Salvationist 11 August 2012 - Amazon S3 · [email protected] SALVATIONIST 11 August...

SALVATIONIST ESSENTIAL READING FOR EVERYONE LINKED TO THE SALVATION ARMY 11 August 2012 No 1359 Price 60p PAGES 12 & 13 INSIDE THIS WEEK Territorial Commander opens new DHQ building Yorkshire PAGE 5 Former PM defends right of believers to speak out on policy Westminster PAGE 11 PLUS LOTS MORE!

Transcript of Salvationist 11 August 2012 - Amazon S3 · [email protected] SALVATIONIST 11 August...

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PAGES 12 & 13


Territorial Commander opens new DHQ buildingYorkshirePAGE 5

Former PM defends right of believers to speak out on policyWestminsterPAGE 11


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TERRITORIAL HEADQUARTERS Tel: 0845 634 0101SALVATIONIST 101 Newington Causeway, London SE1 6BN Tel: 020 7367 4890 Fax: 020 7367 4691 Email: [email protected] Web: registered newspaper published weekly by The Salvation Army (United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland) on behalf of the General of The Salvation Army and printed by benhamgoodheadprint Limited, Bicester, Oxon. © Linda Bond, General of The Salvation Army, 2012. The Salvation Army Trust is a registered charity. The charity number in England and Wales is 214779, in Scotland SC009359 and in the Republic of Ireland CHY6399.

EDITOR Major Stephen Poxon Tel: 020 7367 4901 MANAGING EDITOR Stephen Pearson Tel: 020 7367 4891 ASSISTANT EDITOR Major Jane Kimberley Tel: 020 7367 4892 ASSISTANT EDITOR Claire Anderson Tel: 020 7367 4894 EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Laura Barker Tel: 020 7367 4893 DTP DESIGNER Colin Potter Tel: 020 7367 4895 DTP OPERATOR Denise D’Souza Tel: 020 7367 4896 GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jonathan Carmichael Tel: 020 7367 4883 ADMINISTRATOR Stella Merino Tel: 020 7367 4881 ADVERTISING Tel: 020 7367 4883 Email: [email protected]

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An old photo booth has been converted into a ‘pray-o-mat’ where, instead of receiving four passport snaps, followers of different faiths can use the touch screen to listen to up to 300 prayers in 65 languages.The Times





A JOB WELL DONEStephen Timms MP, Labour’s Shadow Unemployment Secretary, has praised churches for giving hope to the unemployed. In a speech… he highlighted the role of church-run unemployment clubs and he reminded his audience that it was William Booth, Founder of The Salvation Army, who set up Britain’s first unemployment (sic) exchange.The Church Of England Newspaper

FOR GOD’S SAKENew Labour famously did not ‘do God’… but that did not stop the former Prime Minister from kneeling down to pray with members of The Salvation Army during a meeting…

‘At the end of the meeting one of them said: “We’re all going to kneel in prayer,” Mr Blair told the audience at the latest Westminster Faith Debate… ‘Two members of my office, who shall remain nameless, looked aghast… ‘One of them said: “Oh, for God’s sake” and I said: “Exactly.”From Notebook in The Tablet


A University of Oregon study has shown

that… societies where there is a strong belief

in eternal damnation have a measurably

lower crime rate than those where there is an

emphasis on eternal life in Heaven…

So fear of the consequences of behaving

badly makes people behave better? That

seems reasonable… though threatening

people with fire and brimstone for parking on

double yellow lines seems a little excessive.From Spy in Methodist Recorder




11 August 2012


Miranda Raison and Toby Stephens in ‘Vexed’


War CryTHE yyyyyyyyyFIGHTING FOR HEARTS AND SOULS Est 1879 No 7077


Olympic site legacyPage 8

BRINGINGTHEY’RE partners in crime, but only in the professional sense. DI Jack Armstrong

is back with new partner Georgina Dixon in the second series of BBC Two’s police comedy Vexed.

The hot-and-cold duo have been getting to grips with one another. Jack (Toby Stephens) says he prefers to


Turn to page 3



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My grandmother’s legs

NEWSPages 4 – 11 FelixstoweNorwichHadleighTrainingCollege Chester-le-StreetYorkshireTrowbridge SwedenandLatviaSunderlandMillfield TunstallWarehamTauntonDunstableMorley RiscaPrestonpansCirencesterScarborough HordenCambridgeCitadelLutonSouthport CradleyHeathBedfordDoncasterOakengates ShottonCollieryStanford-le-HopeEdinburgh ChalkFarmSherburnHillBourneWoodhouse TenbyHemelHempsteadDerbyCentralTHQ Westminster

FEATUREArt for heart’s sakePages 12 & 13

YOU’RE IN THE ARMY NOW God spoke and gave me peace Page 14

BIBLE STUDY Inspire new things Page 15

LETTERSPages 16 & 17


ANNOUNCEMENTSArmy people, engagements, tributes and picture caption competitionPages 20 & 21

ADVERTSPages 22 & 23

I SPENT a bit of time sleeping on the bedroom floor recently, in an attempt to rid myself of backache. For years, you see, I’ve slouched when I should

have sat up properly – at dinner tables, for example – and gone around stooping when I should have made the effort to walk in a more upright manner, perhaps carrying a book on my head. Now, it appears, I am doing what everyone said I would – reaping what I have sown and paying the price of my slovenly ways.

It would seem my spine has decided to do its own thing, resulting in pains shooting along my right leg. Painkillers are wonderful things – and so, to a degree, are floorboards – but I’d much rather leave them for other people to swallow and sleep on.

This all reminds me that my paternal grandmother, Ivy, was something of a martyr to sciatica and I’m beginning to wonder if I have inherited her legs. I’ve looked up sciatica and discovered it is caused by – among other things – herniation of the spinal disc or pregnancy. As I can fairly safely rule out the latter and I doubt the former, I’m sticking with Ivy’s legs. The general consensus of opinion is that I could do with being realigned.

In one of our last bedtime conversations before I left for the floor, my wife read aloud to me from her Jeff Lucas Bible notes. In them, Pastor Lucas wrote about the way in which worship realigns us to God. That is to say, worship reminds us of his sovereignty and his love and we once again see our proper place in the scheme of things – the logical extension, we might say, of Psalm 8:3 and 4.

It’s an important concept, helping us to regain perspective, to see trivia for what it is and – where necessary – all the pleasures of sin to resign.

No less a personage than General Frederick Coutts was of the opinion that much of what afflicts us as human beings (holistic creatures) stems from an incorrect understanding of God – fears, for example, that God can’t or won’t forgive us, leading (sometimes) to anxiety and even health problems. Or worries that we think our troubles are outwith God’s ability or interest. In a nutshell, Coutts believed some of the woes that beset us have spiritual roots – in other words, they hinge on our perception of God, most markedly on whether or not we believe God loves us. If not, realignment may help, especially on that crucial last point.

As for me, I shall continue to take heart from the third verse of song number 590 in our songbook – its entire meaning, but especially the third line.


‘The difference between man and the universe… does help him to cultivate a sense of proportion… this contrast must not oppress him… To argue that man is… of small account in God’s sight is like arguing that, in a case of fire, a mother should grab the mangle instead of the baby because it weighs more.’

(General Frederick Coutts, taken from Through The Year With Frederick Coutts)

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Auction raises funds for TrustFelixstoweAN Auction of Promises, organ-ised by Glen Little (Regent Hall) at his home corps, had 40 lots and raised £2,500 in memory of Mark Versey, a lifelong Salva-tionist who gave up a banking career to fulfil a calling to work with youngsters through Ambas-sadors in Sport. Mark, who was unexpectedly promoted to Glory at the age of 38, touched lives across the globe using his skills of football and communicating his Christian faith. A trust fund has been created to facilitate more of this work and assist young people to access Christian-based train-ing, development and leadership. Young people aged 21 or under can apply to the Trust for up to 50 per cent of the cost of their training. For more information contact The Mark Versey Trust Fund, 15 Paget Adams Drive, Dereham NR20 3SA or email matthew.peek@btopenworld .com – B. R.

