Sample Chapter From GCSE Geog OCR A

8 8 9 9 1: Introducing extreme environments Discuss 1 Look at the four extreme environments on these pages. a Which one do you find most fascinating? Why? b Would you want to go there? Why, or why not? 2 a What do all these environments have in common? List three things. (Clue: it might help if you think about what is missing.) b Choose one of these environments. What makes it extreme? (Clue: think about wahy it would be hard to survive.) 3 With a partner put the four environments in order from most extreme to least extreme. a First, choose five factors to help you to judge how extreme each environment is. Choose from the list in the box above. b Then, rank the environments from 1 to 4 for each factor you chose. c Finally, add your rank scores together to put the environments in order. Learn 2 learn [Mountain Photo] A What is an extreme environment? + What is the definition of an extreme environment and what do we know about them? We are fascinated by extreme environments. People climb mountains, cross deserts and travel to the Poles. Sometime during this century people may even set foot on another planet. What is it that makes us go to such extremes? Is it to explore new places, to escape the stress of modern life, or simply for the excitement? An extreme environment is one where it is hard for people (or other forms of life) to survive. Extreme environments can be as vast as a desert or as small as a mountain peak. 1.1 Extreme environments can be: high deep hot wet cold dry remote dark toxic stormy lacking oxygen. explore ] ] ] ] A A The South Pole is as dry as a desert. Snow and ice have accumulated there over thousands of years. The warmest day on Mars is barely as warm as the coldest day on Earth. The Martian atmosphere contains almost no oxygen. The higher you go in the atmosphere the less oxygen there is. Above 5000 metres it is hard to breathe. + There is no right answer to question 3, but ranking will help you to think about what an extreme environment is. A Mountains Deserts can be hot or cold and some deserts can be both! They are very hot during the day and can be freezing cold at night. B Desert C Polar D Mars

Transcript of Sample Chapter From GCSE Geog OCR A

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1: Introducing extreme environments


1 Look at the four extreme environments on these


a Which one do you fi nd most fascinating? Why?

b Would you want to go there? Why, or why not?

2 a What do all these environments have in common?

List three things. (Clue: it might help if you think

about what is missing.)

b Choose one of these environments. What makes

it extreme? (Clue: think about wahy it would be

hard to survive.)

3 With a partner put the four environments in order

from most extreme to least extreme.

a First, choose fi ve factors to help you to judge how

extreme each environment is. Choose from the list

in the box above.

b Then, rank the environments from 1 to 4 for each

factor you chose.

c Finally, add your rank scores together to put the

environments in order.

Learn 2 learn

[Mountain Photo] A

[Desert Photo]B

What is an extreme environment?

+ What is the defi nition of an extreme environment and what do we know about them?

We are fascinated by extreme

environments. People climb mountains,

cross deserts and travel to the Poles.

Sometime during this century people

may even set foot on another planet.

What is it that makes us go to such

extremes? Is it to explore new places,

to escape the stress of modern life, or

simply for the excitement?

An extreme environment is one where

it is hard for people (or other forms of

life) to survive.

Extreme environments can be as vast as

a desert or as small as a mountain peak.


Extreme environments can be:

• high

• deep

• hot

• wet

• cold

• dry

• remote

• dark

• toxic

• stormy

• lacking oxygen.


]]]] AAA

The South Pole is as dry as a desert.

Snow and ice have accumulated there

over thousands of years.

The warmest day on Mars is barely as

warm as the coldest day on Earth. The

Martian atmosphere contains almost

no oxygen.

The higher you go

in the atmosphere

the less oxygen

there is. Above

5000 metres it is

hard to breathe.

+ There

is no

right answer to question 3, but

ranking will help you to think about

what an extreme environment is.

A Mountains

Deserts can be hot or cold and

some deserts can be both! They

are very hot during the day and

can be freezing cold at night.

B Desert

C Polar D Mars

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1: Introducing extreme environments

Our love affair with mountains goes back a long time. In 1815 William

Wordsworth wrote a poem inspired by a mountain; you can read the fi rst few

lines below, B. Until then, most people had thought of mountains and other

extreme environments as dangerous places that were best avoided. Through

the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, ideas changed. People became

more adventurous, and began exploring extreme environments. They soon

discovered that – yes – mountains are very dangerous!

1 Look at photo A.

a How does it make you feel?

b Think of at least fi ve words to

describe the mountain.

