School 3 Preparations for Summer...

House Names’ Competition: Congratulations to Mrs Reilly and Mrs Meadowcroft for the winning entries into our House Names’ Competition. The winning names are: - Chestnut, Birch, Sycamore and Hawthorn. Mrs Reilly ‘leaves’ a legacy as she is retiring this summer but can rest assured that her influence remains well and truly ‘rooted’ in Shenley Brook End School. Mrs Meadowcroft from IT team shared the same idea; as a school we focus on helping young people to lay strong roots and support them in branching out in life. As I’m sure you will all be aware that this also complements the ethos of developing successful learners, leaders and lives, as enhanced by the work of the Leadership and Training Centre. The form groups have each been assigned to the following houses: - Some form groups will have new tutors from September as some staff inevitably move on to new ventures. School News Vol 14 Issue 17: 20 June 2013 STUDENT ABSENCE LINE Telephone 01908 524897 SIXTH FORM ABSENCE LINE 01908 520264 : Select Option 2 when prompted SHENLEY BROOK END SCHOOL Telephone 01908 520264 Fax 01908 520265 Year Leaders CHESTNUT BIRCH SYCAMORE HAWTHORN House Leaders Mrs L Davis Mr A McArthur Miss S Arkison Mr A Walmsley Mrs S Donaghy 7AMO 7CON 7SAM 7MEA 7SPA 7JST 7KBE 7RHE Mrs J Sullivan 8CFR 8AFI 8ECO 8HPA 8PDL 8RSM 8RFG 8KTH 9EPA 9TNA 9JSK 9HEV 9WCU 9AMC 9SWA 9STH Mrs A Nottingham 10CGU 10FWH 10SAK 10JLO 10JHA 10ATE 10RNA 10RFE 11PAL 11DPA 11GSE 11CLN 11VFO 11CCO 11NCR 11SMC Mr R Lloyd-Jones 12YCH 12JGA 12CBA 12PDA 12JWT 12PTI 12SBA 12CCH 13RFU 13KRA 13CDA 13KSA 13KEN 13KMC 13DGR 13GPR

Transcript of School 3 Preparations for Summer...

Page 1: School 3 Preparations for Summer The Summer is supposedly here and our Sports Day is next week. In order to help

House Names’ Competition:

Congratulations to Mrs Reilly and Mrs Meadowcroft for the winning entries

into our House Names’ Competition. The winning names are: - Chestnut, Birch,

Sycamore and Hawthorn.

Mrs Reilly ‘leaves’ a legacy as she is retiring this summer but can rest assured

that her influence remains well and truly ‘rooted’ in Shenley Brook End School.

Mrs Meadowcroft from IT team shared the same idea; as a school we focus on

helping young people to lay strong roots and support them in branching out in

life. As I’m sure you will all be aware that this also complements the ethos of

developing successful learners, leaders and lives, as enhanced by the work of

the Leadership and Training Centre.

The form groups have each been assigned to the following houses: -

Some form groups will have new tutors from September as some staff

inevitably move on to new ventures.

