Scaffolding Safety Training

1. Introductio n Welcome to the Scaffold User Training course. Work on scaffolds is very common in the construction and industrial trades. According the Bureau of Labor statistics, more than 9,500 workers are injured every year in scaffold-related incidents, and 9% of all construction fatalities involved scaffolds. Whenever you work on a scaffold, you need to be aware of the potential dangers and common causes of accidents that exist. In this course, you will learn to identify common features of scaffolds and to identify scaffold hazards. Training and hazard awareness can protect you from injury. This course does not focus on scaffold construction and will not qualify you as a scaffolding competent person . Before you can perform any work on scaffolds, you must successfully complete this course. Glossary scaffolds Any temporary elevated platform (supported or suspended) and its supporting structure (including points of anchorage), used for supporting employees, or materials, or both. common causes of accidents

Transcript of Scaffolding Safety Training

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1. Introduction Welcome to the Scaffold User Training course. Work on scaffolds is very common in the construction and industrial trades. According the Bureau of Labor statistics, more than 9,500 workers are injured every year in scaffold-related incidents, and 9% of all construction fatalities involved scaffolds. Whenever you work on a scaffold, you need to be aware of the potential dangers and common causes of accidents that exist.

In this course, you will learn to identify common features of scaffolds and to identify scaffold hazards. Training and hazard awareness can protect you from injury. This course does not focus on scaffold construction and will not qualify you as a scaffolding competent person. Before you can perform any work on scaffolds, you must successfully complete this course.

Glossaryscaffolds Any temporary elevated platform (supported or suspended) and its supporting structure (including points of anchorage), used for supporting employees, or materials, or both.

common causes of accidents Seventy-two percent of the workers injured on scaffolds were due to the planking or support giving way, the employee slipping, or being struck by a falling object. Plank slippage is the most commonly cited cause of scaffold accidents.

competent person One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazardous working conditions and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.

2. Course Learning Objectives

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Objectives After successfully completing this course, you will be able to: Identify basic elements of a safely constructed scaffold Describe safe work practices to prevent falls from scaffolding Describe safe work practices to prevent falling object hazards Identify work practices to mitigate electrical hazards Describe safe materials handling practices on scaffolds Identify work practices to mitigate overload hazards Identify unsafe work practices on scaffolds

3. Regulatory Requirements

OSHA Scaffold StandardThe primary regulatory requirement for scaffolding is OSHA standard, 29 CFR 1926, Subpart L, Scaffolds. This rule aims to protect workers using scaffolding in construction work. Unsafe scaffolding work practices and hazards are cited more than any other violation by OSHA.

Like all OSHA regulations, the responsibility to keep workers safe is placed on the employer, who must have a competent person oversee the scaffold operations. A scaffold can only be erected, moved, dismantled, or altered under the supervision and direction of a competent person qualified in scaffolding. OSHA requires workers to comply with all safety and health standards that apply to their actions on the job.

4. Scaffold Training RequirementsThe standard also requires anyone who works on scaffolds to receive scaffold training. Scaffold user training is not focused on scaffold construction. The training covers the hazards you might encounter while working on scaffolding, as well as on safe work practices on scaffolds.

You may assume that the scaffold has been designed by a qualified person, and properly erected by a trained crew under the supervision of a competent person. If the scaffold has a green tag, the scaffold has been inspected to ensure that it meets all safety requirements (to be covered later in the course). Scaffolding must be inspected by a competent person

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before each work shift, and after any incident that may affect the safety of the scaffold. Pop-up:scaffold training1926.454(a), Training requirements The employer shall have each employee who performs work while on a scaffold trained by a person qualified in the subject matter to recognize the hazards associated with the type of scaffold being used and to understand the procedures to control or minimize those hazards. The training shall include the following areas, as applicable:

1. The nature of any electrical hazards, fall hazards and falling object hazards in the work area;

2. The correct procedures for dealing with electrical hazards and for erecting, maintaining, and disassembling the fall protection systems and falling object protection systems being used;

3. The proper use of the scaffold, and the proper handling of materials on the scaffold;

4. The maximum intended load and the load-carrying capacities of the scaffolds used; and

5. Any other pertinent requirements of this subpart.

5. Brain Teaser Brain Teaser(F) As the scaffold user, you have the primary responsibility to ensure the scaffold is safe.

