sharma, Wiley Publication