
SAP Sales Manager 2.5 mobile application Troubleshooting Guide Page: 1/20 Last Updated: 9/12/2013 1:34 PM SAP Sales Manager 2.5 mobile application Troubleshooting Guide Contents 1. Attachments - Not Displaying ............................................................................................................... 2 2. Translation – Adding Additional Languages .......................................................................................... 6 3. Time Zone – Synchronizing Server and Clients ................................................................................... 11 4. Partner Function – ZPartner Function not Included in Globals .......................................................... 13

Transcript of SalesMgrTrblshootGde

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SAP Sales Manager 2.5 mobile application Troubleshooting Guide

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SAP Sales Manager 2.5 mobile application

Troubleshooting Guide


1. Attachments - Not Displaying ............................................................................................................... 2

2. Translation – Adding Additional Languages .......................................................................................... 6

3. Time Zone – Synchronizing Server and Clients ................................................................................... 11

4. Partner Function – ZPartner Function not Included in Globals .......................................................... 13

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1. Attachments - Not Displaying


Attachments do not show up on the client (refer to image below) after the client received a notification popup with the message ‘You have received new document(s)!’


Perform the following steps:

1. Connect the device to iTunes and verify that the downloaded document can be seen in the documents section for the SAP Sales Manager application.

2. If the downloaded document is not listed, proceed to the next step. 3. Ensure that the listening port 8282 is open.

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4. Ensure that push was enabled when the server was installed.

If you are unsure if push is enabled, check the JavaBE.ini file, [PUSH_LOGON] section, for the

ENABLED=true entry. It should also have the necessary UID, UPASSWORD and UPASSWORDENCODED entries. UPASSWORDENCODED is set to FALSE if UPASSWORD is the password string itself.

5. Check the Agentry server log to ensure that the path was resolved correctly. If you see an error similar to this:

OS error accessing path c:\sap sales manager\serverprod\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\ag3: The directory name is invalid then the directory was not resolved correctly for the current user.

If the logs are not present, enable logs using the Agentry Administration Client. Go to Edit Log Settings and set all the logs to capture all details. If you use separate files the debugging process is easier.

6. Navigate to Services Agentry Production Server. Access the properties and switch the Logon Account to the Admin Account.

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7. Navigate to System Properties Advanced Environment Variables. Remove the user variables defined for TEMP/TMP in order to use the TEMP directory specified in the System Variables.

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8. Retrigger the attachment from the Client and ensure that the error in Step 4 is not seen in the Server log(s). You should see the PATH that is set in the Environment Variables from Step 6.

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2. Translation – Adding Additional Languages


Need to add an additional language that is not supported out of the box, such as Polish.


1. Navigate to the Agentry.ini folder and add Russian and Polish Languages to the localizations section

2. Open Eclipse with the latest *.agx file for the Sales Manager application loaded in Project Explorer.

3. Publish the *.agx file with the Create Override base files check box checked.

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The base files are being created.

4. After the *.agx file is published, check the ServerDev folder to ensure that the ApplicationTextBase.ini, ClientTextBase.ini and GlobalBase.ini files were created.

5. Copy and paste the ApplicationTextBase.ini, ClientTextBase.ini and GlobalBase.ini files from the ServerDev folder to the Translation folder.

6. Create a new Properties file using any scripting language. 7. Send these files to your translation team to translate in the respective language.

For Example: is Polish, whereas is Russian.

8. Place the new language-specific *.ini files in the ServerDev folder.

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When the Server starts, it will start with application loaded in those languages as well

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Below is an example of a Server initializing with seven languages whose *.ini files are located in the ServerDev/Translation folder. After the application is loaded, you can change the device language to one of the seven loaded languages on the Server

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3. Time Zone – Synchronizing Server and Clients


Configuring the SAP Sales Manager Server to the SAP system’s time zone


This procedure describes how to configure the SAP Sales Manager Server to use the time zone in which the SAP system resides. Date and time values from the Client are converted from their local time zones to those of the SAP system based on these settings by the SAP Sales Manager Server when the values are updated to the SAP system. Conversely, date and time values are converted from the SAP system’s time zone to the Client’s time zone when they are downloaded to the Client by the SAP Sales Manager Server.


