SC-5 Manual R1 - Compon. Click NEX en be direct ... be very care the...

Rev. 1-0310

Transcript of SC-5 Manual R1 - Compon. Click NEX en be direct ... be very care the...

Rev. 1-0310


Table of Contents Introduction 2 SC-5 Electronic Stencil Machine Set Up 3 Computer Specifications 4 Stencil-CAD Software Installation 5 Cable/Port Setup & Cutting Preparation 9 Stencil-CAD Menu Icon Definitions 14 Cutting Your First Stencil 15 Stencil-CAD “Stencil” Font Previews 20 “Diagraph Symbol” Font Character Map 21 Frequently Asked Questions 22 LED Error Codes 24 Warranty Information 25 Notes 26


Introduction Thank you for purchasing the SC-5 Electronic Stencil Machine and/or Stencil-CAD software. Our systems and software are designed to simplify your job of creating, saving and cutting a wide variety of stencils and signs. The SC-5 Electronic Stencil Machine is made in the U.S.A. and is backed by a one year limited parts and labor warranty. The enclosed quick start instructions should give you all the help necessary to be able to have your machine and software up and running in no time.

CAUTION: The SC-5 Stencil Machine is heavy and could cause injury if handled improperly. Two people are recommended to safely unpack & set up the SC-5 Electronic Stencil Machine.

Tools 1.) URemorecomPlace 2.) SCA.) RB.) Ahex nC.) SthreaD.) Tmembwith E.) Inbelow

3.) AWith standSC-5cutter


s Required:

Un-Pack ove the SC-5mmend liftine the machin

C-5 Stand ARemove the SAttach one fonuts. Screw all of td all levelers

The cross meber snugly inthe second lnsert the pinw picture.

Attach the SCone person

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-5 Elect

: Phillips hea

5 Electronic ng the SC-5 Ene on a flat se

Assembly SC-5 stand poot to each le

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Stencil MacElectronic Secure surfac

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river & 7/16”

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” Socket Wr

other items frhine with two

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from the maio people, one

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. Make sure vel. her side. Fit tws. Repeat t

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in box. We e at each end

hree 7/16”

that you

the cross this process

hown in the

top of the p holes on thd into the





Computer Specifications

The computer specifications listed below are the minimum & recommended system requirements to run the SC-5 Electronic Stencil Machine and the

Stencil-CAD software.

Minimum Recommended

CPU PIII 450 P 4 (2 GHz) or higher

Hard Drive 5 GB 40 GB

Ram 128 MB + OS requirements 512 MB + OS requirements

Video 1024 x 768 x 16 bit 1024 x 768 x 32 bit

Operating System MS Windows 98 SE, 2000, XP 2000, XP

NOT 1.) PThe s 2.) Tappro

3.) Oproce 4.) AClick


TE: Do not p

Place the Stensoftware sho

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Once you clicess.

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plug in any

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will see the “

” has comple


es or the US

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Choose Setup

“Install Shie

eted you will

e Instal

SB Security

D-ROM drivtion process.

p Language”

eld” screen b

l see the “Ste


Dongle unti

ve on your c.

” screen. Sel

begin the inst


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setup screen




5.) ADestiC: dr

6.) Nyou p

After the “Steination” screrive. Click N

Next you wilperform a Fu

encil-CAD Seen. The inst

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n. We recommnue.

Choose nstall on you

mend that



7.) ONEX

8.) Tsoftw Noteyou w

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The installatiware dependi

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ion process sing on your c

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the on scr

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see the “Sel

n. It can take

recognize thnstallation d

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lect Program

e several min

he installatiodisk into yo

continue to s

m Folder Scre

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on files, if thour floppy dstep 9.

