Schedules and Journals for Reading through your Bible in ...

More Resources from Yvon Prehn & Bible805 For podcasts, videos, lessons you can share along with discussion quesƟons as you go through the Bible, go to for links to many more resources. Please sign up for the newsleƩer for updates on new and addi- Ɵonal materials to help you beƩer know, trust, and apply your Bible. You may make copies of the materials that follow and share however you’d like. What’s included: 3 Schedules, dated, undated, Sundays marked * For a video and podcast on why the books are in this order, go to 2 types of blank page journals, download and make copies. Schedules and Journals for Reading through your Bible in Chronological Order

Transcript of Schedules and Journals for Reading through your Bible in ...

More Resources from Yvon Prehn & Bible805

For podcasts, videos, lessons you can share along with discussion ques ons as you go through the Bible, go to for links to many more resources. Please sign up for the newsle er for updates on new and addi-

onal materials to help you be er know, trust, and apply your Bible. You may make copies of the materials that follow and share

however you’d like.

What’s included:

3 Schedules, dated, undated, Sundays marked

* For a video and podcast on why the

books are in this order, go to

2 types of blank page journals, download and make copies.

Schedules and Journals for Reading through your Bible in Chronological Order

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Undated, daily numbered Bible Readings page 1

schedule from Yvon Prehn,

One Year PlanRead or Listen to the Bible in

Chronological, Historical Orderschedule by Yvon Prehn

This reading schedule is differentthan the order of books in mostBibles.

First, you will notice Psalms andProverbs are scheduled along withthe daily readings instead of aswhole books in the middle of theBible.

I thought the daily praise or practicaladvice in these books would go wellwith the historical readings. NeitherPsalms nor Proverbs were onecontinuous book when they werefirst written, but collections of similarmaterials written by numerousauthors in some cases hundreds ofyears apart, so reading the chaptersfrom them at scattered times doesnot break any chronology.

The order of the primary,chronological readings is mostly asclose as possible to either when theevents took place or when theaudience first heard them (as it iswith Chronicles, though it coversearlier events it was probably thelast book written in the OldTestament).

If you’d like a more detailedexplanation of why I placed thevarious readings where I did, go There you willalso find links to podcasts, videos,shareable courses, handouts, andother resources that go with thereadings, as well as lessons that goalong with reading through the Bible.

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Dated, daily Bible Reading Plan page 1

schedule from Yvon Prehn,

One Year PlanRead or Listen to the Bible in

Chronological, Historical Orderschedule by Yvon Prehn,

www.Bible805.comThis reading schedule is differentthan the order of books in mostBibles.

First, you will notice Psalms andProverbs are scheduled along withthe daily readings instead of aswhole books in the middle of theBible.

I thought the daily praise or practicaladvice in these books would go wellwith the historical readings. NeitherPsalms nor Proverbs were onecontinuous book when they werefirst written, but collections of similarmaterials written by numerousauthors in some cases hundreds ofyears apart, so reading the chaptersfrom them at scattered times doesnot break any chronology.

The order of the primary,chronological readings is mostly asclose as possible to either when theevents took place or when theaudience first heard them (as it iswith Chronicles, though it coversearlier events it was probably thelast book written in the OldTestament).

If you’d like a more detailedexplanation of why I placed thevarious readings where I did, go There you willalso find links to podcasts, videos,shareable courses, handouts, andother resources that go with thereadings, as well as lessons that goalong with reading through the Bible.

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Sundays marked, 2021 Bible Reading Plan page 1

schedule from Yvon Prehn,

One Year PlanRead or Listen to the Bible in

Chronological, Historical Orderschedule by Yvon Prehn,

This reading schedule is differentthan the order of books in mostBibles.

First, you will notice Psalms andProverbs are scheduled along withthe daily readings instead of aswhole books in the middle of theBible.

I thought the daily praise or practicaladvice in these books would go wellwith the historical readings. NeitherPsalms nor Proverbs were onecontinuous book when they werefirst written, but collections of similarmaterials written by numerousauthors in some cases hundreds ofyears apart, so reading the chaptersfrom them at scattered times doesnot break any chronology.

The order of the primary,chronological readings is mostly asclose as possible to either when theevents took place or when theaudience first heard them (as it iswith Chronicles, though it coversearlier events it was probably thelast book written in the OldTestament).

If you’d like a more detailedexplanation of why I placed thevarious readings where I did, go There you willalso find links to podcasts, videos,shareable courses, handouts, andother resources that go with thereadings, as well as lessons that goalong with reading through the Bible.

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page 3

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page 4

Bible Reading


Psalms or Proverbs: Chronological Passage:


JOURNAL Summary/Observations


Verse to Remember

Prayer Response


Chronological Passage:

Psalms or Proverbs:



Prayer Response

Verse to Remember

Bible Reading Journal Summary/Observations