Building bridges Hadleigh Training CentreCHIEF Secretary Colonel David Hinton, Colonel Sylvia Hinton, the Mayor of Castle Point (Councillor Peter Burch) and Divisional Commander Major

Carol Bailey were present for the reopening of Park Farm House following renovation.

A service of thanksgiving preceded the opening ceremony. Afterwards guests, including centre trainees, toured the new facility, which includes two

training suites, a computer suite, a life-skills suite and a purpose-built external classroom for the horticulture department.

Park Farm House is one of the original buildings purchased by William Booth in 1890. – N. A.

Fellowship choir hold fundraising concertNorwichTHE Norfolk Fellowship Choir, comprising Salvationists from various corps in Norfolk and Suffolk, participated in a concert in Witard Road Baptist church for the charity Hope and Light (UK), which provides schools and houses for orphaned children in a township near Cape Town.

The large audience thrilled to the varied programme. The choir’s contributions included ‘Lord, Be With Us As We Praise’ and ‘Over The Rainbow’. A number of soloists participated including, from Diss, Elayne Green (vocal) and Iain Sturgeon (clarinet), Malcolm Berry (tenor horn, Norwich Mile Cross) and Bridget Roper (Sheringham), who presented a humorous sketch.

The choir concluded with ‘The Passover Lamb’ and ‘The Prayer’. The evening raised more than £500. – J. M.

These are some of the young people at Chester-le-Street who celebrated their anniversary weekend with a Saturday evening programme, Sunday morning prizegiving and evening café church

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NEWSEmployment services exchange ideasSweden and LatviaEMPLOYMENT Plus UK Director Helen Robinson and Deputy Director Major Chris Sands visited Sweden to share ideas on the challenges of supporting unemployed people back into work. This followed a visit to the UK by Swedish officer Major Kjell Olausson on a fact-finding trip 18 months ago.

Helen and Major Sands visited the Municipal Social Service Offices, a men’s hostel and a Swedish trading company’s stores and warehouses. At Hising Corps, where there is an Employment Plus-style project, they were welcomed by the Mission Development Officer, Major Olausson, corps officer Major Christer Svensson, the staff who work with unemployed people at the corps and Ingerrd Backer-Meurke from the Employment Office (the Swedish equivalent of the Job centre). The corps has developed a partnership with the Employment Office through a programme that involves unemployed people spending a week on job-search activities, confidence-building, motiva-tional training and a week in a work placement until they move into paid employment or full-time work experience. The corps offers placements within the charity shop, corps activities or the warehouse and sorting depot.

Course tutor Petta Ljung-holm joined the discussions. Sharing his personal calling to this integrated ministry, he told the group he not only shares his skills but also his faith that God transforms lives. – C. S./H. R.

For more information visit

Territorial Commander opens new DHQ buildingYorkshireTERRITORIAL Commander Commissioner André Cox is pictured with Commissioner Silvia Cox at the official opening and dedication to God of the new divisional headquarters in Leeds. The TC said: ‘The sole aim of this building is to make a differ-ence in people’s lives and it will equip us to resource and develop our work across Yorkshire. We pray that these facilities will help the Kingdom of God to grow.’

Divisional Commander Lieut-Colonel Bill Heeley explained: ‘These new premises will be the

hub of the Army’s work. Our previous building lacked many of the necessary requirements for a modern office, such as training facilities, meeting and interview

rooms, storage space and an area for staff to dine. The new facility has enabled us to integrate staff who worked in a satellite office in Sheffield.’ – V. G.

A capacity audience enjoys Trowbridge’s Summer Festival Of Brass featuring South-Western Divisional Fellowship Band and guest vocalist Phil Webb (Gloucester); a collection raised £274 for Help for Heroes

United march provides impressive Christian witnessSunderland MillfieldADDITIONAL seating was needed to accommodate the large congregation assembled for the songster weekend, themed Pardon, Power And Praise. Derby Central Songsters introduced themselves on Saturday evening with the arrangement ‘Celebrate’. Choreo -

graphy and multimedia enhanced their powerful singing. A bass vocal solo ‘On Saturday Night’ recalled the early days of the Army’s mission.

Sunday began with a hospital visit (see picture), attracting people from many wards and a later united march provided an impressive Christian witness.

The weekend concluded with the home and visiting songsters uniting to sing the ‘Hallelujah’ chorus from Handel’s ‘Messiah’. – E. F.

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During a visit to the corps by Staines YP Band and Singing Company for YP anniversary meetings, Risca young people join with them to sing ‘Praise His Holy Name’

Songsters bring challengeTunstallDURING the Sunday visit by Wrexham Songsters, Songster Leader Colin Fisher led the holi-ness meeting which included rich, soulful singing, testimonies and a challenging address. The hall was filled for the afternoon festival, featuring contributions by the songsters emphasis-ing different aspects of Chris-tian life, plus instrumental and vocal soloists. The programme concluded with a united item with the host songsters, ‘Where I Love To Be’. – M. H.

Taunton children enjoy a fun day – as part of a new children’s programme – learning about the Good Shepherd with singing, games and shepherd’s pie

Chaos Club children at Prestonpans celebrate their infant school graduation; each child received a Diamond Jubilee edition of the New Testament

Corps officer Major Val Mylechreest (Boscombe) passes the Olympic Torch to a fellow torchbearer in Wareham; she was nominated to carry the torch for her hard work in keeping the Church in the community, particularly through her work with the parent-and-toddler group and BH1 community project

Young people joyfully praise GodDunstable SAFFRON Walden’s young people led the YP anniversary, themed What A Wonderful World God Has Created! Through song, sketches and multimedia presentations, they shared their love of God. Items by the Sonshine Puppets were particularly well received.

After a barbecue lunch the young people met for a praise meeting themed People Need The Lord. Cello, flute, clarinet and guitar solos complemented items by the host YP band and singing company. Dunstable YP Band’s playing of ‘Tomado De La Mano’ enabled most of the children present to join the percussion section as they joyfully praised God. – J. B.

The children from Activ8 and Tweenies for God at Morley take part in the YP anniversary Sunday morning meeting; Sarah Lawson (Sheffield Citadel) led the meeting

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Sports-themed weekendScarborough YPSM Hayley Booth led the young people’s annual weekend themed Team Sports, which focused on the need to work together to attain the best results. In the morning meeting members of the primary received their awards for attendance and Benjamin Booth received the Mildred Sharp trophy for receiv-ing top marks in the under-nines Bible exam.

In the evening meeting the sports theme continued with the congregation uniting for sports-based prayer sessions.

The juniors received their attendance awards and Joshua Barker was presented with the William Fletcher Trophy for Scripture knowledge.

The singing company sang in both meetings and the recently re-formed YP band played during the evening meeting.

Benjamin and Joshua are pic- tured with their awards. – J. M.

A guardian of the Olympic flame meets corps officer Captain Pam Pitt at Luton hall

Musicians farewell Prayer and Olympic TorchCambridge CitadelA BRASS quintet led the early-morning prayer meeting and songs of praise in the grounds of St Giles church as the Olympic Torch left the city via a punt on the River Cam. The quintet entertained the large crowds and led worship, during which they said farewell to the Prayer Torch, which is following the Olympic Torch around the country. – M. W.

A variety of people visit the Army stand during Luton carnival and torch weekend

Torchbearer Bob Anderson visits Horden’s Olympics-themed evening to share his experience of carrying the Olympic Torch; he was chosen to carry the torch because of his work with young people in the sporting world

Major John Waters acknowledges the service of Kath Hall as she retires after 25 years of assisting with Tunstall parent-and-toddler group

Cirencester Sunday Club members wear their medals after competing in the Olympic-themed course on becoming part of God’s team in order to represent him to others

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When rain prevents Stanford-le-Hope toddlers from going on an outing to Hadleigh Farm, they hold an indoor picnic at the hall

Fun-packed sports dayDoncasterTHIRTY-TWO children attended the More than Gold sports day, which included singing, craft activities and a quiz. Divisional Youth Officer Ryan Wileman arrived during the opening ceremony, bringing with him an Olympic Torch. He was a torch-bearer during the official Torch Relay.

