Sandgate Toastmasters Newsletter July

Sandgate Toastmaster meets at The Full Moon Hotel 118 Eagle Terrace, Sandgate Qld on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. 7 pm to 9.30 pm Change over Dinner a Success!!! Sandgate Toastmasters changeover dinner was chaired for the last time by Sharyn as of June 26 th , 2012. A special thanks to the nights Toastmaster Leesa for her eloquent and efficient control of the evening. Her brisk but firm manner meant the evening ran at a tight pace and kept some of the rowdier members of the club under control. But as we all know an army marches on its stomach and the spread at this nights Toastmasters table did not disappoint. Succulent chicken and meat with delicious side of Our old Executive team as of July 2012 with incoming Division Governor, Ranjeet. Special Edition: In honour of this most important occasion, the newsletter has included a special insert. This feature will give you, the members of Sandgate Toastmasters the opportunity to get to know your new executive committee a bit better. Our New Executive committee: President: Annette Vice President Education: Marlene Vice President Membership: Liz Vice President Public Relations: Jennine Secretary: Sharyn Treasurer: Kylie Sergeant at Arms: Maureen News Bulletin Editor: Melissa Parliamentarian: John Web Site Coordinator: Marlene Sandgate Club Australia, July Issue


First edition for the new Toastmasters year.

Transcript of Sandgate Toastmasters Newsletter July

Page 1: Sandgate Toastmasters Newsletter July

Sandgate Toastmaster meets at The Full Moon Hotel 118 Eagle Terrace, Sandgate Qld on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. 7 pm to 9.30 pm

Change over Dinner a Success!!!

Sandgate Toastmasters changeover dinner was chaired for the last time by Sharyn as of June 26th, 2012.

A special thanks to the nights Toastmaster Leesa for her eloquent and efficient control of the evening. Her brisk but firm manner meant the evening ran at a tight pace and kept some of the rowdier members of the club under control.

But as we all know an army marches on its stomach and the spread at this nights Toastmasters table did not disappoint. Succulent chicken and meat with delicious side of vegetables filled many a hungry Toastmasters stomach.

Dessert did not disappoint. Cheesecake for the lucky half and a mouth-watering pudding for everyone else. A great evening was had by all.

Our old Executive team as of July 2012 with incoming Division Governor, Ranjeet.

Special Edition: In honour of this most important occasion, the newsletter has included a special insert.

This feature will give you, the members of Sandgate Toastmasters the opportunity to get to know your new executive committee a bit better.

Our New Executive committee:

President: Annette Vice President Education: MarleneVice President Membership: Liz Vice President Public Relations: Jennine Secretary: Sharyn Treasurer: Kylie Sergeant at Arms: Maureen News Bulletin Editor: MelissaParliamentarian: John Web Site Coordinator: Marlene

Sandgate Club Australia, July Issue

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Sandgate Toastmaster meets at The Full Moon Hotel 118 Eagle Terrace, Sandgate Qld on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. 7 pm to 9.30 pm

Name: AnnettePosition: PresidentOccupation: RetiredHow long have you been involved in Sandgate Toastmasters: 35 yearsWhat other positions have you held within the club beforehand: All except Treasurer Hobbies/Interests: Reading, theatre, movies

How where you first introduced to Toastmasters? Through the wife of a toastmaster. She was in my squash teamWhat was it that attracted you to join in the first place? Desire to gain confidence speakingWhy were you interested in applying for your position? Other members asked me to applyWhat skill set will you bring to the position? My many years of past experienceWhat is your personal vision of what you will bring to the position? Belief in the importance of clear communication What milestones do you want to achieve whilst within your position?

1. Distinguish the clubWhere would you like to see the Sandgate Toastmasters club within the next 12 months? To see Sandgate Toastmasters have overall 30 members and achieve 9 goals.