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all the

his happensdrive. Follow


s, w

9.) Ofor thinstalclick instal

10.) your

Once the insthe Stencil-CAlling the fontYES you w

llation proce

Please remocomputer.

tallation procAD softwarets. Please ma

will not have ess is comple

ove the instal

cess is compe. At this timake sure thatany “stencil

ete, click OK

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plete you wilme please folt you click Yl” fonts loadeK on the foll

from your CD

ll then be dirllow the on sYES to instaed on your sowing scree

D drive and

rected to instscreen instruall the fonts, software. Onen.

click FINISH

tall the fontsuctions for if you do no

nce the font

H to reboot




A.) CIncluSC-5Seconend to

B.) OClick“Cut”


Connecting Cuded with the machine anndly, attach o a wall rece

Open the Stenk the “Cut” t” menu. On t


Cables e SC-5 machnd then connthe power c


ncil-CAD sotab on the tothe “Cut” m

Setup &

hine are two ect the sameable to the b

oftware. op menu and

menu, click S

& Cutt

cables. Firste cable to a Uback of the S

d select “CuttSetup in the

ting Pre

t, attach the USB port onSC-5 machin

ting Defaulttop right cor


USB cable tn your compune and conne

s”. This willrner.


to the back outer. ect the other

l open the



C.) Othe “P


• • •

This D.) Aconneyou w “Plea

Once you havPlotter Setup

: If the “SeaClick on tChange thClick on t

is generally

After clickingection with twhat COM p

ase remembe

ve clicked thp” menu, cli

arch Ports”buthe “Port” tahe “Port Locthe “Plotter”

caused when

g on the Seathe SC-5 maport your ma

er what COM

he Setup buttck the Searc

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machine is foumessage.

l see the “Plton.

t number. ld now appe

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ftware will stmachine is fou

und on.” Cli

lotter Setup”


dows XP, SP

tart searchinund, a pop-u

ick OK on th


” menu. On

P2 machine.

ng for a up will tell

he “Warning



E.) Y“Portwhat time. F.) MA: PlB: LimachC: Pufront D: Medge disenon cuE: Sqengag Imp

G.) BWith sharp A: Tothe foB: SlbladeC: Scthan Impothe wthe m

You should stt” tab on the was found w

Media Setuplace a roll ofift the pinch hine. ull the mediaunderneath

Make sure to of the media

ngaged. If youtting. This cquare the mege the lock h

ortant: Pinc

Blade Installthe SC-5 pa

p and brittle

o install a bloot. lide the bladee should spincrew the foo1/8” of an in

ortant: The way down onmedia you are

till see the “top left of th

when you cli

p f cutting medwheels by d

a from the rothe pinch whadjust the pia. You can o

ou are using can cause theedia by alignhandle to sec

ch wheels wwhite ha

lation ackage, you and can easi

lade, remove

e into the knn freely in thot back onto tnch out of th

foot is the adn the knife hoe cutting.

“Plotter Setuhe menu andicked the Se

dia onto the disengaging t

oll and threaheels. inch wheels only move thstencil boarde SC-5 mach

ning the medcure your me

will work effash marks o

will find 2 bily chip or br

e the adjustab

nife assemblyhe knife assemthe knife ass

he foots open

djustment knolder. Do no

up” menu, afd make sure earch Ports b

media rollerthe lock han

ad it from the

so that they he pinch whed, do not plahine to malfudia with the gedia to the m

fectively onlon the front

blades and a reak. Please

ble foot from

y until it botmbly. sembly untilning.

nob for the bot adjust the b

fter clicking that the port

button. If not

rs located onndle located o

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are no moreeels when thace the pinchunction. grove on fron


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knife assembe very care

m the knife a

ttoms out. If

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blade depth. blade no mo

OK. Now ct setting is tht, please chan

n the stand. on the back

e SC-5 mach

e than 1” fromhe lock handlh wheels whe

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mbly. The blaeful handling

assembly by

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blade protru

Do not screwore than the t


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y .



