Sao 5 - Rockaway Township Free Public...

I VOL. XII DOVER, MOEKIS COUNTY. N EVV JERSEY, SATURDAY. JANtJAPY 14,1882. NO 6 ITHE IRON EEA I The Dover Printing Company Office on Morris Streot caar ElackwBll. TEllftIS OFailliSCUIPTlON Hut Ynir, - • K- t»x Month", - - - - - - - 1. innt. muuths, - - - - - - - !> ADVERTISING RATES, 1 loch TB|» 1 SB •' l ani a on 2 BOB. I 3 fill fi 00 G r>o 8 (K) 10 00 12 «t ir. mi 32 (ill 3 MOB. * 4 .10 0 GO a oo 11 00 i;i on i<; 2r> tn on •i$ on 41 00 ti M % (1 10 14 oa. Oil OH 18 01) lit !if> 'J'.l 37 (IS oil 50 50 ;,(/ (III 1ft)$ 1 2 r»n 8 r,{) JOHN F. STICKLE. Counsellor at Law AND MASTEU IN CIIANCEUY, ROCKAWAY, N. ,T^ Cortior of IllacUwcl! uml tjussci Rta. DOVEU, N. J. I. B.JOLLEY, Proprietor Horso ml Carr i tn Let. L. C. BIERWIRTH, ANALYTICAL CHEMIST POVElt, N. J. ANALYSE* <f all DESCRIP710N8 OF OliES A2W MINERALS. /~f £0. 0. C'DMJIJNH, M. D., OFNGBAL PliACTITIONElt, jj AND SPECIALIST IN TEE TREATMENT % OP SALA11ML DIHEAHEft. OFFICE AT THE BTIOKLE HOUhj:. DOVER, H. J, JOHN DRUMMER'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING SALOON, SUSSEX STREET, (betwuenlho MANSION HOUaEamlDupot,) HOVER, N. J. Tbo plweh&H boon eutirdv n'filtetl In a rifat mannnor. LADIBS' .ml CttlLUIlEN'B HAII1 UO'ITINO A SPECIALTY. NEIGHBOUR & SMITH, iTTORNEl'S k COUNSELLOES AT .LAW. Cor. Bluckwell and Sussex Sl», DOVER. N. J. I. H. NElGlIEOOfl. A. C. flMITtl. L. W. THURBER, SOrEMNTENDENT OP I-CI1LIC HOHOOI.K OF M0RU18 DOONTY. Omoe over GEO. RI0HARD8 A OO.'B BTOKE, DOVEE, N. J. ]\f OSES BLANCHAKD, ATTOltNKVATLAW, i»o MA8TEH IK CIMNCEIUT, DOVEK, N. J. w T. LRPOHT, Counsellor at Law, AND MASTEU tM CHANCERY, Oltke in tlio National Union Hunk BuikliuR SLiQF-w.tLST., DOYEIt, N. J. WM. T. ALLEN. ALLEN & PALMER, BUILDERS, X)ovor, PJ- «T- SHOPS ON ESSEX ST. FOK GROCERIES OO TO TIIK OLD RELIABLE STAND. ALEX. J. MITCHELL, SUCCEBBOlt TO H. P . BANlffiJISON, OPPOSITE THE DEPOT, hand a fall and frosti Btoek of tandard yuoda at titB ttlwiyn REASONABLE PRICKS. !t doei jroor gro VIOLA BEAND, and Uko nooiher. It it nlwiys good—cin t retina upon evorj time. Bindaraou on th one hnni iooroxied bis Soar trade 500 pei Morris Circuit Court. ALEjutil BIEXRB ) In Oau. vi. } foreign Onnri G. FCBCZ, JB. ) Attachment. ' Notice li hereby cltan that awrit of itttob menUttbo RaMor Upbeat BeemeragaloitUin rinbtB md eredlti, mnneyi »nfl effects, goarii •ad riulteii, lands ma tenement* of Cyrai 0. Force, Jr., >non-xeiiqentdnbtor ID the mm ol . «08,48, iHiDfd oat of the CireaU Coarlof tbe Cttotj of Morris, tbo thirdfayof Oolober. S1. tflturnibia md retanioa into tbe nid VStilTaeaat<dta]rtbeBheriffortbeO(iant7 SKOHBOCKftBiara, Attji. for PUlntiff. December fi,lB81. , MALARIA AOT FEYERA1YDAGIJE OSE BOTTLE OF I. C. Monroe's Remedy, •WITHOUT THE USE OP QOISBE, v WARRANTED ASURE CURE, wlilcU mtnv prominoDt cltliani can te I. C. MONROE & CO. 101JORALEMON 8TM Brooklia, N. V. PASSAGE TICKETS AT ORAM, HANCE & Co.'s STORE, FORT OJtAM, N. J. 1 .1UK nil _ . . .1; to r,ivi.r|ji»<I nt i.OWEHT niTjiH. Ain« mtAn'B an a it HAT BMTAIN AND M1ELAND. tU-t HcClIXSVlLLE HOTEL! "WM, VORTHAN, Prop'r. A wt'll liept hoti-[ with uv«ry uui'om: tion far mtui mill lioiw;. TLu IICHI ii nml m^iiru nt tin* Imr, and coiuforl i lit in overy dcimrlmuiit. Livery ntUd. kept on Imurl and told i iliuuititluu. THK Oil) «TANI>, UNION HALL BUILDING lilai-tnc-llMtrMt, Dover, Hot Air Furnaces^ i u j ! uyH, i! l}Hi!(Ji"riKn.'.\ Im COOK, PAULOK, IJKATINC1 STOVES, RANGES, vBUOSliNK UIL, LANTKllNH AND DllITTANlA WAKE TIN & JAPAN WARE FUUIT CANS, i,-., TIM l'.OOFINO, EATEH, TJIOOflHf ALEXANDER WIO1ITON. ijceniln.r2iHi.lS7l>. 1-lvr DAIRY UUTTEK, Sao 5 tn feiri'l'/.Y H'/MUl* witd Hi. ItKHT (iOOI)S lit Illll LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Tliia pnrt :>f Wiirrm Cmmty i" n ti 1 fn| i IO()D!t[ r T'n;i( MA1IKI1S, I iniiullPiiii Ihu tMKltH 1'iiOniVr.. OnliT tiyiiinilan ;ut>-oiir «oil(l,i fri-Hl. nml p.<»lll»' unit' dny. I Jr., BIAIUSTOWN, N. J. THE POPULAU SUSSEX St. GROCER, ill continues to keep a f ill] nud frosli quan- tity of irocerics andProvisions, SEASONABLE FRUITS, t gmden ol liuB of thn ortipi and (louionlic, (li i] Goods, and all IGII] in Ms lino. Care will almtys lie faifeen to iiecaro goods the bnnt quality and equal paina to noil bvi at the l.iORt renKniiiiblo umryinH con- steut wilJi lliu i«m:Jj»Kii)ff jjrit'i). SIUJSDI t, nenr ibe enrnor of Rlacbwcll, Dover. October Utli. lB7a. 5EO.MANN ••iles ;i call from nil Ills frwiula tn bis yhu:<- CLINTON HTltKET.wlii'ivf.frtlii'irniuuhO- FINE POOL TABLE OUBLE BOWLING ALLEY nnvnml in jierfpet order. Also, t>ie IK;BI .(iKKSiiiirf u(b(T (li-tnU, sin) (lie I.'WLVNI, C1AUS. AHwlin favor nu witli ncull will I II iivulrl. ' " OKU. MANN. HE BEST PLACE if its fciiul fur (inji.yinctit Jn titi« m-cfiou , D. MQLLER'S, HUHHEX ST., (NKXTTOi-ilEimtlXJK,) DOVKK, A. J. I n<-i-i\«.l ami |ilaivil in ^u^ilii.n TlUU'.iv PINE SEW Billiard AND Pool Tables tlie ei'Ieliriteil niaimfneiory of J . M. BI1UNSWICK A HAUHi. Til XI ORCHESTRION EH iilni) iiiNt lieen sii|i]ilipil will] ncir tniuic R(J H'ill (ielifiM D'o pslroijfl oj 1]js! liunni' jj)un> jaii uvo'', tuniiBliiiif; niuxic i-i]iul tu a IJIRHH indorBOplewfi. :tEO. EHRfcTH CEIiKHBATED LAGER BEER Iwiyaon draught and tlio best of WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Bprorideiltortlie patrons nf I OPERA H0D8E ANC BlLUAltD E00M8. IRA C. COOPER MASON AND BUILDER! Oostrieli Uluu Md msterials farnishFi] for BUILDINGS, BRIDGES. .ml all kind! of »otl, «h«ttar of BRICK ni STONE. 1o* nnder TBK Iftox GKA ballOiDg, Uorrii Itteet, Do»er, fl.J, 11 County Collector's Notice I t will be it the affloe of tbc Snrrogtte, Uor- rutovn, for tbe trnniBatlon of Ooaoty baai- Tbortdij of etob »eek, »nd .1 the oIB.r. or 0«or|:» Blokirdl, Qq., DoMr, l>« Jtod. Mn Wed»«dKdFnd.,. t!hii, s Lnrf,'<! AHHurtmeiit or otlicr Hly (il Cuukint; tfiovi'N, liniiKus, Tarliir 8tovr«. 4c, FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE. ilfto, n elidk-e stock uf Hardware, Cutlery, f]nss, WwuJfB, 0«2>i>«r, rjain ftfld Japantn , TIKWAIIE. Oil ClntliK. Carp^tB, LuiiMiB, Taints nml OUN Ir.l t\w*: I'VMIIITB, Pratt'H A»Lr»l oil iu(ui ' i*i-.1 Also. Ooantj HIGHER WAGES TO WINERS! Miners Wanted at Midvale, fliio ooomr.N. J. T BEEMER & PALMER COAL, WOOD, MASCLVS' MATEEIAL8. SLUE STONE, FERTILIZERS [JAJill ISU I'ALE BlUCK, LIME, CEMENT, WLCJNEIt HASaiSB, F1I0NT BBIOE, FI11E CLAY, FIRE BIUOE, l'l.4«i STONES CELLAlt STEPS,OOl'ING, BILI5, LIKTELE AND CIDTEHN NECE8, WHANN'8 PHOSPHATE, Hone DllBt, Cllimo. Poil4irel(e, LAND PLA.tTRR, th. WOOD sawed in stove lengtliB. COJh-Ij. STOVE, ma, CHESTNUT. Oril.rp, limy hi' iLd.lrc^nt Uiroiij;li tin-1 imivj jljr :)i ]i,,x2«, urluft iit A.llrtjiiitr'Hti illliickvfllSt., iK'f.r HUH«C>I, or ft- t i n y i u JOS. YORK'S «_«•...¥"« ~Oftftftft A Natural, Sparkling Mineral Water, Imported from tlie Rhine, Germany, guaranteed an it mm 1 uinv fur Dv^pqiriift. [m- ii-iliatc K"»"l n-miu nkv.urt fukbw &Hinylo rikl. Ainu, thii ftiitdt HUNGARIAN WINES, ALWAVH ON HAND TUK FINEST FOI KION AND POJIKSTIO WINES, BRANDIES, L. D. SCHWARZ, •VV.l'.VS n HKY.T, •--,-,'•••'"••• '••••• l N. J.''-:I!I: tlcj.iJt, IdlVKU, N. ,1. Freeman Wood, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT G O TO ,iOHi;i'1l YORK'S FOIi CnUKINd IIASCES AKI> HlTCllKX VriMtilW. rifi TO JO-L YUKK'S TOR I*AltI<>]t AND IT i'lNIKU JtOOM ANDUITICOTOVMS. STOVi:H OF AI.l, KINDH. OlCUi-'ivElll', GLAS9-WAHK AND CHINA. Joseph York* n-ir MoititiKTmv.v JV. J The New Empire , Hot-Ai •. Gas &. IJnsc-burn- Stove. DOVKI1.N.J. itllymitlKimi-iHEMiUif the fullewiiifs tlr»»t• rluiiHCiiiiijianifd—tl.d |jf-ntiii the nurld; LONDON uutl UVKHPOOL uud OLOUU, uupitiii 9ao,ooo,owi, LAN r CA8nriu-: of MANciii&TftH Ciijtitiit Si 11,01111,0013. loo 11 ii ir. Plumbing tinti Joli irlmiik'u Senlt'& at Maitufuc- turer's pricea; Iron, C.I.|UT, llrutu, JH-«1, RHK> am" iunbacfcH taken hi i>xclintiw for c-imlM. 1JBUKN ,V ltONNEIJj.. O, mnnnfactiin'rHflr BX:NNF,LL'& SELF- I'lOHTKNINU WIKE HPIUNG I1ED HOT- TOM. dimvar.Miircli 1.1873. MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE &IRON Co. DOVER, N. .1. t'UAKKLlK 01' l'lllLADEU'IlJA, IIUDMON COUNTV, Jersey City, JM-lOPLIi'H, Newark. UNHID 111 1\11 NS " 1HHMHW oinlcin m i n t l lr . 'lll,U(il SpriiiKn.-U Firf iDsnnHui »•,, i ijulii 1 **ltiM),tHV WcKic-lirsUsr I'iro luKiini New "i'ni'k, cuiiitiil SjrjUII.OIIO UAN AMUHICAK Co., Muwnchu uo Company fo $1.(MM),(MH) FirfiAaiaiioiBfPla, AfiSETB, OAPITJIL i3,SIH),0(K - B0O,O(H Freeman Wood, Jimtlet of tht) l»L-acu and Tulict' 31i(;iiilriiti MARTIN &BICK, Bouse, % a mi l'AI'Elt HANti- c*Mtyk-n. Hiuiilff ii , h V P.O,X«'HW3. A H|'<ci:iity J.UAl'.TIN i,iU'iif ht tt-lj STEAM ENGINES. MR COMPRESSORS, BONuiii) I1HASS CASTINGS, DESCEIPTIOHa OT BLACKSMITH gEOP! has, T, Clark & Son atUhnt;, COKSEIt ULACKV'EhL AND IlEJtGKN BTH., mid iiivilu tlio Horse Shoeing na<le »Bpcfinlty of tliu biiHinrRfl, Rtid & trial nnnwnora ofljurwsB iHrcsp^ctrullv riulicilcil. tr. IGHER WAGES TO MINERS! Miners Wanted at Midvale, 'ASS4I0 COTJNTY, K. J. TAKE MONTCLATR EAILKOAD. J-tf OLIVER S. FREEMAN, Carpenter and Builder, Bkeu the Bliop on BMIEIX llrcct, latoty >lld by J u. Bn»rIiiE. on fltit floor of the Jobbing ln3 repftiring promptly . to. Along eipcriEDce m tlio Lnsl- ^i, vttlt I iHJliore, enawlo Ino In g i r e BBti lotion to ill cnBtoneri. ODntnotB taken »l •BteriBli fnrolsbeil. I i YOU CAN'T MISS IT IN CHOOSING RODERER & HEAaAN I FAMILY SHOE STORE. |], YOU WILL HAVE A LARGER |i ASSORTMENT TO SELECT |] FROM OFHIGHER GRADES || AT LOWER PRICES THAN ]i ANY BOOT OR SHOE ESTAB- j|jj LISHMENT THIS SIDE OF NEW f|j: YORK CITY. |[|j OPP. D., L. & W. R. R., |f|i! Cor. Warren and Dickerson Sts., <M <M DOVER, N. J. I! « ft \i_it «J MM'¥* I It Coffees! Ooffees! Coffees! Finest Old ftov. Jnva only " ** Mocha " 29 eta 35 " eo ct«. "Sim Cliop" SUGARS POSITIVELY SOLD AT COST. Fruits for the Holidays I'INKST JUISlMi-.I.™.l.iu l.:.ji CulK, 1'riiiii., 1'ilnni, I,,•i,,,.n», -I.f«IKE JlUSClTKf.H, VAI.fKTTA. Alai UV o iiusilivrly «r l»nB tLonii giimb THE NEW YORK AND CHINA TEA COMPANY, BIACKWELL St., 10pp. Brick Block, Dover.) HE UOYER LUMBER CO. iffors to buihlecP tlio best oj>porc\LnlUu3 in Jho piirchuso of LUMBER if oveiy grade and description iiicluding LOW PRIUiiS and tho groat \vantsgo of having .Lumber Worked to Order r lnftchinflty nt the pluco where it I-.-- jmrchased, grotttly lessoning the cost of building by thogreat saving iu manual labor. Our etock iilviiyB ii eludes Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings it! LUMBER of every description, and especial jiainw are taken y to givo su p , p p on iu overy particular. GEon^ti ltionARDii, P r u d e n t . Wtt. II. LAUI'EUT, at'a'ysiid Trcaa. iNO, Gon'l Manager. NEW MARBLE YARD DENTISTRY IK AM ITS BiUNOHES AT S.B. JOHNSTON'S nooius. INSERTING, EXTRACTING, FILLING, fa N O additions! cturga for ol treating wbero now toetli aro hisertotl. ffearo ' -f too tutor FIFTEEN DOLLARS. ALL WORK WARRANTED. DoTGT.SeptomberKSlti. 1876. FALL MILLINERY GOODS. Now Oooda, BLAOKWBLL BTItEKT, OPfontte J'AHDKB A CLARX'I, Dover. N, j,, now rrtnlv U> meet the ilemaad of tlio public in the fall trade nt All the new «Upc< in IUTH »nd DOXHETS, trimmed »ud nntrlmiDn]. All tlie nevr nhido* iti BJbtionK, Plpubei, V«lvetg, Batlni, Peatli- ore, and Flonen. lleoiv Iwgu MBortraent ol Clsaki uflllolinuu! All ffDflde 10I1I is lowS B o&n be bonfthtln Hevr York. «-4w ESTRAT. There came to tha rcntrtcuoo or AliDorN. Dtlts, Oorroftn Tailor. N, J., nn or uhaut Oct. 1st, lflfll, one White FomalBHhwp, wllli tmt- nnl bitch faoe, IeBnaaJ £»(!, end &blink nrti- fieisl mark on tho left ibonldor. Far Further particulars cr.ll on iho mibscribcr, 11. T. WELSH, Clerk. Waabington Tonmblp, Sea. SOth, 1*81. rSoo't locate betare CD all otlicr work in IIIB line. Cemk-ry jclomHl witli Krunitc ami tiiarblu \«mf, 1 Uaig «|iorwncc and ri-awiixUh! |nm« Ifufl mliilunt thatlL'au Kiitielj tint public. TH08. JOHNBON. Accents for Fairbanks' Scales and Tor- williger's Safes. VOORHEES BROTHERS, MORRISTOWN, BUILDERH', CARBIAOEMAKERS,BLACK- SMITHS' C0NT11AOT0K9 ANDMIN- ING SUPPLIES, iRrlcultarii ImplcmonU, BoedB, Fertilizers, to.. PfttLia, Oils, QI-.RI, oto. WALTER A. WOOS'8 Celebrated MOWEES and SEAIERS, aionox M. T bocrlatown. Heo. 13th. K87B. J. J. BACKOFF'S BILLIARD PABDRS Sussex Bt, DOVEB, N X, io thoroagli^y furnished md effloieatly qntpFdd with ibrco of GRItTrTH'S 0ELE- BIUTED BIUDUID ud POOLTABLES ; EhroVn, PlUier, Mltwaalno. Taleuo, Cinnin- tiftti. Bi. Loils, Peter Doelgor'n and Lion Brewery Lagm. Tl» best WINES, Lz«roas J. J. VBEELAM), CARPENTER AND BUILDER, O'lSSti ipeciHcalii nliltid fur SOVER, IT. J. M]joinitift th* Dotcr Lamtor Oom- nil!. Onntracti taken, am! pfcnc, ? ( : l !"? lll » t(i r i i Iio ' 8 » r J "wi r " fur iniioinjt*. jobbing SLATE ROOFING. Ulito rumitisd from Iho bant qoirrieibr the imall qtntitlty or ur load, and laid, 11do- ured, br e^erleocod forkmen at low rato-i. Cold ITatiila and Feet, and vho BTO -without BtrcDgtb or Ambition. These mil qntot tlo POETIO. "No Tears in Heaven," Tho' dark and aoirowful theeartb, Tbo' so much iorro# given, SVe «d(i oto find (liii fbonRbt to Tliera are notekn in H*»T«O. No tciti, in Hoarea, tlio' thii life g; We will not btTe a tear to iliBd In Ihe land to which we'ro going. Jaat now out- lira with lorrow flll«l, Ana now tlitllegluiDtu*, A tUtit, gietn ofpe*fb and lore, And then oome« baok Uie udoeas. And so it In, ll;rough dtya md yearn Ufi/i ficfclo tldokeepi roDnicg; And firtt tbere opmai alittle rain, AD<I then alittle looaiog. Bnt SOOD it's o?er, and ths ligh t Bnnta from the peaoefal ibon, And sLfoflB upon the pitteot heart, To darken nevermore— Boriti in its glorious boantr, Andalllire'itearfaredilBd, For tlisre ar« no teari In Heaven Beyond old Jordan'i tide. No teara In Heavtu 1 blosied tbouglit I No surrow (hers can come Fur all is paaco, and joy, tod lore Within our Heavenly home. And tbo' the oartb is ailed »ith teari, And friouds from frlonde irorivec, We still CIQ find thla thought to cheer— Tlicto aro no tears in Hetvon, OARTER MEDICINE CO.. New York Oltj. McKinnon Bros. Axes and Edge Tools, ROCKAWAY, N. J. ERA-D1A.TI0NS. A shoe horn—a sherry cobler. Tbe moiilli is thu heart's ehimaef. A guilt frama—the prison wiadow. Winter cosuw when Autnmn leaves. The beat press ever made—two loving A perfectly gqunre man ia 'round > lie rigbt time. When is A wclf moat dongeroaa When ho feels nhe»pisli. The key that wiada upmany a man' usinf&B ia wlilakey. " Ah me," Bighoil a pawnbroker's wife what ii loan-sum life wo lead." "Right Away "is the title of a now ranin. Piesuma tbe beroia a mail who w«ut» bis iliuner. Why is the nasesaor of tttxes tho beat iiiL iu the world ? Because he neve imierrctes ftuybodj-. AJuni waa, doubtleuj, the inventor, o \c pioneer press—wbea he ombtacei vo for tlie first tituo. It isn't the oaat tbat makes the man, ior ia it tho pants, us aonio might sup- >se, but thosmall haj, " I'm going to the bawl," said a bus- md bonaciog out ol bed at 3 A. M., id rushing off to tho nursery, " He baa a PloreatiDe, fonrteenib ceu- mry Ireuzy," said the ©athete, BB he be- lold the man with the jim-jamB. It is atrauge, but true, that a singer 'nn never go from the deep to toe high ' 0 " without having a large oompasa, Will the " coming maa " shut tbe loor after Lira ? He mil in tliis office, ir the going man nil! go out of tbe win- low. Mrs. Livermore is lecturing on " Tbe toy of To-tlsiy," who ia out iu front of church waiting for "The Coming irl." WB are toll Unit tbo ttuolcnt Egjp- iaus houorod it cat wbea dead. The mc'teat Egspi'nua knew when a cat was Host tu be honored. A newpiece of music is entitled, Da ctinio on your knee, darling," She idently wants to fittd out if ho is ring- ig ia a wooden leg ou ber, Six different women wore fatally urued, last full, while making soft soap, !ow much enter and bettor to tubthe tt]e children's witu « brick. " The difference between a marriage jd a hanging." said an old bachelor, is Ibat with the former a man's trou- In commence, while with tuB latter ity cud." If your motber-iu-tnv should suddenly Eir, and you alioold s&auCdenly utico n strong RIQO!1 of brimstone, what >Ec\vsion ore you just yriakeA enough draw? She (of a literary tmn) i Doaen't tliii ;niiD(l joa of a lava fete ooiler Louis VI ?', He (matter oj foot) ; "Bog pw- Dn, fbat waa rather before my time, m know." [8ilenca] A email bay was found, bjr hte motber. crying bitterly. When asked tbecaaae, be said : Tlie minister said! we all mast be bored again, and I atn afraid I will be borned a girl," A little gjrl read aoompoiition before the minister. The Ptjbject was a '• cow," wove in this complimentary sea* tence: "A cow is the moat useful ani- mal inthe world except religion." n a bnj woe asked, " Whfire waa the text this matning ?" he quickly re- plied, "It is somewhere iu batoholB." Tn hatchets ? So, It was Acts." " Well, I Inew it was eorAething that would out," Christmas cards grow larger, more or* stio and more etpensfoe. In a few years, u young man that hisonly a coaplfl of hundred dollars to spend during the holiday* will bo andecided whether to bay his gitl a Obrialmas otf^ oi a gold watch aail chain, Tlie True Pai-pou of a Tariff. Tbe Philadelphia Record apprbriogi copies the following from tbe Cinoinnai Commercial i "It the proteotiooUtaare in oaineal and zeatly want to protect American in- daatriea they will move for anamend- ment of our immigration laws to restric immigration tD the United States. ( wfaat use are laws to protect iadiut: against European competition and cteaj labor when tbe gates are thrown widi open for the cheap labor to come righi in and oomoete with tbe native laboring man at hia own door ?" Here is another from the Bafllilo Ex- •e$$; " If the protected manufacturers wbc impoBod tbe convenlioo mean whal they say, why do tbey not propose tc give the laborer aome of the protection wbich they are BO eager and oonetani and insatiable in demiudino for them' selves? Why do they not advocate tfa< imposition of heavy head-money on im- migrauta. or tbeprohibition of immi Rration? Then American worbiagme could keep the market to themselves an could control the price of labor. Ay matter of foot, however, tbe protection- ists at Chicago, while&skiBgprDtectioB— high protection, war rates—for every- thing tbat is mode proposed no promo- tion at all for the makers. WorkJag- men must paj high prices for everything tboy buy, because the manufacturers are protected,' bat itie labor, which is tbe only tbing the poor man has to protect, is exposed tothe absolutely open com. petition of the world." Of coarse wegive these papers credit for tbe good sense ol knowing better than they here so ignorautly confess, for we believe all this special pleading is in- sincere and merely for partisan effect but, that they may be informed of tho real purpose ol a high tariff, we will ex- plain. America can have no purpose of re- stricting the migration to ber shores from all tlie old over-peopled countries, whose institutions force tbe people to ig- norance, poverty, vice, degradation and iliucst to slavery, with no hope of possible advancement. America i now land, with broad acres and untold wealth of resources, aud afres govern- ment, and those fostering institution! which tend to advanco society and civili- zation, and America Invites the irotai- m and gives to thoso who cornea to occupy. All this ia free trade—freedom of pos- ition and of occupancy. But those rho Dome here do so to letter their eon- lition, not to be followed by the tin friendly, grinding policy of aristocratic yyvemments, and the business of Amer- a is to establish industries and also to mder it safe Ior capital to come hero to pen sources of employment for those lilliooB wlio come here. It is nob a ' know-nothing 1 " policy, not a policy, but it the people come here, cap- ital mast he brought here also, ani if immigration is large, the uouraoa ol employment must belarge also. This the purpose of ahigh tariff, and we ire happy to say that the grandest re- alteare following— ChicagoJaurnd qf ted that ihi» oMeslil) otlkown Urn bat Rone out of baaineNS, wo tako thii tima-is of informliiji tha nnblio that Bach IBnot the caie. Wowo still in buafncHs, Iiavo DOconneotiou with anyofher tirm wlntevor, and shall continue to make onr troll'knovn BOOM witli sreater cne than ever. Alloiirsdoqanro hand-made thronenpnt and re tbo only firm in Eookaway making BUI* ods entirely by band. Wator Tnyon Tor forgej ii ipflolaltT. SS-ly ron Stationery^ Confectionery, THE CHOICEST BEANDS or SEQAB^, THE BEST GftADES OF TOBAG009, WEEKLY 1KD DAILY PWEIIB, YANKEE MOTIOHB IKJ B 00 TO D. S. MORRISON, SUSSEX STREET, l7-8m DOVER, H. J, PAUL C. BOTTIQHER, 751 BROAD St. NEWARK, N.J, PLANS AKD irEOIFIOmONB prepared far all kfndi of baltdlegi, *nfl lh« construction of linlldlaas laparlaiuided. 3! How " OllfAr T w W .wwCrnted, Even the biRhest genius most some- times borrow—or at least appropriate the Mots of others. Pew, however, could make so flna use of a bint ai BiobeuH could. The true story of the origin of " Olivet Twist" is not generally taown, It is this : After the anastag auooesa of the "Fiokviob Papers," Diokens was think. ing of following it up by a story of London life, with whloh he was man familiar than with English country life. Just about that time, he happened to vi-it the studio of Qeorgo Cruiksbanlt, and was shown some drawings the latter had made illustrating the career of a London thief. There was a skcloh of pagin'fl den, with tb» Artful ftodger «pd Master Oharley Bates; pictures of Bill Sikee and bis dog, and Nanoy Sikos, and lastly Fagin in the condemned oell. Diekenp was ranch struck by the power of these character sketches, and the result was that he changed the whole plot of "Oli- ver Twist." Instead of taking hitn through ipirJUeas adventure* iu the oonntry, he introduced tiro. Into tbe thioves* den in London, showed up their life of iin, but brought bis hero through pure and underlet]. Thu it will he seen tbat Qoorgo Oruik- nk, not Charity Diokena, was i originator of the loading obamotors thai appear in "Qliyer X f ist," Cleft for Mi. One ol tbe "Jubilee Singera," a atu- ant of Fi^k Univareity, was on board a leaner that took fire. He had presonco mind tofixlife preservers on himself md wife; but in the agony of despair, vhen all on board wore trying to i jemaelves, some one dragged off from Fe tholife preacrver, HO that she jund herself helpless nmid tbe waters, lutahe clung toher husband, placing ior lands firmly onhis slionldors as he swam on. After a little her strength wag exhausted. "I can hold on no longer," was her cry. "Try a little 3Dger." was her husbands agonized en- renty ; end then he added, "Let us ling 'flock of Ages."' Immediately hey both began faintly to sing, and heir strains fell upon the eara of many irotrnd them, while tbey were thus seek- ng to comfort each other. QDQ alter lotber of tbe nearly exhausted swim- irs waa noticed raising his head above to waves and joining in the prayer— "Booko/Asrw, cleft tor roe. Lat me hrde injuolf In Thee, Ao. Strength eeemed to come with the ig, and tbey were able to hold out a ite longer, still faintly singing, A at was eeea approaching, and they ;d get strength enough to keep them- afloat till the orew lifted themon board, And limn Topi&dy'g hymn belped to save more than one from, le&fii bysoa, aait Iiaa often lielpod to lave souls ready to perieh. Bui what does tbat line mean that ipeska of the Book as "cleft,"compar- ing It to Christ's "riven"or "pierced lidc P" It refers—1. To the smiting of a rock at Eephidim (Ex., xtfi, fl), tien tlie waters flowed forth like a river om the thirsty people, a. To Moses placed in tbe oleft of tbe rock Axi", 21,22}, perhaps just above 'here the waters Rushed forth when the rook was "smitten." It was there, standing in that deft, tlmt Moses sawas much of glory u lie could bear, and leard God Himself proclaim His glor- DUS perfections. Put tbeBB two to- -the rook ctett that the waters light flow forth, and Moses Bknding in elelt—and yoa have a type "or pic- ture of a sinner hid in Christ, who was mitten for us, and from whomflowoil streams of blessings to oar souls.— Rev. AndrewA. Bonor, J),D. A ilood and Cheap WhlUwaih. Few people know how easily white- wash is made and haw valuablo it is rhea properly applied. >revents tbe deoiv of It not only rood, but is illy cond'jeive to tbe healtbfalness builuiiigj, whether of wood or stane. at'bnildiiigs andfences, when not painted, should be supplied once or twice a year with a good coat of white- h l h nthe t e a year with a good coat of wash, whicli should be prepared in the following way; Take a clean, water- light barrel or other suitable cask, and ut into it about half a bushel of lime ; lick it hy ponriag water over it boiling tot, and pat in a snfilcient quantity of rater to cover it fire inches deep, and tir it briskly till thoroughly slacked vhen (he slacking bas been thoroughly iffeoted, dissolve it in water, and add wo pounds, of sulphate of arao and com- mon salt. These will canse the wash to harden and prevent its crooking, which fives un nnseemly appearance to ite -ark. If desirable, a beaatilal cream olor may be given to the bbore wash by adding three pounds of yellow ochrej r a good pearl by lead, lamp, vine or ty Ulaok, For fawn oolor, add four ounds of amber, Turkish ot American -the latter is the cheapest—one ponnd l Indian, red, OEO fount} of common, lamp-black. To all add..o, IUU& cletfl tallow melted. DeecJtert Conversion U?rt* fn&e. BBOOELTN, Deo. 24,1861, MB. EDIIOB :—Are jou not a Httte hard on Bev, Henry Ward Beeoher ? When Tou kaow the "true inwardaesii" of his change of views on the Bubject of protection, perhaps you will have more consideration for him. Yon know, in iB great trial be was zealously defended by bis friend Thomas Q. Shearman, an Englishman by birth, &od I believe «u American by adoption. Before the trial Mr. Shearman liod an exceedingly lucra- tive practice at the Bar, the greater part of which he lost by reason offcfammy months' devotion to Mr. Bsecher's ia* terests. Whatever his reverend client may have paid him byway of fee could hardly compensate himfur bin banvy losses. Mr. Siieartnaa spent alarge part of last summer iu London und other parts of his native land. What he did here can best be inferred from his action an his return. The action referred to was his organizing a little Cobden Club, which met in the parlor of his house on olumbia Haiglsts, at /request iatetnk during the autumn months, and then and there the Brooklyn free-trade cam- aign was organized. Mr, Beaoher be* mme actively interested and attended ibese meetings, and is now brought oat tbe expounder of tbe "immorality" jt protecting Amerimu indgatry. Now sir, if Mr. Shearman hae been astute enough to demand from tbe Eng- lish manufacturers a good big fee on tbe ondition of bin getting the great Beeober ito the forefront of the battle, lie will probably be able to handsomely make up his pecuniary losses from the Beeoher rial. How could the clerical gentleman refuse to comtt to tbe aid of hie. friend ? t would be tbe basest ingratitude if he ihould do otherwise. To be sure, the ipeech was a very flippant one, and must LVC impressed all who heard it that he ms not spsakiag Iiom aoy mental eon- notion, but be did the host he could, 3ommend a man for standing bybis iiende. I Bay. O. T&.~Protectiouisft The mysterious- He aman with alight beaver over- vat on. He drives & white horse and gy) and all of a sudden he stops D themiddle of tbe street and lookn at bis horse. In two minutes iftv people line the curbstone. " Wliat's tlic matter ?" "Balky." k man steps out to eeiia tbe bridle and start the horse, but the driver hakes bis bead and motions him away. "I'll bet he's an ugly brute." 11 Of aoursB lie is. Look at that cgly re of his I" The crowd has now beeo increased hy ifty, and several vehicles have stopped. " Anybody hurt ?" No; balky horse." " Why doesn't some one whiBper ia ear P" Four Then stepped oat togirs advice, Qt they are hastily motioned hack, and livery stable man in the crowd ob- rveB; "If that hone doesn't kill two or .hree men here X Bhall be much mis- ken. " Tbiee m'watea more and the crowd berti 200. The man with the gray rso looks up and down tbo streut. iraces bis feat, takenftflrmgrip on tlie i e a and softly says : "Como, Petar," And Peter drops bis bead, dangles his nrs, and moves off as slowly and softly a river of grease. "What was it ?" cults a man who has in four blooka and is pafflng like a Ule. But there is no one to answer him. crowd bas dissolved like a handful sugar in abarrel of water. It is very lyeterious, and the crowd doesn't enjoy is olimox at all. WIT It Pays to Aurertise. A reporter dropped into oneof OUT jgest retail astflblishmenU Wednesday id held a conversation with tbe pro. ietor. 'Yon nave a great rush," remarked > reporter. 1 Yes," replied the proprietor, " a big ih-partlr bscanae it is holiday sa*- ion, hat mainly on account of acker- Using." How can yoa tell whether advertla< g pays, and what papers are good me* ' "Icaotell tbat aaTertiaing pays by >ppiDSm7 8dvcrtiBGmoDta. I'va tried Trade drops, not at onoe/but the ide ol purchasers flows some other way, !he caau receipts tell the story." " Is there any difference inthesharp- ess of the buyers—I mean do they hug. ;le mnch over prioos ?" "Ob, no; we sell at one price, and I the best stores ia Boston do the name, hey will sometimes Bay they c&n boy icb and suoh an article cheaper ol&e- here. When they mention the place i eeod and sea if it iatrae, and if so ; mark onr stock down." "Bupposayou should give npsdyer- tUing?" Well, I should save & big pile of lonoy the first year, but I shonld lose a x pile the n u t two years. You ktap the boiler heated if yoa want earn. If you bank your fires too long, takes time to start op. Advertising is >e steam which keeps bnriness moving; studied the matter."—Botton Jour* Tho Secret Out, A reporter droppM into one of our irgest retail eatablUhmeats yesterday, nd held, a conversation with tho pro- ,elor, "You have a greatrnsh,"w- ;rked the reporter. "Yes," replied o proprietor, "a higrush—partly bg. IBB it is holiday season, but mainly on Bccoantofidvoitising," "Howc&nyou tell whether advertising pays, and what papers are good mediums?" "I can tell tbat advertising pays by stopping iy advertisements. 3Vc tried it. Trade ,rops, not at once, bat the tide of par- ihosen flows some other way. The cash •eoeipts tell the story." "Snppos* yoa ihould givB up advertiaing?" "You ist keep th« boilers heated if yoa want steam. If yon. bank your fires too long 1 it takes time to Btart np. Advertising is IB steam which keeps business moving. 'TO studied the matter. "-BoatonJownof. Two sons of Erin, tfioveling sand oa a ot day, stopped to rest, and exohangea •iaws on tha labor quesUoD, "Pat, ! i is mighty, hard work we're a t " " It iodaJe, Jiminj ; hat what kind or •k is it you'd like ifyou could get it? 1 ell," said the other, lSinit-K r e f W on his shovel ana wiping the wr- irUcD with the baok of Sis haVd, for a, nioe, ai l b d ldlikt

