Salt Lake Herald. (Salt Lake City) 1901-09-11 [p...

SEPTEMBER 11 1 01 IfM LN pmAT Th WEDNESD 3 i iW Female Prophetess of Anarchism Delivers Fiery Tirade Against the Government Fate of of Indifference to Her But Says Hand in Affair EMMA GOLDMAN lANDED IN JAil IN CHICAGO McKinley Mater I Chicago Sept anarchist red banner Lon claim h stands whose words h claims his heart and his brain to attempt assassina- tion of president arrested her shortly before noon today She disclaimed all but the slightest acquaintance with the presidents as- sailant she denied absolutely that she cr any anarchist she knew was impli- cated In ny plot to kill the president She said she believed Csolgose acted entirely on his own responsibility and that he never claimed to have been by her as he Is as af The president she averred with a yawn was an insignificant being to her a mere human atorr or death were matters of Indif CsoUroszs act wan foolish Y t she de it probably had Its Inspiration misery which the seen iiim Violence said was not in the faith of the anarchist and she had net advocated It In Cleve- land where Czoiyos add he her nor elsewhere Kiss Goldman arrived here Sunday frjm St Louis Her Immunity from arrest while In the Missouri metropolis nnd up to today in Chicago afforded her mu h amusement She tcld in sen- tences punctuated with at her capture today In her conversation with reporters and she with them at length twice day the excitement she w as laboring under was suppressed only once did she down completely was when Captain from the offlce of ONeill to the cab which was waiting to convey her to the wo mans annex to the Harrison street police station For a moment she be- came a woman pure and simple and cried In another however this exhibition of over and when she put her foot on the step tp Emma Goldman the high priestess of anarchy u she has been styled by ber followers Wanted to Assist Anarchists She said her purpoSe In coming here had been to assist the anarchtetti who were arrested here several days ago She had Intended to give herself up to the police but delayed It for one rea- son and another until the police she had so muh had taken own hands She was held on a warrant sworn out by Cap- tain charging her with con the president coconspirators were named the already in She will be taken a magis- trate tomorrow It is expected that the city will aX for a continuance of the pending advices from Buffalo shall upon an Immediate hearing said In speaking of the the city want me to go to I know ropes and Ill make light every step And I am not to KO at that Miss Goldman manner was deflant os she was taken to the of the chief police but she disclaimed alt Bave th t she admitted having met him Do you know that your the president I do not I never advocated rio Ion I scarcely knew the man I was leavinsr for Rochester via Buf- falo when rolow with me He said he had heard me lecture at some memorial hall in last May and that he know me He said he knew I was in Chicago and looked me up I scarcely remember anything about that his cffraplexlon was do you know that ties one who tried to kilt the president replied a shrug of I that from y Thought Czolgosz a Fool What did you think when hea d an attempt to kill the president had been made the woman was asked With a wave of her hands and an- other shruff of shoulders she re pled disdainfully I thought Oh the foolThe prisoners mann thus far had although she made an evident effort to control In this she finally succeeded into a die course the teachings of anarchy She declarsd that anarchy did not teach Of the act which had f zcfccsz d aplsed and lated the over We work against the system and education is our watchword she wild It was early last July when I cam vo hl ago to visit the Isaaks family she jy ntinued In answer to Interroga- tion concerning her whereabouts r centb On the night o July 3 Mr Isaaks wee of th houre The belt ran nnd I wont to the door Th man who T lean through the newspapers was C ol oBz stood there He said b- vant l in me f was about to catch the Nickel Plate train ms I and Mr- Inaaks laughter were about to fo to Hochf ater He went to the Rock Island depo where us but I was 50 busy taking leave of my friends that I scarcely noticed him It ras not a time one would want to malt new friends At the had fw w rd with him ot which I have told Thatwas all there ewr wns between PS I am an anarchist a of so- rt nothing in I ev r said t Leon Cxolgosz knowingly could have lvi him to do set which ptart d cvorybody Friday Not even in your lectures n ked He sjra your words t his briiP on flr Czolgosz Planned Deed Alone n I because some crackbrained person puts a wrong con- struction on my words goes r am convince planned the d f unaided and entirely alone There ro anarchist ring which would holu him There may be anarchists wiv murder hut ther are also men in every walk of life who aotretimes feel the im- pulse to kll I dont know sorely but I think CzoUfosz was tie of those dovntro den men who see alt the misery the rit h inflict ujx n the poor think of it who brool over It and In despair r olvf to strike a blow as they think tot the good of their fellow men that is pot anarchy CLolgoRz thf woman pronounced the name with the Kreftt st esse Oaorjrosz may have been Inspired by me if r uns he took the wrong vay of if- Tl rfllv ij FaU ne1 ulii Uwl story Schuettler and Detective Hertz i i1 ItEm C fred was j I- nspire quote I I who her or any care abut he I herd I I laUgher I take an Tat cutter moment the she was deride len ana bl t8 jai cal of pluto but I go I the the J o of his herr July 12 words are what zolg08Z hiss to shoot few words Clevel- and him Ten ho wit shoulder the growing more hell n c mae out alone wh stud nt but an yt was At I whICh then But hut she nOt wit thd Igoz the i fence to to nrchhL tnount into carriage again the IL As- her probabilitY 8 being saked They requisition papers will not othice knnwieige CaoloZ and crime claims r she was asked had a this the test c 1 been and note excited 4 roe t S C e 1 depot the she IJ i i I 1 ntir1 The ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > I discovered her at the borne of one Norris at Wt Sb flMd avenue she de- nted liar Identity Hello Miss Goldman said the cap as he entered the Are glad to see me Tri not Miss Goldman Im a Swed- ish woman and my name Is Lena Lar- son answered the endeav- oring to imitate a All right I speak Swedish myself said the police officer as he poured out a few questions in the Miss Goldman did not answer him affecting to misunderstand Detective Hertz meanwhile had discovered a pen- holder with the name Emma Gold man engraved on it What does this mean naked Cap tain Schuettler holding the inscribed penholder It means that the game is up she She then admitted her identity and accompanied the officers The woman was hurried to the police chief a office Her appearance tallied exactly with the description sent out by the Associated Press yesterday Detailed Her Movements During the talk which followed Miss man detailed as best she could recollect her movements since last July She went Chicago to Buf ate accompanied by MIJS Isaaks the of Jie anarchist editor arrested here In Buffalo they topped two das and then proceeded to Rochester they stopped at the home of Miss Goldmans sister Mrs H Hochsteln of 213 Joseph street Here they visited a little more than five weeks The only incident of it was a short visit to and an- other to New York on business- In the latter city Miss Goldman en- tered temporarily Into the employ of a flrm the name of which she would not divulge Business for theta carried her to Pittsburgh She was In Cincinnati Labor day and that night left for St Louis I saw the police there Sunday all the prisoner said with a sarcas laugh but they did not see me I heard of the arrest of Mr sanks and his family and other in Chicago and determined to come here and see If I co lId rot help them Mr Isaaks had not been in the country long and I was afraid he would not knot what to it when In legal difficulties What have you done to help him Captain Schuettler asked Well she answered slowly I have been looking for men to go on their bonds providing the court would allow us to furnish them Why did you deny your Identity the captain pursued Ob as to that I was not quite ready to show myself my friends were still In Jail and I wanted to do some- thing for them However youve got me but what Is there to It They had me once In New York because I Cardinal Manning who said ty knows no law but what good did that Harrison Present The chiefs office was crowded while M186 Goldman talked Mayor Harri- son was an interested auditor At a conference this afternoon the city au thorities resolved to continue to hold Isaaks and other alleged under arrest here without Im afraid I cannot help them now said Goldman when the news was brought to hor A message from Chief Bull of Buffalo to Chief of Detectives Colleran asserts that Czolgosz waq In Chicago on Aug 18 in company with Emma Goldman and Abraham Isaaks Isaaks and Miss Goldman deny the assertion They claim that they saw him last on July 12 This discrepancy in the stories is now one of the chief which the police are trying to They adhere to the theory that the attack on the president was the re- sult of a plot and that believe the plot was hatched in the west It is the opinion of several lawyers that Miss Goldman cannot be dited for trial In New York and Czolcosz are with an of- fense under the tutes The suggestion that the wouldbe assassin must be tried under the state laws of New York for assault with intent to kill would it is said preclude the possibility of Miss Goldman being ex as an before the her alleged incendiary state- ments wee not made in New York and she is not a fugitive from justice from that state It Is said hoWever that she and Czolgoez might be charged with an of tense under section 5508 of the federal statutes which fixes a tenyear term of imprisonment and a 5000 fine for two or more persons who conspire to injure any citizen In the exercise of any right secured to him by the con nUttttion and laws of the United States The enforcement of this statute against said permit of the formers extradition from any state Says PoVce Keep Anarchistis Later in the day Miss