SALEM UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 1500 North Main Higginsville, Missouri web page: We are a gathering church sent out by God to bring the good news of God’s grace, justice, peace, and love to the world


Page 1: SALEM UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST -  · CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE 2020: One of the most beloved traditions at Salem United Church of Christ is the Christmas Eve


Higginsville, Missouri web page:

We are a gathering church sent out by God to bring the good news of God’s grace, justice, peace, and love to the world

Page 2: SALEM UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST -  · CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE 2020: One of the most beloved traditions at Salem United Church of Christ is the Christmas Eve

November 8, 2020 10:00 a.m.



MUSIC BEFORE WORSHIP WELCOME: No matter who you are or where you are in your life’s journey, you are welcome here. Friends in Christ, it’s a joy to be with you today for worship! Please welcome one another with a sign of Christ’s peace. NEWS OF THE CONGREGATION


RINGING OF THE BELL Piano Prelude “America, the Beautiful” Ward/ arr. Raney CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Thank the Lord with all your heart, in the gathered assembly of God’s people. People: Mighty are the deeds of the Lord; great are the God’s works, studied by all who have pleasure in them. Leader: Holy and awesome is God’s name! To worship the Lord is the highest wisdom; those who do so know all that is good. People: God’s praises will last forever. HYMN “God the Omnipotent” No. 33 (Please refrain from singing aloud. You may hum along and read the lyrics.)


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INVOCATION (Unison) You who have created us and sustain us: we come with thanksgiving for these moments when we can ease the pace of our lives and listen for your voice. Create a spirit within us that truly draws us toward you and toward our brother and sisters; a spirit deep, perceptive, gentle and bold. Clear our minds, open our hearts and touch us with your presence and your power. We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. HEARING AND RESPONDING TO THE


(Children will please remain in the seats with their families.) JOYS AND CONCERNS Preparation for prayer June

PASTORAL PRAYER, THE LORD’S PRAYER (“debts” and “debtors” words in hymn No. 426)


SCRIPTURE READING Amos 5.18-24 (O.T. p. 805)

SERMON “Let Justice Roll Down” Tommy


HYMN “Come, All Christians, Be Committed” No. 455 (Please refrain from singing aloud. You may hum along and read the lyrics.)


POSTLUDE “God of Our Fathers” Warren (The ushers will dismiss you by rows. Please follow their directions.)

Offering plates are at the exits from the sanctuary. The Worship Service is over and our Service begins. ************************************


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Leading Worship Today: Rev. Dr. Tommy L. Faris – Pastor

Stanton Thompson – Liturgist June Howell – Christian Education Coordinator

Jamie Smith –Music Director

IN OUR PRAYERS: Paul and Pat Warren, both have Covid-19. Paul fell on Tuesday, November 3, and was taken by ambulance to St. Mary’s hospital. Paul is being treated for influenza A and Covid-19. Clayton Lettau, is supposed to start chemo on Monday, but if his blood count isn’t up he won’t be able to. He will be retested for Covid-19 on Monday, prayers for good results. Kearston Lettau, Kearston is Clayton Lettau’s wife, she tested positive for Covid-19. Brenda Homfeld, please keep her in prayer as she will need a complete liver transplant. Prayers, for anyone with a health issue, anyone grieving, and anyone that has a heavy burden on their heart, mind, and soul. Prayers, for our world and nation. THANK YOU EVANGELISM COMMITTEE! The fall decorations look spectacular! We appreciate your dedication and hard work.

Best Wishes for November Birthdays this week... Arlene Long, November 8 Pat Haston, November 8 Weston Ventura, November 9 Mark Emison, November 9 Lincoln Dobson, November 13 Wes Homfeld, November 13 Doug Short, November 14 Nicholas Catron, November 14 VETERANS SLIDE SHOW: The Veterans slide show is available to download on the Salem web page under “About Us” heading. Web page:


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This year also marks the 21st anniversary of Growing Hope Globally (formerly Foods Resource Bank). This will be Salem’s 20th year of involvement with this organization. There is a video of the harvest of our first crop on You Tube at I would encourage everyone to view it. Growing Hope Globally programs address food shortages, poverty, and health challenges that lead to hunger. The goal of each program is to help families have enough to eat throughout the entire year and to produce a surplus they can sell to pay for school supplies, medical care, and modest home improvements. In the past, our donations have gone to projects in Uganda, Nicaragua, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. If you care to join the Men’s Fellowship in this mission, please drop your donation by the church office no later than December 31st. Thank you, Dennis Knipmeyer SALEM ANGEL TREE 2020: Our Salem Angel Tree will be standing in the sanctuary early this year, one week before Advent, which actually begins November 29. Our Tree will be ready for you to select your tags to “adopt’ on Sunday, November 22nd. Our committee would like to have your wrapped and tagged gifts returned to the Angel Tree no later than Monday, December 14th, at Noon. That will allow us the rest of the week to shop and wrap for those not adopted and to organize the gifts into family groups for delivery on Saturday, December 19th. Thank you, in advance, for understanding our need to “bump up’” the calendar and for your generous support of this program for children of the Higginsville and Corder area. Due to Covid-19 protocol, tags will be on the Sanctuary tree on Sundays and available to you on a tree next to the church office window during weekly business hours. Angie Green, Chairman


