Sam SNP Final

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  • 8/3/2019 Sam SNP Final


    Multiplex Single NucleotidePolymorphismgenotyping byMALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry

    Prepared by :

    Samir V. KalavadiaDept. of Pharmaceutics


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    A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism(SNP) is defined as a single basechange in a DNA sequence that occurs

    in a significant proportion (more than1%) of a large population

    SNPs are distributed across the humangenome at an approx. average of 1 SNPper 1000 bp

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    In human beings, 99.9 percent bases are

    same. Remaining 0.1 percent is different in every


    This decides :

    How a person looks,

    Diseases he or she develops,

    Drug Response,

    Different attributes / characteristics /traits

    This slight variation is what makes an

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    It has been estimated that human

    genome contains 10 millionpositions (locus) that have commonvariations among individuals in apopulation.

    Source: Nature Genetics supplement, Vol 37, June 2005

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    a or trateg es to nterrogateSNPs. Hybridization-based methods

    Dynamic allele-specific hybridization(DASH)

    Molecular beacons

    SNP microarrays

    Enzyme-based methods Restriction fragment length


    PCR-based methods

    Flap endonuclease

    Primer extension

    5- nuclease

    Post-amplification methods

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    However there are about 30 (or more)

    different SNP-genotyping Methods. Hence there are plenty of choices for

    interrogating SNPs.

    The underlying biochemistry remainsthe same.

    The question is cost and throughput,

    and accuracy !!!!

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    Primer Extension

    It involves the hybridization of a probeto the bases immediately upstream ofthe SNP nucleotide.

    2 types of nucleotides are made useof : dNTPs & ddNTPs.

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    With dNTPs, allele-specific probes, if they have 3bases complementary to target DNA

    DNA polymerase will extend from the 3 end of the


    If the target DNA does not contain an allelecomplementary to the probe's 3 base

    DNA polymerase will not be able to extend from the

    3' end of the probe

    The length of these chains can be estimated by MassSpectrometry

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    Aim of the study

    To develop a robust high-throughput

    single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)

    genotyping method, which applies allele-

    specific extension using matrix-assisted laser

    desorption/ ionization time-of-flight mass

    spectrometry for determination of the base ina single-nucleotide polymorphic location.

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    Experimental methods

    Materials :

    Human genomic DNA

    HotStarTaq DNA polymerase(Qiagen) dNTPs, ddNTPs (Amersham)

    ExoI & CIP (New England Biolabs)

    2,4,6-THAP ;2,3,4-THAP;Genopure Kit(BrukerDaltonics)

    ZiptipC18 (Millipore)

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    Multiplex Primer Design

    Primers for multiplex PCR were designed by

    online software Primer 3 and using software

    named Primer-Premier 5.0 to analyze

    interactions among primers.

    If the primers have strong actions with oneanother (the minimum value of G is about 10

    kcal/mol), then the set is discarded.

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    Multiplex PCR

    3 l of genomic DNA (15 ng) was used astemplate for multiplex PCR. 6pmoles of the

    forward and 6 pmol of the reverse primer

    each were used in1HotStarTaq buffer, 1Q

    solution with 300 lM dNTPs and 1.2U

    HotStarTaq DNA polymerase in a 25-l vol.

    The reaction was denatured for15 min at

    95c(activated the Taq polymerase) and then

    thermocycled for 30s at 94c, 40 s at 52c,

    and 90 s at 68c 35 times

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    CIP and ExoI digest:

    1l of CIP (1.5 U/l) and 0.5l of ExoI (20

    U/l) were added to the PCR reaction andincubated at 37c for 45 min.

    Single-nucleotide extension reaction: 25 pmoles of the extension primers with100

    MddNTPs and 1.5U thermosequenase

    were added to 15l digested product above.An initial denaturing step of 3 min at 95c

    was used followed by 35 circles of 30 s at

    95c, 1 min at 50c, and 30s at 60c.

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    Purification of extension primer

    Extension reaction products were purified

    using Genopure-Kit or ZiptipC18.

    Mass spectrometric analysis 0.5-l aliquot of the purified sample was

    mixed with 0.5l matrix(a mixture with the

    molar ratios of 2:1:1 for 2,4,6-THAP (0.2M in

    50% acetonitrile), 2,3,4- THAP (0.2M in 50%

    acetonitrile), and diammonium hydrogen

    citrate (0.3M in water)

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    Samples were analyzed by using a Bruker

    Reflex III MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer


    Laser repetition rate : 20 Hz

    Mode : Negative ion and linear.

