Saturday. April ma M5C( iSsNE€¦ · bpi »!*»» theoldgray K By *?. BL Philip Elite PRESIDENT...

bp »!*»» * i the old gray K By * ?. BL Philip Elite PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT It's h God's blessing to ouv eountry to have a Christian gen tleman in charge of affairs jat auch a time rb thrs. Pres. FrankKn D. Roosevelt, is indeed a God , ^fearing man, who believes i n ptdy^f. w*re ait the senators and legislators together with Stutt .7-7.chief executives, had this stmt 1'' /nitul. Wwould be making a i$* fTMitet headway toward Winning | eace from this destructive war. mr.ny wicked men aruf NegnT fiat" <rs in authority that I fear that it will be a partial or final judg- ment upon this world before the attitude of nven and races will change toward each other. We have legions of white people who would like to see justice admin- istered to all men without drseriin Inatkm. And on.the other hand any number of white people would rather die und go in a southerly (TireftmTrTmn~lir^v<1n They would be willing to accord simwlc justice to Negroes. All of this plea for freedom published i n newspapers and broadcasted o'.'ei radios does not, mean Negroes in Iheir estimation. They are not con tiered inr the.teqtifltion. Tis trile J_ .jm hoping and praying for peace but I am afraid that conditions m the world today will not warrant it. Wno can tot! but *Ttirrt~ these wars are not providential. ~ -fn-tase they are, mct wiere uiu. bo no peace until the purpose ol the Almighty will be accomplished. Millions will have cross *.' " the the bar before this terrible situation i* settled. Many of th< rich will t>e poor, and many o I the poor will be dead. And : :be gone to stand before God pass theiy solemn test. NEGROES SHOl'LD JOIN THE CIO Karen Merely, moving picture actress, told members of the CIO Tobacco Workers Oragnizing Com m/ttee Wednesday night at 1-1 Calhoun-- Street that. every effort should be made especially in time.of emergency to tap the talents of Jabpr.-. y sttess this tapping of laboi btedapse." labor has much to offci the ^country. This cm best be ac odrhplished through comtnittees-and the elimina. lipri .-of discriminatory.piaiaico-stdSjrard Negro workers such a s now'exist in the American Cigai plaht. There is no telling what talents can be unearted. Certainly ive. need every bit of talent available, now that we are in the nardst of a terrible war," she as. aerted. . She commented that tobaccC workers should be vitally inter1 : n iV\u tinirtrt tyy a Vf> ih on t. "Some of my friends in Holly, wood who make more money than the president of the Vnited States feel that they mted the protection a union offers. Surely workers i>n Charleston, some of them making: only 37 cents an hour need this protection." Before the meeting Miss Morely helped distribute CIO leaflets to the workers at the American XlgaF factory. Mr. McCrea said that the meeting and one in a series of meetings to held every Wednesday night as a part of the CIO cam j>aign in the cigar factory t o bring a majority of the workers into the union so that a laboi board election can be held ir. the plant. Dear Sir: 1 am enclosing a press release, which I hope your paper the Palmetto Leader can use. I would appreciate it very-much if you would put me on the nuil. ing Irat of youn-pttper trnd.send me a subscription blank so that I can take the paper. _ Sincerely yours. ED McCREA. International Represents tive, Tobacco Workers Organizing Committee.CIO P. S..Mr. Ed McCrae, (white) s a subscribed to The Palmetto tt~ Leader. *- Ol/R MARCH SUBSCRIBERS * .. Many thanks fo the "Following deader during this month: Revs A -T .rpnlfi'nq P ^ liu-r,n ,u. £ M. Hughes, Silus Middleton, S.B Burgess, W. Ravenell, J.W. Curry [ ' W. White, William A. Mack. .1 W. Murph for 1942-43; Dr. S. S Morris, J. R. Pearson. C. S. Ledbetter, P. R. Tiller, S. H. Scott. ' C: H. Butler, Messrs. F. II. Lawrence and J. P. Redden. All of Charleston subscribers' subscripA ti.on* end in March, and as w e only collifct from the ministers at the Union, J am asking all o f our lay readers to - please send their remittances to The Palmetto Leader, Columbia, Drawer 327 jThose onhe slate wi!T do Tike<V wine. jj THE N. A. A. C. P. j| W V.'"Greater St. Luke, was crowded h|et Tuesday nite to witnes3 the flrat meeting of the local branch * oi the Association under the admfa jstration of Dr. J. E. Beard £; president. XTur new leader bar k it'torched all of the churches, and '.* <!|»ey were largely represented m" Nearly a hundred members joiner that night, f Many of whom won P*" "4Wm« men tnd Women. Dr. Becrc E.v- tttjeye the confidence o f both a-r> white and colored in Charleston aM the Aaeociation bids fair u TUSKKCKE. AI A HAM A.I Albuquerque, New .Mexico, iccc School, Miami Beach, FlM'ida. Lieutenant Alnhcus M. Green o Flying School from l.amrlo-y; Fr Offi<i<>ia.Candidate.School. Fort of Pasadena. California. recently School, Miami Bench, Florida. ; tenant Henry K. Rohlsen, a nati Administration Othcers' Candida Army Flying School, be th-i largest 'orpan/,:ati6n i n this city with his leadership. l"HE I N ION \V:> hi <1 a great session last Moi'day- *.vOh.lrt--y-. .J; .VN--. Curry \ ice president in charge. Ii:v. "ft I. la 111011. ably drscusscd the necessity Of Negro husitass enterraise and was highly commended bv the Union. ST. LI KE _ Fast Sunday was.- n hiiih dav in .< ;r chinch. Crowds rtunded ail of the scrvic.s. The pastor spoke both, morning and evening' ans the spirit of the land was there. Let us advance ott our l:n?es.^ ANP NEWS SHORTS Continue 1 from Page 1 all-NtRic program. first'of -i t s inport;1 nee sin^e "Win'is Ov^i is.I'xpvftt»«l to gtUTt" <" v--r th> -v."Uv»'S from here in the I near ,"iiU~e. The first rec ord was made !: st Tuesday by a laiji -' |" imp >it loml colore1, artists and dawn immediately to CBS headI marr-rs in N\w York for coitfir a atioii and suptffsti>ns. if any. The artists who nude the1 recording. which m course of Unto will be charted as a niilcsthne in labial history, were Hattie McDaniel, Hen Carter. Manton Moreland, Ernest Whitnim, Savannah Charchill. Benny Carter's orchestra.' the Lwnel Morgan Tiio. the Charioteers. ami the "Blueberry liiil Air Show." named after > :< I.o* Angeles who; t».the.majnrii ,v of the colored movie stars and a number .of prominent business nul professional figures live in fine two and three stojy manbmis. Cam]) Lee, Va..The latest addition to this camp's area ol soldier athletes is gentlemanly Ha r: ry Bo bo., one of the nations top* ranging heavyweights. Hobo arvived at this post a fortnight a an and has been nssLntd to Quartermaster Section Two of the L'.'JCth Service tin it, Washington.What is the i ntpp't of the photograph r.-cent]v printed in dai'ly papers showing Jim Farley, "Genial Jim" as lie js sometime.-; called, posing in a most friendly fashion with Governor Bricker of Ohio? Of course Farley is a Democrat and an anti-New Dealer, whii.* Bricker is the Republican uho has been endorsed by many- as his ~p;:fTy'.next candidate for the presidency of the United Statcs on the GOP ticket. What';; Cooking? London.Six weeks of field work in a New York social agency and Geneva Holmes of Greens bora, X. C. would have completed requirements for her master or arts degree at Columbia university. I41 her case field work was to replace the customary thesis,~the subject of 'which was "Guidance Holmes is in the American Red Cross Duchess club, new service fop-Negro enlisted men, doing hei field work 2000 miles away from home and for an unlimited period. Wilberforce. Ohin.When Wilherforcp university was first placid upon the accredited list of colleges of the North Central Associaiion ot i olteges and Secondary schools m 1 (JM'.h a hoard of thre advisers fTTJW white colteges was named to review the '.vuik r.f the institution and report annually tc the mrefng- of the North Central Association. This hoard -continued >n operation, visited th;> school and made its annual criticisms This year's annual meeting of the association wrs held last week j and tile board of adviser^ aftci (escribing the "marked improve ms-nt" made under the admimstrn tion of President Charles II. Wes. ley. rccomrpended thrt Wilber force be continued on ti^o accred j ited list, without condition. The committee also ordered the dis charge of the advisers. ""Washington .The state depart ment last week admitted that thi legations of Hcitr and Dominical -Repuhlie h«yp both hecrr clcvatei to the; rank of embassies, placinj all governments in South and Cei tral America and the Carribean I Atl o »%-> o fl r. va«f m 1'ivniKi uiv: IfVUl el that held hy thp major govern menU of tht» world in this canita I Minneapolis, Minn..It took on ly 40 minutes for a jury of eigh 1 women and four men, all whrt< ? to return a verdict frr favor o 1 Leon Jack Craven jn a suit al l leging discrimination on accour , of color against Berhard J. (ioi j aghty, who operates a beer ta\ 'i x ...... > ma <%. , ... Left to right, Lieutenant Omar D. EI «_ii11y giiiduatcd from the Air Corps Ac He has been assigned to the Tuskeget f Philadelphia, PeruisyIvania, recently tr eld. Virginia. Lieutenant Green was c O" tC.