H.) FPleasmachStartcommgreenArroor the Set OTHEThe SarrowSet OSpeeselectcleanForcset thusualTest softwmust Repebutto

Front Contrse take a momhine. t/Stop –Selemunicating wn light will bow Buttons –e cutter head

Origin – YOE SC-5 ON. FSet Origin buw buttons youOrigin has bed Knob – Tt the desired

ner cut. e Knob – Th

he down forclly requires mCut – Do no

ware overridecut a sample

eat – You can. The SC-5

rol Panel ment to fami

ects between with the combe on, the red– The arrow d left or right

OU MUST SFuture stencutton allowsu can select

een selected he Speed Kn

d speed in wh

he Force Knce in which tmore down fot use the Tees the Test Ce stencil.

an create a co5 machine m

iliarize your

two states: mputer Stop. d light is on tbuttons are


ET A NEWcils will autos you to seleca new Set Oand the lightnob can be tuhich the cutt

nob can be tuthe blade comforce. est Cut buttoCut settings o

opy of the lamust be in Sto

rself with the

CommunicaWhen the SCto indicate thused to mov

W START POomatically stact where the

Origin point. t is green. urned either ter head will

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on on the conof the SC-5 m

ast stencil yoop mode with

e front contr

ating with theC-5 machinehe stop modve the cutting

OINT EVERart 1/8” fromblade will bThe machin

clockwise omove. A slo

clockwise oract with your

ntrol panel. Tmachine. If a

ou created byh the red lig

ol panel of t

e computer Se is in Start m

de. g media bac

RYTIME Ym the previoubegin cuttingne will not cu

or counter clower speed e

r counter clor media. Thi

The Stencil-a test cut is n

y pressing thht on.


the SC-5

Start, or not mode, the

k and forth

YOU TURNus stencil. g. Using the ut unless the

ockwise to ensures a

ockwise to cker materia

CAD needed, you

he Repeat






I.) Suggested Media Settings Suggested blade and control panel settings for Diagraph media;






Vinyl 45 Deg. 17 60 0-5 7:30 11:00 Ultra-Cut 60 Deg. 47 15 10-25 8:30 9:00 Poly-NT 60 Deg. 47 15 10-25 1:00 8:00 Magnetic Vinyl 60 Deg. 47 15 10-25 3:00 8:00 OSB-10 Oil board 60 Deg. 47 15 10-25 1:30 8:00 .015 Stencil Board 60 Deg. 47 15 50-55 Full 7:30

Note: These settings are guidelines to be used when cutting various cutting media.

Please note that you will have to fine tune your settings to get the best cutting results. You may also have to increase force as your blade wears out.





Ton th

Fyou t












Select Tools

Cut Tool Alu” Screen.

Measure To

Text Tools A

Text Compoe grid screen

Frame Textto type in a s

Text On Screen letters.

Spell Check

Zoom Tools

Zoom In

Zoom To Sig

Percentage Z

Shape Tools


Weed Borde

ower Weed

Decorative B


s Allows the

llows the use

ool Allows th

Allows the u

ose Allows tn.

t Compose set box size.

reen Kernin

k After the u

s Allows the

gn Blank


s Allows the


r Allows the

Border Sam

Border Allow


user to selec

er to enter th

he user to m

user to custo

the user to ac

Same featur

ng Allows th

ser “selects

user to zoom

Zoom O


user to crea


e user to plac

me as Weed

ws the user t

AD Men

ct items on t

he “Cut Tool

measure any g

mize their fo

ccess the fon

res and the “

he user to ma

all” then spe

m in or out i


m To Preview

ate the follow

on S

ce a weed bo

Border but w

to place bord

nu Icon

the grid scree

l Box” menu

given points

ont selection

nt settings an

Text Compo

anually set th

ell check the

in different w


w P

wing shapes.


order around

with extra se

ders around



u and view th

on the grid


nd select the

ose” icon, bu

he spacing s

e file.


oom Selecte

an Object


d the selected


the selected


he “Cut


eir start point

ut also allow

ize in

ed Object


d file.





