Sample Syllabus


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Transcript of Sample Syllabus

Page 1: Sample Syllabus

Department of Computer Science @ UGA

Fall 2008 CSCI 1100: Introduction to Personal Computing

Instructor: Full Name Office Address Contact Information (email, office number)

Class Times: Tue & Thur: 11:00a – 12:15pWed: 11:15p – 12:05p

Class Location: (Location where class suppose to be held)

Office Hours: Wed: 12:05p to 1:30pBy prior email appointment

Class Web Site:                     WebCT (you need your UGA MyId to access)

Prerequisite No prerequisite

Course Objectives: 1. This course will help you to understand the basic working of any computer.

2. The course will help to give you a background to intelligently buy a computer, install software, and create and manage your documents.

3. Emphasize basic software and Internet use, and provide you with proficiency in the use of the Microsoft Office software suite. You will learn how to put up and maintain your personal Web page at UGA.

Area of Course This class satisfies the Area D requirement for a 3- hour science or technology course.

Course Textbook Technology in action (Complete) second edition, by Evans, Martin, and Poatsky. Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-148904-6

Software Needed OneKey access code for Prentice-Hall Train and Assess IT software. This should come bundled with the text. You will need it to access the lab exercises and online tests. Sharing this code with other students is a bad idea, because only one set of lab test grades will be stored online for each key.

Method of Instruction All announcements will be given through WebCT.

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Course Content:

Week Topic Chapter Homework DueWeek 1 Understanding the Parts;

taking care of your computer


Week 2 Application software 3,4Week 3 Digital Media, Copyrights

and other intellectual property issues


Week 4 Computer security threats: viruses and virus protection


Week 5 Computer Security threats: Trojan horses, spyware, and



Week 6 Behind the Scenes: how the CPU works


Week 7 Web Authoring: HTTP and HTML


Week 8 Web Authoring: HTTP and HTML


Week 9 Web Authoring: JavaScript 7Week 10 Web Authoring: JavaScript 7Week 11 Information systems analysis

and design8

Week 12 Information systems analysis and design


Week 13 Structured Query Language (SQL)


Week 14 Behind the Scenes: how networks work


Week 15 Final Exam

Course Structure: TeachingAssignmentsQuizzesMidterm ExamFinal Exams

Course Schedule: This is a tentative schedule and is subject to change:

08/16/08 to 09/28/08 Teaching10/02/08 Midterm Exam10/08/08 to 10/23/08 Teaching10/26/08 Midterm Exam11/1/08 to 12/1/08 Teaching12/07/08 Final Exam

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Grade Allocations: Final letter grades will depend on class standing

AssignmentsMidtermsOnline homework Web-pageFinal ExamIn-class participation and attendance:

10%40%10%10%25% 5%

Withdrawals and Incompletes[Instructor’s policy about giving W or WF and also if someone is unable to take

the final exam what will be his/her final results be.]

Make-up Exams

[Policy about the Make-up exams, under what conditions does student will be given the opportunity to take up the exam.]

Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities needing academic accommodations should let me know. We will likely have openings for students to take notes for disabled students: these will be announced in class.

Academic Honesty

The University’s Academic Honesty Policy is in effect. The only academic honesty issues that might arise in this class are cheating during exams or the in-class lab exams. I don’t mind your doing the lab exercises and/or online homework in groups, as long as the entire group understands all the answers.Suspected academic honesty violations will be taken to the academic honesty resolution procedure at the Vice President for Academic Affairs’ office. Penalties can be severe – see