School District #361 East Valley · 2020. 9. 1. · School District #361 Reopening Plan 2020-2021....

East Valley School District #361 Reopening Plan 2020-2021

Transcript of School District #361 East Valley · 2020. 9. 1. · School District #361 Reopening Plan 2020-2021....

Page 1: School District #361 East Valley · 2020. 9. 1. · School District #361 Reopening Plan 2020-2021. East Valley School District will inspire all students to achieve academic excellence

East Valley School District #361

Reopening Plan2020-2021

Page 2: School District #361 East Valley · 2020. 9. 1. · School District #361 Reopening Plan 2020-2021. East Valley School District will inspire all students to achieve academic excellence

East Valley School District will inspire all students to achieve academic excellence and to become responsible citizens.

Table of Contents

Page 3: School District #361 East Valley · 2020. 9. 1. · School District #361 Reopening Plan 2020-2021. East Valley School District will inspire all students to achieve academic excellence

East Valley School District will inspire all students to achieve academic excellence and to become responsible citizens.

EVSD 2020-21 Reopening Plan

Dear East Valley Families, Staff and Community:

Since March 2020, life in our district has been far from normal, and the pandemic has had a significant impact on schools and our ability to provide students a quality, meaningful learning experience. The pandemic has disrupted life in ways we could predict and in many ways we couldn’t imagine. With the start of a new school year upon us, creating a path forward has proven to be a challenge. How do we meet the needs of our students while safeguarding our students, staff, families and community? How do we find the right balance between public welfare (attending to the social, emotional, educational, and familial needs of all) and public health (slowing and/or preventing the spread of the virus)?

Over the summer, a significant effort to gather input from families and staff has been put forth. Though there are hundreds of questions with very few absolute, right answers, it is clear the majority of families want and need schools to re-open with in-person instruction. Schools provide a variety of benefits to children, but each child benefits differently from school. Whether it be for academic learning, social interaction, vital services, meals, a safe place to be during the day, having schools open for in-person instruction is necessary, if not, critical for the greatest number of students.

Research shows “when in-person educational opportunities are limited or altogether absent, disproportionate harm is caused to students with disabilities, students from low-income families, and others in at-risk environments.” Many of these families and students are less likely to have access to private instruction and care, and are more likely to depend on school to meet basic needs. In addition, several families lack viable connectivity options and are unable to access distance learning opportunities. Several students do not have an adequate nor appropriate setting to learn at home, and many students simply did not engage in distance learning last spring. These inherent inequalities and the presence of wide gaps in educational opportunity are greatly concerning. The potential negative risk children may face and the disparate impact of limiting educational options has weighed heavily in my thinking.

However, providing in-person instruction opportunities brings the inherent risk of the virus spreading amongst our students, staff, families and community. Our staff is very aware of their vulnerability and have expressed serious concerns regarding returning to in-person instruction. Therefore, precautions and protocols to safeguard the health and wellness of students and staff are paramount. The medical community and scientists agree this virus will remain a concern for the foreseeable future. Control of the virus depends on our ability to implement procedures and process which slow the spread and prevent outbreaks.


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East Valley School District will inspire all students to achieve academic excellence and to become responsible citizens.

EVSD 2020-21 Reopening Plan

Page Two

Though children, especially young children, are more likely to be asymptomatic, few require medical care or hospitalization, and fatalities in children are extremely rare.

Our school staff face a higher risk of severe COVID-19. Preventing the spread of the virus among our staff is a top priority as we look to reopen with in-person instruction. According to the State Department of Health social distancing, masking, and thorough and regular handwashing makes the transmission of the virus very low. Therefore, it is imperative we expect and enforce strict adherence to the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), daily health screenings and attestations, 6-foot social distancing, smaller student cohorts, enhanced safety and cleaning procedures, and clear protocols for responding to people who show signs of COVID-19 as well as protocols for those who have tested positive for COVID-19.

The following EVSD Reopening Plan is intended to provide greater clarity to how we plan to reopen our schools. Though there are still questions, concerns, and challenges remaining, we will continue to be steadfast in our pursuit of striking a balance between public welfare and public health.


Kelly Shea, Superintendent


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Mission: East Valley School District will inspire all students to achieve academic excellence and to become responsible citizens.

Workgroups will also abide by the following core beliefs and interests:

Health and Safety● We will prioritize the health and safety of all staff, students, families, and communities.

Equity and Access

● We will keep students at the center.● We will design learning for all students to recognize inequities or barriers that exist in our

community. Rigor

● We will maintain high standards and high levels of learning for ALL students through rigorous coursework.

Professionalism● We will be respectful and empathetic of individual choices and needs.● We will be compassionate as we listen to, respect, and consider input and feedback from staff,

students, families and patrons.

Flexibility● We will be creative and flexible in our instruction and school operations while being responsible

stewards of our resources.● We will be responsive to an unpredictable future and remain firmly grounded in our core values

and beliefs.

Family and Community Engagement● We will be transparent and timely in all communications while maintaining credibility and trust.● We will engage families, community and staff in decision making.

Social Emotional

● We will prioritize the social and emotional support foundational to student success.● We will continue to foster the power of the teacher-student-family relationship.


● We will respect the Department of Health, the Office of the Governor, the Department of Labor and Industries, and local health authorities in adopting practices/procedures we can control.

EVSD Reopening Schools Guiding Principles


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Start of the Year

Enhanced Professional Development

With the delay to the start of the student school year, district staff will be participating in a variety of professional development opportunities to prepare for the upcoming year. Using September 2, 3, 4, and 8, staff will be receive safety training as well as training to further prepare for instructional delivery in a Hybrid or Distance Learning Model.

The 2020-2021 school year is going to look and feel very different from anything any of us have ever experienced before. Even though we are attempting to resume some sense of normalcy, school isn’t going to be normal. To begin with, we have delayed the start of the student school year to Monday, September 14, 2020.

The reasons for delaying the start of the student school year are to provide for:

● an opportunity for teacher/family conferences prior to the start of instruction;● opportunity to distribute student technology and learning resources;● enhanced professional development and safety training for staff;● delivery of additional personal protective equipment.

Delaying the start of student instruction will not affect the 2020-2021 district calendar. Vacations will remain as scheduled and the last day of school will be Thursday, June 17, 2020.

September 2, 2020Wednesday

September 3, 2020Thursday

September 4, 2020Friday

September 8, 2020Tuesday

Safety/PPE Training (2 hrs)-Cleaning-Student Arrival -Student Intervention and Support

Blended Learning (2 hrs)- Blended learning and how it works in multiple instructional models

Homebase Communication (1 hr)-Week-at-a-Glance -Homeroom Formating

Special Education Staff Collaboration and Training (Throughout the day)

District Grade Level/Department Collaboration (3 hrs)

Special Education Staff Collaboration and Training (3 hrs)

Building PLC Training (2 hrs)

Student Attendance/Engagement (1 hr)

Formative Assessment, Feedback and Grading Practices (1 hr)

Student and Family Orientation Days (1 hr)

Planning for Alignment and Clarity in a Hybrid Model (1.5 hrs)

Building Communication and Technology Training (1.5 hrs)

Building Grade Level/Department and Distancing Learning Staff Collaboration (3 hrs)

Special Education Staff Collaboration and Training (3 hrs)

Asynchronous Technology Training (2 hrs)

SEL Practices Throughout the Student Day (1.5)

Building Technology Training/Edcamp (1.5 hrs)


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Family/Teacher Conferences

In-Person Requirements: PPE, Physical Distancing and Screening

To most effectively communicate the changes we are making, we are beginning the year with family/teacher conferences. This will provide teachers and school staff an opportunity to connect with families, distribute resources and materials, and ensure the first day is a positive and successful experience for everyone. This means rather than sending children to school September 9, 10, and 11, families will be meeting with teachers and staff in-person (online conferences are an option) to better understand what their child’s educational experience will look like in the weeks ahead and to receive learning resources which includes technology. To make up the lost time with students, the district is cancelling the 29 late start Mondays throughout the 2020-2021 school year.

