Satish prasad bangalore india_satmd410




Transcript of Satish prasad bangalore india_satmd410

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Introduction Hybrid cars use a vision system to detect other vehicles, respond to traffic signals, And avoid pedestrians and obstacles.

This also includes information on road and weather conditions, route directions, vehicle diagnostics, anti-collision warnings, thedriver's physiological status, etc.

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What are the features of hybrid cars ?

They can see, hear, feel, smell, talk and act.

They can eliminate most car accidents.

They can alert the police and provide precise location if stolen.

They can monitor one’s driving and the driving condition nearby.

They can alert the driver who feels drowsy.

They can locate your car precisely and warn of traffic jams.

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Technologies related to Hybrid cars

Technologies related to Hybrid cars and

modern technologies to improve safety. These

technologies are broken down into four

broad, distinct classifications of devices:-

Collision avoidance adaptive cruise control Imaging Navigational aids

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Collision Avoidance

Various systems combines an eye tracker, which checks

where the driver is looking, and differential global

positioning system, which is designed to allow the system to

keep track of its location both on the planet and in relation

to other similarly equipped vehicles.

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Adaptive Cruise Control

Adaptive cruise control is a new concept that is being explored by many

automakers and researchers for the Intelligent Vehicles Initiative. These

systems seek to allow a car to not only maintain its speed, like traditional

cruise control, but also its distance from cars in front of it. A perfect

example is the system being developed for the Jaguar line of cars. To use

it, the driver simply enters a speed and a distance (in seconds) to keep

between themselves and the car in front of them.

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A competing adaptive cruise control concept, called the Platoon system,

is also being developed by the University of California. Two kinds of

sensors were responsible for keeping the vehicles bearings- 9 sensors

monitored speed and engine performance, while actuators controlled the

throttle and brakes. An antenna mounted on each car allowed it to

communicate with the front few vehicles.

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Imaging Technology

Another area of study is how to enhance the vision of humans in situations

where they may not be able to see very clearly. Few companies are testing

a concept similar to that used in Night Vision Goggles, where sensors

process differences between roadside temperatures and those of objects

ahead. The sensors send this information to a central computer, which

converts the information and uses it to put together images of the

surrounding roadside that are updated several times a second; this

processed composite image then shows up on a screen built into the


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Navigational Aids

It will be integrated within a communicating navigation unit that

automatically tracks the actual location of the car and can reveal it if

necessary. So far, such systems have been used to track stolen cars and

calculate traffic flows. The latter option is still rather unpopular. From

the driver's point of view, a communicating navigation system is

convenient because it dynamically chooses the best route by tracking

the actual location of the car.

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In other words, instead of theoretically suggesting the best way from point

A to point B, the system constantly gets information about road conditions

and traffic jams and uses it to suggest the most practical way from the

car's current position to its destination. With the help of Internet-based

services, the navigation system can also tell the driver about free parking

lots or the cheapest nearby gas station. And for safety reasons, such

systems will announce this information through speakers instead of

showing it on a display.

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The idea that a personal smart card

could replace your car keys is not

futuristic. Mercedes CL owners can

already open their car with a contact

less smart card developed by Siemens.

The motor starts after pushing a little

ignition button, but only if the card is

inside the vehicle. Without it, no hairpin or fake key can help

a thief start the car. The system also prevents drivers from

locking the car with the card inside, making it impossible to

lock oneself out.

Multifunctional Smart Card Car Keys

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What does the card do!The card you punched

carries your SSN , so it acts

as your

Access Card


Car customizer


Cell Phone divert

Personalized ATM

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Other Features Involved In “DIGITAL” Cars

Hybrid cars use a vision system to detect other vehicles, respond to

traffic signals, and avoid pedestrians and obstacles. Researchers at

DaimlerChrysler Research (Ulm, Germany) have built a smart-

vehicle-theory demonstrator called the Urban Traffic Assistant (UTA).

The DaimlerChrysler research team has demonstrated that by using

a multitude of algorithms it can maintain separation from the vehicle

ahead, see and respond to traffic signals, and avoid pedestrians and

obstacles while moving through urban traffic situations at normal

driving speeds under the supervision of a human driver.

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Hands Off Communication

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New Safety Features

Special scanners helps to locate the position of passengers and their

heads (using rather rough biometric patterns) and optimize the use of

airbags. The lifesavers go off only if it is really necessary, because the

new mechanism recognizes when passengers are at risk of a collision.

Unnecessary, expensive airbag activation is avoided without reducing

passenger safety. Other sensors check tire pressure or the distance to

the next car and warn the driver or react with a slight automatic

reduction of speed. Such intelligent safety features can reduce the

number of accidents and injuries.

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Hardware Architecture:-

A pair of video cameras serves as the eyes for the vehicle.

The cameras are mounted on a horizontal bar near the rear-

view mirror. The horizontal scan lines of both cameras must

be tightly aligned and strictly parallel to the line joining their

optical axes.

The UTA uses an Imaging Technology Inc. IMPCI frame

grabber and a commercial monitor with 1024 x 786-pixel


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Information from a car may be provided through data servers,

which are in turn connected to a centralized computer which gets

all the information about the vehicle. By using this kind of loop,

any urgent information or direction can be provided to the

vehicle using wireless, and a tragedy can be avoided.

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Adaptive headlights:-The headlights monitor the car’s road speed and steering wheel movements and adjust accordingly

Night vision:-Volvo proposes using infrared night vision in the SSC

Collision warning sensors:-If the distance to the car in front is too short, or the gap is closing too fast, the SSC’s driver is alerted via a red warning light

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• So many people don’t convert their conceptions to

accept Hybrid cars.

• The traffic problems may became more and more

serious, such as occupation of lanes.

• In-vehicle systems throw people back on high-tech.

• Because of the challenges of combining intelligent

highways with the existing highway system, fully

automated vehicle operation is still some years away.


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Capabilities of Individual In-Vehicle

Systems Will Improve

Driver-Vehicle Interface Will Become Increasingly Sophisticated

Intelligent Vehicles Will Communicate With Other Vehicles and With a Smart Infrastructure

Future Evolution Of Hybrid Cars

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• Hybrid car is a kind of artificial intelligence.

Nowadays, it has applied in every aspect.

• Human beings work with assistance of robot to save


• We can also make use of artificial intelligence to

provide entertainment and allow the car's occupants

to conduct business and monitor activities at home

and in the office.

Artificial Intelligence

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What do I drive?

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