Satis!yYourNeedto Know OnugResoue · 2005. 5. 20. · ByJohn R. Lamarsh, PolytechnicInstitute...

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Transcript of Satis!yYourNeedto Know OnugResoue · 2005. 5. 20. · ByJohn R. Lamarsh, PolytechnicInstitute...

Page 1: Satis!yYourNeedto Know OnugResoue · 2005. 5. 20. · ByJohn R. Lamarsh, PolytechnicInstitute ofNewYork Expertcoverageofthenuclearfield withanemphasison nuclearpowerplants. You'll

Satis!yYourNeedto KnowOnugResoue Boks forYourPersonal

and Professifonal Libraty frmAddison-Wesley

Which books"A very well written book by an accom-

plished author. This book could be utilizedby virtually anyone associated with thenuclear industry." Craig E. Davies,Bettis Reactor Engineering School

Introduction to Nuclear EngineeringBy John R. Lamarsh,Polytechnic Institute ofNew YorkExpert coverage of the nuclear field with an emphasis onnuclear power plants. You'll discover the most recentnuclear data as you explore reactor types, reactor criticality,reactor safety, heat removal, the effects of radiation andshielding, and the environmental effects of nuclear power.626 pages, $17.95The Contents: The scope of nuclear engineering. Atomic and nuclearphysics. Interaction of radiation with matter. Nuclear reactors and nuclearpower. Neutron diffusion and moderation. Nuclear reactor theory. Thetime-dependent factor. Heat Removal from nuclear reactors. Radiationprotection. Radiation shielding. Reactor safety and radioactive effluents inthe environment.

"May well become a classic. It is stimulat-ing, comprehensive, and of lasting value."-M. E. Mickelson, Denison University

OpticsBy Eugene Hecht and Alfred Zajac,Adelphi UniversityFilled with excellent diagrams and illustrations (602 in all),Hecht and Zajac's highly acclaimed OPTICS offers you athorough, detailed study of both the traditional topics andmodern developments such as multilayered thin films, fiberoptics, spatial filtering, transfer functions, quantum optics,nonlinear optics, modulation, and holography.572 pages, $17.95The Contents: A brief history. The mathematics of wave motion. Electro-magnetic theory, photons, and light. The propagation of light. Geometricaloptics-paraxial theory. More on geometrical optics. The superposition ofwaves. Polarization. Interference. Diffraction. Fourier optics. Basics ofcoherence theory. Some aspects of the quantum nature of light. Sundrytopics from contemporary optics.

are for you?"An excellent reference, it covers all themajor aspects of the subject and on a

high scientific level. C. R. Gatz, PortlandState University Ii

Fundamentals of Air PollutionBy Samuel J. Williamson,New York UniversityDrawing on the fields of psychology, medicine, chemistry,physics, engineering, and the atmospheric sciences, thisbook relates the causes, evolution and effects of air pollu-tion. Not a "clean air crusade," but a balanced scientificview of what is currently known on the subject.472 pages, $15.95The Contents: Introduction. Some adverse effects. The atmosphere. Energybalance of the earth. Macroscale circulation. Meso- and micrometeorology.Effluent dispersal. Sulfurous smog. Stationary sources and their control.Photochemical smog. Motor vehicle controls. Aerosols. Ambient and emis-sion standards. Pollution control strategies. Appendices. Questions.Problems.

"Excellent - succinctly but completelycovers the field." Wilbur R. Enns,University of Missouri

Biological SystematicsBy Herbert H. Ross, University of GeorgiaHere is your clearly-written, cohesive guide to the princi-ples and practices of modern systematics for both plantsand animals. Covers investigation of systematic problems,the biological processes of speciation, phylogeny, pathwaysof ecological diversification, and much more.345 pages, $13.95The Contents: Systematics and its development. Investigating systematicproblems. The material basis of systematics. Scientific reasoning in system-atics. The biological processes of speciation. The interpretation of contem-poraneous species. Phylogeny. Fossils and time. Geographic dispersal.Pathways of ecological diversification. Classification. The future ofsystematics.

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