School library avengers 4

SCHOOL LIBRARY AVENGERS: A MODEL FOR ADVOCACY School librarians have been on the chopping block in some districts as administrators make tough budget decisions. This panel will present ideas for proving the worth of a librarian to the school community. You will be inspired by the story of a successful grass roots effort to retain librarian positions. Texas Library Association Annual Conference April 2013



Transcript of School library avengers 4

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SCHOOL LIBRARY AVENGERS: A MODEL FOR ADVOCACYSchool librarians have been on the chopping block in some districts as administrators make tough budget decisions. This panel will present ideas for proving the worth of a librarian to the school community. You will be inspired by the story of a successful grass roots effort to retain librarian positions.

Texas Library Association Annual ConferenceApril 2013

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School Library Avengers….

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Avengers from SHSU in Huntsville, TX

Holly WeimarTricia Kuon

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Have librarian positions been cut recently in your district or are they expected to be cut …?



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There used to be a full-time librarian in every school. Now most elementary

librarians travel to 2 schools.

I am a system director and several of our schools are combining. I am hopeful we can

maintain but not overly optimistic.

Disclaimer: Photos in the presentation are not of real participants included in the survey.

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My district has three libraries – I am the only certified librarian in my

district overseeing all the libraries.

Our high school

librarian retired last year. She was not

replaced, the junior

high librarian

must cover both


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When they were deciding cuts at the end of last year, they were initially going to cut our librarian positions in HALF. However, due to the creative thinking our district librarian and principals, they decided that we, librarians, would also administer the GT curriculum to our GT students this year and that is what kept our positions. It looks like our positions will be safe for next year, which is incredibly reassuring.

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Rumors, rumors, rumors….


Have you heard….

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For almost two years…One high school had one media specialist and four paras to complete the work that we do! We have more than 2,400 students and more than 250 staff to assist and provide instruction, plus resources. Very, very difficult this year as new administration will not allow any “FREE” overtime which I have always provided for our great school. I do as much as possible from home at night and on weekends, but this greatly affects the quality of the resources provided. I have ALWAYS worked additional hours, never complain about the extra hours, have great attendance, and never ask for comp time. We have many PM activities at our high school, so many students, parents and staff are at the school until late…. Challenging and negatively affects our students, staff and programs….

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As of yet, they have not been cut. In our district, in NY, we have 4 elementary schools. For the last three years the district has had at least 2 of the elementary jobs on the chopping block. Each year the librarians, parents and others have rallied to keep the librarians. So far so good. This year our HS librarian retires. We do not know if they’re going to replace her….

In our district, we were told a few years ago that as elementary librarians retire or quit, we would be replaced with clerks.

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But our job title is changing from Library Technology Specialist to Technology Literacy Specialist. With that we will have new responsibilities involving technology. We have two years to get the Master Technology Certification. District will pay for the cost of the classes needed for the extra certification.

Our superintendent has made a commitment to us, but is asking us to reinvent how we do our jobs, so we can be perceived in a more positive light.

Librarians who leave our district are being replaced with library managers who have not degrees. Basically, they are moms who need a job.

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To what extent do you believe your position as a librarian makes an impact on the school?

97% report

Positive Impact

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The library has become hub for the educational community to come together. Students, teachers and administrators see it as a common “learning ground” where we are all peers and world citizens, and value it as such.

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In the month of February, 105 classes came to the library for research. In January, 85 classes came.

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I am the gatekeeper to the worlds they want to visit. I am the one with the knowledge

about what to read. I help them with papers, design projects and give them a refuge to retreat to.

I am not their teacher giving them a grade. I am not the administrator trying to keep

them under control. I am their Librarian, the one who wants the out of the box thinking,

encourages it and goes along with them on the rides of their lives through the pages of a


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I believe my position as a librarian has a high positive impact on my students

and school. I was recently voted Humanitarian of the Year from my

school, which reassures me that the students and coworkers I am affecting feel that I make a positive difference in our school environment. I am so very

honored to be blessed with such special recognition and absolutely love

that my peers find me deserving of such an honor. My students LOVE

coming to the library, which makes me feel wonderful. I teach weekly

lessons and stay open throughout the day, except during lunch &

lunch duty. I always want my students to feel welcome, that is why I try to keep our library open as much as


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I guide the students through the research process so they don’t just “google” everything and think they are good to go. I also do booktalks and increase readership among the students. I introduce them to new books and new authors as well as to the tried and true ones that might just sit on the shelf. I teach the students how to properly use a library so they can find what they want and need.

