Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Schneider Electric Industries Date: Friday, October 30, 2020 REACh Project Dear Customer, Schneider Electric SE and its affiliates (Schneider Electric) have undertaken since 2008 to comply strictly with the Reach regulation N° 1907/2006 for the declaration of Substances of Very High Concern (hereafter referred to as SVHC), authorization (Annex XIV) and restriction (Annex XVII). As per our commitment under article 33 of the said regulation, you will find attached herebelow information, to the best of our knowledge and as of the date of publication of this information, regarding the presence of SVHC in Schneider Electric products. This information will evolve over time in function of the improved knowledge resulting from both additional information provided by our suppliers and our own investigations. Moreover, Schneider Electric has taken into account the judgement of the EU Court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14 and is currently investigating what needs to be done to implement this judgement as soon as possible. In accordance with its environmental strategy, Schneider Electric and its affiliates have decided to apply REACH regulation on a worldwide basis. In accordance with the Environment policy of our Company, we continuously work towards products and services which reduce the impact to the environment or on human health when used for their intended purpose and in conditions stated in the documentation provided by Schneider Electric. With this objective, Schneider Electric willingness is to substitute as soon as possible substances of concern with a specific focus on REACH Annex XIV replacement before their sunset date. At life end, we invite you to follow appropriate waste and recycling procedures. In case the product is inside the legal scope of RoHS, please note that this document is not the CE declaration. To access to the CE declaration, please refer to the Customer Care Centers Best Regards, Xavier Houot Global Safety, Environment & Real Estate Senior Vice President Schneider Electric Industries SAS Schneider Electric Industries SAS Postal address / Adresse postale : Le Hive 35 rue Joseph Monier - CS 30323 F-92506 Rueil Malmaison Cedex Phone: +33 (0)4 76 57 60 60 Legal information / Mentions légales : Société par actions simplifiée au capital de 896,313,776 euros 954 503 439 rcs Nanterre - code APE : 2712Z Siret : 954 503 439 01719 n°ident. TVA : FR 04 954 503 439 Siège Social ! 35, rue Joseph Monier F - 92500 Rueil-Malmaison

Transcript of Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Page 1: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Schneider Electric Industries

Date: Friday, October 30, 2020

REACh Project

Dear Customer,

Schneider Electric SE and its affiliates (Schneider Electric) have undertaken since 2008 to comply strictly with the

Reach regulation N° 1907/2006 for the declaration of Substances of Very High Concern (hereafter referred to as

SVHC), authorization (Annex XIV) and restriction (Annex XVII).

As per our commitment under article 33 of the said regulation, you will find attached herebelow information, to the

best of our knowledge and as of the date of publication of this information, regarding the presence of SVHC in

Schneider Electric products.

This information will evolve over time in function of the improved knowledge resulting from both additional

information provided by our suppliers and our own investigations.

Moreover, Schneider Electric has taken into account the judgement of the EU Court of Justice of 10 September 2015

in case C-106/14 and is currently investigating what needs to be done to implement this judgement as soon as


In accordance with its environmental strategy, Schneider Elec tric and its affiliates have decided to apply REACH

regulation on a worldwide basis.

In accordance with the Envi ronment policy of our Company, we continuously work towards products and services

which reduce the impact to the environment or on human health when used for their intended purpose and in

conditions stated in the documentation provided by Schneider Electric. With this objective, Schneider Electric

willingness is to substitute as soon as possible substances of concern with a specific focus on REACH Annex XIV

replacement before their sunset date.

At life end, we invite you to follow appropriate waste and recycling procedures. In case the product is inside the legal

scope of RoHS, please note that this document is not the CE declaration. To access to the CE declaration, please

refer to the Customer Care Centers

Best Regards,

Xavier Houot Global Safety, Environment & Real Estate Senior Vice President

Schneider Electric Industries SAS

Schneider Electric Industries SAS Postal address / Adresse postale : Le Hive 35 rue Joseph Monier - CS 30323 F-92506 Rueil Malmaison Cedex Phone: +33 (0)4 76 57 60 60

Legal information / Mentions légales : Société par actions simplif iée au capital de 896,313,776 euros 954 503 439 rcs Nanterre - code APE : 2712Z Siret : 954 503 439 01719 n°ident. TVA : FR 04 954 503 439 Siège Social ! 35, rue Joseph Monier F - 92500 Rueil-Malmaison

