SAP CRM Survey With Email Campaign

Generated by Jive on 2015-06-24+02:00 1 SAP CRM: Marketing: Create, run and analyze an E-Mail Campaign with a Survey (Part 1) Posted by Gregor Wolf Jul 22, 2006 In the SDN CRM Forum (SAP CRM: Webclient UI - Framework) Pankaj Arora ( profile.jspa?userID=2241598) and Devi b ( requested some help on the Topics Customer Response to a Survey (Customer Response to a Survey) and Email Campaign (Email Campaign). I will describe how can create a Survey which is used in an E-Mail Campaign. Also I will show how the submitted survey can be saved in an activity and analysed using CRM only. This first part shows how to create prepare the Survey Suite and create a Survey and the URL needed for the E-Mail. h3. Prepare Survey Suite To use Surveys in E-Mail Campaigns we had first upload a parameter XML file to the Survey Repository. A description of the structure of parameter XML files can be found in SAP Support Note 836945 - Survey Tool: Empty dropdown boxes during the URL generation. Fist you have to prepare a XML File like this: h3. Create a Survey Surveys which then can be used in marketing campaigns are created using transaction CRM_SURVEY_SUITE. Surveys for marketing campaigns have to be created in the folder “Marketing”. Navigate to this folder and click “Create” (F5). You have to provide a Name for your Survey. Don’t use space here because that will cause problems if you want to send out the Survey as a link: You will get Information that the survey does not yet exist and a new template is generates:


SAP CRM Survey With Email Campaign

Transcript of SAP CRM Survey With Email Campaign

  • Generated by Jive on 2015-06-24+02:001

    SAP CRM: Marketing: Create, run andanalyze an E-Mail Campaign with a Survey(Part 1)Posted by Gregor Wolf Jul 22, 2006In the SDN CRM Forum (SAP CRM: Webclient UI - Framework) Pankaj Arora ( and Devi b ( requestedsome help on the Topics Customer Response to a Survey (Customer Response to a Survey) and EmailCampaign (Email Campaign). I will describe how can create a Survey which is used in an E-Mail Campaign.Also I will show how the submitted survey can be saved in an activity and analysed using CRM only. This firstpart shows how to create prepare the Survey Suite and create a Survey and the URL needed for the E-Mail.

    h3. Prepare Survey Suite To use Surveys in E-Mail Campaigns we had first upload a parameter XML file tothe Survey Repository. A description of the structure of parameter XML files can be found in SAP SupportNote 836945 - Survey Tool: Empty dropdown boxes during the URL generation. Fist you have to prepare aXML File like this: h3. Create a Survey Surveys which then can be used in marketing campaignsare created using transaction CRM_SURVEY_SUITE. Surveys for marketing campaigns have tobe created in the folder Marketing. Navigate to this folder and click Create (F5). You have toprovide a Name for your Survey. Dont use space here because that will cause problems if youwant to send out the Survey as a link:

    You will get Information that the survey does not yet exist and a new template is generates:

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    Now you see the main screen of the Survey Builder:

    TitleNow double click on an item in the tree on the left hand side. Then you get an input field in theupper right window where you can edit for example the text of the title. If you want to enter morethan one line of text click on the Text icon beside the input field:

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    QuestionsTo edit the questions you have to expand the tree on the left hand side.

    New Questions can be added via the Context menu when you right click on the Section. An InitialQuestion is always available. To change the answer possibilities you have to open the Answerleave and provide an Answer Category:

    These are all possible Values:

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    Save SurveyWhen you have finished your Survey it maybe looks like this:

    Now its time to save it. Hitting the save button you first had to provide a Description:

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    To allow us to analyse the survey answers switch to the Technical Settings and activate thecheck box Evaluation Without Business Information Warehouse:

    Also make sure that this PBO and PAI modules are provided (CRM_MKTCA_SURVEY_MKT_PBO andCRM_MKTCA_SURVEY_MKT_PAI):

    Ignore the warning that the PBO and also the PAI Module should be of type CRM_SVY_..._PBO orCRM_SVY_..._PAI:

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    Generate Survey URLBefore we can generate a Survey URL we had to activate our Survey by clicking Activate (Strg+ F1) in the Survey Suite main window. With our active Survey in place and the preparationbefore we can now generate a Survey URL by clicking on Generate URL (Strg + Shift + F1).

