Scheme of Work - Empiribox€¦ ·  · 2017-09-06Empiribox Biology Scheme of Work – Plants &...

Plants & Photosynthesis Scheme of Work

Transcript of Scheme of Work - Empiribox€¦ ·  · 2017-09-06Empiribox Biology Scheme of Work – Plants &...

Plants & Photosynthesis Scheme of Work

Empiribox Biology Scheme of Work – Plants & Photosynthesis

Version 3.1 6/6/16 P a g e | 1

What do I need to know about Plants & Photosynthesis?

All plants are effectively ‘autotrophs’, i.e. they make their own food – Glucose, and they do this through the process of photosynthesis, which largely takes place in the leaves of all plants.

Plants then use glucose to turn it into a range of other products such as starch, protein and oils etc. The most important part of the plant is the leaf and the following information is useful to know before teaching this unit.

Photosynthesis is very often one of the most poorly understood (taught!!?) topics in school biology lessons, with most students failing to grasp the main point that:


Leaf Structure and Anatomy (from BBC Bitesize)

Cross-section through a leaf cell

Empiribox Biology Scheme of Work – Plants & Photosynthesis

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A. Structural Features of the Leaf

Plants must take in CO2 from the atmosphere in order to photosynthesise. How does CO2 get into the leaf? Leaves have pores called stomata on the epidermal layer of the leaf. Stomata are the openings through which plants respire. The stomata are surrounded by two guard cells, which control the size of the stomatal openings. Guard cells regulate the flow of gas between the leaf and its environment and control the amount of water passing through a leaf. Plants typically close their stomata at night to avoid too much water loss. Stomata are usually found on the underside of leaves in terrestrial plants. Some floating aquatic plants, like water lilies, have their stomata located on the upper side of the leaf. Submerged aquatic plants do not have stomata.

B. Internal Leaf Structure

Even though leaves are very thin, if you look at a cross section of a leaf under a microscope, you would see several cell layers. The topmost layer of a leaf is called the upper epidermis. This protects the leaf and may be covered by a waxy cuticle. The next layer is the palisade mesophyll, which is a layer of closely packed cells that perform photosynthesis. The third layer is the spongy mesophyll, a layer of loosely packed photosynthetic cells. Finally, the bottom layer is called the lower epidermis and contains the guard cells with stomatal openings called pores.

A common misconception is that plants get their food from the soil. In fact, they manufacture their own food as shown above, but they do get essential minerals from the soil. However, many plants do not grow in soil at all, for example, floating water plants, some mosses and lichens, and so on. In this case, they obtain their essential minerals from rain, ponds, or even tap water.

Empiribox Biology Scheme of Work – Plants & Photosynthesis

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Leaf Function and Physiology

A. Transpiration

Have you ever noticed how much cooler it is in the shade of a tree in the summer than in the shade of a building? This is partly because of transpiration. Plants release water molecules into the air, which cool the air around the plant. Plants act as giant pumps, taking water up from the soil into the leaves. Some of the water is used in the photosynthesis process, and much of it escapes through the stomata. Water that escapes goes back into the atmosphere. Much of the water released by the plants will form clouds and become rain, which falls back to the soil and begins this process all over again. If plants did not do this, much of the rain that falls would stay in the ground and never go back into the atmosphere to become rain again. So Earth would be much hotter with a lot less rainfall, as in a desert.

B. Photosynthesis

All life processes require energy. Animals obtain this energy from the food they eat, whereas plants, being capable of manufacturing their own food, use energy from the Sun during a process called photosynthesis.

It is often mistakenly thought that plants get all their food from soil or from plant food. What soil and plant food actually do provide are the essential mineral salts necessary for many of the chemical reactions which take place at a cellular level. However, they are not a source of energy. Plants use a combination of carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O) from the soil, energy from the Sun in the form of light, minerals from the soil and chlorophyll in their leaves to make organic chemicals, mainly sugar (C6H12O6), which are their basic food. Oxygen (O2) is a waste product of the reaction and is released into the atmosphere.

The predominant colour in the natural world is green due to the chemical called chlorophyll that these plants contain. (It is the chlorophyll in their leaves that makes them green). This chemical compound enables the plant to use light energy during the process of photosynthesis.