School News Vol 14 Issue 17: 20 June 2013

STUDENT ABSENCE LINE Telephone 01908 524897

SIXTH FORM ABSENCE LINE 01908 520264 : Select Option 2 when prompted

SHENLEY BROOK END SCHOOL Telephone 01908 520264 Fax 01908 520265

Year Leaders


House Leaders

Mrs L Davis Mr A


Miss S


Mr A Walmsley

Mrs S Donaghy



Mrs J Sullivan





Mrs A Nottingham





Mr R Lloyd-Jones





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School Calendar

21 June Year 10 and 12 Silver, Gold DofE Kit Check

21 June Year 12 Arts Business Challenge Trip

21 June Year 8 One World Day Trip

24 June Year 9 Climate Challenge Evening Trip

25 June Year 8 Central Milton Keynes Police Station Trip

25 June Year 6 Language Workshop with Long Meadow Pupils

26-27 June KS3 Play from 7.30pm in the Theatre

27 June Whole School Sports Day

28 June to 1 July Silver and Gold DofE Expedition in the Peak District

28 June Sixth Form Leavers’ Assembly and Evening Event

28 June Year 12 Arts Business Challenge

1-5 July Year 7-10 Music Residential Trip Peak District

1-5 July Sixth Form Bridging Week

1 July Year 9 Visiting Artist Week

2 July Year 7 Central Milton Keynes Police Station Trip

3 July MK Schools Athletics Championships

4 July Year 12 Student Voice Trip

Longrigg Residential Trip

Here are some early photos of Year 7 and

8 students enjoying some team building

activities and rock climbing during the

Longrigg residential visit which took place

from 3 – 7 June. More to come in the

next newsletter...

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Preparations for Summer The Summer is supposedly here and our Sports Day is next week.

In order to help your children manage the school day a little better in hot

and humid weather, as well as make life easier for us all, there are some

helpful hints below:

Hayfever - If your child suffers from hayfever please take the

following precautions:

♦ ensure that they take their antihistamine tablets before

school; these should be the non-drowsy type, preferably lasting 12


♦ provide your child with plenty of tissues;

♦ it is advisable that students avoid playing on the field when

their hayfever is particularly bad or if the pollen count is

predicted to be high.

Fluid intake - We all tend to become dehydrated in the warmer

weather and I have noticed that many students do not drink enough

during the school day.

♦ Our brains function much better when properly hydrated –

dehydration causes headaches, poor concentration and urine

infections and can cause more serious long term effects

♦ Children should carry a bottle of water with them; ideally they should

drink a litre of water during the school day, more if the weather is

excessively hot or if they have PE. Please encourage them to do this.

Sun protection – We encourage our students to go outside for fresh

air at break times as this helps them to unwind between lessons which

aids concentration and is good for general health and well-being.

♦ If hot weather is forecast please ensure that your child has sun

protection (cream/spray) on and knows to keep applying it during

the school day.

♦ It may be advisable for your child to bring a sun hat to

wear when outside at break times or during PE.

♦ Remind your child that even if the sun isn’t shining

brightly, it can still burn us, it is better to be extra

safe than have regrets.

Thank you for your assistance in keeping our students safe and healthy.

Enjoy the sunshine! The Medical Team

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LIBRARY NEWS Reported by the Library Team In celebration of Healthy Eating Week students were invited to

attend a lunchtime session where they had the opportunity to taste a range of

healthy foods. The food was arranged on three tables with a theme linked to

a different meal. Suggestions for a healthy breakfast were toast with honey,

whole grain cereals with semi-skimmed milk, low fat yoghurts and a range of

berries and fruits with a glass of fruit juice. Ideas for a packed lunch were

promoting foods for a healthy heart. Whole wheat pitta breads could be filled

with low fat feta cheese, tuna, tomatoes, cucumber and bean salad. A bottle of

water is always a good idea to include in a lunchbox. Healthy brain foods

formed the basis for ideas for a main meal. A whole wheat pasta salad with a

range of vegetables and a couscous and salmon salad were available to

taste. Strawberries, blueberries and blackcurrants along with dark chocolate

(in moderation!) are all foods which encourage a healthy brain.

A healthy eating caption competition was launched at this event and the winner

of this was Selina Truong with “Eat more vegetables and you will have more go

get-ables”. Joint second prize went to Eve Duffy and Ross Holohan with “Fruit

and veg gets you over the hedge”.

Debating Club

Despite Year 12 study leave recently, and Year 13 exams looming, our

enthusiastic and flexible group of regular debaters have enabled the club to

continue to run successfully.

This week’s debate, ‘This House believes UKIP is destined to be the third

party in British Politics’ had two last minute speakers; Joe Dolling, proposed

the motion and stood in for Alex Potten, and Alex gamely agreed to switch

sides and speak in opposition, as we were a person down!

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Both students are experienced and accomplished debaters and the audience

sat back to enjoy the show. Joe gave very clear and well researched

arguments supporting the growing importance of UKIP in British Politics and

he described the electorate’s discontent with our two current major parties.