Captains Keith and Vikki Burr (Nottingham Arnold) led Sunday worship and everyone was encouraged to make a praise poster, writing their praises to God. – C. W.

Over-60 club thrilled by visitCradley HeathSIX girls affected by the Cher-nobyl nuclear disaster visited the over-60 club. The girls, aged between 7 and 12 years old, were visiting England from Mogilev, a city on the Ukraine border where the 1986 disaster occurred. They were hosted by families from Bethel Church in Blackheath to offer the young people an annual, one-month recuperative holiday, as part of a five-year programme to help to build up their immune systems.

During their stay each child

Waterways appreciates band’s ministryBedford BEDFORD Congress Hall Band once again supported the Waterways Chaplaincy at the Historic Boats Event at Braunston Marina. Many contacts were made and friendships renewed.

The ministry of the band is greatly appreciated by the boating community and follows on from the Army’s tradition of service on the canals. Chairman of the Canal and River Trust (formerly British Waterways) Tony Hales presented a cheque for £500 to Captain Jenny Dibsdall (Senior Waterways Chaplain) on behalf of the Marina. – J. D.

Salvationist district governor for RotaryOakengatesDIVISIONAL Commander Major Samuel Edgar led the dedi-

cation service for Trevor Davies (pictured with his wife Robin) as District Governor for Rotary International District 1210.

During the service Alan Olver spoke of the support given by Rotary to the corps Kip Project for homeless people. – M. H.

received medical checks funded by donations and enjoyed a range of activities, including school visits, a trip to the botani-cal gardens and Drayton Manor theme park.

The girls delighted club members with their singing and dancing. A collection raised more than £100 for the Friends Of Chernobyl’s Children charity. – L. H.

Salvationists support OlympicsSouthportTWO corps members were selected to support the Olym-pics. Deputy Bandmaster Keith Neilson was the group leader responsible for security teams in the Olympic Park. Keith has an extensive background of working in security.

Jean Taylor expressed an interest in becoming an Ambas-sador to London some years ago. Following a series of written applications, a 500-word essay and several interviews, she was finally selected from 34,500 applicants. Ambassa-dors assisted visitors in London throughout the Olympic Games. – G. M.

Shotton Colliery: Margaret Fletcher received flowers and gifts from the parent-and-toddler group when she retired after 22 years’ faithful service. – D. B.

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Charity bike rideEdinburghMAJOR Ray Brown (Regent Hall, pictured right) and Jona-than Tribble (South-Western DHQ) took on the challenge of a non-stop, 37-hour, two-man cycling relay from Buckingham Palace to the Palace of Holy-roodhouse, Edinburgh.

The friends started the 440- mile route alongside 10 other teams and tackled strong winds. Some riders sustained nasty inju-ries caused by the harsh weather conditions.

Having been responsible for cycling 220 miles each, Major Brown and Jonathan arrived in Scotland intact and were welcomed by a sign made by Major Brown’s grandchildren.

The two riders raised approxi-mately £4,300. Overall the team raised £30,000 in aid of Orchid, a male cancer charity. – R. B.

Trek raises fundsChalk FarmCORPS folk took part in a 100 km sponsored walk to raise £1,500 for a Salvation Army outpost in Brazil.

The eight walkers started their trek in Petersfield and then followed the South Downs Way to Brighton. Five of the group walked part of the route, while the remaining three tackled the full distance, completing the 62-mile course in 25 hours and 15 minutes.

The group consisted of Salva-tionists, men associated with the corps drop-in centre and friends. The money raised will go towards new facilities in Jardim Nakamura. – C. B.

Children enjoy anniversary celebrationSherburn HillNEARLY 100 children and parents supported the Kids Club anniver-sary which included a picnic in the hall car park. Members of brown-ies, rainbows, Sally’s Songs and Kids Club joined in games, quizzes and songs. Young People’s Sergeant-Major Dorothy Usher taught them that The First Shall Be Last And The Last Shall Be First. – D. E.

Ann Crump – a stalwart supporter of officers and the corps, and a great prayer warrior – retires as corps sergeant-major at Bourne after 15 years’ service; she is pictured with corps officers Majors Heather and Richard Durrant

Seafarers remembered in uplifting meetingTenbyMAJORS Bernie and Stephen Westwood (Pentre) and Pentre Songsters led Sea Sunday. An uplifting meeting reminded the congregation of their debt to seafarers. Afterwards an

open-air meeting was held on the esplanade. In the after-noon Pentre Songsters joined the host corps and nearby churches to salute and cele-

brate the work of the RNLI and Tenby Lifeboats. In the evening a capacity crowd enjoyed a music and praise evening. – M. C.

Children learn about the ArmyWoodhouse CHILDREN from Brunswick Community Primary School learnt about The Salvation Army in an Ultimate Church Visit at the corps. Different zones – ranging from Bible, Music, Homelessness and International – helped them understand the Army’s work. – C. W.

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Corps shines during torch relayHemel HempsteadTHE corps opened its refur-bished community lounge to offer refreshments to crowds of people during the Olympic Torch Relay. The songsters and band were invited to play in the performance area and special editions of Kids Alive! and The War Cry were distributed. – L. R.

Corps appreciates guest leadersDerby CentralCORPS folk were treated to a diverse variety of meeting leaders – including DHQ staff, corps members and friends from nearby corps – following the retirement of corps officers Majors Freda and Ted Benneyworth.

Bandmaster Richard Phillips (piano, Ketter-ing) led a thought-provoking musical evening. He openly shared his highs and lows in his walk with the Lord and gave the assurance, through his sensitive playing, that God will make all things beautiful ‘In His Time’.

Ruth Hunter and Sharon Page transformed the hall for the Founders’ Day meeting, creating a vibrant display (see picture). – D. W.

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NEWSFormer PM defends right of believers to speak out on policyWestminsterAT the Central Hall, London, former Prime Minister Tony Blair, writer and former Daily Telegraph Editor Charles Moore and the Archbishop of Canter-bury, Dr Rowan Williams, offered perspectives from the State, churches and media in a debate on Religion In Public Life – part of a series of debates on Religion And Society. More than 400 people attended the event, which was chaired by Charles Clarke.

At the beginning of the even-ing a small group of anti-war protesters outside the hall made their sentiments towards the former PM clear as they chanted various slogans, citing Mr Blair ‘war criminal’ and declaring ‘blood on hands’.

Away from the mêlée, Charles Clarke asked the panel to consider how religion fits into public life and Mr Blair empha-sised the importance of dialogue in a multi-faith society – some-thing which would bring knowl-edge and understanding as opposed to ignorance breeding fear. He defended the right of people of faith to speak on key policy issues and shared the story of how a Salvationist had unashamedly prayed for him and his colleagues when they were in the Opposition.

The Archbishop emphasised the Church’s place in public life, particularly when at work in traumatised communities, giving the example of a visit he had made to Coleford, where the community had been impacted by the stabbing of three children and the death of their father. ‘The vicar organised a book of condolence. It was the local clergy who went into the schools and spoke with children and their parents,’ he stated.

During a question-and-answer session Assistant Public Affairs Adviser Gareth Wallace (THQ) asked Tony Blair to comment on the Gambling Bill, which he supported as Prime Minister and The Salvation Army opposed, and asked how his faith influ-

enced his decision. Mr Blair responded by saying he did not agree with The Salvation Army’s position, but reiterated his earlier comments that people should be able to articulate their views from a faith perspective. He concluded: ‘In the end I, as Prime Minister, should take a decision on what I genuinely believe to be in the interests of the country.’

The Archbishop admitted, when adopting a view in accor-dance with his faith, that he did

Picture: P





not expect people automatically to accept from whose authority he speaks. ‘Those arguments are important to have well, with clarity and with charity… If I do believe assisted dying or gambling or various other things are not in accord with God’s will for human beings… I’d want to have the argument.’