Goldman was interviewed In the womans annex at uw police station by an Associated and a stenographic re Miss I sure that the help than I could do in ten making more an frchists than the most prominent pee pie could In the anarchist cause make If they only continue I shall be very grateful they will say me of if been on the down town before her arrest she an I have been shopping have in restaurants in fact I passed hall several The kQew positively that I was coming she continued because I wrot on Kridmy from St Louts that I was coming both to Mr Haveland and Mr Morrison I said I would come Sunday if through with business and if so I would telegraph the hour of myarrival I also said If I did not come on I would surely on Monday or Tuesday letters they must haVe seen at avenue What do you think of your own ar nrstT afce was asked- If I told you she replied it would- took somewhat conceited and I certain would nor like to be guilty of that j Not only my arrest the others smack of the Haymarket The police are v ry much In disrepute all over th country md wish to iflo some to clear themselves They are trying to make it an anarchist plot If they wish to up a ease mav succeed Hanna the Jteal Ruler Referring to the attempt on the life president MIsS Goldman said It is a dirty trick to charg in the newspapers reports that it was of an anarchist Mark Hanrta has been the ruler of this country not McKinloy has been the insignificant ruler that this coun ever He neither has wit nor intelligence T jt has been a tool in hands of Math Hannr Other tin parr anarchist Norse sid here Niagara right quote do the ypr j anarchist pint ext chare trite Goldman and Clgo z would Is reporter sid us are ten lot work street Ihave ben I I got Sund me The 1 I the mak the I mos I I I G d tongue froi an- archistS Miss Miss it Press port feel big more yfjars The In years will times nsult ha l ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ r TnvnvTA GOLDMAN THE FEBEAIiE ANARCHIST t presidents have had a heart or some- thing but this poor fellow God for- give him since he knows nothing Is a tool in the hands of the wealthy and It seems very remarkable for Mark Hanna to say that he was notified of a plot for his assassination I think too Insignificant for such a What man in the United States Is of sufficient prominence to warrant such a plot she was asked I am not In a position to say re Miss Goldman who ought to The monopolists and the wealthy of this country are responsible for the existence of a Czolgosz If im- perialism would not grow in this coun- try If the liberties of the p ple npt trampled under foot there been no vlolenc Referring to the wouldbe assassin Miss Goldman said I feel that the man Is one of those unfortunates who have been driven by despair and to commit the deed I feel deeply him as an individual and I would feel with anybody who suffers If I ha means I would help him as muclj as I could I would see that counsel and that Justice was done him Little Interest in President Although the whole world waited eagerly Friday afternoon for the bul from the presidents bedside Miss Goldman did not care enough about the report that he had been which she heard newsboys to buy a paper It was Saturday noon before her Interest was sufficiently aroused to cause her to a news- paper containing the story She was more In the arrest of the Chicaco anarchists than in the presi dents condition When asked why she did not appear before the police when she learned that she was wanted Miss Goldman said For reasons of my own I did not make myself known I like to fool the police when I can The very fact that came to Chicago shows that I had no intention ef hiding myself If I had wanted L would have been able to go from StLouis right acrossto Canada and then they would have looked a long time I came here especial ly to be on the spot when I saw the necessity of announcing myself to the police and to be able to help Mr Isaak and his they being among the arrested If the police me the at tack on the president I to give myself up When I arrived In Chicago I went to a hotel and registered under an as- sumed name Later I went to the home of C P Norris whom I have known in a business way for about a year AK far as I know he is not an anarchist but he saw no reason why one individual should nQt give shelter to another in this land of the free and he did It Her Vew of the Shooting Asked If she Czolgoszs act was praiseworthy from her viewpoint- she answered I am not In a position to say whether It was good or bad It Is bad for the man who attempted to do It I am not In his boots and know nothing about it What I do not why they would make more fuss about the president than anybody else All men are born equal But some men rise above the equal ity of birth a reporter suggested We are all Interested in the man whom we have made our chief I dont think that men put him in office I think that money put him in office she replied In reference to Czolgoszs statement that he was Inspired by a lecture of Miss Goldman In Cleveland the prisoner said As I have repeatedly said it Is fool ish to think this man would claim that he did that deed alone and un aided and at the same time claimed that I Inspired him If he had accom- plices and still claims that he was act ing alone do you think he would have me out as the only friend he protect by assuming entire responsibility He may heard me Cleveland for I lectured there twice on May 6 last As to my arrest if the police had vcalted a few minutes longer they would have saved themselves the trou ble and the glory I was about to glvo myself up I woulc have done so last night had I not had a severe headache I decided that I would go this morn Ing and give myself up When Captain Schuettler verne out to arrest me he found me dressing and I had a little fun with him as I have told you be fore I was born in St Petersburg ROe tca thirtytwo years ago I came to this country with my sister who is now In Rochester sixteen years ago I speak Russian German French and English I came from the middle class In Russia but my heart has been with the poor and downtroSden The injustice of the Haymarket prosecution wade an anarchist of me I have taught the creed of anarchy ever since Look Like an Anarchist G at whose home Miss Goldman was taken into custody and who was later arrested is not the the vord anarchist He is well built good looking neat even in pearance and is decidedly intelligent He has no at but has been a clerk and was In the insurance business He is a Ca nadian by birth but has become a cit izen of this When questioned by one of the po lice officers Morris disclaimed any knowledge of any plot to assassinate the president and said thai he knew nothing whatever of When how Mlsa Goldman came to be an inmate of his place he replied that he had a previous occasion Invited her to make her home there whenever she was in Chicago In reply to further questioning he said that he had Miss Goldmans lectures to anarchism from a sociological standpoint Wish ing to know more of Goldman he sought acquaintance merely be- cause he further knowledge of the principles she When she came to your house did Mc- Kinley pIe wee mI- ser shot I anarchist wit single Doe of man present oh her h m w i ave for- e set- s I S Charles Norris type generally associated wit C ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = I you not know was wanted by the police was asked J V Yes Then why did you not inform the police Well she said came to the house that come here to surrender herself to the Chicago pb iCe and I supposed she would do so when she sot ready Dont you know asked the chief of police she was not going to surrender police at all Dont you know that she was preparing leave Chicaso No I dont was the reply She told me she was going to give herself up and I had no reason to doubt her I dont believe one word of that said Chief of Police ONeill as Norris was led away The woman was to run away as we can tively show and of course this fellow must have known It I shall hold him in custody and have him indicted for conspiracy to kill the president In the Sheffield avenue flat where Norris and Miss Goldman were ar- rested lived P Norris Mrs Stella Thorndale Rowena a little girl daughter of and P C Verrall all of them friends of Miss Goldman The police kept watch- on the flat all evening with the in- tention of arresting any of the Inmates should they appear It was through- a telegram sent by Miss Goldman to H Verrall a brother of P C Verrall that the police first got on the trail of her Albert Verrall resides at SOS Oakdale avenue and on Saturday a telegram was delivered to his home from Miss Goldman asking if It was true that the Isaak family had been arrested She had seen the story in the papers Miss Goldman said not believe A reply was sent assuring her family was in custody and a was received from Miss Goldman say lag that she would be In the on the followins day Miss Goldmaas telegrams are said to have been dated In St Louis but this Is not certain Information of the exchange of telegrams was secured by the police and a watch was set on the premises at 508 Oakdale avenue About 830 Sunday night a woman answering the description of Miss Gold man called at the house Not crainlnjr admission by the front door she went around to the side and was in the house nearly an hour She was shad owed from there to the Norris flat on Sheffield avenue PREVIOUS PLOT TO KiLls THE PRESIDENT New Sept 10rDetails of a against the McKinley are given out oji au thorlty it is said by Senator T E Ellsworth according to a special to the Tribune from Lockport N Y He credited with the statement that the plot was hatched In Paterson N J about the first of May and Emma Goldman Luis Binesteln and other prominent anarchists are said to have- been concerned in It A Michael Anrnzi it Is said whose lot It fell to do the deed At that time the president was on his tour of the west and Anunzi left for San Francisco where he expected would be by the time he reached there But he arrived several days ahead and attondt several an archist meetings where he young man to whom he told his pose The young man was none a secret service detective and was promptly arrested but upon lack of evidence and certain ad- vices from Washington