    9708 Views Tags: customer_relationship_management

    David Faustini in response to Abhi shek on page 6Jun 12, 2014 10:11 AMDear Abhishek,

    I understood your requirements but I have some doubts about the process, if the users can use GUI for URLsgeneration the can generate each HTML survey template too. Regarding the mailto scenario, you can avoid toanswer the mails or surveys using outlook clients if you want. Gregor wrote an example of a PHP program thatuse some programming techniques to send the survey answers directly without calling the default mail client ofthe final user .

    Anyway if you think that the dispatcher is the best option for you go forward with it, I'm just trying to make clearthat mailto scenario works and doesn't need an outlook client in each client computer.


    Abhi shek in response to Gregor Wolf on page 7

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    Jun 10, 2014 1:33 PMDear Gregor,

    I understand the mailto option for surveys. The problem in our case is the users will not have access for GUI,hence the option to save as html file and evaluate surveys from GUI is not valid.We are building a solution where Marketing manager is sending the URL(CRM being used only to generateURL) to group of customers, the customer accesses the URL and fills the survey.Survey responses get stored in CRM tables, access them to create custom report.Our issue to generate URL & share with customers through email. WebDispatcher might solve our purpose.Through mailto options when you save survey, is it mandatory to have Outlook installed at customer place or itpicks the mail domain (gmail,yahoo etc)?


    Gregor Wolf in response to Abhi shek on page 7Jun 10, 2014 12:52 PMDear Abhishek,

    it seem you haven't completely understood the content of Survey processing without opening a connectionto the CRM Backend from the Internet. There is no manual processing of the responses requiered. The CRMSystem retrieves the E-Mails and uses the normal Survey framework then.

    If security allows it then the WebDispatcher is the preffered and most simple solution.

    Best regardsGregor

    Abhi shek in response to Gregor Wolf on page 7Jun 10, 2014 12:48 PMDear Gregor,

    Thanks for sharing the link. But this option will not work in our scenario since at client side no one would like togo through individual responses. We are developing a separate BI report to capture responses.Now the only issue is to send URL to customer and make it accessible.I have gone through your blog - Setup SAP Web Dispatcher with URL Filter on SuSE Linux 9.0 .Is this the right way to achieve our requirement?


    Gregor Wolf in response to Abhi shek on page 8Jun 10, 2014 9:15 AMDear Abhishek,

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    yes, when you want to use Surveys publicly a Firewall port must be opened. But there is also an option without:Survey processing without opening a connection to the CRM Backend from the Internet.

    Best regardsGregor

    Abhi shekJun 10, 2014 9:07 AMHi Gregor,

    Like always very informative blog.One thing i would like to know to access surveys outside the network or access from internet does one requiresa port to be opened in network firewall. Since CRM server in inside the firewall of network?


    Dinesh Sachdeva in response to Gregor Wolf on page 9Nov 21, 2013 1:49 PMHi Gregor,I am using CRM 7.0 Ehp1, And i have one simple query that If I run a e-mail campaign with survey attachedand I am evaluting the result in BI.1. With the help of PAI, the activity got generated in the system.... right?.... we can check the individualresponse from the activity?2. As far as my knowledge concern that there is a standard reports available in crm named (campaign surveycontact list) this report right?3. The survey answer stored in a table.....right?Then what is the use of using XML to extract the answer, if we can use a report directly.

