
11 Simple Hacks to build Killer Social Media Presence With increasing number of brands entering the social media in moments makes the networking noisy and it is hard to boost up social media presence. However, a problem always comes with a hint of solution. It depends on the brands to promote them considering the type of audience, other similar firm’s activities on the highly active social media like Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Facebook etc. While creating or expanding the presence in a social media, the host needs a vision to see the aftermath. The social media presence should bridge the gap between the host and the target audience as well as opening the door for complete interaction. In the end of a day a user/customer shares the activities with others if only the experience satisfies them. 1. No missing link The social media presence should be complete so that the user/customer can easily find the page. The completion means answering all the questions including the optional like category of the brands, number of projects done, project description etc. Use of proper keywords is important as the search engines find pages depending on keywords. The page should be described with a little efforts using keywords like brand type, type of audience, type of contents etc.

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11 Simple Hacks to build Killer Social Media PresenceWith increasing number of brands entering the social media in moments makes the networking

noisy and it is hard to boost up social media presence. However, a problem always comes with

a hint of solution. It depends on the brands to promote them considering the type of audience,

other similar firm’s activities on the highly active social media like Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest,

Facebook etc. While creating or expanding the presence in a social media, the host needs a vision

to see the aftermath. The social media presence should bridge the gap between the host and the

target audience as well as opening the door for complete interaction. In the end of a day a

user/customer shares the activities with others if only the experience satisfies them.

1. No missing link The social media presence should be complete so that the user/customer can easily find the

page. The completion means answering all the questions including the optional like category of

the brands, number of projects done, project description etc. Use of proper keywords is important

as the search engines find pages depending on keywords. The page should be described with a

little efforts using keywords like brand type, type of audience, type of contents etc.

2. Choosing goals and objectives To promote social media for business a proper plan is needed. The plan focuses on the goal and

objectives of the brand. The posts should be based on those goals and objectives. The objectives

include choosing the audience, planning the post sharing at the right time etc. The audience

should relate somehow with the page content. Using post to show the weak or softer side like the

story about struggling, responding to the audience posts is important. The way of promoting need

a reason as well as satisfaction of the customer need. The noisy social media is hard for new

pages therefore the goal should include some media tools to decrease the work-load. Tools like

‘Socedo’, ‘SecureMySocial’ can deal with engagement, reporting, optimization of business as

well as identifying internal policy, law violation respectively. The analytical tools like ‘Nuvi’,

‘Cyfe’ can research on industry, competitor and advertisements in social media as well as social

media conversations.

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3. Make up to catch eyesThe visual representation needs to be good. The visual representation includes the share images,

videos, cover photos etc. To promote a brand in social media for business a proper icon or logo

is important. For a travel company a logo should send a message of smooth travel to connect

with the user or customer. The images are the ‘first impression’ of a page therefore they should

be high resolution, easily identifiable as well as of proper size for both laptop and mobiles.

4. Interactive contentThe page content should provide all the important information to the user. Due to availability of

various similar pages content user easily moves to other pages if they feel bored. The page

content should use something so that users can participate in that. Including Question answer as

well as easy games can attract people. The webpage which has a content of psychological

counseling can add a questionnaire to find the ‘alter ego ‘or some animations to describe

‘avatars’ in particular colors. The interaction also includes the presence of links and share button

for all the social networking sites from the homepage as well as active chat boxes for the users.

5. Choosing the strategyA ‘business’ or ‘entertainment’ page needs proper strategy like providing a reason or voice for

the page. The page should target and prioritize the users with related posts. The page needs to

tell people about the business or more specifically the seller. If the page targets the middle class

of society the products should be such that the audience relates with those. The promotion of the

business needs to be both manual and virtual. The virtual audience should relate the physical

audience without any missing link. The host also needs knowledge about the customer or users

like age group, type of interest, comments etc.

6. Cross networkingCross promotion is a challenging topic in social media. Every social networking site has some

target audience. The advantage is to introduce the business to a large anonymous group of

people. If the new people like the posts the brand is in a new path of expansion. Cross

networking can be done by adding other social tabs like LinkedIn, Google+ in a Facebook page.

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Integrating social media post to the weekly newsletter or use of ‘Hashtags’, blogs are some other

ways of networking.

7. Synchronizing the post time and audienceThe host should know the target customer or user. The posts should be posted at the right time

for the user. As an example, if the target group is the working class of adults then the posts

should come in the usual break time or late at night.

8. Mastering communicationThe communication or the link to the user is one crucial point of social media presence. The

communication includes linked to the popular blog posts, responsive pages in both on and offline

mode, mention and citation of related items etc. The customer should not complain reaching the

host in the time of their need. The help and support menus are must in the pages too.

9. Consistent hostThe post on the topics and related items should come in the webpage regularly. Users are prone

to new subject and posts. The social media presence of the post should be a cheerful visual with

proper pictures and related stories with inspirational reference of links.

10. Touching the inner competitorThe users like to participate and introduced to the vast virtual world. Including games or

animations in the posts can draw attention easily. Once the user finds the post interesting they

will crave for more. Use of sudden survey or comment session can be helpful too.

11. Minimal outsourcingThe outsourcing gives an idea of detachment psychologically. In a social media or virtual world

people feels alone and helpless initially. The brand needs to describe itself properly with patience

and FAQs for all related items. The brand or firm should include all the posts by itself. The

customers relates with this instantly. Outsourcing something does not provide all the important

answers the user needed.

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