Similarly, Mr Blair reflected on the importance in the quality of discourse, noting: ‘It’s neces-sary for people to understand

that reasonable people can disagree – it doesn’t make you a bad person, it just means that you disagree with each other. I don’t think there should be any restraint on religious people putting forward their view… they’re absolutely entitled to do that.’ – C. A.

To view the debate online visit /faith_debates/public_life (Other debates in the series are also available.)

Staff raise funds for Army workTHQON the day of the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games staff dressed in sports gear and donated money for the Army’s sports ministry work. Also, Scotsman Lieut-Colonel Ivor Telfer (Secretary for Business Administration), who had earlier joked he would wear an England football shirt if his colleagues raised more than £100, raised around £200 for the work.

Olympic Torchbearer Major Val Mylechreest (Adult and Family Ministries Officer) dressed in her torchbearer track-suit and took the Torch around the building, raising more than £150 for The Salvation Army’s Growing Hope helping-hand appeal.

Major Mylechreest is pictured with Lieut-Colonel Telfer. – C. A.

Picture: JU





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experience of worship

for thousands who gather

week by week in churches and

cathedrals – and often helps casual visitors to

appreciate Bible stories. Indeed, some Salvation Army halls feature

such windows. They can – literally and metaphorically – shine light upon great

Christian truths, depicting static likenesses of heroes of the faith or illustrating valiant deeds

with vibrant colour. Perhaps more so in days gone by than in modern times, manufacturers of stained-glass

windows and finely crafted icons offered their artistic skills as acts of worship; their very creation became a meaningful spiritual

experience – often, the humble, sawdust-strewn workshop became a place of consecration; perhaps echoes of Bethlehem and a carpenter’s bench, where the dust and toil of human activity is touched with the divine.

Salvationists might eschew notions of ornately decorated buildings filled with paintings and polished brasses in favour

of – by and large – plainer places of worship and more functional options, but The Salvation Army is perhaps not so austere and puritan in its approach as all that. Take, for example, our flag, with its deeply symbolic yellow, red and blue – a work of art in itself – not to mention the shining stainless steel flagpole tops representing corps and sections with intricately carved initials. How many corps still boast a mercy seat bearing a gilt legend that would

be the pride of many a professional signwriter? Many of our halls feature home league banners that might have become so familiar over the years as to seem almost invisible, but which are rich in artwork and convey a wealth of meaning. And how about some of our holiness tables and ‘platform chairs’, lovingly crafted and adorned with crests?

IS it sometimes the case that art – modern, contemporary art in particular – is regarded by some as alien and even upsetting? There are people, for example, who visit a new gallery in the hope of feasting their eyes – and souls – on a masterpiece or two, only to leave disappointed or puzzled.

Such experiences are not confined to galleries! Invite even just half a dozen Salvationists to comment on whether they prefer Army buildings, letter headings and items of uniform to be ‘blessed with the crest’ or ‘sealed with the shield’ and you are guaranteed a robust division of opinion! Salvationist itself is by no means exempt from that debate, with some readers feeling the crest should figure more prominently on its pages and others much preferring the red shield.

For other believers, whose faith is inspired, informed and nourished by images, icons, statues and sculptures, art is not a matter of denominational symbolism so much as an attempt to capture personal faith in paint, woodwork, stone or even jewellery.

The artistry on display in stained-glass windows enhances the

Major Stephen Poxon visits the gallery of art representing God

‘Art is not a matter of denominational

symbolism so much as an attempt to

capture personal faith’

experienceof worship

for thousandswho gather

week by week in churches and

cathedrals – and often helps casual visitors to

appreciate Bible stories. Indeed, some Salvation Army halls feature

such windows. They can – literally and metaphorically – shine light upon great

Christian truths, depicting static likenessesof heroes of the faith or illustrating valiant deeds

with vibrant colour. Perhaps more so in days gone by than in modern times, manufacturers of stained-glass

windows and finely crafted icons offered their artistic skills asacts of worship; their very creation became a meaningful spiritual

experience – often, the humble, sawdust-strewn workshop

Major Stephen Poxon visits the gallery of art representing God

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SALVATIONIST 11 August 2012 13

is not a million miles away from the ‘S’s found on a Salvation Army uniform, which speak of a commitment to a cause and a submission to a higher authority.

The Cleveland Banner, incidentally, belonging to the Cleveland District of the Associated Iron and Steel Workers in the North East of England, includes the embroidered text, ‘Come, let us reason together’, taken from Isaiah 1:18.

One of the most striking examples of Christian art is found in Durham Cathedral. The brass pelican lectern, enriched with fine filigree work and adorned with crystals and amethysts

– shades of the wise men paying homage to the infant Jesus with the finest offerings they could bring – depicts a pelican

scratching at its breast with its beak, so as to feed its chicks with its own lifeblood. The Christian symbolism is profound and speaks powerfully of Christ shedding his blood on Calvary. An Army

connection arises in that the ancient lectern was designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott, grandfather of Sir Giles Gilbert Scott, the architect responsible for the design of William Booth College.

Faith expressed in art is, of course, by no means confined to these shores. In a church in Ethiopia, for example, in an area where 90 per cent of the people are illiterate, the Stations of the Cross – 14 paintings or carvings illustrating ‘The Way of the Cross’ undertaken by Christ – help worshippers to understand the gospel message. Not only that, but the church walls are decorated with scenes from the Bible – including some demons! – and a storyteller relates the narrative behind the pictures. The artist responsible, known simply as Melak – who has painted 55 churches – says: ‘God has asked us to make sure the health of the Church continues and the Bible lives on in the Church pictorially.’

[email protected]

The Salvation Army’s, incidentally, is by no means the only flag representing Christian faith with the artistry of tapestry and embroidery. Many readers will recall, as I do, the days of church parades when large banners – similar to those of trade unions – were carried, supported by wooden poles, through towns as a witness. There is actually an officially recognised Christian flag, designed to represent Christianity and most popular in North America, Africa and Latin America. The flag has a white body, with a red cross inside a blue corner square. The red – in exactly the same way as an Army flag – represents the blood of Christ, the blue represents the waters of baptism and the white – like the blue surround on our flag – symbolises the total purity of God. The white background also stands for surrender to Christ, emulating the white flag in warfare internationally recognised as a symbol of surrender. This notion

Picture: TH





























‘God has asked us to make sure the health of the

Church continues and the Bible lives on in the Church


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I AM a widow. My husband died in 1997 after 39 years of marriage. Two years later, I received a telephone call telling me to go to hospital urgently. My

daughter, Janet – who managed a life of illness and learning difficulties – had passed away.

Holding Janet’s lifeless body, I kissed her goodbye and somehow managed to stutter the Lord’s Prayer. At that time, I thought prayers were like poems and they had to be learnt. I sincerely believe it was at this time that God found me – such a peace came over me and the Lord has never left me since.

After a cup of tea with the friend who had very kindly driven me to hospital, I sat alone in my kitchen and spoke to God – my first ‘personal’ prayer for years.

I remember praying: ‘My hands are empty now, Lord. I have nothing to do, no one to care for. Please fill my hands with work.’ And he did!

I started to go along to my local parish church and God gave me a lovely church family there – I followed the Alpha course and served on the church council, staying with the church for ten good years.

It then crossed my mind that I could ‘give something back’ to the people working in the social services, who had helped me to look after my daughter for many years. I wanted to repay all the kindness that had been shown to me, so I turned my house into a respite care home for people with learning difficulties. Doing that was a joy, but I’m afraid it became a bit too much for me after a while. However, I remember one young man who was to stay with me noticing the fish symbol on my front door and shouting: ‘I’m a Christian!’ We were friends from that moment.

Instead of opening my home, I joined the panel of my local council, helping council officials decide on respite placements. I also involved myself in Age UK’s hospital discharge scheme, visiting elderly people who had just left hospital and were – like me – by themselves.

Believe it or not, I visited Peru and Thailand, going to see an orphanage and a school and doing what I could to encourage a missionary friend.