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Reading is the foundation of all the curriculum, one way or another. Students are better readers according to the amount of reading practice they have. Students who have access to the most variety of reading material will find it easier to read more. Better readers do better across the curriculum, generally. As a librarian, one of my roles is to ensure that all the students have the best variety of reading material possible, in the largest quantity possible. If I can teach them to be lifelong readers and learners, I’ve achieved my highest endeavor and I’ve made a high positive impact on the school.

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I support the students and staff by knowing what they are studying in each content area each six weeks and actively looking for resources for them. I reinforce this with the students whether just in conversation or in looking for books for them. Helping each student find just the right book is a top priority for me and I love students who say, “I don’t read,” because that is a conversation starter. I very often am successful in finding out their interests and getting a book for them to really enjoy, not just check out. One of my marketing tools is making the effort to learn each student’s name – with 730 students this is not 100% possible, but I really work on this all the time. Not only their names, but their interests are important in order to best serve them. I am open before and after school, hold two book clubs during lunch so they can easily attend (many can’t stay after school), and participate in a district-wide Name that Book Challenge, where we won first place last year and hope to repeat this year.

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There are multiple studies that show that staffing a school library with a certified school librarian has a positive impact on test scores. In the era of high stakes testing that should be enough to promote librarians in every school. Add to that the general promotion of literacy that I provide as well as support for the classroom, there is a very high impact.

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We are a foundation to all curriculum. We provide motivation and excitement to faculty and students, and their families as well as the community to read! To become more literate, and to become independent successful citizens of our world.

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I get positive feedback from students and

teachers. Although, I know some librarians

don’t do as much as I do since librarian

expectations in the district are not clear or


I combine library skills with technology and teach computer skills integrated

with classroom projects.

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I’m one of the few faculty in the school to work with all of the students in the building. I do so much more than just check out books to students – I teach the research process, website evaluation and validity, how to use others’ creative work responsibly, and find time to promote new books and reading to classes. I also constantly look for new websites, online tools, apps for teachers to use with their classes and show teachers how to use new technology and give ideas on how to incorporate into their classes. In my spare time, I work on the web page, have a blog, facilitate a book club, work on collection development, process new books, weed old books from the collection, and complete paperwork.

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Do you believe that a library aide could do everything you do as a librarian and make the same impact on the school that you make?

98%said No!

They had a few comments as


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They don’t have the

knowledge and usually they

don’t have the passion. They

are clock punchers who regularly tell

me they don’t want to “bring

home anything.” I

am constantly thinking about reading and

books. An aide does not possess the professional knowledge of curriculum, collection

development best practices, instructional best practices, reading guidance,

technology integration, etc., that I have accrued through a master’s degree and 20

years of experience.

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Library aides normally do no have the same educational and curriculum-driven background of a certified librarian. Almost if not all

librarians have been teachers. They are familiar with certain aspects of curriculum, how students learn, how teachers teach the learning cycle,

etc… Along with that background the Master’s Degree in Library Science gives more insight into genres and the general workings of the


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The library aide at my school is an awesome administrative person, but she doesn’t know how to teach research, come up with programs, do all the research for what the school community needs, or

look at the scope and sequence and figure out possible collaborative lessons to do with teachers.

With all due respect, a library aide cannot do everything I do and have the same effect on the

school. As a veteran classroom teacher, I not only bring 15 yrs of teaching experience, but I bring a

knowledge of the state’s ELAR standards, the district curriculum, and the experience of

collaborating with fellow teachers on lesson planning and team teaching. Consequently,

library aides are not fully equipped to impact the school, students, and teachers.

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She has no knowledge of

the curriculum, mainly. The

curriculum is one of the criteria for

knowing what books to order.

It takes education.

They have not had the librarian

training, and aides have not even

been trained as teachers!

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I think the aides are very important in the library and they

help us out in so many ways…while they keep the home front

down with book circulations, running our reports, and some of

the clerical tasks, their help in part lends us the time to be

librarians. We are able to work in the labs with the students

doing research; we conduct mini lessons with classes over

different types of technology we have to offer to enhance their

learning experience. We are able to collaborate with teachers

creating lessons that involve not only the classroom but

technology and books in the library. There is so much more a Librarian can do because they have the help of the aide, but we need to keep in mind that the aide does not have the education

the Librarian does.

