( SAVE THE RETAIL' MARK-UP STATEMENT Of POLICY Sro* W «V l l**s^ctpls Cb hCB been manutaWHffVie CXynond and GoiiJe*e*y lor Mtarf leswety sloes throughoui tie ool/* y Now »n» hne ie*e4v * cwartabie to ihe pabic c* tie same pnoe ihai >e*etv slow ■pay This means you scmj Ihe m o l mak<p "Shop and Compare 1 SAVE The 50-100% Retail MARK-UP Sm the diflrtnct buying from m• Manutacturv and imporw Can Mad* ROS-NICHOLS w m itsn NAVY MEDICAL CORPS SssNwy 'I-'1*"??* potoi m ISL**.*** aNndMMaHlt Must** ____ _A_. ^ Nu% • tre r VARIETY AND CHALLENGE - NAVY M EOtONI DONATE NOW! W orld Health Organization tiNai M edical School Steat Lack Health Sdaacat Uaivaeteiy a kxatad on the aland d Si. Lada ■ the W ot kxfcrs Oyanm fi • " vmUbit m the September S3 d m Offering: # 36 M ad M D d * r~ p^rngn O m n i iUtisbtfit m /be ttoted Ststss > • rW O bated jtadeau te tebe d a ECFMC • Gatebatei haaa te e arre ted rate JfKM by Jeana^ « tt* kmfUab Tmmt/kn t+tcwMy mkemt Henry Garcia Co., 1 (112)266*444 PI.. 100 N . St. M ary’t, Sm Aaaoaeo, T ru e 78201 Tete* 767124 O *■«•»□ M^Q 19 ____ ■ a* * * . I4 » ir M a t 41k If you'™ ■ REPORTER ... or you have what it takes to be one, you‘re WANTED « at the Sagamore offin Earn some bucks, boos your skills, build s portfolio * starting IMMEDIATELY You need not be a journalism student All you need la a bit of writing skill and a “noee for news/’ Cell Laura Burris or BlU Nolaa at Ml MM. 2





STATEMENT Of POLICY Sro* W «Vl l**s^ctpls Cb hCBbeen manutaWHffVie CXynond and GoiiJe*e*y lor Mtarf leswety sloes throughoui t ie ool/ * y Now »n» hne ie*e4v * cwartabie to ihe pabic c* tie same pnoe ihai >e*etv slow

■pay This means you scmj Ihe m o l m a k < p

"Shop and Com pare1SAVE The 50-100%

Retail MARK-UPSm the d iflrtnc t buying

from m• Manutacturv and imporw Can Mad*

ROS-NICHOLSw m i ts n

NAVY MEDICAL CORPSSssNwy ' I - ' 1 * " ? ? *


m I S L * * . * * *a N n d M M a H l t

M u s t * * ____ _ A_. ^


• tre r



W orld H ealth O rg an izatio nt i N a i

M edical SchoolSteat Lack Health Sdaacat Uaivaeteiy a kxatad on the aland d Si. Lada ■ the W ot kxfcrs Oyanm fi • " vmUbit m the September S3 d m

Offering:# 36 M ad M D d*r~ p̂ rngn

• O m n i iUtisbtfit m /be ttoted Ststss>• rW O bated jtadeau te tebe da ECFMC

• Gatebatei haaa te e arre ted rate JfKM by Jeana^ « t t* kmfUab

• Tmmt/kn t+tcwMy m kem t

Henry Garcia Co., 1 (112)266*444

PI.. 100 N . St. Mary’t, Sm Aaaoaeo, Tru e 78201 Tete* 767124

O *■«•»□ M^Q 19____

■ a * * * . I 4 » i r M a t 41k

If you'™ ■

REPORTER. . . or you have what it takes to be one, you‘re


at the Sagam ore offin

Earn some bucks, boos your skills, build s portfolio * starting

IMMEDIATELYYou need not be a journalism student

All you need la a bit of writing skill and a “noee for news/’

Cell Laura Burris or BlU Nolaa at Ml MM.




Vol. 12. No. 17 June 8,1983

EdNorUura Burris

Managing EdWor •IB Notan

Advertising Manager Eileen Worcester

Production Manager Uura Hildreth

Photography Coordinator Mika 8troib

Photographer Mark Lang Ids

CartoonistsDouglas Dledrlch, Stuart Kaefar

ReportersMark doff, Uymon McOsuhsy, Matt Shrum, Aubrey M. Woods

ProductionQabrioi Broke, Cindy Wadler

Typesetter Jaurvaa Hanger

Advertising Sales David Craig, Dora Northcutl

Baling/Mailing / Lynn Pickett

Distribution Dan Swindle

The Sagamore la a weekly newsmagazine, pubfiahad by KUCMfin of vxMfHi urwenny' Purdue Univeraity at Imflenapoie. Views expressed are thoee ofthe adMortai staff or ofthe IndMdual whose name appears In the byflne.