Much of the sugar is turned into starch for storage in the leaves. In all living things, both energy and amino acids (the building blocks of proteins), are essential for the generation of new cells. Energy is mainly provided by the foods known as carbohydrates and fats. The most well-known carbohydrates are sugar and starch.

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Plants can produce a variety of carbon compounds through this process, including oils, proteins, and starches. Plants use these compounds to build all of their materials for survival and reproduction. We use these materials for our food, medicines, dyes, perfumes, fibres etc.

Plants are called primary producers. This means that they make their own food without having to “eat” anything. Without plants, almost nothing could live on earth. There would be no food for anything else to eat, nor oxygen for animals to breathe. All animals on earth are dependent on plants.

C. Minerals needed for plant growth

Plants require other elements for healthy development. For instance, to make proteins, plants require nitrogen and sulphur. For the production of more nucleic acids, plants also require phosphorus. More importantly, as highlighted earlier, in order to make chlorophyll, plants need magnesium.

Elements that are necessary for healthy plant growth are called essential elements.

The table below lists some of these elements:

Empiribox Biology Scheme of Work – Plants & Photosynthesis

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Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, and are known for their role in pollination and for producing honey and beeswax. There are nearly 20,000 known species of bees in seven to nine recognized families, though many are undescribed and the actual number is probably higher. They are found on every continent except Antarctica, in every habitat on the planet that contains insect-pollinated flowering plants.

Bees are adapted for feeding on nectar and pollen, the former primarily as an energy source and the latter primarily for protein and other nutrients. Most pollen is used as food for larvae.

Bees have a long proboscis (a complex “tongue”) that enables them to obtain the nectar from flowers. They have antennae almost universally made up of 13 segments in males and 12 in females, as is typical for the superfamily. Bees all have two pairs of wings, the hind pair being the smaller of the two; in a very few species, one sex or caste has relatively short wings that make flight difficult or impossible, but none are wingless.

Tiny stingless bee species exist whose workers are less than 2 mm (0.079 in) long. The largest bee in the world is Megachile pluto, a leafcutter bee whose females can attain a length of 39 mm (1.5”). Members of the family Halictidae, or sweat bees, are the most common type of bee in the Northern Hemisphere, though they are small and often mistaken for wasps or flies.

The best-known bee species is the European honey bee, which, as its name suggests, produces honey, as do a few other types of bee. Human management of this species is known as beekeeping or apiculture.

Bees are the favourite meal of Merops apiaster, the bee-eater bird. Other common predators are kingbirds, mockingbirds, beewolves, and dragonflies.


Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains (which are the male sex cells of the flower) from the anther where they are produced, to the stigma, which is the receptive surface of the female organ of a flower. Since the honey bee is the most important insect involved in transferring pollen, ‘pollination’ is often used to describe the service of providing bees to pollinate crop plants.

Bees are good pollinators for many reasons. Their hairy bodies trap pollen as they visit flowering plants in search of sweet nectar that they need to feed their young. You can often see pollen attached to the legs of the bees (see the yellow patch on the picture above). Bees also tend to stick to one species of plant. When they visit each plant some of the pollen from another plant is rubbed off onto the stigma. As bees visit many plants in the course of searching for nectar, much cross-pollination takes place between different plants. This gives the plant an evolutionary advantage.

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Some examples of crops where bees are used as pollinators are as follows:

Considering the variety of plant in the list above from trees to root vegetables etc., one can see how crucial bees are in a variety of ecosystems.

The Importance of Bees to Humans

Approximately one third of the food we eat has been influenced by the work of the bee. The UN estimates that bees is worth over £120 billion per year globally and as stated by Pavan Sukhdev in his Economy and Biodiversity Report 2010 ‘No bee has ever sent you an invoice.’

Decline in Bee Population

Bee populations are facing a severe crisis due to agricultural methods. Widespread farming means that in the UK alone, 97% of the wildflower population has disappeared since the 1930s. This obviously means less nectar and pollen available for them to feed themselves and their young. In addition, the use of pesticides has led to widespread sterility of bee populations. Essentially the bee is being starved or poisoned out of existence. Without drastic action, this trend is set to continue.

