Sc Stephens Chat

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  • 7/29/2019 Sc Stephens Chat


    Yoeyn; Da

    Xntta Y; D`y Yoeyn - D`y Maid`ff`!

    Yoeyn; A'm so `xiat`j lor tdas idnt!

    Fov`rMaid`ff`; D`ffo fnja`s, n fattf` `ng`r! ;)

    Yoeyn; FOF Q`s ;)

    Xntta Y; dndndndn -- A e` A o"fj lorg`t! Yo d`e A sn td` fae A tdo"gdt magdt ns `ff #"st

    sage ae fof

    Fov`rMaid`ff`; Q`s, $`tt`r to $` snl` tdne sorry% A'&` dnj `of` sdo " fnt` lor idnts $"t do"rsnej jnys, `&`e tdo"gd ` dn&` n dnejy, jnejy orfj ifoi nt td` to to mn` s"r` yo" joe't

    mass at! ;)

    Yoeyn; A'&` goe` to n io"f` ol idnts oe idnt(y nej ns ai`j o"t or io"fje't fog ae so A net`j

    to mn` s"r` A got ae lor tdas oe`% ;-Y

    Yoeyn; Da Y* ;)

    Xntta Y; ;-+

    Fov`rMaid`ff`; Yoeyn, `'&` amf`m`et`j n e` fntlorm d`r` ` dn&`e't dnj td` ro$f`mstdnt ` aei"rr`j $`lor`% ` dnj n d"g` idnt atd * .o$`rts fnst `` nej eo ro$f`ms! ;)

    Xntta Y; D`ffo Y*!!!! Yo `xiat`j lor td` idnt toeagdt!!

    Yoeyn; od gooj%

    YI Yt`pd`es; Dojy!!! A'm nataeg lor td` tam`r to $"(( oe td` sto&`, so al A'm goe` lor n

    mae"t` or to, A'm tnaeg td` iorejogs o"t ol td` o&`e% ;)

    YI Yt`pd`es; Q s, iorejogs%%%tdnt's do A roff% /)

    Fov`rMaid`ff`; 8n` yo"r tam`, at's > 2M d`r` nej tdos` ajjos e``j l`j% ;)

    Neg`faen#oae`j td` idnt 9: mae"t`s ngo

    Fov`rCnr`e; Da

    koneenwfcr; Da Y*!!!!

    Yoeyn; my ajs fa&` oll ol iorejogs! 8d`y mairon&` td` s"ins nej f`n&` m` nfoe`% FOF

    koneenwfcr; Fo&` iorejogs!!

    Xntta Y; fof

    Neg`faen; D`ffo Y*!!

    Fnurn; Da `&`ryoe`!

    koneenwfcr; Da fnja`s!

    Yoeyn; D`y y'nff

    CCobs`ss`j; D`y y'nff

    Fov`rMaid`ff`; D`ffo fnja`s 0 `fiom` to o"r d"m$f` n$oj`! Mn` yo"rs`fl iomlortn$f` nej

    "t yo"r l``t "! Y* as laeasdaeg " iorejogs% At's ne o`e lor"m atd eo ng`ejn%

  • 7/29/2019 Sc Stephens Chat


    Fov`rCnr`e; '&` got ioll``, t`n, senis nej td` $nr as stoi`j, iom` oe ae grn$ n s`nt%


  • 7/29/2019 Sc Stephens Chat


    Yoeyn; ?or r`nfs

    Fnurn; Q`s, A ngr``!

    koneenwfcr; A fo&`j 3a`rn oei` A laeasd`j .`if`ss% A ns so ro"j ol d`r ae td` `ej%

    YI Yt`pd`es; Dndn, ne 7H5 story o"fj $` n fot ol l"e% 7ej nfmost "r` ore! Fof

    MassRda; A tdae `&`e al `of` dnt` 3`arn ngnae, `'j lnff lor td` to ol td` `&`et"nffy%

    koneenwfcr; Od tdnt so"ejs gooj to m`!

    Jnwe; D`y Y*

    MassRda; 8d`mR^%%%

    koneenwfcr; A fo&`j 5rallae lrom td` $`gaeeaeg! D`'s so l"eey% ;NCCobs`ss`j; D` ns dafnrao"s

    #M; 8d` e` soeg B`xt to m` $y 4mafa Ynej` 7F7QY mn`s m` tdae ol 3 H 3 j"raeg td`

    Ya`een `&`ets ;2

    Xntta Y; A dn&` to go `nrfy L ;LL ) $"t Y* A dn&` to tdne yo" lor $raegaeg m` 3`ffne E dam!

    CCobs`ss`j; A o"fj fat`rnffy fof nt dam

    Xntta Y; $y` nff dn&` l"e!!

    Fnurn; 7eotd`r n$o"t *offasaoe *o"rs`% Qo" jo ne nmn(aeg #o$ ol g`ttaeg aeto das d`nj nejtrnesfntaeg tdos` `motaoes aeto orjs!