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I don’t believe a library aide is as involved in the students as a librarian. Also, I believe

that a library aide doesn’t have the knowledge necessary to stand up to the teachers when they are requesting or

refusing books for their students.

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We have library aides as “librarians” at every campus except middle school and high school. You can tell that when [students] come to us at the secondary level. The students have no idea

how to do research, how to use databases, even what a database is, no idea how to look up a book in the catalog or how to find a book on the shelf when told the call number. They go to the library in elementary basically to check out a book and hear a story and that’s about it. There is no collaboration between librarian and teacher to teach the students research and/or library skills,

much less anything else. We don’t even have a certified librarian to oversee how the materials are cataloged on the elementary

level. I’ve given their catalogs a cursory glance and all I can say is thank God they can order MARC records when they order books. A few of them have a Bachelor’s in something, but most only have a

high school diploma. We are expecting people who have not been trained in education to become educators. And at an aide’s pay

are expecting them to do a teacher-librarian’s job for minimum wage or less. It is an appalling state of affairs. I think aides can serve a vital role in education, but they cannot, nor were their positions initially designed to take the place of a trained teacher-

librarian. Asking if an aide can do everything that a teacher can do is like asking if a teacher’s aide could do everything that a

teacher can do if you gave her a packet with the lessons and told her to teach it. It’s the same difference.

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Absolutely not as I have seen several parapros who lack the skills, lack the dedication and lack the

thoroughness to complete many additional projects. Also, many parapros I have worked with or known

seem to approach the work as “just a job” and leave “on the clock” without completing much extra. I have

rarely seen a parapro who has the technical skills, the technology skills and tenacity that it takes to be

an outstanding media specialist.

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It would make my job easier to have an aide to do clerical work and routine tasks. But it would be impossible for an aide to take my place. I tailor my book selections

to the needs of the population by using [standardized testing] disaggregated data, collection analysis

reports, student and staff input, the age range of the students, book reviews, etc. Weeding is done by using

collection analysis reports, date of last check out, number of checkouts, and age of book considering acceptable ages for each Dewey Decimal classification. I meet with teachers to discuss their plans and needs, make presentations

to the faculty and students about copyrights, citations, internet use, website evaluation, how to use our electronic resources, etc. I read all contest

books (25) in addition to reading as much as I can professionally in order to discuss the books with students,

faculty and community. I collaborate with the … Community Organization and the … Public Library. My education and experience have provided me with the tools

to do these things. There is a reason this profession requires a Master’s Degree.

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An aide would not be able to teach and collaborate with

teachers the way I do. If the purpose of the library were simply to check in and out books, and aide would be sufficient. However, if the

purpose is to create readers and extend learning, it takes a

certified librarian.

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First of all, aides will be restricted on the number of hours they can work. They cannot work overtime & they will not be able to get all the work

done that I currently do. An aide will not have a knowledge of how Libraries work, the understanding of libraries, or the knowledge of the

collection to help students or teachers access information & books. Aides will not have the knowledge of a classroom that I have. I use that

knowledge and …

…experience every day. The aides that we have currently in our elementary libraries usually only check out books on carts and do not

allow students to check out books on the shelves. Most of their lessons are watching movies. Some don’t have the books shelved correctly on the shelves or basic information that the certified librarians included in their records nor on the title page for quick reference as to cost, vendor and

date of purchase.

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One reason – My former aide (who was wonderful as far as clerical duties and shelving went) did not like to read! She would not have had a clue where to begin

ordering books for the students. She also had no teaching skills. Under the

guidance of a library aide, our libraries would

simply become a storehouse of books with a few computers thrown


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Not hardly. They can’t teach. They don’t know how to

determine a quality book. They can’t help students find a book that is just right for them. They don’t know how to maintain a library, weeding, ordering, etc. They don’t know the curriculum and to support staff with their

curriculum needs. The list goes on and on…

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I say no, as I think of the way the job is designed. As I work currently however, I would say yes. The position

as it exists currently, has turned me into no better

than a clerk myself. If cost cutting measures were

behind the firing of personnel, they fired the

wrong people. I am being paid experienced (20+

yrs), certified and highly qualified $$$ to function as

a clerk.

