Savitr the Creator Sun

Sri Aravinda Mahatmyam The Greatness of Sri Aurobindo Part 3 – Savitr: The Creator Sun


Part 3 of the series Sri Aravinda Mahatmyam or The Greatness of Sri Aurobindo. Looks at the unique place Mother Sri Aurobindo occupy in the spiritual history of humanity and the radical shift that they have brought about in human evolution

Transcript of Savitr the Creator Sun

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Sri Aravinda MahatmyamThe Greatness of Sri Aurobindo

Part 3 – Savitr: The Creator Sun

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This bodily appearance is not all; The form deceives, the person is a mask.

Hid deep in man celestial powers can dwell.

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3 Frames of reference in Sri Aurobindo’s Jeevan Katha

Who is the:↑ Protagonist – Main actor / lead player↑ Antagonist – Opponent / Enemy↑ Deuteragonist – Double / Friend & Helper

We will take this up in reverse order:↓ Deuteragonist – “Sri Aurobindo & Sri Krishna”↓ Antagonist – “The Mother’s War”↓ Protagonist – “Savitr: The Creator Sun”

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Sri Krishna: Sri Aurobindo’s Double

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“No Difference”

From Champaklal Speaks, page 39.

Sri Krishna and Sri Aurobindo

Kamala's brother Mahesh had come to me in 1923. Obviously we both came for the same purpose, but I found a difference in Sri Aurobindo's way of dealing with us. To me he was speaking and guiding me in his Yoga but to Mahesh he talked of bhakti and upasana [worship] of Sri Krishna. Later I found out that Mahesh was intensely drawn to Sri Krishna and his path was different from mine. One day, however, he expressed his difficulty in reconciling his adoration of Sri Krishna with his surrender to Sri Aurobindo.

Sri Aurobindo told him: "There is no difference between Krishna and me."

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Later on, as the interior and exterior development proceeded, the spiritual and psychic relation with one of these beings became more and more clear and frequent;

and although I knew little of the Indian philosophies and religions at that time I was led to call him Krishna, and henceforth I was aware that it was with him (whom I knew I should meet on earth one day) that the divine work was to be done.

Meeting “Krishna”

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Identity even in their outer life

We see almost exact parallels between Sri Krishna and Sri Aurobindo:

• The Anandamaya consciousness that impersonally engages in the most terrible world-work

• Re-establishers of Dharma Raj in India, Dharmocratic politicians and leaders

• Divine fighters and victors who continually war against adharma

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World redeemers

• Yogeshwar: the Lord of Yoga who synthesizes and evolves spirituality for a new age

• Divine Poets (Kavi) who gave expression to the highest Spiritual Truth

• World-uniters who impersonally work to bring about human unity and harmony

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3 Frames of reference in Sri Aurobindo’s Jeevan Katha

Who is the:↑ Protagonist – Main actor / lead player↑ Antagonist – Opponent / Enemy↑ Deuteragonist – Double / Friend & Helper

We will take this up in reverse order:↓ Deuteragonist – “Sri Aurobindo & Sri Krishna”↓ Antagonist – “The Mother’s War”↓ Protagonist – “Savitr: The Creator Sun”

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The Mother’s War - WWII

You have said that you have begun to doubt whether it was the Mother’s war and ask me to make you feel again that it is. I affirm again to you most strongly that this is the Mother’s war. You should not think of it is as a fight for certain nations against others or even for India; it is a struggle for an ideal that has to establish itself on earth in the life of humanity, of a Truth that has yet to realize itself fully and against a darkness and falsehood that are trying to overwhelm the earth and mankind in the immediate future. It is the forces behind the battle that have to be seen and not this or that superficial circumstance.

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What was Hitler?

• The instrument - Medium

• The problem is not with mediums but who they represent

• If the Divine can express through a medium so can The Asura

• Hitler became the channel for the most powerful hostile being

• The Mother: “Hitler was a very good medium, he had great mediumistic capacities, but he lacked intelligence and discrimination”.

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The most dangerous moment in human history

• The most diabolical Force – the lord of the Nations

• Found the most perfect instrument – the completely obedient medium Hitler

• Who controlled the most potent power – the supremely capable Germans

• In the worst conditions possible – a world completely under dictators (Asuric beings in their own rights)

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“The fierce enormous plan”

The plan dictated to him by his god:


2.Dehumanize &


A perfect plan for the absolute degradation of the human race!!