Transcript of Sao 5 - Rockaway Township Free Public...

Page 1: Sao 5 - Rockaway Township Free Public… · Morris Circuit Court. ALEjutil BIEXRB ) In Oau. vi. } foreign


I T H E I R O N E E AI The Dover Printing Company

Office on Morris Streot caar ElackwBll.


Hut Ynir, - • K-t»x Month", - - - - - - - 1.i n n t . muuths, - - - - - - - !>

A D V E R T I S I N G R A T E S ,

1 loch 1» TB|» 1 SB• •' l ani a on

2 BOB.

I 3 fillfi 00G r>o8 (K)

10 0012 «tir. mi

32 (ill

3 MOB.

* 4 .100 GOa oo

11 00i;i oni<; 2r>tn on•i$ on41 00

ti M

% (11014



18 01)lit!if>'J'.l37(IS


1 ft) $ 12 r»n8 r,{)


Counsellor at LawAND


Cortior of IllacUwcl! uml tjussci Rta.

DOVEU, N. J.I. B.JOLLEY, Proprietor

Horso ml Carr i tn Let.


POVElt, N. J.


/~f £ 0 . 0 . C'DMJIJNH, M. D.,







HOVER, N. J.Tbo plweh&H boon eutirdv n'filtetl In a rifat



.LAW.Cor. Bluckwell and Sussex Sl»,

DOVER. N. J.I . H. NElGlIEOOfl. A. C. flMITtl.



Omoe over GEO. RI0HARD8 A OO.'B BTOKE,






Counsellor at Law,AND MASTEU tM CHANCERY,

Oltke in tlio National Union Hunk BuikliuR

SLiQF-w.tLST., DOYEIt, N. J .



BUILDERS,X)ovor , PJ- «T-






hand a fall and frosti Btoek oftandard yuoda at

titB ttlwiyn


!t doeijroor gro

VIOLA BEAND,and Uko nooiher. It it nlwiys good—cin tretina upon evorj time. Bindaraou on thone hnni iooroxied bis Soar trade 500 pei

Morris Circuit Court.ALEjutil BIEXRB ) In Oau.

vi. } foreignOnnri G. FCBCZ, JB. ) Attachment.

' Notice li hereby cltan that a writ of itttobmenUttbo RaMor Upbeat BeemeragaloitUinrinbtB md eredlti, mnneyi »nfl effects, goarii•ad riulteii, lands ma tenement* of Cyrai 0.Force, Jr., > non-xeiiqentdnbtor ID the mm ol

. «08,48, iHiDfd oat of the CireaU Coarlof tbeCttotj of Morris, o» tbo third fay of Oolober.

S1. tflturnibia md retanioa into tbe nidVStilTaeaat<dta]rtbeBheriffortbeO(iant7

SKOHBOCK ft Biara, Attji. for PUlntiff.December fi,lB81. ,




v WARRANTED A SURE CURE,wlilcU mtnv prominoDt cltliani can te


Brooklia, N. V.



1.1UK nil_ . . .1; to r,ivi.r|ji»<I nt i.OWEHTniTjiH. Ain« mtAn'B an a it HAT BMTAINAND M1ELAND. tU-t


"WM, VORTHAN, Prop'r.A wt'll liept hoti-[ with uv«ry uui'om:

tion far mtui mill lioiw;. TLu IICHI iinml m^iiru nt tin* Imr, and coiuforl ilit in overy dcimrlmuiit . Livery ntUd.

kept on Imurl and told iiliuuititluu.

THK Oil) «TANI>,

UNION HALL BUILDINGlilai-tnc-llMtrMt, Dover,

Hot Air Furnaces^i u j ! u y H ,

i! l}Hi!(Ji"riKn.'.\ Im







ALEXANDER WIO1ITON.ijceniln.r2iHi.lS7l>. 1-lvr


Sao 5tn feiri'l'/.Y H'/MUl* witd Hi. ItKHT

(iOOI)S lit Illll

LOWEST MARKET PRICES.Tliia pnrt :>f Wiirrm Cmmty i" n ti 1 fn| i

IO()D!t[ rT'n;i( MA1IKI1S, I iniiullPiiii IhutMKltH 1'i iOniVr.. OnliT tiyiiinilan

;ut>-oiir «oil(l,i fri-Hl. nml p.<»lll»' uni t ' dny.



SUSSEX St. GROCER,ill continues to keep a f ill] nud frosli quan-

tity of

irocerics and Provisions,

SEASONABLE FRUITS,t gmden olliuB of thn

or t i p i and (louionlic, (lii] Goods, and allIGII] in Ms lino.

Care will a lmtys lie faifeen to iiecaro goodsthe bnnt qual i ty and equal paina to noilbvi at the l.iORt renKniiiiblo umryinH con-steut wilJi lliu i«m:Jj»Kii)ff jjrit'i). SIUJSDI

t, nenr i be enrnor of Rlacbwcll, Dover.October U t l i . lB7a.

5EO.MANN••iles ;i call from nil Ills frwiula tn bis yhu:<-

CLINTON HTltKET.wlii'ivf.frtlii'irniuuhO-


OUBLE BOWLING ALLEYnnvnml in jierfpet order. Also, t>ie IK;BI

.(iKKSiiiirf u(b(T (li-tnU, sin) (lie I . 'WLVNI,C1AUS. AH wlin favor nu witli n cull will I

II i ivu l r l . ' " OKU. MANN.

HE BEST PLACEif its fciiul fur (inji.yinctit J n titi« m-cfiou i« ,


DOVKK, A . J . I

n<-i-i\«.l ami |ilaivil in ^u^ilii.n TlUU'.ivPINE SEW


Pool Tablestlie ei'Ieliriteil niaimfneiory of J . M.


T i l XI

ORCHESTRIONEH iilni) iiiNt lieen sii|i]ilipil will] ncir tniuicR(J H'ill (ielifiM D'o pslroijfl oj 1]js! liunni' jj)un>jaii uvo'', tuniiBliiiif; niuxic i-i]iul tu a IJIRHHindorBOplewfi.


LAGER BEERIwiyaon draught and tlio best of

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSB prorideil tor tlie patrons nf


IRA C. COOPERMASON AND BUILDER!Oostrieli Uluu Md msterials farnishFi] for


.ml all kind! of »otl , «h«ttar of BRICK niSTONE.

1o* nnder TBK Iftox GKA ballOiDg, UorriiItteet, Do»er, fl.J, 11

County Collector's Notice It will be i t the affloe of tbc Snrrogtte, Uor-

rutovn, for tbe trnniBatlon of Ooaoty Tbortdij of etob »eek, »nd .1 theoIB.r. or 0«or|:» Blokirdl, Qq., DoMr, l>«Jtod. M n Wed»«dKdFnd.,.

t!hii, s Lnrf,'<! AHHurtmeiit or otlicr Hly(il Cuukint; tfiovi'N, liniiKus, Tarliir

8tovr«. 4 c ,


ilfto, n elidk-e stock uf

Hardware, Cutlery,f]nss, WwuJfB, 0«2>i>«r, rjain ftfld Japantn


Oil ClntliK. Carp^tB, LuiiMiB, Taints nml OUNIr.l t\w*: I 'VMIIITB, Pratt'H A»Lr»l o i l iu(ui

' i*i-.1 Also.



Miners Wanted at Midvale,fliio ooomr.N. J. T







l ' l . 4 « i S T O N E S


WHANN'8 PHOSPHATE,Hone DllBt, Cllimo. Poil4irel(e,


WOOD sawed in stove lengtliB.COJh-Ij.

STOVE, ma, CHESTNUT.O r i l . r p , l i m y h i ' i L d . l r c ^ n t U i r o i i j ; l i t i n - 1

i m i v j j l j r : ) i ] i , , x 2 « , u r l u f t i i t A . l l r t j i i i t r ' H t i

i l l l i i c k v f l l S t . , iK'f . r H U H « C > I , o r ft- t i n y i u


«_«•...¥"« ~ O ft ft ft ft

A Natural, Sparkling MineralWater, Imported from tlie

Rhine, Germany,guaranteed an it mm1 uinv fur Dv^pqiriift. [m-

ii-iliatc K"»"l n-miu nkv.urt fukbw & Hinylorikl. Ainu, thii ftiitdt




L. D. SCHWARZ,•VV.l'.VS n HKY.T, •--,-,'•••'"••• '•••••l N . J . ' ' - : I ! I :

tlcj.iJt, IdlVKU, N. ,1.

Freeman Wood,FIRE





Joseph York*n-ir MoititiKTmv.v JV. J

The New Empire ,

Hot-Ai •. Gas &. IJnsc-burn-


DOVKI1.N.J.itllymitlKimi-iHEMiUif the fullewiiifs tlr»»t•

rluiiHCiiiiijianifd—tl.d |jf-ntiii the n u r l d ;


OLOUU, uupitiii 9ao,ooo,owi,

LANrCA8nriu-: of MANciii&TftH

Ciijtitiit Si 11,01111,0013.

loo 11 ii ir. Plumbing tinti Joli

irlmiik'u Senlt'& at Maitufuc-turer's pricea;

I ron, C . I . | U T , llrutu, J H - « 1 , RHK> am"iunbacfcH taken hi i>xclintiw for c-imlM.

1JBUKN ,V l tONNEIJj . .O, mnnnfactiin'rHflr BX:NNF,LL'& S E L F -


dimvar.Miircli 1.1873.



DOVER, N. .1.

t'UAKKLlK 01' l'lllLADEU'IlJA,


JM-lOPLIi'H, Newark.

UNHID 1 11 1 \11 NS


oinlcin min t l l r . 'lll,U(ilSpriiiKn.-U Firf iDsnnHui»•,, i ijulii1 **ltiM),tHV

WcKic-lirsUsr I'iro luKiiniNew "i'ni'k, cuiiitiil SjrjUII.OIIO


Co., Muwnchu

uo Company fo





- B0O,O(H

Freeman Wood,Jimtlet of tht) l»L-acu and Tulict' 31i(;iiilriiti


Bouse, % ami l'AI'Elt HANti-

c*Mtyk-n. Hiuiilff ii

, h VP.O,X«'HW3.

A H|'<ci:iityJ .UAl ' .TIN

i,iU'iif httt-lj




OT BLACKSMITH gEOP!has, T, Clark & Son

atUhnt;, COKSEIt ULACKV'EhL ANDIlEJtGKN BTH., mid iiivilu tlio

Horse Shoeingna<le » Bpcfinlty of tliu biiHinrRfl, Rtid & trialnnnwnora ofljurwsB iHrcsp^ctrullv


Miners Wanted at Midvale,'ASS4I0 COTJNTY, K. J. TAKE


OLIVER S . FREEMAN,Carpenter and Builder,Bkeu the Bliop on BMIEIX l l rcct , latoty>lld by J u . Bn»rIiiE. on fltit floor of the

Jobbing l n 3 repftiring promptly. t o . A long eipcriEDce m tlio Lnsl-

^ i , vttlt I iHJliore, enawlo Ino In gire BBtilotion to i l l cnBtoneri. ODntnotB taken »l•BteriBli fnrolsbeil.





|[|j OPP. D., L. & W. R. R.,

|f|i! Cor. Warren and Dickerson Sts., <M

<M DOVER, N. J. I!

« ft \i_it « J MM'¥*


ItCoffees! Ooffees! Coffees!

Finest Old ftov. Jnva only" ** Mocha "

29 eta35 "

eo ct«."Sim Cliop"


Fruits for the HolidaysI'INKST JUISlMi-.I.™.l.iu l.:.ji

C u l K , 1'riiiii., 1'ilnni, I,,•i,,,.n»,- I . f«IKE JlUSClTKf.H, VAI.fKTTA. Alai

UV o iiusilivrly « r l»nB tLonii giimb


HE UOYER LUMBER CO.iffors to buihlecP tlio best oj>porc\LnlUu3 in Jho piirchuso of LUMBERif oveiy grade and description iiicluding LOW PRIUiiS and tho groat\vantsgo of having

.Lumber Worked to Orderr lnftchinflty nt the pluco where it I-.-- jmrchased, grotttly lessoning the

cost of building by tho great saving iu manual labor. Ouretock iilviiyB ii eludes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsit! LUMBER of every description, and especial jiainw are takeny

to givo sup , p pon iu overy particular.

GEon^ti ltionARDii, Prudent .Wtt. II. LAUI'EUT, at'a'ysiid Trcaa.

iNO, Gon'l Manager.








NO additions! cturga for ol treating wberonow toetli aro hisertotl. ffearo '

-f too tutor


DoTGT.SeptomberKSlti. 1876.


BLAOKWBLL BTItEKT, OPfontte J'AHDKB AC L A R X ' I , Dover. N, j , , f» now rrtnlv U> meetthe ilemaad of tlio public in the fall trade nt

All the new «Upc< in IUTH »nd DOXHETS,trimmed »ud nntrlmiDn]. All tlie nevr nhido*iti BJbtionK, Plpubei, V«lvetg, Batlni, Peatli-ore, and Flonen. lleoiv Iwgu MBortraent ol

Clsaki uflllolinuu!All ffDflde 10I1I i s low SB o&n be bonfthtln

Hevr York. «-4w

ESTRAT.There came to tha rcntrtcuoo or AliDorN.

Dtlts, Oorroftn Tailor. N, J., nn or uhaut Oct.1st, lflfll, one White FomalBHhwp, wllli tmt-nnl bitch faoe, IeBnaaJ £»(!, end & blink nrti-fieisl mark on tho left ibonldor. Far Furtherparticulars cr.ll on iho mibscribcr,

11. T. WELSH, Clerk.Waabington Tonmblp, Sea. SOth, 1*81.

rSoo't locate betare •


all otlicr work in IIIB line. Cemk-ryjclomHl witli Krunitc ami tiiarblu \«mf, 1

Uaig « | i o r w n c c and ri-awiixUh! | n m « Ifuflmliilunt tha t lL 'au Kiitielj tint public.

T H 0 8 . JOHNBON.

Accents for Fairbanks' Scales and Tor-

williger's Safes.




iRrlcultarii ImplcmonU, BoedB, Fertil izers,to.. PfttLia, Oils, QI-.RI, oto.


a i o n o x M. Tbocrlatown. Heo. 13th. K87B.


Sussex Bt, DOVEB, N X,io thoroagli^y furnished md effloieatly

qntpFdd with ibrco of GRItTrTH'S 0ELE-


EhroVn, PlUier, Mltwaalno. Taleuo, Cinnin-tiftti. Bi. Loils, Peter Doelgor'n and LionBrewery Lagm. Tl» best WINES, Lz«roas


O'lSStiipeciHcaliinliltid fur

SOVER, IT. J.M]joinitift th* Dotcr Lamtor Oom-nil!. Onntracti taken, am! pfcnc,?(: l!"? l l l»t( ir iiIio'8»rJ "wi r"fur iniioinjt*. jobbing

SLATE ROOFING.Ulito rumitisd from Iho bant qoirrieibr

the imall qtntitlty or u r load, and laid, 11 do-ured, br e^erleocod forkmen at low rato-i.

Cold ITatiila and Feet, and vho BTO -withoutBtrcDgtb or Ambition. These m i l qntot tlo

POETIO."No Tears in Heaven,"

Tho' dark and aoirowful theeartb,Tbo' so much iorro# given,

SVe «d(i oto find (liii fbonRbt toTliera are no tekn in H*»T«O.

No tciti, in Hoarea, tlio' thii life

g ;We will not btTe a tear to iliBd

In Ihe land to which we'ro going.

Jaat now out- lira with lorrow flll«l,Ana now tlitllegluiDtu*,

A tUtit, gietn ofpe*fb and lore,And then oome« baok Uie udoeas.

And so it In, ll;rough dtya md yearnUfi/i ficfclo tldokeepi roDnicg;

And firtt tbere opmai a little rain,

AD<I then a little looaiog.

Bnt SOOD it's o?er, and ths ligh tBnnta from the peaoefal ibon,

And sLfoflB upon the pitteot heart,To darken nevermore—

Boriti in its glorious boantr,Andalllire'itearfaredilBd,

For tlisre ar« no teari In HeavenBeyond old Jordan'i tide.

No teara In Heavtu 1 blosied tbouglit INo surrow (hers can come •

Fur all is paaco, and joy, tod loreWithin our Heavenly home.

And tbo' the oartb is ailed »ith teari,And friouds from frlonde iro rivec,

We still CIQ find thla thought to cheer—Tlicto aro no tears in Hetvon,


McKinnon Bros.

Axes and Edge Tools,ROCKAWAY, N. J.

ERA-D1A.TI0NS.A shoe horn—a sherry cobler.

Tbe moiilli is thu heart's ehimaef.

A guilt frama—the prison wiadow.

Winter cosuw when Autnmn leaves.

The beat press ever made—two loving

A perfectly gqunre man ia 'round >lie rigbt time.

When is A wclf moat dongeroaaWhen ho feels nhe»pisli.

The key that wiada up many a man'

usinf&B ia wlilakey.

" Ah me," Bighoil a pawnbroker's wife

what ii loan-sum life wo lead."

"Right Away " i s the title of a now

ranin. Piesuma tbe beroia a mail who

w«ut» bis iliuner.

Why is the nasesaor of tttxes tho beatiiiL iu the world ? Because he neve

imierrctes ftuybodj-.AJuni waa, doubtleuj, the inventor, o\c pioneer press—wbea he ombtaceivo for tlie first tituo.It isn't the oaat tbat makes the man,

ior ia it tho pants, us aonio might sup->se, but tho small haj,

" I'm going to the bawl," said a bus-md bonaciog out ol bed at 3 A. M.,id rushing off to tho nursery,

" He baa a PloreatiDe, fonrteenib ceu-mry Ireuzy," said the ©athete, BB he be-lold the man with the jim-jamB.

It is atrauge, but true, that a singer'nn never go from the deep to toe high' 0 " without having a large oompasa,

Will the " coming maa " shut tbeloor after Lira ? He mil in tliis office,ir the going man nil! go out of tbe win-low.

Mrs. Livermore is lecturing on " Tbetoy of To-tlsiy," who ia out iu front of

church waiting for "The Comingirl."

WB are toll Unit tbo ttuolcnt Egjp-iaus houorod it cat wbea dead. Themc'teat Egspi'nua knew when a cat wasHost tu be honored.

A new piece of music is entitled,Da ctinio on your knee, darling," Sheidently wants to fittd out if ho is ring-

ig ia a wooden leg ou ber,

Six different women wore fatallyurued, last full, while making soft soap,!ow much enter and bettor to tub thett]e children's witu « brick.

" The difference between a marriagejd a hanging." said an old bachelor,is Ibat with the former a man's trou-In commence, while with tuB latterity cud."

If your motber-iu-tnv should suddenlyEir, and you alioold s& auCdenly

utico n strong RIQO!1 of brimstone, what>Ec\vsion ore you just yriakeA enoughdraw?

She (of a literary tmn) i Doaen't tliii;niiD(l joa of a lava fete ooiler LouisVI ?', He (matter oj foot) ; "Bog pw-Dn, fbat waa rather before my time,m know." [8ilenca]

A email bay was found, bjr hte motber.crying bitterly. When asked tbe caaae,be said : Tlie minister said! we all mastbe bored again, and I atn afraid I willbe borned a girl,"

A little gjrl read a oompoiition beforethe minister. The Ptjbject was a '• cow,"

wove in this complimentary sea*tence: "A cow is the moat useful ani-mal in the world except religion."

n a bnj woe asked, " Whfire waathe text this matning ?" he quickly re-plied, "It is somewhere iu batoholB."

Tn hatchets ? So, It was Acts." " Well,I Inew it was eorAething that wouldout,"

Christmas cards grow larger, more or*stio and more etpensfoe. In a few

years, u young man that hisonly a coaplflof hundred dollars to spend during theholiday* will bo andecided whether tobay his gitl a Obrialmas otf^ oi a goldwatch aail chain,

Tlie True Pai-pou of a Tariff.Tbe Philadelphia Record apprbriogi

copies the following from tbe CinoinnaiCommercial i

"It the proteotiooUtaare in oainealand zeatly want to protect American in-daatriea they will move for an amend-ment of our immigration laws to restricimmigration tD the United States. (wfaat use are laws to protect iadiut:against European competition and cteajlabor when tbe gates are thrown widiopen for the cheap labor to come righiin and oomoete with tbe native laboringman at hia own door ?"

Here is another from the Bafllilo Ex-•e$$;

" If the protected manufacturers wbcimpoBod tbe convenlioo mean whal

they say, why do tbey not propose tcgive the laborer aome of the protectionwbich they are BO eager and oonetaniand insatiable in demiudino for them'selves? Why do they not advocate tfa<imposition of heavy head-money on im-migrauta. or tbe prohibition of immiRration? Then American worbiagmecould keep the market to themselves ancould control the price of labor. Aymatter of foot, however, tbe protection-ists at Chicago, while&skiBgprDtectioB—high protection, war rates—for every-thing tbat is mode proposed no promo-tion at all for the makers. WorkJag-men must paj high prices for everythingtboy buy, because the manufacturers areprotected,' bat itie labor, which is tbe

only tbing the poor man has to protect,is exposed to the absolutely open com.petition of the world."

Of coarse we give these papers creditfor tbe good sense ol knowing betterthan they here so ignorautly confess, forwe believe all this special pleading is in-sincere and merely for partisan effectbut, that they may be informed of thoreal purpose ol a high tariff, we will ex-plain.

America can have no purpose of re-stricting the migration to ber shoresfrom all tlie old over-peopled countries,whose institutions force tbe people to ig-norance, poverty, vice, degradation andiliucst to slavery, with no hope ofpossible advancement. America inow land, with broad acres and untoldwealth of resources, aud a fres govern-ment, and those fostering institution!which tend to advanco society and civili-zation, and America Invites the irotai-

m and gives to thoso who cornea tooccupy.

All this ia free trade—freedom of pos-ition and of occupancy. But those

rho Dome here do so to letter their eon-lition, not to be followed by the tinfriendly, grinding policy of aristocraticyyvemments, and the business of Amer-

a is to establish industries and also tomder it safe Ior capital to come hero topen sources of employment for thoselilliooB wlio come here. It is nob a' know-nothing1" policy, not a

policy, but it the people come here, cap-ital mast he brought here also, ani if

immigration is large, the uouraoa olemployment must be large also. This

the purpose of a high tariff, and weire happy to say that the grandest re-al te are following— Chicago Jaurnd qf

ted that ihi» oMeslil)otlkown Urn bat Rone out of

baaineNS, wo tako thii tima-is of informliiji thannblio that Bach IB not the caie. Wo wo stillin buafncHs, Iiavo DO conneotiou with anyofhertirm wlntevor, and shall continue to make onrtroll'knovn BOOM witli sreater cne than ever.Alloiirsdoqanro hand-made thronenpnt and

re tbo only firm in Eookaway making BUI*o d s entirely by band. Wator Tnyon Tor

forgej ii ipflolaltT. SS-ly





IKJ B 0 0 TO


l7-8m DOVER, H. J,




far all kfndi of baltdlegi, *nfl lh« construction

of linlldlaas laparlaiuided. 3!

How " OllfAr T w W .wwCrnted,Even the biRhest genius most some-

times borrow—or at least appropriatethe Mots of others. Pew, however,could make so flna use of a bint aiBiobeuH could.

The true story of the origin of " OlivetTwist" is not generally taown, It isthis : After the anastag auooesa of the"Fiokviob Papers," Diokens was of following it up by a story ofLondon life, with whloh he was manfamiliar than with English country life.

Just about that time, he happened tovi-it the studio of Qeorgo Cruiksbanlt,and was shown some drawings the latterhad made illustrating the career of aLondon thief.

There was a skcloh of pagin'fl den,with tb» Artful ftodger «pd MasterOharley Bates; pictures of Bill Sikeeand bis dog, and Nanoy Sikos, and lastlyFagin in the condemned oell. Diekenpwas ranch struck by the power of thesecharacter sketches, and the result wasthat he changed the whole plot of " Oli-ver Twist." Instead of taking hitnthrough ipirJUeas adventure* iu theoonntry, he introduced tiro. Into tbethioves* den in London, showed up theirlife of iin, but brought bis hero throughpure and underlet].

T h u it will he seen tbat Qoorgo Oruik-nk, not Charity Diokena, was i

originator of the loading obamotors thaiappear in " Qliyer X f ist,"

Cleft for Mi.

One ol tbe " Jubilee Singera," a atu-ant of Fi^k Univareity, was on board aleaner that took fire. He had presonco

mind to fix life preservers on himselfmd wife; but in the agony of despair,vhen all on board wore trying to ijemaelves, some one dragged off from

Fe tho life preacrver, HO that shejund herself helpless nmid tbe waters,lutahe clung to her husband, placingior lands firmly on his slionldors as he

swam on. After a little her strengthwag exhausted. " I can hold on nolonger," was her cry. "Try a little3Dger." was her husbands agonized en-renty ; end then he added, "Let usling 'flock of Ages."' Immediatelyhey both began faintly to sing, andheir strains fell upon the eara of manyirotrnd them, while tbey were thus seek-ng to comfort each other. QDQ alterlotber of tbe nearly exhausted swim-

irs waa noticed raising his head aboveto waves and joining in the prayer—

"Booko/Asrw, cleft tor roe.Lat me hrde injuolf In Thee, Ao.

Strength eeemed to come with theig, and tbey were able to hold out aite longer, still faintly singing, Aat was eeea approaching, and they

;d get strength enough to keep them-afloat till the orew lifted them on

board, And limn Topi&dy'g hymnbelped to save more than one from,le&fii by soa, aait Iiaa often lielpod tolave souls ready to perieh.

Bui what does tbat line mean thatipeska of the Book as "cleft,"compar-ing It to Christ's "riven"or "piercedlidc P" It refers—1. To the smiting of

a rock at Eephidim (Ex., xtfi, fl),tien tlie waters flowed forth like a riverom the thirsty people, a. To Moses

placed in tbe oleft of tbe rockAxi", 21,22}, perhaps just above

'here the waters Rushed forth when therook was "smitten." It was there,standing in that deft, tlmt Moses saw asmuch of glory u lie could bear, andleard God Himself proclaim His glor-DUS perfections. Put tbeBB two to-

-the rook ctett that the waterslight flow forth, and Moses Bknding in

elelt—and yoa have a type "or pic-ture of a sinner hid in Christ, who wasmitten for us, and from whom flow oil

streams of blessings to oar souls.—Rev. Andrew A. Bonor, J),D.

A ilood and Cheap WhlUwaih.

