Salam leaf (syzygium polyanthum wight) 97 '03

SALAM LEAF (Syzygium polyanthum Wight.) Created by: Destama Nanda 09.70.0108 Niko Ardian B 10.70.0073 Ivory Meta Joiner 10.70.0122 Eva

Transcript of Salam leaf (syzygium polyanthum wight) 97 '03

Page 1: Salam leaf (syzygium polyanthum  wight) 97 '03

SALAM LEAF(Syzygium polyanthum

Wight.)Created by:

Destama Nanda 09.70.0108Niko Ardian B 10.70.0073Ivory Meta Joiner 10.70.0122


Page 2: Salam leaf (syzygium polyanthum  wight) 97 '03

• Salam leaves are pinnate compound leaves that even with slippery surfaces.

• Surface dark green leaves, while the lower surface light green.

• Leaves fragrant when crushed, oval or round eggs until elip breech, while the base of the taper taper to a blunt tip, length 5 cm to 15 cm, width 35 mm to 65 mm, there are 6 to 10 lateral leaf veins, and petiole length 5 mm to 12 mm.


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The salam plants classified as follows:Kingdom : PlantaeSuperdivisi : SpermatophytaClass : Dicotyledoneae

Order : Myrtales

Family : Myrtaceae

Genus : Syzygium

Species : Syzygium polyanthum Wight.

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• Salam leaves are commonly used as a spice in the aroma produced by the volatile components (essential oils, flavonoids, and tannins) that it contains.

• In terms of health, salam leaves are effective in lowering blood cholesterol, reduce levels of uric acid, treat stomach ulcers (gastritis), diabetes mellitus, itching (pruritis), and mange (scabies).

• Salam leaves are also able to inhibit the growth of microorganisms that cause diseases, such as Escherichia coli, Vibrio chorela, and Salmonella Sp, because the antibacterial power, salam leaves are also able to cope with a bout of diarrhea.

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• Salam leaves contain essential oils, flavonoids, and tannins.

• Salam leaf essential oil consists of simple phenols, phenolic acids, and lactones sekuisterfenoid.

• Beneficial flavonoids as anti-allergic, anti-tumor and antioxidant as the body's defense system.

• Antibacterial effect of tannins will include: reaction with cell membranes, inactivation of the enzyme, and the destruction or inactivation of the function of the genetic material.

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Nasi Kuning

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Sayur Asem

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Garang Asem

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Sayur Lodeh

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