Pubicstion of advertisements or Notices announcements does not constituta Sagemo/a andorsemant of products, advertisers or offers.

The Sagamore welcomes an­nouncements of university events tor Its Hrrtfm section. Provide your typewritten, oondee notice by Friday at 5 p.m. lor pubteaion the fotow-*---»*« - -* --------*--- l i i - -------------as. ■ng rveonMoiy. n f m v v v in#right to delete or edR notioee If we are Smtted on apeoe A l notices should Include a phone number tor further Information.

We recognize our reeponafctty to provide a forum for comments from the IUPUI community, letters should be to (ha point and signed. Wa w f wWihokJ pubiehk>Q your nams If re­quested. We reserve the right to edR Of rifoci mumb . a i tenon anouw do typed.

M *ng address Is: The IUPUI Sagamore, 425 Agnes Street, Room 001Q, IndMoapols, Indtona 40202. M M phone: 264 4008 Advertising phone: 204-3456

June 8, 1983

M a i l b a g ■"ft.‘ 4

Prof supports student organization

PSU questions intent of remarks(Ed. note; The original o f the following letter was sent to IUPUI vice-president Dr.Qlenn W. Irwin, Jr., with a copy to Mailbag.)

I am one of the faculty spongers of the Progressive Student Union (PSU).

When I returned recently from out of town, I was informed that there hachbeen something of a brouhaha recently in which you received complaints from Naval Avionics, the press and a television sUtion, protesting the alleged use of university monies for a march and demonstration at Naval Avionics. I gather that your response stressed that freedom of speech is an important value at a university, and that university funds, despite some misleading appearances to the contrary, had not in fact been used for that purpose.

1 certainly appreciate your defense of student's rights of freedom of speech and inquiry — they are the very soul, it seems to me, of the university.

By the same token, I am sure that members of the PSU will he particularly vigilant in the future not to give even the appearance of the improper use of funds from the student activity fee.

The PSU in in my opinion the finest group I have seen on this campus in my dozen years here, as far as concerns stirring up debate and awareness on important social issues. It would be a shame for a misunderstanding thiq to put a damper on its future, which is why I am particularly grateful for your concern.

Pat McGeever Professor of

Political Science

To the editor.Statements by newly-elected

student body president George Graves and vice-president Tamers Calhoun printed in the May 25 Sagamore concerning their want to avoid controver­sial issues are, to say the least, disturbing.

Considering that discussion of all issues, whether controver­sial or not, is vital to the intellectual growth of students, we must wonder to whose “best interest” these SA officers seek to serve.According to the article, remaining silent Is what Graves and Calhoun are prepared to do in order that “credibility with (IUPUI) faculty and administrators” be maintained. Yet, when it comes to the credibility of students. Graves’ and Calhoun's concern is particularly mute. Have they forgotten already where real credibility lies? Is it perhaps a sudden lapse of memory as to who put them in office or whoee interests they serve? DenyindS^ihport&nce of discussion and debate may certainly appease the ad­ministration but if it is credibility they are after, they had best keep student interests in mind

While expressing their own need to avoid controversial issues, Graves and Calhoun not only disapprove of but denounce other student groups' involvement in such issues. To

support their position. Graves^ cited the PSU’a participation in Stop the Arms Race March on Naval Avionics as having brought about punitive actions from the administration in regard to the Student Activity Fee Fund.

Considering that no university monies were used for this march, any possible repercussions from the administration must be based solely upon its aversion to PSU’s involvement in controversial issues. Yet, as Graves cites this as an / .admonishment for preventing future involvement in such issues, he exhibits an insensitivity to the real issue at hand — a student’s right to free expression.

Even if Graves and Calhoun do not agree with PSU’s particular stance on issues, as representatives of students they should vigorously defend * the right to take such stands without penalty.

As a student group the PSU is deeply concerned about this apparent abdication of responsibility by SA and the concomitant threat to the idea of a university as s marketplace of Msm and a citadel of freedom.

We urge Graves and Calhoun to reconsider their remarks and to assume, in substance rather than name, their roles as representatives of the student body.The Progressive Student Union

CorrectionAn article in the May 25

issue of the Sagamore stated incorrectly that Student Body President George Graves "remarked that the Student A ctivity Pee allocation to the Progressive Student Union was jeopardized when the union marched for peace at the

Naval Avionics Facility in Indianapolis." The PSU's allocation was not in fact jeopardized This inaccuracy was the result o f an editorial error. The Sagamore regrets the inaccuracy and any misunder­standings it may have engendered



M M l

Lo ck e lie ld d e m o W o n delayedDim to unmet contractual

the scheduled demolition of moot of

delayed for an undetermined period of time.

