Sanctuary Campaign Rules


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Transcript of Sanctuary Campaign Rules

Page 1: Sanctuary Campaign Rules

BFG Campaign RulesThe goal of BFG in the Sanctuary II campaign is to augment the ground (40K) war. As such, I’m cutting out a significant chunk of the filler battles and sticking with games that all have real results for the ground war. Instead of using my original map, I’m just sticking with the system map and will work a more fluid campaign.


To start, each side chooses a fleet.

- The Tau player may choose up to 2000pts worth of ships.

- The Imperials may choose up to 4000pts worth of ships.

- The Eldar may chose up to 1500pts worth of ships.

Keep in mind that you do not have to select a legal fleet list (i.e. you can select more battleships than is allowed by the fleet list), but you will have to follow fleet construction rules when playing games.

Next, choose 1 ship out of your fleet to serve as your flagship. This always has your admiral/commander on board and has the added bonus that you can field your flagship with no limitations based on its class (meaning you don’t have to field 2 cruisers if your flagship is a battleship in the case of the Imperials).

The Tau player’s Kor’O starts at 21 Renown to represent that his fleet is battle tested and the ships under his command trust in his abilities. The Imperial and Eldar players, in contrast, both start at 6 Renown – they’re not entirely new as commanders but have yet to earn the trust of their subordinates in battle against the Tau.


The actual campaign will be very fluid, and aside from me choosing the scenario based on each of your intentions, you just have to worry about the Aftermath section of the BFG rulebook. You will have to track the progress and damage of your ships in your fleet as well as the Renown of your admiral/commander. Since we’re not occupying territories, your ability to repair vessels will be based on a number of strategic locations: the Ramilles Star Fort in the Hammers of Thor, the Mechanicus shipyards anchored above Sanctuary III, and 2 Tau Orbital Cities. And to be sneaky like Eldar typically are, they have a hidden base somewhere in system. The Ramilles counts as a Mining World; Sanctuary III, the Orbital Cities, and the Eldar base count as Forge Worlds.

Unlike the rulebook, you will NOT automatically get ships back when they are destroyed. This makes your reinforcement rolls a lot more important and also forces you to think about the survival of your ships during each game. However, this will still pose a significant drain on your fleet’s resources, so each player will receive an additional Appeal each turn that must be used as a Reinforcement roll.

Page 2: Sanctuary Campaign Rules

Tau Commander Renown:

1-5 Renown: Kor’el Ld 8 1 Re-roll6-10 Renown: Kor’el Ld 8 2 Re-roll11-20 Renown: Kor’el Ld 9 2 Re-roll21-30 Renown: Kor’o Ld 9 3 Re-roll31-50 Renown: Kor’O Ld 9 3 Re-roll51+ Renown: Kor’O Ld 10 3 Re-roll


Before the battle each fleet needs to select a sub-plot as per the rulebook. As I said, I’ll choose what scenario to play based on each fleet’s intentions. The scenarios I will choose from are:

Scenario Three: The Raiders

Scenario Five: Blockade Run

Scenario Six: Convoy

Scenario Seven: Planetary Assault

Scenario Ten: Fleet Engagement


Now I want to specifically address how each mission will affect the ground war.

- The Raiders. This and Fleet Engagement are the “standard” battles. These have ranging impacts from claiming space or facilities as well as damage to defenses and even bombing runs on ground targets.

- Blockade Run. This is how Tau get more troops and ships in system. Each ship that survives running the blockade is added to their register, and each transport that makes it thru is 500pts of 40K.

- Convoy. This will affect what units (HQ, Troops, etc.) can be chosen as reinforcements the next time they arrive (either by landing in the case of Imperials, or Blockade Running for Tau).

- Planetary Assault. All troop landings by the Imperials must be preceded by this mission. Instead of using the chart for Assault Points, each point scored lands 500 points (and supplies to support them) on the planet with a minimum of 500 and max of 5,000. Remember, the composition and number of points can be further adjusted by the above missions.

- Fleet Engagement. As The Raiders.