Scala at Netflix

Scala at Netflix Scala Bay Meetup Netflix, Sept 9 th 2013 Manish Pandit [email protected] @lobster1234


My talk at Scala Bay Meetup at Netflix about Powering the Partner APIs with Scalatra and Netflix OSS. This talk was delivered on September 9th 2013, at 8 PM at Netflix, Los Gatos.

Transcript of Scala at Netflix

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Scala at NetflixScala Bay Meetup

Netflix, Sept 9th 2013

Manish [email protected]


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Netflix OSS Components



Open Floor

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Partner Product Engineering

Smart devices




Lots of Device Metadata!

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Screen Resolution

Subtitle Support



Remote Control

Netflix SDK

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HTTP Layer, and Manager Layer EVCache




Netflix OSS Cloud Components

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Netflix OSS Components

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Simian army

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Astyanax is a Java Client for Cassandra

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We to code.

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Test first

We write a ton of tests.

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Test coverage is a measure of confidence.

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promotes BDD

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Test first

Manager Layer

No HTTP requests, simple method invocation

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/**Lets try to build a login endpoint. It should support a method calledlogin(user:String,pass:String) that returns an Option[String].


class LoginManagerSpec extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchers {


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/**Lets try to build a login endpoint. It should support a method calledlogin(user:String,pass:String) that returns an Option[String].


class LoginManagerSpec extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchers {

it should " Be able to login a valid user and get a token " in {fail()



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/**Lets try to build a login endpoint. It should support a method calledlogin(user:String,pass:String) that returns an Option[String].


class LoginManagerSpec extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchers {

it should " Be able to login a valid user and get a token " in { val token = LoginManager.login("someuser", "somepassword") token should not be None }}

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/**Lets try to build a login endpoint. It should support a method calledlogin(user:String,pass:String) that returns an Option[String].


class LoginManagerSpec extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchers {

it should " Be able to login a valid user and get a token " in { val token = LoginManager.login("someuser", "somepassword") token should not be None }

it should " Fail to login an invalid user " in {fail



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/**Lets try to build a login endpoint. It should support a method calledlogin(user:String,pass:String) that returns an Option[String].


class LoginManagerSpec extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchers {

it should " Be able to login a valid user and get a token " in { val token = LoginManager.login("someuser", "somepassword") token should not be None }

it should " Fail to login an invalid user " in { val token = LoginManager.login("fail", "fail") token should be (None) }


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HTTP, or the Scalatra Layer

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very simple, Sinatra-inspired framework

routes defined with code




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A Simple API in Scalatra

class LoginService extends ScalatraServlet

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A Simple API in Scalatra

class LoginService extends ScalatraServlet {

post("/") { }}

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A Simple API in Scalatra

class LoginService extends ScalatraServlet {

before() { contentType = formats("json") }

post("/") { val token = LoginManager.login(params("user"), params("password"))

token match{case None => Unauthorized(Map("message"->"Login failed"))case Some(x) => Ok(Map("token"->x))

} }}

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Putting it all together..

class ScalatraBootstrap extends LifeCycle {

override def init(context: ServletContext) {context.mount(new LoginService, "/login/*")


<listener> <listener-class>org.scalatra.servlet.ScalatraListener</listener-class> </listener>

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$ curl http://localhost:8080/login --form "user=foo&password=bar"


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traits to take ScalaTest to the next level

support for all HTTP methods

helpers for JSON parsing

plenty of wrappers (body, headers..)

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class LoginServiceSpec extends ScalatraFlatSpec {


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class LoginServiceSpec extends ScalatraFlatSpec {

addServlet(classOf[LoginService], "/*")


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class LoginServiceSpec extends ScalatraFlatSpec {

addServlet(classOf[LoginService], "/*")

it should "log in valid users" in { post("/", body = """user=gooduser&password=goodpassword""") { status should equal(200) body should include "token" } }}

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class LoginServiceSpec extends ScalatraFlatSpec {

addServlet(classOf[LoginService], "/*")

it should "log in valid users" in { post("/", body = """user=gooduser&password=goodpassword""") { status should equal(200) body should include "token" } }

it should "not allow invalid users to log in" in { post("/", body = """user=baduser&password=badpassword""") { status should equal(401) body should include "message" } }}

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APIs Best Practices

Use Proper HTTP Response Codes

Set Proper HTTP Headers

Break up your data into groups

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Pop Quiz!

Lets do some HTTP response codes..

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Pop Quiz!

What is the response code for an async operation?

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Pop Quiz!


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Pop Quiz!

…a delete?

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Git Workflow

work on the dev branch

write tests

leave the rest to Jenkins

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Git Workflow

$ git status

# On branch dev# Changes not staged for commit:# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)## modified: src/main/scala/com/netflix/nrdportal/http/DpiService.scala# modified: src/test/scala/com/netflix/nrdportal/http/DpiServiceSpec.scala

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Automated Code Pushes

Push to dev

Jenkins runs dev build,

tests, merges to


Jenkins runs master build,

makes an RPM

Aminator bakes an

AMI from the RPM

asgard deploys the

AMI in staging cloud

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Scala Best Practices

Using Options

Using Try[A] vs. Exceptions


Control Abstractions

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The dreaded null

public String willReturnNullForOdds(int x){ if(x%2==0) return "Even"; else return null;}

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Using Options

def willReturnNullForOdds(x: Int): Option[String] = { if (x % 2 == 0) Some("Even") else None }

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Using Options as Wrappers

…where you have to call code that can return null

def returnNull(x:Int) = if(x%2 == 0) "Even" else null

scala> Option(returnNull(3)) res01: Option[String] = None

scala> Option(returnNull(2)) res02: Option[String] = Some(Even)

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public String willThrowExceptionForOdds(int x){if(x%2==0) return "Even";else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Odd Number!");


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Using Try[A]

def someFunction(x: Int): Try[String] = { if (x % 2 == 0) Success("Even") else Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Odd number!")) }

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Control Abstractions

def withAuthenticatedUser(f: (String) => ActionResult) = { getUserNameFromCookie match { case Some(userName) => f(userName) case None => Unauthorized("You are not logged in!") } }

def printCurrentUserName = { withAuthenticatedUser { userName => Ok(s"Your username is ${userName}") } }

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Avoid writing complex code at all costs – there are better ways to prove your awesomeness!

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Manish Pandit


[email protected]