    Please correct me


    Alberto CarrozzoApr 17, 2013 6:28 PMHi Gregor,

    It seem you have very clear ideas about the campaigns. Relating to your tutorial, can you help me to solve myproblem described here?

    thank you

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    Gregor Wolf in response to David Faustini on page 9Jan 28, 2013 10:08 PMDear David,

    in the generated HTML you only have to check that the action is set to the URL of the webserver / path / file forthe PHP script i.e. nothing else has to be changed in the surveyfile.

    Best regardsGregor

    David Faustini in response to Gregor Wolf on page 9Jan 28, 2013 9:13 PMThanks Gregor,

    We have the last question about this, In the HMTL generated by the CRM Survey Suite there is a section withjava script code, the HTML BODY that contains the survey and the buttons. Where should this PHP examplecode be placed? Should we replace the input?CODE ---------------

    CODE -------------------------

    Regards,David Faustini

    Gregor Wolf in response to David Faustini on page 9Jan 28, 2013 4:35 PMDear David,

    as I've written in the SCN Wiki Entry Survey processing without opening a connection to the CRM Backendfrom the Internet in the section PHP Script to replace mailto action I think it's a bad solution when you usethe ACTION set to mailto:. In my example I've replaced the mailto: with a call of the PHP Script via http. Getsomeone who knows to create a service that can translate the HTTP POST parameters into an E-Mail as I'veshown in my example.

    Best regardsGregor

    David Faustini in response to Gregor Wolf on page 10

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    Jan 28, 2013 4:21 PMHi Gregor,

    Thanks for both blogs about campaign and surveys. Now we are implementing an e-mail scenario for surveyswith campaigns. Following your blog: "Survey processing without opening a connection to the CRM Backendfrom the Internet" we found some problems with the generated HTML file. When we push the Save Button theoutlook new message composer just shows the recipients mail but the subject and body are empty. Do youhave any idea?

    Regards,David Faustini

    rita saini in response to Gregor Wolf on page 10Jan 16, 2013 5:36 AMHi Gregor,thankx for your reply. I am using crm 7.0. I am sending survey (bsp) link attached with mail form. we willsend this mail form in campaign. the person will recevie mail & open the survey form & save. there is noautomatic determination of questionare, manual identification is their. so it the same time when a customeropen n save the link the results can be seen in survey evalution. earlier it was coming back in sap businessworkplace(so01). so at that time I was able to see the questionnare attached & the details of bp as well. Sonow my requirement is to track the link as well, as who has replied on it. only answer options getting updatedno other information of bp is their in evalution tab?

    Gregor WolfJan 15, 2013 7:52 PMDear Rita,

    unfortunately I don't have my crystal ball with me. If you what that someone can help you here you mustprovide more details about your environment. How did you setup the Mailform, Survey, Campaign, what SAPCRM Release do you use ...

    Best regardsGregor

    Rakshit Pandey in response to Madhu Thiurnahari on page 10Jul 29, 2011 1:29 AMHello Madhu,

    You can put a breakpoint in Survey PAI module and start the survey URL generation(debugging).Please checkthat the latest version of survey is activated or survey is not in use in some of the one order transactions.

    Regards,RakshitSAP Ireland

    Madhu Thiurnahari in response to Gregor Wolf on page 11

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    Jul 29, 2011 12:13 AMHi Gregor, I had created the survey and also the XML file in Survey Suite and also created an URL But when i amtrying to test the URL. I am facing a problem while trying to Debug it is showing an " Survey Locked". Can youplease help me out in this regard.

    Regards,Thirunahari Madhu

    Madhu Thiurnahari in response to Gregor Wolf on page 11Jul 27, 2011 3:51 AMHi Gregor, Thanks alot for sharing the information.

    Gregor Wolf in response to Madhu Thiurnahari on page 11Jul 27, 2011 3:35 AMHello Madhu,

    thanks for asking here in the Blog. You can get the survey results directly in the SAP GUI TransactionCRM_SURVEY_SUITE. This transaction is still supported. I've raised an SAP Support Message and got thisanswer. Also you can try to evaluate in BW. Campaign Survey Results can be a good start.

