Sam-singh-My Thoughts on the Ice Storm

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  • 8/13/2019 Sam-singh-My Thoughts on the Ice Storm


    My thoughts on the Ice Storm/Power Outage and BWL

    Rep. Sam SIngh

    December 31, 2013 at 9:00am

    Now that the immediate crisis of people without power is coming to a close, I wanted to share some of

    my thoughts, concerns and questions that I will be asking regarding the response by public and private

    utilities during the recent ice storm and power outage in mid-Michigan. There should be a review of

    the responses by the Board of Water and Light, Consumers Energy and DTE in our area. Other utilities

    should be reviewed for other parts of the state.

    Yesterdays Lansing City Council Public Hearing regarding the response of the Board of Water and Light

    provided some answers but opened up some questions about capacity, emergency preparedness and

    long-term planning. The public hearing along with an earlier press conference has brought significant

    concerns to light regarding the Board of Water and Lights response to the crisis.

    Here are a few of my thoughts that deal with BWL.

    Public Hearings and a Formal Independent Review

    1. The Lansing City Council should be the first public hearing of many. There should be public hearings

    in other communities of the BWL service area like East Lansing and Delta Township.

    2. Since BWL is not regulated by the Public Service Commission, an outside entity should provide an

    independent assessment of the capacity of BWL and an analysis of how it conducted this recent

    response to the power outage crisis. The independent review should benchmark BWL against industry

    standards and compare them to public and private utilities in the state.

    3. On the state level, there should legislative hearings to review the response of utilities and review

    any needed legislation to improve capacity and response in the future.

    Board of Water andLight Management and Governance

    There are a series of questions that have been brought up by the community and local leaders that need

    to be answered and documented. Though some have been answered in certain media reports or some

    during the first City Council hearing, these questions and responses and others from the community

    need to be catalogued and available on-line for the community to understand and review.

    BWL Preventative Measures

    What policies and practices does the BWL have in place to prevent a crisis of this nature from occurring?

    For the size of utility and geographical size of the service area what are the industry benchmarks for

    appropriate staff resources dedicated to tree trimming activities throughout the year?

    What level is BWL staffing and deploying resources for tree trimming services throughout the year?

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    Should we have a more aggressive standard regarding how close we cut trees and vegetation to

    proximity to wires? What are industry standards?

    There is a report that cutbacks in municipal forestry services has resulted in more downed wires during

    this storm. Are these reports accurate?

    What are the roles of local communities in working with BWL to either physically cut trees/vegetation or

    flag trouble areas?

    BWL Response to the Storm

    Staffing Levels

    There has been much discussion regarding how many crews were on duty during the crisis and could

    there have been more brought in from other utilities in thestate and region to help. An analysis ofthe

    staffing and when new crews were brought in from other utilities to respond to the crisis should be

    examined. A few of the questions to be part of that analysis:

    What is the industry standard or best practice for staffing the geographic size of a utility of BWLs size?

    Reports that other utilities brought in hundreds or thousands of other workers from other across the

    state and surrounding states. How did BWL assess how many crews it needed and who to ask to send


    Do other utilities like Consumers Energy and DTE require that one employee be part of every crew for

    crews brought in during emergencies?


    Reports have suggested that BWL couldnt provide some communication pieces like outage maps

    because their technology and upgrades to the smart grid have not been completed.

    What is the BWL technology plan and timelines for smart grid improvements?

    How does that compare to other utilities in the state?

    What are industry standards and best practices and where a utility should be regarding smart grid



    There has been much written and many people who very eloquently and passionately spoke about the

    poor communication from BWL and how that impacted them during the prolonged outage. BWL

    management has agreed that their response was lacking. So the big question is where do we go from


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    There should be an analysis of each type of communication vehicle that was utilized by BWL during the

    outage by quantity and effectiveness on each day of the crisis.

    Benchmark the BWL response to how other utilities like Consumers Energy and DTE responded to the


    What are the best practices on how utilities communicate to municipal partners, hospitals, nonprofits,

    media and customers during prolonged outages?

    How does BWL compare to those best practices?

    Peter Lark acknowledged a lack of an emergency crisis communication plan. What is the timeline to

    develop one and how will BWL engage different stakeholders?

    What is BWL social media plan and how was it staffed and implemented during the crisis?

    Much anxiety from people was not knowing if BWL knew that their power was out because they

    couldnt get through to a person or see a map on a website that outlined where outages were. What

    was the BWL staffing level for hotlines services on each day of the crisis? In the future how will BWL

    utilize other web-based technology to help customers understand the severity of the problem and what

    measure are being used to restore power?

    BWL and the City of Lansing

    Over the past few years, there has been significant pressure put on BWL to help the City of Lansing meet

    its budget shortfalls. A thorough independent analysis of these changes should occur and outline the

    opportunity costs whether staff time, technology upgrades or other investments that could have been

    made internally to BWL.

    Other Issues to Consider

    Once the crisis is over, it is appropriate for the Board of the BWL to conduct a review and make public

    statements. I will be interested in their thoughts and if they will make any changes.

    There should be a review from each community on how they conducted their emergency response

    during the crisis and how they interacted with their corresponding utility.

    There will be a number of potential legislative items that could be considered in the wake of the crisis.

    Each item should be reviewed as part of an overall thoughtful strategy. Some of the issues to review:

    Whether the Public Service Commission should regulate or have some level of oversight on municipal

    utilities like BWL?

    Should items that the PSC mandates for private utilities such as outage credits for customers be

    implemented legislatively?

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    Provide for geographic representation on the boards of municipal utilities that provide services for other

    surrounding communities.

    I will be looking to working with members of the community and BWL to make sure we learn, make

    changes and adapt from this crisis in the New Year.