2 Now read the poem (B).

a What words does the poet use

to describe the mountain?

b How do you think he feels

about it?

Mountains on your mind

+ How do people react to extreme environments?

How clear, how keen, how marvellously brightTh e effl uence fr om yon distant mountain’s head,Which, strewn with snow smooth as the sky can shed,Shines like another sun – on mortal sightUprisen …

A Mountain landscapes can be inspiring

Extract from November 1, a poem

written by William Wordsworth in 1815


In 1985 two mountaineers, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates, set off to climb

Siula Grande, a mountain in the Andes, South America. Their story is told

in Joe’s book, Touching the Void, and in the fi lm based on the book. Here

is a short extract.

Crouching down on my knees, I turned my back to the cliff edge and managed to get my axes to bite in deeply. I lowered my legs over the cliff until the edge was against my stomach and I could kick my crampons into the ice wall below me. I felt them bite and hold. Removing one axe, I hammered it in again very close to the edge (...) I was hanging on to the ice axe, reaching to my side to place the hammer solidly into the wall with my left hand. I wanted it to be perfect before I removed the axe embedded in the lip and lowered myself on the hammer. As the hammer came out there was a sharp cracking sound and my right hand, gripping the axe, pulled down. Th e sudden jerk turned me outwards and instantly I was falling.

(...) I felt a shattering blow in my knee, felt bones splitting, and screamed. Th e impact catapulted me over backwards and down the slope of the East Face. I slid, head-fi rst, on my

back. Th e rushing speed of it confused me. I thought of the drop below but felt nothing. Simon would be ripped off the mountain. He couldn’t hold this. I screamed again as I jerked to a sudden violent stop.

Everything was still, silent. My thoughts raced madly. Th e pain fl ooded down my thigh – a fi erce burning fi re coming down the inside of my thigh, seeming to ball in my groin, building and building until I cried out at it, and my breathing came in ragged gasps. My leg! Oh Jesus. My leg!

C From ‘Touching the Void’

3 Read the extract from Touching the Void. Better still, close your eyes and get

someone to read it to you. Try to picture the action in your mind.

4 Imagine what might happen next. Continue the story in your own words. You

will fi nd out what really did happen in Chapter 3. If you can’t wait till then, turn

to page 00 to fi nd out (but not until you’ve made up your own story!).


5 Talk about these questions with a partner.

a How did the extract make you feel?

b What does it tell you about mountains?

c How is the extract different from the poem?

d How does this tell you that the way we think about mountains has

changed since 1815?




Learn 2 learn+ Don’t worry if you think Wordsworth’s poem is hard – it is. Just think about how his words make you feel.

Learn 2 learn+ This

technique –

picturing a story in your mind and

continuing it – is sometimes called a

mind movie. It can help to get your mind

really working.

+ crampons

- spikes on

a climber’s


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1: Introducing extreme environments

1.3 Is there life on Mars?

+ How do people react to extreme environments?

There are few places left on Earth that people have not already

explored. However, space is another matter. So far, the only place

beyond the Earth where people have been is the Moon. In future, we are

likely to go to other planets. Almost certainly, we will fi nd environments

that are far more extreme than any on Earth. The endless possibilities

of space have become a subject for science-fi ction writers, fi lm makers

and even newspaper reporters.

The photo from the Red Planet ap-pears to show a Yeti-like crea-ture with a huge head making its way down a mountainside. It was taken by a Nasa space probe and its appearance on the internet yesterday fi red the imagination of every science fi ction fan who secretly yearns for a close encounter with an extra-terrestrial.

Then again, of course, it might not be a Martian at all...but just a strange rock formation.Initially, astronomers hoping for signs of life on the fourth planet were disappointed when Nasa’s Mars Explorer Spirit sent


back images from the surface four years ago. The pictures showed a red, drab, dusty surface devoid of life. But one space enthusiast scanned every rock and crevice and spotted the ape-like ‘Martian’ which appeared as just a pinprick on the original photograph. The image was then blown up and posted on a Chinese website.

The intriguing photo will again focus attention on Earth’s near-est neighbour, which many scientists have long believed could harbour alien life.

By John Chapman Wednesday 23 January 2008

The issue has divided stargazers for centuries. Now fi nally this picture

provides evidence that there really is life on Mars – or does it?