Though not a common occurrence, operating system manufacturers occasionally change the name used by the operating system for a given time zone through a service pack or patch update to that system. When this occurs, the settings discussed in this procedure may need to be updated accordingly, should one of the configured time zone names or time zone aliases be affected.


Daylight Savings Time (DST) is respected in these conversions. Keep in mind that certain time zones do not follow DST and others may have different start and end dates concerning the observance of DST. Therefore, converting from one time zone to another where such differences in DST observance exist can result in correct, but otherwise unexpected values.

1. Open the Agentry.ini file found in the directory where the SAP Sales Manager Server was installed. 2. Navigate to the [Java-1] section of the file and set the following attribute to the time zone that the

SAP system is set to: timeZoneName=[SAP’s Time Zone Name]

For Example:

SAP Server Time Zone is W. Europe Standard Time.

Set timeZoneName as: timeZoneName=W. Europe Standard Time.

The time zone name value must match the time zone value on the OS of the SAP Server exactly. Time zone settings are listed in the SAP Server’s registry setting.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones

You can also use “Current time zone” equivalent time zone name. For example, you can use “Eastern Standard Time” instead of “Eastern Time Zone”.

3. Conditional Step: If the mobile devices in an implementation have a different name for a time zone than the one used by the operating system for the same time zone, you must create one or more

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time zone aliases. Add one entry for each potential time zone in which Client devices may be used to the [TimeZoneAlias] section of the Agentry.ini file in the format client time zone name=server time zone name.

For Example: [TimeZoneAlias] Central European Summer Time=W. Europe Standard Time Where Central European Summer Time is the name the Client device reports as its time zone and W. Europe Standard Time is the name the operating system of the SAP Sales Manager Server’s host system uses for the same time zone. You can add multiple entries to this section if Client devices are used in multiple time zones within the same implementation.

The time zone aliases are used to reconcile the time zone name the Client reports it is in, which may be different from the name used by the SAP Sales Manager Server. It is from the Client’s time zone to the SAP system’s time to which the date and time values are converted. For this reason, the SAP Sales Manager Server must know how a time zone is identified by the Client device, thus the need for the time zone aliases. This is especially true for Client devices running a different operating system from the SAP Sales Manager Server’s host system, but can also be necessary even when both are the same operating system family (i.e.; Mobile Client device and Server for SAP Sales Manager Server system)

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4. Partner Function – ZPartner Function not Included in Globals


Partner Functions have been hardcoded in the GlobalsBase.ini file in the following sections.


BillToParty: (No description in Editor)


ContactPerson: (No description in Editor)


EmployeeResponsible: (No description in Editor)


Payer: (No description in Editor)


SalesEmployee: (No description in Editor)


SalesProspect: (No description in Editor)


ShipToParty: (No description in Editor)


SoldToParty: (No description in Editor)



ActivityPartner: Activity Partner Relationship


Attendee: (No description in Editor)


BillToParty: BillToParty type


ContactPartnerFunction: Contact Person ID under Partner Function for



Employee: Employee


EmployeeResponsible: Employee Responsible


EmployeeResponsibleType: EmployeeResponsible type relationship


IsContactPerson: BUR001 is the ID for Contact Person type


Payer: Payer relationship

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PersonResponsile: PersonResponsible type of relationship


SalesAssistant: Sales Assistant


SalesEmployee: Sales emp


SalesEmployeeType: SalesEmployeeType of relation


SalesManager: Sales Manager type


SalesProspect: (No description in Editor)


ShipToParty: ShipToParty type


SoldToParty: SoldToParty type


Due to the use of these Globals in various rules and validations in the Business Partner section of the transactions like Leads, Activities, etc., customer-defined ZPartner_Functions are not considered in such scenarios of the SAP Sales Manager 2.5 mobile application.


Two scenarios are listed below which describe small changes in the application to include the ZPartner_Function as part of the rules where Globals are used. These application and ZPartner_Function changes will work as designed for customer systems.

Scenario 1:

When adding/editing a Lead, there are various partner functions you have to add in the Business Partner section. You want to include a ZPartner Function for this Lead Type.