Custom Feedback (for correct and incorrect answers): The scaffold competent person has the primary responsibility to ensure the scaffold is safe. The scaffold user’s responsibility is to be aware of any changes in the condition of the scaffold while working, and to work safely.

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Scaffold TaggingThe scaffold user does not have the primary responsibility to ensure that the scaffold is safe. The employer and competent person responsible for the construction and ongoing inspections have the primary responsibility.

A tatting system is required to ensure communication of the scaffold's inspection status. The scaffold should have a red "Do Not Use" tag prior to completion and during modification. A green "Ready To Use" tag should be in place while the scaffold is in service. The green tag should have a signature and indicate the date and time that the scaffold was inspected by the competent person responsible for the inspection.


7. Scaffold Components

Elements of a Safe ScaffoldEven though you can expect that an inspected and tagged scaffold is safe to work on, you should still be aware of the basic elements of a safe scaffold. Elements of

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a safe supported scaffold include: Working platforms are fully planked from post to post (with no more than

one inch space between planking) and level Planks should be secured and have no defects Guardrails and midrails installed for fall protection. Guardrail systems

must be installed along all open sides and ends of platforms for scaffolds greater than 6 feet in height.

Glossary:supported scaffold Scaffolds with one or more platforms supported by outrigger beams, brackets, poles, legs, uprights, posts, frames, or similar rigid support.

planking Scaffold planking must be able to support, without failure, its own weight and at least four times the intended load. Solid sawn wood, fabricated planks, and fabricated platforms may be used as scaffold planks. Wood planking must be scaffold grade and bear the stamp of a lumber grading association or inspection agency.

defects Examine wood planks for defects such as large knots, decay, bowing, saw cuts, drill holes, end splits, dents, gouges, depressions, face breaks, discoloration, and other defects that may render it unfit. Never paint planking as it covers up defects. Immediately report any defect observed to the competent person.

8. Elements of a Safe ScaffoldAdditional scaffold safety features include:

The area below the scaffold to which objects can fall is barricaded to prevent employees from entering the area. Toeboards or screens are provided and guardrails are configured to prevent passage of falling objects; an acceptable alternative is the use of canopies, debris nets, or

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catch platforms to catch falling objects. A swing gate at the end of the platform that provides easy access from the

ladder or stairs If an attachable ladder provides access, the ladder must extend well

above the platform

9. Structural Safety FeaturesBe aware of these structural safety features of a properly constructed scaffold:

All legs are braced and braces are attached securely and properly For rolling tower scaffolds, the castors must have locking brakes and be

pinned into the frames Horizontal diagonals are installed Screw jacks are used for leveling on unlevel surfaces Poles, legs, posts, frames, and uprights must bear on base plates

and mud sills or other adequate firm foundation The posts are plumb, square, and rigid Footings are level, sound, and capable of supporting the loaded

scaffold without settling or displacement

IMPORTANT: If you encounter a scaffold that does not have one of these basic safety elements, immediately inform the competent person or area supervisor. Do not try to remedy the situation on your own.

Glossarymud sillsWooden platforms upon which base plates are attached, designed to distribute the weight of the scaffold.

10. Unsafe Scaffold ConditionsEven though you do not have the primary responsibility to ensure the scaffold is safe, always be aware of any potentially unsafe conditions or changes in the condition of the scaffold while working.

Do not work from a scaffold if it has not been inspected that work

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shift and tagged "Approved, Ready to Use" Always do a visual inspection for potential safety issues on ladder

access, planking, guardrails, plumbness, rigidity, etc. Do not work if you see any damaged components Do not use a scaffold if the working platform is not fully planked Do not work if you feel weak, sick, or dizzy Immediately report changes in the condition of the scaffold to a

supervisor or competent person 11. Interactive

ExerciseInteractive ExerciseIn this exercise, you will choose the correct statements regarding elements of a safe scaffold. Click on the correct statements. When you successfully complete this exercise, you will receive a “Congratulations” statement indicating you may continue the course.