    Acceleration voltage : 19 kV

    Source : Nitrogen laser (337 nm)

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    Thousands of parallel PCRs spanning thegenomic mutations or SNPs usually should be

    performed to get a complete SNP genotyping.

    Hence the technology for combining manyindividual PCRs per tube (multiplexing) was


    The scale of multiplex amplification has been

    limited due to the serious primerprimer


    The wa of decreasin the rimer rimer

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    Cycle conditions and components in the

    multiplex PCR system were adjusted. Extension time (longer extension time),

    annealing temperature (46c lower than

    annealing temp used in single PCR) &amount of Taq DNA polymerase (more than

    the amount in the single PCR system).

    CIP and ExoI were added directly to the PCRsystem in order to digest the remaining dNTPs

    and primers.

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    Extension Primer Design

    To give optimum MALDI-TOF performance in

    terms of resolution & sensitivity, genotyping

    primer lengths ideally should be kept to under

    approx 40 bases.

    Placing primers 2 bases apart imposes a limit

    on the possible degree of multiplexing, which

    can be overcome by a strategy, termed mass


    The assay design must avoid overlaps between

    any unextended primer and possible extension

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    The products of single-base extension purified with Genopure-Kit

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    The products of single base extension purified with ZiptipC18.

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    Selection of matrix for MALDI-TOF-MS.

    The matrixes commonly include 3-HPA and


    When 3-HPA is used as the matrix, the

    crystal is in a circular pattern and leaves the

    center of the well void, which makes auto

    sampling difficult.

    Here 2,4,6-THAP and 2,3,4-THAP as a

    mixed matrix are used. It decreases the

    intensity of peaks caused by depurination

    & shows no big interference on the

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    The throughput of 10/min is reported for

    newer generation instruments such as theAutoFlex (Bruker-Daltonics, Germany)

    Our multiplex assay would correspond to a

    throughput of up to 60,000 loci in a 10hanalysis period.

    No labeling reagent is necessary in this

    method, so the cost is low.

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    In this research a robust high-throughput

    SNP genotyping method was developed.

    The result indicates that this method is

    potentially applicable to large-scale SNP


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    SNP A buzz word , Why ???

    The discovery of SNPs promises to

    revolutionize the process of disease detection.

    Physicians can screen patients for susceptibilityto a disease just by analyzing their SNP

    patterns. Also doctors can determine which drug is most

    appropriate for patients just by checking theirSNP profiles.

    The long cherished dream of Personalizedmedicinecan come true.

    A day would come when patients would carry

    with them their SNP profiles rather than

    R f

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    References[1] A.J. Brookes, The essence of SNPs, Gene 234 (1999) 177186.

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    G. Ghandour, N. Perkins, E. Winchester, J. Spencer, L. Kruglyak, L.Stein, L. Hsie, T. Topaloglou, E. Hubbell, E. Robinson, M. Mittmann,M.S. Morris, N. Shen, D. Kilburn, J. Rioux, C. Nusbaum, S. Rozen,

    T.J. Hudson, R. Lipshutz, M. Chee, E.S. Lander, Large-scaleidentification mapping and genotyping of single-nucleotidepolymorphism in the human genome, Science 280 (1998) 10771082.

    [5] P.Y. Kwok, High-throughput genotyping assay approaches,

    Pharmacogenomics 1 (2000) 95100.6 I.G. Gut Automation in enot in of sin le nucleotide

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    [14] L.A. Haff, I.P. Smirnov, Multiplex genotyping of PCR productswith mass tag-labeled primers, Nucleic Acids Res. 25 (1997)37493750.

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    Sugar additives for MALDI matrices improve signal allowing thesmallest nucleotide change (A:T) in a DNA sequence to be

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    dbSNPis a SNP database from National Center

    for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). SNPediais a wiki-style database from a hybrid


    The OMIMdatabase describes the association

    between polymorphisms and, e.g., diseases intext form,

    HGMDthe Human Gene Mutation Databaseprovides gene mutations causing or associated

    with human inherited diseases and functionalSNPs,

    while HGVbaseG2P allows users to visuallyinterrogate the actual summary-level associationdata