    Best regardsGregor

    Madhu Thiurnahari in response to Gregor Wolf on page 20Jul 27, 2011 2:57 AMDear George, Thanks for providing a very useful information. Can you please help me in finding the results of Survey Suite.


    Rakshit PandeyMay 24, 2011 3:12 AMHello Gregor,

    I hope you are doing good.

    With reference to your SDN page

    I have a small doubt. Can I attach the downloaded HTML file and send it to my internetusers(Gmail,Yahoo). Also ,do I get the values back in my survey evaluation in survey suite by thisway . Obviously, I know that there would be some warning messages if we dont implement thePHP code but can the values come back?

    Also, in the URL scenario(HTTPs)what would be the default port number of the WEB server and what would bethe structure of connector ID in the structure of Parameter XML? Where else we need to set up the connectorID so that the values from the WEB server come to the CRM server?When we upload the parameter XML italways gives error relating to connector ID. Please help .

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    Thanks and Regards,Rakshit

    Gregor Wolf in response to Dhanraj Dange on page 12Sep 23, 2010 6:13 AMHi Dhanraj Dange,there are two options to get this requirement solved:

    1) Implement the creation of the Activity in the PAI Function Module which can be specified in the Survey Suite.An Example is provided by SAP with Function Module CRM_MKTBP_SVY_ATTRIBUTE_PAI.

    2) Use the campaign automation where you can create a Activity using a communication medium "ActivityGeneration" with an activity template.

    Best regardsGregor

    Dhanraj Dange in response to Gregor Wolf on page 19Sep 7, 2010 10:39 AMHi Gregor,

    As stated above, for every submission of survey we can create activity in backend which can have thefeedback of survey in that activity.

    Can you please give details of customizing on how to get activity created once user submit his/her feedback?

    Thank you,Dhanraj Dange

    Gregor Wolf in response to Victor Mendez on page 12May 12, 2010 10:03 AMQ1: I think it should be a service user.

    Q2: What do you think about the idea of your company sponsoring a development for this scenario? You findmy contact information on my SCN Business Card.

    Victor Mendez in response to Gregor Wolf on page 13May 12, 2010 8:39 AMThanks so much for prompt reply .

    For Q 1 - We did set up the user with saved user name and password . But I am not sure if the user should bea 'system' user or a 'service' user . Appreciate if you can confirm .

    For Q 2 - Correct me if I am wrong , In the scenario you have illustrated in the blog pertains to when you havethis HTML survey as a part of a website which is accessible to Business partner . Apologize for a silly Q butcan you elaborate where this PHP script needs to be written .

    Also How do we handle this situation when we send this HTML file via an email attachment to an external userwhich can then open this attachment and respond back as SAP seems to pertain to this scenario in their helpdocumentation . Can this solution be used for that scenario as well , if yes do you have any guidance on that.

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    Thanks again for all your help , appreciate it

    Gregor Wolf in response to Victor Mendez on page 13May 12, 2010 8:19 AMHello Victor,

    Q1: You should ask your basis administrator to save a username and password for the ICF Servicecrm_svy_server. Please create a special user like SURVEYUSER for this usage with an specific restrictiveauthorization profile.

    Q2: To avoid the problem creating the response E-Mail on the machine of the receiver of an survey you shouldespecially look at the section "PHP Script to replace mailto action" of the Wiki Page Survey processing withoutopening a connection to the CRM Backend from the Internet.

    Best regardsGregor

    Victor MendezMay 12, 2010 7:35 AMGregor

    At the outset , my sincere compliments for you for this detailed blog .

