Sales plan Joey cheung

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Transcript of Sales plan Joey cheung

  • 8/7/2019 Sales plan Joey cheung


    Pricing strategy: policy of removing surplus cash

    This strategy means that we sell the bidets at the introduction for instance for 49,95 and lower the

    price at the long term. So after one month we lower to price to 44,95 and after two months we

    stuck at the price of 39,95. Advantages of this strategy is having high profit, because customers

    who are willing to buy the bidet for 49,95 they will buy it at the introduction. Customers who are

    only to buy the product when the prices are lower will buy the product later.

    We are going to sell our bidets trough different sales channels:


    There a lot of mosques in the Rotterdam area inclusive Schiedam, Dordrecht and Capelle aan den

    Ijssel . So the mosque is an important sales channel. We can sell them the mosque itself (use for visi-

    tors) or we can sell them indirectly. We can leave advertisements in the mosques, which have a posi-

    tive consequence for our sales. A few examples of mosques in Rotterdam inclusive addresses:

    Islamitisch Centrum Rotterdam-ZuidPolderstraat 75, Rotterdam

    Moskee EssalamPolderlaan 86, Rotterdam

    Moskee AnnasrVan Cittersstraat 55a, Rotterdam

    Moskee Aye Sofia TMathenesserdijk 357, Rotterdam

    GultepeMoskeeErasmusstraat 137, rotterdam

    Darassalam MoskeeBrussestraat 6-A, Rotterdam

    Moskee Omar BNI-el KhetabNassauhaven 327, Rotterdam


    We are going to sell via Marktplaats, because this is the most known and most used website in the

    Netherlands. So we can attract a bigger target group. Next site we choose is Ebay. This website is also

    addressed to the Dutch market , but when we place advertisements (these will also be available forforeign countries. So we can do international sales. Placing ads on Ebay cost money, Marktplaats is

    free of charge.

    Local week market

    A good potential option is to sell on the local Market. The biggest market of Rotterdam is near

    Blaak/Binnenrotteplein. This weekly market (Tuesday and Saturday) attracts a lot of people and the

    Muslim community. To realize this, we have to buy a permit. This cost market permit cost 54,83.

  • 8/7/2019 Sales plan Joey cheung


    Also we have rent costs for the stand. By selling on the local market has a lot of advantages: Directly

    contact with our customers, interaction, the questions of customers could be answered directly, re-

    commending the comfortable product, showing demonstration and a lot of potential customers are

    easily found.

    Local paper

    We may place a small advertisement in a local newspaper focused on the Muslim community

    Muslim supermarkets. The requires a relatively small investment. The costs for a sole ad are approx-

    imately 50 Euro. We can reach a big target group. We can place a link in the ad to our product web-


    Small supermarkets and local Muslim retail stores

    We can convince the owners to buy the bidets from us and sell them to their customers. This is the

    most unlikely sales channel, because the stores are mostly very small. And they will only place the

    products on their selves without any promotion. This is an option and we will try to sell the bidets to

    these shop owners.