However, it is Africa that has claimed a special place in my heart. I was privileged to visit a township where the children were being taught English. I wanted to bring them all home with me!

One thing led to another, and one day I was stopped in my tracks when I came across my mother’s old Salvation Army songbook. I found it on the anniversary of Janet’s death and it tells me that ‘Sis F. Watterson’ was presented with the book by ‘Sis L. Morley’. It is all I have of my mother, as she died giving birth to me.

My curiosity aroused, I decided to find out more about The Salvation Army and, one day, saw the corps officer from nearby Ilkeston selling The War Cry. I made up my mind to investigate what it would be like to worship at the Army.

Walking through the door of the hall for the very first time, I sensed an immediate connection with my mother and felt that God had led me to the corps. Not many people were there, but they made me feel so welcome. I began to attend regularly, I joined the Bible study group, became an adherent member and now I am a uniformed soldier. I also work in the Army’s charity shop.

Having experienced great sorrow, I am now so blessed and feel God’s kindness daily. I would like to place on record my gratitude to everyone who helped me along the road with love, prayers, advice and smiles.

Evelyn worships at Ilkeston

God spokeand gave mepeaceContinuing the series where readers tell how they first came into contact with The Salvation Army, Evelyn Wharmby shares her story

‘I turned my house into a respite care

home for people with learning difficulties’

‘I decided to find out more about The Salvation Army... I made up my mind to

investigate what it would be like to worship at

the Army’

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SO far this year we have seen many large sporting events. I have experienced the heartache of England being

knocked out on penalties from the Uefa European Football Championship and Andy Murray going so close to winning at Wimbledon and the excitement of the brilliantly dynamic London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Everywhere you look you see sport. It’s been flooding our newspapers, our conversations and our televisions. We may even have joined in some sport ourselves.

Sport is huge! We simply can’t escape it – and, as Christians, nor should we want to. All too often we look at an outreach opportunity and think it’s irrelevant to us. Some will look at sports ministry and think: ‘I’m not sporty – that’s not for me.’

People often associate ‘sports ministry’ with being on a sports team, forgetting the numerous ways in which they could help: administration, providing refreshments, washing kit, encouraging from the sidelines and providing first aid or acting as club treasurer, social planner or driver and, of course, praying. There’s something for everyone.

Sports ministry doesn’t need to be complicated. It can be as easy as going

for a walk or a jog with a friend and talking with them along the way.

Sports ministry is not about the sport we play – it’s about connecting with people.

I would encourage Salvationists to take hold of the enthusiasm and excitement found in sport and branch out into this ministry. Isaiah says: ‘See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the

wasteland’ (43:19 all quotations from New International Version).

Sports ministry is a fantastic vehicle for outreach! Sport captures the imagination and appeals to people of all backgrounds and situations. Many of those in the ‘wilderness’ find solace and enjoyment in it. Sport removes barriers such as language and wealth or status and provides a way

to the gospel – a refreshing stream to those in the ‘wastelands’. Newcomers to a sports group feel able to express themselves in a familiar environment, finding a sense of belonging as they build up friendships and relationships without the perceived threat of entering a church building.

However, sports ministry is so much more than just evangelism. It’s an effective way of discipling people, instilling them with good life values through their conduct on the sports field.

It can also be viewed as a personal and collective form of worship. God takes pleasure when we give back to him the gifts and abilities that he has given to us. Our sporting participation, if built upon the correct motivation and executed in the right way, reflects the very nature of God: being fair and just, full of grace, love and compassion.

Perhaps this year of sporting events has inspired you to action. I don’t write with the aim of inspiring wholesale change in what we do and who we are – I believe that all corps operate with good intentions and want to do God’s work – but I do want to see a generation of Salvationists inspired to save souls, to be disciplined and to witness. I want to see a generation of non-Christians inspired to reach out and explore Christianity, to take a step towards Christ in an age when it is difficult to do so.

To make this happen, I believe we need to listen to the voice of God and be aware of where he wants us to be. In John 21 we read: ‘[Jesus] called out to them, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?” “No,” they answered. He said: “Throw your net

on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish’ (vv5 and 6).

Sometimes we need to hear the Lord say: ‘Keep doing what you’ve always been doing – saving souls – but try doing it this way.’ We can be guilty of casting our nets in the

same place again and again – and then be surprised when we don’t catch any fish.

Maybe – just maybe – God is using this year of sport to encourage Salvationists to locate a few more fish. The challenge is to go out and look for them.

Nathan is Assistant to the More than Gold Co-ordinator, THQ

Inspire newthingsNathan Bright concludes his three-part series for the Olympics

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‘Sport is huge! We simply can’t escape it – and, as Christians, nor

should we want to’

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Interpreting perfectionMAJOR David Cavanagh (Salvationist 7, 14 and 21 July) is right to be concerned that the doctrine of holiness has been seriously distorted by the tendency of the Authorised Version in particular, to translate and its associated words with the word ‘perfect’.

In fact, the Greek word has several meanings, all of which help to make the doctrine less forbidding and therefore more accessible.

Its predominant meaning is ‘whole or complete’ as in the prayer of Jesus for his disciples in John 17:23 – ‘brought to complete unity’. It can also mean ‘mature’ as in 1 Corinthians 14:20 – ‘in your thinking be adults’. It also means ‘fulfilled’ or ‘accomplished’ as in 2 Timothy 4:7 where Paul writes: ‘I have finished the race’. And, of course, ‘effective’ or ‘fit for purpose’ as pointed out by Major Cavanagh.

The proper translation is not always apparent and at times the translator, being unsure, simply relies on ‘perfect’, but in many instances these translations are helpful. Often the translators do not agree with each other, which is a useful reminder that to some degree or other all translations of the extant Greek texts are interpretations.John Waters,Major,Biddulph Moor

Commissioning DVDs pleaseI REALLY would like to obtain copies of the Commissioning DVDs prior to 2009.

Maybe a Salvationist reader might have one of these DVDs and would be willing to let me have it.

Thank you.Dorothy Turner,21 Sally Noggin Road Lower,GlenagearyMobile 00353 86 1679300Landline 003031 202 4844

Souvenir spoonsTHE article on Salvation Army souvenirs (Salvationist 14 July) prompted me to send a couple of pictures. These are of spoons and a serviette my wife was given recently.

There are six spoons – three of William Booth and three of Catherine Booth. Also in the box with the spoons is a serviette which has printed on it: ‘Souvenir in Commemoration of the Celebration of The Salvation Army 58th Anniversary Held in Trafalgar Square, Saturday 23 June 1923’.

Further down it says: ‘Today The Salvation Army celebrates its 58th anniversary. Four detachments of Salvationists, each of 1,000 strong, will

march in procession from four quarters of London, uniting in Trafalgar Square for a meeting under the instructions of General Booth. At 3 pm the respective contingents will rally at Hyde Park Corner, Euston Square, Finsbury Circus and Kennington Park.

‘Living tableaux depicting many aspects of the Army’s work in different lands, will be shown on 24 lorries.

‘General Booth will review the combined forces at 4.30 pm and afterwards speak from the plinth of Nelson’s Column.’Graham Curlew,Sheringham

The Lord blessed the two JohnsIT was very interesting to read Christopher Priest’s letter (Salvationist 21 July) about the original production of Take-over Bid, written and produced by the then Captains John Gowans and John Larsson.

My husband and three young sons, who sang ‘Hundreds And Thousands’, were very involved from the start and enjoyed every minute of the production. Obviously I had a strong interest in the whole presentation.

We all wondered what the reaction would be. Mrs Captain Gisèle Gowans and I sat in the audience of active officers for the first performance. We were very anxious as to how it would be accepted and, as Christopher suggested, a few people immediately left the hall.

However, as the musical progressed a feeling of acceptance and approval surrounded us. The applause at the conclusion was amazing and Gisèle and I stood with tears in our eyes along with many officers around us.