Earth Comparing Earth and Mars Mars


Two-thirds of the Earth is covered by

water and all life depends on it. On Mars

there is some water, but it is frozen at

the Poles.


Mars is further from the Sun than

the Earth is. It also has a very thin

atmosphere that does not retain much

heat. This means that the temperature

on Mars is much lower.


Because the Martian atmosphere is thin,

it does not weigh much and pressure at

the surface is much lower than on Earth.

There is not enough air to breathe.


On Earth 21% of the atmosphere is

oxygen, while Mars has only 0.13%.

We breathe in oxygen and breathe out

carbon dioxide. Too much CO2 would

suffocate us.


Storms on Earth usually bring wind and

rain. On Mars storms bring winds, which

blow up dust from the surface. Summer

storms blanket most of the planet in


1 Look at B. In what ways do you think that Mars is:

a similar to extreme environments on Earth?

b different from extreme environments on Earth?

2 Do you think there is life on Mars? Using the evidence

on these pages, say why you think there is, or isn’t.

3 You have been asked to make preparations for the

fi rst human expedition to Mars. Make a list of what

to take and give a reason for each item. Think about

what you would:

• breathe

• drink

4 Think back to what you already know about extreme

environments on Earth. Would you take similar items

to an extreme environment on Earth?


5 a Do you think people are likely to go to Mars in

your lifetime? Why, or why not?

b If they do, how is the way we view Mars likely

to change? (Think about the way our views on

mountains changed through the nineteenth and

twentieth centuries.)


• eat

• wear.




Your world+ Mars is much smaller than the Earth, but it has about the same area of land. Two-thirds of the Earth is covered by sea.

A Extract from the Daily Express

B Comparing Earth to Mars

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1: Introducing extreme environments

1.4 Extremely British

+ What environments within the UK may be considered extreme?

When we think of extreme environments we don’t usually think of Britain.

After all, we don’t have any deserts or ice caps, and our mountains are

not very high (A).


1 ‘The UK has no extreme environments’. What is your

opinion about this statement? Give reasons for your


2 a Read the diary of a Maasai warrior in London, on

the opposite page (C). Notice the things that he

found strange about the city.

b Think of other things that a newcomer to a city

might fi nd strange, e.g. underground trains.

c Now write your own guide for someone coming to

a city for the fi rst time, trying to explain the things

that they would fi nd strange.

Give at least fi ve ideas. For example:

‘In the city the trains travel underground, because

there is not enough space on the ground”.


3 Do you think the city

is an extreme

environment? Think of

fi ve arguments in favour,

or fi ve varguments

against. Then debate the

question with a partner.

UK The World

Highest mountain Ben Nevis, Scotland, 1344m Mt Everest, Nepal, 8850m

Largest desert – Sahara Desert, North Africa, 9 million km2

Largest glacier No glaciers in the UK (though it

sometimes snows!)

Lambert Glacier, Antarctica, 80km wide,

500km long

Hottest place (highest temperature ever recorded) Faversham, Kent, 38.5°C El Azizia, Libya, 57.8°C

Coldest place (lowest temperature ever recorded) Braemar, Scotland, -27.2°C Vostok, Antarctica, -89°C

Wettest place (average annual rainfall) Snowdonia, Wales, 447cm Cherrapunji, India, 1270cm

Driest place (average annual rainfall) Clacton, Essex, 513mm Atacama Desert, Chile, 0.1mm

Biggest city London, 7.5 million people Tokyo, Japan, 28 million people

y g ( )


Sometimes people can adapt to live in an

environment that other people might think is

extreme. In Britain about 90 per cent of us live

in cities. Of course, we don’t usually think of a

city as an extreme environment – it is just where

we happen to live. However, from another point

of view, the city is an extreme environment.

Where else do you fi nd so much concrete, noise,

pollution or, above all, crowds of people?

Imagine what it would be like to be in a city for

the fi rst time. That is what happened to a group

of Maasai warriors from Tanzania (B). They were

invited to run in the London Marathon in 2008

to raise money for a new well in their village.

It was the fi rst time they had left Tanzania.

While in London their chief kept a diary (C).

April 4 – 12

Arrival in London

The plane was so big and frightening.

(...) Heathrow was very busy and it was diffi cult to walk on the fl oor because some of it moved. You’re walking along and the next moment it’s whoooosh! It’s diffi cult to get on and off but very good when you’re on.

