School Box 40, 180 Coleman St. L. Trewin NOVEMBER Innerkip...

October has been a busy month! Thanks to the School Council for organizing the Jazzy Jars raffle and the Family Halloween Dance. Everyone had a blast! As the weather becomes colder, parents are asked to en- sure that their children are dressed appropriately when they leave for school. It is better to be overdressed in case it is cold; coats, mitts and hats can be taken off if it is too warm. A pair of indoor shoes is needed to be worn in the school as wet footwear is not acceptable. All items of clothing should be la- beled with your childs name. Progress Report Cards are coming home November 8th. The following Friday is a PA Day set aside for parent/ guardian-teacher conferences. Use of Photos While we wish to cele- brate special school events, all parents and guardians are remind- ed to respect the wish- es of other parents/ guardians who do not want photos of their children on the Inter- net/Facebook. There- fore, feel free to photo- graph your own child, but please do not take photos on school prop- erty of children for whom parental permis- sion cannot be guaran- teed. PHOTO RETAKES Photo retake day is Monday, November 18, 2019. REMEMBRANCE DAY ASSEMBLY We will be having a Remembrance Day Assembly on Monday, November 11, 2019 beginning at 10:15 a.m. Box 40, 180 Coleman St. Innerkip N0J 1M0 Phone: 519-469-3435 Fax: 519-469-3008 Principal: C. Williams Admin. Assistant: D. Borman Custodian: J. Roelen Superintendent: K. Edgar Trustees: B. Yeoman & B. McKinnon School Council Chair: L. Batte NOVEMBER 2019 Website: Twitter: @InnerkipCS Facebook: SchoolMessenger: Innerkip Central School School Goals: To improve students' flexibility with number and their ability to apply their knowledge to communicate understanding. To support students to move along their path towards well being.

Transcript of School Box 40, 180 Coleman St. L. Trewin NOVEMBER Innerkip...

October has been a busy month!

Thanks to the School Council for organizing the Jazzy Jars raffle and the Family Halloween Dance. Everyone had a blast!

As the weather becomes colder, parents are asked to en-sure that their children are dressed appropriately when they leave for school. It is better to be overdressed in case it is cold; coats, mitts and hats can be taken off if it is too warm. A pair of indoor shoes is needed to be worn in the school as wet footwear is not acceptable. All items of clothing should be la-beled with your child’s name.

Progress Report Cards are coming home November 8th. The following Friday is a PA Day set aside for parent/guardian-teacher conferences.

Use of Photos While we wish to cele-brate special school events, all parents and guardians are remind-ed to respect the wish-es of other parents/guardians who do not want photos of their children on the Inter-net/Facebook. There-fore, feel free to photo-graph your own child, but please do not take photos on school prop-erty of children for whom parental permis-sion cannot be guaran-teed.


Photo retake day is Monday, November 18, 2019.


We will be having a

Remembrance Day

Assembly on Monday,

November 11, 2019

beginning at 10:15 a.m.


Innerkip Central




Box 40, 180 Coleman St. Innerkip N0J 1M0 Phone: 519-469-3435 Fax: 519-469-3008 Principal: L. Trewin Admin. Assistant: J. Pite Custodian: J. Roelen Superintendent: K. Edgar Trustees: G. Hart & B. McKinnon School Council Chair: C. MacDonald-Werby

Home & School President: K. Swanson

Box 40, 180 Coleman St. Innerkip N0J 1M0

Phone: 519-469-3435 Fax: 519-469-3008

Principal: C. Williams Admin. Assistant: D. Borman

Custodian: J. Roelen Superintendent: K. Edgar

Trustees: B. Yeoman & B. McKinnon School Council Chair: L. Batte


Website: Twitter: @InnerkipCS

Facebook: SchoolMessenger:

Innerkip Central School

School Goals:

To improve students' flexibility with number and their ability to apply their knowledge to communicate understanding.

To support students to move along their path towards well being.


Nov. 4—School Council Meeting @ 6:30 in the Learning Commons

Nov. 5—Girls Vball @ Central

Nov. 6— Gr 8’s to Huron Park; Girls Vball vs Algonquin @ ICS

Nov. 7—Boys Vball vs Algonquin @ ICS

Nov. 8— Gr. 8’s to Remembrance Day Ceremony @ Cenotaph; Progress Reports Sent Home

Nov. 11 – Remembrance Day Assembly 10:15 a.m

Nov. 14 – Boys Volleyball Game @ Innerkip (vs Roch Carrier); Girls Volleyball Game @ Eastdale

Nov. 15 – PD Day – no school for students; Parent/Guardian/Teacher Interviews;

Nov. 18—23—Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week

Nov. 18 – Photo Retakes; Girls and Boys Volleyball Tournament at CASS, 12:00-6:00 p.m.

Nov. 20—Pink Shirt Day; Anti-bullying Presentation (last block)

Nov. 25—29: Book Fair

Nov. 28—Character and Celebration Assembly @ 12:00

Dec. 2—School Council Meeting @ 6:30 in the Learning Commons


Innerkip Central Me to We Group would like to extend a huge thank you to all the families that participated in our Drive Away Hunger Food Drive. Our school con-tributed over 1 000 much needed non-perishable food items, and collected $100 to help those in need. The Food Banks are very appreciative of our generosity and support.