    Fov`rCnr`e; Q`sa ;)

    J`eas`; aff yo" $` s`fl-"$fasdaeg yo"r e`xt $oos or go tdro"gd n trnjataoenf "$fasd`r

    Yoeyn; $y 2ntta

    Ny !oe`y; A FO64 do .7 5rall as!!! /)

    koneenwfcr; =y` 2ntta!

    M`gdne; Y* d`r` jaj 3`ffne go ae 8do"gdtf`ss nlt`r td`ar tnf I td` Yni` B``jf` B`&`rlo"ej o"t nej at's jra&aeg m` irn(y!

    YI Yt`pd`es; IMaid`ff` - 8d` eot`s nej `tnfs inm` n$o"t "r`fy $`in"s` ol 3`ffne's

    idnrnit`rs% D` neai`j ae 4F, nej e``j`j to jo som`tdaeg to sdo d`r d` ns staff nro"ej%8d`e .F ns #"st ne A-fo&`-yo" mom`et% At's #"st do d` as%

    idrastae`; Da garfs!!!

    Fov`rMaid`ff`; D`'s so `rl`it, `rl`itfy ir`nt`j $y n omne! ;)

    '`sa; Da!!! ;)

    Yoeyn; Da *drastae`

    Fov`rCnr`e; Da *drastae` #"m oe ae%
  • 7/29/2019 Sc Stephens Chat


    Fov`rMaid`ff`; Da *drastae`!

    #M; ngr``j!

    Ny !oe`y; Da *drastae`

    idrastae`; Fo&`j td` eot`s nej ros` `tnfs%% so s``t /)

    Fov`rCnr`e; 8otnffy O`e ?or"m, #"m ae ns G"`staoes, al yo"r G"`staoes g`t o&`r foo`j#"m " nej joe nej ns ngnae% ` aff e``j &aj`o to ioelarm yo" #"m`j%

    YI Yt`pd`es; A'ff most fa`fy $` s`fl-"$$aeg td` *oe&`rsaoe s`ra`s Ldaid as my e`xt ro#`it)%

    Xnufn; Qo" sdo"fj rat` n do to $oo lor m`e%%%lrom 3`ffne ;)

    #M; Q7Q!

    $ujy; Y%*%, as yo"r d"s$nej ns romnetai ns 3`ffne or dns d` st``j " das gnm` fnt`fy/)

    YI Yt`pd`es; IM`gdne - 3`ffne `et to 4&ne's to rat` td` gooj$y` soeg% ;)

    Yoeyn; y`s 2n"fn! FOF Yd` jo`s%

    Ny !oe`y; Y* Yt`d`es 8dne yo" lor tnaeg td` tam` to s`ej n fattf` tam` atd yo"r lnes!Qo" .O*3

    Xnufn; aff td`r` $` neotd`r $oo ae td` s`ra`s

    Fov`rCnr`e; No yo" fa` td` lr``jom ol s`fl "$ $aeg

    Mnran; Da garfs

    #M; Da

    YI Yt`pd`es; Fof, 3nr`e% Q s, A eo A'm massaeg som`, so f`ns` ns ngnae% ;)

    Ny !oe`y; Da Mnran

    janee`byd`nrt#oae`j td` idnt 9 mae"t`s ngo

    M`gdne; 8dne yo" lor nes`raeg, Y*! A ine r`st `ni`l"ffy oei` ngnae! Fof

    YI Yt`pd`es; 8dne yo", 7my! ="t eo, yo" g"ys roi!!

    Can; Qo" nr` td` $`st Y* lor $raegaeg 3`ffne to "s d`'s td` $`st asd td` s`ra`s ns foeg`r

    Ynrnd"Ryra`; Ony so al yo" io"fj go $ni nej idneg` neytdaeg ae 7BQ ol td` $oos dnt at $`nej dy 7fso al nr` goaeg to rat` mor` lrom td` N$ngs do o"fj at $` nej dy

    YI Yt`pd`es; I2n"fn - 8d`r` oe't $` neymor` $oos tdro"gd 3a`rn's `y`s% Al A jo neotd`r ataff $` n sae oll, or n 3`ffne 2O6% ;)

    Ny !oe`y; Qo"r `fiom`! 7ej 8dne Qo"!

    #M; a dn&` to sny a fo&` 4&ne too! d` s``ms fa` s"id n s``ta`

    idrastae`; ns 3a`rn ratt`e nlt`r neyoe` yo" eo

    janee`byd`nrt; D`ffo 3`ffne3yf` Fo&`rs!L;

    Fov`rMaid`ff`; `fiom` Nanee`! ;)

    janee`byd`nrt; D`ffo 3`ffne3yf` Fo&`rs!L;

    Yoeyn; `eey nej 4&ne o"fj $` n`som` too%

  • 7/29/2019 Sc Stephens Chat


    idrastae`; o"fj fo&` 3`ffnes 2O6

    J`fafnd Nee`; dnt as at fa` lor yo" s``aeg yo"r $oos oe td` sd`f&`s ae $oostor`s

    Yoeyn; d`y y'nff ;)