Yes, it was the commencement of a time of change and I believe the Lord was in it all. I will never cease to be grateful for the two Johns and their commitment to the Lord through the Army. I think about them often in these days.Doreen Caffull,Lieut-Colonel,Bournemouth

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We need to rediscover ourselvesTHERE has been some discussion in Salvationist on the subject of ‘Change or die’. These terms are far from lightweight. Jesus died because he wouldn’t change and in so doing changed the world. The simple change-or-die message feels offensive to the fact of his sacrificial death. The gospel message is clear that dying is relative to living. We need to understand the term rather than to use it simply in a self-preservation context.

Change is not becoming something else. As individuals we can change only by becoming more ourselves, the selves that God made and intended. We are born again, we do not become like someone else we admire or respect. The Salvation Army does not need to become something else; it needs to rediscover itself. Looking to other churches is not the answer. The Salvation Army did not do that in the beginning and will not survive by attempting to do that now.

None of this is about the survival of bands, songsters, crests, flags or uniforms or waving our hands in the air and dancing in the aisles. If we are to be changed it will be by a return to our spiritual and radical beginnings. That is our essential nature.Cliff Howes,Harlow

Bishop moved in with PriestTHE Comment headed ‘If you ever go across the sea…’ (Salvationist 21 July) referred to a Pope who became a Salvationist.

I was reminded of the occasion when Major and Mrs Joseph Priest, then stationed at St Helier Corps in the Channel Islands, were joined for a summer appointment by Cadet Clive Bishop!

I’m told the local people were already a touch confused by a Major Priest. Cadet Bishop just added to the fun!Michael Thierry,Boscombe

Salvation is our businessWE know that The Salvation Army was formed by the Lord. As it lived up to its foundations down through the years, thousands of people found the Lord. Unfortunately many feel that, in recent times, these essential commitments for the Army’s existence have diminished considerably.

In many corps, salvation meetings no longer take place and open-air meetings are just a recorded item of corps history.

So, how can we still be a ‘salvation’ Army?

One of our presentation priorities from our foundation was our crest presenting the gospel through blood and fire, the ‘S’ of salvation and the cross, etc. Down through the years when asked to go and speak at other church gatherings about the work of the Army, I felt it a tremendous advantage to use the crest as an illustration, and through it present the gospel.

Our young people today receive little or no scriptural teaching on behaviour through their education.

In the beginning of our officership, we commenced our first appointment with a Sunday school of more than 100 children. This was not unusual in those days.

When the grants towards Sunday school transportation were cancelled, I remember saying: ‘This will kill off Sunday schools.’ Unfortunately in so many places I have been proved correct!

Very few corps have large Sunday schools – and few have directory meetings, corps cadets or even youth clubs. The effect has been detrimental on singing companies and YP bands.

We were formed with our top priority as evangelism. Unfortunately in a vast number of corps throughout our country, this no longer applies. Catherine Booth had what appeared to be a sense of prophecy in this respect, and said what God should do when it would actually happen.

Catherine said: ‘You want a real, living embodiment of Christianity over again, and if The Salvation Army is not going to be that, may God put it out! I would certainly be willing to pronounce the funeral oration of the Army if I did not believe it was going to be that. The world is dying for this.’

Even the Founder himself, in one of his

best-known quotes, said: ‘When The Salvation Army ceases to be a militant body of red-hot men and women whose supreme business is the saving of souls, I hope it will vanish utterly!’

Some time ago, I was invited to a corps in our division to lead an open-air meeting in the town centre.

For me it was a tremendous encouragement to see people standing around listening as the gospel went forth in word and song. After I’d sung ‘It Is No Secret’, a woman came to me and told me how she’d been saved some years before through the singing of that very song. Our job is to sow the seed – it is the Lord who gives the increase!

In the Journal Of Aggressive Christianity in 2005, Commissioner Wesley Harris asked, in the heading of his article: ‘Will the real Salvationists please stand up?’

He said: ‘William Booth has been described as the first Salvationist but, with the greatest respect, I would argue that the first Salvationist was Jesus – the one of whom it was said: “He will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21 NIV). And true Salvationists, by definition, are those who share in the same saving purpose.’

Near the end of his article the commissioner said: ‘I thought, what a tragedy it would be if ever we only had the army – the bands, the banners, the organisation, the uniform – but not the salvation.’

In our early days of officership, it was so very important that the unsaved were encouraged to come into our meetings so they could hear the message of salvation and transformation. That need is still as great today as it was then.

Thank God many Salvationists are finding tremendous encouragement through the ministry of General Linda Bond, and thank God the Lord is working through her to spiritually rebuild our modern Army.Victor Ross,Major,Greenock

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Carol AndersonMarie Sillars

Alex DixonAdherent members

IRVINECAROL was brought up in the Army. When her family moved she went to other churches, but eventually stopped attending. In recent years she came back to the Lord and attends house group meetings on the Isle of Arran where she lives.

Marie also lives on Arran and came to faith through attending an Alpha course, Nooma and Bible study. She hosts weekly house group meetings in her home.

Alex went to the Army years ago when he was going through a difficult period in his life. He was saddened when the hall closed and returned as soon as he realised that it had re-opened. He regularly attends worship, prayer meetings and Bible study, and enjoys helping where he can.

Divisional Commander Major Russell Wyles welcomed Carol, Marie and Alex as adherent members. – L. A.

Tom BurrAdherent member

SLOUGHCORPS officer Lieutenant Marie Burr welcomed her son Tom as an adherent member. Tom enjoys playing an active part in the corps, in the band and by helping to run youth and family activities. He also plays in the divisional youth band. – J. W.

Ellie WomackElizabeth WhelptonSoldiers

SHEFFIELD CITADELELLIE was taken to the corps by her grandparents and has been a valued member of the Sunday school and singing company.

Elizabeth belongs to a Salvationist family. In her testimony she thanked all the people who had been an influence on her life. She played the tenor horn solo ‘Rondo’ accompanied by the YP band.

Corps officers Majors Liliane and Paul Westlake enrolled Ellie and Elizabeth as soldiers. – G. B.

Tom RuddleDaphne RuddleAdherent members

SWINDON GORSE HILLTOM and Daphne were welcomed as adherent members by corps officer Major Fred Thompson. They attended luncheon club a few years ago, and as a result of the warm welcome they received decided to attend Sunday meetings too. They received much encouragement and support from Major Thompson and decided to become adherent members before the officer took up his new appointment. – L. B.

Nick OliverSoldier

Dot Jupp Matt OliverAdherent members

WICKFORD NICK has been on a spiritual journey during the last year and felt called to be a soldier. He also wanted to commit some of his time to work for the Army and has been accepted on ALOVE’s Essential programme.

Matt, Nick’s twin, decided to become an adherent member after taking part in membership classes. Dot has attended the corps for a number of years, and in her testimony spoke of God moving in her life and how the corps had become her spiritual home.

Corps officer Major Brian Miller enrolled Nick as a soldier and welcomed Matt and Dot as adherent members. – B. M.

Kwaku Boakye-DankwaKwebena Boakye-DankwaJunior soldiers

HILLINGDONKWAKU and Kwebena attend the corps with their parents and younger sister. They were enrolled as junior soldiers by corps officer Captain Jayne Nicoll. In the same meeting other junior soldiers renewed their promises. – J. K.

Margaret BarwellAdherent member

LEICESTER SOUTHDESPITE her early upbringing, Margaret had little room or time for church. When she applied to become manager of the corps charity shop she came into contact with a Salvationist volunteer and temporary shop supervisor Major Gary Rockey-Clewlow.

Margaret’s happy zeal and enthusiasm soon found an echo in corps life and she gladly accepted the invitation to make a commitment. During his final meeting at the corps, associate officer Major Rockey-Clewlow welcomed Margaret as an adherent member. – B. B.

Maureen MillsRosemary ParrottAdherent members

PETERBOROUGH CITADELMAUREEN and Rosemary took part in the Start course at the corps day centre and both chose to make a commitment. Corps officer Major Beth Maddern welcomed them as adherent members. – B. R.