The Washington State Department of Health is requiring that schools choosing to offer in-person instruction this fall must ensure compliance with three specific requirements: PPE (face coverings), physical distancing, and health screening/symptom checking.

● PPE: While we strongly encourage families to provide cloth face coverings for their children, our schools will provide face coverings for any child who does not have a mask or shield. It’s also vitally important for parents to know that children cannot ride the school bus without a face covering. Drivers will have an adequate supply of masks for children boarding the bus who may not have a face covering, but in order to board and ride, children must wear a mask or shield. The Secretary of Health Order (20-03) clearly defines face-covering exemptions as follows: Persons with a medical condition, mental health condition, developmental or cognitive condition, or disability that prevents wearing a face covering. This includes, but is not limited to, persons with a medical condition for whom wearing a face-covering could obstruct breathing or who are unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove a face covering without assistance. The School Nurse must have medical documentation (or documentation from an IEP team) prior to allowing any exemption from face-covering on a bus or at school.

● Physical distancing: The core premise of the district’s hybrid, in-person instruction schedule is the need to reduce the number of students on buses and in school each day to allow compliance with 6 foot social distancing requirements. We understand in the context of a school day, there will be times when physical distancing parameters may be compromised, but it’s important to be reminded that the CDC defines a potential “COVID transmission event” as 15 minutes of cumulative exposure within 6 feet without the benefit of masks. Thus, the SARS-CoV-2 virus is not transmitted by individuals crossing paths in the hallway, a quick interaction on a piece of playground equipment, or across a classroom – especially when masks are worn and hand hygiene is observed.

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In-Person Requirements continued...

Additional Personal Protective Equipment

● Health Screening/Symptom Checking: Districts are required to ensure daily symptom checks are done before students participate in school. ■ Elementary, including CCS and Parent Partnership: To enter school, each student will need

to bring with him/her an Attestation Form which is to be completed and signed by the parent/guardian. Each family will be provided with a supply of Attestation Forms to be kept at home. Students who do not have a completed and signed Attestation Form when entering the school will be sent to a building-based screening station and parents will be contacted before the student is able to join their class. In addition, all students will have their temperature checked daily. Any student with a fever of 100.4 or greater will be sent to the building based screening station for further evaluation and parents will be contacted.

■ Middle School and High School: Upon entering the building, each student will complete their own attestation using Final Forms. In addition, each student will have their temperature checked daily. Any student answering “Yes” to any question on the attestation or having a temperature of 100.4 or greater will be sent to the building based screening station for further evaluation and parents/guardians will be contacted. Please see the next page for a sample attestation form.

■ The School Nurse will make the final determination if a student is to allowed to join the classroom or be sent home.

● The following PPE is also available for those who need and/or request.○ Face shields provide additional protection from large droplets when worn with a mask.○ In rare circumstances, when a cloth face covering cannot be worn, students and staff

may use a clear face covering or a face shield with a drape as an alternative to a cloth face covering. If used, face shields should extend below the chin, to the ears, and have no gap at the forehead with a drape that ties around the base of the head.

○ Washable and/or disposable gowns for staff working in DI rooms and health room staff.○ Three-ply face coverings for staff working in high risk areas (health room, screening

station, symptoms room and/or situations where students are unable to wear masks) and for students who become ill at school.

○ Disposable gloves.○ Hand Sanitizer and cleaning supplies in each classroom and work area.○ Plexi-glass shields for teacher desks and work station.


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Sample Attestation Form


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Physical (Social) Distancing

Most if not all of the following physical distancing strategies will be employed in East Valley Schools.

● Increase the space between desks and assign seating in all grade levels and classes.● Reduce the number of students at tables, lab benches, or other workstations.● Reduce the number of students in the halls and restrooms at one time.● Reduce congestion in the office and health office.● Mark traffic flow and designate entrances and exits to minimize face to face contact.● Stagger arrival and/or dismissal times.● Place markers to signal six feet areas for students waiting in line.● Limit the presence of volunteers and parents in the school.● Cancel or modify classes where students are likely to be in very close contact.● Cancel in person activities considered to be high risk (choir, playing wind instruments,

contact sports, or other activities which require students to remove face coverings and/or be in close contact for a duration of more than fifteen minutes.

● Cancel in person field trips, assemblies, and other large gatherings.● Limit cross-school transfer for special programs.● Teach staff, students, and families to maintain distance from each other while in school.● Keep students outside more, as weather and space permit.

Handwashing Guidelines

Children and adults are to wash hands regularly and routinely.

● All children, staff, and volunteers should engage in hand hygiene at the following times:○ Arrival to the facility and after breaks○ Before and after preparing food or drinks○ Before and after eating or handling food, or feeding children○ Before and after administering medication or medical ointment○ Before and after diapering○ Before putting on a cloth face covering○ After taking cloth face covering off○ After using the toilet or helping a child use the bathroom○ After coming in contact with bodily fluid○ After playing outdoors or in sand○ After blowing nose, sneezing or coughing○ Before leaving school

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Handwashing Guidelines continued...

● Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds● If hands are not visibly dirty, alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol can be

used if soap and water are not readily available. Note: Some hand sanitizers have been classified as dangerous. To determine if a hand sanitizer is unsafe check the following: Use of hand sanitizer by children is to be supervised to prevent ingestion.

● After assisting children with hand washing, staff also need to wash their hands.

Student Arrival and Dismissal

Each building has created a student arrival and dismissal plan which includes entrances and exits. Each plan is posted on the district website and families will receive direct communication from the school outlining the details of how students will enter and leave school each day.

Parents/Guardians will not be allowed to enter the school with their children until further notice. If you bring and/or pick up your child, then please remain in your vehicle while waiting to drop off and pick up. If you walk with your child to and from school, it is important all parents/guardians adhere to the physical distancing rules while on school grounds.

Parents needing to enter the school need to call in advance to set an appointment. All parents and visitors will adhere to the attestation and daily temperature checks. All parents and visitors will enter through the front entrance accessing the newly constructed vestibules.

Cleaning Protocol


● Wear disposable gloves to clean and disinfect.● Clean surfaces using Surprox Vindicator (a cleaner and disinfectant). Cleaning reduces number

of germs, dirt and impurities on the surface. Disinfecting kills germs on surfaces.● Practice routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces.● More frequent cleaning and disinfection may be required based on level of use.● Surfaces and objects in public places should be cleaned and disinfected before each use.

High touch surfaces include:

● Tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, sinks, etc.

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Cleaning Protocol continued...


● Recommend use of EPA-registered household disinfectant. Follow the instructions on the label to ensure safe and effective use of the product.

Many products recommend:

● Keeping surface wet for a period of time (see product label).● Precautions such as wearing gloves and making sure you have good ventilation during use

of the product.● Clean all hard surfaces with Surprox Vindicator. If carpeted clean carpet with a solution of

Surprox Vindicator and allow drying.

Always read and follow the directions on the label to ensure safe and effective use.

● Wear skin protection and consider eye protection for potential splash hazards.● Ensure adequate ventilation.● Use no more than the amount recommended on the label.● Use water at room temperature for dilution (unless stated otherwise on the label)● Avoid mixing chemical products.● Label diluted cleaning solutions.● Store and use chemicals out of the reach of children

You should never eat, drink, breathe or inject these products into your body or apply directly to your skin as they can cause serious harm.