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No…no…no…I work alongside my elementary teachers. I modify lessons to parallel or enhance what they are doing in the classroom at every grade level. I have book clubs several times a

week covering 20 books for our Name That Book Competition in May. I am responsible for out tiny budget so I must choose books carefully. While

teachers often know what they are looking for in the library, many times they just have an idea. My job is to find something that will fit their needs. I

open the library before school every day for students to do research, check out books, read

magazines, and play games. And that is just a part of my day!

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A library aide that does not buy into the system ends up not really caring what happens to the

collection. I think about library aides that I had in the past that would get paperback books at yard sales, or our book fair that they thought our middle school students would like, but once I cataloged the books, and she did the processing (Dewey number, stamping, covering) and got the books ready for check out she said many times “I hope these paperbacks last…that was hard work.” Then, of course, the paperbacks would come in after a circulation or two ready

for the discard box….

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First of all, I am a certified teacher. It is illegal for classified people to teach. Secondly, while my aides

are great help, they do not know how to search and how to use the resources to the extent I do. They can help

with technical issues, and they can conduct research to a degree, but both of my aides come to me with

questions all the time as to how to best conduct a search. They also want to know why resources are categorized in ways that they are. While they are proficient at what they do, they do not have the

background I received from going to grad school in order to best do my job.

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What specific ideas do you have for ways you can advocate for the position of the school librarian both for yourself and for school librarians everywhere?

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I honestly don’t know. I try to make myself invaluable to

teachers, campus administrators,

parents, and students.

I need ideas!

HELP, HELP, HELP!!! Working

without a budget is even harder than

we imagined!

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We have to advocate for ourselves first. Whenever there is anything in the library, resource, special programming, reading incentive, I put it on the website (I also am the school webmaster). I sent out emails. I also let

me principal know what I am doing (esp. all my extras).

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The research proves again and again that students that attend schools that have a

certified school librarian do better on

standardized state tests than those

students that do not. In NY, teacher evaluations are now linked to these test results. The results

are published in the newspapers. Why

wouldn’t districts give their students every chance to do well?

Librarians teach every student in the building.

Every time there’s current

events/research/articles about the importance

of school librarians, I make copies and send it to my dept head and

school principal.

I give my principal monthly reports as

to “What’s Happening” in his school’s library. I also maintain a website that I

upload pictures and articles to.

We have to promote

ourselves all the time.

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Invite people to visit [the] library to see what is

happening. Be prepared to meet with decision makers

at all levels and discuss succinctly what happens

every day in a school library. I really don’t think

they have a clue sometimes!

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We are attending every meeting our new superintendent holds. In addition, a focus

group has been formed to collect data concerning the 18 schools with half-time

Media Specialists.

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We need to be more visible. We need to take credit for the things we

do. Too often people find out how much they were relying on the

media center AFTER the position has been cut. This is not the time

for modesty! Are you in the school paper? The newsletter?

Do you have an interactive website? A slogan? Does anyone

see you at school events?

Librarians have to be included in curriculum development and implementation as well. This

needs to be encouraged on a district level. The media center must

support the curriculum, so librarians need to be in the know. The greater

the separation between teachers and librarians, the more likely

people are to disregard librarians as certified staff members and not see the need to staff the library with a


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Show how you make a difference! Show the activities done in the library, both online and throughout the school. Let the teachers fell that you are invaluable to them through your

support and collaboration. Show the administration through your lesson planning that you are helping in those areas that

are weak on test scores and bring your data to data meetings to help show what you can do to help with the information

received there. Volunteer for committees so you know what is happening and you can put yourself and what you do in the


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Know your stuff

“See and be Seen” at school

and district meetings and


Contribute your time and expertise

Speak up

Build relationships with everyone: teachers,

administrators, families, staff, students

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Get out of the preacher choir loop! Whenever you are tempted to speak up at hearings and meetings, don’t do it! Instead, every time a parent or community member praises your work, ask politely if you could put their names on an email distribution list so that if cuts to libraries are discussed, you could contact them about

emailing, phoning or speaking.

They will rise to the need and you can sit in the audience, wondering why every librarian, art teacher, music

teacher, drama teacher, etc. doesn’t do this.