Me to We group chose to champion the pillar of health in Sierra Leone in West Africa. Sierra Leone is faced with many challenges. It has not yet recovered from a civil war that ended in 2000 which destroyed schools, hospitals, and water facilities. In Sierra Leone, over half the population live in poverty and life expectancy is among the lowest in the world. Our Me to We Club would like to help make a difference in the lives of people in Sierra Leone. Our goal is to raise $500 by the end of the school year by holding various fundraisers. Thanks to those who sent in decorated pumpkins.


Hello ICS Community!

October’s meeting brought out many familiar faces to our meeting, as we held nominations and continued on with plans for the school year.

Nominated, and returning to the role of ICS Council Chair; Lindsay Batte. Role of ICS Council Secretary has been filled by Ashley Vance, and returning to her position as Treasurer; Jacqueline Singleton. Also returning as our Fundraising Committee Chair, Angela Johnson, with Courtney Hauck, Ashley Vance, Lindsay Batte, and Shannon Currah as members of the committee. We welcome our teaching representative; Jen McArthur, and wish warm thanks to Maria Chesney for her contribution over the past few years. Mrs. Chesney contin-ues to help council with as much as she can, including the Halloween Dance this year. We have several voting members on Council who have been incredible contributors to our meetings, in addition to assisting at events. We welcome you to join us during our meetings, held on the first Monday of each month at 6:30pm, at the school. If you need assistance with childcare, and this is the reason you’re unable to come to meetings, please contact us at:

[email protected], so that we can come up with some suitable solutions together for your needs.

We hosted an incredible Halloween Dance last week, which was attended by many of our ICS Families. We hope you had a great time! Many thanks to the Volunteers who came to the rescue for various roles we needed filled during the dance. We rely on volunteers for many of our events. Criminal record checks are free of charge when you pick up a form from the office at the school. We’ll be looking for volunteers for sev-eral other events in the coming year, including our Festive Lunch. Many hands make light work!

The Fundraising Committee has organized a poinsettia sale again this year. We’ve extended pick up times for our ICS Community to pick up their orders, as we recognize that some parents and guardians don’t get home until later in the afternoon. Your continued support with our fundraising efforts contributes to ongoing classroom and staff requests . Shortly after poinsettias, we’ll have a sale for Bright’s Cheese again this year, to satisfy those cheese curd cravings over the holidays.

Innerkip Central has been using Fundscrip as an ongoing fundraising platform. Fundscrip allows supporters to purchase gift cards online, which are then mailed to the purchaser for use at their favourite vendors. Gift cards are often reloadable as well. Orders using this method provide a percentage of your purchase directly to the school. For example, the purchase of a Chapters-Indigo gift card provides 5% back to ICS. Purchase gas station gift cards, grocery store gift cards for your weekly groceries, and give back to the school in this manner. Super easy!

The website is Innerkip Central School (40156), and our invitation code is 4M87HJ. Please consider using this website to support our school whenever you’re buying gift cards. This might come in especially handy for the holiday season. You can share this invitation code with your extended family and friends. Every little bit helps!

In our upcoming meeting, we’ll continue to discuss options for the school yard, and would like to establish a separate committee for the purchase. This is a major project that requires some special attention. If you’re interested in taking part in this group, please contact us at [email protected].

Our next meeting is being held at ICS on Monday, November 4 at 6:30pm. All parents/guardians of Innerkip Central students are welcome

to attend. We look forward to seeing you there!


Bystanders contribute to the problem. There are different types of bystanders. Which one are you?

Some participate in starting the bullying

Some laugh or give attention to the bullying thereby encouraging it

Some join in the bullying once it is started

Some are silent - this silence is most often misinterpreted by the bully as support for the bullying and interpreted by the victim as betrayal and support for the bully


Move from silence to action. Upstanders stop the problem. Research shows that students speaking out or taking action stops bullying behavior over half the time within seconds!



The incidence of peanut/nut allergies has increased over the past years. Peanut/nut allergies can be severe and may be fatal. Even SMALL amounts of peanut/nut particles or residue can cause a severe allergic reaction. We have several students who are allergic to peanut and nut products.

We are asking parents/guardians for your continued help and co-operation in ensuring that any snacks or lunch items you send into the school are nut free. Furthermore, we are requesting that parents/guardians refrain from

sending peanut butter substitutes to school.

We continue to stress the importance of children not sharing any food, utensils or containers with classmates during nutrition breaks. In order to comply with Health Regulations, home baked goods are not to be sent to the school for staff or students. In addition, if peanut butter is con-sumed at home, it is very important for children to wash their hands and face with soap and water before coming to school.

Thank you for your efforts and cooperation in ensuring a safe, healthy learning environment for all students and staff.

It was a great season of running for over 30 students on Innerkip’s cross country team.

Congratulations to all the runners for their hard work and dedica-tion during practices and meets. The team members had a great “fun run” at Harrisfield in Inger-soll in preparation for the regional meet at Cowan Fields.

We had an excellent day at the re-gional meet with many students running their personal bests! Six students qualified for the cross country finals in London.

Congratulations again to all the team members on a great season!