● See EPA’s 6 steps for Safe and Effective Disinfectant Use.● Special considerations should be made for people with asthma and they should not be

present when cleaning and disinfecting is happening as this can trigger asthma exacerbations. To learn more about reducing asthma triggers:

Soft surfaces

● For soft surfaces such as carpeted floor, rugs and cloth covered furniture.● Clean the surface using soap and water or with cleaners appropriate for use on these

surfaces.● Launder items (if possible) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Use the warmest

appropriate water setting and dry items completely. OR● Disinfect with an EPA-registered household disinfectant. These disinfectants meet EPA’s

criteria for use against COVID-19.● Vacuum as usual.

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Cleaning Protocol continued...


For electronics, such as tablets, touch screens, keyboards and remote controls.

● Consider putting a wipe able cover on electronics.● Follow manufacturer’s instruction for cleaning and disinfecting.● If no guidance, use alcohol-based wipes or sprays containing at least 70% alcohol. Dry surface



For clothing, towels, linens and other items

● Launder items according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Use the warmest appropriate water setting and dry items completely.

● Wear disposable gloves when handling dirty laundry from a person who is sick.● Dirty laundry from a person who is sick can be washed with other items.● Do not shake dirty laundry.● Clean and disinfect clothes hampers according to guidance above for surfaces.● Remove gloves and wash hands right away.

Cleaning and Disinfecting If Someone Is Sick

● Close off areas used by sick person.● Schools do not necessarily need to close operations, if they can close off affected areas.● Open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the area.● Wait 24 hours (or as long as possible) before you clean or disinfect.● Clean and disinfect all areas used by the person who is sick, such as offices, bathrooms,

common areas, shared electronic equipment like tablets, touch screens, keyboards and remote controls.

Vacuum the space if needed. Use vacuum equipped with high-efficiency particular air (HEPA) filter, if available.

● Do not vacuum a room or space that has people in it. Wait until the room or space is empty to vacuum, such as at night, for common spaces, or during the day for private rooms.

● Consider temporarily turning off room fans and the central HVAC system that services the room or space, so that particles that escape from vacuuming will not circulate throughout the facility.

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Cleaning Protocol continued...

Once an area has been appropriately disinfected, it can be opened for use.

● Workers without close contact with the person who is sick can return to work immediately after disinfection.

● If more than 7 days since the person who is sick visited or used the facility, additional cleaning and disinfection is not necessary.

● Continue routing cleaning and disinfection. This includes everyday practices that schools and communities normally use to maintain a healthy environment.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Outdoor Areas

Outdoor areas, like playgrounds in schools and parks generally require normal routine cleaning, but do not require disinfection.

● Do not spray disinfectant on outdoor playgrounds- it is not an efficient use of supplies and is not proven to reduce risk of COVID-19 to the public.

● High touch surfaces made of plastic or metal, such as grab bars and railings should be cleaned routinely.

● Cleaning and disinfection of wooden surfaces (play structures, benches, tables) or groundcovers (mulch, sand) is not recommended.

Sidewalks and roads should not be disinfected.

● Spread of COVID-19 from these surfaces is very low and disinfection is not effective.

Cleaning Instructions

Regular cleaning staff can clean and disinfect community spaces.

● Ensure they are trained on appropriate use of cleaning and disinfection chemicals.

Wear disposable gloves and masks for all tasks in the cleaning process, including handling trash.

● Additional personal protective equipment (PPE) might be required based on the cleaning/disinfectant products being used and whether there is a risk of splash.

● Gloves and masks should be removed carefully to avoid contamination of the wearer and the surrounding area.

Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds.

● Always wash immediately after removing gloves and after contact with a sick person.

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Cleaning Protocol continued...

Always read and follow the directions on the label to ensure safe and effective use.

● Keep hand sanitizers away from fire or flame.● For children under six years of age, hand sanitizer should be used with adult supervision.● Always store hand sanitizer out of reach of children.

Additional key times to wash hands include:

● After blowing one’s nose, coughing, or sneezing.● After using the restroom.● Before eating or preparing food.● After contact with animals or pets.● Before and after providing routine care for another person who needs assistance (e.g., a child).

Clean student desks with soap and water before any food is served.

Additional Considerations

● Educate workers performing cleaning, laundry and trash pick-up to recognize the symptoms of COVID-19.

● Provide instructions on what to do if they develop symptoms within 14 days after their last possible exposure to the virus.

● Develop procedures for worker protection and provide training to all cleaning staff on site prior to providing cleaning tasks.

● Training should include when to use PPE, what PPE is necessary, how to properly don (put on), use and doff (take off) PPE and how to properly dispose of PPE.

● Ensure workers are trained on the hazards of the cleaning chemicals used in the workplace in accordance with OSHA’s Hazard Communication standard (29 CFR 1910.1200).

● Comply with OSHA’s standards on Bloodborne Pathogens (29 CFR 1910.1030), including proper disposal of regulated waste and PPE (29 CFR 1910.132).

Alternative Disinfection Methods

● The efficacy of alternative disinfection methods, such as ultrasonic waves, high intensity UV radiation and LED blue light against COVID-19 virus is not known.

● EPA does not routinely review the safety or efficacy of pesticidal devices, such as UV lights, LED lights, or ultrasonic devices. Therefore, EPA cannot confirm whether, or under what circumstances, such products might be effective against the spread of COVID-19.

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Cleaning Protocol continued...

CDC only recommends use of the surface disinfectants identified on List N against the virus that causes COVID-19.

Seating and Signage

● Velcro dots for classroom carpets will be utilized to establish six-foot social distancing.● Vinyl and Velcro tape will assist in establishing migration patterns throughout each space.

Appropriate Covid-19 signage will be placed throughout school buildings.

Nutrition Services Meal Plan

Elementary Schools

In school AA/BB Schedule

● Students eat in their classrooms in assigned seats.● Lunch is between 20-30 minutes.● Recess is 30 minutes.● All meals are grab and go, pre-assembled in sacks for breakfast and clamshells or trays for lunch.● Parents/guardians will be highly encouraged to make all meal payments online.● Eliminate food celebrations in classrooms.● Eliminate all self-service and shared items.


● After initial screening students needing breakfast will come to the cafeteria, check in with the cashier and pick up a grab and go breakfast

● Students take their breakfast to the classroom and eat in their designated seats.● Schools do have the option for breakfast delivery to each classroom if they so choose.


● Record number of students requesting lunch in Skyward per normal process.


● Staff will deliver pre-assembled lunches to classrooms and hand out at the classroom door in a safe and distant manner.

● The number of meals ordered by the teacher is the number that will be delivered, while still being flexible to student needs.

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Nutrition Services Meal Plan continued...

Distance Learning

● Meals will be available for pick up at a number of sites throughout the district Monday-Friday from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm. All meals will be free and will be offered to all children 18 years and younger.

Secondary Schools

In school AA/BB Schedule

● Students eat in common areas in assigned seating following social distancing requirements.● All meals are grab and go and pre-assembled.● Parents/guardians will be highly encouraged to make all meal payments online.● Eliminate food celebrations in classrooms.● Eliminate all self-service and shared items.● Eliminate Ala Carte at high school.● Turn-off vending machines.● Student stores will be closed.


● After initial screening students needing breakfast will come to the cafeteria and/or to kiosks spread throughout the building to pick up a breakfast bag.

● Students will then go to their classroom and eat their breakfast.● Schools will have the option of breakfast delivery to each classroom if they choose.