*Footings must support the loaded scaffold without settling or displacement*Toeboards around edges of platform for falling object protectionIt is ok to use the scaffold if the green tag does not have a signature*Working platforms are fully planked from post to post*Legs and uprights rest on base plates and mud sillsLadder extends to the edge of the platform*Guardrails are installed along all open sides and ends of platforms

(*) Correct

12. Fall Hazards Fall HazardsFalls from elevation are one of the most common causes of injury in the workplace, and the leading cause of death in the construction industry. Falls happen so quickly and unexpectedly, it is nearly impossible to reposition the body when falling to land feet first.

The amount of impact force that can be generated in a short fall is amazing. A fall from just 6 feet without shock absorption can generate nearly 4,000 pounds of force on the body, more than the weight of the average

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automobile! A fall from just 6 feet can cause injury, paralysis, or death.

13. Fall ProtectionThe primary means of fall protection on supported scaffolding are guardrails. Guardrails are superior to other types of fall protection (such as a personal fall arrest system) in that they are an engineered control, which prevents the fall from occurring in the first place. A personal fall arrest system may not prevent the fall from occurring, it minimizes the impact of the fall after it has occurred.

On some scaffolds, such as two-point suspended, both guardrails and personal fall arrest systems are required. There may also be some situations where it is impossible to install guardrails because of obstructions. If that is the case, personal fall arrest systems should be used. However, the guardrails are the primary protection and should be installed if at all possible.

Glossary engineered controlUsed to remove a hazard or places a barrier between the worker and the hazard. Well-designed engineering controls are more effective than other types of controls in protecting workers because they are independent of worker interactions; they remove the source of the hazard.

14. This is Not a Personal Fall Arrest Protection CourseIt is important to note that this is not a course on personal fall arrest equipment use. This training does not qualify you to use personal fall protection equipment. If the construction of the scaffolding is such that guardrails could not be installed to provide fall protection and personal fall protection equipment is required, you need to receive specific fall protection training in another class. In addition, the use of personal fall protection equipment must be reviewed by a fall protection competent person. This person is usually the area industrial safety professional.

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15. Accessing ScaffoldsMany injuries occur while improperly getting on or off platforms. When the scaffold platform is more than two feet above or below a point of access, then a portable ladder, hook-on ladder, stairway, ramp, or other means of access that does not affect the scaffold's stability must be used. Direct access from one scaffold to another can only be used when the scaffold surfaces are not more than 14 inches horizontally and 24 inches vertically from each other.

You must only access scaffolding by the proper means of access designed for that scaffold. Never use cross braces to climb on or to another level of the scaffold. Do not jump on to scaffolds or from one level to another.

16. Fall PreventionYou should always follow safe work practices to prevent falls. Do not take unnecessary risks on the job.

Never use a ladder, boxes, barrels or other objects to elevate your height while on a scaffold

Never extend your body over the edge of the platform or guardrail; keep both feet on the platform surface

Do not carry materials as you climb, keep both hands on the side rails

Do not climb with slippery shoes Do not use scaffolds during storms, rain, or high wind

Do not work on ice or snow covered platforms or allow tools, materials, or debris to accumulate on the platforms

Do not use a scaffold if it does not have a proper ladder or other equivalent safe means of access

17. Falling Object Hazards

Falling Object HazardsAccidents involving falling objects are one of the leading causes of

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employee injuries on scaffolds. Objects may fall from a higher level to a lower level, or fall from the scaffold to the ground. Hard hats may be required if there is a chance that tools, materials, or equipment might fall from a scaffold. This will be noted on the working document or scaffold tag.

Toeboards should be erected along the edge of platforms. If tools, materials, or other equipment are piled higher than the top edge of the toeboard; paneling, screening, or additional guardrails must be installed from the toeboard or platform to the top of the guardrail. When the falling objects are too large to be held by toeboards, screens, or guardrail systems, the objects must be placed away from the edge from which they could fall, and secured to prevent them from falling.