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The Mother’s Vision for humanity

• Divinize: That part of humanity, of human consciousness, which is capable of uniting with the supermind and liberating itself, will be completely transformed--it is advancing towards a future reality which is not yet expressed in its outer form.

• Dehumanize (harmonize with nature): The part which is closest to Nature, to animal simplicity, will be reabsorbed into Nature and thoroughly assimilated. We must rise above, spring up into the Light and Harmony or fall back, down into the simplicity of a healthy unperverted animal life.

• Destroy (the demonic element): But the corrupted part of human consciousness which allows perversion through its misuse of the mind will be abolished. This type of humanity is part of an unfruitful attempt--which must be eliminated--just as there have been other abortive species which have disappeared in the course of universal history.

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Conclusion: what did Hitler and Nazism represent?

• The shadow, the very opposite, the absolute perversion of the Divine Truth Mother Sri Aurobindo were working to manifest.

• While They aimed to Divinze humanity, his aim was to demonize it. While their aim was to uplift manav into ati-manav, Hitler’s aim was to degrade manav into danav.

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Action of Mother Sri Aurobindo

• Direct intervention using their Yoga-Shakti:– Dunkirk– The invasion of Russia

• Public adhesion and contribution to war effort• Occult participation in the war even on the front-

lines (John Kelly)• Sri Aurobindo himself consents to endure blow

from hostile forces. (“accident” in 1938)• Use of Churchill as instrument

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The End of WWII

• Date: August 15th!

• It is officially referred to as V-J Day (Victory over Japan Day)

• August 15th is the new VIJAY DIVAS – The Victory of the Mother

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Mother Sri Aurobindo – The Greatest Hope of Humanity

• If the Asuric Shakti behind Hitler was the greatest danger humanity ever faced and he was the very opposite of Mother Sri Aurobindo… what does this tell us about Them?

• That Sri Aurobindo & The Mother represent the greatest Hope of humanity.

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Mother Sri Aurobindo – The Supreme Divine Manifestation

• If the power behind Hitler was the most demonic force ever to descend upon the Earth…

• Then Sri Aurobindo & The Mother constitute the greatest manifestation of the Divine upon the Earth.

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Mother Sri Aurobindo – The Supreme Love

• If the force behind Hitler was the greatest and most violent movement of hatred ever witnessed…

• Then Sri Aurobindo & The Mother together are the physical and concrete embodiment of the highest and supreme Divine Love

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Mother Sri Aurobindo – Our Divine Future

• If the fierce, enormous plan of the Asuric Shakti behind Hitler represented the lowest possible degradation and disfigurement of humanity…

• Then Sri Aurobindo & The Mother are here to fulfill the ultimate Divine destiny of humanity and all life on earth!

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The final role: The Protagonist

• We have seen that Sri Aurobindo’s double, his deuteragonist, is Sri Krishna, whom he includes and surpasses

• We have also seen that Sri Aurobindo’s antagonist is the Asuric force behind Hitler which seeks to degrade and demonize the human race

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Clue - Definition of protagonist

- The leading character, hero, or heroine of a drama or other literary work

- The leader or principal person in a movement, cause, etc.

- The first actor in ancient Greek drama

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The One whom we adore as The Mother

is the Divine Conscious Force

that dominates all existence

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Mother Sri Aurobindo ARE ONE

The Mother's consciousness and mine are the same, the one

Divine Consciousness in two, because that is necessary for the

play. Nothing can be done without her knowledge and force, without

her consciousness - if anybody really feels her consciousness, he

should know that I am there behind it and if he feels me it is

the same with hers.

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They are One… from the beginning

There is no difference between the Mother's path and mine; we have and have always had the same path, the path that leads to the supramental change and the divine realisation; not only at the end, but from the beginning they have been the same.

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Division – A ploy of hostile forces

The attempt to set up a division and opposition,

putting the Mother on one side and myself on another

and opposite or quite different side, has always been a trick of the forces

of the Falsehood when they want to prevent a Sadhak from reaching

the Truth. Dismiss all such falsehoods from your mind.

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What the Mother saysNow remember one thing. Sri Aurobindo and myself are one and the same consciousness, one and the same person. Only, when this force or this presence, which is the same, passes through your individual consciousness, it puts on a form, an appearance which differs according to your temperament, your aspiration, your need, the particular turn of your being.

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• One cannot know who Sri Aurobindo is without knowing who The Mother is

• To know Sri Aurobindo one must know the Mother

• To know the Mother is to know Sri Aurobindo

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Who is the Mother?• The Divine Mother is the

Consciousness and Force of the Divine - which is the Mother of all things.