● Classes will be dismissed according to their assigned lunch schedule to come to the cafeteria and/or kiosks spread throughout the building to pick up a pre-assembled lunch.

● Students will follow social distancing while in line for their meals● Students will take either a pre-assembled cold lunch or a hot lunch, and milk.● Students will eat in their assigned seat and maintain social distancing.

Distance Learning

● Meals will be available for pick up at a number of sites throughout the district Monday-Friday from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. All meals will be free and will be offered to all children 18 years and younger.


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Student Transportation

Parent/Guardian Support

In order for transportation to be successful, we need the full support of the parent/guardian when it comes to:

● Social distancing at the bus stop.● Mask wearing (at the bus stop and on the bus).● Keeping student(s) home if not feeling well/showing signs of sickness.● Reminding student(s) to keep their personal items with them.● Meal bags should remain closed.

Riding the Bus

● No students will be allowed to sit in the first row.● Students will load from back-to-front / unload front-to-back.● Members of the same household are to sit together.● Students and staff will be required to wear a face covering while on the bus.● Students must ride their assigned bus (No Bus Passes for travel on other buses will be allowed).

To aid in social distancing at school facilities:

● Buses will be loading/unloading in a process to ensure social distance.● Buses will be grouped and given a set time period to arrive and depart.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

● We will follow guidance from local, state and/or federal health departments; the CDC and EPA when choosing the type of disinfectant and the degree and frequency for cleaning and disinfecting our fleet.

● We will clean/disinfect:● All high/commonly touched surfaces (handrails, seat tops, etc.) between secondary and

elementary runs (AM and PM).● The entire bus after morning, midday and afternoon runs.● Windows and roof vents will remain open to allow for the circulation of outside air, when feasible

and weather permitting.


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School Ventilation

● Maintain proper indoor air temperatures for human comfort during occupied times.● Verified proper separation between outdoor air intakes and exhaust discharge to prevent

re-entrainment of potentially contaminated exhaust air.● Review daily air system capacity to ensure the maximum outside is utilized.● Air filters will be changed more frequently.● MERV 10 rated filters are utilized in our buildings. MERV 11 rated filters will be utilized in the

future. ● One week prior to staff arriving the building will air purge.● Daily air change will occur for two hours prior to occupants reentering the building.


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EVSD Teaching and Learning, 2020

Student Learning Workgroup

Student Learning


Elementary Education

Secondary Education

Social Emotional Learning

Alternative Learning Education

Distance Learning 2.0

Community and staff stakeholders were invited to engage in the development of the EVSD Reopening Plan. Student Learning was one of four workgroups that were identified as key areas of decision making. The 38 staff and community participants of the Student Learning Workgroup were divided into five subcommittees and to address the required instructional elements of the reopening schools and outlined in the OSPI District Planning Guide.


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EVSD Teaching and Learning, 2020

OSPI Reopening Washington Schools Planning Guidelines

OSPI Requirements of the Reopening Plan:

● Create a typical weekly schedule for students and professional collaboration. Include any reasonable options to maximize cohorts of students to reduce the risk of possible virus transmissions.

● Create a plan to take daily attendance for all students, regardless of our teaching modality. Include a tiered approach to supporting students not participating.

● Create a plan for identifying learning standards across grade levels and/or content areas to ensure instructional time and professional learning are effectively tied to our reopening plan.

● Create a plan to determine our 2020–21 grading policies. Review our grading practices and what we learned from this spring to establish a grading system.

● Create a plan to perform a universal screening of each student when they return to school to better understand their strengths, learning needs, and social-emotional needs. Create a plan to provide interventions and support for struggling students.

Requirements for Instructional Hours/Days:

● For the 2020-2021 school year, School Districts should operate consistent with 180-day and 1,027 instructional hours requirements.

Foundational Guiding Documents


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EVSD Teaching and Learning, 2020

East Valley School District is committed to providing a range of high quality learning opportunities for our students. It is our goal to partner with families as we start school and provide options that allow for flexibility should COVID-19 or community circumstances change.

EVSD Learning Opportunities

Hybrid Learning

Students attend school 2 days a week in cohorts. Depending on their identified cohort, students attend Monday & Tuesday or Thursday & Friday with virtual (distance) opportunities for small group or 1-1 support from staff in a synchronous model. Students attend virtual school and receive asynchronous instruction on the days they are not in school.

Distance Learning 2.0

Students attend school virtually Monday-Friday in a “school day” schedule and experience daily synchronous (live virtual) learning and asynchronous (independent virtual) learning with their peers. Teachers will utilize the core curriculum and pace of instruction as in the Hybrid Learning Model.

Alternative Learning Education (ALE)

Students would register to attend an EVSD alternative program. Students complete work at home at their own pace and are guided by EVSD staff to meet the ALE requirements.

● EV Parent Partnership

● EV Online (EVOL)

- Parent is primary instructor and works with a teacher in partnership to guide student through coursework aligned to Washington State Standards.

- Students receive instruction online and are guided by EVSD staff.

Grades K-6 Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12

Hybrid Learning Model

Distance Learning 2.0

EV Parent Partnership (EVPP)

EV Online (EVOL)

EVSD Reopening Schools Instructional Models


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EVSD Teaching and Learning, 2020

A Hybrid Learning Model serves student in-person in a AA/BB Cohort.

Student Group A

Student Group B

Face-to-Face Instruction Virtual Learning

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

-Staff Collaboration

-Student Access Time

- Virtual Small Group & Individual Instruction

-Intervention & Enrichment Services

-Deep Cleaning

Students will be assigned to Group A or Group B. Students in Group A will attend school in person on Mondays and Tuesdays and then have virtual learning Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Students in Group B will have virtual learning Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and then attend school in person on Thursdays and Fridays.

Hybrid Learning Model

Families that start the year with Distance Learning 2.0 may have the opportunity to return to the Hybrid Learning Model or In-Person Learning as space and safety protocols allow.

Families that start the year enrolled in the East Valley Parent Partnership Program (EVPP) or in the East Valley Online Program (EVOL) are encouraged to stay enrolled in the program until semester. When considering a transition prior to semester, space and safety protocols as well as graduation pathways would be final determining factors for transitions to neighborhood schools.


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Face-to-Face Instruction

A Cohort = Monday, TuesdayB Cohort = Thursday, Friday

Student Learning: Application, Extension and Practice

Cohort A and B

Virtual Learning

B Cohort = Monday, TuesdayA Cohort = Thursday, Friday

The Elementary School Face-to-Face Day is 9:00 am to 3:30 pm.

The Elementary School Student Learning Day is 9:00 am to 3:30 pm but may require flexibility based on family schedules.

The Elementary School Virtual Learning Day is 9:00 am to 3:30 pm but may require flexibility based on family schedules.

Morning Meetings Teachers welcome students to the classroom to build community and support individual student academic and social development. Lessons focus on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) through Second Step.

Week-at-a-Glance Review

Morning Meetings Teachers welcome students to the classroom with a Zoom Meeting to build community and support individual student academic and social development. Lessons focus on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) through Second Step.

1st Learning Block-Application, extension and practice2nd Learning Block-Application, extension and practice3rd Learning Block-Application, extension and practice

Student Access Time

Students work with teachers and intervention/support staff in small groups to receive additional intervention or enrichment support (students can opt in or will be required as needed).

Lunch- Students may visit a meal distribution site and pick up lunch (11:00-12:00)

Student Access Time12:00-3:30

Students work with teachers in small groups to receive additional

intervention or enrichment support (students can opt in or

will be required as needed).