He also expanded on the decline of the Liberal Democrats and the gap


Alex meanwhile impressed the floor with an

impassioned, stream-of-consciousness delivery of

counter arguments and vast political knowledge,

resulting from just 5 minutes preparation! He

suggested UKIP were a one-policy party, who rely

heavily on the charisma of their leader, with no

manifesto once the EU referendum has taken place. He pointed out voting

patterns and the continued presence of some form of ‘Liberal’ government

representation in British politics for decades. Increased votes for UKIP, he

suggested, were temporary protest votes, demonstrating mid-term

disillusionment with the Con/Lib Coalition and Labour Parties, but this,

historically, has not been reflected in subsequent general elections. Joe won

the debate overall, but all credit to both speakers for stepping in at such

short notice.

Our next debate will be on Tuesday 25 June when Tolga and Cameron will

address the motion, ‘This House Believes military intervention in Syria will

do more harm than good.’

Manga Artist Visit

We recently had a visit from Anna Fitzpatrick, a Manga

artist, who spent the day in the Main Library. Anna ran four

workshops for students from Years 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 13.

During the workshop Anna gave a demonstration and students were invited

to work alongside her and everyone produced a piece of Manga

artwork. Younger students learnt how to draw a Manga style face and the

older students drew Manga characters. At lunchtime Anna was in the

Library and students were able to talk with her and purchase some of her

art prints. This was a very successful day and all the students were

enthusiastic and worked hard during the workshops. A display of students’

work will be arranged in the Main Library shortly.

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Shenley Book Ends Reading Group

The group discussed William Golding’s

classic novel, ‘Lord of the Flies’ at our

most recent meeting. A number of our

members found the book quite difficult

to get into, putting this down to the

dated language and social climate,

compared with, for instance, the more

recent ‘Hunger Games’, which looks at

some similar issues.

Others, particularly those who had studied the book at some point, appreciated

the writing style, the symbolism and the timeless themes. Along with our book

discussion, we had a desert island themed quiz and refreshments of pineapple,

coconut and bananas! Can you answer the following questions?

♦ Who wrote Robinson Crusoe?

♦ Which fictional character found himself washed up on the island of


♦ Who starred in the film, ‘Castaway’?

(Answers on another page)

Our next meeting will be after the summer break when we will be

looking at George Eliot’s short work, ‘Silas Marner’.

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Books R Us

At their last meeting the Carnegie Shadowing Group awarded points for the

books they have read and nominated the book they think will win this year's

prize. All members of Books R Us attended a buffet lunch in the Main

Library on Wednesday 19th June where the prize winner was announced. To

be reported on in our next newsletter.


Quiet Reading Lunchtimes – Friday 21 June and Monday 1 July

Another chance for students to take the opportunity to read in a relaxed


Games and Puzzles Lunchtime – Wednesday 26 June

Come along and enjoy playing a variety of traditional games and


Bridging Week Balloon Debate – Tuesday 2 July

As part of Bridging Week, when prospective Year 12 students

spend time at Shenley Brook End, we will be holding a Balloon

Debate. Six students will argue their right to hold the title,

‘World’s Worst Fictional Villain’, ejecting weaker contenders from a virtual

hot-air balloon as the debate progresses. The debate will take place in the

Main Library at lunchtime; all year groups and staff are welcome.

Year 8 Debating Club – Wednesday 3 July

The students in this club will be holding a debate in the Main Library at

lunchtime debating the motion, ‘Teachers seriously lack a sense of humour’.

Heart Dissection – Thursday 4 July

Members of the Student Medical Society will be performing

another dissection. There will be an entry fee and money raised

will go towards purchasing a defibrillator for the school.

Sports Day is almost upon us! All students are involved in Sports Day and we ask them to remember

to come to school in their PE Kit next Thursday. Students should

check with their Form Tutor and Tutor Group when and where their

event is due to be held. Everyone should be involved in an event! Please

speak to the PE Team if you have any questions about Sports Day!