One unique thing about yourself that you thing the other members might be interested in knowing? I can’t cook and have no intention of learningWhat do you hope to accomplish within the role of president? Help facilitate growth for members and to encourage the completion of their own goalsHow are you going to encourage members to apply for roles within Sandgate Toastmasters in the future? By encouraging members to take an apprentice on board to teach for next years positionsWhat is it about Sandgate Toastmasters that makes it the best club (ever)? The members who encourage each other

Name: MarlenePosition: VPEHow long have you been involved in Sandgate Toastmasters: 8 years

What other positions have you held within the club beforehand: President (twice)VPE (3times) VPM (twice) VPPR(twice), News Bulletin Editor, Web Master (since 2002)Hobbies/Interests: Reading, Writing, Cryptic Crosswords, Computer stuff,How where you first introduced to Toastmasters? Read interesting articles about it in the local paper. Liz Woodruff was VPPR then & she wrote articles about what happened at the meetings.What was it that attracted you to join in the first place? It sounded like fun.Why were you interested in applying for your position? I enjoy creating interesting programmes that will help our members reach their goals.What skill set will your bring to the position? Experience and imagination.

Sandgate Club Australia, July Issue

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Sandgate Toastmaster meets at The Full Moon Hotel 118 Eagle Terrace, Sandgate Qld on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. 7 pm to 9.30 pm

Name: SharynPosition: SecretaryOccupation: Executive AssistantHow long have you been involved in Sandgate Toastmasters: 7 yearsWhat other positions have you held within the club beforehand: VPR and VPEHobbies/Interests: Reading, Craft

As the outgoing President, what were the most important attributes that you brought to the club? My cheerful attitude and supportive personalityWhat do you believe that you as the past president achieved whilst within the role? I believe that I help inspire and encourage personal growth with members of the Sandgate Toastmasters clubWhat was the best experience that you had as the President of the Sandgate Toastmasters role?The training of officers to prepare for their individual roles

How where you first introduced to Toastmasters? My sister advised me to help me gain confidenceWhat was it that attracted you to join in the first place? The friendly and welcoming atmosphereWhy were you interested in applying for your position? Encouragement from other membersWhat skill set will you bring to the position? The technical skills neededWhat is your personal vision of what you will bring to the position? Support to the in the past president role and communication skills need in the secretary role What milestones do you want to achieve whilst within your position?

1. Emails and correspondence sent in a timely and efficient manner

One unique thing about yourself that you thing the other members might be interested in knowing? I like unusual clothesWhere would you like to see the Sandgate Toastmasters club within the next 12 months? Growing. Also seeing members achieving their personal goals with the snowball affect which helps the club gain its awardsIf there was one piece of advice that you could give the new president, what would that be?Utilise the support existing within the Sandgate Toastmasters club committee membersWhat is it about Sandgate Toastmasters that makes it the best club (ever)?The supportive atmosphere of the members to achieve their personal gaols

[Finish this sentence] I am stuck on an island and boy am I glad it is with_____, because: My husband, as he is an entertaining companion

Sandgate Club Australia, July Issue

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Sandgate Toastmaster meets at The Full Moon Hotel 118 Eagle Terrace, Sandgate Qld on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. 7 pm to 9.30 pm

Name: Janine Position: Vice President of Public RelationsOccupation: Piece Together: A sewing lounge and workshop centreHow long have you been involved in Sandgate Toastmasters: 1 YearWhat other positions have you held within the club beforehand: N/AHobbies/Interests: Knitting, Fibre arts and crafts

How where you first introduced to Toastmasters? My husband asked me to join with himWhat was it that attracted you to join in the first place? I have always enjoyed public speaking and I thought that it might be a fun activity to take part inWhy were you interested in applying for your position? I believe I will find the training very useful in my work positionWhat skill set will you bring to the position? Many years of blogging and writingWhat is your personal vision of what you will bring to the position? I hope to entice new members to our wonderful group What milestones do you want to achieve whilst within your position?Gain confidence to approach more newspapersHave articles published on behalf of our groupWhere would you like to see the Sandgate Toastmasters club within the next 12 months? Always growing with lots of new members who give fantastic speeches

Name: Kylie Position: TreasurerOccupation: Mum but am also involved occasionally as a Neways distributorHow long have you been involved in Sandgate Toastmasters: 2 ½ yearsWhat other positions have you held within the club beforehand: Vice President of Public RelationsHobbies/Interests: Camping, travelling, bushwalking

How where you first introduced to Toastmasters? An article in the Bayside StarWhat was it that attracted you to join in the first place? Extreme nervousness with public speaking led me to join in the desire to overcome itWhy were you interested in applying for your position? Nobody else put their hand up for many long minutesWhat skill set will you bring to the position? I like money and have an economics degree so I should be able to count