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2021 ENVELOPES are available in the back of the sanctuary today, then they will be in the Fellowship Hall until the end of the year. NOVEMBER IS ANNUAL FOOD PANTRY MONTH The Food Pantry continues to serve those in our community who need assistance putting food on their tables. November is the month we dedicate toward restocking the shelves with food products. We have assigned specific foods or food types to each Sunday during the drive. If you would prefer to make a cash donation, please mark a plain envelope “Food Pantry” and drop it in the offering plate or bring it by the church office. All donations will be used 100% for purchasing food items as they are needed. Nov 8 – Canned meat (ravioli, canned spaghetti, stew, chili, tuna, chicken) Nov 15 – Canned fruit (peaches, pears, fruit cocktail, applesauce) Nov 22 – Canned vegetables (corn, green beans, peas, carrots, mixed vegetables, tomatoes Nov 29 – Toilet Paper TURKEYS FOR HIGGINSVILLE/CORDER FOOD PANTRY: The Evangelism Committee is having their Fourth Annual Turkeys for Higginsville/Corder Food Pantry project to purchase turkeys for the Food Pantry. This is to benefit families in need in the Lafayette County C-1 School District. The committee is accepting monetary donations on: November 14, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Moose’s Market. There is also a turkey box in the church’s sanctuary today, and it will be in the sanctuary November 15 to take monetary donations. You may also give a monetary donation by bringing it to the church office. Please have donations to the church by November 20, checks may be made out to Salem UCC and in the memo line please write “Turkeys.”

THE PICTORIAL DIRECTORIES ARE HERE: Anyone that had their picture taken or submitted a photo for the directory can stop by the church office Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and pick up your copy of the directory. If you didn’t have a picture taken but would like a directory you can purchase one from the church office for $15.


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CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED: The church office will be closed Thursday, November 26, and Friday, November 27, in observance of Thanksgiving. LAMPLIGHTER: Articles for the December Lamplighter are due in the church office by Monday, November 23. Thank you. CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PROGRAM NEWS: The Board of Christian Education and June are planning a simple virtual Christmas Program. If you would like to have your child/children in the program, contact June no later than Wednesday, November 11. Text or call anytime 660-441-8568. BALLOT REMINDER: The church council sent out a letter, proposed budget, and ballot to every voting member of Salem the last week in October. This is just a reminder to please return your completed ballots to the church office by Tuesday, November 17. Thank you. Salem Church Council THANK OFFERING: Will be dedicated Sunday, November 22. The collection will be divided evenly between the Higginsville Heat and Hunger Fund and the Food Pantry. Extra Thank Offering envelopes are available in the back of the sanctuary and by the church office. ADVENT DEVOTIONAL BOOKLETS: Will be available in the back of the sanctuary and outside the church office beginning Sunday, November 22.

ZOOM SUNDAY SCHOOL: June is having children's Sunday School by Zoom on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. For more information on how to join Sunday School on Zoom contact June 660-441-8568 or call the church office 660-584-3603.


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CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE 2020: One of the most beloved traditions at Salem United Church of Christ is the Christmas Eve service. It is a beautiful, peaceful time of worship, filled with light in the darkness of winter, and capped with communion. Anyone who has ever participated in Christmas Eve at Salem will remember the evening. The question for us is what to do with Christmas Eve in a time of pandemic. We cannot simply go ahead, as usual, with a houseful of worshipers, family, and friends, as if there were not a life-threatening virus at loose in the world. And yet, we do not want to give up completely on this wonderful service. One suggestion is that we could do two services, perhaps at 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., so that we could limit the numbers of worshipers at each service and still provide opportunity for as many as might want to attend. We would continue our practice of contact tracing, wearing masks, and social distancing, as well. We would need to have people RSVP sometime before Christmas Eve so that we would know how many to expect and know when we have reached our limit of 140 people for a service. We would like to hear from the Salem family. Is adding a second service something that you would be in favor of doing? For the present, are going to proceed with our planning for a second service. If we find that there is not enough interest in adding the earlier service, we can easily revert to a single service, with all of our COVID-19 restrictions. Pease respond to the church office, to one of the Elders or Council members, or to Tommy to let us know how you feel about this.