Making Honey

A honeybee starts the honey making process by visiting a flower and gathering some of its nectar. Many plants use nectar as a way of encouraging insects (bees, wasps, butterflies, etc.) to stop at the flower. In the process of gathering nectar, the insect transfers pollen grains from one flower to another and pollinates the flower.

Most flower nectars are similar to sugar water -- sucrose mixed with water. Nectars can contain other beneficial substances as well. To make honey, two things happen:

Enzymes that bees produce turn the sucrose (a disaccharide) into glucose and fructose (monosaccharides). See How Food Works for a discussion of food enzymes and saccharides.

Most of the moisture has to be evaporated, leaving only about 18% water in honey.

Apple Cucumber Pumpkin

Apricot Cantaloupe Raspberry

Blackberry Nectarine Sweetcorn

Blueberry Peach Watermelon

Cherry Pear Beans

Cranberry Plum Peas

Empiribox Biology Scheme of Work – Plants & Photosynthesis

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Here is a very nice description of the enzyme process:

An enzyme, invertase, converts most of the sucrose into two six-carbon sugars, glucose and fructose. A small amount of the glucose is attacked by a second enzyme, glucose oxidase, and converted into gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide. The gluconic acid makes honey an acid medium with a low pH that is inhospitable to bacteria, mould, and fungi, organisms we call microbes, while the hydrogen peroxide gives short-range protection against these same organisms when the honey is ripening or is diluted for larval food. Honey bees also reduce the moisture content of nectar, which gives it a high osmotic pressure and protection against microbes.

Here is a nice description of the evaporation process:

The physical change involves the removal of water, which is accomplished by externally manipulating nectar in the mouth parts and then placing small droplets on the upper side of cells and fanning the wings to increase air movement and carry away excess moisture.

The effect is to make honey a very stable food. It naturally resists moulds, fungi and other bacteria, allowing it to last for years without refrigeration!

Suggested Activities

1. Write a play about the life of a bee 2. Make a model of a bee 3. Tasting session to show honey doesn’t all taste the same 4. Write a newspaper article to report that bees have become extinct and the effects this will have 5. Research how to set up an apiary and the equipment you will need 6. Produce a guide on how honey is collected Useful Websites

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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Seeds are dormant. Germination is the process where growth begins from this resting stage. Seeds are mature ovules of plants and contain an embryo and stored food. They are able to resume growth, or germinate, when the embryonic tissue is allowed to continue growing. When this happens, a radicle (the root) emerges from the seed. In order for germination to occur, there are a number of conditions that are needed:

Healthy seeds. Having a fresh supply of seeds is the best way to begin. While old seeds may still germinate, the chance is small unless they have been properly stored. Soil. Soil needs to be rich in nutrients. Planting depth. If seeds are planted too deep, they will not have enough stored energy to reach the soil surface. Moisture. Seeds need moisture to germinate. A wet environment can cause seeds to rot, because they need oxygen. If it is too dry an area the seed will not receive the necessary water it needs. Light. Many seeds germinate best in dark conditions, although some need light. Warmth. Although seed germination temperatures vary by type of flower, many are between 21-30oC. Time!


Many people know about Gregor Mendel and his work on peas which laid the foundation for modern genetics, but the public does not often associate Charles Darwin with botany. He published numerous articles on botanical subjects and six books. It was a botanist called John Stevens Henslow that first inspired Darwin, introduced him to the concept of variation and arranged his place on the Beagle. Plants were as important as animals in Darwin’s original theses on selection and variation in On the Origin of Species and The Variation of animals and plants under domestication.

Darwin’s work on botanical subjects was scientifically important. He took complex traits, such as the flowers of orchids, or the movements of climbing plants and insectivorous plants, and showed that his theories of natural selection and evolution through common descent could explain their existence. Complex traits can evolve slowly over time from more simple forms. By doing this, he addressed some of his critics who failed to see the real power of his ideas. They were also important in their own right and were well received by his fellow scientists. His work too is more than historically important. For example, his work on the movement of plants laid the groundwork for the discovering of the first plant hormone, auxin.

