Scholars of Ahl-us-Sunnah Regarding Jamaa'at-ut-Tableegh


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Transcript of Scholars of Ahl-us-Sunnah Regarding Jamaa'at-ut-Tableegh

Page 1: Scholars of Ahl-us-Sunnah Regarding Jamaa'at-ut-Tableegh

Some Questions

to the Scholars of Ahl-us-Sunnah

Regarding the Affairs of


Page 2: Scholars of Ahl-us-Sunnah Regarding Jamaa'at-ut-Tableegh

Questioner: The questions regarding Jamaa’at ut-Tableegh have


Shaykh 'Abdul Azeez bin 'Abdullaah ar-Raajihee: We say: It is known

that Jamaa’at ut-Tableegh are Soofiyyah, and we do not advise

performing khurooj with them, because they do not call to tawheed, do

not enjoin the good, and do not forbid the evil. And they enjoin the

khurooj, [saying] “Perform khurooj, perform khurooj.” And they make it

obligatory on the people to perform khurooj for 40 per year, 40 days, and

likewise 2 days per week twice[1], and in every month, 3 days. And all of

this has no proof. [They say] “Perform khurooj, perform khurooj,” they

call it in the path of Allaah, yet they only care about adhkaar

(remembrance of Allaah). And likewise they make some of the general

folk give advice and perform da’wah, yet they have no knowledge, they

have no knowledge.

So we advise the youth with attending the knowledge-based lessons

and seeking knowledge, and not performing khurooj. And if a person

wishes to call, then after that, if he is qualified, then he can call to

Allaah. As for him performing khurooj while he is an ignoramus with

no understanding, [then this is not permissible]. Some of the senior

Shaykhs that they make speak – senior Shaykhs that don’t know a

single thing, he doesn’t read, and perhaps he doesn’t know and doesn’t

write – they make him speak in the masjid, he gives advice. And some of

them are a group small youths who haven’t studied and haven’t


1[1] They perform a “local khurooj” twice per week on two different days. These are usually done on

Wednesday and Saturday after the ‘Asr or Maghrib salaah.

Page 3: Scholars of Ahl-us-Sunnah Regarding Jamaa'at-ut-Tableegh

And it is like this - Jamaa’at ut-Tableegh, if you were to enjoin tawheed

[in their presence], then there is no way would that they would leave

you alone. He will say, “Don’t call to tawheed, and don’t enjoin [the

good], and don’t forbid the evil, call to such-and-such, and nobody

should speak about this.” The intention [in da’wah] is to advise the

students with embarking on seeking knowledge, and learning, and

gaining understanding, and gaining insight. Then, after that, [he can

perform] da’wah to Allaah. 2

Questioner: Noble Shaykh, the reality is not that they (i.e. Jamaa'at ut-

Tableegh)… they reject the da’wah to tawheed. And thus, if some

students of knowledge go out with them and wish to, for example, speak

and clarify ‘aqeedah, and tawheed, and the types of shirk, they shun

him and become angry with him. So what is your opinion about this?

Nay, even if he was to clarify some of the confirmed sunan from the

Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) in some of the affairs, they reject


Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan al-Fawzaan: I have witnessed this myself. I

conducted a lecture on tawheed in some of the masaajid in Riyaadh,

and they (the Tableegh) were gathered in the masjid, so they went out of

the masjid [upon hearing the lecture]. And others like me as well – some

of the Scholars gave a lecture in this masjid on tawheed, so they went

out of the masjid. Because they were coming into it, so when they heard

the da’wah to tawheed, they went out of the masjid, along with [the fact

that] they were [originally] calling for a gathering in the masjid. Yet,

2 Source:

Page 4: Scholars of Ahl-us-Sunnah Regarding Jamaa'at-ut-Tableegh

when they heard tawheed, they went out of the masjid.

As for them not accepting the da’wah to tawheed – yes – and that is not

specific to them. Everyone who traverses upon a mapped out manhaj

does not accept abandonment of it.