    Ny !oe`y; D`ffo janee`$yd`nrt

    YI Yt`pd`es; I3nr`e - Q`s, td` lr``jom ol s`fl-"$ as eai`% A ine ai td` rai`, td` str``tjnt`,nej A'm eot "t oe n "$fasdaeg lr``(`% ;) Ol io"rs`, td`e A'm eot ae $oostor`s `atd`r% 8d`r` nr`

    ros nej ioes to $otd saj`s% ;)

    Xnufn; o"fj fo&` to r`nj 3`ffne's 2O6 nej A'm fooaeg lornrj to yo"r e`xt $oo% 8dnes so


    asty t; MO.4 34FF7B% 8dnt o"fj $` n`som` ae das 2O6

    '`sa; 3`ffne's 2O6 o"fj $` n`som`!!!

    janee`byd`nrt; D`y y'nff% A $`t `'r` nff ae 3`ffne's trnei`% dndn

    Mnran; o"fj fo&` 3`ffne's 2O6

    asty t; Do n$o"t n 5rallae7een story

    '`sa; A o"fj fo&` to eo dnt' d` ns tdaeaeg ae td` dosatnf m``taeg n s`ianf som`oe` lor

    tdr larst tam`%

    koneenwfcr; ="t yo"r $oos nr` so gooj tdnt n trnjataoenf "$fasd`r net`j td`m nej eo

    td`y'r` ae $oo stor`s% YG"`nf !

    idrastae`; A tdae A e``j n r`r`nj ol 3`ffne E

    Can; Mny$` at o"fj $` eai` lor n $oo oe 5rallae nej 7een

    YI Yt`pd`es; IYnrnd - A o"fje't idneg` ney si`e`s, $"t A o"fj if`ne " my `xi`ssa&` "s` olnj&`r$s ;N 7ej A s"os` td` $f"sdaeg nej id"ifaeg, fof

    Ny !oe`y; A dn&` to sny tdnt N`eey stof` my d`nrt too! D` ns so s``t `&`e nlt`r `&`rytdaeg%

    #M; dnt n$o"t j`eey;)

    J`fafnd Nee`; A nit"nffy net n N`eey $oo%

    Fov`rMaid`ff`; dndn!

    Yoeyn; A'&` r`nj td` s`ra`s X tam`s, at e`&`r g`ts ofj% ;)

    asty t; 8dos` to dorejogs L5rallae H 7een) 8dnt o"fj $` j`laeat` `rotain, $f"sdaeg, nejtdaegs A ine't amngae`

    M`gdne; A ngr`` Q sa!! A o"fj FO64 to r`nj tdnt!!

    Mfp()*+; Dn&aeg n `eey 4&ne or 7een nej 5rallae saeoll o"fj $` nmn(aeg! 8d`y doe`stfy`r` gr`nt saj` idnrnit`rs%

    YI Yt`pd`es; I*drastae` - 3a`rn dns n fot ol my G"ars nej aes`i"rata`s%%%so A s"os` sd`'sfoos`fy $ns`j oe m`% ;)

    Ynrnd"Ryra`; Bo A o"fje't idneg` tdnt n$o"t 3a`rn my lra`ej ngr``s

    Neg`faen; N`eey oll`raeg to mneng` td` N=ngs ns n sdoi to m`%% $"t ns `rl`it!

    Xnufn; 7$sof"t`fy% Fo&`j N`eey% Mny$` ne o"ttn` or to

  • 7/29/2019 Sc Stephens Chat


    janee`byd`nrt; Y*! A fo&` do s`xy 3`ffne's si`e`s ine g`t! Dndndn

    asty t; 7ej, tdro som` 3`ffne ae td`r` `&`ry eo nej td`e% Q"m, ine e`&`r dn&` too m"id3`ffne, fof

    idrastae`; 8dnes!!

    Yoeyn; A jaje't fo&` N`eey "etaf .`if`ss% A l`ff ae fo&` atd dam ae .`if`ss%janee`byd`nrt; Do n$o"t rataeg td` td $oo fof

    YI Yt`pd`es; IN`fafnd - At staffs $fos my maej to s`` my $oos ae stor`s% My d`nrt sas n$`nt!

    Ynrnd"Ryra`; Al yo" rat` ney mor` n$o"t td` $oys lrom td` $nj do o"fj $` larst nej dy

    Can; 3`ffne ae neotd`r $oo o"fj $` s`xy ns d`ff A ine't g`t `eo"gd ol dam `atd`r

    Ny !oe`y; Fo&` td` *oll`` Ytnej! Oe` ol my ln&s! 7ej ol io"rs` td` $ntdroom si`e`! Yo


    janee`byd`nrt; Qo" j`s`r&` at Y*! L;

    J`fafnd Nee`; A lfa o"t `&`ry tam` A s`` yo"r $oo, Ms% Yt`d`es% Oe` ol td` $`st s`ra`s `&`ry!!!KZ

    J`fafnd Nee`; $oos