scabior hermione lmao

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Transcript of scabior hermione lmao

  • 8/6/2019 scabior hermione lmao


    The first smell that hit his nose when he stopped was one of flowers. It was

    a light flower aroma, maybe a rose. It hit him like a ton of bricks though, it

    was enchanting, refreshing. He just knew he wanted to find what the smell

    was and embrace it. He stopped and held his dirty hand up in the air. He

    wanted to stop the talking to see if he could find where the fragrance was

    coming from. He hoped it was a girl, a nice girl who could help him find hisway. He was lost, doing anything to keep from Azkaban. Even if it meant

    hurting innocent people.

    He never liked hunting muggleborns, or mudbloods as some of the

    wizarding population called them, he did it to earn some money. He was

    never a rich person, never even well liked. He was in Slytherin and laughed

    with his friends, not trying to gain attention. He laughed to fit in, not because

    it was funny. It was never funny.

    He had wanted to change his ways, but the Ministry promised him riches,

    more than he could ever imagine. He had turned evil for a while, but findingthis smell brought him to his senses. You could think this is stupid, a smell

    can't do that much, but to him it could.

    It have him hope, the hope that was never given to him.

    His partners dropped the bodies they were holding and he looked at them.

    "What're you doing?" He asked. They must be beginning to worry by now,

    he was never the type to just stand and watch. He was the one to attack, to


    "The bodies were getting heavy," The larger of the partners said. He rolled

    his eyes, how he got stuck with these people he would never understand,

    would never know. He knew he wanted to do this task, but with cunning

    people like him. People who could outsmart the enemies, not just hit them in

    the head with their fists.

    "Well, pick them up, the Ministry'll want them alive y'know," He said. The

    partners sighed and picked the children's bodies up again. They started to

    walk and he followed. He deliberately inhaled all the air he could around him

    until he couldn't smell the aroma of roses again. He didn't know this, but the

    next time he smelled the aroma, he would be sacrificing the girls life.

    He finally saw her enchanting face in a forest, he wasn't sure which one.

    He just knew as soon as he smelled the perfume it was her. He took her scarf

    off of the tree it was tied onto and put it around his neck. He knew this

    marked the spot they would come back too, he just wasn't sure what time.

    "What're you looking at?" He asked his partners.

  • 8/6/2019 scabior hermione lmao


    "Why d'you have a scarf 'round your neck?" The large partner who was

    called Greyback asked.

    He couldn't tell them that when they were in the woods a few weeks ago

    that he had smelled this smell. It would be creepy, almost as creepy as taking

    her scarf off the tree.

    "Why're you asking me this question, I'm the boss," He replied. Greyback

    nodded, looking unsure. He probably thought the boss was crazy, leaning

    against the side of a tree with the scarf around his fingers.

    They waited for a while until three people apparated, two boys and a girl.

    He saw the back of the girl and held his breath. This must be her, he thought.

    "Is there anyone we can trust?" One of the boys asked. He had ginger hair

    and was taller than the other one and the girl. The other boy was short and

    had black hair that went everywhere, the girl had curly brown hair. The girl

    sighed and turned around. He thought she was beautiful, with her big brown

    eyes and pouted lips. She froze and then her friends looked at her, then at

    the snatchers.

    He smirked. "Don't just stand there, snatch them."

    His partners all ran after the trio, casting curses as they went. They ran

    past trees and up and down hills until they saw the beautiful girl and the

    black haired boy. Greyback and another partner walked up to them and

    grabbed them. Another partner came out holding the ginger boy. Greyback

    had the girl, who was trying to break away.

    "Let her go!" The ginger shouted. He tried to get out of the partners grip

    and they punched him in the stomach.

    "No!" The girl shouted back, looking defeated.

    "Your boyfriend will get much worse if he keeps acting like that," Greyback


    He walked down to the clearing where they were, the scarf still around his


    "Well, what do we have here?" He asked. He walked up to Greyback and

    the girl. "Hello beautiful."

    She tooked terrified of the men now that they had hit the ginger.

    "What's your name?" He asked her.

    "Penelope Clearwater." She replied, her voice steady. "Half-blood."

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    She knew to say that before he asked. Snatchers only cared about

    muggleborns, they left most of the other people alone. He nodded and

    walked up to the black haired boy. One side of his face was drooping down,

    the other was normal.

    "What happened to you, ugly?" He asked. A partner and the boy looked athim. He pointed to the partner. "Not you. What's your name then?"

    "Dudley, Vernon Dudley." He said. The last partner, who had his hands

    free, was searching for the names. After a moment he stopped.

    "Scabior, there's no Penelope Clearwater or Vernon Dudley in here," He


    Scabior nodded. "Well then, I guess you get to g-"

    Something on Vernon Dudley's head caught Scabior's eye. He was a little

    confused then moved his hand to Vernon's forehead. He moved the hair andsaw a lightning bolt scar, he had seen reports about him in the Daily Prophet.

    He was traveling with a muggleborn, Hermione Granger, who must have been

    this girl held by Greyback.

    "Change of plans boys," Scabior said, sounding delighted by himself,

    "we're not taking this lot to the Ministry."

    He smirked and saw the trio's eyes light up with fear. But he didn't know

    that it would be the last time he would ever smell those roses. As soon as the

    girl, Hermione, walked past him, he would never see her again. He would

    never smell those roses of hope.