only the charge of vagrancy was entered against him The condition of Mrs McKinley Is said to have had some bearing upon the matter which was hushed up the prisoner being sentenced for eight months in the San Francisco work- house San Francisco police records of this not show that any such man as Michael Anunzi was ever apprehended here on charge whatever Chief Hazcn of the secret service bureau In this city stated to- day that he never heard of Anunzi and that no arrest for the offense men was during the visit of McKinley or at any time prior or subsequent to that occasion He admitted however that threaten- ing letters were addressed to the took every precaution while President McKinley was in this city said Chief Hazen no effort was to molest him in any and were made Four ing letters which were addressed to the president were sent out here from Washington for us to investigate Two were written here and the were sent from interior We learned that all written by cranks One letter covered four pages and was signed The Great Mining Expert In the West VThe writer threatened to kill the president and recited a number of alleged griev- ances Upon investigation we found he was a miner who operated on a small scale near a little town and that he did not come to San Francisco BILL TO EXCLUDE ALL ANARCHISTS FROBT STATE Milwaukee WIs Sept 10 Senator Julius E Roehr will IntrQduce a bill in the next session of the legislature to exclude from the state all anarchists and all those engaged In teaching the doctrines of I believe that the best way to fight anarchy anarchists and anarchism Is to make thft class keep out of the state Every ate ought to pass such a law there would be no open preaching of lawlessness in the country I intend to introduce such- a measure at the next session of the legislature unless before that are better plans devised for fight ing anarchy and anarchism Maggio is Arrested Washington Sept 10 Chief Wilkle of the secret service has received un- do has been arrested In New Mexico V e that she when she had I tat pre- paring Thor ale ut lit tat I cit I York I Is young I I meta tan i I I Sept 10The toned ade pre- sIdent mae way ten other Cal I I lawlessnesS an then that Antonio 3fJ S she td I life f Presi- dent e on- to Mc- Kinley punt tin official confirmation urn g ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Maggio who is a cornetist formerly traveling with an opera company is said to have made the statement not that the president would be shot before Oct 1 and that he was sorry that he himself was not to do the shooting Upon this statement reaching Chief Wilkle a secret service operative was directed to proceed to New Mexico where Maggio was re- ported to be and place him under arrest It is believed that this has been NATIONS DOORS ARE OPEN 0X5 ANARCHISTS New Sept 10 Immigration who is in charge- at Ellis island says that it is impos- sible to keep anarchists out of the country The law at present ntates plainly that no one shall be refused admit tance because of his political beliefs the commissioner added and the only way that an anarchist can be kept out Is by proving that he had a criminal record on the other side The declaration was made In response to a query as to what would be done In regard to a number of who are on their way over England Scotland Yard officials had cabled descriptions of these men and it was thought that their entrance to this country could be prohibited These anarchists In most cases are not paupers and meet all the require- ments of the Immigration laws the commissioner said Mrs Czlogosz in Buffalo New York Sept special to the Herald from Buffalo says Mrs Czol gosz mother of the man who attempted to assassinate President McKinley was in Buffalo She made no attempt to see her son In some mysterious manner however he learned of her presence here and when District Attorney Penney asked him if he wanted a lawyer Czolgosz said No no lawyer now When the time comes I will be supplied with counsel and there will be or money for my defense Can Expel Anarchists New York Sept 10 Justipe McAdairt of the New York supreme court gives the opinion that Emma Goldman and other who are naturalized can from the country on the that they sworn falsely in that they have obtained cer- tificates of citizenship by fraud In tes- tifying that they are attached to the principles of our government and would support its constitutional laws Take Census of Anarchists New York Sept 10 Police Chief Murphy today published a general or to all commanding officers in the police directing them to take a living in their districts the list to where the detec tlve conduct a general surveillance upon the anarchists of the city Police to Use Drag Net New Ydrk special to the Herald from says From two sources each of which is unimpeach- able It is learned that the police of the United States are nearly ready to draw a drag net and capture a host of an archists all of whom are believed to be concerned In the plot to murder President McKinley and other repre sentatives of the government HOTEL ARRIVALS The S Roberts New York August Zwick St Louis M D Huckins Aspen Wyo Mr and Mrs A E Soffel Pa G W Koenig Boston K B Huston of Mexico O J Fred ricks Kansas City J G Fowler Dallas Tex E L Braddock Boston J Hickey Washington Miss Martin St T Miller Denver Dr A H Council Bluffs Ia R T Watkins De troit N R Ferguson and wife Miss Bar thels Charles E Moore and wife Honolulu Mrs it D Parker city S Hill Pueblo Colo R J Dan eon Bath N Y G J Weil Buffalo N Y D V Gammon Denver C M Season Ogden J J Hall Rockford Ill John F and niece San R R Patterson M St Louis Cleveland 0 R C Lorensen Indianapolis Ind Tom J Mitchell San Francisco H J Rlgden I Denver The Knutsford Frederick Spokane and Mrs W H Utley Rock Springs Gardner L Booths Alexandria- va I B Birch and wife Master Birch Boston Miss Irene D Chicago F D Holm Clarence E Cincinnati- A F Dudley New York E Chartln Den ver M D Sample Plttsburg J M Bat terton York M H Mainzet Chi- cago Francis Smith San Francisco Mrs Charles Goodall and Mrs W W Goodall Hanson Mrs C N Hanson Los Angeles George Husted New York Hunter C Teake and wife W W Teake jr and Miss M E Teake New Orleans E J Horan Scranton Pa F E Churchill L Churchill Butte Mrs J K Amsbe Miss Cornelius Armsbe Miss M Anderson Mrs N G Piers Mae Louise Piers and Belle Elizabeth Piers Chicago Vianette Anatato Venesla F Reichenstein B Koetler Ger- many M Breithaupt The Cullen W M McCarty Butefleld Dan L Williams Beaver John McKeon Mllford W Pocatelio J H Grayblll Nampa S P Young San Francisco C K Renfro J A C Freund James McFadden and wife Montpelier W G Webb Ogden E J Poca tello William Ochs and wfe Bingham E Edmonds Eureka James Cleary Den ver C E Christenson San Francisco Thomas Livingston Mont C Hayes and wife Gregson Mont M Sul Bran Butte F C Berger New York W D Hudson Denver Kelly H Castle Gate J C Livingston jr Green O R P Pollock M D Graceville Minn R W Landrum Los Angeles Cal E Clement Dillon Mont Miss E Lewis G W Lewis La Grande Ore E M Johnson Mark Johnson Cow ley Wyo Tom Callanan Master hn Evanston Wyo F A D England Tooele S L wife L Hendershy Colo A Green J Cedar Ia J Shelton Tooele B D Christian ColoradoSprings Mrs E Dalton Miss Meda Dalton Thomas De LaMar Tooele F H Cunningham and wire Pueblo Colo George P Whltcomb Chicago Mrs S B Nelson Payson George Coust Kaysvllle J D Connell California Leo W Kelly urantsville Miss J Denver H P Knowles St Louis H C Morey Evanston Wyo A W Bingham John T Flinders C Parkinson Pres ton Ida W A McIntosh Burlington Wyo A V Wllbanks Croats The J Gordan B M Gould St Louis A A Terry Leadvlile Colo J Ryan Chicago A Lindholm and wife Tooele M Newhouse Kansas City Mo Henry Adams James Mara Park City G Young Denver John Hague Udall J S Barrel Boise J Anderson Ore Thomas Calla han Evanston Bert Nelson C M Holllngworth Denver F Glasser Butte The Manitou Mrs O H Swingley Miss Swlngley Beatrice L P and wife Evanston Ills V S Devor A H Carter Council Bluffs Eleventh Ward Fair In the Eleventh ward meeting house last the residents of the ward a kirmess with a goodsized in attendance Tho affair consists of a number of fancy booths which arc very tastefully and neatly arranged a of horrors an Ice cream and refreshment parlor and a vaudeville the- atre The booths which are all on the main floor are for candy Red Cross booth where work Is sold fish pond weighing booth popcorn and peanut and lemonade booth IP the gal lery are the chamber of horrors ana fortunetelling booth and In the basement o t iiv Interesting programme is gwen part of the evening a very interesting programme wxs given and a than wfis in J1 who attended It will run the balance of the week with a Saturday matinee The general committee of Jo seph F Aw A W Brown Dr Sanfords Liver Invigorator The best Liver A bid Cure for Liver lls Biliousness In digestion Constipation Malaria long ago done York anarchist 10A onday Iwant plenty anarchist department anarchist headquarter Sept 10A i Luis Francis Omaha Ir Cote V ChIna I W W ute HouseW Wade Cana- l rda Rlverton c Johnson Forman I WalkerL 0 stared consIst Felt fa ground theatre a vs ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > s j MAYORS VETO- But Councilman Cannings Was Turned Down HELD A LIVELY SESSION HQBEBTS01TS EIGHT AGAINST YOUNG 3HK CAUOTNG The story of last nights sessionof the council may be summed up three Words brief but breezy The Insur- gents lacked two votes of the majority necessary to tho veto of the ordinance in tho appointment of George jr as day of street sprinkling with some strenuous- ness Mr Canning bowled over without regard to his or feelings and papa the councilman the Second also came In for a Jolt or two member who Is In the city was the list of containing the names of Davis Af ter the minutes had been read Edgar Howe moved that the rules be suspended and that the first order of business be communications from city officers This cleared the decks for some of the mayors state The taken up was the Veto measure Veto is Sustained It will be remembered that some weeks ago the an ordinance talc ing the distribution of Irrigation water out of the hands of the street supervisor and over to the city engineer Mayor chief reason for dis- approving the proposed law was that the engineer