Few people know how easily white-wash is made and haw valuablo it isrhea properly applied.>revents tbe deoiv of

It not onlyrood, but is

illy cond'jeive to tbe healtbfalnessbuiluiiigj, whether of wood or'bnildiiigs and fences, when not

painted, should be supplied once ortwice a year with a good coat of white-

h l h n the

t e a year with a good coat ofwash, whicli should be prepared in thefollowing way; Take a clean, water-light barrel or other suitable cask, andut into it about half a bushel of lime ;lick it hy ponriag water over it boilingtot, and pat in a snfilcient quantity ofrater to cover it fire inches deep, andtir it briskly till thoroughly slacked •vhen (he slacking bas been thoroughlyiffeoted, dissolve it in water, and addwo pounds, of sulphate of arao and com-

mon salt. These will canse the wash toharden and prevent its crooking, whichfives un nnseemly appearance to i t e-ark. If desirable, a beaatilal creamolor may be given to the bbore wash

by adding three pounds of yellow ochrejr a good pearl by lead, lamp, vine orty Ulaok, For fawn oolor, add fourounds of amber, Turkish ot American-the latter is the cheapest—one ponndl Indian, red, OEO fount} of common,

lamp-black. To all add..o, IUU& cletfltallow melted.

DeecJtert Conversion U ?rt* fn&e.BBOOELTN, Deo. 24,1861,

MB. EDIIOB :—Are jou not a Htttehard on Bev, Henry Ward Beeoher ?When Tou kaow the " true inwardaesii"of his change of views on the Bubject ofprotection, perhaps you will have moreconsideration for him. Yon know, in

iB great trial be was zealously defendedby bis friend Thomas Q. Shearman, anEnglishman by birth, &od I believe «uAmerican by adoption. Before the trialMr. Shearman liod an exceedingly lucra-tive practice at the Bar, the greater partof which he lost by reason of fcfa mmymonths' devotion to Mr. Bsecher's ia*terests. Whatever his reverend clientmay have paid him by way of fee couldhardly compensate him fur bin banvylosses. Mr. Siieartnaa spent a large partof last summer iu London und otherparts of his native land. What he didhere can best be inferred from his action

an his return. The action referred towas his organizing a little Cobden Club,which met in the parlor of his house on

olumbia Haiglsts, at /request iatetnkduring the autumn months, and thenand there the Brooklyn free-trade cam-

aign was organized. Mr, Beaoher be*mme actively interested and attendedibese meetings, and is now brought oat

tbe expounder of tbe "immorality"jt protecting Amerimu indgatry.

Now sir, if Mr. Shearman hae beenastute enough to demand from tbe Eng-lish manufacturers a good big fee on tbe

ondition of bin getting the great Beeoberito the forefront of the battle, lie will

probably be able to handsomely makeup his pecuniary losses from the Beeoherrial. How could the clerical gentleman

refuse to comtt to tbe aid of hie. friend ?t would be tbe basest ingratitude if heihould do otherwise. To be sure, theipeech was a very flippant one, and must

LVC impressed all who heard it that hems not spsakiag Iiom aoy mental eon-notion, but be did the host he could,3ommend a man for standing by bisiiende. I Bay. O. T&.~Protectiouisft

The mysterious-He i» a man with a light beaver over-

vat on. He drives & white horse andgy) and all of a sudden he stops

D the middle of tbe street and looknat bis horse. In two minutes

iftv people line the curbstone." Wliat's tlic matter ?""Balky."k man steps out to eeiia tbe bridle

and start the horse, but the driverhakes bis bead and motions him away.

"I'll bet he's an ugly brute."11 Of aoursB lie is. Look at that cgly

re of his I"

The crowd has now beeo increased hyifty, and several vehicles have stopped.

" Anybody hurt ?"N o ; balky horse."

" Why doesn't some one whiBper iaear P"

Four Then stepped oat to girs advice,Qt they are hastily motioned hack, andlivery stable man in the crowd ob-rveB;"If that hone doesn't kill two or

.hree men here X Bhall be much mis-ken. "Tbiee m'watea more and the crowd

berti 200. The man with the grayrso looks up and down tbo streut.

iraces bis feat, taken ft flrm grip on tliei e a and softly says :

"Como, Petar,"And Peter drops bis bead, dangles his

nrs, and moves off as slowly and softlya river of grease."What was it ?" cults a man who has

in four blooka and is pafflng like aUle.But there is no one to answer him.

crowd bas dissolved like a handfulsugar in a barrel of water. It is very

lyeterious, and the crowd doesn't enjoyis olimox at all.

W I T It Pays to Aurertise.A reporter dropped into one of OUT

jgest retail astflblishmenU Wednesdayid held a conversation with tbe pro.ietor.

'Yon nave a great rush," remarked> reporter.1 Yes," replied the proprietor, " a bigih-partlr bscanae it is holiday sa*-

ion, hat mainly on account of acker-Using."

How can yoa tell whether advertla<g pays, and what papers are good me* '

"Icaote l l tbat aaTertiaing pays by>ppiDSm7 8dvcrtiBGmoDta. I'va tried

Trade drops, not at onoe/but theide ol purchasers flows some other way,!he caau receipts tell the story."

" Is there any difference in the sharp-ess of the buyers—I mean do they hug.;le mnch over prioos ?"

"Ob, n o ; we sell at one price, andI the best stores ia Boston do the name,hey will sometimes Bay they c&n boyicb and suoh an article cheaper ol&e-here. When they mention the placei eeod and sea if it ia trae, and if so; mark onr stock down.""Bupposayou should give npsdyer-

tUing?"Well, I should save & big pile of

lonoy the first year, but I shonld lose ax pile the n u t two years. Youktap the boiler heated if yoa want

earn. If you bank your fires too long,takes time to start op. Advertising is>e steam which keeps bnriness moving;

studied the matter."—Botton Jour*

Tho Secret Out,A reporter droppM into one of our

irgest retail eatablUhmeats yesterday,nd held, a conversation with tho pro-

,elor, "You have a greatrnsh," w-;rked the reporter. "Yes," repliedo proprietor, " a hig rush—partly bg.IBB it is holiday season, but mainly on

Bccoantofidvoitising," "Howc&nyoutell whether advertising pays, and whatpapers are good mediums?" " I cantell tbat advertising pays by stoppingiy advertisements. 3Vc tried it. Trade,rops, not at once, bat the tide of par-ihosen flows some other way. The cash•eoeipts tell the story." " Snppos* yoaihould givB up advertiaing?" "You

ist keep th« boilers heated if yoa wantsteam. If yon. bank your fires too long1

it takes time to Btart np. Advertising i sIB steam which keeps business moving.'TO studied the matter. "-BoatonJownof.

Two sons of Erin, tfioveling sand oa aot day, stopped to rest, and exohangea•iaws on tha labor quesUoD, "Pat,

! i is mighty, hard work we're a t " " ItiodaJe, Jiminj ; hat what kind or•k is it you'd like ifyou could get it?1

ell," said the other, lSinit-K r e f Won his shovel ana wiping the wr-

irUcD with the baok of Sis haVd,for a, nioe, ai l b d


Page 2: Sao 5 - Rockaway Township Free Public… · Morris Circuit Court. ALEjutil BIEXRB ) In Oau. vi. } foreign

rgEJROg J2RAThe Dover Printing Company,

<U«irday, Jan. U, 1882.LAME ARGUMENTS'

Mr. BosHitcr W. Bajmotd, ID last week'nEngineering and Alining Journal comes aiiiat length ia <ktcow of HOD, Abeam 8, H«wflt't opposition to k duty on iron ore. Agood part of MB editorial in an enlargementof Mr. Hewitt's theory tlmt Morns Count?ores are unfit for Bessemer pntpoaea, whicbargument w« ihiut wa met fall; last weukwhen we showed (bat the Betwemer people

owned and controlled proeestes wfafcb i mid


We imgferf tbat H would be ninguiat itour Oscar did not have any participation intbe ihgnailal weties wbicii marked theconduct of tbe Democratic majority lo the

when tbe attempt to organize v umade laat Tuesday, %hteb were revolutionaryand a disgrace to the State. It now appear*that be had. A reliable oorreflpandant i tTrentop iufornw aft that Oicar applied bis

iH tbe nigbt before ia so attempt toDemocratic meratHTiita d C t k

Cooper tb« follow rnlng from a posi-

make our orei available for tbat purpcw,but would not one (hem while tbey coulibuy cheap foreign ore.

life next position ia tbat if ire ineroMB tbeduty ou ore tbo foreign maker" would Neat:Bewemet steel to this o rantry Instead of tUiore. Tbat is easily mot. When the Besae-tnet pcojile used more protection than tliejtiave, aH wo do now, give it to them,idea of protection fa for tbe benefit of alland is differout froni the one-sided Ihanry ofatuplo protection for tbe »U*el maknr amaudiy any at all lot the IIOD GIB producer.

But Mr. Jlaymond reaches tbe culmina-tion of bin arguments when be advances theidea that there i« danger tbat tbe eupply ofIron or« in this country may become *xhmist-ed. Tbf tefcte be is in favor of a generaladmission of foreign ores froa of duty, tbatour supply mny be basbaodpd for the needsof tbo future, I t muat require a keen fore-sight to venture such an opinion, when onocotiffid^ni tbe iKniudl^w wf t of n nonutrylikt+tHlH, raucbof which ban uot yet boonexplored. Conttidcrinfi <be dimensions oftb*two countries one would naturally thiulf tlifttSir. Itayinond would Imvo jjrentor fearH forEngland, ami want tbo \im\\U' of tbat inlandagainst tbo (lunger of eslmuHtiny thiBourtos by recklessly supplying tbo needs ofa great counlry liko tbln, innddilionto theiown, in Ute innttdr of iron. W)iy not beginto husband ulalo, granite and brink clay,wo exhaust these products of eartb, wlwo cftunot replace any tooie tbaa weIron ana coal.

\'c-ry few people, however, will blare Mr.Ituyniond's nt.iprehennion En tbiH partiiWe believe there in an untold wealth of ironore j'L-t to be developed among the hills

foreign pauper labor Udono away with nndwe am enabled by reoton of protection togo DO witli tbe development!), Nor do wobelieve that Men*™. Cooper, Hewitt .t Co.concur with Mr. Raymond In his npproiiKionH, frr we learn that lljpy are in ibo mar.let RH Kellers of tlie ore which tbey raiio be-yond (heir own needs. If tboy bad implicitconfidence in what Mr. Rnyinnuil Bayrtthis part.cularll.ejwoiilil probnWj bo bbonding their Kurplufl nlock.

The truth ia that Individual interests lieat tbo bottom or this matter, and that cbeaporo la tbe grett desideratum flint actuatestbe steel won. If the; eouW get Americanore tilieaper tiian Ihe foreign tbey wouldhave it, and would not feel at all depressedwith ICBIB loet tbo supply should fail them

in the future.

On tbo Rama ptinciylu wby not tonicslbs duty on Heel nrnl let enough flow iultbiH country from abroad to meet tho greatdemand), of tbe present, iti order that 01precious Bessemer ores may bo saved foiMuxeneeda?



The lOfitb pension of tbe New Jersey Leg-Iblature convened on Tuesday last. Tho(Senate, which is Ilepubliean, organized intin* moat hormonlooi manner. Hotloungblood, of Morris, sdministercdoath of offloe to tbe Senators, after whichthe following ofllcorfl were ohesen : Presi-dent, Garret A. Holart, of Possafc; Becre-tary, Gisorge Worts, oi FtMaio; " * ' 'Secretary, Win. T. Hunt j BonrDwing Clerk,A. h. English, of Atlantic j 8crgennUt-BriuH]>avld CUypale, of BaUm. Senator La'renee, or SUBBBX, vat the Democratic nomnee for President.

The Governor's MfflHajje vaa read. I t isa voluminous document, too lengthy farpublication, giving complete detail* of every-thing of interest lo Jeneynien, except tliequestion of tariff, VJIOB *blcn the Governordoes not nemo to bare made up bis mind,vbiofa fi probably offing to the uncertainIgnition of bis party.

Tbe members of the House attempted loorganize on Tuecuny, Vmttbey succeeded In kicking np a row evenbeyond Democratic precedent. Tbo NewYork Herald enj» "It wu the wildentMeoeof disorder, confusion and uproar tbat ever

A tbo annuls of law-nmbtag In thisState. Bnt for tbe timely interferenceJohn T. Dunn, of Union, candidate forSpeaker, bloodied and posnibla Ion of lifewould most probably hare been tbe result.

Tbe row began in tt» DumtMrtiiDthe ntgbt before when ttirea members fromHudson bolted because "Con." Donovan,tbo patriotic proprietor of a minple room inJeney City, nemoa litely to beat " Terry "MoDonaW, another pBtricrtio proprietor ofanother saloon, for tbe position of Serjeantat-armf.

When the House met and proceeded Iballot for speaker, two of tho Hudson mem\xn BtlH liclA enn waft proitQlcdanelecUoi).Then followed the greatest gcenes of confus-ion and disgrace. HOD. 0. 0. Cooper, ofMorris, Cleik of tbe lant Route, vho wastrying to organise tbo new body, a* by la*required, v u mh&e powerlew b j ihe jelland confusion. Oae UaAdoo onJerlook 1affect oi independent oreantentinn of thHouse, and one HcDermott, a Jersey Ottyping ngly, attempted to usurp tha office ofClerk Cooper. Gonna and angry 'wordsrent the air and a free flgbt Beamed immi-nent wben John T. Dunn, the notntneo forHpeaker, succeeded in getting Ihe attentionof the HOUJW, and after expressing his trow ti the diBgraeehi. proceedings, DIOTBI toadjourn. The Clrrk put tbe motion and de-clared it carried.

On Wednesday the Home net agatn andorganized by (be election of tbe followingSpeaVet, John T. Dunn, of Union; Clerk, AT-taur Wilson,of Momnoutb; Engroaslog Clerk,Mlu i Manger, cf Newark) Reading Olerk,Timothy Burn* of Atlantic : Sergeant-at-*ront Con. DonoTin, of Hudeoo; Asstabtnt,iUchMlBmley,

SNhf Democracy it Unpopular.I t h not to be woaaered nt th»t every four

yean the buafattu men, farmers and mechan-ics who study qtiBSlioniaffeoting their inter-ert look with horror at tbt prospect of »DemocinUa victory.

Tha Democratic party Is abmit oommUtcdto » haphazard revlrion of th» TftrirT by atan p«r cent redaction all round. To menwho know anything about busmen we neednot n y tbat IU pauaga would bo dUastnm*to the bunlnwii ot the cuuntry. Who Wy»in the face of a declining market ? This adahonld be entitled " An act to suspend tmsi-stiMla ths United HUle*.--American Pro*teotioniat

whli-b has been recognized for jeers,[n ml Clerk Blautolt decided tbat

unjority of all the members was necessarya ekct & Bpeaktit, and no dtaneut wai madeit tbe time, noi baa there beenniooe. ClerkCooper, in making tbe name ruling, only fol-lowed a recognized otiNtotn, I'r.inj time im-memorial it tas also been the custom for thiClerk nf the last House to orgauizji &£ newbjdy. Itut Oscar Beimod to rine above nilregard for custom or precedent and wantednluidopoHed. It iweius that hix uflortHsoinu "Suci, for on the following morningthe reratutioaary attempt wax made to turnout Clerk Coiper aud put Allan UoDertnott,of JcTKey City, in tho chair MoDennoltWftSurRerion by Leon Abbett. Amembly-man MeAdoo made a motioo and put il

declariit« Boll, of MonmnuUi,Chairman, and McDermott Clerk. Bell

ery sfinniblj refused to Act, but McDerinottin a dictorial way ptiHbed up behind tlieClerk nnd demaud^d tho Ravel. Ho abo putsome mcitiotLH uhicb greutlv belped nlougtbe general uproar nnd Kcuno ofwbiob but for Kpeaker Dunn would lavetcriuinalud in a ganeral Cemooratlu flfjbt

Our Owar" lias nnt nftor all owapet

onu of tbo bi'ad puuhi;ra in one of Ibc 11104diBKrartful ncencH ever witnessed is a Ictfis-ktkebody.

Tlit* present Demiicratic d«!uniou \H fro*trade. Wbolber it will prove otio lo tliosowho linton to nnd beliero tiie HpeeoboM of thiaepirautit for Senfttocial honor* In Iudiam

fill be Boeu nfter tbey are elected. We dnot beliavs any bonent Scmonrat suppnHDfor an Inntaut tbat tlie people of thin nation

K to (lesert tbe prinuiplon and itotflibeprotactioniatUupubUeatia who have tuaduthem tbe aOknowledK«d power in the world.No! not if they know it!"

Tha pews in Mr. lleeelu-r'H church srtbi» year for fas.a2!), a falling off as coipared witli laflt year of $4,4)00. The Aiaeri-

tn people fieera to baie less regard for hiiinee lie bos espoused the OKHI9 of Jott-ign

munufadurerM by advocating free trade.

fioTernor LUJIOW'B Message carefullyavoids nny reference to tbo important ques-tion nf tRtiB Bnw aaHntiugllintowntiy. TbiDeuiocrntio pDlloy on tariff does not as jc

to bo fully formiilrttod in New Jersey.

A Handsome Bridge,nti tlio invitation tit Fm-lwUlur Glut

F. Hopkiuit, CliAirmnu of .ht IjlilliliNR m:


Tbe Coroner's inqiieit was resumed OD Fri-layeveninn-

UeliiHB Straway, recalled, testified tbat onID first t-venins "f >be inqneit (Friday, Dec.

Otb) Mr*. Sliidcokcr went hume with Iwr andhad a eouumtiou with her o» to wtiat took

coat this inquest. BesiKtctlne tbo {misoti• said thpy wore uot fioniR ta catcb her onit. for ittie Itiiew they would null tbe dniR-,t, Blie iiaia, " Bo* coald Uiey p(«v» &lie

liil it ?" Slid Mid. " Now, tbey are tbrouglin't be brought up again, will


Mr. A. V. Docking, the American CooBalat L«edKt England, writes: "Free trademight ba a flnt-ni* thing in an unreal orccmmanUtJo world, bat It will nnt do In ours.Policy garera* nations u well u Indivtduiii:,.BdHisqwtepMwIble that there should beall policy and u> principle] in some speolal•fpllaatjaii ot free trade, which I must saywouldeonsUtatfla wry discreditable excep-tion. EoeUod Is rsallj inch an exception."

Semtor UoDonaild, Democrat, of Indiana,tufts a free trade speech hi IndianapolJ • butFriday aight, M tbe opening lor a contestwithBewUarToorijees for fail at«t JQ theSenate, and the Sun says " the OeuKontlpeditors of Ihe BUt« are Mid for frMtrada<or a tariff forreTemte." Wben a Deanwral,Uke Senator 7oorheej, «Co»i« ihe oauM nfprottetioa he is tare io meetaa«ffert on the

J i v t of bis party lo klU him of,

, Ibo rnrmliern of tlio Iloanlllnoiiiou mi Timwlay lu inRptctiliouow iroi

may rivor at thai planekininn us tlm pond bridge. In ovsry rrnpri

;o 1H OIIO or Die vnry nneat in Oicounty—an ornament to tbo community fiwhich it in locate] find a credit to tlio projc;c<turn. itUaniDKlL' spin, 1U3 feet long, iwith » width over all ofaj (e«t. TimroaUvIn 1H Tnut wldu Bin) tliuro IK » sitiowalk (ifcft, With two feet intorvonioff. The; wlinl<lilunhod nitli Ibrcu Inch yi-Hawplno. InwclitlcuUirat Rpptaraneu ttie hci-lBO lit trut;

md Its plctitrtmine lunation abortIliofallBanddiim mnhts a vcrypreltveffiThe m..Rht u1 tlio iit>» work ie thirty lo

iu It IK BO open in ils diameter tbat everypart of it can be palntcj. Tlio trust* ia ffba1» caiWl Ihc Warrtiii, or irUngnlflr unrs, ouwitli tbn l&tural breciufii overhead mnkus tlitin I lines njmrnetrnnl irnl altrnothe. Atitlier cmis aro plalci with approprimo ii(turiplionn. Tho approaches and th« bridgeitsoll me bnrdorod with a neat Iron railing,nnil the wlmio Ltiuoturo iB painted tiglit bine,The tiriilRo was built by Post * McC'.rJ,New Vork city, and IH the only ono of the kindin tbls Mrtion, although a ure'At miiny arehcing erecttKl In tjie Houlh aid West. It inijDiitvt-d (o lie ainnt {tfi pet cent, strongo

Di an brlrigftf it Ibis cbaractcr on tally ire, anis lost made by Urivlng t borao and wajjoover it at full speed mnilo hardly a percoptiWtremor of tbe structure.

Tlio ahntmcrts are, mtperb apednionfi amasonry. Theirhe'uht is 22 fnot, 12 ot wbiclIK miller Ibo water level. Tliuv aro formed cmapnive ilonos, »nd wore tmiil uaJer Uie moKidTtrso cireutnstaticBs. Tlio water gavegreat deal of trouble, end Billy critics in tbcrew antl clsu«li«rB gave Freeliold«r Hopkinsunder whose direction Urn work wnailcinc, mulitllo annoyance, Hut ho poralited slooillly BHU tlio THfflltn pnj hira llio litKl>e»t oom-pllment tliat could bo pslciidecl. The maiocwan do no by day's work under bis imposition,snd tflien Uie Job vas completed It was Taunuthat a faviuc of f3,512 undor the offored cun-tract pneu bad been offootcd.

Tlio coM of Iho whole work has been abonl111,200, of which amount the brtdfio Htnioticost ta,3Q3. TUu Cuuntttteo lu cliarRo of tinwork were Preetmldcri flopkini, HallicrTippitt. Vrecland and Director Smith, wbire \n bf. conftratnUted upon tlio mtb»tantlalitv ami Uauty of thn structure they bavierected.

After tbo inspection Mr. ITopkini invlluJ tinFrcvbolilors In the V. 8. Hotel, wbore iexcel lent dinner bad been iircpftrfil and ifared Btinipluously.

In Aid of the Poor Children.Ilie Uorris Connty OkarKlos Aid Associa-

tion hare about completed thuir arrau emontifor tlio romuvftl of tho children at tbo CountyPoor House to tbo new Gluldrc s HomoFiraippany, wliero Iho; uill rear suil cducatithem to bettor lives than tlicj have known Itbe past. Tlio sRSodation of llieso obildrcwith lh« CU»H wlio fltid their war io tha ?oor

hubl not help but placatorpnuiiorlKiu lMMi&UfiH U

ihem lo aiil the apt ion

nil tell cluritablo work ever in R( it alert In tinon nlj1. To nccompliHli this work tboy must,a Home extent, depend upon tlie coot ri bull on

of charitably inclined people. To asiiet thenin their cniiesrcr fbo lailles ctiDixn-tcd triththe ilifTiTcnt churches »f Dover ptirposo Rivliifl a HiippiT in thin town llio latter part otill* mouth, the proceeds of wbieli wilt bu fothis object. Their elTort should meet withbeirty recpnnso from all ottr people ami wo

ive tbat it will, for no more practicalme for exerting genuine charity baa evei

beni opened to the people ur thu town. Thdate and (itaca of tiotdtun tbe supper *ilprobably U« an no uncoil next vctk. In thtnetn tlua« prp.uro yourself to give it yarn

Ltt Them go to Work.jiTon or THE EBA I—Tim Iwoily of Jnmoi

Hiuk, UTIDR boUoen Dover and Prahcrsylllhare Tor sorao years been known to tho poopthroughout tbo ficinlty as porslstcut begR'win go from homo to lionso beseeching hei

linic lo ba in ft HtarvinR condition, situtu DblainlDK cotnliloralilo in tlio waylontiy, olothlng, etc. Tliow wiqtiaiutoil with

tbtm know tbey will not vork, nor try to g«( iu RU honest way. Ai long u ttio yeorill upbuld them they wilUonllnno io tillslicnublo way of living. Tha people

should bo on tbo look ont fur Hi em and ivbeithey pall for aw istanco givu them lo nmler-alanil lliat ttvu tiino ht» unhed for tliem t

ii tliolr Jibing by tbo labor ur tbni r hamli»g Jotliootlierhnjilieiresiaingin tblinoifili.boihimtl. Buimy

Mttrlmoniil.A tedding ceremony was celebrated l»j |

qulro N, II, Drake il Flanders on tbo 31st nit.,vhluh wa« witnsiitid by 31 r. D. Man^rvilloand tUoiitiCo'B moth«r. Tlio eontracliQR par*lies were £haa. Doafilicrty tbd Mid AnnaStack. Tbt* atTair uaued off Tory ^louanflfaud eipccially to Ur. lUndfirrlllu, vito givithe britio away. In fact it n uJd tbat it wastrough the }Kria&at«Q elw\netns« of Htat tb« luaich wai made. The p«opleof ilu*liiRMHirhoud wish tbo pair much i

gaa aniatch-niiktr.

npon hl» mceesirds, no cako.

An Error.In our report of the ure sbiprgentr ttom

ITurrii ConntidnrlDR ilie y n r 1881, tho totaliron om tonofcRo over tlie Moant Hope Ufa*

^*ilrM«l fllmaid have bocn itatod at,.,M tons. &*t<*<l o t M3,QQC tons. Tuts

tnakeg tJUs ore tomuga of tbja roail the larg*mt of anyioofl roul tn l h l * w n n t j tlnrltit;

?" \Yh''n tlioj weiosaiii, "Would tbRV arriifrair I laid, - r t i r ha

g to thent mo before (l

thoy will liaK ol UH |»i

I arrived at tbohou«) between 12 and 1 o'clockof the night or his death. Dr. Coodict, Hr*.Bbidecker and two or tbneti men were tt ar«- Itook chargo cf the body, and erery day till he

as burled. I did not hoar Mrs. Bbideekerj atylblagwatf the cause ofhis deatli. He

isd FUtninud tbe looma of the home, t u lutnbur, with i. ctonet ia each; Ufl euu iued

fur rttt holes iu the diuli closet tai found uno ;saw some powdered atuff ou thu floor wliiob

bo gutbbruu up aoil brougM ilo*ii to Mr.OOCKUIC. Tito tritucEM ihJ uot know ciacllyMh&t it tras; it looked like silt, some or It, and

of it like flour or utarcu. The body waitrwMd la the room and rats could bare

They wouldwhere

lim," 31io iijado annwor, " I suppose the:rill Hanpicioa me tbe first o n e " I Maid " I\nvpmtrthvy will, bnciaflo ynu wai tbo onlymfiti tLf bouao." fih" Slid stia »uppose4K>ho ran away tlieycuul'ln't catch hoc. I toldior It CToukl tnin a gt>nd deal <>t moms to dobat. Him ibid ym, she wouldn't d« tliat, 8ho^asHiuk'rtSw 1111(1 rc»M<m tlitt elio wouldn'tisvo to »pp'iir afiain, I did not bear lier »ay:h<,v wouldn't tinil tier arter tlio funeral.•lit! Hiiefiiit tbo jioison tlio daviio dloil. RimeITU* iu HIP bcniHU and in the flhup. 81m 1n tliobniHftit win lylns »n tbo ihflf.

Delia KWHV?.O testified t in t HIIR knew Hiilict anil bm wife and iiicl to rieit them, but

imi Imm in their hoiiMe in sorcntocnth«. Dftforu that would go in frequently.

Hom>tril vcrv peasant to birT but she wa»n-lfomelnliim. Tlmt was notberuauoltic* towards him ivi i l le lmu llierr. Rli['] ('l wiih him mon. times tbnn nil111 lie |»Wft*nBt to Mm. Bhc would cont;o tins qaarrelltiR. I have wit brail veryI fiieiidH Hi Hi Mrn. Kbirleckor lately.m. H. O'niriitie testified tlmt ho li&i> I'iiKfi'nt for 3D yefirn, I knew Mm. Hlii-:nr an.] lit>r limtlwinl I deal In P'llfivhnu SliidetViT purebntted potituno]bo -lay dfhor limlmnd'H dentil. Bbu pur-iwl Hlr.voliniii'!—about six Rraln*. I trt'cit 4 Hiiil Oo'eiMk in tbo iflcninnrri df Htrvcfiniim vrtll proilnuo dimtli and

In (pirnHv nutrli km. Stio «tat«J tlmt K!HI'niilcil II to hill rntw. Kha »ald niir-iiad purbn^cd iirwrnu HHIHO Hino precious, Mil il ill<lot anwi-r llu- (inrposf- I tlihthupon Ituiutrybut flio DrHonio wan purchased ntntyplainit tint of mo. Tbe arsenic wm purdiasi,Uiiit IUTW wctliH befiirti tlte BtrydinhV'icii 1 Fold ber tlio strychnine I told ber1K111I HH proporlleH and Rave ber directionsilimit uxtnt! 1). 1 tnlci liar It m& tbo Dionloartly JM>IB<]H, that ulie mtist batidlo it will.'.••rf.fliid tht lii'st wny tn prepare it fur ratiivap In pn| j boil t (lief)?cofa |>in Imati in e sellnom-1 nf ffmil, and to pUisc them in tha local-tlcx tvlartt tliu mis frequented Iba inoit; antf flic Iia.l onv IBH to keep It in a BO/P placiAiili Iliolalii'ldtill remaining »" it. as it wasHire death to uny one whi> eUmikl tnbe tliocast psrtiok) of It by tccf'aitt. I think a

ontwnulillloat for a tvhilu 011 liquid. Tliisiiv^c wits )iut uj) iii tn; uiiuftl way in tlitec

pn pere. I have vlailud tlio promises and hove0 an rxaiitlintir.n of thorn, but bnvc not

Cot at it, but did nut tliHtnrti it.if tbey eonld; he bad known catt a d eaten tbe corjiw. Ho also eiawlned tbegsrrut Dvcrlwad tmt «aw no rat bolts, nor anyitidicitiuna or rats. Ur. Goodsle tlioagU t thestuff I RHthcred np was part of it salt and part

Lreti. He threw it lu tlis stove. There waiDC Immediately about tbo bole, bnt aboutinches fmm it.

iamuG. SQUOII teatlQed t i n t lse b i d ttieyij itf Buucdicfa rtiop; had liteu m the shop1H daj for the llritt, BcarcU?d the Bhop tlior-Bblyfor p i snu ,bu t footid noito.nor any-

thing imlfcalfuK it.Jesse JonulnKh, bri<lgo tender, testlflod that

about leu iiilmilos of 13 Urn, Sbidocker cameto tbe Bbanly and kuwkcJ at tho d«or. Bbe

lid,"Benedict Isdcati." I «atd"No, aan itbo possible!" \n.I sbe «nid, "Ye», he In." Iasked what time it took place and she said " sfew mtautes ae«." 8tte rdjaeatiid me to kenp

tlio uhoo shop, anBtie said it v*»MI up. Slie then left. She came

down »gai:i fcliont linyViruati tlie next nand requested me to put tbo padlockshop, I dM not go to tbe shop at all j told

r to io it liunelf. I tbinV I saw ber put " -ioo of hiideaib upon the door. I wrote it

fur her at bor request It wan aftor dayllgbt.Sbo Appeared to bice keen crying when I « «•er Ibo first tfnio. I told her sho lud bettermt (hfi notlw *>n tlie d^or.

Tbo Inrjucst adjoitrood to moot at 3 o'clockm Tuesday nfti

On TwcsdMT t l o Coroner sUted to t,lw Jurythat new complication* had arisen, necosslilt-Ing furtliur timo, and upon bis suggestionJury Biljimruol to meet ou llondiy attornOMt, al 2 o'clock.

HatkettstDWn Evangelism.Tlie Itevi. Wliitoey and I'roudtlt, of

oL'fcuttHiowii Hemiitary, liavo been treat IngiQffood eltiainu of that quiet Tillage to theranks of a pious fraud. Thoy don't boliovaucli In spiritualism oilhur in the form of

tbtiBO who return from tbo " vaity deep" ori|i!rlts that ei'iiliratc tbs anefal bowl,litdy eiigni;eJ an It [derail t minis ton a I

Kind, tlio Ifcv. Arthur A. Waiie, to iWl/ora K-rica of Icclnruj in Ha'.'kuUstowu devotedto tho exjumurc of fplritiioliem. Uscarae to

tlio 101 h of DiCembor inst


.iifflily, alaoil Hour in theit finding any

rychnii'e. I <1I<1 not disccliolex, nnr any ernmbu that

front rclfisot andInillcitioa s\et ativ rutild indio&ti

that piiison bsil hum put on them. I did nolllntl anv of the papers cDmtlitutiug the pnekngiI wti Mrs. Klldfckcr. I mndo tho otnmtna[on last Hnlibath. His grains nf strychnin0FOUIII ninhfl a!»ont a tbimhlo mil.

