Sample Exercises in Cognos 8 Report Studio

1 Create a simple list report with product line, product type, product name and quantity. Quantity is between 200000 to 400000. 2) Convert the above report into cross tab by making product line & product type as columns and product name as row. Then suppress zero values and missing values. 3) Create a chart with product line, product type with two measures quantity and revenue. Create a summery filter on revenue. 4) Create a list with year, retailer country, product line and unit cost. Create a prompt should allow user to select country and product line. 5) Create a list with order number, order method, city, and gross profit. Sort with gross profit and create a calculation for average gross profit for every order method. Conditional format for gross profit if it is greater than average value. 6) Create a area chart with years on categories, product line on series and quantity as measure. 7) Create a combination chart (area and line chart) with year on categories, order method as series and revenue as measure. Line chart will be gross profit. 8) Create a list report with product line, product type, product name and quantity. product line, product type should be in group. Show whose product name is start with “c”, and total on quantity. 9) Create a list report with sales staff name, country, gross profit. Create a data item for sales staff name for concatenate first name and last name. Create report titles in bold with all side boarders and with no background. 10) Create a cross tab with order method, order year, quantity. Filter the data for order year in a manner to select what data want to be display.


sample exercises in Report studio cognos 8 BI

Transcript of Sample Exercises in Cognos 8 Report Studio

Page 1: Sample Exercises in Cognos 8 Report Studio

1 Create a simple list report with product line, product type, product name and quantity. Quantity is between 200000 to 400000. 2) Convert the above report into cross tab by making product line & product type as columns and product name as row. Then suppress zero values and missing values.

3) Create a chart with product line, product type with two measures quantity and revenue. Create a summery filter on revenue. 4) Create a list with year, retailer country, product line and unit cost. Create a prompt should allow user to select country and product line. 5) Create a list with order number, order method, city, and gross profit. Sort with gross profit and create a calculation for average gross profit for every order method. Conditional format for gross profit if it is greater than

average value. 6) Create a area chart with years on categories, product line on series and quantity as measure. 7) Create a combination chart (area and line chart) with year on categories, order method as series and revenue as measure. Line chart will be gross profit. 8) Create a list report with product line, product type, product name and quantity. product line, product type should be in group. Show whose product name is start with “c”, and total on quantity.

9) Create a list report with sales staff name, country, gross profit. Create a data item for sales staff name for concatenate first name and last name. Create report titles in bold with all side boarders and with no background. 10) Create a cross tab with order method, order year, quantity. Filter the data for order year in a manner to select what data want to be display.

Page 2: Sample Exercises in Cognos 8 Report Studio

11) Create a list report with product line, product type, product name and quantity. Section on product line, list header for product type, prompt on product line, and with no data contains and remove thousand separated on quantity. 12) Create a report with order method, order number, product name, shipping date, and quantity. Group order method, sort on quantity, date prompt on shipping date range, text box prompt on order method. 13) Create a cross tab which displays revenue generated

and quantity sold for each product line, product type, product name across years and order method. 14) Create a report with gross profit for different sales regions and highlight based on conditional format. 15) Create a report which displays the revenue generated by each department and apply conditional format. 16) Create a cross tab report with year, quarter, month as rows and order method, order number as columns. Create a cascade prompt for year, quarter and month. 17) List report which displays order method, order

number, product name, and quantity. Highlight all web based order method in gray. 18) Report with country, city, state, postal code, postal zone and quantity. Highlight all countries whose name starts with „a‟ in green, „b‟ in gray, „c‟ in red. 19) Create a report with repeater table which displays sales organization address with gross profit. Hide country whose gross profit is low. 20) Create a cross tab with country, state, city in rows, Year, quarter, month on columns for generated gross

profit. Create cascade prompt on country, state, city. Highlight the highest year in gray. 21) Create a list report with year, quarter, month, order number and revenue generated. And on second page create cross tab report with year, quarter, and month in column and order method in rows for revenue generated. Create a prompt which allows you to select list or cross tab page.

Page 3: Sample Exercises in Cognos 8 Report Studio

22) Create a repeater table with product line, product type, product name, order method and revenue. Highlight all the order number whose revenue is greater than average revenue of the report with green. 23) Create a cross tab with order method, order number in rows. Years, quarter, month, revenue and gross profit in column. Create a cascade prompt on order method and order number and value prompt on year. Highlight maximum value of revenue and quantity. 24) Create a list report with country, state, city, postal

zone, sales retailer, and quantity group by country and concatenate country, postal zone with “-“ separator. 25) Create a report with product line, product type, product name and quantity. Highlight top 10 sales goods. 26) List report with product line, product type, product name and quantity. It should allow user to enter top number of records to be display. 27) For the above should allow user to enter number of records for least value of quantity. 28) Create a bar chart with product line in series, order

method in categories, revenue in measure. 29) Create area chart with quantity sold as measure, years in categories and order method in series. 30) Create a list report with product line, product type, product name, year and quantity. In second page cross tab with product line, product type, product name in rows year in column, quantity as measure. In third page create a chart with product line, product type, product name in categories, year in series and quantity as measure. Create a filter which allows me to select any one of the page.