enough duties to perform Tho veto message was read by Re- corder without any debate President Buckle put the question Shall the ordinance be notwithstanding the objections mayor thereto name was reached on the roll call he made the only remarks the proposition I vote aye because I that ordi- nance to be an absolute necessity said he Even the mayor In veto doesnt dispute the fact that the man now fill ing the position of watermaster is His objection te that the city has plenty to do I believe if he was directed to distribute the water in addition to his other duties he could secure competent help and accomplish the work to the entire satisfaction of all citizens Our people have been Imposed on this council has been on by the watermaster were told that the there was no Irrigating water was because there was no water in the canal Today there is plenty of water In the canal and yet we have none for irriga- tion This snows that the watermaster im I think the mayor Is wrong The result of the vote showed eight In favor of the ordinance over the veto of the mayor and five against it or two votes of the constitutional two thirds majority Those voting aye C R Howe Howe Reid Robertson Tuddenham Buckle tire negatives were Canning Cot- trell Hewlett Thomas and Canning Turned Next a communication mayor appointing George Cannon Jr as day of street sprinkling was Robertson to know If the was supposed to be the son of Councilman Canning Here tho he had just from the mayor In structing him to change Cannon to Canning Tires after Cottrell had moved the confirmation of the appoint- ment and Canning had seconded Robertson said a few things I am opposed to this he be Some months ago we passed a resolution authorizing appointment of and foremen of the sprinkling department In the hope that we might im- prove the conditions that then existed At that time young Mr Canning ivtes foreman It doesrft seem profitable that we could Improve the system with him as But I am opposed to his confirmation for another reason I very seriously ob- ject to the son of any councilman hold ing a in the city government Especially do I object In this case for It generally understood that the father Is well off in this worlds goods and amply able take care of himself and his son too If necessary The roll call TUB ordered and proceeded without explanation until President Buckles name the last on the list was readied I vote no said he I have always opposed nepotism lie affairs and think it should be dis- couraged at all times The vote was five in favor of confirm ing the appointment and it The affirmatives were Canning Cottrell Hewlett Thomas and Whittemore the negatives Fernstrom Hartenstein C R Edgar Howe Reid Robertson Buckle The appointment of Russell G Schulder as clerk police court vice DIehl appointed judge was now taken Unanimously on motion or Hartenstein adjourned to meet tonight at 730 oclock- It was expected that Chief of Police Hilton would be heard before the com mittee of the whole on the Sunday clos- ing question last night but the council men were morn Interested In the bicycle races The chief was there and said he was ready to go ahead but the hearing was postponed until tonight COUNCIL THE Son ma ors r s Ever absentee paper frt e passe In- competent pre- set We Incompetent wee Dow I read wan ed reorder announce o bus Howe f c li SSTA1S 4 tit turn dOwn rom it Ity ar mo- tion t I an t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Van Kuran Was Destroyed Evidence Against Not When comment had died out concern- Ing the more important features of the big fire yesterday roe as to what would be event on the Van Kuran case the evidence upon which the suit to convict the former treasurer having been kept In the auditors office of destroyed building There to be but slight prospect however that the Kuran has uses destroyed District Attorney Eleanor stated last evening that he to be able to trial Van Kurans according to the prosecution said Xlr a of about two Veers and in entries In three different books These books have been kept in the auditors office I think In the vault I have inspected them two or three times and have an abstract prepared CHARGE OF KIDNAPING Officer of Pattern Makers League Under Arrest at Denver Denver Colo Sept 10 William L Wright said to be a special organizer of the Pattern Makers League of North America Is under arrest in this city on charges of kidnaping and high- way He accused of com kidnaping of C W a pattern maker Saturday Walters was forcibly by a dozen men thrown wagon and driven ten miles into the country All his clothing was removed and he was told that unless he left Denver forever he would be killed A rope was placed about hls neck and he was threatened with instant death Aif ter his had been returned to him he across the bafck eighteen times with a rope Walters that the robbed watch says watch was to him He charges that a plot had ben formed to drive himself and W J Mud son out of the city and that Wright led him Into the trap set for him Wright denies Walters story and de- clares that he was working to secure a revocation of order expelling Walters and Hudson from the Pattern Makers union Wright came from Butte Mont two months has been working at his trade city TRAGEDY IN WYOMING Montana Man Kills Woman and Then Commits Suicide Cody Wyo Sept 10 News hasbeen received here from Thermopolls that- a clothing solicitor from Billings Mont named Walters shot and killed Mrs A L of Otto afterward shooting cutting his throat It appears that he had been with the woman who objected to his attentions Meeting her on the street he made A proposal of marriage She refused and he commenced ing at her the second bullet life while she was endeavoring to es capeWalters then shot himself and after cut his throat TEfe is yet alive die His victim was a wealthy middleaged widow conducting a large store at Otto Wants an Investigation Denver Colo Sept 10 Platt Rogers president of the Colorado Bar associa tion today presented a petition to Judge Johnson successor to Judge Mid has in the criminal division of the cir- cuit court asking him to call a grand jury to investigate the charges of jury bribing and also to inves conduct of every department of the court under Judge Mullins ad ministration Judge Johnson took the petition under advisement and said he would announce his decision tomorrow Idaho Washington D C Id Idaho pouunasters appointed Eastman Cameron county vice P P1 Spekker resigned G T Young Center county vice N H Young re- signed C C Laudee Murray vice Winfield Ervin Pleasant View Oneida L E Wlgrnt resigned Thorns Pollock Idaho county vice A C McNelll dead Pensions Special to Washington Sept 10 Original pensions C monthly were granted Payson and Warren D Robbins Stuart Ida Take life as it comes make the most of all circumstances but a bad cough or cold take BALLARDS HOREHOUND SYRUP the best known remedy for quick relief and sure cure Price 25 and 50 Van Dykes Drug Store and Third South tie dens t hop cover I MOUNTAIN STATES rObber Wa- iter lat sized hal clothes chares abductor that the r ago Hover shot war a- ttempt Postmaster Sept e l Shoshone CURt vIc Grate toy tat far cent t a p probable seems ev1nce agaInst go- o infatu- ated coun- ty Hen ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ by exAuditor Hills of the entries al leged to be false but not having ex- amined it I cannot say how valuable it will 1B to toe states case The books how the receipts of the company and the supposed disposition ot the money and some of these tres in Van Kurans handwriting abstract would he t3condary evidence and the books would b much more valuable I cannot toll yt whether or Tot we have sufficient evidence to go to trial If we have not the case will dismissed That is all that cn be Acting Auditor wen seen tart evening declared be did n n know wlir- th i rorfl rMerred to b the district attorney were He said howevr that ooth the and tIle sale in hi department were intact from which it may be deducted that if the books vr in either place they have not been de- stroyed A Pew Pointers The recent statistics of the number- of deaths show that the large die with consumption This disease may commence with an apparently harmless cough which can be cured Instantly by Kemps Balsam for the Throat and which is suar in teed to cure all 25cxand SOc Trial size free sale by GodbePltts Drug com Bobbed a Postoffice Guthrie O T Sept 1ft Unknown blew open a fe in the at Edmund Okla this scorning and over 1600 Deputy United States have been sent to the scene Charles Repkigle of Atwater 0 was unable to work on account of kIdney trouble After using Foleys Kidney Cure four days he was cured John sonPratt Drug company You will not only find here Toumana hats Stetson hats and hats In ali the latest shades of stylos but you will find the R A hat of wonderful value We assure you we are not bombastic whets we say our 308 R A hat is the equal of any Wd hat that can be bought elsewhere In town We have too a hat made of not quite so flue stock which we sell for 250 the wilt hold color and shape and give splen- did satisfaction These hats are special values styles the latest and are the results of long study in the eastern markets by one of the best buyers in the couutry Mall orders quickly and carefully filled and satisfaction guaranteed Richardson Adams 178 So w J Street SALT TAKTt GlJLX Sold Djr Prog- or sent in rlftln by ezpreei prepaid for DENTAL PARLORS SM E Main IK Next sarth fl Walker Houxc Good Set of Teeth for 800 Amaipan or silver IUB t Gold fillings JIM and us cleaned O 04 Solid crowns g Bridge work per tooth C- SCrowa and Bridge Work a Specialty v are Th doe kept Lung s- Pice pay marls Roofs tat s 4 par- ties the postot f ce Se- cured a S iznoniolsofloiO- leet 8psrmatorraZa1- toS617L Whites eanstura Out5 or asy inflasnma sit is 5imtIrs tion irnitatisa or ulcrra- PSSU stsgts lion of us no auI met- sas rstlnssCcttwccitCa brass IdonsstningentC- IIItIIUTIO uesd- itl Qo or 3 DR L1 B KEYSOR 5 Teeth tO ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > 1 We are Retiring From Business for n gpi 1 Good and Now is the Time t Buy OS Mari Street EARL R SMITH Sale Manager ieioi i i ii TIiEBI- GSeiing Ott Sale i I- is NOW ON- t t 1 IiII BIUV S1IOCtL RoIaI 2I I i iiiRsi liD