…the only real effort in recent years that has worked was Washington State’s Million Mom endeavor, which

saved school librarians and codified that security.

Million moms, not a few hundred librarians quoting studies.

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Be welcoming and positive and helpful to parents, teachers, and

students. Never say “No” except to requests to close your library.

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I speak up often to everyone who will pause to listen. I send out information about political decisions that impact our students and the library. I ask for people to speak up for libraries. I make information

available to people who wish to address the school board. I send questions to the media about why they are not reporting about this (but

get no answers). I have information on Facebook for my library.

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Market yourself as more than just the book

person. Get involved with technology. Use

your skills for more than just library needs. Make yourself a vital member of the campus in many


Librarians have to promote themselves and show what

they do. Don’t expect teachers and administrator to know what you do. Show them. Be one of the first to use new technologies and teaching strategies. Share

ideas with others.

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We need to get on the technology bandwagon. Our students need to learn information

literacy and be comfortable navigating the Web. We need to take libraries to the 21st Century. Students and teachers should

continue to have access to books but e-books and online resources also have a place in our

current day instruction. Someone needs to guide the library into this new era and that should be someone who already knows the

importance of being able to find the next book in the series along with how do I find

information about this or that. It should be an exciting time for libraries and librarians; if we get rid of our librarians and eventually our

libraries we are going to regret creating a generation of non-readers and students who cannot locate and use information wisely.

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Final Comments

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In an environment where most students have no books at home, my checkout service alone provides a step up for students and parents who learn to read

from the books students bring home. This only scratches the surface of what I do to encourage reading and thinking as a way of living a life of


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If you do a Google search, you could get millions of results. Who is there to help students figure

out the useful sites from the worthless stuff? Kids may be savvy with the technology, but they

need certified librarians now more than ever to help them navigate thru all the data that is out there. We are the ones that are showing the

students how the new technology can benefit them, improve their research and prepare them for the


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I feel that the #1 item on everyone’s list today is achievement, therefore administrators, board members, etc. need to realize the

impact that a credentialed Teacher Librarian can have on achievement.

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Good luck – in our district the financial situation is

dire. Cuts are being made in art, music, special ed,

technology, sports, transportation. I feel that

the fact that there will be a full-time librarian in each school is a victory of sorts and a recognitions of our


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When the day is done we have brought education and

beauty to the lives of the students. We have given them a look into different worlds

and helped them to understand their world a bit better. We have been the

answer to a teacher’s needs and usually asked for in a

panic. And we have had fun talking about information. If

they take us out of the equation, video games and cable TV are no where near

the level of critical thinking we need to have to solve the

problems of today and tomorrow.

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I love the library and the people who run it! I am not

just a school librarian, I am a teacher. Check my teaching certificate. I teach kids. I am

not just a book scanner.

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I applaud your efforts, but my experience has

been that it is not the case of the key stakeholders

being unaware of what we do. I truly believe right now, that in my district at least,

they are coming down to tough choices and like it

or not we were not included in any of the mandated of education reform at either the state or federal level. It

is SO dispiriting to know how important our work is and know that no one will

be racing to the top or anywhere else without us; and yet, all I’ve seen is sad

shrugs that this is inevitable. Hopefully, your

work can turn some heads and change some


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A Grassroots Approach to Change

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Telling the Dallas ISD Story


PatrickSusi Parks Grissom

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2011/12: Setting the Stage


• State funding decreased by Legislature

• Limited time for districts to react to Legislative decisions

• Dallas ISD already dealing with funding issues

* HUGE budget cuts* Insufficient fund balance.

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Proposed Cuts

• Dallas had 248 full-time librarians in Jan. 2011

• District ELT proposed cutting library positions

• LMS Dept. proposed an alternative: cut the secondary media clerks.

• Raising the staffing formula from 1/250 to 1/350 which would only impact the smallest elementary schools (10).

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ELT to Cut Library Positions

• LMS reminded ELT that Media Clerks would need to be hired in the schools cut to half-time. Savings to district would be cut by half.

• Ratio 1/500 which would mean the loss of 42 elementary positions.

• 4th budget plan presented in early to mid May.

• Dallas Association of School Librarians (DASL) monitoring the situation.