If they had fallen into this matter (i.e. their misguidance) due to

ignorance, then they might possibly return to the right way. But they

fell into this matter by a design, by a manhaj upon which they have

traversed for a long time, which has been mapped out for them. So there

is no way that they would retract from their manhaj, because if they

retracted from their manhaj, then their Jamaa’ah would unravel, their

Jamaa’ah would unravel, and they do not desire this.3

And the most recent book which has been written and has gathered in it

their statements, and the criticisms against them, and those who used to

befriend them then exited them and left them, the most recent book

regarding this is the complete and comprehensive book, the book of

Shaykh Hammood Bin ‘Abdullaah at-Tuwayjiree[4], may Allaah have

mercy on him. For indeed, it is a book which has not left out anything

with regards to this topic. This is because it is a recent book in which

3 Read and reflect over the previous two paragraphs, for there is much wisdom to be found in them. The

Shaykh has basically stated what the Salafiyyoon have been saying for quite some time already – that

nobody adopts a manhaj other than the Salafee manhaj except that it is due to him having some mapped-

out manhaj designed for specific objectives. This also explains why people like Salmaan al-‘Awdah do not

repent and retract from their errors even after being refuted and humiliated by the ‘Ulamaa’ – they have

specific objectives which they desire to achieve, and if they were to retract, their innovated methodologies

(and thus desired objectives) would unravel.

4 He is referring to the book entitled "al-Qawl ul-Baleegh fit-Tahdheer min Jamaa'at it-Tableegh." In shaa'

Allaah, more excepts from this great book will be added to this thread eventually, including some stories of

those who used to go with the Tableegh and later abandoned them after having discovered their reality.

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everything which has been said from before has been compiled, and

authentic information regarding them has been compiled.

So there has never remained any confusion [about the Tableegh]. Yet

the fitnah, and the refuge is with Allaah, if it emerges, it blinds the

visions. The fitnah blinds the visions.

And if not, then how can a human being who has lived upon tawheed,

and studied tawheed, and came to know the ‘aqeedah of tawheed, how

could he be deceived by those?!? How could he perform khurooj with

them? How could he call to them? How could he defend them? Is this

not from misguidance after guidance, and replacing that which is

superior with that which is inferior? We ask Allaah for good health and


Questioner: What is your advice to your brothers from the general folk,

those who do not know their (i.e. the Tableegh’s) objectives – even the

women now perform khurooj to Pakistan?

Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan al-Fawzaan: My advice to my brothers from

the general folk and other than the general folk is that they do not

befriend them. And if they desire good, then it is present, praise to

Allaah, in their land. If they desire knowledge, then the Scholars are

present. If they desire worship, then the masaajid and houses are open

for worship. If they desire anything from the affairs of the Religion, then

it is available, and the praise is to Allaah. 5

5 Source: original audio here (played as you enter the website) transcript here. The transcript has been

published in the book “Jamaa’at ut-Tableegh” pp. 445-446.

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Questioner: O Honorable Shaykh, there are newly-arisen groups like the

Ikhwaan and the Tableegh and other than them. So are these groups

from Ahl us-Sunnah and what is you advice regarding this topic?

Shaykh ‘Abdul-Muhsin al-Abbad al-Badr: These various, newly-arisen

sects, first of all, are heresies whose birth was in the fourteenth century.

And before the fourteenth century, they were not in existence and nor

were they born – they were in the world of the dead.

As for the upright manhaj and the straight path, then its birth and origin

is the sending of the Noble Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) –

whatever the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and his

companions were upon when he was sent (sallallaahu alayhi

wasallam). So whosoever emulates this truth and guidance, then he is

the one who has attained safety and has been saved. And whosoever

diverges from this, then he is a deviant.

These sects or these groups, it is known that they have correctness and

they have errors. But their errors are large and tremendous, so they are

to be warned from. And [one should] be persistent in following the

Jamaa’ah which is Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah, and they are those

upon the manhaj of the Salaf of this Ummah, and those whose reliance

is upon what came from Allaah and from His Messenger (sallallaahu

alayhi wasallam). And their reliance is not upon what came from so-

and-so and so-and-so, nor is it upon the orders and manaahij which

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were innovated in the fourteenth century upon this manhaj and upon

this well-known way. 6

Shaykh 'Abdul Muhsin al-Abbad al-Badr said: As for Jamaa’at ut-

Tableegh, then first of all, they have abominable affairs and it is an

innovated manhaj. And it emerged from Delhi, it did not emerge from

Makkah nor Madeenah, rather, its origin and source is Delhi in India.

And India, as is well-known, is full of khuraafaat (heretical

superstitions) and full of bida’, even if there may be many from Ahl us-

Sunnah and those who are upon the Sunnah and the correct way, like

Jamaa’at Ahl ul-Hadeeth, who are amongst the best of people in that


…And their founder 7 (i.e. of the Tableegh) is from the people of

innovation and from the people of the Soofee orders and from the

deviants in ‘aqeedah, so it (the Tableegh) is an innovation and heresy.