Dr, ltonat, recallMl, tontiflud tliat 0110 gttAvr>f Htrvthnino ivonld kill a man and lhat btwnnlil dif) wlibln two of tliroo Imtirs.

Alum Vi'iliiL'lm tmlincil that HVIO livoil in themi BL* where Jlctujjict Slildcoker died; lim

lived them about three .weeks. Ivan homoan tlie of Slmlfeliot'H death. Mrx. Hlii-deelipr told mo tbey hod ten at half-past six.I saw him early in tho evening of bin deathsaw him no from thu aliop down town, I10-

i nuil 5 o'clock, and sawhlm return Intnut Iinlf nnhnnr. Mrs. Hliitlcckcr c*tno 1<my IIODBO In tlio timrtiing. I asked lier Tha

'Id wm the matter iritli Benedict.Hue naul Hlio Ruoascd IIQ Iml cramp«, I nakedliar if he had complained through tho (by

no, ho worked all day. Atolitn»iip-pcr nuin.t liall-paBl t\i; »tttr BIUUR liispor Raid ho was sick, but want down tn tltoabop and wont to work. Abont elglit o'cioclolio went <V»wn bor iclf. Ho was lying on ihubench glck, anil rcqucstod a inan that waprenenl to no for the priest—that no was golnj;todls. I asked her who that man was. Bh<nald QonrRo McF.lroy, Sho said ho refusedgoing for tin* pi lust, auJ assisted her in UkirpcnediDtbomo. Hlio cald GoorBo laiii Ilene-dfot on tha lonn|{e, CDvernd him up tfith bfovercoat, then «aid ha mnat go for be batbnsiiteiB to atteml to, ho gaeimed he ffoultbo all rih'ht in tlio monilng- I bare talkedtt'UU Mrs, Hlivluulmt on Frulny, and sl.o vmWtlio uclghbors tlionght ho bad boon jwlBOCotand aomo thought sho dona it. Kirs. 8I1Idecker donloil polsomnjr him. ITava beenan ftiuiiilly torinu irilh her. I asked ber whytlioy would aconso har of poiBouing ber owIiG8*a)and,nii(] BIIO nnswortiJ, " I don't knowI would never do tlmt." BI10 said shospriuk-luil tin) puleon tn tbo olosct, on tha sbolronami in tbo gar rot. I ciamlund tbo 0I01but could And tin rat littles. Thoro Is

at In tUo kitoliun mt l one tn the (rofiti), Tlio witnoiis looked in tho pockets odreiisen and coat, nearabod a oloiot arn

IT plact), but could, uml no polaOQ. 8h<tvns nnt troubled with rats bat bad boardthani lu Iho collar. Sbo did not know wlmitryolinlnols, Sbo made tho etamiaation 01rhurHdny.theftb.

William II. aooiUle, recalled, temlfled tha!Btrycbniuo ia Inltor tn the tasto. Ho describedtho efleeta nf itrychnlno nu a parson, (musing

its va lD* in tho body, In part or In wbo)<Rpaamodto contractions of the cards and mmHies, and also trembling or tbe roniclci, petKpiritlui) awl woaknaitg. Tho chorda becomerailed. The breathing \u Interrupted by shortnnd qnlck breath*. Tlio Intellect woold bo

clod \tj tlm groatncPB of ibo pain 1 tbnervous proslratiuu wooltl also impair thointellect. It ffaulil nnt put OQO to ileop, [ twould IliroiF a jMH-Min Incmimlsionfl. Abaa b dilT^ciil effect from shyohnlno; It pro-ilnccfl ostrcinc fiiQutumation. I derive minformstion from rea:lmn.

Gwtrgo SIcElnjy tcaifled that be had roitdoiIn Dover fimr j tam ami knew Dcnedlut Sbileckur fnr the laot lliroe yean. I saw him o

tlio evening of Pec. 2!)lh Uat, about 90 mtn.ulus tu K u'ulncl., opposite Dr. CriUendenotn>'o. I «aw him n n t on the other >!do of Hi

illrnad v ulo bla own i lo re ; saw him inblx storn; 1 me there lop. Dcncdlot said hohad pain in lit*. h-n ibis two weeks. IJo midh» didn't r,-| 3oni1 i uald he felt kindar tiredall over. Wo reimlned tlicro logothsr abou13 minutes. This was nbont ftvetnlnutoa paa

Wo did nut go away together; Ilcoedicwent first; bo mi bo waj going homo; h

iked mti If 1 weald lock tbo door; I f*id res,air. I locked the door and him and hia wifawent t« the I muse Ho complained of feelingbad two or three different times. I went titha Uaaeo wllU tlie key «.tt«r locking tHe doai,mil knockcil at Iho door. Hlio came to tli

doomed I Raid hure is tho key of tbe shop,Blit> i ay» ," Vion'l ^nn ooms In ami BOO Bonc<illct ?" Ho was on the lounge whflti I went InI AHHcri him if ho waa any better and be iai<yo». I said "good right, 1 am going homo.[ bavo bad no con vernal b n mill Mrs. Hbl<jecknr slnci-. In tbo nbop Banoriict wai con-tinually wilting, Ho did not say anythingabout dying. No one ttkod me tn go for the[iriuxt. Ho M M ono of liiilugi v u crampedilka for tffd week*, atid h» thought U v s ; ffotasitting so much. Hii wife did not tpll w

Ucti he ffrni a n t Ukoa rick. Hue did not u tis ta go far tliD Doctor or any otbor person,did uot purer Mm tip on thn lounge. BerniH and I weia on tutiinato t e r n s } bo hidona all my mocillng of anil on far IB/O J

part nf it, I con Id nol «ay jvrbetbor Bi'Qudicthsu an ometmt oror Inuj whoa he.wai on thp

ige. Hii hen vai turned Lowardi thewill. I could not n y whether tbnro was %lamp In tbo room or not. When I saw him Infront of Dr. Crittdndon'i bo WM doming tn.ward Cover. Tbo hut I law him >aa about V

I. I f i ra lhaardofhl tdealbabout *bj.[f-p»il Onojit morning. I b i v o mIraon to his Uuusfl ainco Iim death. I did meoo any gpannii. ItiadontH-enlifs wifo beforethat day. After I law lion edict Jri front or Dr.

1 wont up tlk* lidewilk L»»rtl>BeiV"lict> ibop. Bbiilcckcr did uot &o with

; be Mil bf. &ns going lo Wigbton's tlire. The sbop wai not open when 1 gotr». I foRot to tho ihopmiooumia id ; Jwa

(lelijtd by* eat! Iraia. "We fopt into tfa*hop tOHettiBr, 4.fuir vo had just c/g«*etf the•sok Lu Hid 111. foul hurt bin).- # r i . Hbl-Bckercaojo in tbo shop about (Urea njinyl

after wn gut there. I dfd not 100 BttlrlocJeat or drink anything in the ihop. Tint litime I was at tbo bouse be 1 oro was ihe ilnr

Clirlslnus. KliiJockor waa then there.8hldecl(er il|(J in/ washing. I naed to

[euetally take my cloltig* yy tywv on Honda jiveningi.

John L . V*n Uoir tcitlflod iliat be wai -lliewbD btiriuu Itoneillct Bb^lcrkcr.

MORRIS COUNTY COURTS-The following are tbeemies noticed for the

January term, arhicb begiaion Tuesday next:B0FBEHE O0UHT.

1. JobD M. Dritikwator, SvlvaaoH P. DHnk-waler vs. Nelson Pidcook, Jobu P . Brother,Cernelius F. Uwacltbammer. H. H. Little;AUah A. Clark, la Owe.

9. Dennis McCoiiuell u Bjlvinui D. Endd,GGrshom llu.lmg, Jr . , snd Isaiah SmitU.Uills & Cbnrob ; Willard W. Caller. In rate.

S. P tmoU O. Biker Vi.Batb J . t-iioe. 8 .EE. Little; Martin BoMflBkratiz. l oca t e .

i. Sampson Howard tn. William H.Bjmra,Willlaru B . Turuer and Aleisnder BannsU.Milt* h Gburoh; 1, Herbert PcrtU. Ia Treu-PASS.

dBCDJT OODBT.1. Tbopas Ftiiffben vs. Andrew B. Coj;hlati

.nil Robert Coghlan. Utlli it Cbnrob; Aug.W. Cutler. IaCtue,

2. Hnmnol E. Stephens m. Asa Tn miner.uisACIiarch; Geo. T. Werts.. I B Tre ipus .

ii Howard vs. Augnstue \f. TLei-d t Uilli & Clinrch; W. T .Imnleadad, eia.

Lepor*, Iu Trespass.4. Samimou Howard v*. Sfttnool M, Button

anil John Barrett Impluided, etc. Uilli kChurch, Neighbour kSmith. In Case,

5. Ida J . Qoble m Charles WaJlow and.jaac B. Oeunng' fitoer k YoBugbtood;Uon. W. Foi-ijth. In Trespass.

1;. Jonopli fiierbofi vu. Johnson Brown. Fit-n e v t YnttaiiWoou; J . B . Salmon. luCaac.

7. Edward Kllpatrlck v». JM*P1I L. fbafer.Neigbhor & Smith; £dward C. LTOD- In

T u < , l H. WiRfiins r i . Oeonte E . Bigntoi.Neiglibonr k Smith ; E. D. Bslioy. In Gum.

4DARTEB BESriOKI.—LIST Of iPPEiLI.1. LOHIS E.8t-)ei applt. aud Tlie 0 ' enoo

if tho Poor of Morris Township appiee. JobtB. Vrceland. ilastardr.

2. Tue Overseer of tlte Poor of the Townshitof Vaeblngton. Warten County, applt. andTbeOvemiwruf the Poor of tbeTowisjiip


1. Jolin P. Bonnell »od Harriet Bonnoll,iltt. Amt John B. Orocm «nd abot r O.aresu,itees. Court.2. Jacob J . Backoff, ct. al. aplU. and Walter

It. Page, applee. Conrt.B. Jacob Milli-r applt. aad George VT. Miller

applno. Conrt.J. Iaaifl Ba". Howell applt. and Nolion U .

5. Stewart Haun applt; and Isaac Bilker,apptco. Court

d. Hirjm Petty applt. and John

i ^ , e 0hwi» r t W. Harpef-applt. andSIiobaolMcQnvorn, apn|«r. Conrt.

B. William H, H. Onrnrin applt. and JamesH.' Fanohcr, applee, Ootirt.

I). Mary Liuabcrrrapplt. and Japnleo. Court.

10, Philip L. Goxapplee. Court.

11. Edtrard H. Alno spelt, and William A.

aud lectured o vcek In the PrtnlyterlaiiA \hv St-mlnory, for vthteu they

naiil him 1200. Ho hud large andioucon, indnnclu It nlnifitt as hdt for tho " spints," ai proierUal plaeo tbat tbo Her. Wallo'a potilitiliboly to IJC SHiHisnod fo. Watte was noluly ramiliar with tho spirits of the dend, but'HH equally at homo with tho Bpirits of the

woiURtockcu Ur of the hotel at which beitoppod ami regularly, aftor wrestling with:ba ghosts, tool. & lung and later tuxsio witlimore smuBt&iitinl luirils at twentyflvo oetils

But on Mnuday tho 2lltli, Ibo fiiw, of NowVork, came out and said that an cvaagclinl.nainttil llev. Artliur A. W'aitc, vns wanted atLynn, HBHS., tn urttlo Bomenopiid board IHIIB.nnd Iftflt woclt's POLICE NF.«N hail a picture of

IIQ HOC. Irani, am) a sketch or his doings. Of(itir«G, Wnllt could wait no longer but Iiko sgoblin damned" lie xlnnk away. Tbo Bars,

huvi- named pniil his bolol bills and aro n ol(.'firnst'Dtlitiiiluntia on tlie spiritual subject.

—Warren Democrat.

The Iron Business.Tn spanking of llta jiraspect of tlio m&rkot

for pie imu daring tlie coming year tbe cdi-nf B.adfitrcotB calls attention to Ibo fael

that Iron Jeik-TB star tod bnpn.cM In 1891itb a BtncbonlianaorCSO.OOOtoim.and tlmtD also (tuported in Dm course or tho yoar

t)90,0DQ tons. Tlil» Iron In 11 soil up, and anIpnt for iflHt year of 500,000 torn

hnsiilflo liocptbor

niktled. If tbo busiw sformine fear lfl ns good as last year's bni-our tumncDK must either tarn oat

l.OOO.OOOtonRincsc1881 or we eball hs.

a of Ibo produclion ofB lo rely upon further

Imporlctions. Tboro loonw to bono pwaentidea of stoppage io Tallioail bult'Ung 01 tn

ry other fbnntif ccoitrueil»n repairing tbensQ of Inrga qiiantitfGH of iron. Tho ciperl-

1 ot 1873 li too tot* tn tbe rolnilB ofbtiflinoas men to permit an entirely trustfulfaith in the ruturr>, but t here is certainly tbo

nine of a ernat year fur tho iron workenaheadofiia. Ifwnare to make our own pipIron a good many blast furnaces that have.jeenHtainllntronia ami Inactive will hare t<be fired up again. Hut thoro is uo use tiIrinc up fumapcB that cannot make iron

profitably %t prosout vrioeB or under. Wfj dangcroasly near the point whoa the

tariff barriur tUat keeps ont flcotcU ptg wllbo overleaped.

Board of Fraehalders.The Frcrboldoni lield their meeting for Jan-

uarr on Wedneiday lest. The mil call ahon-ed

lius A. Drake

^lt. ind Bill*

.. . . spplt,Stephens, applee. Court.

12. Oliver Dunatcr applt, and Henry Sire,spplee. Court.

13. Jacob Blmon applt. ard William Iill,. _ Leffis'colffoll applt. and William ff

nill.apiilec. Conrt.15. Edward K. Wright appi*. and Jobo SI.

1(1 Jaenb Brown applt! and Wm. A. George,ipplce. Court.

17. John Leonard applt. and Henry 6. Hall,

applt. and Blchard Far-


John 0. Hill,

31. Lyilia L. Loonatu applt. »n3 John B»n-Oourt.

*1iPS.eMary°PMi|ilev, applee. Court.

19 BUUadQ Ap

ppTbo minntes of the last meeting wen rod

and approval!.Tlie Commit leo on tlio Pood brii7«n at Boon-

ton reported tbat tlio coat of tbe bridge bytlio contract OBlfmnlOB pat luwonldhave been*ia,78fl.]t, but hy doj« tabor tbo ooit wai

.150-72, n savlnit of 13,620.43 to tbe oonnty.Tho report was accepted* ind ordored placedon file.

A number of tniscolUneoui billa worn orderedpatd.

Mr. Mather said \ matter had oomo to hisnotice respecting a note giron by John P.

b l d P blaccurily, for tho payment ot tho expenaeia ofbis wife In Dm lunatic asjtum. It la saidtbero la property ottongli to aoenre the par-ment of tho note, bat it does not seem to boon baud, and It fa reported that it has beauIn Dime way ilitposeil of. Ho movtil that the

k look tho mattarup. tKflrtaln Ifuossiblotho whereabouts of tb» nolo atjft tepQrt at tbonext raeeting. Tlio motion was carried andIbo Board* adjourned.

journalistic.Mr. A. A, Vance, tbo ^eteranjonrnallstjivns

in town tait Saturdiy. Ho bai njany frurndsid readers lioro who would to glad to Bee


Tbatcxoollontpapor.lho Pl^nfloU Consti-tutlanaliat, has entered nponils Oltconth jIts UBWH t»ak« A coinjilolo history of its vicin-ity ind everything worth noting In that neigh-burhood is prcioated in ifi colnmns in tb<moat entertaining mannnr.

It is with uoi a little pleasure we note theilgns of prosperity Indicated by tbo WarrenDcmoarnt'a uow dress. In Ita erory mimborthe Democrat displays energy in tlie oomplla<Uon of looal news, miking it t most rained ex-

fie. whila the honosty aud fuartessneisof(Is expressionsrespcctlnt;pbllticalevents otint blip bat win forU tbe Uctrtytetpoct ofeven its polliioal oppouontR. K was alwayswolcomo in iti old clothes; it will bo uioro

A Change of Policy Desired.Stockholders or Ilie Delaware, Laokawuna

and Western P>ailroad Company, repreaentodby Apgar, Ho trill 4 Co., brokors. of NewYork, »ro cnduaTorlngto faringatiunt achangeof policy npon the part of llw manigoni of thecoofpany. These Btnckholdon desiro•ion of tbe large |prplm itanding to tbe creditof tlm comnauy. Tboy palpi oat that after

ng tbreoner cent, uifidcnils in 188fl a bal-n e a OKiste.1 tmonntfng to II,100,08s 1 milliviilendBwcrn paid at 0 3-i percent.,nml afuttttar UtUpCO of ll.SQ0.O3O W1S ticlsorplns for tho two yaars of f3,S90,U80. Thecirnjiigs of tlie company iu IS O wore 13,^76,-m; In ml Vhej inpnnlBd lo (3,6*9,000, 1tots! at 15,bJ1.5S3 ror tlio tWo j e a » . Theiliviibinda paid in the two jwari imoantecl tp

THE IRON MARKET,ivnu, Jan. 11,-Ciude iron has ail-

vnnceil 60 cents per ton in ill PennsylvaniamirkolH, and luqnirlos for lab Winter require-

mnts aro arrlvfne. Producers docliau tonamo fixed prices. Foreign markets barehardened, ami offers of Amorican importersnvo boon declined for immediato delivery.11 anticipation of au advance in cost, boaanaefdeficietit Amorican pmduclire capacity, no-otla'lonB are now pending for the impurta-

tlon of larRQ blocki of Scotch *nd Engllsairon. English Is brld at (23; Scotch, 126 tot27. CoiiHumptlon IB incroaslng faster thanti,a BUjipty<and the oaljappcrent tollef U inimportfttions, wtiloh increasing prices abroadpMtpnne. No. 1 Foundry is quoted at 135 to127; Ko.9,*'25 to « ; Milt kon,t23 tn 124;icHsenior, (28. Tlie prpspect of oxtraordm-iry astiTity iu biiilJioff of houses, factories,ihipa, boals, bBrgeii, earn, Incnmutlvcs, andnaobinory lor motive poffor havo at tliiHCsrlv

<lato brought a grBat degree of inquiry forfuture supplies, Manufacl urorg aro unpre-pared to accept long (mpngements at currentratci iti view of probable enbancemiint oFoostif labor and raw materiil. lUilway material

has bccnrjulet another woolt. Mills prefer toa butincsa tat ttio present, Eorelgii

qnotatlonfl for rail* mid high, Blooms aronoarce nnd no recent shipmcDlseto be noted.Quotations nominal.' WeBtern tebgrtpuio ad-Ises np to to>diy sliow 1 revival of denund in

progress and a general tendency to hardeningot price*. Mllli are nuking with a active tie-niand beyond capicitj'tt) meet promptly.

Tbe Engineering and Mining Journal of hutSaturday says;

KBIOAM 'Pio.—TlierD have been large sahsonr last, mostlv on p r in t s terms, bnt

fully up to our quotation*. TtieTliomaa IronIlia marked prfaoi up to (36.60 for

No. 1 Faandr;, ind other numbers tconrd-ingiy. Buyers are more nntnerons than tellersand ail indloationa point to higher prloea. W(qnote So . 1 ToandtT %\ WMMM { No.',Foundry, 181; tnd Forge, *34®f U.60.

A High Testimonial.STOUT, F m k Co.,

(ILOBB, AnuoNS April 10th, Ml.MiTHCsai-x PIAKO MaN'r'o Co., N«^ TJBH.

0er<i'L=5KH : Yon hire n«cor sol uto6 fromrao an endowment *f tbe

IAKO," I tliercfC'efeslitisr.dntyloireyoiii write yoa what I tlritiV about my " HUTHD-\%f.t" toosht ot you over a je i r ago. I t Si

hare to a inounlam town 5,600 feet above sealevel, wbero the atmospbore 11 very dry, andwhere furniture «neb as ohalrs, far Imtanothold togallmr but a short time before theymoat bo wired [ the thermometer ranges foris?on tnontbi In tbe year between US" and U0«This Piano cams here by tot, around CapeHorn, anil was over three montjii nn the sailwater, jot to-duylt is IN AlPBmoT01tb.tR AMoosDmoK AS WHEK I riouoHT IT, and what lamore wonderful I th i i .b i rd l j a unto oat oftano, and tbo power and volume of sound l i a sstrong is over; IT BM ROT BBBH TODOBID BT A

TOTEU IS GVKft IKK VbSTIIB. 'partita coming here 10 live have bought new

losof ottiernakenthanyatini; when tbeyrin ihn.Y were pianos, bat now tbey sound

like banes in a bos. 'I thought I would tr^te this letter simply

fqryonr own satisfaction, an I sm, frammyresidenve it) th|i wartn|ollinato, competent tosay, tbit the t l ilATntacUK^ PATENT PIASO "Is the one united fur tfaeio Ooantriei, and a

na iaanp srona.I sbill personally recommendthem to any ono r' '

VetyjrnlFyonri,.A. P . "

Ur. VI. B. Wilgut it imnj for tkno pianos

More Schooling-

Ha was a man about SO ot 35, who cameInto the Bbnp one rooTQing hut wei-k andInquired for the proprietor who he under-stood wanted a mac to io same vork. Hewas sot in, and while waiting we fall intoconversation. He bad jast moved intoDover from Washington township and want-aJ (o get work. He had not been very BUGoewful iu finding steady employment wherehe lived, and bearing a good report fromDover he thought he would try It, and withbis family come unomg as.

Having children of school age I Bug/Nestedthe Importance of getting them into schoolwithout delay, and not let thorn idle awaytheir time about the streets as too many ofour children are now doing.

"Wby,"«iid he, ' T i n oblifl«d to seedthem to school, ain't I ) "

I told him there wan a law making (t obli-gatory on parents and guardiam to send allchildren of th« proper age to school at leastthree months iu tho year, but as tbe lav pro-vides no person whose business it is to seetho la* put io forae it is a* & d w l Utter inthe statute books.

" Well," said he, " I want mine to go aodshall start them ou Monday. Do you knowwhat kind of books they use ? I have movedabonl from one distrust toauotber, and everyDOWschool I sent to they v*ed different booksso I don't know whether those we have willsuit here."

I thought of your correspondent "D. J.and what »n argument, this was in favor ofhis plan, which I aee by other oorreapond-enb meets with favor, and I hope will be-come a law, and, only for We honor of hishaving inspired it, before bla torn corneato represent us at the State oapilal. I in-formed tb& new eorom tbat it would makeno difference what kind of books, nor howmany different kinds hiB children bad; tbeywould not need them, as t be ; weie ail iot-niBbed by the school, and nil he or any otherresident in the district was required to dowas to see tbat their children vero tn school,and tbat they took proper care of tbe booksgratuitously furnished them.

It needs surprising tbere should be gomany children—boys more particularly—loaflug about ia idleness, wasting theirprecious time, when they are supplied witheverything, from the Behool house dutva totbe spelling book, free gratis and welcome,except tbe uaual flohool tax, and a largo por-tion do not even bars to pay thai Someargue that when a thing la so easily attained,that whioh ooBts neither raoner nor effort tosecure, ia not appreciated; and l venture theassertion that if the fact could be knownmost of the non-attendanta in this districtare the children of parents who pay nothingto support tliem in school.

Taking one view of the subject—the nar-row one of letting every one mind his ownbusiness—the mutter might rent there. Butwe ara living in whal is termed a progm-eive age 5 we profess to lake a deep Interestin those who are to lake our places on thisstage of action; 'tis often xaid by eloqaeutspeakers that "our hope Is in the rising %en-oration." Publio lands hnve been donated

for the benefit of free ftoboob, legislatureshive enacted laws to facilitate tbe educationof our children, and bava gone BO far as tomake It obligatory to attend the schools theyhivQ provided, whlob is a good law, but fallsshort of the result It was intended to Rocuro.Now, wby not ranke it effectual by nddiiift aclause providing for tha appointing of apower wtaoHB duty it shnll bo to BOS thatthese truant ohildren are found in the school 7


The Morris County Children's Home.The Morris County Obarif lex A.ld Associa-

tion in now about reedy to remove the chil-dren to tbe new home at Fjirsipnany. Infurnishing tbe houne and making otherpreparations Tor starting they ere being putto couflldflrable expense and will have todepend upon the general publis to someeitent to aid them in their noble wi.rb.Tbeir appeal should meet with a promptresponse from every part of the county.

frer.v one who pays one dollar per annuminto tbe treasury may become % member oftbe association and entitled to vote forBiteetera. Twenty-nte dollars makes a lifemember, and one hundred dollhra an hon-orary member. The following a n the offi-cers of the ittfitltutin

gin Dover and rieinity, •,

Tho surpluslmntttventy-fil b

js than s lialf of lha •


llon of tbe company.

per pent, of tho fupltallsa-

Boy Drowned at Port Q«.m>ffiljio DonaUion, * boy about 10 years of

tge, opl/ sof) 3f the lato Fred. DonalOfon, ofPurer, was drow'ned frbtlp it»ting on WIBH-ington Forge pond, near l>ort Onnj, iboql nixo'clock on Monday ovenlng Uit. Ho wasabnn and fM Irjlng far the flnt time his newfUteB-a present fropi M< popsin,Martin 0 .(Sxrrett. Wfafin la*t uen be **i *\f*H*g anibo tipper et/r) 9f the ponJ, vrbpro tho ice wss

• - • • ' jo, « | r 4 ; )croming Hie iiliflniiel broke t^uugb vl^ore tico vai thin, His boil; w u foan.d *t abguteleven o'clock by Ueasrs, Jeise King, Tb'omajTone rod others, ind restored to bla griff?

trickoo gnndmothsr snd aunt. He residedtLaiBiubarj with his aunt, H n . J. H. Sni-

pg to ponhaso A. tIAKO.


Common Council Proeesdings.Tbo January nieetinff a( tbo Oommoo Conn

oil vat held on Mundiy evening. Frenent-flrl I tendon, Aldermen Dcacb auc

fiancs, and Uoi*tio|liijott Colls rd and Levrls.In tbe absence df tlifl ftfiyor, HooonltT Orit-

BDdon presllod, ' /The ramnloj of tho M meeting vote road

nil approved. 'Marflltai Kolley reporloU no arresh for De-

comber and 80 n a b trimpa atuomniodatedwith todslnE* in tbe tt&ttan home. Report•ccoptod. \

An application ttotd Emory B. Yangllder,for lioonie to troep a beer ialoon In the plioion Warren street reoinlly occupied by JohnW. Mellok, was ncetnd. riferred to the Ll-eonso Committee, by them reported approvedand granted. \

Permisiloa was granted b eat down inchtrees in front 'of Mayor Ktohards building ontho corner of Qlackwell and Banal itroottaaabitraotod tbs sldcwaiks orlwoald

III. tbe roraoral of thi building.Bills ai follows were approved by lha Finance

Ooratnlttpo and ordeisd piid; Curpartthmpay roj) for Docembor, |8O.aOj W. A. Dicker-son. 18.71 f'Allen k Ifuologtoa 117.28; Y(>n«hk Ktllgoio, ViM i P . S. Gorodko; lilt i I}oj»;Iron Cortpanj, f 2.84 and I37.4S; Jai. P. Ktllsy,150.


Killed In < $t\Vinism Osie, ot Flanders,

jaredintliesaw null of Mr.1, aboat I atabok li

fltl l l / [Q.tin Doorfug,]

Doon. Ra wai handling » pl«i tl d f U ^

R g , jing tlie ccdofUoTBr ^ e « w , lie u w i t r a o ithn plank anu droro II Into 4 1 stomioh.'W-DioMng a terrjbla wtnnd.- I t. Doerlog atonoo itaited to Uks h(ta th« asme tfma iontjfor a dfcto:. When apart of ths way on ths roadplained of feeling hint, and w«b f & } h a fc l

g ,of &}chua fiUpfceni,

a few rol&ntei, before Us » $ ;(nr Tho'dcoea'M^wuabout

» flpuer, hard'workios; 1t d ff l I

takan into tbe

ipooletj O)M- ffo 1#*T9# I f fo »ndJ Ihrea" L9hildreo-tb8 «Wa»t boisW ' '

g 9 ] jhaving moentir IniogUd b l | Mlot, wbish ba bx* poiiHiianbefore fals<,

py i, and Irj rjli it

I wsgon tad

A Wrong Impression Corrected.EDITHS iBoir E B * :—

Tnie in uot a reply to Mr. CasWrliae'i of 31stnil. That Is nuauswerable- Our local govern-ment must certainly u&vtt atuiuod tlie *«moof perfection.vbeti dita for tbo (faujjinftofourtaxes may be fouud it the corner of DUokweli

id Knasos Bt reels; aud iu in addition to that,the Ultimtsblc oi ean of a BWofe to providefor all possible eontfnRinole). To think weibonld liave «ntered tbe goldflo ane, foretold>j prnpbeti and snug b j poets, and not knowt. Alas, for human obtmeneis. I bumbly

er*ve pardon of all person* concerned. But Idown with tlie inlention of vriting a word

of enooorsgement to (tin Eai> Wonder waietpressed in different qoirtom tlut tbe loosEBA should publiBh ray letters. Tboujjb why1 c&nnot |*te. ?«Rliiug rav iu^niTlf* & littlein tbat direction, I round a He ailment prevail-ing tbut good as thu Eiu Is as a local piper,tbe old linib JMUEPESDENOE had departed.Well as tbore la uo proof like proof, I itbiil ba

y if In any trar I bave helped to removeinch a mficoncepilon. Wishing yon, EBA andjtoBT.a very happy acd prosperous year.

I remain, jonns truly,



President, Aurelius B. Hull; Vfoe-Presi.dent, John W. Jackson, M. D.; Secretary,lev. John P. Appleton ; Treasurer, Genrge

"W. Jenkins 1 John E. Taylor, George B.hnith, Richard George, latino L. Conflict,

Edmund D. Halsey, Hon. Augustus W. Cut-ler, Eon. Nathaniel Nilos, J. H. Neighbour.

Bourn or XASY uimoKBa,Boonton—Mrs. £ . S. Hoffman, Mrs. Thos.

Carter, Mra. John Hill.C h r t U m - M n . Harry T. Frost, Mrs. X.

J . Slaughter, Mrs. Geo. H. Panforth.Ohsster—Mrs. Wm. J . Taylor.HanOTfr—Sits. George B. Smitb, Ure.

Stephen Wbitney.Jeffetaon—Mrs, H. N- Cortrlght."Montvillo—Bluu Ida Oamuiejfit.Hendham-Mrs. I. W. Coobrnn.Morrfs-Mra. L. K. Hltcboook. Mrs. P. 8.

Hoyt, Mrs. Wrn. B. Bkidraore, Miss C, T*.BeaBon, MrB. L. B. Ward, Mrs, William AHalBted, Mrs. W. Bossoe Lyou, MIBS a. O.Scoflold. Mrs. J. H. LldEierwood.

Passaio—Mrs. Katbnniel Oonkiin.Pequannou—Mra. John F. PostBandolph-Miss Mary Ford, Mrs. L. 0 .

Blerwlrth, Mm. Oolmnbus Benob.Roolaway—Mrs. llahlon Housland, 8r.,

Mrs. M«tsoo WllUittiia,Aoxbnry—MIRS ^aiuh B. Meeker.Washington—Mrs, H. V. Hunt.

A Mad Dog in Warren.David Coihlng'tf dog went mad about tml

o'clock on Batordsy ulgbt. I t started out onthe rampngo durinp; tho evening and bit ehlck-M belonging to .Taraei Anderson, Mr. Babord,[artfn Opilyko and otters. Tbe ilog tras shot

at BOVBMI times ilurtop; tbe eight and waifinally shot by Goo. Gavlord about threi1'clock. I t is reported that a child belonging

to Timothy Shoa living near the depot washtUeo. Uy tlie rabid animal.—WatthlngtonBtat

New Legislation,Sonaloc Ycungblood, of this county, hasready introduced tha following bills iu the

Senate;Jo anthorlzB II In or d Home, of Morristovn,

I0H0II roal cstato ind surrender its charter.T» autboflzn any city, town or borough to

regulate foes for license for side of spirituousind malt liquors.