• The Mother is the consciousness and force of the Divine - or, it may be said, she is the Divine in its consciousness-force (Chit-Shakti).

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Consciousness Force – Chit Shakti

Consciousness is not only power of awareness of self and things, it is or has also a dynamic and creative energy.

It can determine its own reactions or abstain from reactions; it can not only answer to forces, but create or put out from itself forces.

Consciousness is Chit but also Chit Shakti.

Consciousness is usually identified with mind, but mental consciousness is only the human range which no more exhausts all the possible ranges of consciousness than human sight exhausts all the gradations of colour or human hearing all the gradations of sound — for there is much above or below that is to man invisible and inaudible. So there are ranges of consciousness above and below the human range, with which the normal human has no contact and they seem to it unconscious, — supramental or overmental and submental ranges.

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The One whom we adore as The Mother

is the Divine Conscious Force

that dominates all existence

All is she, for all are parcel and portion of

the divine Conscious-


Nothing can be, here or

elsewhere, but what she

decides and the Supreme


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In Plain English

The Mother is the Divine Conscious Force or the Consciousness-Force of the Divine.

The Mother is the Will of the Supreme Divine

“Without him, I exist not; without me, he is unmanifest”

If this is the Mother, who is Sri Aurobindo?

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Sri Aurobindo - MaPurushottama - Para Prakriti

Supreme Spirit - Higher Nature

Paramatma - Adi Shakti Supreme Soul - Supreme Power

Parameshwara - ParameshwariSupreme Lord - Great Goddess

Parabrahman - MahamayaSupreme Divine – Great power of creation

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The Deeper Mystery

We know now who is the Mother. She is the

Will of the Supreme Divine made manifest.

But why does She manifest in the first


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The reason for the Mother’s manifestation

Her embodiment is a chance for the earth-consciousness to receive the Supramental into it and to undergo first the transformation necessary for that to be possible.

Sri Aurobindo in 1926: 'I am seeking to bring down the Supermind... into the earth-consciousness... I feel it ever gleaming down on my consciousness from above and am seeking to make it possible for it to take up the whole being into its own native power....'

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The need for an Avatar

• The Divine is One with Creation. All this is not just creation, but manifestation

• Therefore, when the Divine manifests something new the Divine HAS TO BECOME

• An Avatar therefore is God becoming something new that He wishes to manifest

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Still… Why not just ONE Avatar?

What is the reason for the FULL manifestation of the Divine and His Shakti?

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Possible reasons for full manifestation of the Divine and His Shakti

• Union of East and West

• Union of Masculine and Feminine

• Union of Yoga and Tantra

• Union of Spiritual and occult… etc. etc. etc.

All these are valid, but not the main reason.

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The answer is

… in Sri Aurobindo’s symbol

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The meaning of the symbol

The descending triangle represents Sat-Chit-Ananda.

The ascending triangle represents the aspiring answer from matter under the form of life, light and love.

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The meaning of the symbol

The junction of both - the central square - is the perfect manifestation having at its centre the Avatar of the Supreme - the lotus.

The water - inside the square - represents the multiplicity, the creation.

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The Hexagram

This symbol has been used in all occult traditions since ancient times.

Indian meaning: The downward triangle symbolizes Shakti, the sacred embodiment of femininity, and the upward triangle symbolizes, or Agni Tattva, representing the focused aspects of masculinity.

The mystical union of the two triangles represents Creation, occurring through the divine union of masculing and feminine.

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Different interpretations Common significance

• The meaning given by the Mother and the traditional meaning are both different.

• But they both have one common result:

The union of the two triangles results in


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Another Parallel

Union of Shiva-linga and Yoni representing the union of Purusha and Prakriti

Again the result is: CREATION

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The Central Square• The square has always been

considered a symbolic representation of PERFECTION

• Mother has used it here to represent the PERFECT MANIFESTATION

• The waters inside represent CREATION with the Lotus representing the Divine Avatar

• Substitute SUPRAMENTAL for PERFECT and you are left with:


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The true reason: CREATIONThe Supramental Manifestation

The Supramental Creation

The New World

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The reason for the full manifestation: CREATION

Never before in history has the FULL manifestation of the Highest Divine and His Supreme Shakti taken place.