Morning Meetings Teachers welcome students to the classroom with a Zoom meeting (synchronous) to build community and support individual student academic and social development. Lessons focus on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) through Second Step.

Week-at-a-Glance Review

1st Learning Block - (instructional intervention/support, specialist instruction will be delivered in the classroom)

Students will have opportunities to ask questions and apply learning from their virtual learning days. Students will also share or review feedback on completed assignments from their virtual learning days.

Lunch -Students eat lunch in classroom Recess outside in classroom cohorts

2nd Learning Block - (instructional intervention/support, specialist instruction will be delivered in the classroom)

Recess - Rotation of classes for social distancing

3rd Learning Block - (instructional intervention/support, specialist instruction will be delivered in the classroom)

Daily Wrap up and Socially Distanced Dismissal

1st Learning Block

Teachers will provide pre planned virtual instruction (asynchronous) for students. Students will also have assignments connected to the virtual instruction which will require independent application, extension and practice to prepare for Face-to-Face learning days.

Lunch Students may visit a meal distribution site and pick up lunch (11:00-12:00)

2nd Learning Block

Teachers will provide preplanned virtual instruction (asynchronous) for students. Students will also have assignments connected to the virtual instruction which will require independent application, extension and practice to prepare for Face-to-Face learning days. 3rd Learning Block

Hybrid Learning Model Elementary School Student Day 9:00 am - 3:30 pm


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Face-to-Face Instruction

A Cohort = Monday, TuesdayB Cohort = Thursday, Friday

Student Learning: Application, Extension and Practice

Cohort A and B

Virtual Learning

B Cohort = Monday, TuesdayA Cohort = Thursday, Friday

The CCS Face-to-Face Day is 7:45 am to 2:15 pm.

The CCS Student Learning Day is 7:45 am to 2:15 pm but may require flexibility based on family schedules.

The CCS Virtual Learning Day is 7:45 am to 2:15 pm but may require flexibility based on family schedules.

Morning Meetings Teachers welcome students, build community, and support individual student academic and social development. Lessons focus on College and Career Readiness (CCR), Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and AVID.

Week-at-a Glance Review

1st Class Period - Application, extension and practice

2nd Class Period - Application, extension and practice

Homeroom Teachers welcome students to a Zoom meeting (synchronous) to welcome build community, and support individual student academic and social development. Lessons focus on CCR, SEL and AVID. Virtual Study Break

3rd Class Period - Application, extension and practice

Lunch Students may visit a meal distribution site and pick up lunch (11:00-12:00).

Student Access Time12:00-2:15

Students work with teachers in small groups to receive additional support or ask questions (students can opt in or will be required as needed).

Homeroom Teachers welcome students to the classroom with a Zoom meeting (synchronous) to welcome build community, and support individual student academic and social development. Lessons focus on CCR, SEL and AVID.

Week-at-a Glance Review

1st Learning Block - (ELA or Math: instructional intervention/support, specialist instruction will be delivered in the classroom)

Students will have opportunities to ask questions and apply learning from their virtual learning days. Students will also share or review feedback on completed assignments from their virtual learning days.

2nd Class Period (ELA or Math: instructional intervention/support, specialist instruction will be delivered in the classroom)

Lunch Students eat lunch in classroom

3rd Learning Block - (Social Studies or Science: instructional intervention/support, specialist instruction will be delivered in the classroom)

1st Learning Block - (ELA, Math, Science/Social Studies)

Teachers will provide pre planned virtual instruction (asynchronous) for students. Students will also have assignments connected to the virtual instruction which will require independent application, extension and practice to prepare for Face-to-Face learning days.

Virtual Study Break

2nd Learning Block - (ELA, Math, Science/Social Studies)

Lunch Students may visit a meal distribution site and pick up lunch (11:00-12:00).

3rd Learning Block - (ELA, Math, Science/Social Studies)

Hybrid Learning Model CCS Student Day 7:45 am - 2:15 pm


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Face-to-Face Instruction

A Cohort = Monday, TuesdayB Cohort = Thursday, Friday

Student Learning: Application, Extension and Practice

Cohort A and B

Virtual Learning

B Cohort = Monday, TuesdayA Cohort = Thursday, Friday

The Middle School Face-to-Face Day is 7:40 am to 1:20 pm and continues with virtual learning (asynchronous) until 2:10 pm.

The Middle School Student Learning Day is 7:40 am to 2:10 pm but may require flexibility based on family schedules.

The Middle School Virtual Learning Day is 7:40 am to 2:10 pm but may require flexibility based on family schedules.

Homeroom Teachers welcome students, build community, and support individual student academic and social development. Lessons focus on College and Career Readiness (CCR), Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and AVID.

Week-at-a Glance Review

1st Class Period - Application, extension and practice

2nd Class Period - Application, extension and practice

Homeroom Teachers welcome students to a Zoom meeting (synchronous) to welcome build community, and support individual student academic and social development. Lessons focus on CCR, SEL and AVID. Virtual Study Break

3rd Class Period - Application, extension and practice

Lunch Students may visit a meal distribution site and pick up lunch (11:00-12:00).

Student Access Time

Students work with teachers in small groups to receive additional support or ask questions (students can opt in or will be required as needed).

1st Class Period 11:55-12:402nd Class Period 12:45-1:253rd Class Period 1:30-2:10

Homeroom Teachers welcome students to the classroom with a Zoom meeting (synchronous) to welcome build community, and support individual student academic and social development. Lessons focus on CCR, SEL and AVID.

Week-at-a Glance Review

1st Class Period (one of two core academic classes for the 1st qtr with a change 2nd qtr) Students will have opportunities to ask questions and apply learning from their virtual learning days. Students will also share or review feedback on completed assignments from their virtual learning days.

2nd Class Period (one of two core academic classes for the 1st qtr with a change 2nd qtr)

Lunch Students eat lunch in classroom

3rd Class Period (May be an elective class for the 1st qtr with a change 2nd qtr)

Virtual Learning Preplanned instruction (asynchronous) with independent work and application of learning.

1st Class Period (one of two core academic classes for the 1st qtr with a change 2nd qtr) Teachers will provide preplanned virtual instruction (asynchronous) for students. Students will also have assignments connected to the virtual instruction which will require independent application, extension and practice to prepare for Face-to-Face learning days.

Virtual Study Break

2nd Class Period (one of two core academic classes for the 1st qtr with a change 2nd qtr)

Lunch Students may visit a meal distribution site and pick up Lunch (11:00-12:00).

3rd Class Period (an elective class for the 1st qtr with a change 2nd qtr)

Hybrid Learning Model Middle School Student Day 7:40 am - 2:10 pm


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Face-to-Face Instruction

A Cohort = Monday, TuesdayB Cohort = Thursday, Friday

Student Learning: Application, Extension and Practice

Cohort A and B

Virtual Learning

B Cohort = Monday, TuesdayA Cohort = Thursday, Friday

The High School Face-to-Face Day is 8:00 am to 1:45 pm and continues with student access time (synchronous) until 2:30 pm.

The High School Student Learning Day is 8:00 am to 2:30 pm but may require flexibility based on family schedules.

The High School Virtual Learning Day is 8:00 am to 1:45 pm and continues with student access time (synchronous) until 2:30 pm but may require flexibility based on family schedules.