Page 2: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Unless otherwise stated in the table, the data shown in this spreadsheet are related to the following production Date Code: 44/2020 (Week / Year)Unless otherwise stated in the table, the data shown in this spreadsheet are related to the following version of the REACh regulation: June 2020 candidate list

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

15335IHSchneider ElectricIH 18MM 24H WITHOUT RESERVE 1C

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useThis product includes part(s)that contain(s) the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

EGDME 110-71-4 203-794-9 Check with experts for safe useconditions from chemicalexposure perspective and EoLirecommendations

This product includes metallicpart(s) that contain(s) thefollowing substance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

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Page 3: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

15336IHSchneider ElectricIH 18MM 24H MEM 1C 16A

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useThis product includes part(s)that contain(s) the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

EGDME 110-71-4 203-794-9 Check with experts for safe useconditions from chemicalexposure perspective and EoLirecommendations

This product includes metallicpart(s) that contain(s) thefollowing substance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

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Page 4: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

15337TIME SWITCHESSchneider ElectricIH 24H MEM 2C 10A

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useThis product includes part(s)that contain(s) the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

EGDME 110-71-4 203-794-9 Check with experts for safe useconditions from chemicalexposure perspective and EoLirecommendations

This product includes metallicpart(s) that contain(s) thefollowing substance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

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Page 5: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

20045603DIMMERSSchneider ElectricTREND Dimmer 1000W P-V

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

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Page 6: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :


In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useThis product includes part(s)that contain(s) the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

EGDME 110-71-4 203-794-9 Check with experts for safe useconditions from chemicalexposure perspective and EoLirecommendations

This product includes metallicpart(s) that contain(s) thefollowing substance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

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Page 7: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :


In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useThis product includes part(s)that contain(s) the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

EGDME 110-71-4 203-794-9 Check with experts for safe useconditions from chemicalexposure perspective and EoLirecommendations

This product includes metallicpart(s) that contain(s) thefollowing substance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

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Page 8: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

CCT15838TIME SWITCHESSchneider ElectricProgrammable time switch 16A 230Vac type IHPplus 1C 18 mm

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Analysis according to July 2019 candidate list

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useThis product includes part(s)that contain(s) the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

EGDME 110-71-4 203-794-9 Check with experts for safe useconditions from chemicalexposure perspective and EoLirecommendations

This product includes metallicpart(s) that contain(s) thefollowing substance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

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Page 9: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

CCT15854Acti9Schneider ElectricDIGITAL TIME SWITCHES 24H/7D 18MM 1 CHAN

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useThis product includes part(s)that contain(s) the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

EGDME 110-71-4 203-794-9 Check with experts for safe useconditions from chemicalexposure perspective and EoLirecommendations

This product includes metallicpart(s) that contain(s) thefollowing substance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

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Page 10: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :


In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useThis product includes part(s)that contain(s) the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

EGDME 110-71-4 203-794-9 Check with experts for safe useconditions from chemicalexposure perspective and EoLirecommendations

This product includes metallicpart(s) that contain(s) thefollowing substance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

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Page 11: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

CCT15861TIME SWITCHESSchneider ElectricTIME

According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties the following SVHC are present above 0,1% threshold at product level.

Analysis according to January 2019 candidate list

EGDMECAS: 110-71-4rate (%) w/w0.3%

LeadCAS: 7439-92-1rate (%) w/w0.2%

1,3-propanesultoneCAS: 1120-71-4rate (%) w/w0.2%

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Page 12: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

CCT15910TIME SWITCHESSchneider ElectricActi9, ITA interrupteur horaire annuel 24h/7jours/année - 1 canal

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useThis product includes part(s)that contain(s) the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

EGDME 110-71-4 203-794-9 Check with experts for safe useconditions from chemicalexposure perspective and EoLirecommendations

This product includes metallicpart(s) that contain(s) thefollowing substance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

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Page 13: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

CCT15940TIME SWITCHESSchneider ElectricActi9, ITA interrupteur horaire annuel 24h/7jours/année - 4 canaux

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Analysis according to July 2019 candidate list

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useThis product includes part(s)that contain(s) the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

EGDME 110-71-4 203-794-9 Check with experts for safe useconditions from chemicalexposure perspective and EoLirecommendations

This product includes metallicpart(s) that contain(s) thefollowing substance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

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Page 14: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :


In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useThis product includes part(s)that contain(s) the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

EGDME 110-71-4 203-794-9 Check with experts for safe useconditions from chemicalexposure perspective and EoLirecommendations