We go back to what happens when Purusha & Prakriti unite, when Ishwara and Ishwari unite, when Shiva and Shakti unite, when Brahman and Maya unite… CREATION

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The way of working of the Avatar

Each Avatar comes to give three things:

Dharma - Provides a teaching or path

Sangha - A fellowship and a collectivity

Avatar - Give his personal example to emulate

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The 3 Elements of the Avataric Mission - Examples

These three are always the necessary elements of

the work of the Avatar. In the Buddhistic formula the disciple takes refuge from

all that opposes his liberation in three powers,

the dharma, the sangha, the Buddha. So in

Christianity we have the law of Christian living, the

Church and the Christ.

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The 3 Elements of the Avataric Mission - Examples

In Vaishnavism there is the same trio, bhāgavata, bhakta, bhagavān, – the bhāgavata, which is the law of the Vaishnava dispensation of adoration and love, the bhakta representing the fellowship of those in whom that law is manifest, bhagavāan, the divine Lover and Beloved in whose being and nature the divine law of love is founded and fulfils itself.

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We can see all these three elements in the work of Mother Sri Aurobindo

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The 3 aspects of an Avatar’s Mission – The Dharma

He gives a dharma, a law of self-discipline by which to grow out of the lower into the higher life and which necessarily includes a rule of action and of relations with our fellowmen and other beings, endeavour in the eightfold path or the law of faith, love and purity or any other such revelation of the nature of the divine in life.

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The 3 Elements of the Avataric Mission – The Sangha

Then because every tendency in man has its collective as well as its

individual aspect, because those who follow one way are

naturally drawn together into spiritual

companionship and unity, he establishes the

sangha, the fellowship and union of those whom

his personality and his teaching unite.

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The 3 Elements of the Avataric Mission – The Avatar

The Avatar represents this third element, the divine personality, nature and being who is the soul of the Dharma and the sangha, informs them with himself, keeps them living and draws men towards the felicity and the liberation.

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An over-abundance of divine riches

• Not only are all three elements of the Avataric mission present in the Work of Mother Sri Aurobindo, there is more sheer quantity than in the work of any other Avatar

• Dharma – There is more direct guidance from both Mother Sri Aurobindo in volume and scope and depth than any previous Avatar

• Sangha – No previous Avatar has been able to establish a global sangha in such a short time, with such a vast reach

• Avatar – We have not just one but two Purna-Avatars living in the full glare of history.

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Mother Sri Aurobindo go beyond the 3 aspects of an avatar’s mission

Avatars in the past have given a teaching, created a following, set an example and, at most, incarnated a new level of consciousness.

But never in all history has anyone descended to CREATE A NEW WORLD, THE PERFECT MANIFESTATION

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The yoga of the divine in the Gita



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Why does Krishna describe his action as Yoga?

• Because the Divine performs actions in Yoga-with-Himself, fully conscious of his Divine Self

• The word Yoga in the Gita is used to mean “Divine action”

• But is this all the meaning of the Yoga of the Divine?

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Discovery of Mother Sri Aurobindo

The Yoga of the Divine in Nature:

In the right view both of life and of Yoga all life is either consciously or subconsciously a Yoga. For we mean by this term a methodised effort towards self-perfection by the expression of the secret potentialities latent in the being and – highest condition of victory in that effort – a union of the human individual with the universal and transcendent Existence we see partially expressed in man and in the Cosmos. But all life, when we look behind its appearances, is a vast Yoga of Nature who attempts in the conscious and the subconscious to realise her perfection in an ever-increasing expression of her yet unrealised potentialities and to unite herself with her own divine reality. In man, her thinker, she for the first time upon this Earth devises self-conscious means and willed arrangements of activity by which this great purpose may be more swiftly and puissantly attained.

The animal is a laboratory in which Nature has worked out man; man may very well be a laboratory in which she wills to work out superman, to disclose the soul as a divine being, to evolve a divine nature.

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Moksha - One Goal of ALL Yogic spirituality so far including Gita

• Moksha – This has been the highest goal so far

• All spirituality, include the Shakti-vada of the Tantra and the Mayavada of the Advaitin

• How much ever they disagree aim at some form of liberation, MOKSHA

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All Spiritual practice in one word

•Thousands upon thousands of spiritual paths

•Different methods, innumerable teachers

•Still one goal: Moksha, Bhoota-Prakriti-Moksha, the liberation of individual beings from Nature

•One fundamental process: ATI-VARTANATRANSCENDENCE

For this goal Nature (Prakriti) was the greatest enemy and ultimately became in the philosophy of Mayavada, the power of Illusion, deception and fraud

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The Two Natures

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What the Integral Yoga is NOT

They did not come to give a yoga for individuals as a way out, a means of escape

This is not the Yoga of an individual seeking for Moksha (liberation) through Ati-vartana (transcendence)

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The Yoga that Mother Sri Aurobindo were engaged in

This is the Yoga of the Divine, the Yoga of Nature seeking her own secret Divinity

The Integral Yoga is the Purna Yoga, a Yoga of Purnata (Perfection) through Pari-vartan (Transformation)

It is radically different from all other Yogas which seek Moksha (liberation) through Ati-vartan (Transcendence)

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There is a zero sign of the Supreme; Nature left nude and still uncovers God.