To provide additional legislation to paoislilorcoiig who forsiko am] refoBO to supporl

their families. __ ., . . . .

The Water Suits,Tho nator suits ngaimt the Tjchigh Valley

ItallroaJ Company, lessos of tbe Morrii Cauil,occupied tlie attention of (he Court tbe firattwo dajs nf this week. On Tuesday tbe juryend counsel finite* Diner and iunpecled thodam. On Wedneiday morning it was foundthat Hr, Peck, one of the jurors, waa too sicklo niton,.. The complalnante wero willing togo on with cloven man, bnt the defence ob-jected, and tho oaiia was ajourned to Tuesday,Tan, 23d.

Obituary.Ttfr, Jas. 0, Tra&i, who for Eome forty year a

lived in Randolph township, where lie was on-;ed in farming, died at Lafayette, Snssox

County, on the 4th lost., aged about 77 years.Ho WBB well known by many of the paople inthis vioiulty, and by thorn ill so highly TC-ipecied that they will loam with deep regretof bla death. Hii funeral was attondud by aluge conootmool ftlond*.

A Morrl* County Farmer Abroad.One of Morris County's SOUB, Mr. John M.

Smith, eldest son ol the late Jonnlbun H.Sniitb. of WftflhlogtoD Vnllov, is visitingfriends and relatlvea in thlg violoity, and ismaking a slort BUy with his old friend, Jfr.J . E. Cutler, of Dorer. Hr. Smith e u i g n t ,«d to Wiaoousin SCIQB ibirty yeaw ago, looaUiDR at Green Bay, on Fox River. 8oonafter nettling there he became amodatedwith some Kentucky capitalists In tha lorn-baring bo .inesa. Tbe Kentnokiniifi, not be-ing acquainted with the business, sold oattheir mil., leaving Ur. Smith out of busl-uan, and he turned bla attention to ntrri-culloral pursuits. He is now engaged Inmtfat gardantag, and wita Ms «ii sons, allgrova to tquchooij, ban one of the most ex-tensive "truck furms" in the North-west.They have about one hunated acres aeYDieuto that kind of farming and «t times employas many an 100 hftnda nt onoa. The quaoti-tios raised per ac-ta eeem almost iBOiedible.As a narnpls of a business tranaaotion he re-ceived a telegram from a neighboring Stateinquiring at what prion ha would a b b l.OQQbushels of onions. Hii reply wm, at $1per bushel. The order was given at once,accompanied by check, find tbe onions ship-ped1 Immediately, ifr. tftnith is a memberof the State Agrioaltonil Society and VBBEX BOTJTI to tbe National Capital as a d<Jo-gate tn represent his State in the NationalAgricultural Oouvention, and is to make anttMreso.

Tfcere ii nothing ID the vegetable kingdom—ley do EOtFaine, even sweet potatoes hav-ing been grown by them. They do not takelh« risk of firotHhB In Sotnnoer. bnt haveresetroin wbioh tbey fill by iteam pumpsandwuter their grounds at pleasure. Theirmarket la «id«Bptetul «>d BXtoDdB to theI^ike Superior region*, and among the manylumbering oonrpoWiotu in that BCOUDU.


The home of Riafcud Colliot, ot U o m tPleasant, ban uniformly been a huppv ouebnt the truth of Boriptare hna been exem-pllBed there in the last two weeks that11 man is bom to trouble u tha sparks flripward." First of all the father wai takenjlcki then two sons, tha yonngeat son,Jowph, dyinz on Jannary 7th. The fatherand son were too siak to follow him to tbegrave. Joseph came to thU oountry fromCornwall, England, with hi« parenta Uyean ago, whsn A yoars old. He had thsentire management of the farm and hisintents \an can be estimated, tor tbey sayhe was always a good and dutiful HOC. Thsfuneral aervfcea were held in the Fort OramOhorch 1 t, Inge eongreprtitpn ware present.Hii friends feel muoh comforted in tha be-lief Ibat daring his BfckoNB ho gave hUbean to hit amour . Inlerraont took n luain rjojflr, |anBary 8th. v ^

John W. FirrlDgtoo, born In New Vork,May Slit , 18K5, v u t tnembBi of lha &DIGUReformed Oburoh. Nine years since wfailalenrlogan apprenticeship as a plumber hafell from a ladder and injured bis; noremedy >ri | lad | t lo flonstajit drain pf tbsroond tBrmfasted iD consumption and iahis death ou Monday, fonrury nth, i t therestanoe of hli fathsr. John £ Fa^ng to n ;at Union. Q t n i i oonatnot tybtg rendertn4 H oominUtedconsidenble portions toinatfory. After nine yearn of afhotlonnUcare u t i t h s moat tender \oyt. called forthby bii nfflloted and helpless bodily oondiilonVhis family ftre oornfortnd that he li gone tothe grent physleiao who naTer faib to cureour infirmities. The funeral aerricw v ubeldatttohouBB. Bet Mr.Conkllup«acheafrom a text selected by ths deceased " Be-member thy Oreajor in the days of thyfonlU.r yemporftryinteriiietUlBookawaj,

What it It?I fion't know. It ianotVolgtretta neither

1 it • fligar, bat don't you forget It, it IB iWltHnR good amoka. Tha naw Oip-daras•n m&e in chsrapt rial} sf tha b*t \0Zlot Havma and psaked he In n package:

Thsj oewt twenty oeoU a package, indtherare darllDgs. Bold it Tongfat & KillgoteV

Statement of Iron OrePassing the Haokettatown scales, via. U. ft E.ft. It. to Pennsylvania, for two weeks ending

eaiufi, Jan. 12th, 1S82.rBDK. TflFP. CWT

Uimntain Tieir, ;80UirtOram - . . 8,111 OD

Chaster R. R. (Eortcn t, Oorwiu'B,Saccasunna, Vanatta and Obel-tBrJuuotion Statloni,) 7SH15

Stinhope , . . . . 8018, 28103

Boonton 8005Waterloo 77117

Total 6,03013

Rumored Railroad Purohaae.It In anuouuouit that tho South MouuUin

llailroad, rcnaicg tbrongb aninti and WarrenCounties, has boiin bonght by tbe New Yorkind New Eugland Company, of wbicb JOould Is tbo liFud, <xho will push it to com-pletion. It Is said tbat a contrast bis been

id<j to complete the New Jersey division ii1 months. I t is also said tlmt John I . Blairn bud became the principal owner of the

Soptb mountain franclilses by purchasa, madea banclsomo sum hy the stle of his interesle.

St. Mary's Finances-The itrnntl statement of the flaanceBof Bt.

Urj'fl Ohorch for tha vcar andlug Deo. 81st,381, slmwi tbat daring tbe year the oatiro re.

oeipls ware «B,m.C},of wbloh a Valanos of

were abont (2,600 necessitated bf the s tnr t igDf the parochial scliool, The debt was re-dnced 11,500 and is now (20,78183.

The Silk Business-Tho silk manufacturing basinets, which his

been dull of late in PatorsoQ, has started upagain. The manntacture of plnsb, equal, it isBald, to tbo foreign article, has boon inaugur-ated, Artificial seal skis BtcqucB mule of Siare very deceptive. There are now over 100diatlnct illk mills in PatorBon, giringlecnploT.ment to boWeen 10,000 and n.ODO operatlvsg

The Car Shopi-A largd qtuntUy ot atone has been taken

from the quarry near tho canal bridge for thefoundation at tbe neir shops, and on Thmiday the firat tram of anna arrived:. Themason ID change waa here that day andbe intended" lo begin the laying of the fonn-nations tbU-Saturday-morning, He ei<proiBed a wiah to hire a great many masonsand laborer* here il" be eonldgBtlliem.

Smallpox-Aarumorhaa got Btarted to tbe effect

that there is a case cf small pox in Dover,and like all of its kindred haa traveled fasiThe authorities of the pnbllo school tookthe matter promptly in hand and hwe caumdnp invegtisntion. No less than tbree physi-elanB bare Beanbnd the looality where thecase la said to hava existed, and not one ofthem haa been able to find anything bearinga resemblance to small pox.

Sorghum-O( fonrteen varieties of norghnm grown

on the Btat« farm, only five moored. I t issaid (bat the experiments were eQonuragingbut tha ezpenna of cultivating is tnuohgreat-er than field corn, and can inly be profita-bly raised En tbe vioiuity of large manufHo-lories, where tbe cans rained on neighboringfarms can be worked quickly by skilledoperatives,

Sinking indCUantflg Wells,I t is cot too late to have your vella taken

np and sunk deeper. Now ia alao a goodtime to bava cleaned. Kay In need ofsqoh work will find tbat 3w. Bolilho ]s wellequipped with tools for the doing of the*ame effectually and cheaply. Addrew Jas.Bolitho, Dover, N- J,

Sleds t SledtUPricea jjreaUy reduced at Berrj'a Hnrd-

ware Store, sign of tlie padlock.

In n letter rend at the recant Kilpatrlokmemorial meeting in Deokertown. General\l. T. Bhermau said of KUpatriok: • ' F i -tendiEg from Virginia to Mississippi. I neverknew a more enthusiastic, brave and intel-ligent officer, n d I v u personally Indebtedto him for the quickness he displayed incomprehending my purpose aad the fieryesmefltnesBwUhwliich hofixeoutedbispart,'1

Under « new tariff of rates for the W. V.Tdegmph Company W o ich want Into effeoton Uie 1st Inst, the rates on night raeasflgesate matertlly [noreated. baiog now abonttfaree-fonrtbB of foil rata tnwtageR. Therate oa ten word raeagagea to California andother equdHy distant points 11 radnoed from*2.00 to sjl.50.

I t | i s proposed to ."repeal the law aliowinoowosQipsto puhliah their flnanoW slate-

^ t a in nmpfahk fonn, as It does not mea1"the ends desired. The lav alao needs amend-ing in the matter of limiUllon of time forpublimtloiL

Chloride of iline"ia the b « * dlsinfMtontfor indoor nao, and to neutpiUsft tha stenchof garbage heaps or privies coal aaheo arerecamtfaenaedby tlie Bfale Board of Healthaa t\iB most eDcaelonii,

TheWasbington Oommon Oonnoil haveMt the rented fire englqa wfaera it belongs,nt neither bnve pnrobased or rented a new

one, so they are entirely without proUotioniron. are.

I t U u l d that a piece of «ioc plaood onthe Uve ooalfi in a hot stove will effeotnallyclean o*t ft BIOTS pipa, the Twon. pVndu- 4onrrying off soot by ohemlcal'dewmpotUloiL lroaOo. have n o r S&Oomen in Ibeir employ, and are making sWiflril! At the rote of 140,000 Ions per annum

The wjnter finln 'nitU iheprotfo'lon ofsnow to lurviTs the oold of the 1 i j t two

Obituary.DiEP.-At tbe reiidence of bsr uticlft, Mr.

Ziba Kmith, of Brooksfde, on Tuesday, 10thinat., Mrs. Mary Lavm* Axlell, daUffbter ofths lato Jobu D. G. C*rlile, of Cheater.

Mrs. Aitel *«• married «bjut four yoars agoand rentovfd to Bowelt, ilteit., witn ber lias-band, wii? then reilded there. Hor father'shealth filling abant tbat time, ihc toon re-

fled to litr parental botne, whsre ahe re-ined until bis death, which occurred July

4 th, 1676, whan a tie again joined ber husbandlicblgBo. The flattering accoauts fromtar West Induced, him to t t j hla future

tLerc, and for weal or woo be and fats wife re-ivod to the diatint territojj ofUontana, lo-

oating ia the tbrning town of Bosemin. HU:pectatinus lu a bosiaoKs point of view were

realized, bat a wrlnai drawback awaittid them.Mr*, Aittr« health began to^all, and beingpredisposed to that fell detlroyer, camamp-tlon, tlio levorD vinton were very trying to

constitution, and it was not deemed pru-dent to speud another tiiere, expressing astrong desire to ratnrn to hef native home bersister, Misa Anna Oarlile, went oat to see berlast fall, and in returning brought lier and ber

it; babe with her. fiha contlauedta fall,however, tbe change having no permanentboneficial effect, and ou Tnesday last ibe died,as above stated.

l e t t e r s r e m a i n I U E unclainaorfInshePoitOflPce a t Dover, N i

DOVBB. K. J-. Jan, 18th. 188aDick Braff3. Cnonrcd,W. H. Daley,3 HlUdMftlvlna King, Sam! l ay ,W, J. Le*i«, Jftmeg McCab*T, J. EieBardfl, John Smith, 'James Smith, Bichard Williams

To obtain u s / of the above leltera say " I Hrertlsed"aQd give la te of l!,[f | | a t .


WANTED1 competent gtrl to do general honBeworfc

Sone other need npply.S. H. BREESE

6-tt Dovw, K.

Bank Elections-At a meeting of stockholders of the Hatioual

Uuion Bank held IsatTaosday, tbe following,nwd perions wore elected Directors of the

bank: Guorge filobarda, John W. Jackson,Oolumbus fioach, Riobard Oeorge, HudsonHoagUud, laiao B, Jollay, Iaaaa W. Searing,James W. Brothorton, Henry HoFarlan, Jo*i&hMeobor, Samuel Tippett. Thego wero allmembsn of tbe preceding Baaed with the

•plion of Samuel Tippet, who takes tha placeof Albert B.RIggMeoU

At & subiequsnt meeting of the Board of Di-rectors, George Richards, Esq., was electedPrcBidont and HQIIBOU HaagUud, Eatj,, ViceP r e i i ( l e D t '

Kindly Notlcei.W» aro Indebted to the IEOH EBA for a very

artistically gotten up copy ot their Carrier'sAnnual Addredi.-Haoliettfltown Herald.

The Dovor Eiuiitned a Carrier1! New Year'sAfldreia tliat was a model of tynographiealbeoutj.—VTaBbingtorj Star:

The Dorer EBA got out • handsome NowYear's Aildrws—Warren Democrat.

TUB Hscketistoiri. furnace waslast week.

There wero ten deaths In the Warren CountyPoor Home in one treeb.

Tbe Backettstoirn Gacette office will beoffered at public u t e soou.

Tbe Franklin inmaca will probably go inblast again early in February.

James Smltli, of Brannbrille. conrkted ofarson, has been graQted a new trial.

I t i i repotted t tu l a spur of the S . Y., B. 4W. Iiatlrosd will be built to Newton.

Ninety persons have been oonvettcl .luritbo present revival in tho Oiford M. E. Chnr

Edward 0. Mafnos has been ro-elcotfd fitt•rd o( the Snwcr Coouty Poor HOUBO, at aaalaryof U00.

A bouse at Asbury was bnrnedonp nigiiiiBt ffoet, having caught flro from cliildrci

playing in tbe stove,

For BoeoberV Jeauco lu NavUiu 00 tbe lot,mr bnndrod nnd fifty tickets bad Iieon sold

np to last Wednesday,

The toller nmkorH or Tippett k Wood, utPbillipsbnrg, wore on a striKe this wot>\i. Tboydotnand a regular pay day.

Sparta township, Sussex County, has a cator small pox,a German railroad laborer burinbrought it flora Hew York.

Wm. Treehnd. of Danville, claims to Iiaraised list season from a little over 30 senof ground produce valuad at $a,cro,74.

Jeptbi Potter, of BDcmervillB, and PeterEoyt,ol Deokertown, both aged eigl>ty-«Rand both veterans of the war ot 1B12, hidlod this week.

TbeBaptlitBorSussex County logo two vnlliable men in tbo departure of the Bev. BThompson, of Newton, and Jicv. J. a . Dyer,of Deokertown, who havo accepted calls else-where,

O« lag to the Illness of two of tho 1of the Newton public school, snd to tli•lence of icarlet fever In tho town, thatinstitution vrul not bo re-opeooa for at lea attwo weekB,

Alexander WcBtbr<wk, the SBSIM Countrchild murderer,wae on Saturday Ian t tieu letioedby Ju'dge llagle to §evoo years in tlio HlataFrison at bard labor. He cried bitterly wtbis sentence was announced.

Mr. Stephen Clawsmi, of Haokettfllowho was BO anforlunate aa lo break hisa few weeks ago, U able to be around aj;iConsidering that bo in eighty years of agnipeedy recovery in remarkable.

Jacob WatDdiinff, of Drnss Castle, WaiCounty, while walklnfi with t, Mend um

recontl? in Greenwood Cemetery, Kroolwas suddenly mricken doirn. p'robaely withheart usBeaiie, oml tljcd hmtmttlv.

Henry W. Helick, of Phillipflbnrg, canseilIhe arrost of bis motlier-in-law, Mrs. Eliza-berb Kultor, on a chfirf^fiorcnteritipiita tmuaiat New Village, am) rcmoviDg tliorufruin a |oof boiisohBld Rooda. Sbo was bouml over oua charge of burglary.

Bormrd It. Leo, a con t rac t on the L, AH. e.ndN. Y. ,B. fW. TOHdi.wlio has been 1ihe vicinity orNewton Tor tho pust yoar, sayuhe was knocked down and rubbetl 111 a NowTiorli city, on lbs night of the10th Utt. of J310. Tlio n « t eveuiug heawoke In a police station, from which bowaoderetl out to another rosoit and lost abouteigbty-flve dollars.

PIANOS AND ORGANS,ands.Sqasro GMITIB a 1 t i t- P. TBETUKWIT 8 t { t \] n

VfntctB ft Oo.'i V'tAum au i ,n H w ||Rqaaro Grand I'lami wit! f r 1Qrijt-clBBB ia nrery WIT f r ti 1organs from tfiS upwardu ( 11 ] 1 ),In port pivnirnt. Ordirn r d A IH 1Bon's bameas store, DEI r N

Notice of Election.Tim nnnnal medtinj' f t 4 1

(ho Mfirris County Mad 1 n I t (tor tho auction nrDirr r r

will l,o held in tl±«- Vi( Iiliug au Tttt'.wUv, a 1 \ \ \H

10 o'clock A >i.6-2W QEOIiOF, JtlCfUItlW. I' ]

F- H- Drake's Sufferings.F. H, Drake, Esq., Detroit, Mich., suffered

toyond all description from a akin dimae,which appeared on his liandi, bead and face,end nearly destroyed Ms eyes. Tim moatcareful doctoitng fcitad to help \iim,Miil arternil had failed be used the Outicnra flesohcnt(blood purifier) internflllr.Outicnra W d Outi-cniaSoivp (the great pkin cures) oilcrnally,snd was cured, and line remained perfectlywell to this day.

CARRIAGESortv.rj ile«cri|,lior. majj and mid al


in enn-or knc i n | , e t™t ,,

rao tlio «pccialii!» or Iho calaljllslinira

Geo, S.J., April Stli. IBS!.

W. S. COLLARD,Carriage Trimmer and Furni-

ture TTphoIsterer,JlOlllliS STBEEr, DOVJSB, N. J.

Bair Mnttmgos tnKclo tn onlpr and old mat-

hnni,. Ojilan In all kind. »r nphobl

•-Tuu li tk, i n s .X A. Brianl,K. Orocomb,KicL.rd DnnunMroT'



4 for 25c.ikfiu auil'd 111 tfii inimiti'H, r,iimT

BIIIDC, at iht

PORTABLE GALLERY,onBLA.rKWEI,LfiT.,iifXt 1.) McCltACKEV*C A I . H I A O E HHOP.4, Duvf-r, N. J. We HJJ,*nuke IB Imaui.fii! fir^n f\>r 'M,r,,\ two curdsnizo far 25c, ivnd a larKf 8xlll picluro nith 09no poliBbed liiicli Wulmu IVumo

FOR $1.Itmenibor wt utivj hut fur one wuek won

Our pictures uuvi>r fade.

Brauoh of BRADY'S BrookljnGal-lery at Orange, N. J.

FARM FOR SALE!Tlio Biil)BCrib<>r iiflVr* for tnte a valtiaMe

farraol 155ncren, niiuntfd u-itkin a. IHIII-BLIIlirlt nl the villain uf J'liAl'ACK, !Sn:it<T-"t

onnJy. N. J . Tlieru in About

125 ACRESof Which mil l n 7001! nt sk> (.f u i l lmi t io i ) , amitbo balance in well timlj.'retl. And IM U)HO H< H

MAGNETIC OREnartl> OIK pert, urMiiitf i iJi l i « r a n ( (pf iinroiron. TUww a t i n , 1 H,» An « , i , i iM.r-

ilod in tltu iron IniKitifrfH. (IH iho mmjcrlvUflt llG »>lll tl> Cl.>G« till- CRtlllH Of AllHllN

JOHN At'llLU, Ku.-nlurlV8j>fitli,B..T.

This Will Interest You!G. A. SAMMIS,


Dover Miik Depot,mfcinc: H

ii'i |)rop(Kit'it

»r ihv follot the luiTE'st ]KJa


Foreign and Domestic FRUITS,


Country Produce Generally.MINCE TSEW,


1 i\m liaiiillitlK ORANORB ASD LKM0S8in largo (jiiantiticB anil welling them lowertlian any otliur liaiiHo. I am prcpitrecl at alltimes to fiirniRlt Uanntiinto.* mulPariioii of <m-rv liind i\nh FltUtTH, yUTS RinlCONFKCTIONEIIV al Iwttom prioeB. fi-4w



tlitStatt-ofNow tlioclr.sesJ on tins 31«t day of December, 1H31.

l PinnEsomtcEH.

nu 11 h ,O e ri.rnft H,U. H. ll[)tidfl, to Hocuro circulmioDm1 from aii]irovcil rescrvi; naii-uiDu<\f rnm olhur Natitmal liMika,Itcnl Eslnte, Furiiitiira and Fix

lot he ?ash IteiiiH,


-Ipecio,Logal Tender Notes,~ •"jinptioiiFiinil with U. 3.X

LIABILITIES.Capital Kti.cltraid inSntrlus Fund,

National Bimk notCH tmlatundiiDividiiiitln unpaid, tlf)«>mt» swblpri to rDcmnnia certilleatcM ufCertified chocks.Duo to other National Unnka,Duo to Stnln and I'ri

md JJaukura,IJankR





li 375 .WH 071,1)17,37


County or Worm, iI, GPI . ,1) . Mi-tfior, t'aKliinr of tlioalKiTe-nnmitl

ljaiiK, do Holrranlv hivt-ar flint tbo ah»v« utalc-iciit iii Inic, to tlio \mt of inv kn<>w]i!<l[;e andt'Uff. GEO. D. HEfiKER, Gasliiet.

Kiitiscribr-il nnd a worn to befont inn, tillstcutli day of Jnimary, 1882.

W'jt. T. LETOHT, Notiry Public

Bura «e stall BB,I H hetototore,Ai on tome Bammer ntarn.

BHi -AI lnnl«u, J . aagtdoajran, Unum

_ - r . . J - Al Teabo Mine, Jan. Bth, WILUAXT-, inrant son of William T. auJ PbUUpp*Peam.agPd 10non tbi , p p

DCQAN-At Kookaway. Jan. fltb, OatherinBngan, agod « jBan.

COLTIOT-it Kt. Pleaawt. Jan. 7th, JOSEPHBon or Biobard OolJlot »Bed 18 years. '

FAnilpipTON-A* Union, Jan. 9th, Jchn W.

GREAT ".i1:::;::; m mm\

Isaac N, Doty & Go.NEWARK,

are preparing for their semi-annual INVENTORY, and havemarked down prices, in everydepartment. Until Feb. 1st, weoffer SPECIAL BARGAINS inevery class of SeasonableGoods, Winter Dress Fabrics,Dress Silks, Flushes, Velvet,Trimmings, Blankets and Un-derwear at BEDDCED PKICES.Special attractions in Sheet-ing and Pillow Muslin, TableDamaslc, Napkins and Towels,Toilet Quilts and Counterpanesat REDUCED PRIOES. Han-burg Embroideries in new dersigns at REDUCED PRICES.Closing out the entire Winterstock at LOWEST PRICES evernamed.


159 & 161 MDrketJt.,

.arrortpranian or Amallai iia !(„, g» a n , 0 rnonlhi and 18 d a j i .

Farewell o n r u h o i b d d l ll l l dloaare la ldbe iUt t i toH

Tboio one. bright e,u so*,«]] ia death,Torn tonljuwrwMirtil, (lod, •••*•'

Page 3: Sao 5 - Rockaway Township Free Public… · Morris Circuit Court. ALEjutil BIEXRB ) In Oau. vi. } foreign

PBE IRON ERA.JAN. 14, 1883.


mtjConrtacotivonennt Tuesday,

i regular meeUnx next Mundiy

a fair or tUeWhipi*ny Catholic Ohnwbn j *5fi2.30-IL' children at ike County Poor HonM l»icon vtccin(it,od.ur into 1B83 you can't. Kot ttifa je i r , a. Smother you.; hard b a d * slntnjff miitnre of spring;

bil ni utcr this week.f Trod. Taylor will lead the Y. M. 0. A. leaver

ms uuit Stmday.mliictor Charley Holmei, we rogrot t

my, id laid up by illnes*.Tim BticcfuHimia post office nottud the gov


m KioUut

al poting! In the M. E. CliurcbeililttBllwl.••turn tft % tent to Uio rolling

IJn I If f < t

tf IVapnrk, lin


OOOIKT, i:i Ocluiicr test.

- I tnUr iF . Oram, Emi-,Bradbury pinno of Iti-v.

Jndgn Wood t i u romprtil l ib to Boom1 in the Daub building.

Hie fint enow of BDfficleiit quantity to por-tal* sleighing w « tit* Ml of k i t niifht and t«

The GaneTeli Fire Alarm aystom will bo explained to tin* people of Marrlstown neiftU

3 [• n, pro mil! nit JOB OR m-itj,

cot. Ojte uJOHN POOTMI.

80 far he h n bebated himself tiotler tUan hiivdeoeiior.

" I ice tbataBDeraiarmthai •hlfted theIs from the top,"—Fm

Dispatcher P. W, Oaolbiugh, of tbo U . i E .Divteion, bu patented a new lock and wgnajfor tarn bridgei.

Mr. P. W. Bwaobharanier, of Chester, con-mpUke removing to Dover and erectingewdoublahouie.

Mr. J H , f{. DulryioBle mil rant Ills farmthis year and reside in Dover. He b&H takena lioDBc on Ool<l strfiel.

Rev. Dr. Br-wiiiiu, ur MorrMown, linn \\t»l alumber of inri titions from fi rot-duns churches.0 become their miniiitor the onsning Canfor.tcce year.

Tlio conlrneteitarc fciH'lttfiiji>a C. CooperUl. 11 A paliui

The fullowiM.-Uavit „„ ;

. Henry Tinui'trty in

irl.inlmrda' w brick. Mr.

it : John Albro LittleIJH. Forcflnsuro wilu.i. wild to Win. T.

BOONTON.Tlie Board ot Frf>chalderB Inipocted the now

pond bridge on Tuetdaj .SoTlrtt laeehBgii were commontiPiJ At tbo

H . Z. Cburd oil Tuesday evening.Mr. Strtot, the well-likoiJ Bupcr.nten.limt o(

(do ITontvifle Kahhar Works, taunufgaed. Agentleman Jroni Now York baa taken lili place.

A uulou service was held at tlie PreibyterianChnrch on Sunday evening. Bev, Mr. Walaer,it tlie Bcforoicd Cltamli, pretebcol tlie sermou.Tlie ffcok of prayer *a§ olosittl la this place

b j a meetiOK in tlie M. E. Obnroh, at whicbBev. Mr. Coohrin, of Hendbara, Oelivoroi avery fine tetnperanae lecture.

Same of tbe brick work of the new iIlk fac-tor ; waa ihgbtlf deleted by the fitting of

in the neaerroirnoi

PORT MORRIS,-t-y tiico piikeml

l aDopulBTis quita Hid',Voilkti"Ciinrljct


7 t« nay tlut Charlie Holmes, thetor r>r tlie HookeltBtowu Mill,mil Ho IIM-II for suiue time.

miug Jiis train, I hiiftu ti) HOB

t i,r .Ink, mi(>Hr Yiirii Sis

.iiinlyjw.a Milinda

HireliinW a fine 1 ul

•twj .Mi«Ji>

STANHOPE.I'nrisli nipfHiij; of I be I'mWBB lii'bl m tho Icctui,- n

at(tr for Vtv Thoml and v

Tli* ladies of tlifl First Presbyterian CVof Mormliiwii Imva sent a box ol clot

^vnim-ii atf2B0to apmtorit t Illinois..V It i» plainly nppuroitt Iliat Senator VnSoloed, fitiiorils, will !)ot))eHc|>ulJicaiiloS m i tlie floor of the Bennto tliig Wtutor.

Tlio mortality to Homo parts of thin sectionI tint* biic-ii very great of lato. One undorfaterI lit til Dover buried 31 persona iu 30 dija.'i In area Morris Cnuaty in aiitU in nii-o 10 th<i Btale, SUBBCI lourtli and Warrenninth. Moirln

lias ISO Bquarc ml!c8,.SnnBei 500, *nd Wamn510.

Mr. Clai-k Coopor, nlgbt operator at Dovaihas been appointed ticket agent and opemloat Bloomfleld. Mr. Lev. Bafaer suceeeda himhere.

aiorrislown 1MS icaoUei lo put hor trumpsUnder tho authority of .ho Street CnmmiB-Rlonot and compel them to break aionofor thestreets. .

Cbas a taken tli<p

livory biwlneas of bla brother Alex, ujdlmiioldhlslmt Bioidl,u»iiitB3 to Frad, Eoeve anil An-drew Buy.

Sir. A, Konfmaa.of Jtocltawjy, is tlie secondK tonuBliip Collector lo pty in full to ttioOuuntv^ ) i t l l t

^ice county.If a t no-whe

thrce-\vlir'(iU:ilthat (ho ont-

; wheelbarrow.- Hen! ni'w in B

filve, tlioiiKli tli

eled Telltale IB R Licycle, anil aa tricycle, it docs not followwlioded is au icicln. It i» a

OW closelyimitati'dby Patt-non

e "'at Is uot notr HO bigli as for

KIIITPHN o'Lt Oliver flr

Monday nveninp'bb, at Hunt Orange.

Grtibb liii'l steppril in front ot tlie Eipreea l

"jJlfif.mirptlnle tlie patient's tonlineblack unit KwJkti mid death eusutortr-riBlit hours.

'". Joei-pli Charrial, of Bnnk'iinx, Ft a.iS.Ol'O.Onn ami has left tlio country.' known what New Jersey bank will t

anoTorKwk.wlio dlcile epe i>f 16, hnd voted tlin tickds tor 54 yenrfi.

pon (he 13th u l U t

ed that tho Oormaa nnltbrivoulli. Hov

witli trout a

Tli« Uct t there- ot

e quietiiiDovrrdurinfc Deccraler—ainBab(ilWa3wei*-Rpe»ki w

and Rood order of Hio town.

U s t Sunday wa« tbo anniTercary nr tho bat-tie ot Hew Organs. Rut few voteracs of tbowir of 1812 survive. Tim only oua wo know ofin Mr. Hjram rmilcti, of Dover.

Tbe funernlof (lio (tie Albert It. RlRCf, s iRuccaennna last Siturdoy, WHB attenileil by a•vsst concourse of pnoplc and prominent mnnfrom (liffcTPiit jinite oT riio county.

Win ExsllliEsbefiitlcclLMl Asimtant Tore-maa.and W m . E . D r a ^ , Trpaanr«,c.ninwuTrnok, of Ncwari. Both were former mom-bfrfl of Protection Truck, of Dover.

Mr. Van Iloutrn, Uio carponter, had Miobsllolonooye sovcrcly Boralcbod by i nail, whichproved »or.v pamfnl and Tor a day or twooapeed tbe lues o(night in both cjes.

A recent eiamination of tbo school »t CedarGro^o tansltt by Mr, A. Bcail-Clork, n-centlyof thie county, nbows it to ha one of tbe tniietproficient district uolioota in tbo county or|

JayB.Trcut.Caaliior, Edward Luff, Teller,and Ed. I . tirottli, Buok-keppor or tho Jler-chant'B Bank, of Newark, hnio all lioM thesumo positions in tho Nttfqul Union Bauk orDoTer.