-hinmy ; St'CUl graduated from the Air Corps A dm md assigned to the Tuskegee Arm ve. of St. Croix, Virgin Islands, recently te School, ^liami HeacTij Florida, "and cm. The jitiy awarded .Mr. Cray- < n S-100 damages in upholding tit':. M innc-sota rivii ngnis--st; Auto which protect.; Negroe s from < is- l imrnatit'.g pnutices in thy ftate. r 1 c \vfTTf'~jpr7sT~T7s tc? tiiu d in ' i-t'iuii «>i uu» f>ut:nuii. I.KHSVII.M: nKKAI D 1 i This news writer vis/cod Cal- ' 4 vai y A MK chcreh Saiuioy..I.w-as.1 not then- for iSumlay school, but \v: s on tin:i* for p ea hiitu: scr- ' j \ ice. ^ l|lb' ^Kcv. ^A '''-'dan's | he preached a sr. ,1-stirring; ser-> nron. After which the lloly Cmu- ! immion' was served. Thp toiler- ' tion was good. Thou* were .sev»n. ' e.l visitors in the mornini; set vice ' Hr. S. K. Green of < irnnjiebuvg. , who gave a helpfvl talk; Prof. N. , 1..- Iknr. 'tt of Mnnctl;'.. also raw A. short :fiul: hcl|)*.;.l. talk Private !j Tommy HwrrHl of Cam)) VVhreki (in., was also a vzsitor. . ( at. Matthi\*s ("ME Church Kev. J. K. McAcinms.1 Pastor This reporter was told there- was a food attendance at this church . tTFRTlhe services were good. with 1 a good collection. j:*' Social News | , Mr. and. Mis. .1. A. Abney. Mrs, 4 Ida Coleman of Saluda. Mrs. Annie Nelson of New Smyrna Bra -1 . : F!a., Miss I.eanna Mitchell Day- tona Peach. Fir.., w< n- v/sitors of;? Mr. ami Mrs. II. P. Drafts 1; st j _ i'l ;i it ii Th:a-i' are ivh.ti c s Mrs. Drafts. -Pvt. Tommy llor: ieil of Camp Wneel. r. Ga.. was her.' this wei ; j nil v i iiv r in i.l 1- .i- At - 1 j Ich Honied. umt n;hw: relativ-s. j Mrs. Tom None* has news from . P\Ti !L«.'s~tUT Dent. her flit r s«>»i, " 11hat h(> is somewhere in India. At- " j so !'»t. (\ Lindsay. I"-t. Lindsay. u -i'oo s->n of Mr«. 1L--Sp or v « Leesvilie. Pvt. I.. S. Stromal) is ' in ("'imp Lee. \Pvt. Loom Botm.light, Pvl. Egypt WVcoLm arc in Camp Gordon, Augusta. A Georgia. I; Misses T.orean Summers, Doro- i thy. 1L Kumunds and Gladv-: Kth- j eretUe of Bettis Jr. ColU-ifo sp» nt ! the week end at home. Mrs. Eunice Summ is and hoi- j ' davchui Jotlie spont the week j mi in Charlotte. N. C.. > isiting | hor so?: 11 on i y. who is ill and l.asT"| boon in '.ho hospital. We hope for him an. early recovery. Miss Geneva Anderson was the ( * gtrrst of Miss Florence Lindsay and A'!ell Johnson Saturday. ) Mrs. Matilda liuyts spent some time in the home of Mrs. Pesr-! Johnson Sunday. Mrs. F.tfie Drafts ; - and thivj? small children spent .. Sunday with Mrs. Pearl Johnson. Miss Louise Adders, Mrs. Pom- < pey and two daughters and Mrs. ^ Hattiv A tigers spent Soi. lSy 1 11 Columbia with Mrs. Rosa Dennis Mrs. PompeyV elder daughter. \ ZZZZZHZZZI!^ j /.ION BAPTIST AND BETHEL : A. M. K. ENGAGE IN PIT ANTIC STRl'GGLK Zion Baptist church and Bethel A. M F. church are er.gSiged in a onlest which terminates Monday r.igi t. May -T to determine which -hall excel in the emfcavor to -.... 11.<1 111 riiu bb.i-,.* : ~r : _r~ im.-v i:iv,ii'iu,"U m-iwi'l'l) t ne UVIl I ; | .-hurt-lies. Ba h church lias on a., Ll ^5.tiU<L'jU elLul l. To-vutc f r oithei I char. h tVni' ni' tin.. -4*dla4v-fThese one dollar vote,. determine I I.thu .a.iinur, linl n U<«v .1-.hh.((''» < . cr. pastor of Zion and Rev. II. .1 Jefferson, pastor of Bethel, arc extremely tonfident that they wy'l omeryre victorious at (he end of t o contest. Officers of both churches i hav£ confided to the Palmetto Leader that the flatr of their r*e srectivp churches must he kept .tvtof t, and never tottrh the ft round Thi<! should prove to he an epoch making event in Columbians eccle siastic annals, as both churches fare well thouc-Ht of -by the Onlum-- bia populace, regardless of dcnoin| mational affiliations. REV. \V. R BOWMAN PLEASES C } j Little Mountairu .S CL-.Last j Sunday. Rev. W. R. Bowman pas^ tor- of the A ME curch here preaeh " lr«fHa stirring sermon. Tt put the s many pcoplo who hoard it in t^o ? nroner attiU'de to receive the Lord's Supper which wa« ndmin-i?t»vod oftri.Iti!1 sorri'.on.' We were very glad to have the home teo"hj or worship with as, a'?o Mrs. TfeJ. '' on Bowmen Osbornp of Columbia Bowman's nice, Mrs.'.Jesf s'o Cark «n"pt Fridsv ami Sotur-' day in Columbia with relatives & it friends. Little Pearling Boyd is '* still a patient in the Columbia hos. r* pital. THE PALfl 1 I;, ;ur, i-siii Miun -irnn cured, iministration Officers Candidate j Army Flying Scliool. Second ansferred to the Tuskegee Army ommission at the Signal Corps ;iiTT.1mitcIuuvi-4ohn IC William* inistration OfTlcers' Candidate y Belying School. Second Lieugraduated from the Air Corps ivas" assigned to the Tuskegee Tll.L'l \N" NKWS "fc I TT> Id«'vir Marshall Sunday iviir- -a- grand day and < "~ri yinu' w:e.- enjoying (In «.|U'ng- . ir. and tin- ch'tah ua^ we.I packMi with i..j i.'iMiiiu is ami \i Ho:s. i \ev. Hiiieniiir .was at hi* hist «s--* and tie diliveivd tile missag,- fi'i n John The m'.ivr.s Men- 'U'li pirns;d witu Hig__ ;UVt in.v: for fh.- day. (\ mo out 5hk Fundn,.' and with s. O'.ir Ka.-ti-r p. o,e'"u:ii bcyins t : ":!» t 1.. : ; >jt. Hrii"|p!.. Mi-.<s Krv.'in. licv. ' flUUSO.v ar.'l .Wl.'.JoT' O :*Y wove fU" ' o! air. aiid .iir-.-J. L On- Sa'nk.y. by.. U»r > .-la- ' YiH'd aT CT. .M S;ov'aTT. TTiiios- ~'.ilio. (la. .Mk-f.l.r-K. iiandit': of Wist liryinia. r.rv teavhin,;' at Mather ...ho* 1. a ra 'la- v. mi: i I'd '."ic.-! til dir., V." iiluvn:- -Marvhr.ll. Mr:-. My ' I. SI.i'o- who fi'-oV1* at Klli-4 <:vr.. uily a : Mr. S at"'- ova ilh iut for thy wi c k t r.d. Mr. i - I'.tl'l' fH"- fl-Oill S''llU or. I rof 0. Ih !h>\ inn sPi nt th > '.vcf'k o:v! l CJfap'iabtS'tr v'sitiny: hi-- mother. T! id!'* f'onijjpunity v-hool iicM 5 ts :ir-t Poriii" b'mtiva] hot Fri- f iay. T'o affair v.'a^ attended hy lare(. .r-rwd in clad in.? visit vy- Vw'n'tr th" visitors worn Mi'. II. r. iValkcr.. ~F"pt.: Mr*.. C rt,T. :d- ' nndaat*" frchnv for rbe co'.mt" ' l I Mr«. R. C. "I'v";?, .Tn: r"<! ft'-' ' hi r. Ti e fe.-'.iva! was cnj »/ d. I d Announcement .. a:ir vuu-i 'he tr-ivrawo of h- "7 ;Hi:rU r \"I; yinia Frances to Mr i. lafld I Ma» al1 <>i' WalVr- \ <»» » y. Mav;. 'l. T;«n *A': s pi ) for"'. ;! at ;hc V'-v "f th I'. -F.'tt. Paii-j! j a". S. f 'F*h m- Tipsi-*in r a' I i,. a > >... TR raptor itr.rrRNS M'K! V i. \\ c wen yl;* ! t o have orr pasor run lay 1'.fi' eel 4 lie's from Gi o: jrot o\\ 11, S. 'f lu i4 hS. is inakin; it-vricr;** s;-.- m 'i -r the ' oadershiu o. Reaion Sum\V. M, * -'flats. ) > >,, Rev. {. S.~So:i <n' 1 uriuily liupu=M,- Sumter.yaVf merest my remark*. * At the numuiny Services the astor bi-firyht a saul s*.ivrir./ ser- ' ttttti Trtrtctr .see m. <h- t njoyrrr1 * ,,ij I'IV, ( v-n <>. Den- v alict coHeyc and Rev. Sears oc- ^ upied t 'e pulpit. Other visitor* »ere nnseiu: A liberal erlSe. tior> i ' va^tahi-n tin the drive !' >> orphan- | 1 tire <>f yonny ;rir!s. |< Mit. F..X. Taylor is d., nice-j, y in her work as th insist an* I; et retary of the MA AC P. , The tho;.i? vere tilled to their , opacity and sally with uplifted oices. At 0> o'clock Communion was ;erved wit", an.t»:i«ual ht'rvc a*ondanpe. The re'rnhir «ervi ea at ( 'aid nr.i. followed by Diiiiii"m; j You are always welcome to vi«- t and see what profrVKsivo strid s ve are making at T'nion. , .Mrs. Daisy D. Williams, reporter j ) ItARNWKM, NEWS .Sendee.vcari.a.Deautif 1 rtiry iii*l ouite a number attend.d the servive throughout the dry. -The m.. the i.amrr"of who bakes Aw;iv the .Sing of the J u nriti. . injuring- was-the mes- J s; ire to eve-ynoe, w csin hut snv. did not our hearts burn, while the man of flod talked. Immediati iy nft' r church service £or the morning the missionaries met in a business meeting. More than $17 from i: talent rally was reported. Officers ware elected and a delegate to the Woman's Baptist Association wap elected. Sunday school and BVPU in the rfternoon was very good. X'trht scrwce Tiegan at H o'clock, and another wonderful message was delivered. All plrms for our 70th chtrrdr anniversary are will under way. The (Student rally at Bethlehem Hi school Monday nite was a tre mentions success. Over two hun- | dred "and twenty-three dollars) ; 1 T> r t* .CI *11 1 wvir I i«fl. Vj. (D, AlU'n UEH1 his co-workrrs cannot 1 >.