Save Nature - English Project Work Supports MS 97 - 2003.ppt

2015-16 2015-16 Class - XII Class - XII Science Science Summer Vacations Summer Vacations Presented By – Sourav Panda Sourav Panda Topic -

Transcript of Save Nature - English Project Work Supports MS 97 - 2003.ppt

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2015-162015-16Class - XII ScienceClass - XII Science

Summer VacationsSummer Vacations

Presented By – Sourav Sourav PandaPanda

Topic -

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Page 3: Save Nature - English Project Work Supports MS 97 - 2003.ppt

What are we doing to protect our surroundings? Garbage heaps are increasing and disposal of waste seems an alarming task. People are becoming insensitive towards plants and animals thereby harming our ecosystem.

As a student, what have you done to protect our environment? Do you know why we need to conserve our wildlife? We must make a conscious effort to conserve the world's plants and animals. Plants are essential for our own survival. Plants use the sun's energy to make food—a process called photosynthesis.

Therefore plants are the first important link in the food chain of which humans also form a part. During photosynthesis, oxygen is released and oxygen is vital for the existence of life itself.

Animals need plants in order to survive, but plants also need animals. Animals and plants are therefore delicately bound together. The removal of even one species of animal/plant can drastically alter the ecosystem. Isn't this frightening?

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Gradually if we manage to destroy most of the world's animals and plants, the Earth will become barren. For a moment, let us stop being selfish. Do we have the right to destroy animals and plants which have as much right as us, humans, to share this planet?All life on Earth, be it humans, animals or plants, is the product of millions of years of evolution. This tiny planet is the only one we know of on which life exists. Therefore, we need to learn to co-exist with the species which have evolved with us, and take active steps to ensure their survival.

We need to preserve our wildlife as well. We use many plants and ani mals to supply us with food, materials, chemicals, etc. If we continue to exploit these species to a point where they cannot replenish themselves, they will no longer be available to us.

Our own survival may be threatened if we cause too much disruption to the natural processes that occur on this Earth. Destruction of rain forests, for example, has reduced the local rainfall. A further reduction in rainfall will increase desert areas.

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We all know that water is essential for everyday lives and without water, life on earth is impossible. So if we change our water usage habits like turning off the tap while brushing your teeth, taking shower instead of baths, fixing the leaking faucet etc can save billions of gallons of water .

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Save The Animals

Most animal are been killed for their ‘fur’ and ‘skin’ which has lead to the threat of extinction of these animals. By minimizing the use of animal products can stop these cruelties towards these animals. To save endangered animals, most important thing you can do is to preserve their habitats.

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Choose Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is considered to be clean sources of energy that produces little or no waste products such as carbon dioxide, or other chemical pollutants which minimize the impact on the environment. This helps in reducing global warming. Another main advantage, it is renewable and will never run out. It requires less maintenance which is sustainable, based on current and future economic and social needs.

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Use Paper Wisely

Destroying a paper costs a tree. Reducing the unwanted usage of papers will save the natural resources and prevent the planet from being polluted. So use natural resources wisely and not wastefully.

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Ban Use of Plastic Bags

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Recycling of Glass

Glass should be recycled because not only it takes a lifetime to decompose but also it makes up a large component of industrial waste. The benefits of recycling are; it reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills which helps to prevent water pollution, conserves natural resources such as timber, water, and minerals for future generations.

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Planting More Trees

The major cause of global warming is the result of burning fossil fuels and destroying tropical rainforests. Trees help to filter pollution from the air, create shade, give shelter and also the food that we consume and much more. Planting even one tree by single person can make a huge difference. Without trees, there would be no life on this planet.

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Turn off lights, Save energyThe most simple and easy way to save energyis by turning off the lights when you're not in the room and unplugging the unused appliances.

It only takes a few seconds to beenvironmentally conscious. These small changes we establish in our daily routine can lead to a big revolution.

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Walk More, Drive Less

The health benefits of walking are numerous. Studies have proved that it’s better to walk short distances instead of using automobiles, because it directly reduces energy consumption and lower production of pollutants. Thus it’s beneficial for both you and the environment.

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Create Awareness

Put posters and banners in public, and encourage those around you to read about the importance of saving nature. Organize campaigns like t-shirts and caps made with Environmental Awareness Slogans written on it. This will help create awakening in the masses about how grave environmental problems are and what we can do to solve them.

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Made By – Sourav Sourav PandaPandaClass – Class – XII ScienceXII ScienceRoll No - Roll No - 2525