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Robert KnightSoldier

Geoffrey WrightElizabeth Robinson

Elena RodgersAdherent members

SUTTON IN ASHFIELDROBERT recently returned to the Army and was very keen to recommit his life to Jesus and renew his covenant as a soldier. He has shown great strength of character and determination and was re-enrolled as a soldier by corps officer Lieutenant Margaret Gargett.

Geoff visited the lunch club and was invited to Sunday meetings, which he has attended for some time. He enjoys the fellowship, loves listening to the band and was delighted to be welcomed as an adherent member.

Liz returned to the Army after some time away and is keen to be more committed and hopes, in time, to become a soldier. She is encouraging her husband to attend the meetings.

Elena loves to go to the meetings where she enjoys the friendship. Lieutenant Gargett welcomed Geoff, Liz and Elena as adherent members. – K. L.

Dan BateEmily Bate

Adam DelamereEmma JeffriesSoldiers

Jack AndertonAdherent member

PRESTONSIBLINGS Dan and Emily grew up in the corps. Dan will shortly be going to university and Emily will start college. Their cousin, Jack, has attended the corps all his life.

Adam and Emma regularly attended the corps while studying at the University of Central Lancashire. Emma is continuing her studies and Adam has recently secured a job in Preston.

Dan, Emily, Jack, Adam and Emma were able to share their experience of faith in the meeting where they were supported by family and friends.

Corps officer Major Carole Babstock enrolled the new soldiers and welcomed Jack as an adherent member. – A. F.

Michaela ParkSoldier

GLENROTHESMICHAELA was a junior soldier for many years, and after much thought decided it was time to move forward and take the step of senior soldiership. She knows it might be a difficult path, but is committed to doing her best for the Lord. – D. H.

Shirley Hodges Adherent member

UPPER NORWOODWITH her two brothers, Shirley was sent to Brixton Corps as a child and continued to attend the corps until it closed when she was 25. She started visiting the lunch club at Upper Norwood, which led her to attend the Sunday morning meetings. In her testimony she said it took 50 years for her to return to the Army, but affirmed: ‘I’ve finally made it!’ She is looking forward to expressing her faith with her friends and corps members.

Shirley was welcomed as an adherent member by Major Marion Wright. – R. C.

Anne GilbertSoldier

STOWMARKETANNE was an active member of the Anglican Church for more than 20 years. At a low time in her life she went to the corps, where she received such a warm welcome she decided to make the Army her church and became an adherent member. The Lord’s calling to soldiership came when corps officer Major Diane Henderson preached on taking risks. Anne felt compelled to go to the mercy seat to acknowledge God’s call. In her testimony she praised God’s greatness for what he has done for her.

Former corps officer Major Barbara Wilson supported Anne during her enrolment, which was conducted by Major Henderson. – M. B.

Catherine StarkesSoldier

Samuel SmithJunior soldier

BOSCOMBECATHERINE gave thanks to all who had supported her during her formative years. She testified to having heard God’s voice on New Year’s Eve, telling her it was time to make the commitment to soldiership. She is proud to wear a uniform handed down from her grandmother, who has been promoted to Glory and who was a great influence in her life.

Samuel read the junior soldier’s promise with clarity. He was supported by parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, all of whom have been connected to the corps for many years.

Catherine and Samuel were enrolled by corps officer Major Val Mylechreest. – R. C.

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ANNOUNCEMENTSGolden: SL David and HLS Mrs Gladys Smith,

Sherburn Hill (18 August); Peter and Mrs Ann

Ware, Skewen (25 August).


Imogen Olivia, daughter of Bandsman Daniel and

Songster Ruth Beattie, at Norwich Citadel by

Douglas and Ann Beattie.


Mrs Major Betty Moir of her brother Robert;

Douglas MacDonald, Rutherglen, of his mother

Jean; Songster Olive Ricou of her husband

Leslie, Gordon, Lynette and Alistair Ricou of their

father, all St Helier; Glenys Thompson, Castleford,

of her father Rtd BM Harry Colley; HLS Ruth

Atherton, Burnley, of her husband Jeff, Paul

Atherton, Wigan, and Lynne Atherton of their



Birthday congratulations: Lieut-Colonel Hugh

Nimmo, Glenrothes (103 on 16 August); Major

Joan Stubbington, Hadleigh (80 on 18 August).

Retirement addresses: Majors Chris and Mike

Sebbage, Orpington ; Majors Christine and Colin

Edwin, Lower Slaughter; Major Martha Carter,

Potterspury; Majors Brian and Janis Lowndes,



S/Reservist Elsie McAllister, Parkhead; Laura

Bullock, Burton upon Trent.


Territorial Ecumenical Officer Major John Read

has been awarded a PhD by the University of

Manchester for research undertaken at the

Nazarene Theological College into the theology of

Catherine Booth, co-founder of The Salvation



CSM Keith Joy, Harlow; CSM Brian Dunn, CT

Peggy Roper, YPSM Luanne Gibbons, Pill.


CSM Pete Brewer (after 23 years), CT Pauline

Brewer (after 30 years), Pill.


Bandsman/Songster Sergei Grinsted to

Songster Samantha Lee at Winton by Lieutenant

Ashley Prodgers.


Blue sapphire (65th): Rtd SL Gordon and Mrs Ivy

Beecham, Bridlington; B/Reservist Hugh and

Rtd S/Sgt Mrs Nessie Robinson, Parkhead (20


Diamond: Rtd SL Derek and Songster Mrs

Myrtle Hillier, Bangor (8 August).


ICO, Sun 19 Aug, Wed 22; Ghana, Th 30 - Sun 2

Sep (revised dates)




ICO, Fri 31 Aug




West Scotland (Scotland Council), Th 30 Aug;

Preston, Sat Sun 2 Sep; London North-East

(installation of divisional leaders), Mon 3; South

and Mid Wales (installation of divisional leaders),

Sun 9



West Scotland (Scotland Council), Th 30 Aug;

East Scotland (installation of Divisional

Commander), Fri 31; South London Retired

Officers Fellowship, Fri 7 Sep; Southsea,

Sun 9

Commissioners Alistair and Astrid Herring:

Australia Eastern, Th 16 Aug - Tu 28

Commissioners Kenneth and Jolene Hodder:

USA Western (Territorial Bible Conference), Th 23

Aug - Fri 31

Commissioners Amos and Rosemary

Makina: Zimbabwe, Tu 7 Aug - Mon 13;

Mozambique (installation of territorial leaders),

Fri 17 - Sun 19

ON THE AIRBBC Radio 4 (92–95 FM and online at Rhidian Brook will be

presenting the Radio 4 appeal on behalf of

Salvation Army International Development (UK) on

Sunday 12 August (7.55 am and 9.26 pm),

repeated on Thursday 16 August (3.27 pm). The

appeal will raise funds for the Anti-Child Trafficking

Centre, Malawi. SAID (UK) has supported the

centre since it opened in 2006.

BBC Radio 2 (88–91 FM): Sunday Half Hour

(8.30pm) will feature Birmingham Citadel Band and

Songsters on Sundays 19 August and 23





CSM David Mann, Braintree.


35 years –

Major Brenda Irvine, King’s Lynn.

Major John Irvine, King’s Lynn.



Territorial Commander

TRIBUTESMRS MARGERY ROWBERRY, WORCESTERFOLLOWING her conver-sion, Marg gave her life to the Lord and his service through her faithful work

– alongside her husband Tom – as home league secretary and through her ‘open door’ policy. She lived trusting in the Lord, provid-ing family love and support that extended to corps officers and members and her community.

Marg is remembered for her servant heart and desire to bring others into a knowledge of God. She was a true soldier of Christ and a great prayer warrior, who loved her Bible. The motto ‘Heart to God and hand to man’ sums up her life.

This truly wonderful lady leaves a chal-lenge for others to live with the same trust, faith and passion for the Lord as she did. – C. D.

DON MARTIN, NEWCASTLE CITY TEMPLEDON was born to Salva-tionist parents in Cowes, Isle of Wight, in 1918. The family later moved to

Gravesend. He began work at Judd Street in 1935, joining the SP&S Band at 18 on solo horn under Eric Ball’s leadership.

