Scenic America Niagara Falls The Grand Canyon.


Transcript of Scenic America Niagara Falls The Grand Canyon.

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Scenic America

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Niagara Falls

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The Grand Canyon

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George Washington Thomas Jefferson

Abraham Lincoln

Theodore Roosevelt

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big and powerful

most famous lady

gift from France


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Golden Gate Bridge

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New York

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National Flag

• The Star-Spangled Banner

The United States Flag is a symbol of freedom, equality and justice. Its red stripes denote sacrifice and courage. The white stands for purity of purpose, and the stars on the blue field represent the unity of the states. Flying the flag demonstrates true patriotism and love of country.

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U.S. Flag Facts• How many stars and stripes are on the


The 50 stars stand for the 50 states in the USA and the 13 stripes stand for the original 13 states.

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National Anthem• The Star Spangled Banner

The Star-Spangled Banner was written by Francis Scott Key in 1814 and is the national anthem.

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American Emblem

• The Bald Eagle • Why is the Eagle the national emblem of the

United States?

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National Motto

In God We Trust The phrase derives from the line “And this

be our motto, 'In God is our trust,'“ in the battle song that later became the U.S. national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner.” The phrase first appeared on U.S. coins in 1864 and became obligatory on all U.S. currency in 1955. In 1956 it was made the national motto by act of Congress.

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Unit 3Unit 3American BeginningsAmerican Beginnings

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I. What is an American?

• American themselves can’t say clearly• Crevecoeur (writer immigrated from France)

• His comments in

Letters from

an American Farmer

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American is______

• New Man

• Mixture of blood

( family with various ethnicity; society with various races)

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II. The Early Settlement

1. Immigrants from Asia• 25,000 years ago

• Siberian (西伯利亚) tribes crossed the Bering Straits (白令海峡) to Alaska

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2. Natives—the Indians

• By 1492

• Aboriginal civilization

• A name mistaken by Columbus

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• Columbus Day• Columbus Day is celebrated

on the second Monday in October (since 1971) and it is a tribute to the revelation of a New World. Columbus himself, a native of Genoa, Italy, is a hero of Italian-Americans. On the 400th anniversary of his landing, a presidential proclamation made it a national holiday.

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3. Expansion of Europe

① Discovery by Columbus (he thought that he could get Far East by sailing west

from Europe)

Spain (colonist)

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② John Cabot ( on behalf of Britain) English king claimed the possession of the

whole of North America

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III. Changes in the Old World

1. The development of capitalism

• The rising of 2 classes:

bourgeois class + the working class

English Revolution

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• Cultural heritage of Greece and Rome

• Rebirth of humanism (praise of man, pursuit of human potential)

• Free from spiritual bondage of Roman Catholic Church

2. Renaissance

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3. Religious Reformation 宗教改革

① Martin Luther (马丁路德) (German theologist)Sticks “95 Theses” on the churchdoor in protest of the corruption of Catholic church

Protestant (新教)(No need of Pope, Bible is the only way of


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② John Calvin (卡里文)

Start his religious reform

③ Church of England (英国国教) English King Henry VIII broke away

from Roman Catholic Church and established church of England (Protestant 新教 )

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IV. The Settlement

1. Settlement in Virginia (弗吉尼亚)

① (1607)100 English settlers built Jamestown Crisis: they hunted for gold rather than grow

crops shortage of food ② Captain John Smith brought discipline ③ John Rolfe promoted tobacco growing;

married princess of Indian chief④ first meeting to make law (council)⑤ Start of black slave trade

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2. Settlement in Massachusetts (马萨诸塞州)

• 1620

• Founded English Puritans

• One part of New England (Northeast of USA)

• Puritanism influenced

American Value

by greatest degree

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Puritanism (清教主义 )

• One branch of Protestant

• Purify Church of England

• Follow preach by Calvin

• Believe they were God’s chosen people, founding “a city upon hill”

• Oliver Cromwell

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Work Ethics

• Hard work• Simple life style, spend little• Strict moral discipline• Bible reading is center of religious life• Respect of Education

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Pilgrim Fathers

by Mayflower, then arrived at Plymouth

• Severe punishment on the drunkard, adulterer, violator of Sabbath and heretic

The Puritans in England was persecuted by the king

They moved to Holland first

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3. Settlement in Maryland (马里兰州)• Founded by Catholic

• 1623 Calvert got a charter from king to set up this colony

• Feudal system here

• Indentured servant (契约奴)• Later allow Protestant settlement who

brought in Capitalism

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4. Settlement in Pennsylvania (宾西法尼亚州)

• Founded by Quaker(贵格教派) William Penn( They are so faithful that they quake/ tremble

when they talk about God)• Quaker is one branch of Protestant• They denied both church and Bible • They work hard and lead simple life

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• Holy Experiment

(They believe in religious equality and liberty)

• The origin of Melting Pot• Praised by Voltaire

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1. Settlement in Virginia (Protestant)

2. Settlement in Massachusetts (Puritan)

3. Settlement in Maryland (Catholic)

4. Settlement in Pennsylvania (Quaker)

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V. The American Revolution

1. Situation before the war ① 13 English colonies were ready to break away

from English Empire ② Conflict:• Stamp Act 印花税 (tax on printing materials) “ No taxation without representation”• British soldiers were stationed in America• Tea tax (Against the tea tax, the protesters boycott

the tea sold by the British East Indian Company, to cover the loss in America, BEIC sold opium to China)

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2. The cause of war

① Boston Tea Party 波士顿倾茶事件 In 1773, 60 Boston residents disguised as Mohawks (Indians), boarded 3 British ships

secretly at night, smashed 32 tea crates and dumped the tea to Boston Harbor

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② the First Continental Congress 大陆会议 (1774)

• Americans were organized to disobey British law and boycott British trade

• Militias and arms were collected

③ the first shot was fired in Lexington

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3. The war• Battle in Concord• The Second Continental Congress (1775)

• Founded army and government

• Drafted the Declaration of Independence which came into effect by Constitution on July 4, 1776

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• George Washington

John AdamsThomas Jefferson

Benjamin Franklin

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Declaration of Independence 独立宣言

• “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they were endowed by their Creator with

certain unalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…”

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About this document

• The governing of the majority

• Government is the representation of the people

• Coming from the theory of John Locke

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4. Victory of war

• In The Treaty of Paris in 1783, Britain recognized the independence of the United States

• Statue of Liberty

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Independent Hall

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5. Its land now

• flag of stars and stripes

• The Star-Spangled Banner

United States of America

Federal republic with 50 states