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Famous scientists who developed theories about plants and photosynthesis

Plant physiology is concerned with the life processes of plants, and from the beginning has been focused largely on the higher green terrestrial plants, the autotrophic (self-feeding) plants that feed us animals. In part, plant physiology has roots in agriculture.

In the early 1600s, Jan van Helmont, a Belgian physician, decided the source must be water alone. Van Helmont grew a willow seedling in 200 pounds of soil, and only added rainwater. A 164-pound tree was produced with only 57.1 grams (2 ounces) of soil lost. He knew of carbon dioxide but never dreamed that a diffuse gas could produce willow wood.

In the next century Antoine Lavoisier found organic matter to be largely formed of carbon and oxygen. Joseph Priestley, Jan Ingenhousz, and Jean Senebier demonstrated that plant leaves in light take up carbon dioxide and emit equivalent amounts of oxygen. Later, Nicholas de Saussure noted that water was involved in the process. The reverse occurred in the dark—plants respired like animals, taking up oxygen and emitting carbon dioxide. J. R. Mayer observed that the process converted light energy into the chemical energy of organic carbon.

In his experiment, van Helmont assigned no importance to the two ounces of soil lost. However, starting in the late 1700s and extending into the mid-1800s, Julius Sachs and others used chemical assays to establish that quantitatively minor soil constituents of nitrogen, potassium, phosphate, sulfur, and other elements had major importance in plant growth.

In 1727 an English clergyman and amateur physiologist, Stephen Hales, published Vegetable Staticks, an account of his pioneering studies on the transpiration, growth, and gas exchanges of plants. Hales demonstrated that water from the soil moves up the stems to the leaves where it is lost as water vapour, a process called transpiration. Subsequent research of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries showed that the water diffuses out through stomata (singular stoma), pores in the leaf epidermis (outer layer of leaf cells).

Shortened we links (Type these)

Charles Darwin

Van Helmont

Jan Ingenhousz

Joseph Priestley

Julius von Sachs

Jean Senebier

Stephen Hales

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Accuracy Iodine Anomaly – The name given by scientists to a result taken during an

experiment that ‘does not fit the general pattern’.

Photosynthesis – The process by which green plants make their own

food using water and carbon dioxide. The Sun’s energy is needed, as

are minerals from the soil. Glucose is produced, with oxygen generated

as a waste product.

Accurate data – This is the term scientists give to measurements made in

experiments that are very ‘close’ to the actual value of the quantity

being measured. From the definition of precise above, different bottles

may have been used all containing similar quantities of liquid but of

different inherent physical volumes.

Minerals – The name given by scientists to the single ‘elements’ required

by our bodies to function such as calcium, iron, magnesium, copper,

potassium, chlorine, sodium etc.

Transpiration – the processes of water travelling from the soil into the

plant up to the leaves, where it evaporates into the air.

Anomaly Margin

Apex Microscope

Cambium Mineral

Carbon dioxide Minerals

Carnivorous Nitrogen

Circulation Oxygen

Cotyledon Palisade mesophyll

Cross section Phloem

Cuticle Photosynthesis

Dendrochronology Plumule

Embryo Pore

Epicotyl Potometer

Epidermis Reliability

Ethanol Spongy mesophyll

Ethylene Starch

Germination Stomata

Glucose Testa

Heartwood Variable

Hydroponics Vascular bundle

Hypocotyl Word equation

Inaccurate Xylem

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National Curriculum Requirements taught during this unit

Identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants: roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers.

Explore the requirements of plants for life and growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to plant.

Investigate the way in which water is transported within plants.

Explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.

Describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals.

Describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including micro- organisms, plants and animals.

Give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics.

Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution.

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Assessment Foci Example Opportunities for assessing pupil progress in this Unit

Thinking scientifically

Use straightforward scientific evidence to answer questions, or to support their findings relating to the number of spikes on

holly leaves.

Use simple models to describe scientific ideas about leaf and stem structure.

Use abstract ideas or models or multiple factors when explaining processes or phenomena involved in the growth of trees.

Understanding the applications and implications

of science

Can suggest a simple application of some of the experiments.