1st /4th Class Period (Class Period 1,2 & 3 on Monday/Thursday and Class Period 4, 5 & 6 on Tuesday/Friday) Students will have opportunities to ask questions and apply learning from their virtual learning days. Students will also share or review feedback on completed assignments from their virtual learning days. 2nd/5th Class Period (Class Period 1,2 & 3 on Monday/Thursday and Class Period 4, 5 & 6 on Tuesday/Friday)

1st Class Period - Application, extension and practice

2nd Class Period - Application, extension and practice

3rd Class Period - Application, extension and practice

Virtual Study Break

4th Class Period - Application, extension and practice

5th Class Period - Application, extension and practice

6th Class Period - Application, extension and practice

Lunch Students may visit a meal distribution site and pick up lunch (11:00-12:00).

Student Access Time 12:00-2:30

Students work with teachers in small groups to receive additional support or ask questions (students can opt in or will be required as needed).

1st/4th Class Period (Class Period 1,2 & 3 on Monday/Thursday and Class Period 4, 5 & 6 on Tuesday/Friday)

Teachers will provide preplanned virtual instruction (asynchronous) for students. Students will also have assignments connected to the virtual instruction which will require independent application, extension and practice to prepare for Face-to-Face learning days.

2nd/5th Class Period (Class Period 1,2 & 3 on Monday/Thursday and Class Period 4, 5 & 6 on Tuesday/Friday)

Lunch Students eat lunch on site

Advisory Teacherswelcome students, build community, and support individual student academic and social development. Lessons focus on College and Career Readiness (CCR), Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and AVID. 3rd/6th Class Period Class Period 1,2 & 3 on Monday/Thursday and Class Period 4, 5 & 6 on Tuesday/Friday)

Student Access Time 1:45-2:30 Students work with teachers in small groups (students can opt in or will be required as needed).

Lunch Students visit a meal distribution site and pick up lunch (11:00-12:00).

3rd/6th Class Period (Class Period 1,2 & 3 on Monday/Thursday and Class Period 4, 5 & 6 on Tuesday/Friday)

Virtual Study Break

Student Access Time 1:45-2:30

Students work with teachers in small groups (students can opt in or will be required as needed).

Hybrid Learning Model High School Student Day 8:00 am - 2:30 pm


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EVSD Teaching and Learning, 2020

Our Distance Learning 2.0 Model will look different that what was offered this spring. We are committed to high quality learning experiences for all students in EVSD. Our Distance Learning experience will included daily scheduled whole class lessons taught live via our synchronous video platform (Zoom). Students will also have opportunities for small group instruction and support based on learning needs as well as self-paced learning time with recorded instruction (asynchronous) and independent practice and application.

Elementary School Day:

● Daily attendance will be taken by classroom teachers. ● Learning will include a combination of scheduled live learning instruction (synchronous) that will occur

daily and scheduled recorded instruction (asynchronous) and independent learning time.● Learning will be prioritized around essential grade level standards. ● Students will participate in assessment of learning and teachers will provide regular feedback on

strength and areas for growth and improvement.● Teachers in elementary will continue to provide Morning Meetings or Class Meeting times that prioritize

social-emotional learning utilizing adopted curriculum. This gives students the opportunity to develop classroom community and peer relationships even in a virtual classroom setting.

● Students will have scheduled time with specialists.● Scheduled times for calls and emails to teachers with posted response times.

Sample Elementary Schedule (K-6th)

The Elementary School Day begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m.

Class Meeting Zoom Meeting (synchronous learning with a homeroom teacher and their peers) to promote classroom culture and teach social and emotional skills, PACE, Second Steps & PBIS skills.

Learning Block I (core academic instruction in English Language Arts, Math, Science or Social Studies) Whole group live virtual learning (synchronous) with the teacher.

Block I Small Group Instruction Group instruction with the teacher (synchronous) while some students work independently or in virtual learning (asynchronous).

Learning Block II (core academic instruction in English Language Arts, Math, Science or Social Studies) Whole group live virtual learning (synchronous) with the teacher.

Block II Small Group Instruction Group instruction with the teacher (synchronous) while some students work independently or in virtual learning (asynchronous).

Lunch (time to visit school and pick up lunch)

Virtual Learning Independent work time (asynchronous instruction with independent work and application of learning) and student choice.


Personalized Learning Block Organized intervention and enrichment based on student needs and support services (synchronous learning with intervention/enrichment staff).

Student Access Time Students work with teachers in small groups to receive additional support or ask questions (students opt in and are assigned by teachers as needed).

Distance Learning 2.0 Elementary


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EVSD Teaching and Learning, 2020

Middle School Day:

● Daily attendance will be taken each period. ● Learning will include a combination of scheduled live learning instruction (synchronous) that will occur

daily and scheduled recorded instruction (asynchronous) and independent learning time.● Learning will be prioritized around essential grade level standards.● Students will participate in assessment of learning and teachers will provide regular feedback on

strength and areas for growth and improvement. ● Students will work on three classes per quarter.

○ Students will have two core classes (English, social studies, math or science) at one time. ○ Students will have one elective class at a time. One of the electives is determined by what

students signed up for during the spring registration, the other elective class will be physical education.

● Students in middle school will continue to have a Homeroom Class that will provide a consistent support to students throughout the year. This will include student access to College and Career Ready learning lessons that include starting the High School and Beyond Plan required for the transition to high school and graduation.

● Scheduled times for calls and emails to teachers with posted response times.

Sample MS Schedule (7th & 8th)

The Middle School Day begins at 7:40 a.m. and ends at 2:10 p.m.

Homeroom Zoom Meeting (synchronous learning with a homeroom teacher and the homeroom peers)

Student Access Time Students work with teachers in small groups to receive additional support or ask questions (students can opt in and will be assigned by teachers as needed).

1st Class Period (one of two core academic classes for the 1st qtr with a change 2nd qtr) Whole group live virtual learning (synchronous) with the teacher.

1st Class Period Small group breakout with the teacher (synchronous).

2nd Class Period (one of two core academic classes for the 1st qtr with a change 2nd qtr) Whole group live virtual learning (synchronous) with the teacher.

2nd Class Period Small group breakout with the teacher (synchronous).

Lunch Time to visit a lunch distribution site and pick up lunch.

3rd Class Period (an elective class for the 1st qtr with a change 2nd qtr) Whole group live virtual learning (synchronous) with the teacher.

3rd Class Period Small group breakout with the teacher (synchronous).

Virtual Learning Preplanned instruction (asynchronous) with independent work and application of learning.

Distance Learning 2.0 Middle School


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EVSD Teaching and Learning, 2020

High School Day:

● Daily attendance will be taken each period. ● Learning will include a combination of scheduled live learning instruction (synchronous) that will occur

daily and scheduled recorded and pre-planned instruction (asynchronous) and independent learning time.

● Learning will be prioritized around essential grade level standards. ● Students will participate in assessment of learning and teachers will provide regular feedback on

strength and areas for growth and improvement. ● Students will have a six class period schedule for continuity of learning.

○ Students will have Class Period 1-3 on Mondays and Thursdays.○ Students will have Class Period 4-6 on Tuesdays and Fridays.

● Students in high school will continue to have an Advisory Class that will provide a consistent support to students and families throughout the year. Students will access College and Career Ready learning opportunities that include completing the High School and Beyond Plan required for graduation. Additionally, social and emotional learning will occur during this time.

● Scheduled times for calls and emails to teachers with posted response times.Sample HS Schedule (9th & 12th)

The High School Day begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 2:30 p.m.

1st/4th Class Period Whole group live virtual learning with the teacher (synchronous) and virtual instruction (asynchronous) with independent work and application of learning.

2nd/5th Class Period Whole group live virtual learning with the teacher (synchronous) and virtual instruction (asynchronous) with independent work and application of learning.

Advisory Zoom Meeting (synchronous learning with a homeroom teacher and homeroom peers).

Lunch Time to visit a lunch distribution site and pick up lunch.