* praised too highly for their untiring cffor -worthy.institution.. The, Capital City Quartet will make -Its second appearance at Bethlehem Baptist church Monday nitf April lfith. Those who heard them before were \vTI pleased and h; ve been agrly awaiting thii return. Let's come out in large numbers and make the program a success. ' IETTO LEADER TV * M5C( iSsNE i \ BOYhSC A*y ' ^- >>1,' Ml. .. B".|, ~ Kvents This Week i Alonday. April Hth, club organ- /a.ion ona'ting. Colonial Heights". Tuesday, April 6t.InvcsjUluro vnovsie s for Troops 164 and 165 aniuen. Wednesday, April Ttii.Club ortanizalion meeting,.. Allcn-lietruT I i'vj . Thursday, April fith.Court of lor;or. Father ami Son night. Grange ijtrre. "" TKOOl' 163 I.KXiXfiTON Tin* melting opened with the "eel';, (.hit. ami Law. Most of this ro t ins; was of a business nature :i order to h'ip strengthen oil: mop. The committoenicn have ecn invited to attend a special reeling to show them nur pro- rress ami also oarneeds. Scoutmaster H. W. tliliiard i j nviting »i of oar om v.iii,!ty to join lis ill t ie good 6K1 | " spirit. '.Ve are veiy" » Hid j.-hint as uu'' 'mailer.. Th.mia^ Minis. Scribe TKFOP 1*2 orangkih IK; Meeting was :;uv?ted by singing | 'God llle-s America" and the wont Oath. Scouts reported their | loud Turns. The Father and Min banquet was sc'cdeled for li.ri] S at'-SUite college. We went" on a hike tii0 27th of (larch and had* a fine time. There vas u treasure hunt and" cooking onti st. The air of Spring was leasing to i s all. Well, so long (JRKKNWOOn NKWS , I gu >< everyone has been lock- FTZ liv-. cnv.-oo.r' TCt wr rommn ...t on a eolilit ot illness "Tjreeiv- vend ha.-, been silent. Aii cr.uri.h- s in iJr. ensviiix! a-i c putting tlieii ,t. st. vault to put- over a beUCx 00 for this year, <iiui cv- ; iy dciuii'uneat in i e duiuh o«.nis to i>.' 1". nctioning. Special' la.'.' is are constantly being niadl fii' the sticcTiss of our armed lore- s throughout the e.itarches. Se»- cos \v.nt on yesterday at all .... «. o ....,.... apei ;i spec at1 communion >er- 1 i.<> v.n- held, Ute Pastor, He v. K. \ Jnhraon ureac 11! a nw-; inter- sermon. A good collection. I vas taken after wi.itn he inlmia.-le red t i- Lord's Supper. 1'hU piing raliv is on and \ve are took- i.g foiwiiixi to a grand success! t-verv member seems tn-bv"ffPT,T't" villi enthusiasm to do thoil best. >n account ol" the gloomy weather >n thr third- Sunday in Ma rem tiie j ally was postponed, but watch he rally go and listen, for the sue ess. t'onie to Weston chapel the ttlrst-curort crurch in" town ard 1 he first spot that God .1 n Greenwood for Mis sewLv, a- ror.g our 'people.. ('onto Sunday .nd remain for the Missionary s ir.niediately after preaching. We re]come you. 1'vt. George D a! has again vis_-: ted his wife, his mot er. hrnth rK and sisters and Pvt. Lewis FTs iier also" vijoted ' .'tis pa rets. \fr. and Mrs. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. L. V, and O. D. Walker on Hospital St, gave a birthday nau'.y for Mrs. Jtdia To]. I lert on tiie '271s of March. Mr. | Folk art celebrated her. T.'lrd I lay which v.a^ vary enjoy;;hie. >it. in:nnoN cnritcii. Kev. S. J. Johnson. Pastor Sunday- school 4*M*er»-- t»4.appointed .hour with Sunt., Mrs. 1 *i-is.ilia Ja(u: i;i H1 char:;: . I lia ;i lvan i'! class \va-- taught by .Mis. Alii> M. MeMoiris. The hr/on was discussed hy> all. We had ui i ej.resc ntati'.'iu attendance. T"Hchurch is moving along smoothly, and it appears that t e people ho- c a mind to wol'U for tilings iiotli spiritual and temporal At 12 o'clock t e pastor preach od a title heart felt sermon. Subject: Demonstration of Cod's Power. II Samuel 14:13. The Mt. Hebron Women Missionary society was called to order after service by the PresidcnTMrs Plnniir I )nl'1r»v 51 hv \t PriscfiTa .JacTkson. Business of im portaisce was Carried nut. A col- Mis,.. Annette Under a senior .at ] Drayton St. school was a visitor at Mi. Hebron. She sanp Lord I Have Faith in You, which was enjoyed by all. Mlis. Georgia Levan froip Col urn bia was t e guest of Mrs. Alice B. Me Morris. Th0 funeral service of Mrs. Irene Williams of Detroit, Michigan was very sad. She leaves to mourn Her husband, Mareello Williams: seven sisters, five brothers and a Fost of friends. Mrs. A. C. Bcdenbaugh, reporter e ~~ : _.jj :rica Is'.l ni.vt week. I lli'iman (Hover, Scribe. TUOQl' l.i7 OLUMBiA We mot on time as usual at &'.X"H > z t>'.I. The Oath jjunLLaw were repeated iTyall. This was followed with a jiis.ussion on how Tn^T scouts cou'id ami should adt (riui.'ctj(1 by o~r S. our.Ulster, Mr. W. ,J. Lillian'.. The mooting.end--, ed with thL. Gnat Scoutmaster's' benediction.. Cannon, ScribL. : ., TROOP l.-.l UNION BAPTIST CHURCH church with two stars, in honor ol the toys who ; ave yoiie to the a weir.iir roast and a baseball 'vaihe. We really had a very, "line lime. Our troop is getting along voiy nicely and our scoutmaster! setuns la be proud of us. We have-] sm.eral new * members, most.(, f wirbiu- have their unitorms.' MterH of ot r boys have nassi d the ten- .itt fo >t test and lust C lias gone J lo star and second C. Tne only; reason \\\» did hot yet to tile Court of Honor was Oceauso we did not lind the place where it was ictti; but v. e will surely be on! hand next time. We have three | points now, a;ut there "are .about i bS boys in our-troop. -We still nave a program ahead of us that promises u,. a swell time. More news next time. K. Gunthorp. Jr.. ?cribc \ Plan For Summer Camp Now l'ICKI-:.\S NKWS Snni^av. M ; rth ^ Miss LL_| Pha; rj ."Mti and (ith grade teach- j els ox tile* Pickens s? tool render- ed a wonder;ui program in ttic school auditorium. Mi:?.-; Phari had "the Pickens ,7 .."bik e Fingers J etioi consisting of ceiidrcn, ten j to-fifteen years of agi who have been well trained under ho* lead- crsl:.i_tL v ci r.uig!Py r ,< n 01 c d. [ with a group of white friends who weha entertained to the uttermost.; licv. and Mrs. L. V." Curry and brot: er attended the funeral ol Mr. Davis in Pendleton. Al-ril Mr. i ley ward Rbsenvmd son of Mr. and Mr.*. J/ I.. Roseir.ond iet't Frid.ty for Orttngtb-urg where he has lie; 11 a student at State j college. for several years. Miss livolyn Pliarr spent the week end at lione w ith her par--i nts .My and Mrs. Dunn Pharr, ; 1,'oek 11 ill. t Pckens is proud that one tgd- j ored girl Braved it by volunteer- ing for the WVAAC, Miss Minnie Craig. Principal M. X. Sullivan, the most untiring an energetic leader of the Pickens s.heol l as beer teaching food production in sev- j oral schools in Pickens county. Many Victory Gardens are being planned through ins successful work. Principal Sullivan has pro. ven t.i lie .one of many outstand- : ir.g agricultural iro n we've had in Pickeiu. count". He's never too irusy to help you solve your fraruen problems, also you:- poultry problem" Mis.s V. V. Walters who now resides in Greenville spent the week end in Pickens with Mr. and Mis. F. E. McDonald. Miss Wattors has taken up "'Child Welfare Care" in Greenville. She served ::s Jean re 1"n Chtr TTr I'| !; m-' county for seven years. T.-(> Pickcn* County Singing. .con vent irn vr.TUT tit ""th<f Mr R; t church.- Sundry( -Aprit~4th" - *t 111; 't'I'MiVr Mi. M a in P o.-o 0'om 1. PMJ'kAiMei'o>n; Mrs. Er.rti.; 11 veins am st-li on tin Jek lot. We trust them a speedy recover. SubceriH , f,.r the Palmetto I.end 1 rr an I tlv i(rc;o Defender buy' a" sine;in copy for f>c and 10c from Master James Thomas f!ur- cress, Pickens. NEWS AROUND NESMIT1I Efttle Ernianise Mildred White Tiu i ;..