I miss meat and blood very much. There is milk here but blood is better because it gives energy. English tea with sugar is good and we tried Coco Pops. The nicest food is croissants.

The weather here is strange. From a window it looks warm but outside it’s very cold. It’s better when we’re running or in the shower. (...) When the shower is hot it is really hot, and when cold, really cold. This is true.

Everybody in England is friendly and smiley. This is common in Maasai culture – the one difference is they are white. And people here depend on money; back home we don’t buy food.




The Houses of Parliament are the best buildings in London. They use very strong materials. We hoped very much to see the Queen in London, but she is never there.

I prefer my home in Tanzania to here. It’s a more natural life without all these buildings. (...) We can live in the West but I miss the village.

I am excited to get the marathon done and get clean water to save lives. We have a dam that we share with wild animals so every morning the children go to get water; it’s dangerous for them. Some have lost their lives. Next week we will drill and get clean water for top life.





e on t thehe g grorounundd ..




Learn 2 learn+ You don’t always have to believe something to argue that it is true. Thinking about the opposite argument often helps you to understand better.

ment are the best n. They use very strongvery much to see the t h i v th

Your world+ Traditionally, the Maasai people are cattle herders. They need to be

good runners to herd their cattle and to escape from lions! Today, many of them live in towns.

A Ben Nevis

B Maasai warriors running the London Marathon

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1: Introducing extreme environments

1.5 Going to extremes

+ What environments in the UK may be considered extreme?

In the UK we may not have any deserts or

glaciers, and our mountains are not very high,

but there are still adventures to be found. The

number of people who do extreme sports in the

UK has grown dramatically in recent years. In

each case, the secret of the success of these

sports is a suitable extreme environment.


1 a Write a list of all the sports you can think of,

starting with the ones in the photos, which

require an extreme environment.

b In each case, suggest the best type of

environment to do the sport. For example Surfi ng

needs a beach with big waves.

2 Look carefully at map A.

a Describe the distribution of surfi ng beaches on

the map. Which parts of the British Isles have

most surfi ng beaches? Which parts have fewest?

b Try to explain the distribution of surfi ng beaches.

Why do some parts have many while others have

few? (The information beside the map will help


3 Now try some other extreme sports. Find a good

location on map B where you could go:

a rock climbing

b white-water rafting

c caving.

In each case, give a six-

fi gure grid reference

on the map and say

why you chose this

location. Remember

to mention any map

symbols that helped

your decision.

4 Plan a surfi ng trip for next weekend.

a Go to the Magic Seaweed website at Click on Surf

reports for UK and Ireland and you will see a

map, like map A.

b Choose a location on the map for a surfi ng trip.

It could be the one nearest you. Click the

location on the surf reports map. Find the

forecast for next weekend for this location. What

will the conditions be? Will it be good for surfi ng?

c If not, fi nd another location, somewhere in the

British Isles, with better conditions for surfi ng.

What will the conditions be like there?

Surfi ng [photo from

the UK]

Rock climbing [pho-

to from the UK]

White-water rafting

[photo from the


Caving [photo from

the UK]






Atlantic OceanNorth Sea

Irish Sea

English Channel

Surfi ng needs good waves. Good waves

depend on:

Swell is the size of the waves out at sea.

The largest swell usually follows a storm.

Wave size is affected by the strength of the

wind, how long it blows for and the distance

at sea over which it blows (the fetch). The

larger the swell, the better the surf.

Local wind direction affects the quality of

the waves.

• Onshore winds (blowing from sea to

land) make the waves break too quickly.

• Offshore winds (blowing from land to

sea) hold up the waves and create the

best waves for surfi ng.

Beach gradient affects the way the waves

break near the shore. Too steep and the

waves break too quickly. Too shallow and

the waves lose all their energy. The ideal

beach is a gently sloping one.

A Surfi ng in the British Isles

B Ingleborough in the Yorkshire Dales – a good environment for extreme sports

Rock climbing [pho-

to from the UK]

Surfi ng [photo from

the UK]

Caving [photo from

the UK]


Surfing beach

White-water rafting

[photo from the



t k d

Learn 2 learn+ It may be a long time since you used grid references. It is good to practise your geographical skills often so you don’t forget them.

Surfi ng

Rock climbing

White-water rafting


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