Transcript of Salt Lake Herald. (Salt Lake City) 1901-09-11 [p...

Page 1: Salt Lake Herald. (Salt Lake City) 1901-09-11 [p 3] LN pmATTh WEDNESD SEPTEMBER 11 1 01 3 i iW Female Prophetess


i iW

Female Prophetess of Anarchism Delivers Fiery

Tirade Against the Government

Fate of of Indifference to Her But SaysHand in Affair



McKinley MaterI

Chicago Septanarchist red

banner Lon claim h standswhose words h claims his heartand his brain to attempt assassina-tion of president arrested hershortly before noon today

She disclaimed all but the slightestacquaintance with the presidents as-sailant she denied absolutely that shecr any anarchist she knew was impli-cated In ny plot to kill the presidentShe said she believed Csolgose actedentirely on his own responsibility andthat he never claimed to have been

by her as he Is as afThe president she averred with a

yawn was an insignificant being toher a mere human atorr ordeath were matters of Indif

CsoUroszs act wan foolish Y t she deit probably had Its Inspiration

misery which the seeniiim Violence said was not

in the faith of the anarchistand she had net advocated It In Cleve-land where Czoiyos add he hernor elsewhere

Kiss Goldman arrived here Sundayfrjm St Louis Her Immunity fromarrest while In the Missouri metropolisnnd up to today in Chicago affordedher mu h amusement She tcld in sen-tences punctuated with at hercapture today

In her conversation with reportersand she with them at lengthtwice day the excitementshe w as laboring under was suppressed

only once did she downcompletely was when Captain

from the offlce ofONeill to the cab which

was waiting to convey her to the womans annex to the Harrison streetpolice station For a moment she be-

came a woman pure and simple andcried In another howeverthis exhibition of over andwhen she put her foot on the step tp

Emma Goldman the high priestess ofanarchy u she has been styled byber followers

Wanted to Assist AnarchistsShe said her purpoSe In coming here

had been to assist the anarchtetti whowere arrested here several days agoShe had Intended to give herself up tothe police but delayed It for one rea-son and another until the police shehad so muh had taken

own hands She washeld on a warrant sworn out by Cap-

tain charging her with conthe president

coconspirators were named thealready in

She will be taken a magis-trate tomorrow It is expected that thecity will aX for a continuance of the

pending advices from Buffaloshall upon an Immediate

hearing said In speaking of the

the citywant me to go to I

know ropes and Ill makelight every step And I am notto KO at that

Miss Goldman manner was deflantos she was taken to the of thechief police but she disclaimed alt

Bave th t she admitted having met him

Do you know that your

the presidentI do not I never advocated rio

Ion I scarcely knew the man Iwas leavinsr for Rochester via Buf-

falo when rolowwith me He said he had heard melecture at some memorial hall in

last May and that heknow me He said he knew I was inChicago and looked me up I scarcelyremember anything aboutthat his cffraplexlon was

do you know thatties one who tried to kilt the

presidentreplied a shrug of

I that fromy

Thought Czolgosz a FoolWhat did you think when hea d

an attempt to kill the presidenthad been made the woman wasasked

With a wave of her hands and an-other shruff of shoulders she repled disdainfully I thought Oh thefoolThe prisoners mann thus far had

although she made an evident effortto control In this she finallysucceeded into a diecourse the teachings of anarchy Shedeclarsd that anarchy did not teach

Of the act which hadf zcfccsz d aplsed and lated theover

We work against the system andeducation is our watchword she wildIt was early last July when I cam

vo hl ago to visit the Isaaks familyshe jy ntinued In answer to Interroga-tion concerning her whereabouts rcentb

On the night o July 3 Mr Isaakswee of th houre The belt rannnd I wont to the door Th man whoT lean through the newspapers wasC ol oBz stood there He said b-

vant l in me f was about to catchthe Nickel Plate train ms I and Mr-Inaaks laughter were about to fo toHochf ater He went to the RockIsland depo where us but Iwas 50 busy taking leave of my friendsthat I scarcely noticed him It rasnot a time one would want tomalt new friends At the had

f w w rd with him ot which Ihave told Thatwas all there ewrwns between PS

I am an anarchist a of so-rt nothing in I ev rsaid t Leon Cxolgosz knowingly couldhave lvi him to do set whichptart d cvorybody Friday

Not even in your lecturesn ked He sjra your words t hisbriiP on flr

Czolgosz Planned Deed Alonen I because some

crackbrained person puts a wrong con-struction on my wordsgoes r am convince planned the d funaided and entirely alone Therero anarchist ring which would holuhim There may be anarchists wivmurder hut ther are also men in everywalk of life who aotretimes feel the im-pulse to kll

I dont know sorely but I thinkCzoUfosz was tie of those dovntroden men who see alt the miserythe rit h inflict ujx n the poorthink of it who brool over It and

In despair r olvf to strike ablow as they think tot the good

of their fellow men that is potanarchy

CLolgoRz thf woman pronouncedthe name with the Kreftt st esseOaorjrosz may have been Inspired byme if r uns he took the wrongvay of if-

Tl rfllv ij FaU ne1ulii Uwl story

Schuettler and Detective Hertz





jI-nspire quote



whoher or any

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fence to to nrchhL

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probabilitY 8 beingsaked They

requisition papers will not


knnwieige CaoloZ and crime

claimsr she was asked

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been and note excited

4roe t


































discovered her at the borne of oneNorris at Wt Sb flMd avenue she de-nted liar Identity

Hello Miss Goldman said the capas he entered the Are

glad to see meTri not Miss Goldman Im a Swed-

ish woman and my name Is Lena Lar-son answered the endeav-oring to imitate a

All right I speak Swedish myselfsaid the police officer as he poured outa few questions in the

Miss Goldman did not answer himaffecting to misunderstand DetectiveHertz meanwhile had discovered a pen-holder with the name Emma Goldman engraved on it

What does this mean naked Captain Schuettler holding the inscribedpenholder

It means that the game is up sheShe then admitted her identity

and accompanied the officers Thewoman was hurried to the policechief a office Her appearance talliedexactly with the description sent outby the Associated Press yesterday

Detailed Her MovementsDuring the talk which followed Miss

man detailed as best she couldrecollect her movements since lastJuly She went Chicago to Bufate accompanied by MIJS Isaaks the

of Jie anarchisteditor arrested here In Buffalo theytopped two das and then proceededto Rochester they stopped atthe home of Miss Goldmans sisterMrs H Hochsteln of 213 Joseph streetHere they visited a little more thanfive weeks The only incident of it wasa short visit to and an-other to New York on business-

In the latter city Miss Goldman en-tered temporarily Into the employ of aflrm the name of which she would notdivulge Business for theta carried herto Pittsburgh She was In CincinnatiLabor day and that night left for StLouis

I saw the police there Sunday allthe prisoner said with a sarcas

laugh but they did not seeme I heard of the arrest of Mrsanks and his family and other

in Chicago and determined tocome here and see If I co lId rot helpthem Mr Isaaks had not been in thecountry long and I was afraid hewould not knot what to it when Inlegal difficulties

What have you done to help himCaptain Schuettler asked

Well she answered slowly Ihave been looking for men to go ontheir bonds providing the court wouldallow us to furnish them

Why did you deny your Identitythe captain pursued

Ob as to that I was not quiteready to show myself my friends werestill In Jail and I wanted to do some-thing for them However youve gotme but what Is there to It They hadme once In New York because ICardinal Manning who saidty knows no law but what good didthat

Harrison PresentThe chiefs office was crowded while

M186 Goldman talked Mayor Harri-son was an interested auditor At aconference this afternoon the city authorities resolved to continue to holdIsaaks and other allegedunder arrest here without

Im afraid I cannot help them nowsaid Goldman when the news wasbrought to hor

A message from Chief Bull of Buffaloto Chief of Detectives Colleran assertsthat Czolgosz waq In Chicago on Aug18 in company with Emma Goldmanand Abraham Isaaks

Isaaks and Miss Goldman deny theassertion They claim that they sawhim last on July 12 This discrepancyin the stories is now one of the chief

which the police are trying toThey adhere to the theory that

the attack on the president was the re-sult of a plot and that believe theplot was hatched in the west

It is the opinion of several lawyersthat Miss Goldman cannot bedited for trial In New Yorkand Czolcosz are with an of-fense under the tutes Thesuggestion that the wouldbe assassinmust be tried under the state lawsof New York for assault with intentto kill would it is said preclude thepossibility of Miss Goldman being ex

as an before theher alleged incendiary state-

ments wee not made in New Yorkand she is not a fugitive from justicefrom that state

