Plug-In Electric Vehicles: Innovation, Incentives and Infrastructure February 15, 2012 Dipankar Sarkar Technology Demonstration Manager Technology Advancement Office South Coast Air Quality Management District



Transcript of SCAQMD

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Plug-In Electric Vehicles:Innovation, Incentives and Infrastructure

February 15, 2012

Dipankar Sarkar Technology Demonstration Manager Technology Advancement OfficeSouth Coast Air Quality Management District

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AQMD Background

Los AngelesCounty



San BernardinoCounty

South Coast Basin:• 4-county region• 11,000 sq. miles• 16+ million residents• Hundreds of thousands diesel

vehicles• Millions of gasoline vehicles• Combined Ports of Long Beach and Los

Angeles are nation's largest port complex


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Key Regional Air Quality Challenge:Reducing Nitrogen Oxides from Mobile Sources

• Attaining federal ozone and PM2.5 standards will require substantial NOx reductions beyond adopted rules

• Ozone standard will likely require the greatest reductions – Attainment Deadlines:

• 2023 (80 ppb standard)• 2032 timeframe (75 ppb standard)


NOxMobile Sources


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1 Preliminary emissions estimates based on data updated from 2007 AQMP where available: CARB 2010 emissions projections for trucks and off-road equipment; IMO Tier 1 – 3 for ocean vessels; EPA 2008 rule for locomotives; 2007 AQMP short-term measures for other categories. Range for oceangoing vessels (20 -52) based on varying deployment assumptions for IMO Tier 2 and 3 vessels and range of ports’ cargo forecasts.2. 1997 80 ppb federal ambient ozone standard. Source: 2007 AQMP.


South Coast Air Basin

Top 15 NOx Categories: 2023 NOx Emissions With Adopted Rules

Preliminary SCAQMD Estimates1

2023 NOx carrying capacity for 80 ppb

federal ozone standard 2

Preliminary 2030 NOx carrying capacity for

current 75 ppb federal ozone standard

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Health Consequences

• >5,000 premature deaths / year

• 9,000 hospitalizations / year

• 1.7 million cases respiratory illness / year

• 1.3 million school absences

• 2.8 million lost workdays / year

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Strategy for Technology Advancement


Incentives & Funding Technology Providers

End-Users 6

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AQMD Clean Fuels Program• Established in 1988• $1 fee on DMV

registrations ($~12M/yr)

• Stationary source fee (~$400k/yr)

• Research, develop, demonstrate, and deploy (RD3) clean technologies


Technology Advancement Office

Clean Fuels Program

2010 Annual Report and

2011 Plan UpdateMarch 2011

Technology Advancement Office

Clean Fuels Program

2010 Annual Report and

2011 Plan UpdateMarch 2011

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Advanced Technologies

• Aftertreatment• Emulsified Diesel• HD Natural Gas Engines• Natural Gas Fueling Infrastructure• Advanced Diesel Engines• Hybrid Vehicles• Plug-in Electric Vehicles• Gas to Liquid Fuel• Renewables/Biofuels• H2 Technologies & Refueling• Fuel Cell Vehicles



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Electric car (Nissan Leaf)

Battery Bus

Heavy-duty battery truck

Pathway Toward Zero-Emissions

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AQMD Demonstration Vehicles


• Battery-Electric Mini Es, Nissan Leaf• Plug-In Hybrid Toyota Prius• Fuel Cell (Honda Clarity)• Ford Escape Converted PHEVs• Neighborhood Electric Vehicles

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South Bay Cities COG LUV Project• NEV Demo Extension

$119,815 AQMD Clean Fuels, $230k total– Add 2 NEVs and continue 4 NEVs– Add drivers and applications– Conduct 12 month demonstration with data


• Potential for Expansion


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Electric Charging at AQMD

• Publicly accessible

• Supports a variety of Plug-In Vehicles

• Upgrading to support new vehicles


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•Transpower Battery Electric Class 8 Truck•EVI/UPS Trucks•Plug-In Electric Utility Trucks and Buses•Balqon Heavy-Duty Battery Electric Yard Truck•Santa Monica Battery Electric Utility Truck

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Transit Buses

• Battery-electric with quick charge (Foothill Transit: Protera)• Hydrogen fuel cell (Sunline Transit: Van Hool, UTC Fuel Cell)

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Clean Air Choices Outreach• Governing Board direction

– Goals• Design mobile application with vehicle calculator• Update website• Educate & Inform public• Build momentum (elected officials & press)

– Deliverables• Board Retreat preview of mobile app• Live Rollout target EVS26 in May


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South Coast EV Charging Infrastructure Funding Programs

Project Agencies Funding Source Amount

SoCalEV Project AQMD, SoCalEV CEC/SoCalEV


ChargeUp LA City of LA LADWP $2,000,000

Install EVSE Clipper Creek, Coulomb Technologies, ECOtality

SCAQMD $210,000

Upgrade EVSE Clipper Creek CEC $760,000

ChargePoint America Coulomb Technologies DOE/CEC $1,400,000

The EV Project ECOtality DOE/CEC $3,200,000

TOTAL $8,400,000


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DOE PEV Infrastructure Grant

Received $1M grant from DOE Clean Cities Program for PEV infrastructure planning, AQMD as lead agency– Six regional plans (Bay Area, Central Coast,

Sacramento, San Diego, San Joaquin, South Coast), statewide guidelines document, education outreach workshops

– Compile regional plans into statewide plan– DOE agreement going to Oct Board for

receiving grant and executing contracts with sub-recipients


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CEC PEV Infrastructure Grant

• Received $200K from CEC for PEV infrastructure planning, SCAG and AQMD co-lead agencies– Fund sub-regional studies that feed into regional

PEV infrastructure plan– Awards announced in late Sept

– Entering into contracting process


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For More Information….

Dipankar Sarkar(909) 396-2273

[email protected]