The yonnfi latlicu find clfrgy of Flandnrsgave Miss Hull, the school teacher, a surpriaoTint at the hunae of Mif*s Jennie ChambDrhiaon Tnesdiy cTOQing, nblcb proved a vertpleasant affair.

AcorrcspondrntfienilBUi to account ofUsy.

Dr. UiSfi'BB' lecture t t OgilermlinrB, windregret WB h»?e not nSotn to publish on acccof its lenjrtb. boct-me *h« Dr.ia one ofablest of lftrtatrare atd di>it<Tca all the goodthing! that can be said of him.

The Tair of St. Bernard's Church, Mt. Hopo,was tticBferrod thin week to Temperance Ball,naar Teabo, where it opened on Thoradaynight, It will he continued theie tbis-Satur-diy—oveniDR, ani should receive the innportof all the good peopla of that nelgliborhood.

Workmen a n tearing down tho Col. Hnntiiboma OT WaFflrtr PUoe, Madtaon. Cbtrles B.Cook Intenda to Immediate!? erect a threestory frame building m> the lite HxE2,wUh•tores oa tbe nrit Bw-, twilling ipartmeutapit Iho aeoond floor and • ball ur, % U)lnl,

Mr. Joatm*Hnnt, SuperintendBnt or theCrane Iron Company Worki at Gateiaqna, naireaignetl. Ho has been with tho companyabODl thirty-nine jeart and hli talent* andenergy na»B made Mm in eieeedtngly nluableman to the company. His son auooeedt him,

Kr; Ttfi 8. W.right, while repairing a pianoat Mtinli Plains, foond npon the underside orthe datnpar tba following singular memoraD'dnra: " B . M.tEiq., Friday mornlnB, Jnm83d, 1B49, the clar tbat two men ware to befcaofred and the writer had a permit to 100them. The execution wai deterred ind Shewriter dluppointddr

Tha Bwnspl Fttemen of Vorrfsloim hareelected a. offlcen; Bicb.ara B , ^ilei-Breslrfipnt: Wti[, V, Sayro, Tice-Proiidont; uhatleiH. Green, Beeretary; M. H. Jenning, !Tnai-n n r ; ' Charlci McQollam, p . D. Cnig addjnax -0. Arnold, Board of Trustee*; -X. D.


(JH* Trtotal r

•nt, approved. Tin: rcpurt .if, ppHtircr, Sir. .f. K. Daci()tnnflliey(>Br In

from tha embtabmovt Io tlje rear of the bulliing.

OUrk Onopor, of this place, and wliotone Urns bas been railwiy night operator

Dover, baa secured a better situationBtoomflelfl in wliioU placa ho went this we

The sidewalki on tha tonth side at Broand Liberty Street* present a belter I

alaoB tha properly owners have tnonIhofr fences back and graded tlis walks.

Pelgram & Slyer, the propriotori of the iiclary, Intend EG i t spring to ereot aiibthi

building on the opposite eido of tho road froiIrotlier and trill bo mucti Urgor.pjdiF night wt* dark end ilo/roy anil

cocrao the street lamp* were not liffhtothnt would be too much of an accommodatl

lio peofile. Sntuo tfepg ehoaldba ttlsiiy the Common Couudl to poo that tho lttu]•0 licltcr taknii care of.It is mraaiji! liow siime people will elmK-ir itiiudB. TIIIB week tliQ man vrae iu Uiho ntico wanted thrt State of HaaBieltUiotti

'aimfit gavo mivb (jvonvliHiiiiDK naptlhlluaiiiHJfirilRis. He ID Bow a resilient of tli at Htftimil d'xi't ciircalmut it burnt; Bwnliowed.

•u lintuuUyfSitiitifi Jai)t,at which Imio \\\i|i!*m]i(l strnuturu very narrowly eiicaped biniif,' In tlit; cimrfft of tlio .'veiling a voniisit «•«(. cjcoicfl i«r fimliiitp lui mach Mttni.aiii:L>. llo Bi«m rtitnnitd ami Blruok at

ImUurtu:lb» fire ,,

mt aevemly. Wliilo ttibeiRbtoiieof tlicia BIOTO which fell an<tiiif,' tliu burning COBI» wnddwork took tirwan Buciii procnrwl anII usual iio nrrentn woi


ROCKAWAY-yoir iHHiicot last wool; o'

HimlifT 11 r limn taunt mined b;yi* in f,Wnniiti, Jdgqili I?. K<

broD j ra t B l W. H. StaokhoiiBo, I . P. Blillor u:ra lluwory. For two yoara, OlmrloH Herri>nd it. Van Horn. For ono year, J . B. David-um nnd D. J. WcDtde. I t \TIR agreed to raiae

tbe pRCtor'a salary to $050 for tbe i', in order to reeoiro tho benefit of tbe

Sustentaticn Fund. I t seems the Board ofHuptcntation added fOOO to the SOOO raisod I Tt bo rnngrfgntrou last yet R tbo salaryISM. Hat one of tbo conditions of this gift9 that the congregation shall inonaso tks>antor'B ealary (60 oaob ye«r and a liketnonnt Bbai! bB deduct nl from the gift of tlio

Board of Sustenfation escb year until tiioobnrch ahall become aolf-aupportlng, which

111 bo in flpfl years more If ibe don't rnn offtho track. During ihe year juet past Her. J.ff. Pcrtor baa proved inmself an eiteellent

•Mtot and B Tory oamcit and ccpt&bloircaclior, and I hope to aee Ins chnrch puwa

all flllod boForo tho coming year CIOBCB. Tlieroire petipb cnoiiBh iu this vicinity to fill all thoiliurel:OB (o oTcrflnwhiR if Borachndy vfonltf•nly Ru out after them ami gather them in.

Uov. Ait-milder TromWt, of Hsck^tiatown,will preach in tliu Prtaliviorian Chnreb b<next MooiUy and TucbiUj t-M'iilngs. I gu'•(lorn is what Mir Uctho^iets calf a protractedoeetinB, or oilra effort e"i'>K "« l ' '«re at>renent. At any rate Mr. Proudflt is ono nfhe vfHitora <if ttio Frthfiyttry and will proachis staled during liin pcritwl of vtBitatiun.

W. H. SiacLluniKO has bought tho storeiThich is nccupjctl at prefenl l»y C, V. Kim.

J dill) -Sinck hm told his bouuc to Mr. Van

Dr. C. II, Nr>ldun 1ms pnrclinw ocenpird by J. W. I!

ilt< of llw inlL* TVjllina) Oroff.It ii said Dakor Frcimanisut cMoffn; tliatLo*i«A. Y*.

•cut Ms puoi rooii! nmi IICIT naloon Ap; tlintTlioman J. Knijjlit lititt 1

h' to biiilii on il ; tlmt iSiilii PulC toimllda tliiHliopon the bai.1; thatDcnt. i t McDavit 1:

OIISCB ciiotigli for llie te

tlio bo

ui> tn mein pome l

boujjlit Hiuontpany;

iH yearIf you nant to Kot a taut'sc, ol (tie liitiJ ot aUaonp

re and brinnlouo" juat. tnk


veil n

of tho mines b i d'ho Allen Bruibci

iriilgoovcr tlie Va»i•y will take the at:

h they are gettinl

arc goiiiB tc at Ilutberfe cut or tliu q

build ard Piirli.

•ijon td cat bin dinner after li» pulled cut uf

ip Dating till lip got to BoonUin. D; J.

Entertain me nt at Port Oram-TIIP etHri-tninmi'nl of tlir Pi>rt Ornm Liter.•y Society, fur tlw hcix-Ht at (lie vUVtwst (iiv|

ml HrclmnitB* llnievolfiit Assiicistion, wilt:• livid in Miner*' and KfcIunlcH' if nil tin

tUy cvniinR, January 21nt. The JTO.• In t pry entortni

micalili'B B variety (if vocal and inslninii

roniDH, " Tbu Husicnl Wurvunt,"ittice," Tho wholu will nmto n doliBlitfiil,-tnlnBl ami the object far vhlcii tlio p.T.irmineo in jiven shonld pack the 1IB.11 fullith people.

Red Men's Electicn,HupucoQ Tribe, No. 58, Improved Order ofeJ Men, at Purt Oran, at tlitir last meetingICRIH] tho rullowiii^ Obiefs for tb» neit term:rlaubem-Ja*. B. TonkiiiR.Sr.Bitfianiore-Jtilin DnwuinirJr.H»K»iiioro-Wni. Tonking,Proplipl-Ed. 8. Hance.Chief of HeconlH-Henry Dalraan.Keepiirof Wamjinra—J»*. SparffO.acpr. 'wntatlvu-Ei).fl. Hanco.Reliring Tropiict—John Oo'ik.rriioa'Dd-Julin Duwniag, Jan. B. Tonidng,

A WholBiale Theft.Samuel 0. Dnclap hai beta arreited for

itealins a flock of nbeep from tbo farm of John. Riker, near SptrU, Soisei connty. Donlapnadeieveralattempti to aelltha iheep at airioe below their Talne to persona along theroad. Bo vai traoad to hl< boase tn Patenonby Biker. Several of the theep bad bemkilled bj psnnt i who bad bonaht them, aotnawere found with the ptirobaicri. The prla-oner fi anid to be a dating tbfef. He wat tan-ricted or borso iteallQgtn 1879 and aont tothe 8Ute Fmon for two yean .

A Teitimonial to Sinttor Youngblood.Tbo A. H, pqnrerence oT Sow Jenoj wbloh

met at Erlanton fiat April adoptod roioln-tioni thanking HOB. James 0. Xoangblood,Bautat horn MorrJj Oonnlj, tor inlrodnaitigand seonrlng the paiug* Dt a law siringcolored children the iimo rigbU u wfaltachildren fa all tbe public Mhaola of tbe Suta,and mikinj It a penal offence for any SoaoolBoard to refttio them adraiwbn to the tarns. Aoopyoftlioteitunonlal.liandiomDij'Bngroiied,IUB been nont to tho Banator.

Fin In Morrlatown.The bars of Qeo. Jonei, along tbs railroad

in MarriiUiwn, trit dlfeoreret) to be oa &n be-tween B and 0 o'clock Tnetday etening, andwis wholly deitrojad. Tbe tn departmentresponded^ bt|t bntd, $e qf i o serrloe. Al^orie and other oontents of the barn wen dt>•troyed.' The barn wai frequented by trampsit is itid, tod it is mppoaed th.t the fire orig-inated from thiir presence, l l a lighting upot the snmiuijdinss amid tbe hoaty taoir'•tonp pie'ntiUqg it Is u td tnad,e a Tory pretty'apwUclo.

Mr. J. r . Sticklo is UILIDR of putting upBI-RO lirinU store hoitao. Ho tha work of 1m-

Tlic tivi pool rooms, I am told are doithriving business.

By tho way,wnaroto liavoa grand enter-tuinmont in Btlckle'a Hall before long. A

ne limoiBaxptiotod,T. D. Tttlnmcemoff for tlio West BRain, I t

is rumored lie has gone to BOO somebody.Vfe bad a call tbe other day from am oh

friend Dr. Tultle, from WsbuBli. I t does onegood to roe him once in awhile.

Mr. Alci. Ncirrla btujust relarned tram 11Woit. He having bean Ruua two montha.vh.[ting his son, who ia ono of the Profenaora inWabaah College, Tnrtfuna.

We havs had a nnmber ol deaths tho>w (reeks. Oon of onr old friotidB,Mr. Wm.

D. Zindlo was buried a fair ilayH ago. Mrs,an w\ Mrs, John 0 . Hill &4ve pissed

away but tbo worhi moves on.BuBlncRD is good.Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman have pan a to Bo

0 visit tljrir Ban, who is et uchool there.Thcro Is lo bo a niarriaKo nt tlio Douville

I'rotcetorj next Monday ; tlio IIQUBB ia all fnBfl for (ho brlda win will occupy it.

WHIP PA NY.The following

attno, but, arriveTlio tiolidaj-H pge tlui p

S IDSt yea


ritten for Ind week'nro furimlilicatitni:very qiiiotly in our vilCnming »n Runilay n-('iiip|[>vcd in

av, r'xcoplinjf the cut Utii'd Blouduj1 and Tiies

ing bow: rtn paid. O

IiKcJ froming to tliu

nibtr of itrtidoi wanil they nearly

early S50 welnlil whoH

realized, wasparentH werer articles tlle-

puir of blnnttota,iiitaof cliioa, bit imt which wore

cbaii.rltir lninp. uto.

a clock, aha?idsDmt

mt St.Wnry's school, wlilah l iu?h,wi for sumo llino far want of atten-, will lv-apon sliortlv, nlilch will bo a

goo<l (hint; fur Ihe teacher of ttie public school,Mis' Cutler.

Thbro was eausiderablo talking done last»•(.•<.•]( by thom who bail k e lionses to Jill andloneirluriiblc preparation maJo to fWtbeinlnLin vicinity, Lut tliu majority of thcio were.00 lion, for wliilci they talked tadmnJe peep-ii-tlntis the mild wave pnnncd ov«r and took:bo ice nith it, and only ono man ont of adozen auecotded in fillinR his fco bouse,

8. P.W.

SUCCASUNNA.aiiam Cwo, Jr . , a resident of FJandirs andJoved bv Messrs. H, 4 J . Docrlnjg- io theirmill at FlncktowD, met with an accident

TneBday morning that resulted in bit d^alh.e wtr engaged in s&wiug logs into p d n b

ind picked up one tbdt he had saved off andattempted to throw It over the isw, which waarevolving wffh gret t rapfdily, ba t i t tliapedand fell on It and was thrown back with e r e t tforce, striking him In the chert and throwing;biro htMatanceorelRhtoenfeet. Hawagalckedap in an insensible condition. By a viBoroaeapplication of tbe means usually used In snobcases, he ROOD reooverod bis Benies and W&Hablo to talk freely. He did. not leem to think

M i ferJonily bort. Soon after tba acci-dent he w u planed in a wagon and. atartad forborne bat died on tbe way, Mr. Case wai abird working, Indaitrioai nun, and iria verymuch liked by hit emplojen. He leaves awife and three children who wore dependentonblm. F.

Why We Naed Protsctlon-A gantlcman cf Doter, who counted then

•ays tbat sboat two bnadred car loads ofEnglish pig Iron and ahont 2,000 tons or foreigt) Iron ore pasted through. Dover duringthe last week In December over tbe D., L. &W. railroad. Do our Meant in Dover wan Iany better argument than tbli In favor ofprotsotive Uriff? All thin vant weekly productti ttie retail at the hat that tbo pndaatt otcheap labor abroad to thii extent supplantthe prodnoti of American labor. It 1B »n agament tbat goos right horns to every njlniin Harris Oountj and teaohog Wm that vith-ou,t protoQtlon hit wagei would hue to bematerially lessened to enable us to competefor what Is our Jaat due—the mpply of tholeeds of thB ooantry of. which ws form a pan.

' Court News.The following ones hare bean

before Jungo Child:bnauht

Abraham Hyatt, charged with assanlt abattery, lorwblcb he wat fodfoted at tbe Iiterm, pleaded not frailty, and was remandedfor trial at the January term.

John W. Jackton, colored, ton years ol age,pleaded guilty to a charge of ais»all »nd bat-tery, acd WBB ten ten cod to tbe reform toltooluntil or aia unleaa l a s t ly OlBohargod beforothat timo,

J o i n Jlleler and PraDk Oalenun bi tb plead-inR gulltv to a charm) of assault and battery,were eaoh flqed ftvo dollars and ooati,

nut ajLtsrov Latonctir, wlio Um been Kiifthioer r>uin IV<J'KI tnla he #ff<sntl feara, Ii«8 bifl airv HC«Yeto nttnok ol pDcuiuonla, and tt jaatils •« \>a about a«iin. William Sharp bat

been rnnulng hfi train dtirlug dm Illness and!* , wli<m Milt. Ortmun took charge of

it permanently, It Ii said. Litouobe it toropjrt for duty hers as soon as lie Ii wellenough. Sharp line takoti Oimun's place

il ttain, and bo )• to come W>k hurt


<A i In: many T-rofo-Blomtl latliea wbod uudoraa Btvu^J Mujiouat, a new 25c.ash, are 0i«ra LiuUe KCIIORR, F^niiyort, Lydii TiiooipBoii, Mjry Anderson,ran^i'r and Barab Bernhardt.

A pure, wbolosomo distillation of wltobKui, Aniorioan pine, Canada fir, tnirigold,verb'i**im^, ate.,fr&griDt wllh the lieal-

lu(f OBHI'JII" • a*balsam and of pine. Sncb iiSanfurd'n UidlcalOare fof Catarrh. Completetrealmontfort l .

when tho ground fraexei up so the graitrain can't work.

Bufth Aiko b u li)*Ber! tho it«ne gu»rDear Andovtir aud is doing to get oat stothere .turocdlittolr.

The Wogntplt men litre heatt planllug tpoles along the whole line of the tf. ADivision. Tlie wires ire not oUanged yet,

[r. Jnbn Seaman, onr tiifcot operator, h ubwn takioff to himself a wife of tbe daughteriof Pat t Murray. I coogratulato John.

Welcome my good frlondEaos 0.1Budd's Lake, into tho noble aray of Bcnadlol

The summit loral is fall agata and we haiplenty of water.

Kra. W. B. D&y is goUIng bettor riowly bsorely,

Arty Btine, son of Ur. Stine, of Btmbcpa,died very BudUonl; Ust week. One of MTeabo'e twins Bed Onttle, daag]wick B. and Nidlie T. Losaf, agod Blteemoutlit, died all

I am glad your correspondents at Boonttt:.nd Budd'fl Lake sao the iobool book qaestioiBl do. [ Till watch the proceeding* or tbi^iKlnture this Winter with Home internal tion what onr law-moborH will do about I t .

I HOB by the Sagsuohe Chronicle, wbl<DIDO of my friends out in Oolorado wan kininougli to eond ran, that Thomas F, Hloke;

\eH to run a lioot and Bbos abop iSttnho|>G, h now the owner of a wholeftala antretail boot and nlioe store in that town withlie anprooounccible name, nni w « elentedirtBidlngolBoerofUontennlal Lodgo.No, 23,

Indepcndont Order of Odd Fellows allien- lest election to s o r e for tbe carren)tm. Ho ii also County Coroner,Veil 1U.n0, Tom Hickoyl 1 am right glad

ihearuflilB eticccsB. Tliey bare a Mormoiilony In Colorado aud •< moat of them aratuigrints from tlio Bauthern States wliIIVD never been to Salt Lake." Bo sayi thicnvorNEwa.B , D , Q , JI., J, W, Campbell, Instilled tin

.tiff offlBtirs or Olive Lodga, No. 41,1 0 . 0 . F.

itb Ulanliopi', last M on Jay evening, H1 ssstntfi by P. Q. Stacey, of Jla»i1o3pllpo,auduavorilotlmr brotliron oftlnsMtucj nnwos of the oBlnors for the onrront lein:

11 s.nytmry.V. M. -A. J. Drake,W.-Tlmoilnre Hilt>,0.—D.HatikinsDn.R, S. to N . a . - a . if. Lunger.L .S . iuN.a . -A . Anerbaeb.It 8 t V O J E Pi^qit. a.tov.o.-L, B. to V. Q.S. T. Stidworthy,It. H. H.-L, 8. Herman.L.aB.-HIohulKirnfl.0.0.-Pntrlck Ueyiiolds." G.-A.A.Msl»em,

liaplal a -John D. tnngor.Tuosday night It snowed and turned to rainward morning. Tk> gtow psokci anil to-malated BO under tlie swltoli rail on theloivmg track, with constant Ibawluir, lliaii mil was Uglier Iban tlia other rail and! engine on one of %'t mounted the rail and11 off tlie tradf, Wliilo the men wereget it on, anotlier fioiauton engine orosacdor nail ran plump qf ths switoh, but in suchkshlon tbat it pulled right on. It iiiom amoug nllroatl man that when no havecacoiJoiit wo aro bound to have three inceetuloD, to I BM 1O Coudnotor Pataeylyon, nliilo wo were putting on the eoootuiigino, " Now jou run offtliB track when youtil np soil let as fisMi this haslnoBs wbflo

onrlianrts hi." "No air," Bald Patsoy't run off tbo track, or If I do tt won't

my frail," Bat juet as he clonml tfio frog:h bis train 0110 of tlio coal cam want (iff andhad all Iliros ntuidents wltliio a low howcock otlior, and that wound them Dp f<

Iio <l(iv.Fobn Black is con due I or on tho fast liitv. He la running Rogers' train at praiien'urracfi No. 3 at Btauliopo ntooil Rlill for

\rtetn mid a half waiting fur tlioton, mid old furnace inon Bliook tbeirad*, looked WHO and natd, "Thev had bet• haw Woirwl lifn- out in the firnt plaw; slittbcoMllcd now- mil it will tonl flvo or sixtuMiid tlollnrit tn gv\ lii-r ready to HtartITU." Wieii Chief Eitgdieer Joe Htmrh got

•y pM Iho Most on m.d the oid (Iked otT us ffontfy an euull l<o anil11 riglit alone I belirvu nlnu d»v«

B hi

nd nil riglit

nmi;li it curts In run a lilast hiniI you (bat tbe furnacB coinpuny gk to Mr. Van Horn for «,777

ei'iild fur llift ainount of thi'ir frhe month ol Dctembcr.


ifilil billD. J. .

I H* Stumpf i I^ntsurant.lea creatq can be found at J. B.Btnmpri

&0w reaUarant oa fitackwell street tbe wholaleiaon. All orders delivered promptly.

rco its!Great lleilnctionsKowto be hna at PietAOn'fi.5 oouts bays a good pled at Barry'a.'he best camphor creitin at Ihe Brioltig Store.

'oath estraoted for 2B cents at the BrickigStora.pou son get ony kind of a,wlnter garment

Plerson'd juat now at a great Raving.Pierson is eelltng Ihp balance of his stockwinter orerooata at prices that will aston-you.

Good gnnerleB and provlsionn, at reason-nrices, at t ie store ot Qeo Tierson,

MUlbrook.The Compound Tar Cough Syrup prepar-BttheBriokDrae Store ia the most re-

lUblo fot aU lung affections.Pierwu ia making a great closing out BHIO

'intet clothing and underwear. His re-aei prises an Mag the business.Get your preecriptlonB pot np at theiok Drug Store to Baonraaccaraoy aud BX-

lence. Store established in 1851.Portion In need ot timber of any kind will

In mind that dec. Pieison ia the largestsalcr and offers the test inducements,Vaccinations daily, i t Dr. Berry's ofEee,

Srohard street, from 1 to 2:80 p. is. Puretaal Tims used. Tarms strictly cash.Now ii your ehanoe. You can get IS

beautiful gem pictures of yourself for 25at the portable gallery ou BUokwell

t, Dover,

Qo to Brady's braneh gallery on BUehweltstreet, woat of MoCraDlton'fi oarriage shop,

fine vlotures. Tfaey only stay one weekiore ia town.

Lunger end Hovery, the enterprising ner-ihaotB of Stanhope, still flnd that It pays

obtain large sales by Belling the bout goodstbe Inweet prices.

Chas. A. S»mmlfl raalteflan annonucemeiitnswadvertlsementathis weakwhloh is of

aterest to etorj person fn this nctghbor-QWe him A call.

Far wsnt of farther am two large healingDTOB need in thsEiu offioe will be sold very

One Is of uuusaal size, and will Uuat airge tnlL Apply at the ofEuc,Brady tbe photographer who w«s hue

ago ban nturnei] for n ebort time, nvdhaving great floeeesa, making pictares nt

•emarkable low prices. Giro them a triul,Hiding eaddlee, bridles, whips, halter-,

iraahes, saddle padi, collars, oils, leatherR, charaob and (a foot all goods

iptin B fint-clasa harneu store, at A. Tay-& Boa's,

The season la Bdranolng and Plergas doesioes not intend to carry any of bis stock of

itet clothing orer If low prloea will sellthem right awny, Gt> in.and gat his prices,JppoeJto tbs East. *

Sothinp; gives better uttB[acttoa in thelonsebold Iban tbe pure teas, coffees andIIOEB Ihe Now York and China Tea Co. are

nailing at reduced prtoaa. OppoaitaD(!<r brick; block.

Datiildaon, the photogiapltar, haa seoand\bo negatives of Ghaa. We{t% MT.eral thoj-nnds in number. Parties can neonre oopiati ( thsm, or buy the platea'at reasonableKites. Those not called for noon will bemtoedoll.

SKIN HUM0ES.Mrs.S. E.'Whipple, Dcoatur, Midi,, write*nt her face, bend and HO me parls of hoi<ly wtro almoBl raw. Hi-ml covered wttlibml HUMS, en (To red TiMtrtully anil tried

inB. 1'urmaiit'uLly turtiJ l>r CulicvwTetit {bhot} purifier; sail Ca'tictira aillmita Soup (tlio great skin cures.[

Death l» ruts, mice, roaches and ani»; r»r-BOPB' Extcrminstor. Barm, granaries andioiMslioJd* dared in a single night. No fear

of had imolla. Best and cheapest verminkiller in tbe world. Hold everywhere.

Dyapepaia In its worit lorau will yield to theuse of Cirler'fl Little Karve Hl!» aided byftrter'B Little Liver FJUi. Thay not onlyrelievo present dfstreti, hut atrtng'hin th«

laob an dise»U*» anparatus.

FOB THE HOLrOAYSE. Lindsley & Son


Now is ihe time

to get BIG BAR

m De»th, .William J . OuQgblin, or Somerrfllo, Hans.,

BMJS: in tbe falfor 1S70 I was takon withbkodiug ot tbe langs followod by a Bevore

;li. I lout my appetite and flmb, and wasiooil to my bed. In 1817 | I wm admitted

to the hospital, The doatorg mid I had s hale

t ine a report went around Ibtt I was igiTB an hope, but a friend told mo of £HalJ't Sttltam for the LUDKS. I got a

• • a bait dollar. At onoaround tbit I was (load, I

f i d t l d r Dr. Vim,• Biiltasa for the Lunss. I Rot a bottle,

whan to my surprise,!, oamniencea to fnei bat-ter, anil ttHlav I fool better than for three>exr» ptat. I write tbis hoping ovary one•fflictcSnith diaeaBed UDKB nill take Dr. Wm.Hall's Bilbfttn, and bo oopvlnood tiiat consnmp-tion can ho outed. I can positiielr say it hasdone more Rood than all tuo other tncdicmoB. luve takeu ainee my siohneis.



Oh, What a Cough IWill rouheod the warning. Tbo signal ner-

..apB of tlio sure approach of that more terri-ble dlseine Ooummption. Ask yoursclvegjfyou can afford for tbo take of saving SOcts.tornn the risk and do notliioa fur it. ffo knowr»ra cipflrioucB ibat Bbilob's care will cureour cough. I t tiover falls, 'ihw eiplnius

.. 'bymorotbnna tnilliou buttles wcrcaold tliopint year. I t relievos croup and wlioopiugnoucli atoooe. Mothers tin not ha without it,_?orlatnfi baok, aide, or clu'-t, moSHILOU'fiPorous Piaster. BoldbvYuughtA Killgaro.

Dytpepiia and Liver Complaint.Is It not worth the email price of 76 cenin to

rrooyourself of every symptom of tlienodis-roasirjgeotnnlainU,tryoa think so call at ouritoroaud got a bottlo of Bhiloli's Vltaiizor,ivory bottlulianaiirintoil guarantee 011 it.iisciceardiugly and It it does TOU tin (imxl It willlost you nuthing. SoldbyVongti t i Killgore.

ipet-dy and positive euro foriria, canker '• --•* '- - ¥

&lled with «]| msoijor ol guods suitable tor HOLIDAY Qina; also a



COATS atwhich cop tains a largo v •nlal nrti.-lea fur thin small Bum of

Wo have a «Liarrb. ddihtlii1I10. in Blnlt.h'H CutKrrh Kcrnc'lv.

jjoctnrfnm willi ouch boll jo. Vn<i it if y.tealru hvalih nnil »wOct breath, )>rimi 60 cl


GOODS SUITABLE TO THE SEASONibroiltfWit thi- i'utirc »U>rr. IWnylhin,; ue# &wl il«»ir»W© in



(jiticura1HE CUTICUUA TBKATHENT, for t

citi-o ufBliiii, Hisalp Mil Illoud D'm-iinIMJBIH in 11m iiikriiul iviiMirCnticurn Itoii.•t, (Jm new WuucJ niiritH-i1, mid tbo rtteni

if Onlluurn un<l Culleim Boni), tliu grv


iALT EHECM.o nlio bnvfi ei(]eHeiiood tbo t

Bait Khonin can nip'rooiato tho »Rod lor vtarB, until cured I>y tile aiticiiM.

a u u t internally and Cuiiuura and Outi*ura Bonn oxt urn ally.

Mas. W « . PELUN0T0K, Sbaion, Wis.

PSOEIASIS.II. E. Csrpoutor, Esq., Houderson, H. 7.,ired of PaurlnalB or Luprosy,nf twenty yoara'iDilinK,by theCoticuraBoBotvent Intorualljid Cutioura ocd Guiicura Soap externally.

most vtoudertal ease oa record. Cute' il to boforo a iostluo of the peace and

out citizena. Ail nfflioted witli itchin,id Bcalv diioaHoa should Bund to tu for tbintimonir

niiiou,ly dlioaBoa sinlal In full.

KIN DISEASE.F. a . Drake, Esq., Detroit, Utah,, Bafl"joud all deaoripilon from n Bktn diacaauifoh appeared on his lianihi, head and face,i nearly dontroyBd hh uyen, Tbo mustcful tloctoriuR railed to belp him, and after

.. bad Tailed ho naed tbe Cutioura Jlmtolvenlblood purifier) Intomilly, Outicura and Onti-

Snap Oho ffreal. abln euros j ci(erimt;y,WBB cured, an'l lifts remained perfect)}'to this day.

ItfTICUEAHllrBBniforfiaiebyaliarutfBlatB.nira. n MwUciualJelloy, HTIIIII!•{,'« I'OJCB, t l . Cuticiirn lltuulvein! I'niilii'r, fi per LnlUf. Or

•ilitiiml l'oiliit tfonp, 2Dc; Ciilicnra!ihHlmvliiK Hnnp, Ific; in liiitu fur \<



anford's Radical Cure.itljr rolhivm

Ihoklng, pui

liii, t-mCODS'itutrm

Cou(,'b, lirdiit, l'ainti

• l . isBtoamUjftari i igm

ili., Dro|ipinSHin tliu Chest, Dy«uui

, .JBtreiigUi simU'lesli, tcil." bottle niuli

t and ono..jjrf, of nil drford's Itudical Onru.

WEKltd A rOTTER, Bost

tlioy«uuiiHia, Wast-ns ol 8k>o[), Ac ,

l Cure, nnr bus Ciitarrlm, Hmifonl'M Inhaler, in onffwU, fur H.00. Auk to

LIGHTNING.-* not quicker than COL-LINS' VOLT AH) I'LAM-TKltSinrulWinjjimin amiWi-akiiiT« ol tba Kidm-vs,

c l iti«


i, Hvs

BRESSS1!always well equipped with com-

plete hloika of

ooks and Stationery,Newspapers, Periodicals,


Fancy Articles,


k 3 , Brick Block,DOVER, N. J.


Cluapalat. Hat


ins nanored to h'm NEW AND COMMODIOUS ST011E U 0 0 Mon BLAOKAYELL ST., nwu-ly o]>positu tins BMIIE, wliich ruablcH

him to tinny a nuii'Ii hu^rr itanoHim'iit of ^oda thnuIicmlofore, embracing all styloH iiml ilonigus of

CLOCKS AND JEWELRY,My stock of Gold anil Silver "Wnldies ia cotni>ieU' in overy detail;

Rockford wntcl)(;H now HO popular iiinniig itiinoi'H mid rnilroiul UIGD ;also WftltliaiA, Elgin and Spj'iwgJield ivaliJios.

SILVER-WAREia unlimited, embracing every nrticlo of tlm kind kno^vn to liouse

Kooi'iin' kniv(!H, HpoonH and forku at tlio lowestmarkiit price. NoveKi-'H iu



Pierson'SpOPP. THE BANK,




O R.



NEW GOAL YARDi the property ^joining tlioir Killing mill


Lowest Market Ratesrlllier «l






Plaster.The Best Known Remedy for

Backache or Lame Back.Rheumatism or Lame Joints.Cramps or Sprains.Neuralgia or Kidney Diseases.Lumbago, Severe Aches or PainsFemale Woaknoss.