3rd/6th Class Period Whole group live virtual learning with the teacher (synchronous) and virtual instruction (asynchronous) with independent work and application of learning.

Student Access Time Students work with teachers in small groups to receive additional support or ask questions (students can opt in and will be assigned by teachers as needed).

Distance Learning 2.0 High School


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EVSD Teaching and Learning, 2020

CORE 4 Platform Purpose

Home BaseSeesaw: K-2nd StudentsGoogle Classroom: 3rd-12th Students

Provide the Week-at-a-Glance Overview, Distribute and Collect Student Work

Asynchronous Video

Screencastify: K-12 Students

Create Pre-recorded lessons for asynchronous learning

Synchronous Video

Zoom: K-12 Students Live video learning sessions with students

File Creation and Storage

Google Drive Share documents with students

Common Tools and Communication:In order to streamline the learning experience for our students and families, and focus the professional learning needs of staff, the East Valley School District has identified four areas of need and the digital apps that will be used as the foundation for learning in our district.

✓ Regardless of whether instruction is delivered face-to-face, in a Hybrid Learning Model or Distance Learning 2.0, staff will use a consistent online platform, paired with user guides and training to families on how to navigate the platform.

✓ EVSD will work to provide interpretation and translation service supports; address language and disability access for English learner and/or families with disabilities.

“We heard from students, parents, and guardians that they were overwhelmed by the variety of systems educators were using to provide online learning. To make online learning more effective this fall, we have to streamline this. Students and parents should be able to focus on learning, and educators should be focused on teaching, without the modality of the instruction getting in the way” - Chris Reykdal, State Superintendent

CORE 4 Digital Learning Tools


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EVSD Teaching and Learning, 2020

Universal formats and communication timelines create consistency for students and families across levels, grades and contents. The use of common formats and timelines supports student engagement in learning. Cohesive communication gives families the opportunity to partner with teachers and ensures adequate planning and preparation for the week of learning.

Weekly Communication

K-2 Home Base


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East Valley School District will inspire all students to achieve academic excellence and to become responsible citizens.

EVSD Teaching and Learning, 2020

3-12 Home Base


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East Valley School District will inspire all students to achieve academic excellence and to become responsible citizens.

EVSD Teaching and Learning, 2020

3-12 Home Base Continued

Morning Meeting Google Classroom Checklist (3-6)

Homeroom Google Classroom Checklist (7-8)

Advisory Google Classroom Checklist (9-12)


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East Valley School District will inspire all students to achieve academic excellence and to become responsible citizens.

EVSD Teaching and Learning, 2020

K-2 Week at a Glance Cohort A, Cohort B


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East Valley School District will inspire all students to achieve academic excellence and to become responsible citizens.

EVSD Teaching and Learning, 2020

3-6 Week at a Glance Cohort A, Cohort B


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East Valley School District will inspire all students to achieve academic excellence and to become responsible citizens.

EVSD Teaching and Learning, 2020

Grades 7-12 Week at a Glance Cohort A

Grades 7-12 Week at a Glance Cohort B

Elementary Specialists Week at a Glance Cohort A

Elementary Specialists Week at a Glance Cohort B


Page 38: School District #361 East Valley · 2020. 9. 1. · School District #361 Reopening Plan 2020-2021. East Valley School District will inspire all students to achieve academic excellence

EVSD Teaching and Learning, 2020

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is broadly understood as a process through which people build awareness and skills in managing emotions, setting goals, establishing relationships, and making responsible decisions that allow students to access academic content, set and acquire the life skills that ensure all students graduate EVSD college and career ready. Staff will partner with families to support students as they navigate the challenges created by COVID-19.

SEL is not a way to “grade” or identify deficits, and it is not just a curriculum or add-on. Rather, SEL is an intentional approach to building student assets.

Social Emotional Competency (Washington State SEL Standards):

● Self-awareness is the ability to accurately recognize one’s own emotions, thoughts, and values and how they influence behavior; and accurately assess one’s strengths and limitations, with a well-grounded sense of confidence, optimism, and a “growth mindset.”

● Self-management is the ability to successfully regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in different situations - effectively managing stress, controlling impulses, and motivating oneself; and the ability to set and work toward goals.

● Social awareness is the ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others, including those from diverse backgrounds and cultures; to understand social and ethical norms for behavior; and to recognize family, school and community resources and supports.

● Social Engagement is the relationship skills that provide the ability to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships with diverse individuals and groups, communicate clearly, listen well, cooperate with others, resist inappropriate social pressure, negotiate conflict constructively, and see and offer help when needed.

● Social Management is responsible decision-making is the ability to make safe and constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions.

● Self-Efficacy is an individual’s ability to motivate themselves, persevere, and see themselves as capable.

A safe, supportive, and equitable learning environment will call on adults to:

● Engage in practices that affirm diverse social and cultural identities;● Cultivate a sense of belonging and community;● Provide structures for physical and emotional safety;● Use engaging, relevant, and culturally responsive instruction built on an understanding of how

children and adolescents grow and develop socially, emotionally, and academically; ● Create space for students voice and agency;● Offer frequent opportunities for students to discuss and practice anti-racism and develop collaborative

solutions to address inequities; and● Provide tiered supports that meet the needs of all students.

Continued on Next Page….

Social and Emotional Learning Supports


Page 39: School District #361 East Valley · 2020. 9. 1. · School District #361 Reopening Plan 2020-2021. East Valley School District will inspire all students to achieve academic excellence

EVSD Teaching and Learning, 2020

Grades K-6:● Students receive weekly SEL lessons utilizing our Second Step curriculum which covers topics like

goals setting, self-regulation, and developing positive relationships with peers and adults.● Teachers will hold regular Morning Meetings to welcome students, build classroom community and

support student relationships. ● SEL lessons will be reinforced and supported throughout the day.

Grades 7-8:● Students receive weekly SEL lessons utilizing our Second Step curriculum which covers topics like

goals setting, self-regulation, and developing positive relationships with peers and adults.● Teachers will meet with students in Homeroom to welcome students, build community, and support

individual student academic and social development. ● SEL lessons will be reinforced and supported across core content classes.

High School: ● Students receive weekly lessons in Character Strong which covers topics like community building,

growth mindset, character development, mindfulness and emotional intelligence.● Students will also receive lessons on our College and Career through SchooLinks which supports

short and long-term goal setting and identifies individual learning styles and strengths. ● Teachers will meet with students in Advisory to welcome students, build community, and support

individual student academic and social development. ● SEL lessons will be reinforced and supported across core content classes.

Counseling and Support Services:● Based on universal screener results and Morning Meeting, Homeroom or Advisory check ins,

students may be referred by teachers to counselors for follow up check ins.● Based on universal screener and classroom assessments, follow up social skills groups will be

created by building PBIS teams to support groups or individual students.● Information will be provided on school webpages and on information provided to parents on how to

access counseling services (phone and email contacts by building/program).

Universal Screening:Universal screeners shall be administered at each school site and specifically designed to be developmentally appropriate for each level - Elementary, Middle School and High School. Screeners will be designed to gather information through a trauma sensitive lens on Social Competencies such as:

● Grit● Growth Mindset● Self-Management● Social Awareness● Self-Efficacy

Social and Emotional Learning Supports continued...


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EVSD Teaching and Learning, 2020

Grading Practices:

“Now is the time for school leaders and educators to make grades meaningfully aligned to fewer specific standards, combined with feedback that gives multiple opportunities to demonstrate learning and put homework and extra credit in its proper place. Now is the time to decouple behavior and compliance activities from assessing student learning.” - Superintendent Chris Reykdal

Grading is how we communicate information about learning with students and families. The process and decisions about both standards and grading have profound consequences on students, potentially deepening the opportunity gap and existing inequities. EVSD will make decisions about grading policies with consideration to the impact on each student group and create an equitable system of instruction, assessment and grading.