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Equality Reported by Wing Wong

Disability awareness dates in June 2013:


3 – 9 Heart Rhythm Week

7 – 15 British Heart Week

10 – 16 National Glaucoma Awareness Week

10 – 16 Diabetes Week

11 – 17 Huntington's Disease Awareness Week

11 – 17 Scleroderma Awareness Week

24 – 30 Helen Keller Deaf-Blind Awareness Week

24 – 30 Cystic Fibrosis Week

24 – 30 Deaf and blind Awareness Week

The definition of disability is:

You’re disabled under the Equality Act 2010 if you have a physical or mental

impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on your

ability to do normal daily activities.

Charity week will be held on the 17th to 21st June, please bring in some money.

All money raised BY Equalities that week will go to make a wish and this will

help a lot of children in need.

For more information about the charity please visit:

Refreshments in School

Students are reminded that canned and fizzy drinks are not permitted in

school and this includes energy drinks.

Alternatives are available from the “Cold Counter” at break or lunchtime; soft

drinks, milkshakes and water which can also be obtained from the vending

machines; or at the water fountain in the canteen.

Thank you

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Dear Parent/Guardian Shenley Brook End School is proud of the music education that we provide. As well as providing music classes from Year 7 up to A level, many students take advantage of the subsidised instrumental lessons at school and contribute to the musical life through orchestra, string groups, wind band, choir and many other ensembles. The school wishes to upgrade its computer-based provision to support students in the composition of music in their lessons. The best solution is to purchase a network of dedicated computers for the music department with specialist software. However, the cost of such a system to support a whole class of students is around £40,000. We are fund-raising money towards this new resource. The ticket money for the Summer Concert will go towards this purchase, and we are also asking parents if they would make a donation for the cause. If you are able to contribute please put any donation in an envelope marked “Music Fund” (cheques made payable to “Shenley Brook End School”) and either ask your child to give to the form tutor, or hand it in at the front office, or bring it to the Summer Concert. I hope that I can report back in future newsletter about the new music computer network. Yours sincerely GD Martin Headteacher

Year 11 Prom 2013

Yaasmeen Amzat and Matthew Caramba-Coker were

chosen as the King and Queen of the Year 11 Prom 2013.


Photographs are on display in “The Street” on the notice

board and are available to purchase.

Daniel Defoe

Gulliver (from Gulliver’s Travels) Tom Hanks

Answers to Library Quiz

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Price Review…..

A word from ‘@Eat’ - the school’s catering facility

Due to the continuous food price rises from our suppliers, over the last few

years, it is with regret that that we have had to increase the prices of a

small number of our products.

All main meals are currently priced at £1.70 and this will increase by 10p to

£1.80. We also have sandwiches and salads all priced from £1.30, these will

now be £1.40.

We have tried to absorb as much of the price rises as possible. These new

prices will take effect from September 2013. Thank you for your support.

If you are unsure of how much money to send your child with each day, we

suggest between £2.50 -£3, We also have an online top-up facility, so you

can top up from home or work. You can even see what your child bought on a

particular day online. So why not check out our menu. Give your child a great

choice of food and variety each day, knowing they’ve received a great

balanced meal!

Sample Menu

Item Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Fish

Main Meal



Beef & Mushroom


Honey Roast


Shepherds Pie

Deep fried


Main meal 2

Chicken in

Black Bean


Jerk Chicken with

Rice & Peas

Chicken Korma



Southern Fried


Special of the




Tuna Pasta Bake


Prawn stir fry

Deep Fried






Squash &

sweet Potato


Cauliflower Cheese



Four Cheese


Spicy Bean




potato with



Jacket potato with

various fillings

Jacket potato

with various


Jacket potato

with various


Jacket potato

with various


Daily Pasta




with Garlic


Pasta in a

Neapolitan Sauce

with Garlic Bread

Italian Tomato

with Garlic Bread

Roast Vegetable

Pasta with Garlic


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SBE Summer ConcertSBE Summer ConcertSBE Summer ConcertSBE Summer Concert Tuesday 9 July 7pmTuesday 9 July 7pmTuesday 9 July 7pmTuesday 9 July 7pm SBE School TheatreSBE School TheatreSBE School TheatreSBE School Theatre

£5 / £2.50£5 / £2.50£5 / £2.50£5 / £2.50

Jazz Band Orchestra

String Ensembles Wind Band


ChoirChoirChoirChoir At the beginning of July, thirty of our young musicians will be spending a

week in the Peak District facing the musical, physical and domestic

challenges of our residential music course. As well as the 4 – 5 hours a day

rehearsing in our various ensembles, the students will be taking part in

several outdoor and teambuilding activities and practising their bed-making

and washing-up skills.