18. Debris NettingA canopy structure, debris net, or catch platform strong enough to withstand the impact forces of the potential falling objects may also be installed to prevent employees from being struck by falling objects. If canopies are used, they must be installed between the falling object hazard and the workers. An alternative to toeboards, barriers, or netting is to barricade the area below the scaffold. Do not permit anyone to enter the hazard area.

Regardless of the protective provisions built into the scaffold to prevent falling objects, you are responsible to work safely and keep the scaffold work areas clean and free of clutter.

19. Falling Object Prevention Always follow safe work practices to prevent objects from falling from the scaffold.

Avoid staging materials along work platform edges higher than the protective barriers

Never throw or drop objects off of the scaffold Keep platforms clear of clutter that could inadvertently be kicked off of the

platform Do not use scaffold tubes to store tools (knives, wrenches, welding

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rods, etc.) Wear a hard hat if required when working on scaffolds Never remove netting or canopy structures

The photo to the right shows a hard had that a worker was actually wearing when a screwdriver fell from a scaffold (from an OSHA reportable incident).

20. Interactive Exercise

Interactive ExerciseIn this exercise, you will match statements regarding fall/falling object protection to the corresponding category. Click on the statement and while holding down the button drag it to the matching category, then release the button. When you successfully complete this exercise you will receive a “Congratulations” statement indicating you may continue the course.

(F) Common cause of injury in the workplace and the leading cause of death(FO) Toeboards prevent this hazard(F) Never work with your body over the edge of the platform or guardrail(FO) Always wear a hard hat(FO) Never stack material above protective barriers(F) Only access scaffolding by the proper means of access(F) Guardrails are the primary means of this protection(FO) Barricade areas below the scaffold

21. Electrical Hazards

Electrical HazardsThe possibility of electrocution is a serious consideration when working near overhead power lines. Electrical hazards can be present when the clearance between scaffolds and power lines or electrical equipment is not

Fall Hazards

Falling Object


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great enough. Scaffold builders and users have been electrocuted while working close to electrical hazards. If scaffolds, conductive tools, or other materials contact overhead power lines or electrical equipment, you could receive a serious or fatal electric shock. You must plan your job to prevent contact with energized circuits, either by keeping the scaffold and workers away from the hazard (to include warning signs or barriers for mobile scaffolds), or by de-energizing the circuit when working around it.

22. Required Clearance from Energized Power LinesThere are specific OSHA requirements governing electrical safety. Scaffolds or any conductive material on them should not be used or moved within the following minimum clearance distances from exposed, energized power lines:

Three feet (3') for insulated power lines of less than 300 volts Ten feet (10') or more for insulated power lines of 300 volts Ten feet (10’) or more for all uninsulated power lines

When handling materials near electrical lines, a designated person should be available to ensure the required clearance is maintained. If it is necessary to work closer than 10 feet, then the power company must be contacted to:

De-energize the lines Relocate the lines Install protective coverings to prevent accidental contact with the


23. Power Tool/Equipment Electrical HazardsBecause metal frame scaffolds are conductive, power tools or cords that may experience insulation failure can electrify the entire scaffold. This poses a risk of electrocution, not just to the worker holding the tool, but to everyone who contacts the scaffold. Therefore, all portable electric equipment must be protected by GFCIs (ground-fault circuit interrupters), or

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an AEGCP (assured equipment grounding conductor program). If electrical arc welding or other similar jobs are being done on a scaffold, the scaffold must be insulated and/or grounded.

When working on a scaffold, be aware of any electrical conductors or electrical equipment around the scaffolding. Unprotected electrical conductors and operating electrical equipment may be encountered when accessing an overhead area on a scaffold. De-energizing the equipment and lockout/tagout measures may be required.

Glossary termground-fault circuit interruptersAn electrical wiring safety device that measures electrical leakage to ground. If a short is detected it instantly breaks the circuit to prevent electric shock.

24. Overhead HazardsDo not overlook potential overhead hazards you may encounter when working indoors. When working in the overhead areas of a building from a scaffold, be aware of operating equipment such as overhead fans, exposed belts or gears, automatic devices, and uninsulated steam piping. De-energizing the equipment and a lockout/tagout may be required.