    However I have a few questions for you and would sincerely appreciate if you can resolve my doubts based onyour expertise in this area ;

    Q1 - I am able to get the survey work exactly as you mentioned as it works like a charm . However there is anissue where it asks the recipient of the survey to log in with the SAP CRM user ID . How can that be avoided .I have seen some inputs regarding making the SICF user to anonymous (system user ) but it's still asking foruser ID . Appreciate if can comment on that .Q2 - I am also trying an alternate option based on yout other Blog "Survey processing without opening aconnection to the CRM Backend from the Internet" .However when I am testing the HTML file as mentioned inyour step TEST_MAIL I get the second pop titled as Microsoft office outlook "No profile have been created.To create a new profile , use the Mail icon in the control panel.I think its looking for MS outlook on my machinewhere as we use Lotus notes . Would this not work for lotus notes and secondly does this necessary needs amail client on the respondent machinas ?Appreciate if you can help a bit more on this area as well

    Thanks again for all your help

    Sincerely appreciate itregardsVictor

    Subhasis PanigrahyJun 8, 2009 2:42 AMHi Gregor,

    Thank you for your blog. Just wanted to know if you have published the 2nd Part of the series?


    Gregor Wolf in response to Rachana Sharma on page 14

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    Jun 2, 2009 3:42 AMHello Rachna,

    I need a more detailed description to help you out. My crystal ball doesn't help here.

    Best regardsGregor

    Rachana Sharma in response to Gregor Wolf on page 15May 28, 2009 11:45 PMHi Gregor,

    I get the following error, while I am trying to adopt CRM_SVY_PARAM_MAILTO_CR4.XML, for thefolder mailto in Survey Repository"RUNTIME ERROR: RAISE_EXCEPTION" .

    Please advice.


    Arifuddin SyedMay 22, 2009 11:40 PMDear Golf,

    I need your advice on the below CRM Survey requirement.

    Requirements: We are in the process of creating Generic Survey Component which should be applicable to allthe services.

    1.Upon the service request status complete2.The action should get trigger & this action should also maintain the verification list i.e. is thisservice has any questionnaire. If yes, then send it through email to the customer. Else change thestatus to close

    Proposed solution:1. Create the questionnaire under activities folder using CRM Survey Suite2. Define determination for questionnaires (contact or Tasks)3. Define the determination criteria.4. Activate the Survey5. Assign Survey to a Transaction Type, Activity for example status.

    Please verify the above proposed solution and give your valuable suggestion along with thesample documentation on CRM Survey. I have also verified Building block documentation forActivity management but it doesnt have more details.

    Question: Is it possible to system updates questionnaire and survey data directly to the SAP BW.

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    Rachana Sharma in response to Gregor Wolf on page 15May 11, 2009 1:23 AMHi Gregor,

    I really appreciate your help.I was able to generate the URL.

    Thanks a ton!Rachana

    Gregor Wolf in response to Rachana Sharma on page 15May 8, 2009 4:13 AMHi Rachana,

    did you follow the Steps in the section "Prepare Survey Suite"? Also you check out the SCN Wiki Page Surveyprocessing without opening a connection to the CRM Backend from the Internet.

    Best regardsGregor

    Rachana Sharma in response to vijay kothari on page 16May 8, 2009 3:02 AMHi Gregor,

    Thank you for your wonderful documentation..helps us alot.I followed the steps as suggested by you for creating a Survey.However, I am unable to generate a URL.

    After I have saved the survey, I activated and after the click on Generate URL, though I get the "GET Option"as BSP, https, https, I do not get anything for 'Get File' & 'Send File'.

    Please provide me with steps to do so.

    Thanks a tonRachana

    vijay kothari in response to Gregor Wolf on page 16Dec 8, 2008 9:32 AMThanks, Gregor

    I kind of expected that you would have a solution for this.