This product includes metallicpart(s) that contain(s) thefollowing substance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

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Page 15: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

CCT5010-0001Wiser OneSchneider ElectricWiser micro module dimmer

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

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Page 16: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

CCT551012ARGUSSchneider ElectricDual Tech - 2 Channels

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

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Page 17: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

CCT551023ARGUSSchneider ElectricMicrowave Sensor - 2 Channels

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

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Page 18: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

CCT552006ARGUSSchneider ElectricDALI PIR (230V)

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

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Page 19: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

CCT555006ARGUSSchneider ElectricSlave PIR (for DALI 230V)

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

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Page 20: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

CCT99100Puck dimmerSchneider ElectricLED Dimmer module 100WRCRL - SDM100LED

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

In this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

PZT 12626-81-2 235-727-4 None

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Page 21: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :


In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

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Page 22: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :


In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

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Page 23: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

CCTDD20003PT&ECO_E_LCA_LC_=GE_WIEHL_Schneider ElectricDIMMER 1000W STD1000 RL DIN

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 23

Page 24: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

CCTDD20016DIMMERSSchneider ElectricUniversal dimmer 16A 230Vac type STD400LED

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Analysis according to July 2019 candidate list

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useThis product includes part(s)that contain(s) the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

EGDME 110-71-4 203-794-9 Check with experts for safe useconditions from chemicalexposure perspective and EoLirecommendations

This product includes metallicpart(s) that contain(s) thefollowing substance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 24

Page 25: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

CCTDD20017DIMMERSSchneider ElectricUniversal dimmer 16A 230Vac type STD400LEDplus

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Analysis according to July 2019 candidate list

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useThis product includes part(s)that contain(s) the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

EGDME 110-71-4 203-794-9 Check with experts for safe useconditions from chemicalexposure perspective and EoLirecommendations

This product includes metallicpart(s) that contain(s) thefollowing substance(s) above thethreshold at part level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 25

Page 26: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

CCTSE12011TRENDSchneider ElectricLIGHTING

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 26

Page 27: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :


In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 27

Page 28: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

CCTSE13011TRENDSchneider ElectricLIGHTING

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 28

Page 29: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

CCTSE13111TRENDSchneider ElectricLIGHTING

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 29

Page 30: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :


In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 30

Page 31: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :


In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 31

Page 32: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

MTN5510-1119ARGUSSchneider ElectricARGUS Presence Master with IR, relay 1-gang

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 32

Page 33: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

MTN5510-1219MOTION SENSORSSchneider ElectricARGUS Presence Master with IR, relay 2-gang

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 33

Page 34: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

MTN5510-1419MOTION SENSORSSchneider ElectricARGUS Presence Master with IR, 1-10 V

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 34

Page 35: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

MTN5510-1519MOTION SENSORSSchneider ElectricARGUS Presence Master with IR, DALI

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 35

Page 36: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

MTN5570-1019NON DESIGNSchneider ElectricARGUS Presence Slave

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 36

Page 37: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

MTN5628-3119MOTION SENSORSSchneider ElectricARG 220 Advanced pw

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

In this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Diboron trioxyde 1303-86-2 215-125-8 None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 37

Page 38: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

MTN565119MOTION SENSORSSchneider ElectricARGUS 110 Basic Packaging: complete device

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

In this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Diboron trioxyde 1303-86-2 215-125-8 None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 38

Page 39: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

MTN565219MOTION SENSORSSchneider ElectricARGUS 220 Basic Packaging: complete device

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

In this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Diboron trioxyde 1303-86-2 215-125-8 None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 39

Page 40: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE002012EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora dimmer 315W + 1-g Q frame white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Analysis according to January 2019 candidate list

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 40

Page 41: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE002081EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora dimmer light kit white LED

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 41

Page 42: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE002299EXXACTSchneider ElectricExxact uni LED rotary dimmer 400W white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 42

Page 43: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE002307EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora pb dimmer universal 400W/VA white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 43

Page 44: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE002310EXXACTSchneider ElectricWiser universal push-button dimmer LED

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

In this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

PZT 12626-81-2 235-727-4 None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 44

Page 45: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE002311EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora dimmer electron trafo 315W white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 45

Page 46: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE002313EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora dimmer electron trafo 630W white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 46

Page 47: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE002315EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora dimmer electron trafo 1000W white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 47