It Is said hoWever that she andCzolgoez might be charged with an oftense under section 5508 of the federalstatutes which fixes a tenyear termof imprisonment and a 5000 fine fortwo or more persons who conspire toinjure any citizen In the exercise ofany right secured to him by the connUttttion and laws of the United StatesThe enforcement of this statute againstsaid permit of the formers extraditionfrom any state

Says PoVce Keep AnarchistisLater in the day Miss Goldman was

interviewed In the womans annex atuw police station by an Associatedand a stenographic re

MissI sure that the help

than I could do in tenmaking more anfrchists than the most prominent peepie could In the anarchist cause makeIf they only continueI shall be very grateful they will sayme of

if been on the downtown before her arrest she anI have beenshopping have in restaurants infact I passed hall severalThe kQew positively that Iwas coming she continued becauseI wrot on Kridmy from St Louts thatI was coming both to Mr Havelandand Mr Morrison I said I wouldcome Sunday if through with

business and if so I would telegraphthe hour of myarrival I also saidIf I did not come on I wouldsurely on Monday or Tuesday

letters they must haVe seen atavenueWhat do you think of your own arnrstT afce was asked-If I told you she replied it would-

took somewhat conceited and I certainwould nor like to be guilty of that

j Not only my arrest the otherssmack of the Haymarket The policeare v ry much In disrepute all overth country md wish to iflo some

to clear themselves They aretrying to make it an anarchist plotIf they wish to up a easemav succeed

Hanna the Jteal RulerReferring to the attempt on the lifepresident MIsS Goldman saidIt is a dirty trick to charg in thenewspapers reports that it was

of an anarchist Mark Hanrtahas been the ruler of this country notMcKinloy has been theinsignificant ruler that this coun

ever He neither has witnor intelligence T jt has been a toolin hands of Math Hannr Other

tin parr








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Goldman and Clgo z would Is




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Miss it


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In years will




















presidents have had a heart or some-thing but this poor fellow God for-give him since he knows nothingIs a tool in the hands of the wealthyand It seems very remarkable for MarkHanna to say that he was notified of aplot for his assassination I think

too Insignificant for such aWhat man in the United States Is

of sufficient prominence to warrantsuch a plot she was asked

I am not In a position to say reMiss Goldman who ought to

The monopolists and thewealthy of this country are responsiblefor the existence of a Czolgosz If im-perialism would not grow in this coun-try If the liberties of the p plenpt trampled under foot there

been no vlolencReferring to the wouldbe assassin

Miss Goldman said I feel that theman Is one of those unfortunates whohave been driven by despair andto commit the deed I feel deeplyhim as an individual and I wouldfeel with anybody who suffers If Iha means I would help him as mucljas I could I would see that

counsel and that Justice was donehimLittle Interest in President

Although the whole world waitedeagerly Friday afternoon for the bulfrom the presidents bedsideMiss Goldman did not care enough

about the report that he had beenwhich she heard newsboysto buy a paper It was Saturday noonbefore her Interest was sufficientlyaroused to cause her to a news-paper containing the story She wasmore In the arrest of theChicaco anarchists than in the presidents condition When asked why shedid not appear before the police whenshe learned that she was wanted MissGoldman said

For reasons of my own I did notmake myself known I like to fool thepolice when I can The very fact thatcame to Chicago shows that I had nointention ef hiding myself If I hadwanted L would have been able to gofrom StLouis right acrossto Canadaand then they would have lookeda long time I came here especially to be on the spot when I saw thenecessity of announcing myself to thepolice and to be able to help MrIsaak and his they being amongthe arrested If the police

me the attack on the president I togive myself upWhen I arrived In Chicago I wentto a hotel and registered under an as-

sumed name Later I went to thehome of C P Norris whom I haveknown in a business way for about ayear AK far as I know he is not ananarchist but he saw no reason whyone individual should nQt give shelterto another in this land of the free andhe did ItHer Vew of the Shooting

Asked If she Czolgoszs actwas praiseworthy from her viewpoint-she answered I am not In a positionto say whether It was good or bad ItIs bad for the man who attempted todo It I am not In his boots and knownothing about it What I do notwhy they would make more fussabout the president than anybody elseAll men are born equal

But some men rise above the equality of birth a reporter suggested Weare all Interested in the man whom wehave made our chiefI dont think that men put him inoffice I think that money put him inoffice she replied

In reference to Czolgoszsstatement that he was Inspired by alecture of Miss Goldman In Clevelandthe prisoner said

As I have repeatedly said it Is foolish to think this man would claimthat he did that deed alone and unaided and at the same time claimedthat I Inspired him If he had accom-plices and still claims that he was acting alone do you think he would haveme out as the only friend heprotect by assuming entireresponsibility He may heard meCleveland for I lectured there twiceon May 6 lastAs to my arrest if the police hadvcalted a few minutes longer theywould have saved themselves the trou

ble and the glory I was about to glvomyself up I woulc have done so lastnight had I not had a severe headacheI decided that I would go this mornIng and give myself up When CaptainSchuettler verne out to arrest me hefound me dressing and I had a littlefun with him as I have told you before

I was born in St Petersburg ROetca thirtytwo years ago I came tothis country with my sister who is nowIn Rochester sixteen years ago Ispeak Russian German French andEnglish I came from the middle classIn Russia but my heart hasbeen with the poor and downtroSdenThe injustice of the Haymarketprosecution wade an anarchist of meI have taught the creed of anarchyever since

Look Like an AnarchistG at whose homeMiss Goldman was taken into custodyand who was later arrested is not the

the vord anarchist He is well builtgood looking neat even inpearance and is decidedly intelligentHe has no at buthas been a clerk and was Inthe insurance business He is a Canadian by birth but has become a citizen of thisWhen questioned by one of the police officers Morris disclaimed anyknowledge of any plot to assassinatethe president and said thai he knewnothing whatever of Whenhow Mlsa Goldman came to bean inmate of his place he replied thathe had a previous occasion Invitedher to make her home there whenevershe was in ChicagoIn reply to further questioning hesaid that he had MissGoldmans lectures to anarchismfrom a sociological standpoint Wishing to know more of Goldman hesought acquaintance merely be-cause he further knowledge ofthe principles sheWhen she came to your house did










of man













Charles Norris

type generally associated wit C



























you not know was wantedby the police was asked J V

YesThen why did you not inform the

policeWell she said came to

the house that come here tosurrender herself to the Chicago pbiCe and I supposed she would do sowhen she sot ready

Dont you know asked the chiefof police she was not going tosurrender police at all Dontyou know that she was preparingleave Chicaso

No I dont was the reply Shetold me she was going to give herselfup and I had no reason to doubt her

I dont believe one word of thatsaid Chief of Police ONeill as Norriswas led away The woman was

to run away as we cantively show and of course this fellowmust have known It I shall hold himin custody and have him indicted forconspiracy to kill the president

In the Sheffield avenue flat whereNorris and Miss Goldman were ar-rested lived P Norris Mrs StellaThorndale Rowena a littlegirl daughter of andP C Verrall all of them friends ofMiss Goldman The police kept watch-on the flat all evening with the in-tention of arresting any of the Inmatesshould they appear It was through-a telegram sent by Miss Goldman to

H Verrall a brother of P CVerrall that the police first got on thetrail of her

Albert Verrall resides at SOS Oakdaleavenue and on Saturday a telegramwas delivered to his home from MissGoldman asking if It was true thatthe Isaak family had been arrestedShe had seen the story in the papersMiss Goldman said not believe

A reply was sent assuring herfamily was in custody and a

was received from Miss Goldman saylag that she would be In the onthe followins day

Miss Goldmaas telegrams are saidto have been dated In St Louis butthis Is not certain Information of theexchange of telegrams was secured bythe police and a watch was set on thepremises at 508 Oakdale avenue

About 830 Sunday night a womananswering the description of Miss Goldman called at the house Not crainlnjradmission by the front door she wentaround to the side and was in thehouse nearly an hour She was shadowed from there to the Norris flat onSheffield avenue


New Sept 10rDetails of aagainst the

McKinley are given out oji authorlty it is said by Senator T EEllsworth according to a special to theTribune from Lockport N Y Hecredited with the statement that theplot was hatched In Paterson N Jabout the first of May and EmmaGoldman Luis Binesteln and otherprominent anarchists are said to have-been concerned in It AMichael Anrnzi it Is said

whose lot It fell to do the deedAt that time the president was on his

tour of the west and Anunzi left forSan Francisco where he expected

would be by the time hereached there But he arrived severaldays ahead and attondt several anarchist meetings where heyoung man to whom he told hispose The young man was none

a secret service detective andwas promptly arrested but

upon lack of evidence and certain ad-vices from Washington only the chargeof vagrancy was entered against him