S. H. BERRY'SHardware Store


SKATES SLEDS,e i l l l Xat l l T l C l

Tool Clioats,


DBEN'S TABLE SETS, and many other goodsunequalled lor HOLIDAY PRESENTS.


FINE CUSTOM TAILOEIM!I would respectfully invite tbe atten-

tion of my friends and tbe General onWctc my FALL AND WINTER STOCKOF CLOTHS, CAS8IMERE8 ANDVESTINGS. all of tlie very latest stylesniid being carefully selected by myselfuith 11 view to combining excellence witheconomy. Tlie catling nod make up willlie nil thnt could he desired of ray pricesos low HB nomislnnt witli first clneswoik.My cipcriouco iu (he tailoring trade willbo my OXC!UMO for sajiDg tliat tbose plao-iog Jbcir n tiers in my hands CBD restsBiired tba nolliing will lie left nndoueogivo tlie ullcfit sBtiefnction. Before•rtlering yo reuil call and sec the niceiiiit you cim get fot from

to'u t tlio old stand.


MAN8I0K HOPBE BLOCK, DOVER, Opp. Cain s 8hoo Store




Tin > KrllcvTUej Poniilv

CAUTION^!See tbtl tlie wonl l!

A HIIIK ltI-:,iilTllV A T ' T A S T . I ' rueV^HUD'S Medicated CORN and !H1NI'>" PLASTEft.

A BRAVE^LADY!She EnilurM tile Pain ot m Severe Snrgltw)Uper»tlan Wltnoul f a k i n g Chlorofoi

8H0UTE9T, SHARPEST, CHEAPEST and hc*t full coune of business trainincin tho United Stated. Within twenty-UTO ninutofl of Now York City, with 20O triina

lily. Correwpotdenco with former pupiln BoliciUid. To all wbo will cciuimunicuto withi by letter, wo will eeni copy of our ELE<I*ST iHuatmted Cntnlopuo. Koliool cstablUlj-

20 yearn. Tbree-fourthn of our fltndcntu procure good Bitu.itiotiH in tbii or Now YorkUy on or before completing the conrwe. No vacations. 8(udoa(s adaiitlod erory week

day in tha year.

{From the Courier.)Mra. Rchoaiwmker, ot Greet Loeitt, UJstor

Co., N. Y., had tbo niiflfortuno to enliroly logothe night at ono of tier even, tli rough BU acri-dont, mdsiHluri-'iJpitnfuI inflammatory action


tho oll ffiMy l)L'coming Bjmpithutictlly iffeoted, hor

" ' ' " ' serio"-'- •"- ' *eral lioalilm

ORGANail VII nt apt to ilrpt cnnnnlt

inly Kufleriog; indood .__waJkJnffBkefotDD, Intbig

tumble ntrait slio conaalted Dr. Davifl Kencnly, otHonJont, N. Y.,wbo told her at o m .tbat tlie injured oye mast bo removed. SUoqufttlr l>ul flrni/y Raid. "AH rrabt. Doctor,lint don't give me chloroform. LottoyhtB-

' ilt bv tny aide during tbe operation, »nilnoillier cryont oratlr," The workwis

, and tho poor woman kept hor word.Talk or noldierly courage! .Tub tbovedprestcr plnok tlian It lakes to tico n hundred

1. To roatore her general h ;»ltd »m3 ffJve- and strength to tba nyfltem,Dr.KoniH)d;

[lien Rivo tho "Favorite Bomedy," wbiotcleansed Iho blood and imputed now lire to:Lo long Buffiiring woman. She rsptdly galne ~

and fltrcngtli, and 1B DCITF well, Tlimte Rilmeiiy" In 1 pneoiesB blenalng U,a. No rimilyRhonld bo without it. fourM has it. If not send to Dr, Daviddv, lion do nt, Non York. 4-iw



NO. 3,

New Brick Block,DOVER, N,J.



UOrxlrtowu, IT, T.

Buildings Raised orRemoved at Rea-




Tlio subscriber has for Bale nlarge clay bed, embracing two otthree acres, which would make anexcellent site for a brick kiln andjard, it being within fire minutesof both the railroad depots inDover. There is no other kilnwithin twenty-foe miles and thecertainty that there will be an im-mense amotmtof building in Doverand vicinity for some years tocome, makes this one of tlie mostdesirable locationB far busjneBg inthis part of the State. The prop-erty wiQ be sold upon the mostreasonable terms. Apply to

SAMUEL COSS,3-K D o m , N. J,

Frank Cries,MASON and BUILDER,


Stone u d Brick


, PU.Iaring u d

RuptureIta relict &a& cure &B certain an Uaj fallows day by Dr. J . A. 8H EH MAN'S method, with

lately from tlio lUnpera of Hlrun^nUtion &nd vill.out tlin injury trimos \i>Uict. Those wiab-op prcol slioitld flcnil 10 cent a for bin book, containing likcucHeca Q[ bad uaprs before andfcfter curOfHlno cnddrpotHDiits of profoflmonnl gi tatlcmcD, tiiiriiBtcrn^ m^rchaulrii f&riuera And>lliors wlio hsvo houii cnrtnl. Truaaea and Tlaptare eonnur or Inter aflbet thu nervoatt andnenttl BjBlern, brlnit on organic diseased, impotoacy, destroy cnurgy and naciil ilcsires, mak-ing (lie youag oklaiid thaoM ueelenr. Offloos, 251 Broailwey, N. V., 303 U'almit Kt.,Pblla.

forcnaHiiHntion, each week-Sew York, Mondays, Tuomliiya ami HatunUyst FhUidel*"* * "" * ' ' ' '"- ' J" • ' " "" ' •*, nftur tlmt every ntlier woolt.nmdtyi anil ("ridayfi, (ioriiiit D

W. S. BABBITT.Wo have just reooired from tie mrtcofsc-

iret another very large lavoioe of CLOAKS,


with what we already hive in onr store, we

will Bill at Bbont two-think tbe origins)

irioea. We would not bore you Infer from

tbis tb»t they are ID a s ; way dunaged, for

anoh IB not the case. They embrace all tbe

lewest styles; and we will guarantee the

prices to be lower than New York wholesale

homes ask. Oar ONB-PBIOE BTSTBU allows

no alternative but to mark all of our

goods at tba lowest prioen wo can afford to

Bell (htm. This Is usually lower than onr

competitors, In material for eloats we have

large assortment; one example will mifflca

to show the state nf our prices. One cloth

which last year sold for four and a halt dol-

lars sells this year for two seventy-five!

There are a grent many pieoei In our stoclt

and If yon will examine oar goods and

prices we feel convinced we will sell yon or

your frUnd who needs the article.

Our PLXWHU, bJaok and colored, raoi

from tone to eight dollars per yard; width

1 one and a hnlf yardj. In DHESH OOODS

we have a flveqearter all wool dress flannel

for fifty cents per yard. Tfait ia heujy and

ts twilled. A nuraljet of plsoea of FBENOB

Bnooisk, forty inobes wide, solid colon for

twenty-iTO oenta. A new goods «omes in

bUci from I'Sris oalloa D'Coidosnler, all

wool, and forty-fonr inobeg in width. A

CHESS malies adDrablsand pretty Christmas

pretent. Onr CAEPKT BOOM is constantly

reoelTing new additionn,



JohWng proippUy attended to. Ordenlelt*t Win.

WE^r tiAta THE cimjQBKN u i i o a i

CAT'S CRADLE,Tho tunrhoueamnoatlJtitonllBimok, will

Cheap Building LotsFOB SALE!

64 LOTSi rc tm Aronuo au<l Oorman Bta., 50x100

10I1. Can now ho bought on the luwestind

oBt rcasonabt.! tcrma. Tlwso lottt nre all

roll (acatcd nnd afford a moat excellent oppor-

nity tomoti of BiuallmeatiRtoproonro cheap

moa, Apply to



Choice FruitsOF THE WIHTBH 8EAB0H,

[oi Made Uclioirj,COUCH DROPS -

tbit will oure every time, and a viat Miorl.tneat of

lntWing «»»rjllmitlii the oUldren, goto




at his rutaiiMni, BUAweU Bt.,

Page 4: Sao 5 - Rockaway Township Free Public… · Morris Circuit Court. ALEjutil BIEXRB ) In Oau. vi. } foreign


Tho Iturt of these dogs we worth $200ot wen more. Oao lietiler, vfliom TWCmet at Cold Spring nuichc, showed asvery pretty ono that he snid he wonnot sell for 8500. Shu Imd nt that tim«four young puppies. Tho night wearrived we visited bis untup and weregteatly iDtereated ia the little luotiivraud her nursing babies, Amid thosewild, vast mountains, tlie little ueat ofmotherly devotion und buby trust wanvery beautiful. While we were exclaim-iiig, tbe assistant herder cime to swjMint there wweaoje than twenty hhvi-]imissing. Two male dtsga, UatU lnrg*>itbau tbe little molher, were Ktaiidiiigabout, with their lumdi in their lwew liadoing nothing. But the herder suitneither Tom nor Dick would find thoniFlora miffit go. I t was urged by tliflHsist&ut that her foot was Bore, nhtj \\a\

been linrd nt work nil dny, wna nearlyworn out, aud UHIBI mieklo her yuppie:Tbe boas insisted that she must go. TIsun ft'os Getting. Tlioro was no time tclose. Flora wuu called, und told to liti:for loatalioep, while Uer muster poiiittto 11 Rteat forest, through tlie «dgowhich they lind pooed on their way uSlio raised tier head, but seemed veloath to leave her babies. The howcalled slutrply to ber. She rose, loofciutired and low-spirited, wi.b bend autail dowu, »ud trotted off toward thforest. I snid:

" That is too bad.""Oh, sbo'll be right back. She

.igbtoiug on stray fllieep."The next niomiup I went over to loar

whether Flora frond the strays, Vliilwe were speaking tho iJiecp victti mtan

ing, driven by the little dog who did mniiae lier hwul or vag her tail even win?Hpokeii to, but crawled to her puppuant) lay down by them, ofleringtuB litt1

empty breasts. SUB bud biicii out »night, [and, while her hungry babieswere tugging uwuy, fell asleep, I bavonever seen anything so touvliiug. S>

far its I was concerned, " tbcru waa ina t\ry eye in tbo house."

How often tlint BCPUB COIDE* buckuie—tlie vast, gloomy forest, tun! tlilittlo creature, with tbe sure foot anber heart crying for bor babies, limpiinud eroopiug about in tbo wild onityoiall Hirougli theloug, dark hours, fludinnnd gathering in tbe lout sheep 1

I wonder if any preacher of the gosjiever searched for hist sheep uiider cicuuistuneea HO Iiard and with BUCU paifill aacriaces ? But, theu, wo uiuat u(expect too mnoh of men. It 1B the dituut stands for fidelity nml auciilirTins beat part of nmu ia tlie dog tliat

The Difference.One of tlie female writers ou dresi

reform, iB trying to illustrate how t&rribln Uia female drcHa is, enya:

" Take a man, pin throe or four tab]cloths nbont bin. fastened with innd looped np with ribboun, draw all bihair to tho middle of his lieud and titiglit, aud iairpin on five poundsother hair and ti big. bow of ribboiKeep tho front locks on [tins nil ]and let them tickle his eye all day.piodhis waist into a corset, and give hiegloves a size too samil aud shoessame, aud n hat tliat will not stay oiwithout torUiring elastic, ami a littliluce veil to blind his oyea whenever litgoes out lo walk, aud he will know wbna woman's dresa is."

Now you tbink you have dona it, douyou, BIB? 'Why, Wees jon, that togger,•would bo lieaven compared to wlut miliavo to oonteud with> Take a womanand pnt a pair of four shilling tneu'ndrawers oa her tbat are so tiglit tliwhon they get damp, from perspirationsis, t l c j stick so tiplt you can't ero&yonr legs without an abrasion of tu<Bkiu, tUe buckle in the back turning iEomersault aud stiakiag the poinls iuyour spinal meningitis, put on an uudershirt that draws across the breast BO yoifcol as though you must cut a hole in jor two, and which is so short thatworks up under your arms and aUc\tlie starched upper shirt to saudpapiartmuil and file off the skin until j owisb it was night, tbe tail of wbtoli winot stay tucked more tbau half a blocthough you' tuok, aud tuob, and tuck,and then taatM. a oollai made of sneelziuc, two eizoa too small foryoa, ato\m<yoat neck, put on a coat and vest, andliver pad and lung pad, and stannic]pad, find porous plaster, and it chemoisliirfc between the two others, aud mon somo liotoont, and put a bnnchkeys, and a jack-knife, and a bntto!hook, aud a pocket-book, and a pistoland a plus of tobacco in your pocketstliey will chafe your person, nnd tbeigo and drink a few whiakey-coch tailsnnd walk around in the ouu with ttghlboots on, sis, wit! yon will know what imati's dress is. Come to figure it upis uboat an even thing, sis, isn't it ?

\l\\j Uto Old Cflvr Wtire Flnnntl AronnHer Neck.

It would naturally bo supposed thaau Orange County woman would knovall about tlio habits and customscows, but (here is one, if the MkldletoArgua can we bolievod, who is denselignorant in that regeid. Tbni newspaper says that a gentleman residing tithe eastern portion of that village is tinowner of a valuable Alderney cow wliiclis highly prized by bis family, being iilsct a pat of the whole louBelioldfew -weeks ago the bead of tU& famil;was called from town for two weeks obusiness, and during his absence tbo coigave birth to a calf. This event earnea great excitement ia tho hoasabold,and especially to tbe wife of the owner,who, &a Boon as the calf waiborn, pnioa lice bonnet and harried to her near-est neighbor to ask what treatment sheshould pursue under the circumstances,Her neighbor, who is somevliat ofwag, at once advised her, witli tbgreatest solemnity, to tie apiece of thic

- red flannel about t ie cow's neck and thanimal would come around all right infew days. Mra. B. hurried home andfollowed out the prescription, and foseveral days the cow paraded the yard•ftitb tbe red flannel bandage aboat ithroat, greatly to the iunasetneat of allthe neighbors who were let into thBsecret. It was not until the arrival of-ber husband that tlie confiding wife wasmade aware that slie had been fooled.


Ftmther lurhaiiH hold llieir own.

Loose-wristed gloves remain in vogue.

Bottle green is tho favorite material

ir ulttleruttes.

Leopard plusli is worn "by youuff

omen nnd obildreu.

Novel and exquisite fancies are shown

l ma.k«-uj) luce gooila.

Ptutili i& imported for triaiaiiughu.ts,

ouoets, dresses and wraps,

FwHitud pearls uro used in the fornia-

iuti of tbe liigh Medicut fraiset.

Ctieviots in tlio new feather mixtures

,ru fieoii both bordered uud plain.

New shoes for uvruiug woar are made

if velvet, nud fucal with silver cords.

Velvet, pliwii and fur bauds will all

m iift'il for trimming intd-wiiitur suits.

Tbu majority of bonnets havn very

vide htriiige, bat BODIO Uavu narro1

CiishmiiteB ami ebisviota continue to be

he leading fabrics for ordinary wear.

Moire will be much used in combina-

tion with cashnifre und other

H tuffs.

liooeo twisted cbuinois leather aud

ludruased kitl Rhm'snre iismnch worn

as over,

Hpautah luco flouuet's trim tlie box-

plnited back, nut.1 there are two

laetijulmU ou the frout ol tUe bustiue

witli u frill on the ncok.

What the Wires Said.linlvy is ilmiil'." Three littli:

ptmud ntoug tbu liue, oniiiud somuwliuroand SDOU forgotten. But after nil mis

nfiaiu I leuttud my land upou in)bond uud fell into a Jutp revurii! uful

thoHt! wardn ninuti.)IQPW1}OIL'—a diiiuij form, siill «ud

cold, unclasped liy mottier'n arms to-i'jc's tbal yi;HterJiiy wt'ru bri

and blue us ekiea of June droopedit beneath white luls that no v

can ovtir riiito agn'us.

Two HOit bunds, whoso roseleaf rlugereV:CTO wont to wwidcv lovingly unn\uiinofher's ueolc and tacit loosely littldin;while buds, quintly folded in toutiuei

Soft lips, yefltcrduy rippling «"itllaughter, sweet aa tvoodhitid brtiok falls,guy na ttill of foiest birfa ; to-uigbt un-responsive to kiss or call of love.

A Mlont bomo—thu patter of baby feetforever IniHlieii—a eradle bed unprcssed,little shoes lmlf worn—duiuty guriacnts,sboiiiilor-kuota of blue to tun tell thosecyett of joatwday, foHuil with acBingHeart awny.

A tiny mound snotKoverad iu someqiiiet graveyard.

A mother's groping touchBluinber forth" fairIioud tliatulinll neveriigaiu rent upon lier boBom. Tlio lownob, tb« bitter tear, a& brokenowpke to sad reality. Tbe liopu of fu-ture years wrecked, like fuir ships tlmtsuddenly go down iu sight of Innd.

Tin watching of other babies, dimpled,toughing, strong;, and this one gone,Tlio present Rgooy of grief, tho En twoainpliuesH of heart, all held in thosethree little words: " Babjr is dend."—Telegraph Operator.

Don't Mention I tA. ciliztn of Detroit eutertil a Michi-

gan aveuae grocery tho other day, iUi<1snid be wanted a privato word with tlioproprietor. When they had retired totbe desk ho began :

" I want to make confession and rep-aration. Do yoa remember of my bay-ing sugar hero two or tbroo days ago."

" I do."" Well, in paying for it, I worked off

a counterfeit quarter on tbo clerk. Itwas n rattan trick, and I came to tenderyou goad money.'

"Ob, don't incutiou it," replied tbegrocer.

"But I want tomnko it tight.""It'a all right—all right. We kne<

wlit> pnssed the quarter ou us, and tliatafternoon wheu your wifo aent down adollar bill and wftnted a can olI gave her that bad quarter with borchnuge. Don't let yo-jr conscience troubloyoufltnil-it 'sallrightl"




SEW MASU FACTORY,ami wild new anpllnmtfa and oulfirgeil (mlitif« iii'- |irt!r'iiri'il t«» tin uT , - " ' " - * '•' " " " 'but line. CAHMAOES



- ^A c--all^ H'1- l

rtcc« rumming

[> WAGOXii i


Millinery and Fancy Goods.

MRS. M. FARR,.f rOBT OH.iitlJHiury ffoni,f ll,o VulA\v p LOW PIlICESntwbicli

tlii'iii. Ahulwcwiiiretioiil,u fulllHl it lino Btnoif ot

Port(JniHi,N. J


SAPONAXThe only torthwaih md^wed bydentWi. Harm-

I w i t m k . Deifoiouilyflavored. WmwiW*dyolcanieuudiirenerveth»*o«Iti uud i*rflmietbB UreubOnly H5 ct«. u Iwttle, ni all in« tlure*. B r * "»Wof BupoBBi Slu»lo free cf a»ydruKa'it. Ailtfcrtl.


S AKi) JUttKS DIVISION.)w YorK, fuot •! Jlareluy Bt. had

t t ' C l I t l t i l



How it tforka,A west side husband aud wifo agreed

to Bit down and have ft quiet chat. Eachagreed tliat people tiro blind to theirowu faults; so they made ngreewcut

t eaou should be perfectly f wuk, aitdiin a way to\l ibe »ihet his or

uer faults, so they could help each othercorrect those faults aud approach per-fection. It wn» tiieh- duly to help eachother ntlaiu that state. So tboy began,and in less than ten minutes the neighboru begun to take an interest iu tlietranxaction, and Blood around andcheered to eeo thebniihaiid come fljiugdown the front stBns, Imtlo98, witli hiscoat torn, bis hair disheveled, and be

ing desperate efforts to keep out ofreneh of a pair of teaRB in his wife'sLaUiU. It always works just that way,

• - ,. .


Wo leciiotly heard an old darker pray-ing over a bag of corn ho bad just stolenin Ibis wise: " Oh, Lordy Gotl, 1'soj bfitin a«' stole a UIIHIMSI of corn fromdat mean man John Williams' pntcli,dumn him, au' I aiosyonr purJoii. Ho's

t a plenty, an' BO tins I, but he wouldit pay mo for my wortc, so pootl Lord

overlook Ibis little tramgress an' keepdein from Bnding it oat, for I wmita tosteal some more, and when I goes tosteal help me to got something nice likeyou did dem children of Isrntiai whenyou stole dem from do bondage ofEgyptium, nnd I'll bo mighty glad. And,oh,Lortly God, if Aty find out I atoledia cam help ma to prove dat TomConually, dat black rascnl, sole it to me.Amen.

What shall I get yon to wound youof me while I nm away ?" asked a fash

ih!o Austin young gentleman of bisintended.

Do yon want to get mo »om&tuiu£that will always mata ma think of you,whea I look at it ?"

Yes, darling."Then buy me a monkey to play

with."— Texas Stfthigt.

»*Uttle Billy's Mean Trick-

'• "Whew ia yoar UUIe brother Billy Vasked an Austin Sunday school teacherof little Johnny Spilkins.

" He u boms ia bed. He is too sickto come" out, and I'm glad of it," re-sponded Johnny. -

" Why do yon epeak so unkindly ofBilly ?"

" Because he played me a mean trick.""What waa it?""Billy told me that ma said the boy

that eat tbe most meat for dinner auonUbATo the biggest piece of watermelon.I beat Billy all to pieces ealing moat.He didn't oardlj eat auy meat, and wbeutie watermelon cama on I—boo hoo—bad eaten so much meat tliat I bad noroom for the melon, and Billy, whohadn't eaten nny meat hardly, flio oprjpariy tbe wliole watermelan, ana nowJie in sick, and I'm so glad it uin't me."

MOTHEBS POS'T KNOV.--HOW manychildren are punished for bring uncouth,wilful and indifferent to instructions oirewards atmply because tbny are out ofhealth \ Au intelligent lady said o\ Bchild of this kind : " Motbera suovildfesov tbat if tlie; WOGM give the littleones moderate doses of Hop Bitters fortwo or three weeks the cbildron wouldbe all a parent could desire."

A wag seeing an Irishman standingia front of a public bouse, thinking tohave some fun nt his expense, thus oo-costed him : " I say, Pat, if I bad twopigs tbat weighed twenty pounds, whatronld ft big hog eiRb?" "Faith,

come inside an.' jump on tlie scales &a'I'll be after weighing yees" was thequick reply.

, .» »•sawBS THIS.—IB there a person liv-

ing who ever saw a cose of egae.luliauB-ness, nervousness or nearalgift, or aoydisease of the stumsoD. liver oir Jtidneyttbat Ho; BitatB will not can 5

AtJUfA, -U. (liiiuiuii Mull TiILCUUJ; in tli tin.' buuiitou llrunuli ut Dtuvilln"tit- JJu.-iiiuui tiiuGliuMier Jirunuli atUuvm'Turliiiawiuiiutt nut! 'Jhuster; tlio Aututx Jlailroadit U'nttriuu, iur AnJuver, Noivtuu aud all tittt.-iuuhi LiioU.,L. & W. It. II. At Wasliiuglou;tc.\LiiiuiutiiUiiUuk,WatiirGB,|i,BtiHuJB[nirt51cruul'ni, Uroal Jluuil, iJlii(,'l"iUUotip Utlua,

H b t i l l S i » U r Ooniiiufl Sjl-auiwo

i is i ulsu tit I'lilliipHlturg with LI-IIIKI. Vnl-

fur ilullilcliuiu, Jlaucli Olmiik, IHudJiitramt

i t *MU A. II . Odffi'gu Jax,irfMB (Orawiuutorn Ua.'BH.Uciic'tl) from Hew York via. Pat-

uytfuu iiviil IIOUIIIDII, tuiia lUiuttgai tu Vfttlutyup, HtrouilnUirjj, Burnnlou, Urcal Bund,

Jluiuur, Syrsoutiu anil Omviigo; coniKctiiiKaiDuvorwith O.IUHICT it. BM atVTntorloo witliriiiHHi'i It. it, Fur AnJuvor, huwtim uud all *ta-tiuuij; lit Uulancru witli Illalrutonu lly., alHcruiituu, witli (jloDUiabui-g Division rorl'Uta-t<in, Kiuotou, Wilkouburro. UauvUlc. North-tuuLerlauU, .U., a,t UiuKt.»i«ton »ilU Utlu&Divieitu rur (Irueno, HonvioU, Utioa,Jtifibllvld BpriiiKa, PaBftougurt tabingtmin from Hour Yovk, VnUrnou auUBiwntoDIMI oimiieul at WBBiniigton with train ft

Han-iflliiirf,'II'IU) points OD ttiu Lab -\i VttJlojnml LfhiKU und Uuxiiuuhaiitm Jtu. wt>>» ; aPliillinBLurfi witli ifalvklttro Division of Pa. iiIi. for LawIiuctvUli;, Ttoutou ami PlitlaUoiiiUia

At 10.10 A. JI. Oovur AcootmuuJatioii.




FINE BUILDING LOTSright in the HEART Of THETOWN, within live minute*walk of Batik, Churches, PustOffice and School*.


aud eutirely level, wltli excellent soil above a Iiard bottom*





ItKAO THE FOLLOWINGfrom THE IIION EUA of October 2&A, 1881:

A Crowing Community.Tlmt purl ur Dover from Her;-en street e«utui»<iuuiliu Central ltailnm.1 ami tho caunl< capfillv ili'VtUijHHK into a. yoims illy. Mimi) Coin, the mvimr «I nmst of tliu jirupurtIIWH, dj a ciiii.))lt)U> Byftlem ol ilrR.naftu lias

.nailo URMI lots tlin fiticut uriQccttjilpJ partibit tnvfti, ami ww\ti nro now easorly MOCH

; tficm itu (Wmhlu places or ri'Hiilonuicli tlicv ccrlnlnly arc, iwiiiL- vnthln timi tea walk fro in tlie huart or Hie IUWJI, al

... Wet m a lluiir, with fiuo lironil aruimjjctwut'ti (lie Ijjockri. Ou lliu tloak Itetwm

;tu and lludanii stroftn (iiur rpullluu mII'IUJCB are IKIW In cuuriwol conatructiun,

Win. HurriM, tliojandlor, lian eiioloKod it VeryAttractive cottage mi tlio ciirnor, BUT • -liy a towtT for a duck ; Mr, JoKupli





p i i a

Win. B,

AtAt 1 Bootu

lAtl :«0V. II,B-gliiuitouliipi

G K » *tt»oliod f u m tlirougU tu Uip, Sttowli-bury. HiTHUtoti, itln g Us ni tun, Syrwnuo audOiwogo,«outiM.U»KfttBurwjton with l « k . * BluoiutbiiiKJi. I(. (ot i ' i t titon, Wyoiuiug, Kingitou »ml WlUus-lltlTK^ I'ABBQU^Wt tbtLtUtf UILB tT^tlt llOtt^ EvNVYork, 1'alorBun MIJ Uuontou cm tonujct at With-Intttou «rltli tr»la No, S,

UnveNov VorK nt »>>>*> P. M (Baflton Hi-pruaa) oaucutiiig at Waterloo fpr Amluvwi,Kuivtoa ami Dranolivilio, nnd at PhilllpsLurgwhb L^lilgli YullBj liailrund aud Li-liigli ami" [UcliHiiim B. It. For Uetlilohcni.AlleutoB'ti,

.ing »nd HurriBbiirs. Also «ltli llol. Sal.

P. HI., Oliver Kxprusp for Smurait


p. si., Dover E x r s i f r Su(BuruardaviUo, DiskiaRriiigti and all uaiateKflnaiO tint Dul&wnra ]tnllro.ul.) Cbatha

d l l ' l i B i lKflnaiO tint Dul&wnra ]tnllro.ul.) Cbatham,Mad\auu, Uurrltttmvit, Mwnii* l'lains, Bonville,T o k w a j a ' "Booki ty ami Dotuokawitj-

M » t » . .niii([ at Millinrn, Buinmit, - . -MorrUlnwu and nil ntntluns west to llaoKoltM-

1*0, coiiiiiwtiiiB al Watorloo with train Tor

At *:0(i P. M. Oawt'ffO Espreas iroiu NewYork (afeupiiiK uarnattauhtil) via. Patorson AUoontou UtroUKli to WaUT Qap, Htroudslmrg,H •rfliiion, IhnKlinmtoD, Lisle, Marathou.Cort-

at Waterlou witli Buaflo* Hailmml fur AuduvorMnlKewton; atDoliwuroVfitl.B.airi.toffnlly.At BlriRliamtoti with train furtireciie, 0«Mr(l,Momich.Otlca, Jto. TWa trainman throcglio Oswcifo SolnMar nights.At 7t4s P . M. fiovi'r Accriiuiiiailiition fur

Uliatliam, Mnrrietoirn and DiA'tr.For IkrnanlNvitlu, I)mikinf;rtclt,ro, Lyons,

MUliofttoB. HtlrUuR, OillaUo, Bwkotey Heightand all Htattoiifl on Pautiaio indDofuwaro It.Binlall Htftttoim on PaHBjtio end fR. (N. J . W«»i Lino BailtoadJ 0;10 A.

D0YEU TRIE TABLE.B aiciio k»d doparl from tUto stftUon


rhtllipiifatifgSnei-,4:S5Oawcgii Ell'1'0*8* ^-^Do for Eti>rt>HH 7:00lCht tBl t JwnE«p7^

A. «.


Dover Acoorn. 12:25Enston Esprosi 3:00I V h » t u E i p * 3 ^ 7IVsh»rat(iuEip.3^7Easton Exprem 5:311Dover EsprexH B:J7

QMWIJO EiPTCW* 7:28.New York Aecura. 8:97

Vm. Eouutou Branch.

irkel!8towuExOMirt'ffo E i p /Dover Actwic.


A.M. f-St,I 0.55

10.62 (1.4710.43 6A2

J 0.87i a us) 8,25i fi.SQ


8.208.288. SB


Tfmo table for i)utigen»or trains, to take ofloctN r 7tl 1881

leave Xow Yorli 0 80 6.4S 4.0G

" Nf«ntk•• Elizubotli" Hoiiui] Dnok•' HittUUrtdKe11 CftlW ..."./

" Middlo Valloy11 tlDrman Valley

G.20 6.4G 4.007.07 0.17 4.3T7.63 fl.57 6.188.4&10.S5 0.108.S01UO fi.25D.0311.55 B.280.0711.95 0.320.1511.55 fi.39

Naugliriclit t).lDUOS 6MBitllor fl.21ia.13 6.19FlumlorB 0.2!)ia.31i fl.65Carr'a Q.321229 6.53EriiMfilio 03712.80 7.04Koiml 0.4.(113.43 1,07PortOram fl.50 102 7.17C o m 0.55 1.30 7.31

c Iiockawy 10.03 1.30 7.30

Lei?a Roukavar'• Dovor

Port OriruKeuri!DrsheSTlllo..Cars'*Fkii.UrsBattlcy . . . . .J T l H l

BOWlf TBilHB.17 fi 1

A. M. r. ». r.a..... 6.30 8,20 3.3U, . . . C-2U S.2U 3.5!)

fi.itf S.SS 1.10. . . . 6,15 3,4-1 1.2S. . . . 6.47 3.47 4.32. . . . 11.51 8.52 i.Wi. . . 6.M 3.54 4.45

, . . , fi.K> 3.59 i 63. . . . 7.04 404 4.G9

Trcntau ,P)nUilcl[,liIa

l 6.42 3-Sn

'• «PTf1ort H.52 0.60 9.97ConwyiDceit ran bo procured at German

•Her to toil from Rclmn^r'a Mnnotnm: i tlandcn to ani) from BudtV* Like ; at Ktnvil> »ml from L n b Hooatccmtr.