25. Interactive Exercise

Interactive ExerciseIn this exercise, you will complete the sentences regarding electrical safety on scaffolds. Click on the statement, and drag it to the best matching statement which completes the sentence, then release the button. When you successfully complete this exercise, you will receive a “Congratulations” statement indicating you may continue the course.

(2) Inadequate clearance between scaffolds and power lines or electrical equipment (1) All portable electric equipment (3) A designated person should be available to ensure the required clearance

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is maintained (4) You can prevent contact with energized circuits, either by keeping the scaffold away from the hazard or by

(3) when handling materials near electrical lines.(1) must be protected by GFCIs.(2) creates a potential electrical hazard. (4) de-energizing the circuit.

26. Materials Handling Hazards

Materials Handling HazardsProper materials handling is of particular importance when working on scaffolds. In general, musculoskeletal injuries such as strains, cuts, and broken bones from moving materials frequently occur in the workplace. Back injuries are one of the most common and disabling workplace injuries. Always follow all general materials handling practices:

Stack, block, and interlock materials packaged in bags, containers, cylinders, or bundles as necessary to avoid sliding or collapse

Stack to a height as low as practical Use good lifting form Keep accessways clear of obstructions, dirt, and debris to avoid

tripping hazards Segregate combustible materials from other supplies and materials Inspect materials prior to movement for potential hazards such as

sharp edges or torn packaging Use proper personal protective equipment to include, but not limited

to hard hats, safety shoes, safety glasses, or gloves Glossarymaterials handling Materials handling is the movement of supplies or materials necessary to perform work activities

good lifting form

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Improper lifting, especially when combined with twisting, is the most common way to injure your back. The most common mistakes made when lifting are bending at the waist instead of the knees, holding the load too far out in front of you, and twisting during the lift. The proper technique for lifting is to:

Place feet firmly apart with one foot forward for stability Bend at the knees (not at the waist) and keep your back as close to

vertical as possible Tighten the abdominal muscles as you lift Use your leg muscles instead of your back muscles Do not twist your body while lifting Keep the load close to your body as you lift Do not jerk the load; lift in a smooth, controlled motion

27. Safe Materials Handling Handling materials on scaffolds adds greater complexity and additional practices than working on the ground. The material load can affect the integrity of the scaffold (load is covered separately in the next section).

The weight of the materials on a scaffold should not exceed the load capacity

Use screening or paneling when materials are piled above toeboards Use barricades and signs to warn of falling object hazards when

moving materials on or off the scaffold Install netting directly under the scaffold level where materials are

being moved Secure loose or light materials to prevent falling from the scaffold Use containers to store or carry rivets, bolts, and other small objects;

then secure the containers from falling Be alert to wind forces when handling large, light weight materials or

long objects

28. Load Hazards Overload HazardsScaffolds and scaffold components must not be loaded beyond their maximum intended loads or rated capacities. Remember that the maximum

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intended load for a scaffold or component depends on the scaffold type and configuration. Scaffolds and components must be able to support four times (4x) their maximum intended load—not the rated load. The load rating for the scaffold is determined by the scaffold competent person and written on the scaffold inspection tag attached to the scaffold.

Remember, your tools, materials, and yourself all contribute toward the scaffold load capacity. The intended load should never exceed the rated load unless the design is approved by an engineer and the manufacturer.

Glossary intended loadThe total load of all persons, equipment, tools, materials, transmitted loads, and other loads reasonably anticipated to be applied to a scaffold or scaffold component at any one time.

29. Brain Teaser Brain Teaser(F) When calculating loads, the load for a worker is based on the worker’s weight.

Custom Feedback (for correct and incorrect answers)The load of a worker is based on the average worker’s body weight, as well as tools, tool belt, and safety equipment.

30. Load RatingsOSHA and ANSI have developed design load ratings for scaffold platforms and planking according to the maximum working load:

Light-Duty Loading - 25 pounds per square foot (lb/sq. ft.) – no equipment or material storage is allowed on the platform

Medium-Duty Loading - 50 lb/sq. ft. (often described as applying to bricklayers’ and plasterers’ work)

Heavy-Duty Loading - 75 lb/sq. ft. (often described as applying to stone masonry work)

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These ratings assume a uniform load distribution over the entire area. With the exception of the weight of stored materials, scaffold loads most often consist of personnel, both stationary and transitory. OSHA uses a weight of 250 lbs. for each worker on a scaffold, since this is considered the weight of today's average worker with tool belt, safety equipment, and tools.

