Scale/ Proportion - The Unstandardized...

Scale/ Proportion

Transcript of Scale/ Proportion - The Unstandardized...

Scale/ Proportion

scale: refers to the size of an object in relationship to another object

proportion: refers to the relative size of parts of a whole. ( elements within an object)

David: Michelangelolarge in scale… compared to other human figures. Ideal in proportion

Renaissance emphasis on ideal form, based on ancient Greek model

Coosje Van Bruggen Spoonbridge and Cherry 1985-1988

These artist take everyday objects and make them on an extremely large scale, making the viewer look at, think about, and interact with the object in a different way.

Da Vinci Vitruvian Man ( 1487)

ideal human proportions based on the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius. Human fig. primary source of proportion used in classical orders of arch.

classical , ideal proportions

moving away from ideal proportions

Hannah Hoch Equilibre ( balance) 1925 , Photomontage with Collage and Watercolor

Hannah Hoch Hochfinanz ( High Finance) 1923 Photomontage with collage

Weimar Germany- the period during the two world wars- was a time of political upheaval and severe post war problems. This included dealing with monumental losses in human life, economic turmoil, labor strikes, and abdication of the Kaiser, shaky allegiance to the new Republic, a strict postwar Treaty with the Allies, lack of unity, and twenty different coalition governments. These problems and the lack of solid political leadership led to the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party.

Within this period Hannah Hoch created numerous artworks and developed the art of photomontage. Using this method she was able to piece together elements from different sources and alter the scale of objects in the composition as well as proportions within the human body.

A Fibonacci spiral which approximates the golden spiral

Woodcut from the Divina Proportione, Luca Pacioli 1509 , Venice, depicting the golden proportion as it applies to the human face.

The ratio is found in all proportions of the human body, from the hands and feet, to the face, to the body as a whole. The ratio has been analyzed in terms of what is considered beautiful in human faces and found that the more closely proportions of the face follow the ratio, the more beautiful it is considered to be.

The ratio has been used for centuries, by the ancient Egyptians in the pyramids, ancient civilizations in the construction of temples, Renaissance artists ( who called it the Divine Proportion), and is still used to create a sense of beauty, harmony and balance in art.

Project assignment:

Working with photography, collage, drawing and proportion

Project guidelines: Drawing portfolio

- a photograph should be incorporated into your work in some way- Drawing should also be a part of your work …. - demonstrate an understanding of manipulating proportion

Project guidelines: Drawing portfolio- a photograph must be incorporated into your work in some way- you may choose to do a collage/ photomontage for your piece- demonstrate an understanding of manipulating proportion