Page 48: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE002319EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora dimmer conv trafo 1000W/VA white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 48

Page 49: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE002334EXXACTSchneider ElectricWiser universal rotary dimmer LED

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

In this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

PZT 12626-81-2 235-727-4 None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 49

Page 50: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE002335EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora dimmer universal 420W/VA white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 50

Page 51: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE002343EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora dimmer HF unit 1-10V white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 51

Page 52: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE002345EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora dimmer 1-phase motors 300VA white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 52

Page 53: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE002347EXXACTSchneider ElectricExxact dimmer SPL 9-100W white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 53

Page 54: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE002367EXXACTSchneider ElectricWiser motion sensor with switch 10 A

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 54

Page 55: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE002374EXXACTSchneider ElectricWiser motion sensor w. Uni PB dimmer LED

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 55

Page 56: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE002375EXXACTSchneider ElectricMotion sensor with switch 10 A

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 56

Page 57: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE002466EXXACTSchneider ElectricExxact DALI power poti TW white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 57

Page 58: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE002912EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora dimmer 315W + 1-g G frame white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 58

Page 59: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE003299EXXACTSchneider ElectricExxact uni LED rotary dimmer 400W ant.

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

In this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

PZT 12626-81-2 235-727-4 None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 59

Page 60: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE003307EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora pb dimmer universal 400W/VA dark

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 60

Page 61: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE003310EXXACTSchneider ElectricWiser universal push-button dimmer LED

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

In this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

PZT 12626-81-2 235-727-4 None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 61

Page 62: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE003311EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora dimmer electronic trafo 315W dark

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 62

Page 63: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE003313EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora dimmer electronic trafo 630W dark

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 63

Page 64: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE003334EXXACTSchneider ElectricWiser universal rotary dimmer LED

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

In this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

PZT 12626-81-2 235-727-4 None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 64

Page 65: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE003335EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora dimmer universal 420W/VA dark

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 65

Page 66: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE003343EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora dimmer HF unit 1-10V dark

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 66

Page 67: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE003345EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora dimmer 1-phase motors 300VA dark

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 67

Page 68: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE003347EXXACTSchneider ElectricExxact dimmer SPL 9-100W anthracite

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 68

Page 69: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE003367EXXACTSchneider ElectricWiser motion sensor with switch 10 A

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 69

Page 70: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE003374EXXACTSchneider ElectricWiser motion sensor w. Uni PB dimmer LED

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 70

Page 71: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE003375EXXACTSchneider ElectricMotion sensor with switch 10 A

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 71

Page 72: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE003466EXXACTSchneider ElectricExxact DALI power poti TW ant.

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 72

Page 73: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE004299EXXACTSchneider ElectricExxact uni LED rotary dimmer 400W met.

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

In this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

PZT 12626-81-2 235-727-4 None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 73

Page 74: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE004307EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora pb dimmer universal 400W/VA alu

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 74

Page 75: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE004310EXXACTSchneider ElectricWiser universal push-button dimmer LED

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

In this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

PZT 12626-81-2 235-727-4 None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 75

Page 76: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE004311EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora dimmer electronic trafo 315W alu

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 76

Page 77: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE004313EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora dimmer electronic trafo 630W alu

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 77

Page 78: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE004334EXXACTSchneider ElectricWiser universal rotary dimmer LED

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

In this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

PZT 12626-81-2 235-727-4 None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 78

Page 79: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE004335EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora dimmer universal 420W/VA alu

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 79

Page 80: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE004345EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora dimmer 1-phase motors 300VA alu

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 80

Page 81: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE004347EXXACTSchneider ElectricExxact dimmer SPL 9-100W metallic

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 81

Page 82: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE004367EXXACTSchneider ElectricWiser motion sensor with switch 10 A

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 82

Page 83: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE004374EXXACTSchneider ElectricWiser motion sensor w. Uni PB dimmer LED

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 83

Page 84: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE004375EXXACTSchneider ElectricMotion sensor with switch 10 A

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 84

Page 85: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE004443EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora dimmer HF unit 1-10V alu

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 85

Page 86: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE004466EXXACTSchneider ElectricExxact DALI power poti TW met.