<U/to,. Mowi. 241 h at the honip of her gvand- parents. Rev, and Mrs. Frank White. Misse,,, T. O. White and Willie -Ponalley spent the week end -with-. Mr. and Mrs. A Hard Lewis of Mul- lins. Th«y reported a very fin&J time. Miss Nellie P. CI rant was t; e week end guest of Mis,. Ca: - lie Robinson. Miiss E. W. Aaron spent the week end at her home in Camden. Miss Mildred Staggers wept, to Lanes, S. C. Thc following student.,, from Pettis Jr. college spent the week end home: Mis'ses Rosa I,ee Mej Cutchen, Jacquelyn Burgess, Fran | eess Puffin and I.illie Ann Press!lcy. Miss Annie Pressley came home from Morris College sick. ' She is improving nicely,. i PIEDMONT NEWS at. Matthew Bnntist Chu:»:h liev. J. W. Mat his, Pastor Sunday school opened rt the os",ml hoar with the FTipt. J. B. Beats in charge. The lesson was ! beautifully taught in the various classes. Go'dcn Grove AME Church -Krv;jf. W. Itobinspa,...Pastor.. Tlte.Jii'f;.t rShndry in A pi M was ? > ciy bee.1 t iTul.tlay: -anti a very prosperous day at THe Golden Grove church. At 12:33 o'clock the pastor delivrcd a meessfge that war. inspiration to all. ^ | 'And again at 6 p.m. th? con; gr?grtion favored with an. c4_a»r such message by the pastbrT Cnl!".'tii'ij $22.0". ^ vice was a Gold Queen Contest, sponsored bv Mrs. J. W. Robin rsom.A-be.ftrl lowing rrmt^stanTs( "ported as follows: Margaret Thompson $3.20; Sylvia R. Byrd S2.10; la is King St.70; Luara .L Washington SO;; Martha Hurts OOc. Total collection S18.7-'. Miss Ma rim ret- -The mnsnn was crowned (|ueen by rrv.-ing the highest amount. Several deacons and members of-St. Muttjuw church worshipped at our church on Sunday. Visitors are always welcome. Sund: v school at the usual ho> v with Supt. Houston'Thompson in charge. Lesson taught by the Sup*. i no ijjuiii'j; Auxiliary Club Nn. 1 will hold its regular weekly meeting on Sunday at 4 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Elba.('unlet. Members are asked to b^'presMit. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Robinson were dinner guests. of Mr", and" Mrs. .James Slater on Sunday. Playmates and friend^ are sorry to learn that Antho Williams _is confined at her home with an attack of mumps. Also on the sick list are I.ittle Helen Jackson and Barbara Jean McCullough. \V( hope for th.un a speedy recovery. Mr. Lathan Boycp and Mr. John ny Lee underwent their first examinations last week for the U. S. Army. NINETY SIX NEWS Tip. Amerivan Red Cross "War Fund Committee under the chairmanship of Prof. Ww T. Boggs, Mrs. G. A. Parker, secretary-and Mr, E. P. Graham treasurer, and the following members canvassed and mrde the following report: Mrs. Annie Dial $11.25; Air. G. Bowie 52KS0; MET CT A. Dean .'i'll.lU;.Mr. E. S. $'J."i.OO: Mrs, M. L. Harris $1<G.40; Miss Gladvs Gii.Tm $4.04; Mr Andrew Bates $17.00; Prof. W. T. Boggs iI. Good? $21.00; Mr. Millrge Griflin $0.15; Mrs. Essie Campbell $8.75-; Mis. Amanda Stephen $10; Airs. Georgia A. Parker $12.07; Ninety Sl'x High school $47.00; Center Graded school $6.05; Total >Jn8.7.>. Mr. Sam Benjamin passed' uwav Wednesday night after a long illness. Funeral services were held Sunday at Trinity. Rev. J. S. I)al. his pastor offieiatiny. The Bethlehem choir assisted with th'j music for the sad occasion. Mr. Benjamin was a fine church worker and a devoted father. Everybody with MrsT'Carrie" Rodgcrm n the death of her daughter Mrs. Christine Nance Saturday morning at'tei fom1 months illnessr "She was "IT member of the Ushers' Board in Bethlehem. Service at Bethlehem was \ cr;r~ good Sum'ay night. Deacon James Davis hrs en a wonderful rally plan to raisi funds to improve our church, let us tret busy. The Missionary society will sponsor a Pew tally Sunday afU rnoon. be present. Mrs. Lucia Bishop of Atlanta was the guest of Mrs. Dcan and Parker Tuesday night. MT. CARMEL AME CHURCH Rev. I). C. Brown, Pastor Sunday school opened at the wrmmT hour with Bunt. Ferguson and officers at their posts. 'I he less ini was l'tw U'WOtl by the pastoi Preaching service began immediately aftr Sunday school. ~Scf i'pturc lesson was found in ilie book o.Llizekiel.. II is theme was The Baptist of John was Not Essent ;ai. l o pastor seemed i e have ITeen Til his hesT7 Our hearts were made to burn while the man of God talked to us by the ..way. The collection was good. Rev. and Mrs. Brown were the dinner quests of Mr. and Mrs. A. X. Saxon. Mrs. Srsic Stoddard is in \Vrsl\ ingtoiu..JD." C., visiting her sick daughter, Mis. Nannie Peterson. We hope that she will soon reeover. J HEMINGWAY NEWS Rev. R. A. Drown. Pastor Sunday was a lovely day for ail church ffocrs. We ar^ happy to I report that our services were, good. Mrs. Victorn Gordon 4ind Mrs. Viattie Gilliard had Rev. Paul Fncmond to prea:n for them. The Holy Spirit dwelt among us while he pleached a soul stjring sermon. Tfce sermon was highly oivjoyed jhy all. The collection was.$10.05. I, From lime to tinio-difTerent rallies will lx; coming off, w'oiTTd like for everyone to be present every Sqnday tfya^itTTrxs'thenr.. Cpl. Ezeklc Franklin iq home oil a furlough of fourteen days visiting friends and relatives. We were very glao to see him. 1 Saturday. April 10, 1013 J Classified Advertising Column Special Notices, Curds of Thanks Met»<>riam». Hirth Announcements | Marrinjre Announcements etc. are ' charged for at the rate of 10c per line. Cash m ist accompany the order. Minimum cha^jfe 60c IN MEMORIAM In sweet remembrance of oui UVi. I U41L ^i:u*l, .".Ml I IHIII Tw-mr% Mi's. Jur.nitr Peterson Mitchell, who depnrted this life six years April 11, 1H37. Rest" where there is peace Her daughter, husband, mother ~tnts~of relat TOs i "il ftiends. I>T MEM OKI A M~ .dn.s?ul but loving memory.of. our own dear cousin. Jim Brown, who remitted this li'fe July JW, 11112. Your pla'-e is empty, dear cousin, How ou. muI hearts: yearn. If thatrenrti! oiily~1>e for your fretr.vtr; Clod vivo us grace and strength, Our faith and hope renew'; For you will not return to mil we go iO you. Calm is thy slumber as an infant's sleep; Hut thou shalt wake no more to Thine is a perfect rest, secure and deep. . ; 1 T. W. EDWARDS. j .1 K HK-HA RDSON ^ I IN MEMORIAM In sad but loving memory of our deai' mother, Mrs. Mary M. Edvvaids, who departed this life two years ago. March 10, 1941. In far distant grave-yard, Winer the trees tnmr blanches. u avc; .:.. Dies our darling Mother, Whom we tried, but could not save. From this world of grief and sorrow ; To a land of peace and rest, God has taken you dear Mother; Where there is everlasting rest. Peacefully sleeping, resting at last. Life's weary trials and sufferings .past; In silence you suffered, in patience you bore; L'ntil God called you home to suffer no more. MISS T. W. EDWARDS ^ M11573T"Is:.::.TITCH^RDgOS IN MEMOR I AM In loving' memory of myVDear. Mother. Eugenia Ellis Allen, who departed" "this life Api ii 12,~PJ32. 'There is no death. Thci stars go down riV> shjne upon a fairer shore. Her influence will live forever." Devoted daughter O.-'C'EOI.A E. ALLEN". EBKNEZER AMK CHURCH Rev. 1). N. Wilson,-Pastor Charleston.Wo are happy to i sty that on last Sunlay it \va<t a ] day of Pentecost with our church ail day. At 11 a. in. our pastor preached a great sermon on the "subject ChirPs Desires for Fellowship. lie- preached as never before. >lrny "yuL tvrrr madw t o Toel happy. One person confessed At 7:."U Lc brought 'another and 12 persons joined the church. great message on the subject The Power of "Secret Prayer. It was a gieEt sermon. More than 5 hundred persons communed during the day. The collection during-the 'day and the class reports by the leaders were the host the church has ever had. The church was rrowrhrrf- rtl day." Many visitors were present from all over the city and out of the city. Sunday school wn s conducted at the usual hour by the Supt. Mr. Joseph Kinloch. The A. C. E. f .outrun xi'oo ^ nA . ... »» «.* o vuiiuutU'U «IL UIOU p. m.. by the president Mr. F. M. Branch. Both were largely attended. Our chureh is moving on as never before. Bray that our success will continue. a I'ROORKSPIVE MT. OLIVE C M. E. CHURCH .' ^ "CTtbort. S.C. T7nst Sunday Rev. 1. M. Rlassingame, pastor of Proi ;;r*.\nr .^It 01 i vp. _L jJ Li, lunch delivomiL. an inspiring message.from the subject "What are you going to-'1 do, then, with Jesus?" There was one accession, J. W. Dent who was happily converted," baptized, an received into I hersbip at the service and jHi the right hand of Christian iellowsh Th(» Holy Conimunioa ' was administered at the night seiv vi.-e. Collection for tbo day $24.g;.. J FBI KALKM IWVT« Vera Keniur, Reporter ^ Sunday was a beautiful day. for all church goers. Th« Sunday school was at, its best. All teachers wore at their posts. The lesson was beautifully discussed and enjoyed. Collection $1.85. After Sunday school the Society was held which was enjoyed by all.. Everyflflnis vary sorry to know of Mrs. Raifovd's illness, who is w in the Aiken hospital. Wp hope ['she will soon be able to come home. Wo are glad to know Mr».. Trrm Konner is better at this writ- mcr. Don't forget the PTA meeting each Wednesday night at t h .. school. Everyone is asked to at» .js I tend. , J