In those lands, it (Jamaa’at ut-Tableegh) is found to be relying upon

these affairs which have been placed down by their founder for this

order.[8] And in their ‘aqeedah they are deviants, and in their order as

well they have amongst them the Soofiyyah, and amongst them are the

Ashaa’irah – those who are are not upon the manhaj of Ahl us-Sunnah

wal-Jamaa’ah, neither in ‘aqeedah, nor in sulook (i.e. way and

6 Source: “Jamaa’at ut-Tableegh” pp. 448-449 by way of the following thread on sahab:

7 He is Muhammad Illiyaas al-Kandahlawee,

8 Meaning that the innovations laid down by Illiyaas are the source of "guidance" upon which they firmly

place their reliance, and the refuge is with Allaah.

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characteristics). 9

Shaykh Rabee’ bin Hadee al-Madkhali was asked about Jamaa’ah ut-

Tableegh, so he said:

I have never gone with this Jamaa’ah, but indeed, I went for work, then,

like, to Kashmir. And I became vacated from this work, and I passed

through Delhi, so it was said to me: “Let us go to such and such place to

visit the da’wah center of Jamaa’at ut-Tableegh, and to, like, Nidhaam


Nidhaam ud-Deen, this is a masjid nearby the da’wah center of

Jamaa’at ut-Tableegh, and inside of it are five graves, atop which are

domes, which are worshipped alongside of Allaah, a clear worship, no

dust on it (i.e. a figurative expression meaning that it is plain for

everyone to see).

Then we went out to the masjid of Jamaa’at ut-Tableegh, and it was

being said, like, the people were disagreeing with each other as to

whether there were graves in it or there weren’t graves in it.

So ‘Abdur-Rubb asked, this one whom I have mentioned, he asked a

number of them: “Is there in this masjid – the masjid of Jamaa’at ut-

Tableegh – a grave or some graves?”

The clever ones [amongst them] said: “No, there are no graves in it. The

9 Source: “Jamaa’at ut-Tableegh” pp. 448-449 by way of the following thread on sahab:

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grave of Illiyaas is buried in Makkah,” or such-and-such place, some far

away place.

So he continued to ask until an individual guided him or informed

him that the grave of Illiyaas was in the masjid, and next to it, the grave

of his wife.

Then he came with the brother ‘Abdur-Rubb to the two graves and

stood over them. Then after he made sure [that these were the graves],

he came back and said: “Come, I will show you these two graves.”

So we looked, and so he said: “This is the grave of Illiyaas, and this is the

grave of his wife, and they are inside of the masjid.”

Then after that, we verified that there were four graves in this masjid,

not two. We verified [this fact] from some trustworthy people who

accompanied Jamaa’at ut-Tableegh for years and knew this true state of

affairs… [End of Shaykh's words] 10

The Eminent Shaykh Hamood Bin ‘Abdullaah at-Tuwayjiree (d. 1413)

on the Qubooriyyah and Shirkiyyaat of Jamaa’at it-Tableegh, may

Allaah rid the earth of their evil and misguidance...

The Shaykh said, as quoted from his treatise “Haqaa’iq ‘an Jamaa’at it-

Tableegh” (Realities Regarding Jamaa’at it-Tableegh): “Many of them

(the Tableegh) glorify the graves of the awliyaa’ and the structures on

10 From the book Jamaa’at ut-Tableegh (p. 450). The actual audio is also available


Also refer to this thread on sahab:

Page 10: Scholars of Ahl-us-Sunnah Regarding Jamaa'at-ut-Tableegh

top of them, and they make tawaaf around them, and they make vows

to them, and they do not reject these rejected (munkarah) things.”

He also said: “And the graves of their leaders are in the masjid! I mean

the grave of Illiyaas and the grave of his son are inside of the masjid.

And that Jamaa’ah makes vows to those buried persons and seeks help

from them in the important matters. And when this is rejected from

them, they say: “We are not Wahhaabiyeen.” 11

11 Refer to the following thread:

Look at the shirk and innovation of this evil sect and ask yourself, what should be said about the one who

knowingly seeks to include them into Ahl us-Sunnah? Does he do so because of hawaa? Or is because he

seeks to, bit by bit, revive the manhaj of Hasan al-Bannaa and melt the barriers between the Saved Sect and

the 72 hell-bound sects? And what is to be said about he who defends those whose shirk (as mentioned

above by the Noble Shaykh) takes them outside of the Ummah entirely?