But in her grandiose nothingness all is there: When her strong garbs are torn away from us, The soul's ignorance is slain but not the soul:

The zero covers an immortal face. A high and blank negation is not all,

A huge extinction is not God's last word, Life's ultimate sense, the close of being's course,

The meaning of this great mysterious world. In absolute silence sleeps an absolute Power. Awaking, it can wake the trance-bound soul

And in the ray reveal the parent sun: It can make the world a vessel of Spirit's force, It can fashion in the clay God's perfect shape.

To free the self is but one radiant pace; Here to fulfil himself was God's desire.

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This is why we see in Mother Sri Aurobindo the full manifestation of the Highest Divine and His Supreme Shakti

Their Yoga is the Yoga of the Divine

It’s result is not individual liberation but a


Which represents the fulfillment of God and Nature, of God in Nature and Nature in God

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The Supramental Manifestation Feb 29th, 1956

This evening the Divine Presence, concrete and

material, was there present amongst you. I

had a form of living gold, bigger than the universe, and I was facing a huge

and massive golden door which separated the

world from the Divine.

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As I looked at the door, I knew and willed, in a single movement of consciousness, that “the time has come,” and lifting with both hands a mighty golden hammer I struck one blow, one single blow on the door and the door was shattered to pieces. Then the Supramental Light and Force and Consciousness rushed down upon earth in an uninterrupted flow.

The Supramental Manifestation Feb 29th, 1956

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Mother’s Message29th March, 1956:

“The Lord has willed and I execute:

A new light breaks upon the earth,

A new world is born

The things that were promised are fulfilled.”

25th Sept, 1914:

“The Lord has willed and Thou dost execute:

A new light shall break upon the earth.

A new world shall be born,

And the things that were promised shall be fulfilled.

"The manifestation of the Supramental upon earth is no more a promise but a living fact, a reality.

It is at work here, and one day will come when the most blind, the most unconscious, even the most unwilling shall be obliged to recognise it."

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Isha Upanishad

The Mother's power and not any human endeavour and tapasya can alone rend the lid and tear the covering and shape the vessel and bring down into this world of obscurity and falsehood and death and suffering Truth and Light and Life divine and the immortal's Ananda.

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From Individual to CosmicWhat I call a 'descent' is this: first of all, the consciousness climbs in ascent, then you catch the Thing up above and redescend with it. This is an INDIVIDUAL event.

When this individual event has taken place sufficiently to allow a more general possibility to emerge, it is no longer a 'descent' but a 'manifestation’.

What I call a 'descent' is the individual movement in an individual consciousness. But when a new world is manifesting in an old world - as when similarly the mind spread over the earth - I call it a manifestation.

What I call a 'descent' takes place in the individual consciousness. In the same way, we speak of 'ascent' (there is no ascent really, there is no high or low, no direction: it's all a manner of speaking) - we speak of 'ascent' when we feel ourselves rising up towards something, and we call it a 'descent' when, after having caught this thing, we bring it down into ourselves.

But when the doors are opened and the flood pours in, it can no longer be called a 'descent': it is a Force that spreads everywhere.

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The New World That other world is necessarily an absolutely new experience. One

would have to go back to the time when there was a transition from the animal to the human creation

to find a similar period, and at that time the consciousness was not

sufficiently mentalised to be able to observe, understand, feel

intelligently – the passage must have been made in a completely

obscure way. So, what I am speaking about is absolutely new, unique in the terrestrial creation,

it is something unprecedented, truly a perception or a sensation or

an impression…that is quite strange and new.