17. S auil

Bai-tou and poii

moss.--Train* KM. 17,5 audL-onectlou at Hich Urldgo fur

. .jt* ou Lcihigh A fluon,. Dlr,Trainlo&viQR EtitonktB A, M. mtkotciosatoonectioii with (rain Nu. I for all lUtlona toKnok»«»y. Truin Ictrlng E»iton »t 4 P. V.coaneetii «itl| train Vo. H, tritb a dola; of

m; nn HID n o t lot Sir. J. J. VrtflanO isml aiUint' tliu fiiiiHliiiifr toilclioB ti) a V6$\-(ii n» for )ii» f)»-n mv, whloli h a retfottxlclnf nuatiiL'Nri and coiivenii-iifio, ami MiHi's lias dfnrW a lino uuw huiiae oa tinmltton slrroi siilo. But throe lute ruioai.URHUipfed <ju this block and tli"v Uftvu hsenovliasuil to bo built upou by MnuHnn Hoar-

awl Mv.\rcoUntl. On BmV<n ulriicl Mt." " " " ins also euutraotcil for tlio

lull ol a now liotiBP. andujUJiiHofTniBiiI Mr. J. ft. ItltlmnlH We m<iirc<l a Imnil-jiriiiicrty tivo lumtiral fret fifliiarti whcin U(<L-IIII tliu cruRtinn of wlmt will bo

.._ rcBidciicii for liis own ocoujmtum. OnHudson street tho ntivdwiietn me «Uo adding

ureat improviimnt liy tlin making of nidi,''nlka utid tliv Rtt*lin« of elvtots,Mr. COHB n ' t pvsm n>wn InrRO blnclis

this vtiiualita vr0)mil>'i KtmtaimnR Imtvft

Tl») otu iinsiifbily hofig lnvo iliisd away nowthat tlui water liax IKIHI removvil fnnu them,•ml iti their phm it a fluo soil, with a linn1>o|toni a fon- fat biiteulli. At llio m

Aa thai ImiMlncr Is duvolofiing in t in t•r ft will not lie long era we «Ua!l h .

jmpact IIUO (1MI.IV in.!:) out BCOIIOII of lliotown tliers, wtillo the fine chanetcror theitnilitlUKM iinw going iij> hulicatu tliat ittvill lieme (tf tlio pU'iiWiitU t portions of thu city forregideuwH, n» it in one of tliu must oonvi

Thu town in nowubimt out of dobt, anis no county IndflitfilneBB, waking Doi;if tbe very best phcba for locution ami




KOVEMBEIl lOtli, 1881.Q Din in alter of JumoB D, Toukiug, Ailnilnls-tminror William TOMIHIR, deooimed. I

OnapiiiicfttiouoftlioaboTEDBtneii ndininlH'traloi'it Isordured by tlio PurroRttc that tlimid idmlniRirfttor «Wo miLlin tiotlco to tliimlitorH of the estate ofnaiJ ilcoeiJonl to I,ring•D tlielr ilobttt. iloniandsniii! claim* apn(nn[tin?«ftine,tiii(li.T natb,witliin nine mntt tliti from tlthilatJ, b ; BDttiiiff up ft coiiy ill IIIIH order, lvjtturt wonty ilitj-B Imroattor, fii tlvo of tlvo tncut pnl>.lie pitmen in tlio comity of Morris for twttunntlia,a(id filno viUliin tho »B(I! twenty i\ny<jyailvortiniUK lli° vamp 'n l|ie"Ipuj* Ermt- ti Hit- iiDWHpaiiDrpt of \\M SUto, Torin mo flniico of time (tlio bnrroKutoJuilgiiiBfurllifir notice to ho unBeodKoary): mid if an;

dolit, demaud auti clnlin wit bin tlio sal'i periluf niuemontlia, public notioo M I I R RIV^U .Afnrnkiil, such creditor iliail lie forever dobarred ofliU or Iiur notion tlmrcforagftiuBt tin

•KlndiiiiniBtrator.A tnnscfl»*y fTf\n\ tHcftihintcfl.

MOw 0HAHLE8 A. aiLLBN, SnrroAat

Morrfs County Surrogate's Office.NOVEMUEB IGtli, 1881.

ID tlio matter or Al'liy Jl.Siiiiiicrrniul Joint L,

nlor to I'inii

/istraWi* itlsoio*»,ldA(lniiutstri.tocaRWepuUlic»intico^otlt-dlturn of tlio Batnto of ttnld duecdent to briitlieirdrfits, .1f«inmli" awl daluia agalni! tinme, midor oath, within nino munllis fron ilftto, by sotting np a copy of thi» orderwitlnii twenty days lifrutftur, fu livt of tbimast public plai-i* in lli« Comity of MOITIB fo

nontJiB,and alw> within tho wiiil twl>v arivurtiniug tlio Hnmo in llio Inon

one ol tlio nrTHpiiporH of tliis State, fur tliu <Hjmce of tiniMilm Surrogate jiulRiiijf K"j fmtlwr notice to lie UHUOCCBMTV) ;fti»J if any oreili-tor Bliall net'loct tooxliiblt bin nrher debt, <lu-tnuvl and clrim wltiiln Uro (raid petioil of n\nelUunthF, Public noticD beinR ffivon ne aforesaid

J " -- • 1) lio forever ilnbarrod tif hiBnnlorhiBtr52-Ww

oilltorhliall lo t r o v r i l a r r c d tif liorher aotlon tlmrLifur acainst tho Bald AdmiiBtrntoru. A tnifi copy fmrn tliomluutca.

U.ES ^ . Q I L t E S . Surrogat.

Morris County Surrogate's Office.DEC l»t, 1881.

Tn tho matter at Henry Q. WigginsIrulor of John Drown, doee«sut'jato'a wder to Unlit creditow.

ON Bpplicstlon of tlio above nimod Admin'iHtrator, it 1B ordered by tho Si.rrojjalt

Ailminlstntor clvo public iiotica -, ;irH of tlie cutalo of aaiil auccdont

tiring in their dautu, dcuitinils sod clair.ifiafnBt tlio same, uudur oatli, tritlilu lilmmantttti fvatu tlila Jute, hy tetUnc op \ coiror tulB order, witli Iti twenty days ficmrte,-,fite of the most public phecs in the CouttyMorrlH for two moiitba, and alia <ritbin tb<idle, tnonty ilnys br sdvortUiiiff tlie name itibolflojj EnA, ono of tlio newnpftpar« of tliiiSlato, fnrttio mine space of time (tbo 8gnto jndclng aay fnrtber notice to be UL...

_. > j creditor sliall npifleat ti• - - • " ' mi ttuTfiUtn

_ . , nonilm, pnMInotice twiug given a« »i"i>reKviil, uncli crcdl.nnlinllbo foruror debarred nt hi* or *""• notlotliETofor *galii*t tlio raid Administrator,

A true copy from tbo nilntitofl.1-IOIT OHABLEBA.OITiLEN.SurrnBstc.

UTCIUIIU bia or her ttuUt, iWiand Hid oilwllbin thosiiil period of nhio raonilm, pal








Confectionery, Nuts, &c.Giro mo a call and I iriil Iry and pleaa

MD8. KEAHNB, Mtuu Hill,

Notioe of Sattlament.Notioo Is hereby pives lint tho accomitg _io lobBcribor. i^iccntor of Margaret Mills,ccL'aMd, will be •DtlltoJ and dated by |b<

Hurro^atB,ami reported fnnettlomfint lo lbeOrpbana* Court of tlio Connlj of Harris, oiMoiiilay tboflth dsyofMiroliBeit,

JOHSA.TONE.DUcODoo. 30th, 1881. <)


to IQII UIQ Ufa unJ complete htitary

THE TRIAL OF GUITEAUA sketch of lil« r iof tlie (linage Meneio f l i t i rUl ; ibbntut

e Menei wdiUrillnibbntut coitlj ana

f l Wll IlloflitBirUl; ibbntut coitlj ana remarkabintbeaoDkliofcrlme. Well IlluitratttJ. Will•ell immetiHlr. AfionUontatBOc. Terroi to•Rents Ubenf, Addrna UnBDABD BROS.,

iiklliban, 723U!iDilnQt9t., Plilla. i-iw






Mining Materials,

Gas Pipe and Fittings,



Celebrated Rand Drill,tlo boat In the country.

Drafts and Passage Tickets

to anil from Europe.

DRESS GOODS,in vrhieU urny he fonnil novelties aud new fabrics for full ivonr, ami tb

newest nud best tilings in all kiiuls o[

ec-DRY GOODS.In the GROCERY DEPARTMENT we are carrying tbe usual large

stocks of best goods for the table, und me doing a large trade in tlie

Celebrated Granulated Flourwlucb is giving general satisfaction. Also complete nssortmeuts of



AuMl run flitibiffo oALl.

Notice of Settlement.Noticu it liorcbv RIVGU tlut ihe acooauta otto auVmcriber, Atlmlnfutrntor or Margaret

Cradr, ilecenseJ, will lw audited and Fluted bytlie yiinoRatc, nml rouortod fur EUttlcmtiiittoliu Ornlinns' Court of tlio Connly of Morris.

OD MouJay the tronty-tLird daj nf Jstmarynoit, TOSIAU MKEKKK.

Dated Nov. 15th, 1881. 50-9w

Morrig Comity Snrogate'B Office.LKOVSHBEB SUb, 1881. •

In thu mutter of Harriet 8. Altranl, AdmiiatrKlrli iifltano H. Atward, decc»acd. Hnrosato'a ordur to limit croattura,

/~\H application of HID Hliovfl-namod Ailmin-\J ititralrii it Jst Drdnretl by tlioSurroRatotbat said Administratrix give mihlic notioo tobo creators of tHo rslato of said <loo«lo»i to

brinff iu tliefr itobts, demands HIU! olafaisBfiainet tlie same. uniJer oath, wltliln ninoiMitntltK from this iiato, by totting un a ootiy oftliisorder;witbin twenty .lB.vnl*roahrr,i»ii'of tho oiout public places iu tuo couoty nl Mo.rlsfnrfwo montlis, and alsowitliin tiio saidtwenty daya bj advuniaing thn aaniB in tlio"Iron Era/'one of tbe noHspapnrN of tlila State,'ur tli» miuo spscD of tlmo Ithe Stirrogate

ug any further notion to bi< iiiiueoDHenry}

t any creditor slmll ocglect to oxhibit tillor licr dolil, iletnond and claim wit bin tlio «*fdporlnd of nino montlis, public uotico LBITOII as afttmsaid, micli crcilitur nhitl boever debarred of liis or her action therofor

^alust tho snid idmiuiattfttrh,A tmo copy from tliu minuto.

&3-0 itGMl OHAfl. A. OILLEN. Hurro^tf

E. SIEBERmire^Q^cO ttio inlcv for plain painting tc

$1.90 PER DATfrom tliU date, »n<. will taliu couliiict< al VLTJ

low flRiircs to cdrrcdLKiwl with tliat rate.


upon the lowcBt tomm. ConlraetH takun for

Fxescoing Interiors

will he «bown if dcnirod. My gtnek uf

1Lis now wiaiiioie, cuibraciog

7,000 ROLLS,

OF aito DIFFERENT DESIGNS. RoKnlapaputR fwi« 0 cisiita tn Mi CBUIB pi>r roll; go|ipap^r* from JD ei«. to S3. I cannot ha undersuld is UiesD arliclci.


Ceiling Decorations,


Geld Mouldings, Hooks. 4c.

Size tar papering ami katHcmining wills,Also VilKtmoe mixed to urder In ever? coloiready to put on L)j* qdart or gr.llou.

E SIEBER,Cot, BlitWitdEuBiSts,

Dover, N. JApril mt,,

d «lovea; thencehlljfl


SALE OF LANDS,By tittan of an unler of the Morris Orphans'

Court mido on the flftli day of July, A. D.lasi, we tlie subscribers, CommWooLri »p-pointcd by nalrl Court to dlrtife corlalu landiwlicronf Jolin McOolIum, dtnoiswl, diet) i Uwill Belt lit Pnblio Auotiun, an

8ATDBDAY, tlio 4th dftyofFebraa1B83, it two o'clock in ttie afternoon on lbepremie*, *\\ those' two lota, traota or pare oiloj hnd, litnmo ia tlio towmdilu of Olieiter, iathe County of MorrlH and Stale of Now Jersej.bounded on tbe north by lauds (ifEliiW inclo-man, on tlio tmi hj ULQUK oTSianal J.Hoff-man, on tlio south bj UnJaof Jacob Flamcr-roltam) {Villiam Hillsrd, and on tb lh

nilB of David W.Delllckorawl tUo *t«!Jwol»lnmerMl.ana mure parlloutarlr dosenbed BBallow*:

THB FIBBT LOT, boginnlnif at • plnnteaitoae»»roer \o iwidi of William T.Mollckand Oiariei Bodine, and rapotng tbonoe (XiDBth fortj-sUdogreo* ma forty-two tniuate.ffeattbirty-oDOcbainsantltwanlv-twolinki toa lieap ol itooci fourteon \\a\t from lot No.13, and south twootv-sii Ilnlta from two pop-lam; tlioioe (S) aoatb fortyeight deareoBand forty mitatoi sait tea ftbttat »«d llinks to (be upper tide of the onbard;(8) sooth fattr-lwo aegiw« eiit thltljflvachains to the east liuei between landi litts ofJnetnikh EmtnooB and uia.loL; tnenoeUDortb thfrtj-fonr degrees snd twantj-tonrminntoBcast tbirtjr-fonr COB)DI aod itxt^.filinki to a heap of alouea on tbo nonnliiiceveu linif cant of % black oak nptiuff mftrkt^oa fopr stdes ; thence (Sj Dortb foity tiegroeawent savou chain*, noru or lesi, tonpotntinthe fence ou Ilia treat aide of tho road; thence(8) north fortj-noven and' onc-balf deneeawait Ibirtj-ono ohilu tnd forlj-Q^oHnkatotho place of beginning, conUmloHonobnii.dteu and tairtv-flia ttn% and fltlj-Vwo hnn-droiltbiofan acre of laud, be there mora orless.

lot BroosD Lor, boglanlnir at a atono bointlie same being » cornet ol Uod» lately ownedbyFordfiiwdVitiDoren, aod ranolng tbonoe(1) aoatb eiglitj-ntae degrees and tbirly min-uteioaatfaarclialni and olehty Hnki to acommon red cbtrr? tree sUmlimr on th* porthside of tua mad loaAtne trota Petn&ek toUcadbam; (3) nortb thirtenn itaareu andtwontj minato «.«t XtnOm ottiuna and Iwonlyllnki until IlloterSBota tbe liue of the in'3iM0rtb*t\ lot unnlDatlbg on too north ilde o•alii road ; (8; south thirty fire dejcreei andten ralnntci west along Mid line runrteen•hsina andeiRbty links foUopUoe of befflinlrttt; containing two acres and tbfrtj-flhnndrodtha of in aero • ( Und, 1M tha Mitmora or lc»".

S«fng the same two tou of laod tbat weieoooToved lo the said John KsGollnmfa hlilife-time bj Eliat Pltilbower »ml «lfa bj deeddated January lllli, 1S78, and rocorded In tlieMorria Conotj Clent'a Offloe in book O, S utdeeai OD pagea 47jLaa<


My ontin; Fall ami Winter stock of

CLOTHINGfor JIENS', Toonis', ISOYB' rani CHILDHEN'B "Went is now coini>Iet«l »nd

cH UH foll tnvs:

Mens' Business Suits from $5 to $15,Youths' Cassimere Suits from $4 to $15,

Dress Suits from $10 to $20.BOYS' SUITS FROM $3 to $9,



Au uneqvvAUotl line ot Foroi-;n nntl Dowoslic H E C B GOODS foigarments made to outer, is exhibited iu my ostuUlislinioiit. I wil^lai-anteo that .ill orders will be uttemled to ivith despnteh, and willbe made itnd trimmed in the best Htylo at a very reasonable price.


HATS! HATS! HATS!of the very latest leading Btyles from 50 cts, to $3. All this yon oai

find sit


.._ i. B.—I desire to call your attentiou that I will save no fainin showing goodB whether you purclmse or not. G. F.

SHERIFF'S SALE!1» Clianccry »\ Sew Jorwoy—D. fa, for FAIIL nf

mortgage! jircmiBt'H, wlipmln Mary K.Muiiker ii flntni)laiuint, «nd Jcim T. Dnrrcllttn.l Janirfl C. VAWLIT, nro d^rrtmlaiiU. lie-tuniabloto IVbinnry Term A. D. 1883.

FitiUKaicK O. Bvnsiua , Bol'r.QvvirtiK' of IIJC aliuvo stutnil Hilt offkriiicianin inv liaiidri. I aliall CXHDHC fur sale nt Inlilii- VoniliiB, at tho Court House, In Morris-1mu,N. J,, on IMONDAY, Uw ao«i fl»y uf JatiaaiJ next,

\ . D. 1832, twtmwi Hie \\ooieat l!l U. and BIu^kicbl'.JI., IliaUa to m a t ] o'clock In (hoiltorntwn of said rtaj,all tlmt t n c t o r mrcolt>f land nnilprctDiHQR, hereinafter purtlPnlarly(Icmriltcd, situnto, lyUig nn<l hisiftij in tliotowiiKhtp orctisihanj.lo Ihe County of Morrisuud BtaAe of New Jtrsoy.

BtiiiK tlio pamo pruiuiecd convoyctl by Hcn-vlrtU Hnrlmi. Vflrtun ot Horace Hot-ton, to thoRaid JiilmT. JJurrell, b* deed dnted tlie lOtlith7 »r Maioh, 1674, iintl recurdoa in llic officeuf the Clerk ot tha Oouutv or Horde, And in iRB1<1 deed In iioacrlbcJ as fallows:

Being p»rt and purcel of a tract of Und'laEuly pnrchiacd by William 8. OenuDK QfBlanche E. Buyte, and waafortuotly putt of t liu'cslatfl or Archibald Say re, deceased, lointne Itlia home cir hot™ lot ot Jchn B. Miller and'lands of Jtmca A. Wobb, and tlie northwiv,sklent the upper Madison road, loarilns pastUiertwolliDgorJolinB.MIIIeriindKftldft'illUmH.Qeiiunfi.intololBdMilDi] by a ntr«etnoarthe middle of tlio whote trar.t. fortj-nmc feetwide from tha aforesaid m i l ttormt the wholetract to tbff line of JMBBB A. Webb'a land, nndIs butted and bounded an follnwB:

fluRinniQR at t a anKiecifthe (oncci&b tbenorlhncBtoHy coruur of tlio whole tr iotnt ncorner or John C UtUer mi JumiK A. WubVt* 1land, ant) rn»B tlienoo (1) with tlio )Uio o r 'Mm B. Millet imirti tliirlwoo rt»RrcD* eaat ithirty foot} thence (2) witli lands of Willtnm jS.Oeuuut Konth suTonty-ntno iletrrt-oa westDUO hondrcd and eofontv-Beton foet aii (tchoa Ito tliu easterly line ot 'the aforesaid street;tboncti (3) with Hie casleilv lluo ur aatd Mtraet Iin rih tlilrleoD doj-reca west ?ntf-fi?o feet to jtlie iQlfraoction of said eagerly line with tbe 'line of Jainus A. VTRbb'ii lam); ibanoe H) withthe litw of Uis land north clghty-elght ilugrecaand thirty mlnulea. e»st cue bnndrod andtighty-two feel lo tbo place oT ueglntlng,containing ntnetenn oua buorlredilmofan acreoflaad, more or IOBB ; toKallier with liiRreaaand egresa to tni fnim tlia nine* oror and >across taid street forty-nlno feet nida, to bekept open as a public nWett icruls is.iil crem-1tsofl by said WllUm 8. Oflndng, lilt heir- a n d 'waiRDg, ID cotupHiy nitU ilw paftUawrs ofolbor lota on said tmct, at all times forever.

T m X U M H. HOWELL, Bl if riff.. 31,1881. $10 80



I DRESS PATTERNSatia, Black Serge, Flannel, Ladies Clotb, or any other Fabric, ot

{or a flue pair of





i n g r a i l n i n e t y i n I t o s r i i , i L t i d a - . c u i i - ^ . j ' t n n - n i -.f



Whitlock & Ii©wis;NO. 6 NEW ,

COR. BLACKWELL and MOltRIS STS.A I W I I I K o i i l i i i t i ' l n f u l l lin<> o f ' C , K i l l ' ! • ; ! ; I I - I S A N i * I ' K O V J K f O N S .


C. S. JENSEN,Dyer nnd Carpet Wenver, would iinii'i

e will uieut fill their wuiit-* iu djuiut;«


Morris Ooanty Surrogated Offioe-DKCEMDER 2Slli, 1881.

In the matier ot UntlilaB T. Vfelsb, Adminis-trator of Runyou Apgar, cleoessed. Surra-g&tfi*t order to limit creditors.

OK application cf tha tboTO-niraod ACraln-iatntoi It Is ordered by t i e Surrogate

that said Admtotttmtor gW« pttlillo natloe totbe creditors of the estate or u l 1 dfcedont tobring In tUair tlebiB. demanda snd claimsagsiust the ssme, under oalh, within ninemontbg from ibl> date, b j lettlDR up ft oop?or thin order, wit bin twenty d»j« heroaftor. Infive ot the most public pltcen ia the eonnty ofMorris for (wo tnuDtbi, and «lso witliin the.said twenty days by sdTartiilng tbo sanio Intbo InoN EBA ona of the ftewnpfttreft of thfeBute, rar tbe itmo upaca of time (tbe Sarro-;»to Jadgtos »oy fttrther ootice tobewmeo-flisry); and if any creditor (h»ll neglect toxbibii hit DT her debt, tloromfl ina oVatza

within tho slid period of nine months, paulionotice beiaffRiteB u afotenif., inch creditorjball be forever debarred of hn or her aotion Itbenrnr iRAlnst the si,td Aamlnlstntur.

A troe eopj from tho mlnntei.4-IOIT p 0BA8. A. G1LLEN, Sarroeile.

SHERIFF'S SALE!In Cbonccrj of Now JcrHfy-Fi, fa.ior Bale _

mortcaL'cd pri'iiifaew, wliprt'in Tlin MuinnlJjitu luaiirauco Company or Now York nrocnmplainniitx, and Mary T), LUQlit\ AndrowJ. HucM, Oallinrjno It. Lincoln, John II.I>Kt>n, (Jliarlcs B. Oliffloti, The Murray Hilllinad, CsirneiJ 'K. Siowart, Andrew A. Sniiicy, Tim IBV, ,itantB of tlio TovmeMn .Mnrris in tli a County at BTorrlR, and Julia F.1'irrott nntl Edward M. Parrott, Eiecalora,Ac, of .Totham 8. Fountnin, ileccaocil. andolcnflatilB. Eoturnable to Pobrusry Term,

FilEDBBICK 0. BUBNHAH, Bol'r.' vlitu* ot tbo above stated ivrit of

__ fanlas in niyliands, I shall csponu for._ftl pnljlio vrailiu', a t tiio Court House, in Mor

MONDAT, the 30tb day or January noit,A. D. 1863, botweun the honr* of 12 SI. atn)o'clock P. M., tlmt EH lo en; at So'cluuk in tinB,rt«rnuDn ul eriil day, all tlmt tract oiparcGloflaad and premises, htfelnnfter par-ticularly described, flituate, lyhiff and beingin tlie totvnuliip »f Morn*, In tlio Comity oMorris and Slate<>r Haw Jonoy.

BeEluntnc a t« hlokarv tree a t the earncorner of tiio farm ; tbence north fou..,.,doRreca cant Uiirty-fino chain* aaA eigbty >fouilinks along the lino of tho snic] farm Icia stitkutht'iwJt, sloaj; ttio lino of Jonathan NISOU'Hnorth twelve ileuses mid thirty miniitca woARix oliniTiB snil scventy-BUVon lliiku to n. lienpof otonea; thenoe nortti Befontj-nino decretsand nlteen mlnntes westflse cbainti and ninetyonohnVntoimUsDj diouoe north twelve du-grees tnd thirty minnles vast ninu cliaiim nndBeT*nty-Ionr llnU to ,i haap of stnuei -, tUfiucunorth soronty-two degreox uncl thirty minutesvest fourteen chains iu<l Bevuatv-fonr ihitoto A heap of stones; tbenci north two de^recBsnd twenty-roe miuutoa wu»V rune cbnina aiulthirty Unkn ten ettke by (bo Rido of (ho roml;ibence along tbo middle ot tlio roid Btinthtwent.v-DDC degTCQa wont ei^lit chains andEtty-ODQllnkatoa tarn In tlio road; ttiencoBonth thirtBoii decreoB east four uhaftis andslHy*»Ulinks; tlenoe south thirty decreeses,«( tuo dtilns and flitv-ono lluks; tlmuccsouth t«6Dty-one dcuress and forty nnimioacaat Slttl Rloog tlio raitldlo of the mail ttooehaini»ndel(thly links, thonct* Honthsii dt<-gteeafcCd fittetQ minntea east eight clmins•ud forty one UnkB to tho middle of the roadmiting from Jonathan Nisou's to Morrlsvlltoschool borne j thocoe alone xaid rond Routhtblrty-clabt aegtett • snd forty 'minutes irostfour chains andolnhty links to tlio old lin-3 ofthe Btiers farm; tlienob aontli elevon degreosand twenty minnles west HOVSU cliaiaa aud,aloety.flve links toioornor of the farm laleot David PtfltKOn, decnaied; thence tsowthsixty-four 6agt6tB snd forty mfnntea oast t hir-tteu chains »ud oi» tink tu as tnmp; Ibenccsouth ton degrees and forty-throb minuteswest fifteen chains and utTocty-flto links to &lieip of stores; thence BO nth lovonty-iiitiedegrees eant five obtiiiB and difiiiteon links tothe nlsco of beffinning, contalntng eigu tj ncrmuo tho ftiuia more or lew. Eiceptlnff ind rs-jeniuK nnt of the tbsro tract of Und, alt t intpart or the abovo tract of land boretofore, tn-wit, au tha tweutyfosrth d&; of H*rc\i, 1600,•nli] and oonreyod by Qeorflo T. Baoba toFrederick W. Keneomb, eout&lnine tweniy-eight sores and thirty-Sve hnndredtlis of antens ra re or less; which lail mentioned deedIs imirded in the offloo of Ihe Olork of theOounty of ilorrls, in Llbor V A uf Deedi, page111, Ac; the property intended to be described*bore being tlio samo premises described in %deed from Andrew J. Bacbe to Archibald a .Rogers, dated Jnly 3d, 1M7, and recorded InIho offica of the Chirk of thi County o( Morrin,In Book £ , 7 of JJoedi, page 37, Ac, and beingttto the waa pvemlsw eomoyed in Jotham 8.FnontafQ. deocised, by the Sberiff of tbeCounty of Morris, bj deed bsiiriog date tliotwentieth C»T of November. 1870.

WILLIAM B . HOWELL, Hlicrifl.Dated Nov. 31. iBSl. - SU iO

In' citi^'iiti ol tliis jiliicu und vicinity Hint

OLKANING:LntUes tmfl Cubmnro Ditm-n Winwbi »ml Olonlct a fijmcl»]ly; and fill kinds obricHaro neiitly cleiinoJ, dyt=d ami lluisliud. Gi'iitlciuun'M ptriiiL'iilH, ccat", iiaiits nndMa clcatipd or dyed lind umily liuiKhcil witliont rijipinp. lly clenuing uud dyeiiiK fudod

.ud worn clothing they migUt l»c wmto uervineible ftir iv long time.C A l t l » K T W K A V 1 1 N G ! ILiviuE t lo wry bt-nt Luniuit for Lwt nud 1U.R Carpot,il everything aitoil up for lirst-duss work, I ttiink I mn dulivur wlmt Um tiitlieo tbey havu tukea tlie trouble ti> t«t \xu& «ow tho.T I»K^ «i«c.y. a Kind ratf cnrpiil. I

hcop tlio very bewt v'nfp fo^ 'uv ciiKtraiiern nnd nil niiiern nro itttoiH.ed to witli care. Ofir*pel rncs Oyed liny color. A roaaonuhlo pricn paid fur enriit't r.i);«. UArpet on Inind forRale. J'liicc of luiHlnetiH in ijie OLD I'ltCSUYTKUlAN OllUHClt, CUlt. I HACK WELLAND ri iOSPECT STS., DOVElt, N J.

Dover, N. J., H.jit. 20th. lKSl. C' S- JENSEN*





BOTTLED LAGERS A S P E C I A L T Y , - ^ilenl only in tho v«ry bent articles mid my prices will be

found especiivlly ftwoTablo to deulorH and lumiliiss. Orders by mail ortelegraph promptly uttfiiitloil to.



CHICAGO, BOCK I S I M D & PACIFIC R'YitaiSiSiiS'iJofftSJ1!?'1"6,1''.'"1 " " ' y o c tho East and tho Wost!

BluBs. pauiriff itraiiBt Joll r t . offiwa. A .Genesct), Miillnp.Itofk Iilatnl D.iventiotL W

Defllai n S ' i "Y^'i''11 tooily "•Orlllri

tic. will A '



taken ana matariala fotnUhed,

Slate Hoofing-With better facilities I a n enabfoi to pot

on ELATE S 0 0 F 8 cheaper than e n r BBingnooe but tbe bent quality of elate and em-ploying fint-nlagg mechanics- loan guar-antee material and work in. «vevy porticaUr. Tor Sheathing Felt always oa band.

DtUd October 13th, 1880,

m i\JX£

prond fi


IvX X J:eioat Ublo, caleM on receiptAddniu Om<"~i r e , Iblla.

DT717 tor 1192,\ J J J CI mtli ira-mlar, ato. Beat toor tvm thres-ocnt•1 E. HIUI, 18 H.


TbB anntul nwfitlnf; for tha eleattan ofSlrnltiinofllill »»ok, will l . le plug at IllsBMKiKK.HoaaeLOa TQfisd»tIxiVMithda> ofJ»nn*rj tuzt, Tlio poll will bs opua ftont tonto elef tn o'clook a. it.



WAQ0K and SLEIGH PAIBTEB,Shop on Clinton St , Dover.An nperlenoD of 18 vein in Dover on tha

floeat work, ti lbe raranteA ,X offer otmy•Wlllj lo pleau Ike pobtle. Now la Ihe timelo lure alilglia painted. tl)

RntnPaiscei.-ftriiii'i»ci!eii.&reri!iirarli wnvilnll.lietwren CIUOAOQ uul I'Ktmiji Kd-iP.An VITVCOUNCIL B U J M B , LKAVKNWOIITII mm ATCHI-

heo MO Kaniajt ciiy. TI* IIID *%\U:\tiuti,o'aMKuck latBiiil Short Lino."

GOUlppCu. ItB TO Ad If Bd ISSllliplv l>Crll?CL ami ItstfurrklBlaldwitliateelrails..,^ l."" r 'L lrl! l»") r"H_"? I>?'.willliPthepl (.n.,,m

ecciitn.( Hie [ap|HID tiiuu

: that nasshotel,


Atltumt IBLANO. with "MHwdukceandROCK

AtWlJriT I.HIKilTT. with t!lB It. C. IL A N.R.R-

l ,st. I, HPO * V. W. K. It1, nml ,st. I, HPO * V. W. K. I

A,irf K ; ii!!! K&few* BanAtctl. A Neb.. arulCcii. Hr. II. V. It. (lilt.

is lor tbo West

" uro iold b jIcn. mldrens,

WT^ J O T W ,



Extra Engiuo Oil,I'ullow Engine Oil,Ko. ] Eagine,Dark Engiuo Oil,Bperm MncliiEery Oil,No. 1 Machinery Oil,Dark Lubricating Oils,Railroad Lubricator,ShoftinR Lnbricator*West Virginia Oil,Steam BeSnod Cylinder Oil,*' Crown" Wood Oil,Stainless Spindle Oil,No. 1 Spindle Oil,Brisk Pressed Oil,W. B. Sperm Oil,W. B. Whala Oil,Prime NeaUfoot Oi!, " . Deodoriied Nnptbai, all Gran'Uea, ;No, 1 NBatfifoot Oil, 'W. Strained Prime lord Oil,No. X lard Oil,W. Pare Salad Oil,

•rnrpcBtlne. Oil Tmahm. AgimU for HOMB UQDT Oil.. AH onr ffll« onmnnl***

W. Wlite Cotton Seed Oil,W. TellowOoltonSecJOil, Cut Oil,SjBimPaokingOil,Bitra Fueling Oil,Paint™'Oil," Orowo" Li^kt Cuinpoanu," PaBsaic" D « t Compound,Boiling Mill Grow,,Axle Oreasa,Hperm Signal Oil,H. L. Beaaiioht Oil, 160«,B. BeariligbtOil.loOo,R BeadURbi Oil, IBOo,OMo«no,SOo,Oawlinc, 88o,Gasoline, 86o,D a r i H