Don met his wife Joan during a wartime posting to Yeovil. They married in 1943.

At Yeovil, he played several band instru-ments – mostly tenor horn – and his beautiful bass voice made him a popular vocal soloist. ‘Can You Wonder?’ and ‘Deep River’ were particular favourites. Don was also twice songster leader. Ill-health prevented further playing in 1968.

In 2003 he and Joan moved near their son at Newcastle. Don’s strong musical expres-sion of faith and commitment to Christ was inspirational. – B. I.

RETIRED CORPS SERGEANT-MAJOR RONALD FOSTER, HISTONBORN in 1924, Ron was taken in his pram to the home league by his mother. His life cen-tred on the Army. Ron gave his heart to the Lord at a YP band practice when the whole band knelt together at the mercy seat.

Throughout his 87 years he maintained his desire to witness. A bandsman at 16 and a

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local officer and songster for 36 years, he served as corps secretary, corps treasurer and CSM. He retired from this position in 1998.

Ron married Joan in 1951. They were blessed with a son, David, and a daughter, Brenda, and later with granddaughters Eliza-beth and Katherine.

Volunteer bandsmen and bandswomen carried out Ron’s request to play at his fu-neral service. – J. F.

MRS MAUREEN BAXTER, KIRKCALDYBORN in Norwich in 1938, Maureen had contact with the Army at an early age. She met her husband,

Frew, during service with the British Army. They lived in Norwich before moving to Dysart in Scotland.

Maureen overcame breast cancer twice, and enjoyed almost 30 healthy years.

She didn’t feel fulfilled at the church where she worshipped, and asked a War Cry seller if she could attend the meetings. Immediately feeling ‘at home’, Maureen put her whole heart into Army worship and activity, becoming an adherent member in 2009 and a soldier in 2010.

Promoted to Glory after a prolonged period of cancer, she leaves a husband, two sons and two grandsons.

Maureen’s friendly smile and loving, caring manner are greatly missed. – D. A.

RETIRED CORPS TREASURER FRED COOK, CLOWNEA HEAVY drinker and gambler, Fred came to faith in 1943 in Aberdeen

during military service. God spoke to him twice during a gambling session and Fred found himself outside the Army hall listen-ing to the band. Going inside changed his life; his former lifestyle completely lost its appeal.

After the war, Fred soldiered at Stirling and Clowne, where his service included spells as corps treasurer and welcome sergeant. On Easter Sunday morning in 1980 he welcomed Susan – a former Salvationist – who subsequently gave her life back to God after 25 years. They married in 1981.

A true Christian gentleman who was never afraid to witness for the Lord, Fred was pro-moted to Glory aged 102. – M. N./B. C.

MRS ELSIE GARRARD, DARLINGTONBORN in 1913, Elsie spent her life in service to God as a Salvationist at Eastbourne Citadel and

Darlington as deputy songster leader, singing company leader, home league

s ecretary, over-60 club secretary and pianist. In the 1950s Elsie formed the first divisional timbrel group. She taught herself to play marches in order to accompany displays.

Commissioner Dinsdale Pender, whom she taught to play the piano as a boy, led El-sie’s retirement service in 1999. She contin-ued to witness with the music group, The Glorylanders.

Promoted to Glory shortly after her 99th birthday, Elsie’s example remains an inspira-tion to her family and the many whose lives she touched. – N. B.

MRS (WINIFRED) JOAN KING, BRIGHTLINGSEAJOAN was promoted to Glory in her 92nd year. Having joined the Army at Pontypridd as a 17-year-

old, she and her bandsman husband Winston moved to Highgate after the war, soldiering at Archway.

Many years later a move meant that Joan could walk to Regent Hall in 15 minutes, and this became her spiritual home until retire-ment took the couple to Brightlingsea in 1986.

Membership of the home league singers gave scope for Joan’s beautiful soprano voice, which continued to bring much bless-ing in congregational worship until hospi-talisation following a fall. There her final days were made bearable by her recently

acquired Kindle, and by visits from her much-loved family – especially her four great-grandchildren, who miss her dearly. – J. F.

CHARLES SANDFORD, BEXLEYHEATHCHARLES was born in Glastonbury in 1925. He grew up in Chesham and spent the war years serving

in Malta and Egypt. Charles entered the King’s Messengers Session in 1947, where he met his wife Rene. They relinquished of-ficership in the early 1960s because of ill-health.

Sandy, as he was affectionately known, later became a medical social worker. Over the years he served as CSM, YPSM and wel-come sergeant at a number of corps. These roles were well suited to his love of people and natural sense of evangelism. His minis-try continued until the end among staff and residents at his care home.

He was a loving husband and father and proud grandad to nine grandsons. – C. S.

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Men’s Day postponedADULT and Family Ministries Unit regrets to announce that Revolution Men’s Day to be held at Leicester South on Saturday 1 September has been postponed.


Leicester South corps officer Major Chris Herbert receives a soaking when he is locked in the stocks at the corps community fun day. More than 700 people attended the event during the 125th corps anniversary year. Send your suggested captions for this picture by email to [email protected] with the subject line ‘Picture caption competition’, or by post to Salvationist, 101 Newington Causeway, London SE1 6BN.

A selection of the best captions will be printed in Salvationist next month.

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BOOK OF THE WEEKStephanie Lenton reviews Babe’s Bible – Gorgeous Grace by Karen Jones

Babe’s Bible is a reflective novel focusing on the lives of characters Grace and Chloe and in which Jones uses fiction to draw on the truth of the Bible. As Jones develops her characters, she highlights that, whether or not we choose to sin, God is still there with us and still loves us. On reading the novel, I realised that it is perhaps not as hard as one may assume to relate to the Bible and, instead of setting it aside and disregarding its teachings as something from an archaic society somewhat unlike our own, I could instead look to interpret my own situation through biblical stories.

Jones selects strong characters for her story – Chloe is the married leader of a youth group and Grace is a married curate. They often meet at their favourite Italian restaurant to talk about their lives. For most of the novel, Grace’s past is a mystery, but perhaps the crux of the story appears as readers become aware of Chloe’s devastating adulterous relationship with Tom, another youth group leader. Grace supports Chloe, helping her to rebuild

her life, her sense of worth and her faith. Grace is able to do this through story-writing, relating Chloe’s situation to a woman in the Bible who was caught in the act of adultery, interspersing this with the story of a woman who works as a prostitute.

Modelled around the biblical story of the adulteress comes ‘Lila’ and her husband ‘Jair’, introduced as a key part of Grace’s story. ‘Mary’ is introduced as the sinful woman from the Bible who defies social convention by pouring her expensive perfume over Jesus’ feet. Through referring to these stories, Jones illustrates Jesus’ compassion to the adulteress, the sinful woman and, consequently, Chloe.

Jones’s writing style is riveting, but a most uplifting chapter is one that focuses primarily on Grace – the revelation of her past, the fashion in which the Spirit of God comes to console her and the way in which she, like her story’s counterpart of ‘Mary’, finds redemption.

Overall, Babe’s Bible is a great, engrossing read and a reminder that Jesus’ love is unconditional.

Babe’s Bible is available from priced £10.99 or download a Kindle edition for £7.60

QUOTE‘You know the story in the Bible about the woman caught in the act of adultery?’ Grace asked quietly. ‘Oh, please don’t get all religious on me now,’ she laughed cynically through her tears. ‘What possible use is the Bible at this point?’ ‘No, listen to me. Think about it,’ Grace paused. In the silence they thought of the details of the story they both knew so well.

Taken from Babe’s Bible

BIBLE VERSEJesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them: ‘Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.’

SONGLove divine, all loves excelling,Joy of Heaven, to earth come down,Fix in us thy humble dwelling,All thy faithful mercies crown.Jesus, thou art all compassion,Pure, unbounded love thou art;Visit us with thy salvation,Enter every longing heart.

Charles Wesley (SASB 438)


Upavon, Salisbury Plains. Picture: MARK BRADLEY

(John 8:6 and 7 New International Version)