The 746-unit apartment complex, built in 19M on 22 acres directly north of the IUPUI campus, has been scheduled for demolition deepits iu historic, aesthetic and residential value as proclaimed by numerous local prssM vation organisations.

Whan all contractual condi­

tions are met, formalcommitment for reoovetion of the remaining buildings, demolition starting dates will be eat

One of them groups. Historic Indianapolis. Inc., bold what may have been the last open bourn e l Lockefteld Gardens on Junt 6. The purpose of the open house wes to explain to visitors the history and potential of the complex and to show the two-bedroom apart rnent the organisation's

(continued on page 5J




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N o t i c e s

f-DeadUne for "Notices" information is 6 p.m. Friday

The Association for Women In Science, Indian* chapter, winmeet tonight a t 7:30 p m. in KB 163 for a diacusaion and viewing of tha film ‘ Science: Women’s Work." produced by the National Science Foundation. All who attend the meeting are invited to meet for dinner beforehand a t 6 p.m. at the Tee Pee Reeteurant, 3620 E. Fall Creek Parkway (at 38th S t). For more information call Raima Lartar a t 923-1321 extension 269.

Family rocroatlon hours wS be htld each Monday from 4 to 6 p.m. at thePhysical Education Betting During thoee hours, me immediate famSaa of students who heve paid the recreetion fee wfl heve' access to the facSHee. which indude a swimming pool, outdoor baekelbal courts, soribai diamonds, track, and weight rooms. The student must accompany afl famfty members, and bring a recreetion tae receipt or vaAdated 10 card. For more information cal Jeff Veeaafy. Dr pc tor of Intramural and Recreational Sports, at 264-2824.

The International Students Bible Study Group cordially invitee you to ite weakly meetings every Friday at 7 p.m., in CA 201. T W e are a variety of programs, including special dinner weekends, film stows and Bible study. Your new ideas or suggestions are also welcome. You will enjoy itl For more information call 782-3690.

The Southport High School class of 1973 will hold a 10-year reunion on Saturday. July 30. a t the .Murat. Call 787-1474 or 888-9474 for more information.

Fell 1983 registration continues through June 17th, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in CA 123. Students must be admitted to IUPUI and see an advisor before registering. For further information consult the Fall schedule of classes (available from your school or division), or call 246-4916.

The University Writing Center is open through July 28 from 9 a.m.' to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Students needing help in writing

classes or other classes that require writing can receive free tutoring a t the center. 1

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes, iu p u i chapter, win holda meeting Monday, June 13 a t 8 p.m. in the Grissom Room of the Student Union All interested students are invited For more information,’ call Dr. Mercer at 264-3647.

The Dutch Tour, a Holland adventure, is being organised by Dj\ Nels Good of the School of Education, co-founder of QUEST/Humanistic Adventure Education. The program is scheduled for July 4*14. Participants will be able to design their own adventure singly or with other QUEST members. Possibilities include visiting vast flower preserves and medieval castles, windmills and dikes; touring the Rembrandt and Van Gogh museums; biking, canal cruises and train excursions; and lounging on the North Sea beaches and strolling the Amsterdam QUEST will provide travel arrangements and orientation sessions and materials. For further information contact Dr. Nels Goud, School of Education, 264-8296 or 849-6668.

The Governor's Fellowship Program provides a 12-monthtraining experience in state government. Following a brief orientation, Governor's Fellows are assigned, on a rotating basis, to various state agencies in which they observe and train. In addition, the Fellows participate in seminars and Said trips with top policy makers in state government. If interested in this type of job experience, ask for additional information at the Political Science Department office, CA506.

Members of the Cless of 1973 of Arsenal Technical High School are looking for their classmates to help plan reunion activities. If you are a member of the Class of 1973 or know where members can be located, please contact: Marilyn Hoffman, do Arsenal Technical High School, 1500 E. Michigan St., Indianapolis. IN, or call (317) 266-3916.

Time Management Workshops run by Dr. Tom DeCoster. of theIUPUI school of business, will be held July 12,13 and 14 in BS/SPEA 4095. Covering such topics as "Effective Daily Scheduling" aacT‘Controlling Telephone Interruptions," the workshops are tailored for secretaries and administrative assistants (July 12). executives, managers and supervisors (July 13) and the managerial-secretarial "team of two" (July 14). Each workshop will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.: the fee is 689 for eech. For further information call 264-3418.