Can identify aspects of the topic used in specific jobs.

Can explain in detail the applications of our knowledge of seed germination.

Communicating and collaborating in


Can represent data in a simple table.

Can present data in more than one way.

Can use appropriate graph / table to present and discuss data for specific experiment.

Using investigative approaches

Can follow instructions and handle basic equipment to complete investigation.

Can use different sources of information from those provided to address a question.

Can make and record detailed sets of scientific measurements.

Working critically with evidence

Can suggest problems with some of the experimental procedure.

Can identify ways of making the investigations fairer.

Can suggest detailed ways of improving the data obtained from the experiments.

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Lessons 1 & 2: Introduction to Plants & Leaves

Lesson 1: Teacher Demonstrations & Key Knowledge & Learning Objectives National Curriculum Knowledge

D1.1: Trigger response on Venus Fly Trap D1.2: What comes out of leaves?

• Learn that although there are a large variety of leaves, they can be

grouped according to their position, shape etc. • Know why leaves are vital to the plant. They absorb carbon dioxide

and the Sun’s energy to make food by photosynthesis. • Understand that water is released by the leaves back into the air. • Learn that some plants supplement the food they make by

being insectivorous.

• Learn about the external structure of leaves.

• Give reasons for classifying plants based on specific characteristics.

• Identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants: roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers.

Lesson 2: Children’s Investigations & Key Questions Working Scientifically

I2.1: Leaf Investigation

1. Is there a similar relationship in other leaves? E.g. The size of an oak leaf and the number of lobes it has.

2. Is there a pattern to your observations? How can you tell? 3. How can you present your data? 4. What comes out of leaves?

• Recording findings using simple scientific language, drawings, labelled diagrams, keys, bar charts, and tables.

• Develop the skill of being able to Evaluate an


• Develop the skill of pattern seeking to identify


• Be able to identify an anomalous result. • Learn about range, mean and mode. • Appreciate the length of time some science investigations


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Lessons 3 & 4: Pollination, Transpiration & Plant Variety

Lesson 3: Teacher Demonstrations & Key Knowledge & Learning Objectives National Curriculum Knowledge

D3.1: What comes out of leaves? D3.2: Bees & Pollination - Flower dissection D3.3: Are cacti plants?

• Learn the role, basic structures and function of flowers for pollination.

• Learn about the internal structure of leaves and flowers. • Learn how important bees are to our ecosystem.

• Learn that stomata are surrounded by two guard cells. • Know guard cells control the opening/closing of the stomata. • Learn that veins are called vascular bundles that are made up of

xylem and phloem.

• Learn how some plants are classified.

• Explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation.

• Describe the life process of reproduction in some plants. • Identify and describe the functions of different parts of

flowering plants: roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers.

Lesson 4: Children’s Investigations & Key Questions Working Scientifically

I4.1: ICT Research on Pollination & Bees I4.2: Where does water leave the leaf? I4.3: Transport in plants using celery

1. What is condensation? 2. Which part of the leaf gives off the water? Why do you think that? 3. Water lilies have stomata on the upper surface of the leaf. Why do

you think this is? 4. How does water reach the leaves and flowers of a plant?

5. Which part of the stem transports water?

6. Do all stems and flowers have a similar structure?

• Reporting on findings from enquiries, including oral and written explanations, displays or presentations of results and conclusions.

• Using straightforward scientific evidence to answer questions or to support their findings.

• Develop the skill of planning an appropriate investigation. • Make accurate observations. • Develop the skill of recording data and presenting it in an

appropriate way. • Learn how to use a hand held microscope. • Start to develop the skill of making detailed accurate

scale model drawings of natural phenomena they have

not seen before. • Further develop the sense of patience required to conduct

a scientific investigation. • Be able to classify a small variety of plants.

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Lessons 5 & 6: Inside the Leaf

Lesson 5: Teacher Demonstrations & Key Knowledge & Learning Objectives National Curriculum Knowledge

D5.1: What enters a leaf?

• Learn that the movement of water through the plant is affected by temperature, wind etc.

• Understand how water travels through the plant in tubes called

veins. • Learn that leaves lose water through stomata which are usually on

the underside of the leaf. • Know plants use CO2.

