School Bullying. 1. What is Bullying ? 2. Who are Sikhs ? 3. Why are Sikh Students Bullied ? 4. What...

School Bullying

Transcript of School Bullying. 1. What is Bullying ? 2. Who are Sikhs ? 3. Why are Sikh Students Bullied ? 4. What...

School Bullying

1. What is Bullying ?2. Who are Sikhs ?3. Why are Sikh Students Bullied ?4. What to do if you are Bullied ?5. What to do if you see someone

being Bullied ?6. You might be bullying if…

Table of Contents

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Repeated harm through physical, or electronic means.

Threatening, assaulting or dominating others.

What is Bullying?

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Examples of Bullying

Name Calling Teasing Threatening Pushing Injuring

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Examples of Bullying (Conti..)

Harassing / Intimidating


Stealing / Taking Possessions

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What is Cyber-Bullying ?

Bullying using the internet, cell phones or any other cyber technology.

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Who Do Bullies Pick On?

Students who look different

Students who are unpopular

Students less likely to be defended

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Why do Students Bully ?

A sense of powerlessness in their homes leads to a desire for control/power and an outlet to impress friends.

Desire to feel connected to others: “I feel alone, but when I get the class to laugh, even at the expense of others, I feel less alone for a minute.”

Sometimes victims themselves.

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Statistics On Bullying

Bullying affects 54% children.

160,000 students stay home with the fear of being bullied.

More than 50% Sikh students have experienced bullying.

Over 40% were physically attacked.

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Who are Sikhs?

Sikhism is a 550-year-old religion that began in the subcontinent of India.

It is the 5th largest religion in the World.

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In United States, 99% of people that wear turbans are Sikhs.

Facts on Sikhism

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Sikhism is not a branch of Hinduism or Islam.

Sikhs believe in the absolute equality of all mankind and rejects any form of caste system.

Facts on Sikhism

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Core Beliefs of Sikhism Belief in One God Respect For All Religions Selfless Service (Seva) Meditation (Naam Japna) Earning by Honest Means (Kirat

Karna) Sikhs are students and follow the

Guru(teacher); that brings them from dark to light.

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Sharing One’s Earnings With Others (Vand ke Chakna)

All are Equal (applies to gender, creed, color, etc.). Caste system is condemned

Belief in Freedom of Thought & Expression

Do not believe in caste, idols, or superstitions

Male Sikhs have a common last name “Singh” and Female Sikhs, “Kaur”

Core Beliefs of Sikhism

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Basics of SikhismFounded in 1469 – Birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and built

upon by next 9 Gurus.The Guru Granth Sahib (Sikh scripture) is the living Guru

of Sikhs.Nitnem (daily prayers).Amritdhari (Initiated) Lifestyle

Don’t cut your hair No consumption of intoxicants No adultery No consumption of Halal meat Must wear 5Ks at all times

Distinct from Hinduism and Islam.

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Articles of Faith

Five Articles of Faith (Panj Kakaars) also called the… 5 K’s: Kesh, Kanga, Kara, Kirpan, Kachera.

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Kesh–Unshorn Hair Covered By A Turban

It is the most recognizable feature of a Sikh.

The turban (dastaar) is worn by a Sikh at all times, to cover the kesh (unshorn hair).

Sikhs wear it as a mark of commitment to their faith.

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Kanga-Wooden Comb

This is a small comb that Sikhs wear in their hair.

The “Kanga” represents the importance of discipline and cleanliness according to a Sikh way of life.

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A steel band worn on the wrist to remind Sikhs that they are bound to the Guru’s teachings.

Kara-Steel Band

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Kirpan-Ceremonial Knife

The ‘Kirpan’ is the tangible expression of a Sikhs sacrifice of oneself in order to defend the truth.

It reminds Sikhs of their duty to defend and protect the weak and oppressed.

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These are cotton undershorts worn by Sikhs as one of the articles of faith.

These must be worn at all times and is linked to a high moral character.

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Identifying Sikh Men

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Identifying Sikh Women

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Why are Sikh Students Bullied?

Different Appearance

Different culture

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What To Do If You Are Bullied?

Talk to someone you trust.

If that person can’t help, go to someone else.

Try to surround yourself with friends.

Try not to let the bully see that your are upset.

Be confident in who you are.

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Examples of Sikh Students Bullied

Patka* set on fire in a High School in New Jersey.

* ”Patka” is a small turban worn by Sikh Students

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Examples of Sikh Students Bullied

A Sikh student was punched in the face with a key at a High School in Richmond Hill, Queens, New York.

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If You See Someone being Bullied?

Try to stop it

Talk to your…• Parents• Teacher• Counselors • Friends

Best is to treat others the way you want to be treated.

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You might be bullying if…

Is there a kid that you make jokes about, either to his/her face, or with your friends ?

Have you ever posted on someone’s facebook wall/Instagram a comment that was intended to make fun of them?

Have you ever joined in making jokes about someone, either in person or online?

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Think about why you do it and how you were feeling at the time.

Remember, it's best to treat others the way you would like to be treated.

If you are Bullying…

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Department of Health and Human Services:

Anti Defamation League:

Cyber-Bullying Research Center:

Department of Education:

Additional Resources

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