When we return there will be a chance to listen to the results of all this

hard work – and lots more - at our summer concert on Tuesday 9 July at 7pm

in our school theatre. The concert promises to be a really entertaining event

and will also include performances from our drumming band, string players,

jazz band, orchestra, choir and others.

Tickets will be available soon from the finance office at £5 and £2.50.

Congratulations to Lydia Mahon who gained a distinction in her grade 7 violin


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PE and English Cross Curricular Project Reported by Georgia Day 7AFI

On the rather brisk morning of Monday 10

June Year 7 students arrived at school to

participate in the cross-curricular

project. The idea of the event was to

combine two school subjects to develop

students’ TENSILE skills.

The chosen lessons were English and PE. Before the half term, English

classes were filled with buzzing brains thinking and designing their very own

sport. Everyone presented their idea with the hopes of winning, but only one

winner could be chosen. In a recent assembly it was announced that a game

called ‘The Chase’ had won.

Four pitches were set up on the field and everyone was organised into their

forms and sat in lines whilst the rules were explained. The game was based

on rounders, though there were slight differences to make the sport more

entertaining like dodge balls thrown by the opposing team to put off the

person trying to run round the bases and mini hurdles to jump over. It was a


The winning form was 7CFR, as they won all of their 5 games! Everyone was a

good sport and really enjoyed the morning.

Year 8 Preferences

Letters were sent on 7 June 2013 confirming students’ preferences for next

year. If your child wishes to change a preference due to the progress made

in Year 8, please write to me with the request. I will make changes where

possible, depending on the timetable and class constraints.

Any changes to students’ preferences will be confirmed by letter before the

end of term.

Mrs Meecham, Assistant Head Teacher

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Art Student Selected by Royal Academy The Royal Academy of Arts holds an on-line summer exhibition each year.

This year there were over 1,100 submissions from schools and colleges

across the country.

Thirty-five works were chosen by three curators to be shown in the

exhibition entitled RE-LACED which is a live exhibition on and available until 18 August.

Congratulations to Emma Wallond whose art work has been selected. Please join the Art Department in wishing Emma success.

Lower School Productions : Wednesday and

Thursday 26 and 27 June in the Theatre

Year 7 will perform The Cat in the Hat

Year 8 will perform Horton Hears a Who!

Year 9 will perform The Lorax

Curtain up at 7.30pm

Tickets available now from the Finance Office

£4 Adults Concessions £3

Selling Fast - so Hurry!! We don’t want you to worry Three good shows So come - have a nose You’ll be glad you did - not sorry!!!

Thank you for

your support

The Drama


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Woodland Whispers

Would your children like to know about

the lives of trees, animals and insects?

Milton Keynes Women and Work supported by Shenley

Brook End School and the Parks Trust will be running

an event at Howe Park Wood from Tuesday 2 to

Friday 5 July.

Groups of adults and children will be taken for a walk through the

wood where they will hear about the lives of its inhabitants as they

go along.

The stories of the inhabitants will be interpreted by some well-

known voices including Bill Nighy and Kate Robbins.

This event is suitable for children up to the age of 11 and there

will be suggestions / materials to follow-up work with the children.

The event will be open to members of the public between 5pm and 7pm when

entry will be by ticket at £2 per person (under 3s free).

As people will be guided around the route in small groups, it is

important to book a date and a time slot when buying your ticket.

For ticket bookings and more information please contact Janice

Jones at [email protected] or call on 01908 200 186.

Please visit our website for more information or to book and pay

for tickets

TheParksParksParksParksTrust Milton Keynes