    I would really appreciate if you could provide more details of the steps that we need to follow. If you thinkat this stage (till you have detailed out the full solution for a new blog) you do not want to provide all detailshere, would it be possible to send the sketchy steps via email ([email protected]). I am not sure if this isappropriate so I leave this to your judgement.Thanks for you help


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    Gregor Wolf in response to vijay kothari on page 16Dec 4, 2008 12:59 PMHi Vijay,I've experimented today a bit with the mailto method and found a way to download the survey created in CRMto a external Webserver, add some PHP script to it to process the MIG provided in a campaign and then sendthe form to another PHP script which will take the form data and send it as an E-Mail. I had to modify the classCL_SVY_SMTP_INBOUND because of problems with our Unicode CRM System but I've got it running. I'veasked SAP via a OSS message to provide this change as a correction note. I hope I find some time to describethis solution in another Blog here.

    Best regardsGregor

    vijay kothariDec 4, 2008 7:15 AMWe have CRM 2007 and are live with B2C Internet Sales Application (ISA). Now we want to make CustomerSurveys accessible via B2C ISA.

    For security reasons, we do not want our B2C Internet Customers to have access to the CRM system.Therefore the BSP option is ruled out. I have seen some blogs on how to enhance security for BSP option butthat is also not approved in our organization so BSP option is totally ruled out.

    SAP help documenation mentions following:

    "Internet Scenarios

    Since Internet users cannot be allowed access to the CRM system for security reasons, surveys have to bemade accessible in a different way. You can do this by downloading the required HTML survey to your PC.From here, you can:

    Copy the HTML survey into any Web site

    Send the HTML survey attached to an e-mail

    Internet Scenarios

    In Internet scenarios, results can be returned by the following methods:


    In this case, a mail client, for example, Microsoft Outlook, needs to be set up in advance on theclient machine. Survey results are sent to a CRM Server Mail User, that is, a machine user. Fromhere, the results are routed to the CRM system for further processing.


    The http(s) case is recommended, because the user does not have to have a personal e-mail account. Here,the survey results are first sent to a Survey Mailer. The Survey Mailer receives the http request and then mails

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    the results to the CRM Server Mail User, where they can be processed. The Survey Mailer needs to be set upby the administrator at the customer.For presenting the Survey on ISA, we would like to take the option of Copy the HTML survey into any Web siteas suggested in SAP help and would like to get back the results as per SAP help recommendation of https(s)above."

    Detailed steps that are needed for gettting back the survey results from ISA using above options suggested inSAP help documentation.

    Please recommend any other better option (except BSP option) that you feel can be used for ISA.Thanks


    Dipesh DateOct 25, 2008 2:44 AMHi Gregor,

    Thanks, it is really great help on survey url, i followed the same steps which u have mentioned,on last step i.e. while generating URL when i select bsp from get option it dump with runtime error"OBJECTS_OBJREF_NOT_ASSIGNED_NO" can u pls guide me what should i do to resolve it.


    Colleen BevanJun 17, 2008 2:52 PMHi,

    Is there a Part 2 of this blog on how to analyze the results?


    Gregor Wolf in response to Rainer Gnzel on page 17May 26, 2008 4:25 AMHi Rainer,

    I think the best solution to avoid incorrect results due to multiple submission of surveys is to save the Userselections in Marketing Attributes. Starting with CRM 5.0 this is a standard functionality available in the SurveyTransaction CRM_SURVEY_SUITE.

    Best regardsGregor

    Rainer GnzelMay 22, 2008 12:12 AMHi Gregor,

    first thanks a lot for your blog. Unfortunatly our problems start directly after this blog. I do receive an eMail witha link (via campaign automization). Now I can open this link multiple times. Every time I get an empty survey

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    that I can submit so that new answers are saved in the system. This must be a mistake but SAP describes it asstandard, do you also have an easy solution for this kind of problem?

    Thanks a lot for your work on SDN, it really helps a lot!Rainer

    Karmila AhmadMar 3, 2008 3:10 AMDear,

    Im follow urs documentation and i have a question for you:1. How Can I send this campaign for lets say i want to send this survey campaign for 50 BP person. FYI i wascreate mail form and attach the link survey form, in the campaign where tab can be define for this case? howabout the action tab function? is any spesific setting there?2. later, If I want to see a feed back or result response from my respondent can u tell me how to solve this?Many Thanks for ur attention Guru's.