• Investigate the way in which water is transported within plants.

• Identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants: roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers.

Lesson 6: Children’s Investigations & Key Questions Working Scientifically

I6.1: Transport system in plants I6.2: Where does water leave the leaf?

1. Which part of the stem transports water?

2. Do all stems and flowers have a similar structure?

• Using results to draw simple conclusions, make predictions for new values, suggest improvements and raise further questions.

• Identifying differences, similarities or changes related to simple scientific ideas and processes.

• Using straightforward scientific evidence to answer questions or to support their findings.

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Lessons 7 & 8: What Affects Plant Growth and Germination?

Lesson 7: Teacher Demonstrations & Key Knowledge & Learning Objectives National Curriculum Knowledge

D7.1: Bean dissection D7.2: Root view farm D7.3: Ripening fruit

• Learn that plants grow from seeds. • Know that seeds are the plant embryo and learn about their

structure. • Learn that seeds need certain conditions to germinate: water and

warmth, and then light to continue to grow. • Learn that a gas from bananas (ethylene) helps fruits to ripen. • Know that we use this knowledge to control the ripening of fruit.

• Explore the requirements of plants for life and growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to plant.

Lesson 8: Children’s Investigations & Key Questions Working Scientifically

I8.1: Factors affecting seed germination I8.2: Seed dispersal

1. What did you do to ensure that this was a fair test?

2. What other conditions could you test?

3. How would you do this?

4. What observations would you make? 5. How will you present your data?

• Develop the skill of rigorously Evaluating a scientific experiment:

o Identifying whether or not a prediction was met. o If anomalies occurred and where and why. o How they ensured results were valid. o How they could ensure their data was reliable.

• Recording findings using simple scientific language, drawings, labelled diagrams, keys, bar charts, and tables.

• Using results to draw simple conclusions, make predictions for new values, suggest improvements and raise further questions.

• Using straightforward scientific evidence to answer questions or to support their findings.

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Lessons 9 & 10: Darwin & Plants

Lesson 9: Teacher Demonstrations & Key Knowledge & Learning Objectives National Curriculum Knowledge

D9.1: Root view farm D9.2: Ripening Fruit D9.3: Darwin

• Prepared in Week 8. • Explore the requirements of plants for life and growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to plant.

Lesson 10: Children’s Investigations & Key Questions Working Scientifically

I10.1: Seed germination I10.2: The effect of minerals on plant growth

1. Know that to grow healthily, plants need minerals. 2. Be aware that minerals are found in the soil, dissolve in water and

are taken in by the plant roots. 3. Develop an understanding of what a plant needs to grow well.

4. Learn that plants need minerals to grow healthily and that N, K and P are the most important.

• Being able to ‘evaluate’ an experiment completely. • Using results to draw simple conclusions, make

predictions for new values, suggest improvements and raise further questions.

• Identifying differences, similarities or changes related to simple scientific ideas and processes.

• Using straightforward scientific evidence to answer questions or to support their findings.

• Think about different ways in which to conduct an observed experiment to generate data to support the same initial prediction.

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Lessons 11 & 12: Plant a Tree

Lesson S1: Teacher Demonstrations & Key Knowledge & Learning Objectives National Curriculum Knowledge

D11.1: Tree growth

• Know that one set of vessels (xylem) carry water up a plant and another set (phloem) carry food down from the leaves to wherever it is needed.

• Know that annual rings show how old a tree is. • Explore the role of flowers in seed dispersal. • Understand various methods of seed dispersal.

• Explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including seed dispersal.

Lesson S2: Children’s Investigations & Key Questions Working Scientifically

I12.1: Growing trees I12.2: Nature walk

Review and Assess the process of Evaluation. At this point, with reference to an investigation they have carried out, all pupils should with varying degrees of mastery be able to: • State clearly if their results matched their prediction, if so

how or why not. • Show clearly where any anomalies occurred and why they

might have happened. • Explain how they ensured their data was ‘Valid’ • Explain how they could repeat their experiment to ensure

their data was reliable. • Design a different experiment that could generate evidence

to support the evidence from their original experiment.