1.) SeThe g 2.) Oyour and th 3. MeStenc We ayou wand s 4.) TComprepre

et Origin Mgreen light sh

Open Stencildesktop. If yhen select th

edia Settingcil-CAD soft

are now readwill learn hosend your ste

ext Tools Opose” icon. O

esent the lette


Make sure thahould be on,

l-CAD Softwyou cannot fhe Stencil-CA

gs Please reftware to the

dy to begin cuw to select y

encil to the S

On the left-haOnce you seer A. Now c

ting Yo

at you have s, before cont

ware Doublefind the iconAD folder.

fer to page 13correct med

utting your fyour desired SC-5 machin

and menu, clelect the “Texlick in the m

our Firs

selected yourtinuing to th

e click on thn, you can go

3 in the mandia settings.

first sample font, create

ne to be cut.

lick the “Texxt Compose

middle of the

st Stenc

r start point he next step.

e Stencil-Cao to the “Star

nual to set yo

stencil. In tha weed bord

xt Tools” Ico” icon your

e grid screen


on the SC-5

ad icon that irt” menu, “P

our SC-5 ma

he followingder around y

on, and clickmouse point.


5 Machine.

is located onPrograms”

achine and

g instructionsyour stencil

k on the “Texter should





5.) Fohas n“You At thfont. A: Cl

B: AfDetec“DIA

ont Selectionow changedu can change

is time we a

lick on the B

fter clickingctive” screen


on Once you d. This is whe the font, ch

are going to c

Blue F that is

g the Blue F, n, click the ↓ORMAL”. T

click on theere you can

haracter size,

change your

s on the top

the “Font D↓ button nexThen click se

e grid screenchange the c, spacing, etc

r current font

left-hand me

Detective” sct to the Font


n, you will nocommon settc.”

t to the “DIA


reen should t and change

otice that thetings for you


appear. In the your font to


e top menu ur stencil.


he “Font o the


C: Nscree

D: Ohighlyou hYou c

6.) Wyour your board

ow type the en, except on

nce you havlight the texthave “Selectcan also sele

Weed Borderentire stencistencil from

d of any kind


word “Sampn the word “S

ve clicked ont on your gried” your steect your sten

rs The Weedil. A weed b

m the backingd, we do not

If you are u

ple” on yourSample”.

n the grid scrd screen. Wh

encil. In ordencil by going

d Border is aorder is prim

g of the materecommend

using stenci

r grid screen

reen, you wihen you seeer to cut out g to “Edit” th

a border thatmarily used oerial. Please d that you us

il board, ple

n, then click a

ll notice 9 smthe 9 small a stencil, it mhen “Select A

t is placed aron two ply mnote that if y

se a weed bo

ease skip ste

anywhere on

mall squaressquares, thismust first beAll” on the t

round the oumaterial so yoyou are usinrder with yo

eps A, B & C


n the grid

s that s means that e selected. top menu.

uter edge of ou can peel

ng stencil our stencils.



A: OBord

B: Thafter four s C: Atop ri Cuttito doPointsettin A: M“Wee“Sele B: Onhand to be

n the left haner” icon. Yo

he size of theselecting a “sides of the s

fter selectingight of your

ing Your Stuble check yt”, you have ngs in the ma

Make sure thaed Border” iect All” on th

nce the entirmenu. Aftercut. Then cl

nd menu, seou will notice

e “Weed Bo“Weed Bordstencil.

g the “Weedscreen.

tencil The “Syour SC-5 mpositioned y


at not only ys “Selected”he top menu

re “Sample” r selecting “lick on cut a

lect the “Shae that there i

order” can beder”. Note th

d Border”, an

Sample” stenmachine settinyour stencil m

our Sample”” as well. You.