OPTIONS FOR THE CHURCH BULLETIN: You have a couple options for the church bulletin. Paper copies of the bulletin are available or you can view the church bulletin on the church website. Please feel free to use your phone or tablet during worship to view the bulletin. Salem website:


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KIDS OF SALEM: Each week during Zoom Sunday School, the kids discuss their God Sightings and how they help others. We want to share this with our church family. Helping Hands will be displayed in the sanctuary with their messages. Be on the lookout for new Helping Hands each week. These can also be viewed on Salem’s Facebook and Instagram. MASKS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED: The Church Council and Board of Elders strongly encourage wearing masks during worship at church. Please consider making a reusable mask or purchasing a mask for everyone in your family. A limited number of disposable masks are available at church, but providing your own would be appreciated. COMMUNITY NEWS: CORDER VFW CHILI/SOUP BENEFIT DINNER: Corder VFW Post 4288 will have a Benefit Chili/Soup Dinner Sunday, today from 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the Post Home (Junction Highway 20 and BB Road). Menu is chili or chicken noodle soup, dessert, and a drink. Dine In or Take Out is available. Dine In cost is $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for children 10 and younger. Take Out cost is $7.00 w/16-ounce soup container or $10.00 w/24-ounce soup container. JOHN KNOX VILLAGE AND MEYER CARE CENTER BIBLE STUDY: Bible Study has been cancelled until further notice. UPCOMING DATES: November 22 – Memorial Sunday Thank Offering Dedicated First Sunday for Angel Tree November 26 – Thanksgiving Day (Church Office Closed) November 27 – Church Office Closed November 29 – First Sunday of Advent


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PRAYERS AND CONCERNS: Anyone who is in need of prayers, please call the church office, (660) 584-3603. CHURCH INFORMATION: Tommy’s email: [email protected] Tommy’s cell phone: 816-352-2052 Church Telephone: 660-584-3603 Church Email: [email protected] Church Website: Fax number: 660-584-5666 Wi-Fi Network Name: Salem UCC Wi-Fi Password: Resurrection!1870


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THIS WEEK’S EVENTS AT SALEM November 8, thru November 15, 2020 Sunday - Harvest Ingathering/Veterans Recognition 10:00 a.m. Worship with Live-Stream Worship on Facebook 11:00 a.m. Zoom Sunday School 11:30 a.m. Confirmation Monday - 7:00 p.m. Memorial Committee Meeting Tuesday - Food Pantry

Wednesday – 10:30 p.m. Lafayette Area Pastors Meeting 7:00 p.m. A. A. 7:00 p.m. Al-Anon

Thursday - 6:00 p.m. Board of Elders Meeting Friday - 7:00 p.m. A. A.

Saturday - 9:30 a.m. A. A.

Sunday- 10:00 a.m. Worship with Live-Stream Worship on Facebook 11:00 a.m. Zoom Sunday School 11:30 a.m. Confirmation


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Almighty God, You are our Creator and Sustainer. You are our Light and our Fortress. You are our Wisdom and our Strength. Lord, you moved upon men to establish this great nation. You stirred men to hope and to dream for a land of freedom. We praise you for this great nation. Lord, you have inspired many of our best and brightest to volunteer to proudly stand and defend our beloved country. You have given us brave and loyal men and women who have steadfastly served in their chosen branch of our military. We gather today to remember our military personnel. We acknowledge that their service enables us to walk as free men and women in this great land. Lord, today we seek to honor your sons and daughters who have served or who are serving our country. We are reminded that because of their service we can live in safety. We ask that you abundantly bless those who have previously served. May their service time be rewarded in every way. May they gain earthly and heavenly blessings from their unselfish love of country. Lord, we stop now and remember those who are currently serving. We ask that you provide them with your protection, your strength, and your peace. We ask that you would abundantly provide for all their needs. We ask that you would enable them to overcome every personal and professional obstacle. We ask that you would protect their families from hurt and harm. May each of our veterans feel honored not just today but every day. Father, we also give special recognition to our wounded warriors. We realize that many of our heroes are dealing with physical and emotional wounds that occurred as a result of their time of service to our country. We ask that they would be given the best treatments available and that you would add your supernatural blessings to all the efforts given to them to help them. We ask that you, Lord, would show them miracles as they seek to gain health, stability, and wholeness. We pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of Inspirational - Prayers