● Grades will be based on clearly specified learning goals and performance standards (success criteria).

● Grades are based on mastery of grade level standards. ● Grades should be based on established criteria.● Grades on achievement are reported separately from other factors.

Teachers will continue to post scores in Skyward (Secondary) Skyward Standards Based Gradebook (Elementary) on a regular basis. This will ensure students and families know individual student progress toward mastery of identified essential standards throughout the quarter, trimester or semester.

Student Grading

Feedback in the Virtual SettingAccelerating student progress in the fall will require that teachers build new skills in formative assessment and providing feedback to students in a virtual setting. - OSPI District Planning Guide

➢ Determine essential standards based on knowledge of students and knowledge of the content necessary for student success in the next skill, course, or grade.

➢ Train teachers to provide students opportunities to reflect on and evaluate their own learning.➢ Determine predictable communication structures and virtual tools for teachers to provide ongoing,

specific feedback to students and to inform grades based on what students know and can do.

Assessment: ● Use assessments to accelerate progress rather than remediate, which can further stigmatize or

impact families disproportionately. ● Conduct diagnostics, analyze results, and provide responsive supports. ● Convene teachers to learn from results together. ● Utilize feedback options in Google Classroom, SeeSaw and other blended learning tools.

Formative Assessment and Feedback


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EVSD Teaching and Learning, 2020

Definition of Remote Learning AbsenceThe emergency rule defines a remote absence as when a student is not participating in planned instructional activities on a scheduled remote learning day. The rule provides examples of what student participation could look like in order to be counted as present, including, but not limited to:

● Daily logins to learning management systems; ● Daily interactions with teacher(s) to acknowledge attendance (including messages, emails, phone calls,

or video chats); or ● Evidence of participation in a task or assignment.

Student presence is determined by engaging in planned asynchronous or synchronous activities. If a student does not engage or demonstrate participation in any way, the student would be marked as absent. The new definition most closely approximates in-person learning by establishing when a student has been exposed to a remote learning activity, as opposed to completing or mastering a concept. When a student is not engaging in any way with a class or activity, it tells us something different than when a student is engaging or attempting to engage; a student who is not engaging at all requires a different response from school staff. The rule does not change the definition of in-person absence.

Daily Attendance Taking The emergency rule establishes that districts must take daily attendance for all students participating in remote and in-person learning. Daily attendance data is a leading indicator that provides frequent and actionable data to inform educators and schools of barriers students are facing. It can signal a need for additional support or flag where the student is experiencing challenges with our system(s). This signal is even more critical during the COVID-19 pandemic, where responding to weekly contact or a less frequent data point is not sufficiently responsive to address inequities and barriers for students furthest from educational justice and resources.

Non-Truancy Remote Learning Absence Until October 4, the new chapter directs districts to mark any absence from remote learning as a “non-truancy remote learning absence,” that is neither excused nor unexcused until October 4, 2020. On October 5, districts must differentiate between excused and unexcused remote absences. This change to the rule is intended to provide a transitional period during which a student who is absent from remote learning is not marked as unexcused so that the truancy process is not engaged at the beginning of the school year. This transition period will allow families, students, and districts to re-calibrate schedules, expectations, and routines that have been disrupted and are possibly changing frequently due to COVID, remote learning, and access to childcare.

Among youth at risk from health or behavior problems, family trauma, poverty, or other stresses, the most important school factor fostering resilience - defined as “successful adaptation despite risk and adversity” - may be the availability of at least one caring adult who can function as a mentor or a role model. - Miller and Masten.

The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) filed an emergency rule updating the definition of absence for the 2020–21 school year. The rule, WAC 392-401A, is effective beginning August 13, 2020.

Student Engagement/Attendance


Page 42: School District #361 East Valley · 2020. 9. 1. · School District #361 Reopening Plan 2020-2021. East Valley School District will inspire all students to achieve academic excellence

EVSD Teaching and Learning, 2020

Elementary Student Engagement

Engaging Students (Families) Intervention Process

Step 1 Teacher completes tiered process on their own and consults small team

Planning engaging and interactive lessons Universal HomeBase Format Consistent Communication - Emails, calls, family newsletters Immediate positive feedback

Step 2 Teacher contacts parents and begins progress chart

Home visits, phone calls, PostcardsSmall group zooms or lessonsEngage parent- give parents ideas to help with engagement (reward systems parents can use at home, breaks, checklists, movement,praise parents for efforts)

Step 3 Administrative Team Contact Home visitsParent conference

Step 4 SST Referral and process begins See individual school site process

Daily Attendance

Daily Attendance at elementary schools will be taken during the SEL Morning Meeting. These meetings will be held synchronously with students in attendance and those in the distance learning cohort. Week-at-a-Glance and Daily Schedules will be shared and reviewed during these meetings.

OSPI Tiered Response System: Districts are required to implement a tiered response system to reduce chronic absenteeism, which must include universal supports, monitoring daily attendance, verifying contact information of families, outreach and communication that identifies students’ needs, the development of plans and a system to address barriers, and provide support in increasing intensity for students at-risk of or experiencing chronic absence. This change to the rule is intended to strengthen the efforts of schools and districts to proactively respond to student absences in a timely and supportive manner. OSPI recognizes that truancy responses are sometimes too punitive, focused on compliance and do not address all students’ needs. COVID-19 has presented an opportunity to build systemic responses to all absences that seek to support, engage, and re-engage students where needed. (Policy 3122 -Excused and Unexcused Absences)

EVSD has created a plan to take daily attendance for all students, regardless of our teaching modality. Staff will take attendance for in-person learning (Hybrid Learning Model) and scheduled virtual learning time. The tiered approach to supporting students not participating included the following considerations:

● Utilize student and family voice when and provide multiple engagement opportunities to evaluate● evolving needs.● Utilizing current building intervention and supports for attendance and engagement. ● Utilizing trusted school personnel to make the initial contacts with families and students prior to

implementing more formal steps in the process.

Student Engagement/Attendance


Page 43: School District #361 East Valley · 2020. 9. 1. · School District #361 Reopening Plan 2020-2021. East Valley School District will inspire all students to achieve academic excellence

EVSD Teaching and Learning, 2020

Daily Attendance

Daily Attendance will be taken at the middle school and high school will be taken during Face-to-Face Instruction every class period and during Homeroom or Advisory. Attendance for Virtual Learning will be taken based on student Google Classroom(Homebase) login and work completion by class period.

High School Student Engagement

Engaging Students (Families) Intervention Process

Step 1 Teacher Contact to Student Directly Google Classroom, Email, Phone

Step 2 Teacher Contact to Parent Email, Phone

Step 3 Counselor Contact to Student & Parent Email, Phone

Step 4 Administrator Contact Home Visit School Resource Deputy, Campus Security Officer, Administration, Counselor

Other SST Referral See individual school site process

Middle School Student Engagement

Engaging Students (Families) Intervention Process (Limited Engagement)

Step 1 Weekly Progress Report To Parents Email

Step 2 Teacher communication to Parents and Student and Documentation

Phone Call, ZoomMS Shared Student Engagement Tracking

Step 3 Admin Contact Phone Call, In Person, Zoom

Step 4 Referral to MTSS Team and enter details into tracking document

Creation of Student Success Plan

Other Progress Monitoring Student Success PlanEngagement Tracking