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 86

Page 87: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE004495EXXACTSchneider ElectricAurora cp dimmer incl inlays transparent

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 87

Page 88: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE006711EXXACTSchneider ElectricLIGHTING

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Analysis according to January 2019 candidate list

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 88

Page 89: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE006911RENOVASchneider ElectricRenova dimmer electron trafo 315W white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 89

Page 90: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE006913RENOVASchneider ElectricRenova dimmer electron trafo 630W white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Analysis according to January 2019 candidate list

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 90

Page 91: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE006937RENOVASchneider ElectricDIY Renova uni LED rotary dimmer 400W white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 91

Page 92: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE007111RENOVASchneider ElectricLIGHTING

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 92

Page 93: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE007113RENOVASchneider ElectricRenova dimmer electron trafo 630W black

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 93

Page 94: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE007135RENOVASchneider ElectricRenova dimmer universal 450W/VA black

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 94

Page 95: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE007137RENOVASchneider ElectricDIY Renova uni LED rotary dimmer 400W black

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 95

Page 96: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE008301DIMMERSSchneider ElectricUniversal LED dimmer module

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

In this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

PZT 12626-81-2 235-727-4 None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 96

Page 97: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE008305EXXACTSchneider ElectricExxact pb dimmer universal 400W/VA white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 97

Page 98: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE008311EXXACTSchneider ElectricExxact dimmer electron trafo 315W white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 98

Page 99: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE008313EXXACTSchneider ElectricExxact dimmer electron trafo 630W white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 99

Page 100: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE008335EXXACTSchneider ElectricExxact dimmer universal 420W/VA white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 100

Page 101: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE008337EXXACTSchneider ElectricEXXACT uni LED rotary dimmer 400W white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 101

Page 102: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE008511EXXACTSchneider ElectricExxact dimmer electronic trafo 315W antr

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 102

Page 103: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE008537EXXACTSchneider ElectricEXXACT uni LED rotary dimmer 400W ant.

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 103

Page 104: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE008711EXXACTSchneider ElectricExxact dimmer electronic trafo 315W meta

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 104

Page 105: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE008737EXXACTSchneider ElectricEXXACT uni LED rotary dimmer 400W met.

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 105

Page 106: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE008911EXXACTSchneider ElectricExxact dimmer electronic trafo 315W antr

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 106

Page 107: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE009211EXXACTSchneider ElectricExxact dimmer electronic trafo 315W brus

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 107

Page 108: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE011600RENOVASchneider ElectricRenova dimmer transistor 315W

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 108

Page 109: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE011601RENOVASchneider ElectricRenova dimmer transistor 630W

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 109

Page 110: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE011603RENOVASchneider ElectricRenova dimmer HF-unit 1-10Vwhite

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 110

Page 111: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE011604RENOVASchneider ElectricRenova speed controller 400VA

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 111

Page 112: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE011605RENOVASchneider ElectricRenova dimmer universal 420W

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 112

Page 113: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE011607RENOVASchneider ElectricRenova dimmer transistor 315W

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 113

Page 114: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE011608RENOVASchneider ElectricRenova dimmer transistor 630W

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 114

Page 115: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE011610RENOVASchneider ElectricRenova dimmer HF-unit 1-10V black

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 115

Page 116: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE011611RENOVASchneider ElectricRenova speed controller 400VA

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 116

Page 117: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE011612RENOVASchneider ElectricRenova dimmer universal 420W

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 117

Page 118: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE011626RENOVASchneider ElectricPRO Renova uni LED rotary dimmer 400W white

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 118

Page 119: Schneider Electric Industries - E-nummerbanken

Commercial ref. :Range :Brand :Product description :

WDE011627RENOVASchneider ElectricPRO Renova uni LED rotary dimmer 400W black

In this product, no substance under REACH annex XVII regulation is used in the scope of restriction. This includes for instance asbestos, polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)…According to REACH Regulation EC 1907/2006 article 33 duties and the judjment of the EU court of Justice of 10 September 2015 in case C-106/14, the following SVHC arepresent in this product above 0,1% threshold at part level.Our products are safe from a chemical exposure perspective, under normal conditions of use. If any specific Safe conditions of use, you will find more details in the table.For specific End of Life recommendations, please look at Product End of Life instructions according to WEEE document.

Part SVHC content CAS number EC number Specific Safe conditions of useIn this product, the PCBAincludes electronic componentsthat contain the followingsubstance(s) above thethreshold at component level.

Lead 7439-92-1 - None

D:\REACH_DATA_PROD\TEMP\searchResult_GreenPremiumREACh_20201030_124842417.pdf - Friday, October 30, 2020 - Page: 119