The condition of Mrs McKinley Issaid to have had some bearing uponthe matter which was hushed upthe prisoner being sentenced for eightmonths in the San Francisco work-house

San Francisco policerecords of this not show thatany such man as Michael Anunzi wasever apprehended here on chargewhatever Chief Hazcn of the secretservice bureau In this city stated to-day that he never heard of Anunziand that no arrest for the offense men

was during the visit ofMcKinley or at any time

prior or subsequent to that occasionHe admitted however that threaten-ing letters were addressed to the

took every precaution whilePresident McKinley was in this citysaid Chief Hazen no effort wasto molest him in any and

were made Fouring letters which were addressed tothe president were sent out here fromWashington for us to investigate

Two were written here and thewere sent from interiorWe learned that all

written by cranks One letter coveredfour pages and was signed The GreatMining Expert In the West VThewriter threatened to kill the presidentand recited a number of alleged griev-ances Upon investigation we found hewas a miner who operated on a smallscale near a little town and that hedid not come to San Francisco


Milwaukee WIs Sept 10 SenatorJulius E Roehr will IntrQduce a bill inthe next session of the legislature toexclude from the state all anarchistsand all those engaged In teaching thedoctrines of

I believe that the bestway to fight anarchy anarchists andanarchism Is to make thft class keepout of the state Every ate ought topass such a law there wouldbe no open preaching of lawlessness inthe country I intend to introduce such-a measure at the next session of thelegislature unless before thatare better plans devised for fighting anarchy and anarchism

Maggio is ArrestedWashington Sept 10 Chief Wilkle

of the secret service has received un-

do has been arrested In New Mexico



that she

whenshe had



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Sept 10The

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life f Presi-dent






official confirmation urn g















Maggio who is a cornetist formerlytraveling with an opera company issaid to have made the statement not

that the president would beshot before Oct 1 and that he wassorry that he himself was not to dothe shooting Upon this statementreaching Chief Wilkle a secret serviceoperative was directed to proceed toNew Mexico where Maggio was re-ported to be and place him underarrest It is believed that this hasbeen


New Sept 10 Immigrationwho is in charge-

at Ellis island says that it is impos-sible to keep anarchists out of thecountry

The law at present ntates plainlythat no one shall be refused admittance because of his political beliefsthe commissioner added and the onlyway that an anarchist can be kept outIs by proving that he had a criminalrecord on the other side

The declaration was made In responseto a query as to what would be doneIn regard to a number ofwho are on their way overEngland Scotland Yard officials hadcabled descriptions of these men andit was thought that their entrance tothis country could be prohibited

These anarchists In most cases arenot paupers and meet all the require-ments of the Immigration laws thecommissioner said

Mrs Czlogosz in BuffaloNew York Sept special to the

Herald from Buffalo says Mrs Czolgosz mother of the man who attemptedto assassinate President McKinley wasin Buffalo She madeno attempt to see her son In somemysterious manner however helearned of her presence here and whenDistrict Attorney Penney asked himif he wanted a lawyer Czolgosz saidNo no lawyer now When the

time comes I will be supplied withcounsel and there will be ormoney for my defense

Can Expel AnarchistsNew York Sept 10 Justipe McAdairt

of the New York supreme court givesthe opinion that Emma Goldman andother who are naturalizedcan from the country onthe that they swornfalsely in that they have obtained cer-tificates of citizenship by fraud In tes-tifying that they are attached to theprinciples of our government and wouldsupport its constitutional laws

Take Census of AnarchistsNew York Sept 10 Police Chief

Murphy today published a general orto all commanding officers in thepolice directing them to

take a livingin their districts thelist to where the detectlve conduct a generalsurveillance upon the anarchists of thecity

Police to Use Drag NetNew Ydrk special to the

Herald from says From twosources each of which is unimpeach-able It is learned that the police of theUnited States are nearly ready to drawa drag net and capture a host of anarchists all of whom are believed tobe concerned In the plot to murderPresident McKinley and other representatives of the government

HOTEL ARRIVALSThe S Roberts New YorkAugust Zwick St Louis M D HuckinsAspen Wyo Mr and Mrs A E SoffelPa G W Koenig Boston KB Huston of Mexico O J Fredricks Kansas City J G Fowler DallasTex E L Braddock Boston J HickeyWashington Miss Martin St T

Miller Denver Dr A HCouncil Bluffs Ia R T Watkins Detroit N R Ferguson and wife Miss Barthels Charles E Moore andwife Honolulu Mrs it D Parker city

S Hill Pueblo Colo R J Daneon Bath N Y G J Weil Buffalo NY D V Gammon Denver C M SeasonOgden J J Hall Rockford Ill John Fand niece San R RPatterson M StLouis Cleveland 0 RC Lorensen Indianapolis Ind Tom JMitchell San Francisco H J Rlgden

I Denver

The Knutsford FrederickSpokane and Mrs W H Utley RockSprings Gardner L Booths Alexandria-va I B Birch and wife Master BirchBoston Miss Irene D Chicago FD Holm Clarence E Cincinnati-A F Dudley New York E Chartln Denver M D Sample Plttsburg J M Batterton York M H Mainzet Chi-cago Francis Smith San Francisco MrsCharles Goodall and Mrs W W Goodall

Hanson Mrs C N HansonLos Angeles George Husted NewYork Hunter C Teake and wife W WTeake jr and Miss M E Teake NewOrleans E J Horan Scranton Pa FE Churchill L Churchill Butte MrsJ K Amsbe Miss Cornelius Armsbe MissM Anderson Mrs N G Piers MaeLouise Piers and Belle Elizabeth PiersChicago Vianette Anatato Venesla

F Reichenstein B Koetler Ger-many M BreithauptThe Cullen W M McCarty Butefleld

Dan L Williams Beaver John McKeonMllford W Pocatelio JH Grayblll Nampa S P Young SanFrancisco C K Renfro J A C FreundJames McFadden and wife MontpelierW G Webb Ogden E J Pocatello William Ochs and wfe BinghamE Edmonds Eureka James Cleary Denver C E Christenson San FranciscoThomas Livingston Mont CHayes and wife Gregson Mont M SulBran Butte F C Berger New York WD Hudson Denver

Kelly HCastle Gate J C Livingston jr

Green O R P Pollock M DGraceville Minn R W Landrum LosAngeles Cal E Clement Dillon MontMiss E Lewis G W Lewis La GrandeOre E M Johnson Mark Johnson Cowley Wyo Tom Callanan Masterhn Evanston Wyo F AD England Tooele S Lwife L HendershyColo A Green J CedarIa J Shelton Tooele B D ChristianColoradoSprings Mrs E Dalton MissMeda Dalton Thomas De LaMar TooeleF H Cunningham and wire PuebloColo George P Whltcomb ChicagoMrs S B Nelson Payson George CoustKaysvllle J D Connell California Leo

W Kelly urantsville Miss JDenver H P Knowles St

Louis H C Morey Evanston Wyo AW Bingham John T Flinders

C Parkinson Preston Ida W A McIntosh BurlingtonWyo A V Wllbanks Croats

The J Gordan B MGould St Louis A A Terry LeadvlileColo J Ryan Chicago A Lindholm andwife Tooele M Newhouse Kansas CityMo Henry Adams James MaraPark City G Young Denver JohnHague Udall J S Barrel BoiseJ Anderson Ore Thomas Callahan Evanston Bert Nelson C MHolllngworth Denver F Glasser Butte

The Manitou Mrs O H SwingleyMiss Swlngley Beatrice L P andwife Evanston Ills V S Devor A HCarter Council Bluffs

Eleventh Ward FairIn the Eleventh ward meeting houselast the residents of the warda kirmess with a goodsized

in attendance Tho affair consistsof a number of fancy booths which arcvery tastefully and neatly arranged aof horrors an Ice cream andrefreshment parlor and a vaudeville the-atre

The booths which are all on the mainfloor are for candy Red Cross boothwhere work Is sold fish pondweighing booth popcorn and peanut

and lemonade booth IP the gallery are the chamber of horrors anafortunetelling booth and In the basemento t iivInteresting programme is gwenpart of the evening a veryinteresting programme wxs given and a

than wfis in J1who attended It will run the balance ofthe week with a Saturday matineeThe general committee of Joseph F Aw A WBrown

Dr Sanfords Liver InvigoratorThe best Liver Abid Cure for Liver lls Biliousness Indigestion Constipation Malaria

long ago










Sept 10A









W ute HouseWWade


rdaRlverton c








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But Councilman CanningsWas Turned Down



The story of last nights sessionof thecouncil may be summed up threeWords brief but breezy The Insur-gents lacked two votes of the majoritynecessary to tho vetoof the ordinance

in tho appointment ofGeorge jr as day ofstreet sprinkling with some strenuous-ness Mr Canning bowledover without regard to his orfeelings and papa the councilmanthe Second also came In for a Joltor two

member who Is In the city wasthe list of containingthe names of Davis After the minutes had been read Edgar