Transcript of Saturday. April ma M5C( iSsNE€¦ · bpi »!*»» theoldgray K By *?. BL Philip Elite PRESIDENT...

Page 1: Saturday. April ma M5C( iSsNE€¦ · bpi »!*»» theoldgray K By *?. BL Philip Elite PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT It's h God's blessing to ouv eountry to have a Christian gen to have a Christian

bp »!*»» *

i the old grayK By * ?. BL Philip Elite


It's h God's blessing to ouv

eountry to have a Christian gentleman in charge of affairs jatauch a time rb thrs. Pres. FrankKnD. Roosevelt, is indeed a God

, ^fearing man, who believes i n

ptdy^f. w*re ait the senators andlegislators together with Stutt

.7-7.chief executives, had this stmt1'' /nitul. Wwould be making a

i$* fTMitet headway toward Winning| eace from this destructive war.

mr.ny wicked men aruf NegnT fiat"<rs in authority that I fear thatit will be a partial or final judg-ment upon this world before theattitude of nven and races willchange toward each other. Wehave legions of white people whowould like to see justice admin-istered to all men without drseriinInatkm. And on.the other hand

anynumber of white people wouldrather die und go in a southerly(TireftmTrTmn~lir^v<1n Theywould be willing to accord simwlcjustice to Negroes. All of thisplea for freedom published i n

newspapers and broadcasted o'.'ei

radios does not, mean Negroes inIheir estimation. They are not con

tiered inr the.teqtifltion. Tis trile hoping and praying for peacebut I am afraid that conditionsm the world today will not warrantit. Wno can tot! but *Ttirrt~these wars are not providential.

~ -fn-tase they are, mct wiere uiu.

bo no peace until the purpose olthe Almighty will be accomplished.Millions will have cross *.'

" the the bar before this terriblesituation i* settled. Many of th<rich will t>e poor, and many o Ithe poor will be dead. And : :be

gone to stand before Godpass theiy solemn test.

NEGROES SHOl'LD JOINTHE CIOKaren Merely, moving picture

actress, told members of the CIOTobacco Workers Oragnizing Comm/ttee Wednesday night at 1-1Calhoun-- Street that. every effortshould be made especially in time.ofemergency to tap the talentsof Jabpr.-.y sttess this tapping of laboibtedapse." labor has much to offcithe ^country. This cm best be ac

odrhplished through the elimina.lipri .-of discriminatory.piaiaico-stdSjrardNegro workers such a s

now'exist in the American Cigaiplaht. There is no telling whattalents can be unearted. Certainlyive. need every bit of talent available,now that we are in thenardst of a terrible war," she as.

aerted. .

She commented that tobaccCworkers should be vitally inter1: n iV\u tinirtrt tyy a Vf> ih on t.

"Some of my friends in Holly,wood who make more money thanthe president of the Vnited Statesfeel that they mted the protectiona union offers. Surely workersi>n Charleston, some of themmaking: only 37 cents an hourneed this protection."Before the meeting Miss Morelyhelped distribute CIO leaflets

to the workers at the AmericanXlgaF factory.

Mr. McCrea said that the meeting

and one in a series of meetingsto held every Wednesdaynight as a part of the CIO cam

j>aign in the cigar factory t o

bring a majority of the workersinto the union so that a laboiboard election can be held ir. theplant.Dear Sir:1 am enclosing a press release,which I hope your paper the PalmettoLeader can use.

I would appreciate it very-muchif you would put me on the Irat of youn-pttper trnd.sendme a subscription blank so that Ican take the paper.

_ Sincerely yours.ED McCREA.

International Represents tive,Tobacco Workers Organizing

Committee.CIOP. S..Mr. Ed McCrae, (white)

s a subscribed to The Palmettott~ Leader.


.. Many thanks fo the "Followingdeader during this month: RevsA -T .rpnlfi'nq P ^ liu-r,n ,u.

£ M. Hughes, Silus Middleton, S.BBurgess, W. Ravenell, J.W. Curry

[ ' W. White, William A. Mack. .1W. Murph for 1942-43; Dr. S. SMorris, J. R. Pearson. C. S. Ledbetter,P. R. Tiller, S. H. Scott.

' C: H. Butler, Messrs. F. II. Lawrenceand J. P. Redden. All ofCharleston subscribers' subscripAti.on* end in March, and as w e

only collifct from the ministers atthe Union, J am asking all o four lay readers to - please sendtheir remittances to The PalmettoLeader, Columbia, Drawer 327jThose onhe slate wi!T do Tike<Vwine.

jj THE N. A. A. C. P.

j|W V.'"Greater St. Luke, was crowdedh|et Tuesday nite to witnes3 theflrat meeting of the local branch

* oi the Association under the admfajstration of Dr. J. E. Beard£; president. XTur new leader bark it'torched all of the churches, and

'.* <!|»ey were largely representedm" Nearly a hundred members joiner

that night, f Many of whom won

P*" "4Wm« men tnd Women. Dr. BecrcE.v- tttjeye the confidence o f botha-r> white and colored in Charleston

aM the Aaeociation bids fair u

TUSKKCKE. AI A HAM A.IAlbuquerque, New .Mexico, iccc

School, Miami Beach, FlM'ida.Lieutenant Alnhcus M. Green o

Flying School from l.amrlo-y; FrOffi<i<>ia.Candidate.School. Fortof Pasadena. California. recentlySchool, Miami Bench, Florida. ;

tenant Henry K. Rohlsen, a natiAdministration Othcers' CandidaArmy Flying School,

be th-i largest 'orpan/,:ati6n i nthis city with his leadership.l"HE I N ION

\V:> hi <1 a great session lastMoi'day- *.vOh.lrt--y-. .J; .VN--. Curry\ ice president in charge. Ii:v. "ftI. la 111011. ably drscusscd the necessityOf Negro husitass enterraiseand was highly commendedbv the Union.ST. LI KE_

Fast Sunday was.- n hiiih dav in.< ;r chinch. Crowds rtunded ailof the scrvic.s. The pastor spokeboth, morning and evening' ans

the spirit of the land was there.Let us advance ott our l:n?es.^

ANP NEWS SHORTSContinue 1 from Page 1

all-NtRic program. first'of -i t s

inport;1 nee sin^e "Win'is Ov^iis.I'xpvftt»«l to gtUTt" <" v--r

th> -v."Uv»'S from here in theI near ,"iiU~e. The first rec ord wasmade !: st Tuesday by a laiji -'

|" imp >it loml colore1, artists anddawn immediately to CBS headImarr-rs in N\w York for coitfira atioii and suptffsti>ns. if any.The artists who nude the1 recording.which m course of Unto willbe charted as a niilcsthne in labialhistory, were Hattie McDaniel,Hen Carter. Manton Moreland,Ernest Whitnim, Savannah Charchill.Benny Carter's orchestra.'the Lwnel Morgan Tiio. the Charioteers.ami the "Blueberry liiilAir Show." named after > :<

I.o* Angeles who; t».the.majnrii ,vof the colored movie stars and a

number .of prominent businessnul professional figures live infine two and three stojy manbmis.

Cam]) Lee, Va..The latest additionto this camp's area ol soldierathletes is gentlemanly Ha r:ry Bobo., one of the nations top*ranging heavyweights. Hobo arvivedat this post a fortnight aanand has been nssLntd to QuartermasterSection Two of the L'.'JCthService tin it,

Washington.What is the i ntpp'tof the photograph r.-cent]vprinted in dai'ly papers showingJim Farley, "Genial Jim" as liejs sometime.-; called, posing in amost friendly fashion with GovernorBricker of Ohio? Of courseFarley is a Democrat and an anti-NewDealer, whii.* Bricker isthe Republican uho has been endorsedby many- as his ~p;:fTy'.nextcandidate for the presidencyof the United Statcs on the GOPticket. What';; Cooking?London.Six weeks of field

work in a New York social agencyand Geneva Holmes of Greensbora, X. C. would have completedrequirements for her master orarts degree at Columbia university.I41 her case field work was toreplace the customary thesis,~thesubject of 'which was "Guidance

Holmes is in the American RedCross Duchess club, new servicefop-Negro enlisted men, doing heifield work 2000 miles away fromhome and for an unlimited period.

Wilberforce. Ohin.When Wilherforcpuniversity was first placidupon the accredited list of collegesof the North Central Associaiionot i olteges and Secondaryschools m 1 (JM'.h a hoard of threadvisers fTTJW white colteges wasnamed to review the '.vuik r.f theinstitution and report annually tcthe mrefng- of the North CentralAssociation. This hoard -continued>n operation, visited th;> schooland made its annual criticismsThis year's annual meeting of theassociation wrs held last weekj and tile board of adviser^ aftci(escribing the "marked improvems-nt" made under the admimstrntion of President Charles II. Wes.ley. rccomrpended thrt Wilberforce be continued on ti^o accred

j ited list, without condition. Thecommittee also ordered the discharge of the advisers.

""Washington.The state department last week admitted that thilegations of Hcitr and Dominical-Repuhlie h«yp both hecrr clcvateito the; rank of embassies, placinjall governments in South and Ceitral America and the Carribean

IAtl o r» »%-> o«f m 1'ivniKi uiv: IfVUl el

that held hy thp major governmenU of tht» world in this canita

I Minneapolis, Minn..It took only 40 minutes for a jury of eigh

1 women and four men, all whrt<? to return a verdict frr favor o1 Leon Jack Craven jn a suit all leging discrimination on accour, of color against Berhard J. (ioij aghty, who operates a beer ta\

'i x ......


ma<%. , ...

Left to right, Lieutenant Omar D. EI«_ii11y giiiduatcd from the Air Corps AcHe has been assigned to the Tuskegetf Philadelphia, PeruisyIvania, recently treld. Virginia. Lieutenant Green was c

O" tC.-hinmy ; St'CUlgraduated from the Air Corps A dmmd assigned to the Tuskegee Armve. of St. Croix, Virgin Islands, recentlyte School, ^liami HeacTij Florida, "and

cm. The jitiy awarded .Mr. Cray-< n S-100 damages in upholding tit':.M innc-sota rivii ngnis--st; Autowhich protect.; Negroe s from < is-

l imrnatit'.g pnutices in thy ftate.r 1 c \vfTTf'~jpr7sT~T7s tc? tiiu d in '

i-t'iuii «>i uu» f>ut:nuii.