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The New WayThe old spirituality was an escape from life into the divine Reality, leaving the world just where it was, as it was; whereas our new vision, on the contrary, is a divinisation of life, a transformation of the material world into a divine world. This has been said, repeated, more or less understood, indeed it is the basic idea of what we want to do. But this could be a continuation with an improvement, a widening of the old world as it was – and so long as this is a conception up there in the field of thought, in fact it is hardly more than that – but what has happened, the really new thing, is that a new world is born, born, born. It is not the old one transforming itself, it is a new world which is born. And we are right in the midst of this period of transition where the two are entangled – where the other still persists all-powerful and entirely dominating the ordinary consciousness, but where the new one is quietly slipping in, still very modest, unnoticed

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Never ForgetPeople sleep, they forget, they take life easy — they forget, forget all the time…. But if we

could remember… that we are at an exceptional hour, a unique time, that we have

this immense good fortune, this invaluable privilege of being present at the birth of a new

world, we could easily get rid of everything that impedes and hinders our progress.

So, the most important thing, it seems, is to remember this fact; even when one

doesn’t have the tangible experience, to have the certainty of it and faith in it; to remember always, to recall it constantly, to go to sleep

with this idea, to wake up with this perception; to do all that one does with this

great truth as the background, as a constant support, this great truth that we are

witnessing the birth of a new world. We can participate in it, we can become this

new world. And truly, when one has such a marvelous opportunity, one should be ready

to give up everything for its sake.

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Who is Sri Aurobindo?Conventional wisdom

• Yogi - Creator of something called the Integral Yoga (which is now trademarked by one Swami Satchitananda)

• Philosopher - Gave the very extensive philosophy of Life Divine.

• Revolutionary - A leader of the Indian freedom movement. Fought the British with his pen.

• Nationalist - The “prophet of Indian Nationalism” and its father. Awakener of the dormant Indian spirit

• Author - Wrote many books – 37 volumes now

• Poet - Wrote Savitri – 25,000 line epic – largest in English literature

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Others say..

• Guru – Preceptor (Good)

• Rishi – Seer (Better)

• Bhagavan – God (Very close)

• Avatar – Incarnation (Is that it?)

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Where shall we put Sri Aurobindo?

• There are no existing categories

• There are no existing definitions

• He is beyond all other Gurus, Swamis, Rishis, Yogis, Philosophers, Patriots

• He is beyond even the terms AVATAR and BHAGAVAN

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Since the beginning of earthly history Sri Aurobindo has always presided over the great

earthly transformations, under one form or another, under one name or another

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He was, is and ever remains

The Creator of each New World

The Sun of Truth

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All here where each thing seems its lonely self Are figures of the sole transcendent One:

Only by him they are, his breath is their life; An unseen Presence moulds the oblivious clay.

A playmate in the mighty Mother's game, One came upon the dubious whirling globe To hide from her pursuit in force and form. A secret spirit in the Inconscient's sleep, A shapeless Energy, a voiceless Word,

He was here before the elements could emerge, Before there was light of mind or life could breathe. He is the Maker and the world he made,

He is the vision and he is the Seer; He is himself the actor and the act,

He is himself the knower and the known, He is himself the dreamer and the dream.

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Savitr – Creator Sun

But who, then, is Surya, the Sun, from whom these rays proceed? He is the Master of Truth, Surya the Illuminator, Savitri the Creator, Pushan the Increaser. His rays in their own nature are supramental activities of revelation, inspiration, intuition, luminous discernment, and they constitute the action of that transcendent principle which the Vedanta calls Vijnana, the perfect knowledge, the Veda Ritam, the Truth.

All the other gods follow in this march of Surya and they attain to his vastness by the force of his illumination. That is to say, all the other divine faculties or potentialities in man expand with the expansion of the Truth and Light in him; in the strength of the ideal supermind they attain to the same infinite amplitude of right becoming, right action and right knowledge. The Truth in its largeness moulds all into the terms of the infinite and universal Life, replaces with it the limited individual existence, maps out in the terms of their real being the realms of the physical consciousness which, as Savitri, it has created.

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Page 85: Savitr the Creator Sun

He is still with us

Shall I accept death or shall I turn and wrestle with him and conquer? That shall be as God in me chooses. For whether I live or die, I am always.

Sri Aurobindo (375−Thoughts and Aphorisms)

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The one need - Open to the Mother

One who receives and accepts and lives in the Mother's light, will begin to see the truth on all the planes, the mental, the vital, the physical. He will reject all that is undivine, -- the undivine is the falsehood, the ignorance, the error of the dark forces; the undivine is all that is obscure and unwilling to accept the divine Truth and its light and force. The undivine, therefore, is all that is unwilling to accept the light and force of the Mother. That is why I am always telling you to keep yourself in contact with the Mother and with her light and Force, because it is only so that you can come out of his confusion and obscurity and receive the Truth that comes from above.