31. Calculating the LoadLet’s take an example of a platform and calculate the maximum load capacity that it can carry. The platform is 8' long by 3' wide, with 35 pounds per square foot load capacity. First, find the square footage of the platform by multiplying the length and width of the platform:

8’ x 3’ = 24 sq. ft

Next, multiply the square footage by the load capacity of the scaffold:

24 sq. ft x 35 lb/sq. ft. = 840 lbs. maximum load capacity

Three workers (750 pounds) could work on this platform with 90 pounds of additional tools or materials.

32. Overloading PlanksPlanks are rated the same as platforms—according to their load capacity (see previous frame). Never overload an individual plank more than its rated load capacity (point loading). It is important to understand the relationship between the span of a plank, its load rating, and the amount of deflection (bend) in the plank. The longer the span, the more deflection it will have, and therefore, the less the load-bearing capacity will be.

You should be aware of deflection because it can indicate when a platform is overloaded. Planks may not deflect more than 1/60 the length of the plank. The amount of allowable deflection may be much less than what you would expect:

10 foot span – 2 inches

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7 foot span – 1 3/8 inches 5 foot span – 1 inch

Glossarypoint loading Putting materials in one spot on the plank or platform, rather than spreading the load throughout the plank or platform. If materials must be point loaded, the scaffold and components must be designed by a competent person or professional engineer to bear the weight that is concentrated in one spot.

span The length or distance a plank runs between supports.

deflection The degree to which a structural element is displaced (bends) under a load. In the case of a plank, it is the distance that the plank bends from its unloaded position to its loaded position.

Good OSHA deflection animation link:

33. Overload Prevention

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Follow these safe work practices to ensure that you do not overload the scaffold:

Do not point load any part of the scaffold unless the scaffold is designed to do so

If heavy materials or equipment need to be placed on a scaffold and it is not clearly understood what the load limit is, the competent person who erected the scaffold must be contacted. The weight of the materials must be known so that the competent person can make a determination.

Never make any arbitrary changes to a scaffold’s structure; even minor modifications can affect the scaffold’s load capacity and stability. Scaffold alterations may only be performed by a trained crew under the supervision of a competent person.

34. Interactive Exercise

Interactive ExerciseIn this exercise, you will match statements regarding materials handling and load hazards to the corresponding category. Click on the statement and while holding down the button drag it to the matching category, then release the button. When you successfully complete this exercise you will receive a “Congratulations” statement indicating you may continue the course.

(L) All tools, materials, and yourself all contribute toward this(M) Back injuries are common due to this hazard(L) Putting materials in one spot on the plank or platform(M) Stack, block, and interlock bags, containers, etc. to avoid sliding or collapse(M) Be aware of wind forces on large light weight materials or long objects


Load Hazards

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(L) Planks may not deflect more than 1/60 the length of the plank(M) Use proper personal protective equipment if necessary(L) The longer the plank, the less weight it can bear

35. Unsafe Scaffold Work Practices

Unsafe Scaffold Work PracticesAlways follow these general safe work practices when working on scaffolds.

Do not climb the scaffold by any means other than the proper access provided

Do not jump on to planks or platforms Do not use a scaffold if the planks are not scaffold grade, scaffold

grade stamped, in good condition, and not bowing more than 1/60 of the span

Do not overload the scaffold platform, planks, or any component by more than the load capacity

Do not extend working heights by the use of boxes, ladders, or any other means on scaffold platforms

Do not use scaffolds during storms, rain, or high wind Do not work on ice or snow covered platforms Do not allow tools, materials, or debris to accumulate on the platform

36. Unsafe Scaffold Work Practices In addition to the safe work practices from the following page:

Do not use the scaffold to hoist materials or mount derricks unless designed to do so

Do not use a scaffold taller than 4 times its minimum base unless it is tied, guyed, or braced to prevent tipping

Do not perform heat producing activities such as welding without protecting the scaffold members

Do not violate clearances from electrical power lines Do not bridge between two scaffolds by planks or stages unless designed

by a qualified person Do not use the scaffold unless the proper falling object protection

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measures are in place Do not use rolling towers unless the wheels are locked Do not ride rolling towers while being moved

37. Summary Practicing safe work habits on scaffolds is crucial to prevent injury to you and your coworkers. Working at height can be very unforgiving if you do not work safe. Scaffold accidents are one of the leading causes of injuries and fatalities in the workplace.