This news writer vis/cod Cal- '

4 vai y A MK chcreh Saiuioy..I.w-as.1not then- for iSumlay school, but\v: s on tin:i* for p ea hiitu: scr- '

j \ ice.^ l|lb' ^Kcv. ^A '''-'dan's

| he preached a sr.,1-stirring; ser->nron. After which the lloly Cmu-

! immion' was served. Thp toiler- '

tion was good. Thou* were .sev»n. '

e.l visitors in the mornini; set vice '

Hr. S. K. Green of < irnnjiebuvg. ,

who gave a helpfvl talk; Prof. N. ,1..- Iknr. 'tt of Mnnctl;'.. also raw

A. short :fiul: hcl|)*.;.l. talk Private !jTommy HwrrHl of Cam)) VVhreki(in., was also a vzsitor. .


at. Matthi\*s ("ME ChurchKev. J. K. McAcinms.1 Pastor

This reporter was told there- wasa food attendance at this church .

tTFRTlhe services were good. with 1

a good collection. j:*'Social News | ,

Mr. and. Mis. .1. A. Abney. Mrs, 4Ida Coleman of Saluda. Mrs. AnnieNelson of New Smyrna Bra -1 . :

F!a., Miss I.eanna Mitchell Day-tona Peach. Fir.., w< n- v/sitors of;?Mr. ami Mrs. II. P. Drafts 1; st j

_ i'l ;i it ii Th:a-i' are ivh.ti c s

Mrs. Drafts.-Pvt. Tommy llor: ieil of Camp

Wneel. r. Ga.. was her.' this wei ; jnil v i iiv r in i.l 1- .i- At - 1

j Ich Honied. umt n;hw: relativ-s. jMrs. Tom None* has news from .

P\Ti !L«.'s~tUT Dent. her flit r s«>»i, "

11hat h(> is somewhere in India. At- "

j so !'»t. (\ Lindsay. I"-t. Lindsay.u -i'oo s->n of Mr«. 1L--Sp or


« Leesvilie. Pvt. I.. S. Stromal) is '

in ("'imp Lee. \Pvt. LoomBotm.light, Pvl. Egypt WVcoLmarc in Camp Gordon, Augusta. AGeorgia. I;

Misses T.orean Summers, Doro- ithy. 1L Kumunds and Gladv-: Kth- jeretUe of Bettis Jr. ColU-ifo sp» nt !

the week end at home.Mrs. Eunice Summ is and hoi- j '

davchui Jotlie spont the weekj mi in Charlotte. N. C.. > isiting |hor so?: 11 on i y. who is ill and l.asT"|boon in '.ho hospital. We hope forhim an. early recovery.

Miss Geneva Anderson was the (*

gtrrst of Miss Florence Lindsayand A'!ell Johnson Saturday. )

Mrs. Matilda liuyts spent sometime in the home of Mrs. Pesr-!Johnson Sunday. Mrs. F.tfie Drafts ;

- and thivj? small children spent ..

Sunday with Mrs. Pearl Johnson.Miss Louise Adders, Mrs. Pom- <

pey and two daughters and Mrs. ^Hattiv A tigers spent Soi. lSy 1 11Columbia with Mrs. Rosa DennisMrs. PompeyV elder daughter. \


Zion Baptist church and BethelA. M F. church are er.gSiged in aonlest which terminates Monday

r.igi t. May -T to determine which-hall excel in the emfcavor to

-.... 11.<1 111 riiu bb.i-,.* : ~r :_r~im.-v i:iv,ii'iu,"U m-iwi'l'l) t ne UVIl I ;| .-hurt-lies. Ba h church lias on a.,

Ll ^5.tiU<L'jU elLul l. To-vutc f r oithei Ichar. h tVni' ni' tin.. -4*dla4v-fTheseone dollar vote,. determine I

I.thu .a.iinur, linl n U<«v .1-.hh.((''» < .cr. pastor of Zion and Rev. II. .1Jefferson, pastor of Bethel, arcextremely tonfident that they wy'lomeryre victorious at (he end of t ocontest. Officers of both churches

i hav£ confided to the PalmettoLeader that the flatr of their r*esrectivp churches must he kept

.tvtof t, and never tottrh the ftroundThi<! should prove to he an epochmaking event in Columbians ecclesiastic annals, as both churchesfare well thouc-Ht of -by the Onlum--bia populace, regardless of dcnoin|mational affiliations.


} j Little Mountairu .S CL-.Lastj Sunday. Rev. W. R. Bowman pas^tor- of the A ME curch here preaeh

" lr«fHa stirring sermon. Tt put thes many pcoplo who hoard it in t^o? nroner attiU'de to receive the

Lord's Supper which wa« ndmin-i?t»vodoftri.Iti!1 sorri'.on.' We werevery glad to have the home teo"hjor worship with as, a'?o Mrs. TfeJ.

'' on Bowmen Osbornp of ColumbiaBowman's nice, Mrs.'.Jesfs'o Cark «n"pt Fridsv ami Sotur-'day in Columbia with relatives &it friends. Little Pearling Boyd is

'* still a patient in the Columbia hos.r* pital.


1 I;,

;ur, i-siii Miun -irnn cured,iministration Officers Candidatej Army Flying Scliool. Secondansferred to the Tuskegee Armyommission at the Signal Corps;iiTT.1mitcIuuvi-4ohn IC William*

inistrationOfTlcers' Candidatey Belying School. Second Lieugraduatedfrom the Air Corpsivas" assigned to the Tuskegee

Tll.L'l \N" NKWS"fc I

TT> Id«'vir Marshall

Sunday iviir- -a- grand day and <

"~ri yinu' w:e.- enjoying (In «.|U' and tin- ch'tah ua^ we.I packMiwith i..j i.'iMiiiu is ami \i Ho:s. i\ev. Hiiieniiir .was at hi* hist «s--* and tie diliveivd tile mor.ingmissag,- fi'i n John Them'.ivr.s Men- 'U'li pirns;d witu Hig__;UVt in.v: for fh.- day. (\ mo out5hk Fundn,.' and withs. O'.ir Ka.-ti-r p. o,e'"u:ii bcyinst : ":!» t 1.. : ;>jt. Hrii"|p!.. Mi-.<s Krv.'in. licv. '

flUUSO.v ar.'l .Wl.'.JoT' O :*Y wove fU" '

o! air. aiid .iir-.-J.L On- Sa'nk.y. by.. U»r > .-la- '

YiH'd aT CT. .M S;ov'aTT. TTiiios- ~'.ilio.(la..Mk-f.l.r-K. iiandit': of Wistliryinia. r.rv teavhin,;' at Mather...ho* 1. a ra 'la- v. mi: i I'd '."ic.-! tildir., V." iiluvn:- -Marvhr.ll. Mr:-. My '

I. SI.i'o- who fi'-oV1* at Klli-4<:vr.. uily a : Mr. S at"'- ovailh iut for thy wi c k t r.d. Mr. i

- I'.tl'l' fH"- fl-Oill S''llU or. I rof0. Ih !h>\ inn sPi nt th > '.vcf'k o:v!l CJfap'iabtS'tr v'sitiny: hi-- mother.T! id!'* f'onijjpunity v-hool iicM 5

ts :ir-t Poriii" b'mtiva] hot Fri- fiay. T'o affair v.'a^ attended hy

lare(. .r-rwd inclad in.? visit vy-Vw'n'tr th" visitors worn Mi'. II. r.iValkcr.. ~F"pt.: Mr*.. C rt,T. :d-


nndaat*" frchnv for rbe co'.mt" 'l I Mr«. R. C. "I'v";?, .Tn: r"<! ft'-' 'hi r. Ti e fe.-'.iva! was cnj »/ d. I

d Announcement

.. a:ir vuu-i 'he tr-ivrawo of h- "7;Hi:rU r \"I; yinia Frances to Mr i.lafld I Ma» al1 <>i' WalVr- \<»» » y. Mav;. 'l. T;«n

*A': s pi ) for"'. ;! at ;hcV'-v "f th I'. -F.'tt. Paii-j! ja". S. f 'F*h m- Tipsi-*in r a' Ii,. a > >...

TR raptor itr.rrRNSM'K! V


\\ c wen yl;* ! t o have orr pasorrun lay 1'.fi' eel4

lie's from Gi o: jrot o\\ 11, S. 'f lu inakin; it-vricr;** s;-.- m 'i -r the'

oadershiu o. Reaion Sum\V. M, *

-'flats. ) > >,, Rev. {. S.~So:i <n' 1

uriuily liupu=M,- Sumter.yaVfmerestmy remark*. *

At the numuiny Services theastor bi-firyht a saul s*.ivrir./ ser- '

ttttti Trtrtctr .see m. <h- t njoyrrr1 *

,,ij I'IV, ( v-n <>. Den- v

alict coHeyc and Rev. Sears oc- ^upied t 'e pulpit. Other visitor*»ere nnseiu: A liberal erlSe. tior> i '

va^tahi-n tin the drive !' >> orphan- | 1tire <>f yonny ;rir!s. |<Mit. F..X. Taylor is d., nice-j,y in her work as th insist an* I;

et retary of the MA AC P.,The tho;.i? vere tilled to their ,

opacity and sally with upliftedoices.At 0> o'clock Communion was

;erved wit", an.t»:i«ual ht'rvc a*ondanpe.The re'rnhir «ervi ea at ('aid nr.i. followed by Diiiiii"m; jYou are always welcome to vi«-t and see what profrVKsivo strid sve are making at T'nion.,

.Mrs. Daisy D. Williams, reporter j)


.Sendee.vcari.a.Deautif 1 rtiryiii*l ouite a number attend.d theservive throughout the dry. -The

m.. the i.amrr"of whobakes Aw;iv the .Sing of the Ju nriti. . injuring- was-the mes- Js; ire to eve-ynoe, w csin hutsnv. did not our hearts burn,while the man of flod talked. Immediatiiy nft' r church service £orthe morning the missionaries metin a business meeting. More than$17 from i: talent rally was reported.Officers ware elected anda delegate to the Woman's BaptistAssociation wap elected.Sunday school and BVPU in

the rfternoon was very good.X'trht scrwce Tiegan at H o'clock,and another wonderful messagewas delivered.