stencil has bCut” you wi


ape Tools” iis now a bor

e changed inat when the

nd setting yo

ncil is now rngs. Make sumedia correc

” stencil is “ou can select

been selectedill see a prev

icon, then clider around y

n the upper lesize is chang

our desired s

ready to be cure that youctly and the

Selected”, bt all by clicki

d, click on thview of your

ick on the “Wyour stencil.

eft of your scged, it is cha

size, click “A

cut. Now is au have selecte

blade setting

ut make sureing on “Edit

he “Cut” icostencil befo



creen, only anged on all

Apply” in the

a good time ed a “Start gs match the

e your t” then

on on the leftore it is ready




ft y


Checking Your Stencil After your “Sample” stencil has finished cutting, this would be a good time to tweak your settings. You want to look at your “Sample” stencil and decide if there are any setting changes that need to be made. Ask yourself the following questions to see if any changes need to be made. Q: Did my stencil cut all the way through my stencil board. A: If your stencil did NOT cut all the way through your stencil board, the blade needs to be adjusted. Turn the blade out of the foot holder no more than a ¼ of a turn, then re-cut your stencil. If you are still having problems cutting out the stencil completely, keep adjusting the blade until the stencil cuts out completely. Q: Did my stencil cut completely through the two ply material? “Examples of two ply materials are Ultra-Cut, Poly-NT and Vinyl.” A: When cutting two ply material, you do NOT want to cut all the way through the entire sheet. You only want to cut the top layer and scar the bottom, the bottom layer is just the backing for the material. If you are cutting all the way through the material, the blade needs to be adjusted. Turn the blade in to the foot holder no more than ¼ of a turn, then re-cut your stencil. If you are still cutting the entire piece of material, keep adjusting your blade until you only scar the backing of the material. Q: The blade cut all the way through the stencil board, but it seems to be cutting to deep? A: Yes, it is possible to cut the stencil board to deep. You can tell that you have cut the stencil board to deep, by looking at the cutting strip on your SC-5 machine. The cutting strip is a small thin strip of plastic that the blade comes into contact with while cutting your stencil. If you notice big gouges or deep cuts in the cutting strip, you have cut your stencil to deep. Turn the blade into the foot holder ¼ of a turn, and re-cut your stencil. Note: This User’s Guide is intended only as a starting point & general guideline for

setting up & operating your SC-5 stencil machine & Stencil-CAD software. Each machine will not use exactly the same settings every time a stencil is cut. There are just too many variables involved in the machine & software operation for that to be

true. Depending on the number of stencils the end-user cuts in a given day, it is possible that they would have to tweak the machine daily to get clean, consistent

cuts. Hands-on operation and playing with the settings is often times the best way to learn how to best use the SC-5 & Stencil-CAD system.


Stencil Font Previews

















agraph S









Symboll” Font


















acter M













Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I connected my USB Dongle before installing Stencil-Cad, and now Stencil-Cad cannot recognize the Dongle. A: Follow these instructions 1. From the Windows Start Menu, open the Control Panel 2. From the Control Panel under Windows ME & 98SE, double-click the Devices icon to display all of the hardware that has been connected to this workstation. Proceed to step 5. 3. From the Control Panel under Windows 2000 & XP, double-click the System icon. 4. From the Hardware tab, click the Device Manager button to display all of the hardware that has been connected to this workstation. 5. Within the Device Manager window, locate the USB device that is indentified as an unknown device, and then choose uninstall and delete the unknown USB device. 6. Close the Device Manager “and if necessary click OK to close the System Properties dialog”. 7. Disconnect the USB Dongle. 8. Place the Stencil-Cad program CD into the workstation CD-ROM drive. If prompted to choose a language, click cancel. 9. From the Start Menu, choose the Run item. 10. Form the Run dialog, click Browse and locate the file called “HINSTALL.EXE” which is on the Stencil-Cad CD. 11. After the “HINSTALL.EXE” file has been found, click within the edit file and type “-1” (space-minus-eye) after the file name. 12. Click OK to close the Run dialog and the USB dongle driver software will be reinstalled. 13. After the USB driver software has been reinstalled, reboot your computer Q: When I try to send a file to the SC-5 machine to be cut, I receive the following error message “Cannot Locate Security Device”? A: There are several solutions to this problem, please check all of the following. 1. Make sure the dongle is secured in the USB port. 2. Plug the dongle into another USB port, to make sure you do not have a USB problem with your computer. 3. Your password might be incorrect in your software. Check the Stencil-CAD settings in the top menu. 4. Drivers on your computer might need updated. “Windows XP SP2 only” Contact support to download or have new drivers e-mailed to you.