Scaffolds must be constructed and inspected by a competent person, and must never be modified by anyone without permission from the competent person, including “just removing that brace for a minute to paint behind it...” or doing other seemingly harmless activities. Report any damage to the scaffold to the competent person or area supervisor immediately.

Quiz Questions

1. How must scaffold platforms be planked?a. At least two 8 inch planks*b. Fully planked from post to post with no more than one inch space between plankingc. It varies depending on the type of scaffoldd. With scaffold grade planking with no more than 3 inch space between planks

2. What is the most preferential measure to prevent falls on scaffolds?*a. Guardrails and midrailsb. Personal fall arrest protection systemsc. Wire nettingd. Keeping the platform clear of all obstacles

3. What scaffold tag indicates the scaffold is safe to use?a. A green tagb. A green tag inspected within the last weekc. A signed red tag

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*d. A green tag, signed and dated that day

4. Why are guardrails and midrails preferable to personal fall arrest systems?*a. Guardrails prevent the fall from occurring in the first placeb. Personal fall arrest systems are preferablec. They prevent falling object hazards alsod. It is best practice to always use both on scaffolds

5. How should you access scaffolds? a. By ladders or braces if the scaffold is properly constructedb. Only by external extension ladders*c. Only by the proper means designed for that scaffoldd. By ladders that extend to the level of the platform

6. Why should you never use a ladder, boxes, barrels or other objects to elevate your height while on a scaffold? Choose the best answer. a. They are not a part of the scaffoldb. It is against NIOSH regulationsc. Personal fall arrest systems may not be effective using these*d. They raise your body above the guardrails designed to prevent falls

7. What is an acceptable alternative to debris netting or canopies for falling object protection?*a. Barricade area below scaffoldb. Hard hatsc. Personal fall arrest systemd. Protective coveralls

8. What are toeboards designed to do?a. Add to the structural integrity of the scaffold*b. Prevent objects from falling off of the scaffoldc. Provide additional fall protection

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d. Prevent tripping

9. Why are electrical hazards of particular concern when working on scaffolds?*a. Electrical circuits can energize the entire scaffold endangering everyone on the scaffoldb. Power lines cannot be de-energizedc. The scaffold is not grounded d. Electrical hazards are difficult to control

10. What is the distance a scaffold or any conductive material on them must be from insulated power lines of 300 volts?a. Three feet (3') b. Seven feet (7’)*c. Ten feet (10') or mored. Twelve feet (12’)

11. What is the most common type injury with handling materials?a. Falls from elevation*b. Musculoskeletal injuries such as broken bones or back injuriesc. Chemical burnsd. Heat stress

12. How high should materials be stacked on the scaffold?a. Not over the height of the toeboardsb. No more than a height of 3 feet c. Lower than the midrails*d. As low as practical

13. Scaffolds and components must be able to support __________their maximum intended load.a. Ten times (10x)*b. Four times (4x)

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c. Eight Times (8x)d. Five times (5x)

14. How does the span of the plank affect its load bearing capacity? *a. The load bearing capacity is lessenedb. Greater load bearing capacityc. Load capacity is not affected by the span of a plankd. Load bearing capacity is more affected by the width of the plank

15. What type of wood planks must be used on scaffolds?a. Planks must be no more than 8 feet in lengthb. Planks must be at least 1 inch thickc. The planks must be laminated to add strength*d. Stamped scaffold grade lumber

16. Why is point loading a potentially hazardous practice? Choose the best answer.a. The materials are stacked higher than toeboardsb. It exceeds the intended load*c. All of the weight of the load is concentrated in one spotd. It can cause the scaffold to tip over