All plrms for our 70th chtrrdranniversary are will under way.The (Student rally at Bethlehem

Hi school Monday nite was a trementions success. Over two hun- |dred "and twenty-three dollars); 1 T> r t* .CI *11 1wvir !« I i«fl. Vj. (D, AlU'n UEH1his co-workrrs cannot 1 >.* praisedtoo highly for their untiring cffor-worthy.institution..

The, Capital City Quartet willmake -Its second appearance atBethlehem Baptist church Mondaynitf April lfith. Those who heardthem before were \vTI pleased andh; ve been agrly awaiting thiireturn. Let's come out in largenumbers and make the programa success. '


TV *


A*y'^- >>1,' Ml. .. B".|,~

Kvents This Weeki

Alonday. April Hth, club organ-/a.ion ona'ting. Colonial Heights".Tuesday, April 6t.InvcsjUlurovnovsie s for Troops 164 and 165


Wednesday, April Ttii.Club ortanizalionmeeting,.. Allcn-lietruTI i'vj .

Thursday, April fith.Court oflor;or. Father ami Son night.Grange ijtrre. ""

TKOOl' 163 I.KXiXfiTON

Tin* melting opened with the"eel';, (.hit. ami Law. Most of thisro t ins; was of a business nature:i order to h'ip strengthen oil:mop. The committoenicn haveecn invited to attend a specialreeling to show them nur pro-rress ami also oarneeds.Scoutmaster H. W. tliliiard i jnviting »i 1« of oar om

v.iii,!ty to join lis ill t ie good 6K1 |" spirit. '.Ve are veiy" » Hidj.-hint as uu'' 'mailer..

Th.mia^ Minis. Scribe

TKFOP 1*2 orangkih IK;

Meeting was :;uv?ted by singing |'God llle-s America" and thewont Oath. Scouts reported their |loud Turns. The Father andMin banquet was sc'cdeled forli.ri] S at'-SUite college.We went" on a hike tii0 27th of

(larch and had* a fine time. Therevas u treasure hunt and" cookingonti st. The air of Spring wasleasing to i s all. Well, so long


I gu >< everyone has been lock-FTZ liv-. cnv.-oo.r' TCt wr rommn...t on a eolilit ot illness "Tjreeiv-vend ha.-, been silent. Aii cr.uri.h-s in iJr. ensviiix! a-i c putting tlieii

,t. st. vault to put- over a beUCx00 for this year, <iiui cv- ;iy dciuii'uneat in i e duiuho«.nis to i>.' 1". nctioning. Special'la.'.' is are constantly being niadlfii' the sticcTiss of our armed lore-s throughout the e.itarches. Se»-cos \v.nt on yesterday at all

.... «. o ....,....

apei ;i spec at1 communion >er- 1

i.<> v.n- held, Ute Pastor, He v. K.\ Jnhraon ureac 11! a nw-; sermon. A good collection. Ivas taken after wi.itn he inlmia.-lered t i- Lord's Supper. 1'hUpiing raliv is on and \ve are took-

i.gfoiwiiixi to a grand success!t-verv member seems tn-bv"ffPT,T't"

villi enthusiasm to do thoil best.>n account ol" the gloomy weather>n thr third- Sunday in Ma rem tiie jally was postponed, but watchhe rally go and listen, for the sueess. t'onie to Weston chapel thettlrst-curort crurch in" town ard 1

he first spot that God .1n Greenwood for Mis sewLv, a-

ror.g our 'people.. ('onto Sunday.nd remain for the Missionary s

ir.niediately after preaching. Were]come you.

1'vt. George D a! has again vis_-:ted his wife, his mot er. hrnth

rKand sisters and Pvt. LewisFTs iier also" vijoted ' .'tis pa rets.\fr. and Mrs. Fisher.Mr. and Mrs. L. V, and O. D.

Walker on Hospital St, gave a

birthday nau'.y for Mrs. Jtdia To]. Ilert on tiie '271s of March. Mr. |Folk art celebrated her. T.'lrd Ilay which v.a^ vary enjoy;;hie.

>it. in:nnoN cnritcii.

Kev. S. J. Johnson. Pastor

Sunday- school 4*M*er»--t»4.appointed.hour with Sunt., Mrs. 1 *i-is.iliaJa(u: i;i H1 char:;: . I lia ;i lvani'! class \va-- taught by .Mis.Alii> M. MeMoiris. The hr/onwas discussed hy> all. We had uii ej.resc ntati'.'iu attendance. T"Hchurchis moving along smoothly,and it appears that t e people ho- ca mind to wol'U for tilings iiotlispiritual and temporalAt 12 o'clock t e pastor preach

od a title heart felt sermon. Subject:Demonstration of Cod'sPower. II Samuel 14:13.The Mt. Hebron Women Missionarysociety was called to order

after service by the PresidcnTMrsPlnniir I )nl'1r»v 51 hv \tPriscfiTa .JacTkson. Business of importaisce was Carried nut. A col-

Mis,.. Annette Under a senior .at ]Drayton St. school was a visitor atMi. Hebron. She sanp Lord IHave Faith in You, which was enjoyedby all.

Mlis. Georgia Levan froip Col urnbia was t e guest of Mrs. Alice B.Me Morris.

Th0 funeral service of Mrs. IreneWilliams of Detroit, Michigan wasvery sad. She leaves to mournHer husband, Mareello Williams:seven sisters, five brothers and aFost of friends.

Mrs. A. C. Bcdenbaugh, reporter


~~ : _.jj

:rica Is'.l ni.vt week.I lli'iman (Hover, Scribe.

TUOQl' l.i7 OLUMBiAWe mot on time as usual at

&'.X"H > z t>'.I. The Oath jjunLLawwere repeated iTyall. This wasfollowed with a jiis.ussion on howTn^T scouts cou'id ami should adt

(riui.'ctj(1 by o~r S. our.Ulster, Mr.W. ,J. Lillian'.. The mooting.end--,ed with thL. Gnat Scoutmaster's'benediction.. Cannon, ScribL.: .,TROOP l.-.l


church with two stars, in honor olthe toys who ; ave yoiie to the a weir.iir roast and a baseball'vaihe. We really had a very, "linelime. Our troop is getting alongvoiy nicely and our scoutmaster!setuns la be proud of us. We have-]sm.eral new * members, most.(, fwirbiu- have their unitorms.' MterHof ot r boys have nassi d the ten-.itt fo >t test and lust C lias gone Jlo star and second C. Tne only;reason \\\» did hot yet to tileCourt of Honor was Oceauso wedid not lind the place where it wasictti; but v. e will surely be on!hand next time. We have three |points now, a;ut there "are .about ibS boys in our-troop. -We stillnave a program ahead of us thatpromises u,. a swell time. Morenews next time.

K. Gunthorp. Jr.. ?cribc \Plan For Summer Camp Now


Snni^av. M ; rth ^ Miss LL_|Pha; rj ."Mti and (ith grade teach- jels ox tile* Pickens s? tool render-ed a wonder;ui program in tticschool auditorium. Mi:?.-; Pharihad "the Pickens ,7 .."bik e Fingers Jetioi consisting of ceiidrcn, ten jto-fifteen years of agi who havebeen well trained under ho* lead-crsl:.i_tL v ci r.uig!Py r ,< n01 c d. [with a group of white friends whoweha entertained to the uttermost.;

licv. and Mrs. L. V." Curry andbrot: er attended the funeral olMr. Davis in Pendleton. Al-ril

Mr. i leyward Rbsenvmd son ofMr. and Mr.*. J/ I.. Roseir.ondiet't Frid.ty for Orttngtb-urg wherehe has lie; 11 a student at State jcollege. for several years.

Miss livolyn Pliarr spent theweek end at lione w ith her par--ints .My and Mrs. Dunn Pharr, ;1,'oek 11 ill. tPckens is proud that one tgd- jored girl Braved it by volunteer-

ing for the WVAAC, Miss MinnieCraig.

Principal M. X. Sullivan, themost untiring an energetic leaderof the Pickens s.heol l as beerteaching food production in sev- joral schools in Pickens county.Many Victory Gardens are beingplanned through ins successfulwork. Principal Sullivan has pro.ven t.i lie .one of many outstand- :

ir.g agricultural iro n we've had inPickeiu. count". He's never tooirusy to help you solve your fraruenproblems, also you:- poultryproblem"

Mis.s V. V. Walters who nowresides in Greenville spent theweek end in Pickens with Mr. andMis. F. E. McDonald. Miss Wattorshas taken up "'Child WelfareCare" in Greenville. She served::s Jean re 1" n Chtr TTr I'| !; m-'

county for seven years.T.-(> Pickcn* County Singing.

.convent irn vr.TUT tit ""th<f Mr R; tchurch.- Sundry( -Aprit~4th" - *t

111; 't'I'MiVr Mi.M a in P o.-o0'om 1. PMJ'kAiMei'o>n;Mrs. Er.rti.; 11 veins am st-li on tinJek lot. We trust them a speedyrecover.SubceriH , f,.r the Palmetto I.end 1

rr an I tlv i(rc;o Defenderbuy' a" sine;in copy for f>c and 10cfrom Master James Thomas f!ur-cress, Pickens.


Efttle Ernianise Mildred WhiteTiu i ;..<U/to,. Mowi.

241 h at the honip of her gvand-parents. Rev, and Mrs. FrankWhite.