Q: When I send a file to the SC-5 machine to be cut, the screen shows bytes sent to the machine, but the SC-5 machine is not cutting? A: Make sure that you have set a start point on the SC-5 machine, the green light should be on. If that does not help, your “COM Port” settings could be wrong in your software. Please refer to page 10 to change the COM Port settings. Q: There seems to be an over cut on my stencils, or small swirl marks at the connecting points? A: The “Speed” knob on the SC-5 machine might be set too high. Lower the “Speed” setting and re-cut your stencil. Also make sure that you have a sharp blade installed, a dull or chipped blade can cause cutting problems. If you are still having problems, select “Cut” then “Tool Options” on the top menu, and make sure that the “Blade Off-Set” is set to .047. Q: How do I cut multiple copies of a stencil? A: When you are ready to cut your stencil, select “Cut” on the top menu, and change the “Repeat” number. Q: When the SC-5 machine is cutting a stencil, it stops in the middle of cutting the stencil? A: See LED Codes Chart Q: Can I install Stencil-CAD on multiple computers? A: No, Stencil-CAD is made for stand-alone computers only and cannot be networked. Q: I do not have any of the “Stencil” fonts installed into my software? A: The “Stencil” fonts are installed with the software during the installation. To install the fonts, click “File” on the top menu, then “Install”, then select “Font”. Make sure that CADLINK.VEF is checked. Click the “Search Now” button and then “Install All”.


Front Panel LED Error Codes: LED codes are error messages visible on the front panel of the sign cutter between the force knob and Start/Stop switch. These errors normally occur while cutting a stencil or just as the stencil is sent to the cutter. The LED can be green, red or a flashing combination of both. If the front panel green light is blinking once: Possible Cause: Solution: The carriage (Y-axis) is jammed. Turn off your cutter and clear away any

debris or jammed material. If the front panel red light is blinking once: Possible Cause: Solution: 1. The drive shaft (X-axis) is jammed. 2. The machine is having trouble pulling the media off of the roll.

1. Turn off your cutter and clear away any debris or jammed material. 2. Create a “gravity loop” by unrolling enough media to create your whole stencil without the machine having to pull it off of the roll itself.

If the front panel red light is blinking twice: Possible Cause: Solution: Buffer overflow or communication problem.

Clear the buffer by turning the machine off, then pressing & holding the “Up” arrow button on the front panel as you turn the machine back on. When the carriage starts to move, release the “Up” arrow button.

If the front panel red & green lights are blinking alternately: Possible Cause: Solution: 1. Plotter language syntax error. 1. Make sure the correct driver is selected

in the software. 2. Bad or corrupted file. 2. Recreate file.


Warranty Information

Seller and Manufacturers only obligations shall be: To repair or replace at no charge any part of the machine proved to be defective within one year of the purchase date. When such a defect occurs labor will be covered for 180 days after the purchase date. That the SC-5 Stencil Machine has been used in accordance with the user’s guide and that it has not been tampered with, abused, used for purposes other than those described in this guide, or used to cut materials that are not purchased from Diagraph MSP or a Diagraph Distributor. This warranty only covers the SC-5 Stencil Machine and Stencil-CAD software and not the user’s computer systems or input devices connected to the computer.



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