Save the Mother Earth

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  • 8/6/2019 Save the Mother Earth


  • 8/6/2019 Save the Mother Earth


    the month of March every year in which people all over the world switch off the lights and devote in saving

    the environment. Demonstrations are carried out by the conservation groups at various levels in the form

    of seminars, debates and discussions by the eminent personalities.

    Ways to save Earth

    There are many ways through which we all can contribute in the protection and conservation of species

    and keeping the earth clean. We should also try to lessen the use of natural resources so that there will

    be enough resources for the coming generation as well.

    We should find solutions to protect and save endangered species as they are essential part of our flora

    and fauna. Conservation groups should open more and more wildlife sanctuaries, national parks and

    biosphere reserves. For instance, there are very less number of tigers left on the earth. For this,Aircel

    has launched an awareness campaign to save tigers in which they convince people to write articles and

    blogs to aware people across the world.

    People should try to use public transportation instead of personal vehicles as it will help in reducing

    pollution to great extent. Lesser the number of vehicles lesser will be the pollution. People should use

    CNG instead of petrol in their vehicles as it will bring the pollution level down.

    On this day, efforts should be made to plant at least two trees. For this, various awareness programs and

    communities should be launched. People all over the world should hold gatherings at public parks to

    encourage the tree plantation ceremonies.

    We should not throw garbage and waste materials outside in the open drains. It increases water pollution

    and also gives rise to various water borne diseases and ultimately affects the earth.

    We should lessen the usage of insecticides and pesticides in the fields as all the chemicals make the soil

    futile. Next thing we can do is to completely avoid the usage of plastic bags as they are extremely harmful

    for our environment.

    On the global platform, social organization like PETA keeps on staging demonstration in which they

    expose that animal fur should be banned. Recently, Copenhagen summit took place in which major

    countries took participation including India to determine ways to save the planet Earth.


    We should all stand together to save our planet earth. We should not sit back and watch us die. So, come

    on lets stop the logging and rivers dont need walls.

    It is a pivotal opportunity for individuals, corporations & government to come forward and join hands to

    create a new global green economy.

    Government is doing a lot in this regard but merely imposing fines will not help. More stringent measures

    should be taken to combat the challenges which our earth is facing today.

    It is a day to think of the environmental challenges we face and how to solve them. It is the duty of all

    human beings and all countries to protect the earth responsibility. All together, we can make a difference

    on Earth Day Birthday. So, celebrate it with great enthusiasm and great zeal otherwise dooms day is not

    so far