Howe moved that the rules be suspendedand that the first order of business becommunications from city officers Thiscleared the decks for some of the mayorsstate The taken up was theVeto measure

Veto is SustainedIt will be remembered that some weeksago the an ordinance talcing the distribution of Irrigation waterout of the hands of the street supervisor

and over to the city engineerMayor chief reason for dis-approving the proposed law was that theengineer enough dutiesto performTho veto message was read by Re-

corder without anydebate President Buckle put thequestion Shall the ordinance benotwithstanding the objectionsmayor thereto namewas reached on the roll call he madethe only remarks the proposition

I vote aye because I that ordi-nance to be an absolute necessity saidhe Even the mayor In veto doesntdispute the fact that the man now filling the position of watermaster is

His objection te that the cityhas plenty to do I believe

if he was directed to distribute the waterin addition to his other duties he couldsecure competent help and accomplish thework to the entire satisfaction of allcitizens

Our people have been Imposed on thiscouncil has been on by thewatermaster were told that the

there was no Irrigating water wasbecause there was no water in the canalToday there is plenty of water In thecanal and yet we have none for irriga-tion This snows that the watermaster im

I think the mayor Is wrong

The result of the vote showed eight Infavor of the ordinance over theveto of the mayor and five against it ortwo votes of the constitutional twothirds majority Those voting aye

C R HoweHowe Reid Robertson Tuddenham

Buckle tire negatives were Canning Cot-trell Hewlett Thomas and

Canning TurnedNext a communication mayor

appointing George Cannon Jr as dayof street sprinkling was

Robertson to know If thewas supposed to be the son ofCouncilman Canning Here tho

he had justfrom the mayor In

structing him to change Cannon toCanning Tires after Cottrell had

moved the confirmation of the appoint-ment and Canning had seconded

Robertson said a few thingsI am opposed to this he beSome months ago we passed a

resolution authorizing appointment ofand foremen of the sprinklingdepartment In the hope that we might im-

prove the conditions that then existedAt that time young Mr Canning ivtesforeman It doesrft seem profitable thatwe could Improve the system with himas

But I am opposed to his confirmationfor another reason I very seriously ob-ject to the son of any councilman holding a in the city governmentEspecially do I object In this case for It

generally understood that thefather Is well off in this worlds goodsand amply able take care of himselfand his son too If necessary

The roll call TUB ordered and proceededwithout explanation until PresidentBuckles name the last on the list wasreadied I vote no said heI have always opposed nepotismlie affairs and think it should be dis-couraged at all times

The vote was five in favor of confirming the appointment and itThe affirmatives were Canning CottrellHewlett Thomas and Whittemore thenegatives Fernstrom Hartenstein C REdgar Howe Reid Robertson

BuckleThe appointment of Russell G Schulder

as clerk police court vice DIehlappointed judge was now taken

Unanimously on motion orHartenstein adjourned tomeet tonight at 730 oclock-

It was expected that Chief of PoliceHilton would be heard before the committee of the whole on the Sunday clos-ing question last night but the councilmen were morn Interested In the bicycleraces The chief was there and said hewas ready to go ahead but the hearingwas postponed until tonight




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Van Kuran WasDestroyed

Evidence AgainstNot

When comment had died out concern-Ing the more important features of thebig fire yesterday roe asto what would be event onthe Van Kuran case the evidence uponwhich the suit to convict theformer treasurer havingbeen kept In the auditors office ofdestroyed building

There to be but slight prospecthowever that theKuran has uses destroyed

District Attorney Eleanor stated lastevening that he to be able to

trialVan Kurans according to

the prosecution said Xlra of about two Veers and

in entries In three differentbooks These books have been kept inthe auditors office I think In the vaultI have inspected them two or three timesand have an abstract prepared

CHARGE OF KIDNAPINGOfficer of Pattern Makers League

Under Arrest at DenverDenver Colo Sept 10 William L

Wright said to be a special organizerof the Pattern Makers League ofNorth America Is under arrest in thiscity on charges of kidnaping and high-way He accused of com

kidnaping of C Wa pattern maker Saturday

Walters was forcibly bya dozen men thrownwagon and driven ten miles into thecountry All his clothing was removedand he was told that unless he leftDenver forever he would be killed Arope was placed about hls neck and hewas threatened with instant death Aifter his had been returned tohim he across the bafckeighteen times with a rope

Walters that therobbed watchsays watch was tohim He charges that a plot had benformed to drive himself and W J Mudson out of the city and that Wrightled him Into the trap set for him

Wright denies Walters story and de-clares that he was working to securea revocation of order expellingWalters and Hudson from the PatternMakers union Wright came fromButte Mont two months hasbeen working at his trade city


Montana Man Kills Woman and ThenCommits Suicide

Cody Wyo Sept 10 News hasbeenreceived here from Thermopolls that-a clothing solicitor from BillingsMont named Walters shot and killedMrs A L of Otto afterwardshooting cutting his throatIt appears that he had been

with the woman who objected tohis attentions Meeting her on thestreet he made A proposal of marriageShe refused and he commenceding at her the second bulletlife while she was endeavoring to escapeWalters then shot himself and after

cut his throat TEfe is yet alivedie His victim was a wealthy

middleaged widow conducting a largestore at Otto

Wants an InvestigationDenver Colo Sept 10 Platt Rogers

president of the Colorado Bar association today presented a petition toJudge Johnson successor to Judge Midhas in the criminal division of the cir-cuit court asking him to call a grandjury to investigate the charges of

jury bribing and also to invesconduct of every department

of the court under Judge Mullins administration Judge Johnson took thepetition under advisement and said hewould announce his decision tomorrow

IdahoWashington D C Id Idahopouunasters appointed Eastman

Cameron county vice P P1

Spekker resigned G T Young Centercounty vice N H Young re-signed C C Laudee Murray

vice Winfield ErvinPleasant View Oneida

L E Wlgrnt resigned ThornsPollock Idaho county vice A C

McNelll dead

PensionsSpecial to

Washington Sept 10 Original pensionsC monthly were granted

Payson and WarrenD Robbins Stuart Ida

Take life as it comes make themost of all circumstances but abad cough or cold take BALLARDSHOREHOUND SYRUP the bestknown remedy for quick relief and surecure Price 25 and 50 VanDykes Drug Store andThird South


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by exAuditor Hills of the entries alleged to be false but not having ex-amined it I cannot say how valuable itwill 1B to toe states case The bookshow the receipts of the company andthe supposed disposition ot the money

and some of these tres in VanKurans handwriting abstractwould he t3condary evidence and thebooks would b much more valuable Icannot toll yt whether or Tot we havesufficient evidence to go to trial If wehave not the case will dismissed Thatis all that cn be

Acting Auditor wen seen tartevening declared be did n n know wlir-th i rorfl rMerred to b the districtattorney were He said howevrthat ooth the and tIle sale in hidepartment were intact from which itmay be deducted that if the books vrin either place they have not been de-stroyed

A Pew PointersThe recent statistics of the number-

of deaths show that the largedie with consumption This diseasemay commence with an apparentlyharmless cough which can be curedInstantly by Kemps Balsam for theThroat and which is suar inteed to cure all

25cxand SOc Trial size freesale by GodbePltts Drug com

Bobbed a PostofficeGuthrie O T Sept 1ft Unknown

blew open a fe in theat Edmund Okla this scorning and

over 1600 Deputy United Stateshave been sent to the scene

Charles Repkigle of Atwater 0 wasunable to work on account of kIdneytrouble After using Foleys KidneyCure four days he was cured JohnsonPratt Drug company

You will not only find here Toumanahats Stetson hats and hats Inali the latest shades of stylosbut you will find the R A hat ofwonderful value We assure you weare not bombastic whets we say our308 R A hat is the equal of any Wdhat that can be bought elsewhere In town

We have too a hat made of not quiteso flue stock which we sell for 250 thewilt hold color and shape and give splen-did satisfaction

These hats are special values styles thelatest and are the results of long studyin the eastern markets by one of the bestbuyers in the couutry

Mall orders quickly and carefully filledand satisfaction guaranteed

Richardson Adams178 So w J Street


Sold Djr Prog-or sent in rlftlnby ezpreei prepaid for


SM E Main IKNext sarth flWalker Houxc

Good Setof Teeth for

800Amaipan or silver IUB tGold fillings JIM and us

cleaned O 04Solid crowns gBridge work per tooth C-

SCrowa and Bridge Work aSpecialty v











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PSSU stsgts lion of us no a u I met-sas rstlnssCcttwccitCa brass IdonsstningentC-


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1 We are Retiring From Business forn


1 Good and Now is the Time t Buy

OS Mari StreetEARL R SMITH Sale Manager

ieioi i i i iTIiEBI-

GSeiing Ott Salei


is NOW ON-t

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