What is your personal vision of what you will bring to the position? Diligence and attention to detail What milestones do you want to achieve whilst within your position?Get the job done to a high standard with minimal issuesInspire others to help with the actual banking of the money

Sandgate Club Australia, July Issue

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Sandgate Toastmaster meets at The Full Moon Hotel 118 Eagle Terrace, Sandgate Qld on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. 7 pm to 9.30 pm

Name: John Position: ParliamentarianOccupation: RetiredHow long have you been involved in Sandgate Toastmasters: 40 YearsWhat other positions have you held within the club beforehand: All PositionsHobbies/Interests: GenealogyHow where you first introduced to Toastmasters? In a Newspaper AdvertisementWhat was it that attracted you to join in the first place? Opportunity to learn meeting proceduresWhat skill set will you bring to the position? 40years of Toastmaster club experienceWhat milestones do you want to achieve whilst within your position? Education in meeting procedures for all Where would you like to see the Sandgate

Toastmasters club within the next 12 months? I would like to see the club attain a higher standard of excellenceOne unique thing about yourself that you thing the other members might be interested in knowing? Led District 69 to No 3 position in the world as district governor in 1983-84

Name: Liz Position: Vice President of MembershipHow long have you been involved in Sandgate Toastmasters: 2 ½ YearsWhat other positions have you held within the club beforehand: Sergeant of Arms

How where you first introduced to Toastmasters? Through a friendWhat was it that attracted you to join in the first place? Came with a friend and wasn’t sure what to expect. However the humour, warmth and welcome that was given was fantastic and decided to joinWhy were you interested in applying for your position? PEER PRESSURE

What skill set will you bring to the position? Communication and excellent organisation skillsWhat is your personal vision of what you will bring to the position? To help grow the membership of the Sandgate Toastmasters Club What milestones do you want to achieve whilst within your position?Help to facilitate the growth of five new members in the upcoming yearContinue to facilitate the growth of current members and membership numbersWhere would you like to see the Sandgate Toastmasters club within the next 12 months? Bigger!One unique thing about yourself that you thing the other members might be interested in knowing? I flew a helicopter

Sandgate Club Australia, July Issue

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Toastmaster Tips Now on VideoTechnology is evolving everyday and Toastmasters international has embraced this trend and now has created a series of videos to help its members extend their communication skills.

Titled “Toastmasters Time-Tested Communication Tips”, each video is a presentation from five to seven minutes.

The first two videos released are "Five Basic Public Speaking Tips" to help you to master a topic and present it well; and "Job Interviews" to bolster your confidence through focused listening, articulate responses and effective body language.

Above and BeyondOnce in a while a situation comes along where a member is asked to go above and beyond the call of duty. Although the elections went smoothly there was one small bump in proceedings.

During the club elections, nobody wanted to be treasurer. This was to be a great problem as all Toastmaster clubs must have a treasurer or they cannot exist at all.

After much hurrah and eye averting, Kylie Smith volunteered for the job. Throughout the entire proceedings it became apparent that although Kylie volunteered for the position, she was like the majority of the club, not interested in the position.

This is where a true persona character comes into the arena and where personal sacrifice for the good of the club must be noted and congratulated.

So, thank you Kylie Smith, for lending a hand and going above and beyond the call of duty.

Over the coming months, additional videos will be released covering these topics: How to Offer a ToastWhen Things Go WrongFinding Speech TopicsKnowing Your AudienceUsing Humor in SpeechesGestures and Body LanguageSpeaking Mistakes to AvoidHow to Offer Feedback

Be sure to bookmark and check back often to follow the videos provided in Toastmasters Time-Tested Communication Tips on Video series.

Our smiley, Kylie. The new Sandgate Toastmaster Treasurer.

Finally, a special thank you must also be given to Sarah Bourke, for volunteering to help out and be the Assistant Treasurer to show Kylie the ropes.

Toasty TidbitIf you ever find yourself on the TV show Who wants to be a Millionaire? and the category was Toastmasters Trivia, how well would you do? Fear not!Did you know that …

There are over 13,000 Toastmasters clubs worldwide!Most Toastmasters are female by a ratio of 52% to 48%!Total membership in Africa is over 3600!Toastmasters International was founded in 1924!Our International President for 2011 was Michael Notaro!