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Additional LMS Cuts• Central LMS staff LMS lost 11 positions: all

of AV Repair technicians and all but 2 Data Technicians (1/2 of all LMS staff)

• Budgets cut by 20%

• Central Staff pay cut

• Loss of entire Educational Technology Dept. impacted LMS services

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Are the clouds gathering -- or receding?

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Final Proposed Budget Plan• 5th Budget plan announced at the end of May/ early June

• Cut 42 elementary positions and then 2nd high school librarians (14 additional positions)

• Secondary librarians joined ranks with elementary to fight these cuts.

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Initial Planning Meeting • Early June 2011

• DASL issued invitation to all librarians

• Approximately 15 responded

• Vented and discussed

• Looked at TLA/AASL advocacy tools to define advocacy and determine strategies

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Follow-up Meetings

• Decided to directly access members of the Board of Education

• Message – “Librarians and their programs are integral to learning on each campus.”

• Divided into teams to meet F2F or call

• Time was of the essence!

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Role of DASL• Professional organization

• Founded in 1943 as a social organization

• Developed into a voice for librarians

• Decided to speak to Board members not as individuals but as representatives of DASL

• President of DASL addressed the Board Briefing with concerns

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Google Group

• Needed a communication forum that was not a part of the district’s email system

• Invited all librarians to join

• Way to communicate over the summer

• Maintained by DASL Legislative Committee Co-Chairs

• Librarians encouraged again to create local teams of grass roots advocates on their campuses.

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Board member discussions• Advised by librarian with considerable experience in accessing board members

• “Talking Points from Commissioner Scott” (The Strong Libraries, Strong Scores Conference)

• Variety of encounters

• Unresponsive? Didn’t pursue

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Core Group Continues• Larger group evolved to smaller core group of 7-8 librarians

• Met weekly for updates, strategizing and assessing support

• Used Google group to rally the troops for Board meeting attendance

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Board Meeting – The Time Is Here!

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June 23, 2011• Representatives signed up to speak

• Wore red (nod to TLA rallies at the Capitol)

• Parents, students, teachers, librarians stood in support of each speaker

• Message was clear – students will suffer without strong library program

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The Results• Agreed to reinstate• Chief Financial Officer told to find money• Budget was not amended at this time• Positions were stalemated• Waited out the summer until the budget

could be amended in August. Kept communicating with Board Members all summer.

• August Board- funding re-established for positions cut.

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Going Forward• District librarians realized that financial issues would be on-going.

• Plan put in place• Emphasis on shifting perception• BIG WOW strategies (Little things that show a big


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Going Forward• At Library Summit multiple sessions on advocacy and program suggestions

• No more dead wood• Identified low performing campuses which needed additional help

• Librarians to verify teaching of informational skills

• Library program had to be aligned to CIP (campus improvement plan)

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Specific Advocacy Strategies for ALL

• Six weeks Principal Report

• Data-based library goals

• Higher profile through new district reading initiatives/motivational events

• Ready to share successes

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•DASL to provide workshops

•Consider library committee for selection

•Explored Friends group

•Continue Google Group

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Where Are


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2013/14 Budget Cycle

• Moving Forward – Getting Librarians to be more pro-active (advocates)

• 2 librarians attend the Citizens’ Budget Review Committee for the Director

• News Releases go out on a regular basis highlighting what is taking place in libraries

• Budget Cycle- No librarian cuts were


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“Grass Roots Advocacy”

• Article in SCHOOL LIBRARY MONTHLY (Feb. 2012)

• Review of the 2011 advocacy event

• Link to article as indexed in EBSCO (Professional Development database)

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Works CitedAASL Advocacy Toolkit: Because Student Achievement is the Bottom Line ( (accessed June 12, 2011) Campus Librarian’s Mission Statement( )(accessed June 12, 2011) Dosker, N. Speech presented to School Board, 2011. Gray, C. and M. Saucier “Talking Points for Commissioner Scott for the Strong Libraries, Strong Scores Conference”, unpublished paper, March, 2011.  Grissom. S. (2011) Planning Meeting Notes, June 13 and June 30, 2011)

School Libraries Work ( This report is presently being redone and is not available online. (accessed June 12, 2011) School Libraries and Their Impact on Student Performance( (accessed June 12, 2011) Simpson, C. (2011) “Don’t Blame the Principal”( ) (accessed June 30, 2011)

Texas School Libraries: Standards, Resources, Services, and Student Performance ( (accessed June 12, 2011)