Misse,,, T. O. White and Willie-Ponalley spent the week end -with-.Mr. and Mrs. A Hard Lewis of Mul-lins. Th«y reported a very fin&Jtime. Miss Nellie P. CI rant wast; e week end guest of Mis,. Ca: -

lie Robinson. Miiss E. W. Aaronspent the week end at her home inCamden. Miss Mildred Staggerswept, to Lanes, S. C.Thc following student.,, from

Pettis Jr. college spent the weekend home: Mis'ses Rosa I,ee MejCutchen, Jacquelyn Burgess, Fran

| eess Puffin and I.illie Ann Press!lcy.Miss Annie Pressley camehome from Morris College sick.' She is improving nicely,.



at. Matthew Bnntist Chu:»:hliev. J. W. Mat his, PastorSunday school opened rt the

os",ml hoar with the FTipt. J. B.Beats in charge. The lesson was !beautifully taught in the variousclasses.Go'dcn Grove AME Church-Krv;jf. W. Itobinspa,...Pastor..

Tlte.Jii'f;.t rShndry in A pi M was? > ciy bee.1 t iTul.tlay: -anti a veryprosperous day at THe GoldenGrove church. At 12:33 o'clockthe pastor delivrcd a meessfgethat war. inspiration to all. ^

| 'And again at 6 p.m. th? con;gr?grtion favored with an.c4_a»r such message by the pastbrTCnl!".'tii'ij $22.0".

^vice was a Gold Queen Contest,sponsored bv Mrs. J. W. Robin

rsom.A-be.ftrllowing rrmt^stanTs( "portedas follows: MargaretThompson $3.20; Sylvia R. ByrdS2.10; la is King St.70; Luara .LWashington SO;; Martha HurtsOOc. Total collection S18.7-'. MissMarim ret- -The mnsnn was crowned(|ueen by rrv.-ing the highest amount.

Several deacons and membersof-St. Muttjuw church worshippedat our church on Sunday. Visitorsare always welcome.

Sund: v school at the usualho> v with Supt. Houston'Thompsonin charge. Lesson taught bythe Sup*.

i no ijjuiii'j; Auxiliary Club Nn.1 will hold its regular weeklymeeting on Sunday at 4 p.m. atthe home of Mrs. Elba.('unlet.Members are asked to b^'presMit.

Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Robinsonwere dinner guests. of Mr", and"Mrs. .James Slater on Sunday.Playmates and friend^ are sorryto learn that Antho Williams

_is confined at her home with anattack of mumps.

Also on the sick list are I.ittleHelen Jackson and Barbara JeanMcCullough. \V( hope for th.un aspeedy recovery.

Mr. Lathan Boycp and Mr. Johnny Lee underwent their first examinationslast week for the U.S. Army.


Tip. Amerivan Red Cross "WarFund Committee under the chairmanshipof Prof. Ww T. Boggs,Mrs. G. A. Parker, secretary-andMr, E. P. Graham treasurer, andthe following members canvassedand mrde the following report:Mrs. Annie Dial $11.25; Air. G.Bowie 52KS0; MET CT A. Dean.'i'll.lU;.Mr. E. S. $'J."i.OO:Mrs, M. L. Harris $1<G.40; MissGladvs Gii.Tm $4.04; Mr AndrewBates $17.00; Prof. W. T. Boggs

iI. Good? $21.00; Mr. MillrgeGriflin $0.15; Mrs. Essie Campbell$8.75-; Mis. Amanda Stephen $10;Airs. Georgia A. Parker $12.07;Ninety Sl'x High school $47.00;Center Graded school $6.05; Total>Jn8.7.>.

Mr. Sam Benjamin passed' uwavWednesday night after a

long illness. Funeral services wereheld Sunday at Trinity. Rev. J.S. I)al. his pastor offieiatiny. TheBethlehem choir assisted with th'jmusic for the sad occasion. Mr.Benjamin was a fine church workerand a devoted father.

Everybody withMrsT'Carrie" Rodgcrm n the deathof her daughter Mrs. ChristineNance Saturday morning at'teifom1 months illnessr "She was "ITmember of the Ushers' Board inBethlehem.

Service at Bethlehem was \ cr;r~good Sum'ay night.Deacon James Davis hrs en a

wonderful rally plan to raisifunds to improve our church, letus tret busy.The Missionary society will

sponsor a Pew tally Sunday afUrnoon. present.

Mrs. Lucia Bishop of Atlantawas the guest of Mrs. Dcan andParker Tuesday night.MT. CARMEL AME CHURCH

Rev. I). C. Brown, Pastor

Sunday school opened at thewrmmT hour with Bunt. Fergusonand officers at their posts. 'I heless ini was l'tw U'WOtl by the pastoi

Preaching service began immediatelyaftr Sunday school.~Scf i'pturc lesson was found in iliebook o.Llizekiel.. II is theme was

The Baptist of John was Not Essent;ai. l o pastor seemed i e

have ITeen Til his hesT7 Our heartswere made to burn while theman of God talked to us by the..way. The collection was good.

Rev. and Mrs. Brown were thedinner quests of Mr. and Mrs. A.X. Saxon.

Mrs. Srsic Stoddard is in \Vrsl\ingtoiu..JD." C., visiting her sickdaughter, Mis. Nannie Peterson.We hope that she will soon reeover.


Rev. R. A. Drown. Pastor

Sunday was a lovely day for ailchurch ffocrs. We ar^ happy to Ireport that our services were,good. Mrs. Victorn Gordon 4indMrs. Viattie Gilliard had Rev. PaulFncmond to prea:n for them. TheHoly Spirit dwelt among us whilehe pleached a soul stjring sermon.Tfce sermon was highly oivjoyedjhy all. The collection was.$10.05.I, From lime to tinio-difTerent rallieswill lx; coming off, w'oiTTd likefor everyone to be present everySqnday tfya^itTTrxs'thenr..

Cpl. Ezeklc Franklin iq homeoil a furlough of fourteen daysvisiting friends and relatives. Wewere very glao to see him.


Saturday. April 10, 1013 J

Classified AdvertisingColumn

Special Notices, Curds of ThanksMet»<>riam». Hirth Announcements |Marrinjre Announcements etc. are '

charged for at the rate of 10c perline. Cash m ist accompany theorder. Minimum cha^jfe 60c


In sweet remembrance of ouiUVi. I U41L ^i:u*l, .".Ml I IHIII Tw-mr%

Mi's. Jur.nitr Peterson Mitchell,who depnrted this life six years

April 11, 1H37.Rest" where there is peaceHer daughter, husband, mother

~tnts~of relat TOs i "il ftiends.


.dn.s?ul but loving memory.of.our own dear cousin. Jim Brown,who remitted this li'fe July JW,11112.Your pla'-e is empty, dear cousin,How ou. muI hearts: yearn.If thatrenrti! oiily~1>e for your

fretr.vtr;Clod vivo us grace and strength,Our faith and hope renew';For you will not return tomil we go iO you.

Calm is thy slumber as an infant'ssleep;Hut thou shalt wake no more to

Thine is a perfect rest, secure anddeep. . ; 1



In sad but loving memory of ourdeai' mother, Mrs. Mary M. Edvvaids,who departed this life twoyears ago. March 10, 1941.In far distant grave-yard,Winer the trees tnmr blanches.

u avc; .:..

Dies our darling Mother,Whom we tried, but could not


From this world of grief and sorrow;To a land of peace and rest,God has taken you dear Mother;Where there is everlasting rest.

Peacefully sleeping, resting atlast.

Life's weary trials and sufferings.past;

In silence you suffered, in patienceyou bore;L'ntil God called you home to sufferno more.



In loving' memory of myVDear.Mother. Eugenia Ellis Allen, whodeparted" "this life Api ii 12,~PJ32.'There is no death.Thci stars go downriV> shjne upon a fairer shore.Her influence will live forever."

Devoted daughterO.-'C'EOI.A E. ALLEN".

EBKNEZER AMK CHURCHRev. 1). N. Wilson,-Pastor

Charleston.Wo are happy to i

sty that on last Sunlay it \va<t a ]day of Pentecost with our churchail day. At 11 a. in. our pastorpreached a great sermon on the"subject ChirPs Desires for Fellowship.lie- preached as never before.>lrny "yuL tvrrr madw t oToel happy. One person confessed

At 7:."U Lc brought 'anotherand 12 persons joined the church.great message on the subject ThePower of "Secret Prayer. It was agieEt sermon. More than 5 hundredpersons communed duringthe day. The collection during-the'day and the class reports by theleaders were the host the churchhas ever had. The church wasrrowrhrrf- rtl day." Many visitorswere present from all over thecity and out of the city.

Sunday school wn s conductedat the usual hour by the Supt.Mr. Joseph Kinloch. The A. C. E.f .outrun xi'oo ^ nA. ... »» «.* o vuiiuutU'U «IL UIOU p.m.. by the president Mr. F. M.Branch. Both were largely attended.Our chureh is moving onas never before. Bray that oursuccess will continue.


I'ROORKSPIVE MT. OLIVEC M. E. CHURCH .' ^"CTtbort. S.C. T7nst Sunday Rev.1. M. Rlassingame, pastor of Proi;;r*.\nr .^It 01 i vp._L jJ Li, lunchdelivomiL. an inspiring message.fromthe subject "What are yougoing to-'1 do, then, with Jesus?"There was one accession, J. W.Dent who was happily converted,"baptized, an received intoIhersbip at the service and jHithe right hand of Christian iellowshin.Th(» Holy Conimunioa 'was administered at the night seivvi.-e. Collection for tbo day $24.g;..


Vera Keniur, Reporter ^Sunday was a beautiful day.for all church goers. Th« Sundayschool was at, its best. All teachers

wore at their posts. The lessonwas beautifully discussed and enjoyed.Collection $1.85. AfterSunday school the Society washeld which was enjoyed by all..Everyflflnis vary sorry to knowof Mrs. Raifovd's illness, who is w

in the Aiken hospital. Wp hope['she will soon be able to comehome. Wo are glad to know Mr»..Trrm Konner is better at this writ-mcr.Don't forget the PTA meetingeach Wednesday night at t h Everyone is asked to at» .jsI tend.

, J