As shown in the screenshot below, while editing a lead, click the “+” button and the Add Business Partner screen displays. When you do a Partner Function search, as shown below, you get all Partner Functions as maintained in the partner determination procedure (ctpartnerdetermination) in the CRM backend system. As in the example, if you choose “Sales Prospect” and click the magnifying glass, a list of all accounts which have the “Role – Sales Prospect” in the CRM backend and which are available to the user on the device should be shown in the result list.

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Now if you have a ZPartner_Function which is part of the partner determination procedure assigned to this Lead Type, you will be able to choose this partner function from the list shown above. If you have downloaded accounts that have the Role “ZRole_Type” corresponding to this ZPartner_Function“, you would need to filter the result of the account search based on this role type.

To achieve a role-based search, you need to make two enhancements in the application.

1. Update the GlobalsBase.ini file to include the ZPartner_Function.

You must maintain ZPartner_Function in the [PARTNERFUNCTION] section: (Add the following after all the Standard partner functions maintained out of the box) ; ZPartner_Function: (No description in Editor


2. Edit the IncludeAccountsDependingOnBPRoles rule.

a. In the Agentry Screen Editor, go to SAP-SALES->Modules->Screen Sets-> BusinessPartnerListView Screen Set->Screens->BusinessPartnerListView_TileList_iPad Detail Screen->Fields->TileList Field

As shown in the screenshot below, the field has an Include Rule called IncludeAccountsDependingOnBPRoles.

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This rule filters the accounts based on the role type which corresponds to the Partner Function as maintained in the GlobalsBase.ini file.

b. To change this rule, click on the hyperlink “Include rule” and go to the “Rule Structure” view of the rule as shown below.

c. Edit this rule and add the following logic:

:>”BusinessPartnerAddHeader” Screen set> “BusinessPartnerAddHeader_Detail_iPad” Detail Screen>”PartnerFunctionID” Field


:>”AccountID” Property

:>”Roles” Property>First Object Where Rule “SearchForZRoleTypeRole” is True>”Account” Object> “AccountID” Property

The first logic is to retrieve the ZPartner_Function_ID from the GlobalsBase.ini file. The second logic is needed to call the new rule which you must create to search accounts based on the Role Type ZRole_Type which corresponds to this partner function in CRM.

As an example, for the Partner Function “Sold to Party”, there is a rule called “SearchForSoldToPartyRole” (as shown below).

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The new rule must have the ZRole_Type mapped to the ZPartner_Function to enable this feature.


In case the ZPartner Function has a function category which is of partner function type Contacts or Employees like “Sales Representative” or “Contact Person,” you must take the following steps to fetch Employees or Contacts.

1. Locate the AccountsButton/ContactsButton/EmployeeButton in the BusinessPartnerAddHeader_Detail_iPad/BusinessPartnerAddHeader_iPhone screen in the BusinessPartnerAddHeader screenset (see highlighted fields below)

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2. Navigate to the Rules/Hyperlink/SpecialValue and locate the Hidden Rule

3. Edit this rule to include the newly assigned Partner Function ID from the Globals.

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Depending on the type (account/contact/employee) of the ZPartner Function, you must update the rule in the AccountsButton/ContactsButton/EmployeeButton.

Scenario 2:

When creating a new Lead from an Account, the main partner function “Sales Prospect” gets defaulted with this Account. You want to change this behavior and default a ZPartner_Function for this Lead Type.

As mentioned earlier, there is the section [RELATIONSHIPTYPE] in the GlobalsBase.ini file where all the partner functions have been mapped to the partner function ID which is used to default the main partner for the various transaction types.

To achieve defaulting of the account as the ZPartner_Function, you need to do the following steps.

1. Update the GlobalsBase.ini file.

Maintain the ZPartner Relationship (Same as ZPartner Function) in the section [RELATIONSHIPTYPE] (Add the following after all the Standard partner functions maintained out of the box) ; ZPartner Function: ZPartnerFunctionID


; ZRelationship Type: ZRelationshipTypeID


2. Edit the InitialValuePartnerFunctionIDForCreateTransaction rule.

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a. Go to SAP-SALES->Moduls->Transactions-> MainObjectAccountAddForCreateTransaction->Properties->PartnerFunctionID

b. Click on the Rule InitialValuePartnerFunctionIDForCreateTransaction, as shown below.

c. Add new logic for ProcessType.Lead and RelationshipType ZRelationship Type.