Law School Students entering in the fall may be interested in "PaperChasing . . . An Introduction to Law School,’’ a Continuing Studies course focusing on bask legal study techniques to help entering law students survive the first semester. This one-day seminar will be held Saturday. June 26 from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. a t the School of Law. The cost is 630 and information about registration can be obtained by calling the IUPUI Division of Continuing Studies at 264-4601.

The Rhys. Ed. Curriculum is under study by a committee that inviteesuggestions and comments from students regarding ways to improve and enlarge the School of Physical Education’s new elective program. Send your ideas to Lorinda Church or Keith Martin. Curriculum Committee, do S. Sue Barrett, Associate Dean, School of Physical Education. PE 261 C. Messages may also be placed in boxes located in the Hideaway and the Student Lounge of Cavanaugh HalL

ID cards for faculty and students mil be made atjhef^ingtimes and locations: June 20-24 at the School of PhysicalKtfucltfoo Building/Natatorium. Monday and Thursday 9:30 a,m.-4:30 p.m.; Tuesday and Wednesday 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; and Friday 9:30 a.m.42 p.m. An appointment ia necessary. Card* will also be issued in LE 106 on August 11, 12 and 16 from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., and on August 18. 19 and 22 from 9 t.m. to 6 p.m. No appoint­ment ia necessary. Cards will be issued October 4-6 from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. by appointment. Students must bring • current fee receipt; faculty and staff not listed in the IUPUI directory must bring a letter from their department bead authorizing issue of the card. The Coat is 62. For further information or to make an appointment, call 264-3931.

June 8, 1983


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Cash prizes offered for energy tips

Students, faculty and staff who make suggestions for saving energy at IUPUI will be eligible for cash prises to \ t f awarded this fall, according to Dr. Glenn W. Irwin, Jr.

In a letter published in the May 29 issue of the Oman Shut, the weekly newsletter for IUPUI personnel the IUPUI vicfrpresident announced the beginning of a year-long energy conservation program aimed a t reducing the campus’ 1983-84 energy expenditures, which are estimated at over $9 million for the year.

Through the program, Irwin said, IUPUI administrators hope to trim the expenditure by five percent.

To encourage suggestions for cutting energy consumption at IUPUI facilities, a panel of judges will award prizes of $600, $260 and $100 for the three beet suggestions received before the September 30 deadline. Three honorable • mention prizes of $60 each will also be awarded.

The conservation program also includes nvytifictitWte of energy systems in university buildings and alteration of energy use wherever feasible, Irwin’s letter said. A coordinator will monitor the energy consumption of each bull dins d u r in g the summer. The building with the greatest savings, compared to last sum­mer’s consumption, will be

jrecognized with a plaque.Suggestions for saving

energy should be sent through campus or U.S. mail to Ensrgy Coordinator, AO Building (366

* N. lam ing S t , Indianapolis,IN 46202).

(Lockefield, continued)

members renovated earlier this spring.

Demolition is imminent' unless officials are convinced that renovation, rather than demolition, is the better alternative, according to Historic Indianapolis members.

(Ed. nota4 To express your views on Lockefield Gordons, call or writs The Indianapolis Star, The Indianapolis News,

1 Hon. WiUiam H. Hudnut III , ' ! Senator Dan Quayle, Senator Richard Lugar, Representative

| Andy Jacobs or Governor I Robert OrrJ


Eddie MurphyDm Aykroyd

Some very funny business.

f lf f iA g H H M H K h£ » ■ »

Metros fifth in tourneyS S S e s - . - -National Aaaodation for


the top ruled teem in thuUnited 9Utee.____

The Metro, opened the tournament ut Kearney SUU Uni vanity in Nebneka June 24 with a 4-0 victory over Weetminater College of Penney I vaiua IUPUI than defeated Southern Maine 3-1 in

The two fint-day victoriee advanced the Metro, to within two game, of winning the NAIANatbnal Chainpwnehjp

e J J S S SUte Uni vanity ofK .U . 3-0. IUPUI wu then f|jmineted 6*1 by Winthrop College of ^ t h C«"*na Emporia went on to'defeat boat Keairmy SUte for the National

a 21*2 record in NAIA

• aS & p s S iS at four M«nameu w —• NAIA

t tS & S lteam Ail Am«ban. t

Cumminga.ajoniorJifrHaidar, waa abo named afir*

^ i s s i s t i sx ^ S S K *S ^ t e d hitter moeto/^*

s s s r ^ Z

i g a s s s .»S £ £ S 2 rAmmican. Her onfr NAIA bm thia year waa to Emporia



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