Sales & Marketing


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Transcript of Sales & Marketing

Page 1: Sales & Marketing

COURSE NAME: Sales & Marketing (SM)

DURATION: 6 months (2 months for theoretical & 6 months for industrial training)

Class: 2 classes/ week


In today’s society, the successful organisations have a unique ability to market and sell their

products and services. Sales and Marketing Strategies is a fast

informative programme that covers ideas, techniques, tips and practical useful information

course focuses on how to be successful in managing the sales functio

environment. The concept of this course can be applied to practical sales management situations,

and management performance requirements. Our course will help the student to understand how

sale is distinguished from marketing


• To provide basic skills and processes necessary in personal direct selling.

• Understand the psychology of selling

• To provide students with expertise in the area of interpersonal communications,

negotiation, Brand & Image building

• Developing a winning attitude

• Knowledge that will help our students to meet and exceed targets.


• Anyone who want to make his/her career in this challenging field.


1. Marketing Communication

• Communication Process

• Elements of the Communication Process

• Application of the Communication process in Marketing, Steps to develop effective

Marketing Communication.

• Marketing Concepts and Evolution (Exchange, Production, Product, Selling and

• Difference between Marketing and Selling, Marketing as a Social process, Entities of


COURSE NAME: Sales & Marketing (SM)

DURATION: 6 months (2 months for theoretical & 6 months for industrial training)

In today’s society, the successful organisations have a unique ability to market and sell their

products and services. Sales and Marketing Strategies is a fast-paced, dynamic and highly

informative programme that covers ideas, techniques, tips and practical useful information

course focuses on how to be successful in managing the sales functions in a personal/direct sales

The concept of this course can be applied to practical sales management situations,

and management performance requirements. Our course will help the student to understand how

sale is distinguished from marketing and also help to manage the sales functions.

To provide basic skills and processes necessary in personal direct selling.

Understand the psychology of selling

To provide students with expertise in the area of interpersonal communications,

negotiation, Brand & Image building

Developing a winning attitude

Knowledge that will help our students to meet and exceed targets.

want to make his/her career in this challenging field.

Communication Process

Elements of the Communication Process

Communication process in Marketing, Steps to develop effective

Marketing Communication.

Marketing Concepts and Evolution (Exchange, Production, Product, Selling and

Difference between Marketing and Selling, Marketing as a Social process, Entities of

DURATION: 6 months (2 months for theoretical & 6 months for industrial training)

In today’s society, the successful organisations have a unique ability to market and sell their

paced, dynamic and highly

informative programme that covers ideas, techniques, tips and practical useful information. Our

ns in a personal/direct sales

The concept of this course can be applied to practical sales management situations,

and management performance requirements. Our course will help the student to understand how

and also help to manage the sales functions.

To provide basic skills and processes necessary in personal direct selling.

To provide students with expertise in the area of interpersonal communications,

Communication process in Marketing, Steps to develop effective

Marketing Concepts and Evolution (Exchange, Production, Product, Selling and Marketing),

Difference between Marketing and Selling, Marketing as a Social process, Entities of

Page 2: Sales & Marketing

• Marketing Myopia, Features and Importance of Marketing and Internet Marketing.

• 4 P’S of Marketing Mix.

• Market segmentation & Product positioning


• Definition, Importance and Functions of Advertising

• Importance of Advertising in Modern Marketing, Role of Advertising in the National


• Types of Advertising

• Advertising media- Types of Media

• Advertising Appeals & messages

• Evaluation of Advertising effectiveness.

• Nature and importance of sales promotion, its role in marketing

• Forms of sales promotions

• Major tools of sales promotion

• Ethical and legal aspects of sales promotion and public relations.

3. Consumer behaviour

• Dealing with different personalities

• Body language

• Closing and overcoming objections

• Developing the habits of successful salespeople


• Nature and importance of Personal Selling and Salesmanship

• AIDAS model of selling

• Buying Motives

• Qualities of successful salesman

• Sales phone calls

• Types of markets: Consumer and Industries markets


• 100% Assured placement

• Best faculties

• Internship programme in leading organizations.

• Stipend during Internship programme