    Gregor Wolf in response to Koshal Kumar Agrawal on page 18Sep 23, 2007 11:53 PMHi Koshal,

    I've used HTTP and the SAP Webdispatcher to provide the Survey to the general public. I've described that inmy Blog Setup SAP Web Dispatcher with URL Filter on SuSE Linux 9.0.


    Koshal Kumar AgrawalSep 23, 2007 5:47 PMHello Gregor,Can we make a survey url generated using BSP application to general public (outside firewall)?In your above example, did you send this survey to general public? Or do you suggest to use HTTP?

    Best regards,Koshal

    Gregor Wolf in response to Khushboo Gupta on page 18Sep 5, 2007 5:05 AMHello Khushboo,

    could you please open a Topic in the SDN CRM General Forum because I think it could be a longer topic.Please provide your CRM Release and SP information.


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    Khushboo GuptaSep 5, 2007 4:07 AMHello Greg,

    I have generated URL for a survey referring your blog:But when I test it, it gives a blank screen, without any error.

    What could be the possible reason.


    yu hualiJun 27, 2007 2:51 AMAlso make sure that this PBO and PAI modules are provided (CRM_MKTCA_SURVEY_MKT_PBO andCRM_MKTCA_SURVEY_MKT_PAI):Can you give me the two FMs in detail? About code for example. Many thanks!

    Gregor Wolf in response to Tarcisio Lourenco on page 19Jun 14, 2007 3:12 PMHello Tarcisio,

    it is possible to create the Questions and Answers on demand. But you have to work extensively with the PBOFunction module.


    Tarcisio LourencoJun 14, 2007 7:42 AMHi Gregor,

    When we're choosing our answer possibilities it's possible to read a table with a list of choices?


    Gregor Wolf in response to vijay patel on page 19Jan 31, 2007 12:36 AMHello,

    as far as I remember you can customize that for every submitted survey a activity is created which can containthe filled out survey. When you add a text field to the survey you should see the comment then in the acitvity.


    vijay patelJan 30, 2007 9:45 PMHi,My requirement is as follows:-

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    Receiver of the e-mail survey campaign needs to enter free text ( around 100 alphanumeric) as comment.Can you please clarify, how this is to be achieved?, where this data is saved ?thanks in advance !regds

    Gregor Wolf in response to Jayesh Patel on page 20Oct 4, 2006 2:49 AMHello Jayesh,

    did this happen when you try to generate the URL? What exact Version of CRM and what SP do you use?


    Jayesh Patel in response to Michal Krawczyk on page 20Oct 4, 2006 12:31 AMHi Gregor,

    I did all steps what you given with screen shots.but aftert that warning When i am egnoring the warning message the below error comes" program CONNECTOR_CRM_800 not registered / CPICALL: 'ThSAPECMINIT'#Transaction program not registered "

    Can you pls help me out


    Michal Krawczyk in response to Gregor Wolf on page 20Jul 25, 2006 9:13 AMHi Gregor:)thanks anyway :)I posted the question on Documentation & Guidelines forum :)Regards,michal

    Gregor Wolf in response to Michal Krawczyk on page 20Jul 25, 2006 8:58 AMHello Michal,

    no problem that you've asked the question here. The only other documentation is the SAP Best Practices forCustomer Relationship Management - V3.40. But it does also not describe the File in Detail. What we can do isthat we suggest it in the SAP NetWeaver Technology Platform.


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    Generated by Jive on 2015-06-24+02:0021

    Michal KrawczykJul 25, 2006 6:51 AMhi Gregor,

    did you by any change find some moredocumentation on servey repository XML filesother then:

    I'd like to do a similar scenario(via http) but there are many unknownparameters in the XML files like: ConnectorIdetc.

    BTWsorry for asking here I can repost the questionon the CRM forum if you want

    thanks in advance,
